Multiple killed, dozens injured in Peshawar Police Line mosque blast

or, you know, simpler explanation where chickens are coming come to roost? Lots of posters, even in this forum which has well educated individuals, were rejoicing when Taliban took over Afghanistan. What did y'all think will happen when a fundamentalist cult takes over adjoining country and sees part of your country as theirs? Even as recently as last there were talks about how Pak govt wanted to settle some of these people in Pakistan. I don't know why any such talk is tolerated by common people in pakistan? don't they read news and align to vote for what is better for them?

Afghan Taliban has been in power before the US invasion and Pak did not have these issues. The CIA has always interfered in foreign countries through their local agents. Their objective is to ensure US interests are secured and they will not hesitate to undertake immoral acts to do so. And at the moment the US needs instability on the Pak Afghan border.
No they themselves think they are devout Muslims. Please wake up

What they think of themselves doesn't matter. They have zero support in the Muslim world.

Majority of scholars in Pakistan call them Khawarij and dogs of hell.
TTP are khawarij and they are a blot on the image of Islam and Muslims. They killed innocent Muslims in the mosques. How can they be Muslims? lol
What they think of themselves doesn't matter. They have zero support in the Muslim world.

Majority of scholars in Pakistan call them Khawarij and dogs of hell.

They had plenty to of support just a while back. Were you asleep for the last two decades?
What they think of themselves doesn't matter. They have zero support in the Muslim world.

Majority of scholars in Pakistan call them Khawarij and dogs of hell.
Have you been asleep for the last 20 years. Plenty of support in the Muslim world
Some people in the Muslim world approved of them when they were bombing elsewhere. Imran khan said there are also good taliban .

He is part of the problem. The guy has always been a terrorist sympathiser. He has a long proven track record of this.

He went soft on TTP when he had a chance to clamp down on them.

Also, it wasn't long ago when he called OBL a shaheed.

Lets not forget when those kids got killed at that army school, everyone wanted those terrorists behind this wiped out but IK kept silent. There's a reason why they call him Taliban Khan.
“Broken chains of slavery” is coming back home to roost. Those who thought that that they could rehabilitate TTP, have put Pakistan in 25 years of civil war. This is not ending anytime soon now.

Yep. It was entirely predictable. I cannot believe after killing thousands of Pakistanis - there's still been attempts to negotiate and rehabilitate these animals. IK in particular has a misguided sense of pathan brotherhood and his lax border policies are coming home to roost. However this current Govt is inept and only interested in feathering their own nests.

Pakistani blood must be the cheapest in the world - lives are needlessly lost on a regular basis thanks to failed and misguided policies, but nobody ever is held accountable.
The biggest supporter of TTP over the last two decades has been ISI. This is a fact. Now TTP is turning on the hand that feed them .

You are sounding like Indians. Extreme oversimplification and little to no nuance.
I think it’s a big rich for people for all of a sudden to be anti taliban Now, when it has turned on you . Where were they when they were attacking and abusing the “other” I have been against them from the start.
I think the conversation about external factors should be moved to TTP Taliban threads.
Worshippers Not Killed During Prayers Even In India: Pak Minister After Mosque Attack
Peshawar Mosque attack: Expressing his views on the attack at the National Assembly, Asif said, "Worshippers weren't killed during prayers even in India or Israel but it happened in Pakistan."

peaking on the deadly suicide bombing inside a mosque in Peshawar on Tuesday, Pakistan Defence Minister Khwaja Asif said worshippers were not killed during prayers even in India, the Dawn reported.
The suicide attack left 100 people dead and scores more injured.

Expressing his views on the attack at the National Assembly, Asif said, "Worshippers weren't killed during prayers even in India or Israel but it happened in Pakistan."

The explosion took place in the central hall of the mosque on Monday around 1 pm.

Calling for unity in the fight against terrorism, the minister said it was time for Pakistan to set its "house in order," according to Dawn.

Recalling terrorism incidents from 2010- 2017, the minister said, "This war started from Swat during the PPP's tenure and it was concluded during the PML-N's previous tenure, and peace was established in the country from Karachi to Swat."

"But if you remember, a year-and-a-half or two years ago [...] we were given a briefing two, three times in this same hall in which it was clearly stated that talks could be carried out against these people and they can be brought toward peace," he added.

Two JITs to probe Peshawar blast

The provincial government on Tuesday formed two separate teams to probe how the bomber gained access to the highly-secure Police Lines Peshawar, which houses sensitive installations, even as the number of lives lost in the attack climbed to 100.

Speaking in the National Assembly, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said 97 police officials and three civilians lost their lives, whereas 216 people were injured in the attack, while 27 individuals were said to be in critical condition.

Local sources, however, put the total number of injured persons at 221, of which 55 were still admitted at the Lady Reading Hospital, with seven individuals in intensive care.

During his speech in NA, the interior minister said law enforcement agencies were close to nabbing those who facilitated the suicide bombing.

Mr Sanaullah said at least 600-700 families of police officials and civilians live inside the Police Lines and it was suspected that someone from inside the compound might have facilitated the attack.

No forensic lab in KP for DNA test, says IGP
Inspector General of Police (IGP) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Moazzam Jah Ansari has admitted security lapse in the Peshawar Police Lines suicide bombing

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Moazzam Jah Ansari has admitted security lapse in the Peshawar Police Lines suicide bombing.

Appearing in Geo News programme ‘Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath’, he said that the Police Lines has only one gate and every minute of the security footage was being watched to see how and when the suicide bomber sneaked into the area.

“Unluckily, Peshawar city lacks the Safe City Project due to which help is being sought from the security cameras installed around the premises,” Moazzam said.

He said that they were reviewing whether the alleged bomber entered the area on the same day or a couple of day before, and how the explosives were brought inside. He said that in canteen has several civil employees while all commodities and other goods are also brought (from outside). Construction work is also going on.

He said the body parts of the suicide bomber had been dispatched to the Punjab Forensic Science Agency, as there was no such facility available in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Answering a question concerning the regrouping of the TTP, the IGP said there was no organised presence of the banned terrorist outfit in the province but its splinter groups, comprising five to ten person, were present at different places and they faced no difficulty in their inter-border movement. He said that there had been facilities for them across the border and they have been using these facilities in the past as well.

The News PK
Pakistan’s police said it has landed on “some excellent clues” over the deadly suicide bombing at a mosque in Peshawar city and added that the possibility of an inside job could not be ruled out.

The death toll from the deadliest attack in a decade to rock Peshawar soared to 101 on Wednesday as those who were left injured succumbed to their wounds in hospital, said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province’s health department.

Peshawar police chief Ijaz Khan told Reuters that they have made “major arrests” in connection with the blast but did not elaborate, citing a continuing investigation.

“We have found some excellent clues, and based on these clues we have made some major arrests,” police chief Khan said.

“We can’t rule out internal assistance but since the investigation is still in progress, I will not be able to share more details.”

A suicide bomber struck a mosque within Police Lines district, a colonial area encampment in the city centre where more than 300 police officers had gathered for noon prayers on Monday.

The blast collapsed the upper storey of the mosque, causing more casualities. All but three of those killed were police officers, making it the largest loss suffered by security forces in a single attack in the country’s recent history.

The bomber was in the first row of the prayer hall when he detonated the explosives, Pakistan’s defence minister Khawaja Asif said.
City of Peshawar ‘bearing brunt of rising militancy in region over decades’

The Pakistani city of Peshawar is reeling after one of the country’s most devastating militant attacks in years, in which 101 people died and 225 were injured after a suicide bomber hit a mosque in the city’s main police compound.

Analysts say Monday’s carnage, with most of the victims being police, is the legacy of decades of flawed policies by Pakistan and the United States.

In the 1980s, the city became the centre of the US and Pakistani scheme to back the mujahedeen fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan – creating a legacy of radicalism and violence that continues until today.

Abdullah Khan, a senior security analyst, said: “What you sow, so shall you reap.”

He said Peshawar – once known as the “city of flowers” – was a peaceful place until the early 1980s when Pakistan’s then-dictator Ziaul Haq decided to become part of Washington’s cold war with Moscow, joining the fight against the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Peshawar – less than 20 miles from the Afghan border – became the centre where the American CIA and Pakistani military helped train, arm and fund the Afghan mujahedeen fighting the Soviets.

The city was flooded by weapons and fighters, many of them hard-line Islamic militants, as well as with hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees.

Arab militants were also drawn there by the fight against the Soviets, including the scion of a wealthy Saudi family, Osama bin Laden. It was in Peshawar that bin Laden founded al-Qaida in the late 1980s, joining forces with veteran Egyptian militant Ayman al-Zawahri.

Read more:
‘Closing in’ on terror network: Peshawar mosque bomber was in police uniform, says KP IG

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police Chief Moazzam Jah Ansari said on Thursday that the police was “closing in” on the terror network behind the suicide attack on a mosque in the Peshawar Police Lines area, revealing that the “bomber was clad in a police uniform”.

On Jan 30, a powerful explosion ripped through a mosque in Peshawar’s Red Zone area where between 300 and 400 people — mostly police officers — had gathered for prayers. The suicide blast blew away the wall of the prayer hall and an inner roof. In the days that followed, the death toll rose to 101.

Talking about the status of the probe at a presser today, Ansari said that the police had found ball bearings from the blast site. “We bound ball bearings used in a suicide jacket from underneath the rubble [of the mosque] yesterday.

“This was a suicide bomber and we have traced the him […] we have obtained the CCTV footage of his movement from Khyber Road to the Police Lines […] then how he parked his motorcycle on a side […] he was in a police uniform and was wearing a mask and a helmet,” the officer revealed.

He also confirmed that severed head that the police found from the blast site was of the attacker.

Ansari said that policemen at entrance of the Police Lines did not “check the attacker because they thought he was their own”.

Im no expert, but difficult to believe a suicide bomber or two can pack in so much explosive power. That sort of structural damage and the deaths involved, that's a substantial detonation.
RIP to victims
More Pain to come for average Pakistani citizens. TTP is getting massive funding and support from someone to be able to pull such dastardly attacks
The man who attacked a mosque in the Pakistani city of Peshawar on Monday used a police uniform to gain access the area, police have said.

The suicide bomber reportedly entered through the main gates of the secure zone where the mosque is located.

Police chief Moazzam Jah Ansari said they had CCTV footage revealing the man's final movements, and were closing in on the "terror network" responsible.

He also confirmed a head found at the site was the attacker's.

Monday's blast - one of the deadliest attacks in Pakistan in years - took place at a 50-year-old mosque in a high-security police zone called Police Lines.

At least 100 people were killed, of whom most were police officers.
The King has condemned a bomb attack in Pakistan which killed more than 100 people as a “barbaric assault on our shared humanity”.

Charles sent his condolences to the country’s president Dr Arif Alvi, expressing his shock at the “incomprehensible brutality” and said the people of Pakistan were in his thoughts and prayers.

A suicide bomber disguised in police uniform targeted a mosque in north-west Pakistan on Monday in the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The attack, which killed 101 people and injured 225, is one of the deadliest to happen in Peshawar.

Charles wrote: “My wife and I were profoundly shocked by the dreadful bomb attack in Peshawar on Monday.

“Such acts of incomprehensible brutality, wherever they occur, are a barbaric assault on our shared humanity and our values of understanding and compassion.”

He added: “It is all the more horrific that the victims were in a place of worship during afternoon prayers.

“We feel most deeply for all those who have been so cruelly bereaved and injured.

“We recall our visit to Pakistan in 2006 with the greatest fondness, and will hold the people of Pakistan in our special thoughts and prayers as you mourn those you have lost.”

The message was signed Charles R.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Police in Pakistan have released a video of the suspected mosque attacker in Peshawar, wearing a police uniform as he evaded checks in a high-security area ⤵️ <a href=""></a></p>— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) <a href="">February 3, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">Hum bahadur Qaum hain. Na hi ye sanehay hamare hoslay torr sakte hain or na hamari masajid khali ker sakte hain, in sha Allah. Bus dil me yahi sawaal aata hai k iska shikwa hum kis se karain? Allah Pak Pakistan ki hifazat farmayain or mohabbat or aafiyat ki hawa chla dain, Ameen.</p>— Muhammad Rizwan (@iMRizwanPak) <a href="">January 30, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Police in Pakistan have released a video of the suspected mosque attacker in Peshawar, wearing a police uniform as he evaded checks in a high-security area ⤵️ <a href=""></a></p>— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) <a href="">February 3, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Simply a monster.

Hope likes of him will be identified and neutralized.
Peshawar police on Saturday revised down the death toll of the January 30 mosque blast to 84 after taking out names that were repeated in the martyrs list.

On Monday, a powerful explosion ripped through a mosque in Peshawar’s Red Zone area where between 300 and 400 people — mostly police officers — had gathered for prayers. The suicide blast blew away the wall of the prayer hall and an inner roof.

The outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan had initially claimed responsibility for the attack. It later distanced itself from it but sources earlier indicated that it might have been the handiwork of some local faction of the outlawed group.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Department on Wednesday said the death toll in the attack increased to 101 after another injured person succumbed to his wounds.

However, the Peshawar police today said that the confirmed number of martyrs stood at 84. It said the reason for ambiguity in the initial data was the repetition of names or the names of initially unidentified martyrs still being present in the unidentified list even after being identified.
Thousands pour onto streets demanding restoration of durable peace in KP

Thousands of people poured onto the roads for the third day on Sunday in different towns of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, condemning the brutal attack on the Malik Saad Shaheed Police Lines in Peshawar and resurgence of militancy in the province.

The peace rallies were held in Mohmand, Malakand, Lakki Marwat and other areas under the slogan of Ulasi Pasoon (public uprising).

Prominent leaders, who participated in the Mohmand rally, included among others Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) leader Manzoor Pashteen and Awami National Party provincial general secretary Sardar Hussain Babak.

The peace marchers were mostly youngsters, who were holding white flags, placards and banners, demanding of the government to eliminate the militancy and ensure sustainable peace.

A huge contingent of police was deployed to avoid any untoward incident on the occasion.

Addressing the rally, PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen said militancy and worsening law and order situation had affected every segment of society, including children, women, senior citizens and tribal elders. “Workers of every political party have sacrificed their lives during the war imposed on the Pakhtun region,” he said.

Afghan Taliban has been in power before the US invasion and Pak did not have these issues. The CIA has always interfered in foreign countries through their local agents. Their objective is to ensure US interests are secured and they will not hesitate to undertake immoral acts to do so. And at the moment the US needs instability on the Pak Afghan border.

Wait what.....
Afghan talibn was not in power. They were conquering pronvinces. They got true power after getting kabul

Second afghan kabul usse ttp against pakistan as a foreign strategic just like how they used al qaeda. Afghanistan taliban doesnt accept the durrond line and will use ttp to make advances towards to kpk and attock
I think it’s a big rich for people for all of a sudden to be anti taliban Now, when it has turned on you . Where were they when they were attacking and abusing the “other” I have been against them from the start.

I completely agree. There were a number of posters rejoicing when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. I blame IK mostly for this because he was begging the world to recognise them as a legitimate government.
I completely agree. There were a number of posters rejoicing when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. I blame IK mostly for this because he was begging the world to recognise them as a legitimate government.
I would blame the people of Pakistan. Pakistanis have a soft spot for extremist mindset .
Rs10m reward for information about Peshawar mosque suicide bomber, facilitators

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) has announced Rs10 million reward for any person providing information leading to the arrest of those involved in a suicide attack inside the police headquarters.

“The militant [images of the suspected militant before and after the suicide attack] carried out a suicide attack inside the police lines mosque which claimed lives of many worshipers and left behind many others wounded,” a statement issued by the CTD read.

It also stated that anyone giving information about the suicide bomber and the facilitators will be rewarded Rs10 million cash, adding “privacy of the informer will be ensured and the name of [the person] giving leads on the suicide bomber or his facilitators will be kept secret”.

President Dr Arif Alvi has claimed that a deadly suicide bombing that targeted a mosque in Peshawar last month was carried out with the use of phosphorus, a dangerous chemical.

During a day-long visit to the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa capital on Tuesday, President Alvi expressed regret over the loss of life in the terrorist attack and expressed his resolve to eradicate terrorism with the support of the government and armed forces.

The president made the statement while speaking to the media at the CM House. Caretaker Chief Minister Azam Khan and provincial minister Syed Masood Shah were also present on the occasion.
The United States has said Pakistan will continue to be its “stalwart partner” in the fight against terrorism.

The remarks by US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price came on Tuesday against the backdrop of the recent Peshawar Police Lines terrorist attack that killed over 100 people, mostly policemen.

The suicide bombing was one of the deadliest attacks in Pakistan and sent shockwaves among the people, who fear the return of dark days of war on terror.
12 TTP terrorists killed in intelligence-based operation in KP’s Lakki Marwat: ISPR

Security forces killed 12 terrorists of the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) during an intelligence-based operation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat area, the military’s media wing said on Wednesday.

According to a statement issued by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), security forces and the terrorists exchanged fire late Tuesday night during which the militants were killed.

“Terrorists’ movement and activities were being watched by intelligence tentacles for the last one week. Terrorists were lured in by providing a vehicle for escape that was intercepted and neutralised,” the ISPR said.

Weapons, ammunition and Afghan currency were also recovered from the terrorists during the operation, it stated, adding that security forces were carrying out a clearance operation in the area.

“Locals appreciated the operation and lauded the efforts of Pakistan Army in eliminating terrorism,” the statement concluded.

Hotel accommodations without CNIC banned in Peshawar
Peshawar administration says ban part of security measures being taken after horrific January 30 Peshawar blast that claimed over 100 lives

The district administration of Peshawar banned on Tuesday accommodations at guest houses and hotels for people not providing their CNIC and other documents.

The city administration said that the ban was part of security measures being taken after a blast in the Peshawar Police Lines that killed at least 100 people on January 30.

According to the district administration, a high alert has been issued for parking areas, ​highly populated locations, and business hubs of the city.

They added that special instructions have been disseminated for improved monitoring of automobiles and motorcycles, while temporary check-posts have also been established.

The majority of the worshippers martyred in the suicide blast on January 30 were police personnel. The alleged suicide bomber entered the mosque wearing a police uniform, Inspector General Police (IGP) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) had said.

Section 144 imposed
Given the alarming law and order situation, the city administration imposed section 144 in the city for 10 days on Saturday.

According to Peshawar’s deputy commissioner, the ban was imposed on gatherings of five or more people in the city to avoid any untoward incident.

1 soldier martyred, 14 others injured in North Waziristan terror attack

One security forces personnel embraced martyrdom and 14 others, including civilians, sustained wounds when a convoy of security forces came under attack in Mir Ali sub-division of the North Waziristan district on Saturday.

The banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Local officials said a convoy of security forces and employees of the Marri Petroleum Comp*any was on its way from North Waziristan to Bannu when a rickshaw struck the forces’ vehicle in the Khajori area of the sub-division.

“This rickshaw was par*ked on the roadside in the middle of parked vehicles when it suddenly appeared and struck a vehicle of the sec*urity forces,” a local off*i*cial said, adding that three security personnel embra*ced martyrdom in the att*ack and 22 others, including 15 employees of the gas and oil exploration company, sustained injuries.

At least 4 killed, 14 injured in blast in Balochistan’s Barkhan: police

At least four people were killed and 14 wounded in an explosion inside the Rakhni market in Balochistan’s Barkhan on Sunday morning, police and health officials said.

Barkhan District Health Officer Dr Abdul Hameed confirmed the death toll to, adding that the injured persons had been moved to the Rakhni Hospital.

According to Barkhan Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Khoso, the blast occurred when an improvised explosive device (IED), planted on a motorcycle, exploded.

Khoso said the police have arrived at the site and cordoned it off. “Teams have begun collecting evidence from the site,” he added.

Unverified videos making the rounds on social media show volunteers carrying bloodied victims away as a crowd gathers at the purported site of the blast. Mangled motorcycles and charred vegetables can be seen strewn about on the road.

There was no claim of responsibility as yet.

The blast comes on the heels of attacks in KP and areas bordering Afghanistan. Since the talks with the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) broke down in November last year, the militant group has intensified its attacks while insurgents in Balochistan have also stepped up their violent activities and formalised a nexus with it.


Section 144 has been imposed for three days in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa amid security concerns, ARY News reported.

According to a notification issued by the deputy commissioner of Peshawar, due to security concerns, section 144 has been imposed in Peshawar for three days.

During these three days, a gathering of five or more people will remain banned.

Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) empowers district administration to issue orders in public interest that may place a ban on an activity for a specific period of time.

Such a ban is enforced by the police who register cases under section 188 of the Pakistan Penal Code for violations of the ban. Section 188 carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison or fine or both.

At least 3 children wounded in IED blast on Peshawar’s Warsak Road: police

At least three children were injured in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast on Peshawar’s Warsak Road on Tuesday morning, police said.

According to Warsak Superintendent of Police Arshad Khan, the incident took place near the Peshawar Public School at around 9:10am.

Police and rescue teams were sent to the site as soon as the blast was reported, he told media persons, adding that the injured children were moved to a private hospital.

The official said that an estimated four kilogrammes of explosives, planted in a “cemented block” on the side of the road, were used in the blast. The area has been cordoned off and further investigation is under way, Khan said.

“It would be premature to say who was the target,” the official added.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson of the Peshawar Lady Reading Hospital told that six injured persons, including four children, were brought to the facility. He said the condition of two children was critical.

“All of them are aged between 11 and 23,” Asim Khan stated, adding that none of the children were wearing a school uniform.

Earlier, Rescue 1122 spokesperson Bilal Ahmed Faizi said windows of a nearby building and windshields of two Suzuki vans were shattered due to the intensity of the blast.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
At least 2 killed in blast near Peshawar’s Board Bazaar

At least two people were killed while one suffered injuries in a blast near the Board Bazaar in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Peshawar early Sunday morning, officials said.

Rescue 1122 Spokesperson Bilal Faizi confirmed the death toll and injuries to

He said the bodies and wounded were moved to the Khyber Teaching Hospital and the blast site had been cordoned off.

Speaking to the media, Peshawar Senior Superintendent of Police (Operation) Kashif Aftab Abbasi said teams of the Counter Terrorism Department and other law enforcement agencies had arrived at the site and were collecting evidence.

“We have found an almost mutilated body and a damaged motorcycle here,” he said.

“The blast occurred during the transportation of four to five kilogrammes of explosives,” the SSP told Geo News in an interview later. He elaborated that the explosives were being transported on a motorcycle.

“Two people involved in the transportation were killed while one was injured,” Abbasi said, adding that the identities of the suspects were being determined.

Meanwhile, KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur condemned the incident and sought a report from the provincial police chief, according to a statement released by the CM Office.

National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq also condemned the blast and expressed grief over the loss of innocent lives.

Pakistan has witnessed an uptick in terror activities in the past year, especially in KP and Balochistan after the banned militant Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan ended its ceasefire with the government in November 2022.

A day earlier, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said 10 militants were killed in two separate operations by security forces in the North Waziristan district. It added that Pakistan expected the Afghan government to fulfil its obligations and deny the use of Afghan soil by terrorists.

According to an annual security report issued by the Centre for Research and Security Studies, Pakistan witnessed 1,524 violence-related fatalities and 1,463 injuries from 789 terror attacks and counter-terror operations in 2023 — marking a record six-year high.

KP and Balochistan were the primary centres of violence, accounting for over 90 per cent of all fatalities and 84pc of attacks, including incidents of terrorism and security forces operations.

What great timing. Pakistan has enemies within and it's a huge problem.
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Arrests made in probe into Peshawar blast

The Counter-Terrorism Department made some arrests on Monday on the basis of information gleaned from a terrorist, who was arrested in injured condition, following Sunday’s motorcycle-borne bomb blast on the Nasir Bagh Road in the provincial capital.

Investigation into the blast continued, while an interrogation team collected information about the incident from the injured terrorist.

A CCTV footage of the explosion has also emerged in which the three terrorists could be seen riding the motorcycle.

The purported video showed two terrorists died and one sustained injured in the blast on Sunday morning.

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Sardar Ali Amin Gandapur on Sunday condemned the blast and sought a report from the provincial police chief.

Speaking to the media, Senior Superintendent of Police (Operations) Kashif Aftab Abbasi said that four to five kilogrammes of explosives were used in the blast, but it was too early to say who the target was.

Elaborating further, the official said the three terrorists were riding a motorcycle.

“According to the bomb disposal unit report, the blast was not a suicide attack but occurred during the transfer of explosives.”

The SSP said according to the investigation team, no civilian was killed in the blast, but the terrorists riding the motorcycle became victims to the explosives themselves.

He continued that before the terrorist could reach their target, the explosives went off killing two of them.

The third terrorist, who was injured in the blast, had been identified as Usman, aged between 28 and 30 years.

The police official said the motorcycle was completely destroyed in the explosion. He added that the scope of investigation would be expanded by retrieving its engine and chassis numbers.

According to CTD officials, the two slain terrorists were identified as Sulaiman and Amir. They added that one of them was a would-be suicide bomber who belonged to Dir district and currently residing in Peshawar.

The officials said Usman was in a serious condition right now and would be interrogated as soon as he regained consciousness.

SOURCE: Express Tribune