Muslim Man in Gujarat Killed by Hindutva Extremists Over Muslim Cricketers’ Success


Test Captain
Jan 2, 2010
Hate crimes happen worldwide but India is at the top 1 for extremist hate

Cows are holy , didn’t realise playing cricket well as a Muslim would be just as offensive to Hindu extremists?

Condolences to his family , tragic & evil murder


Twenty-three-year-old Salman Vohra had attended a cricket tournament match in Chikhodra, Gujarat on 22 June solely as a spectator. He tragically endured a savage beating that led to his murder.

In an interview with The Quint, his uncle Noman Anwar Vohra recounted the details of the incident:

Local accounts suggest that tensions had already surfaced prior to the match due to the outstanding performance of Muslim players in the tournament, which was perceived unfavourably by a faction of pro-Hindutva residents.

According to activist Aasim Khedawala, students informed him that a significant number of players who excelled in the quarter-finals and semi-finals were Muslim. Reportedly, one of the finalist teams was predominantly Muslim, while the other team also included 3 Muslim players.

Organisers had cautioned about potential communal tensions arising from this composition, and many Muslim players expressed concerns over their safety.

The crowd surged to approximately 5,000 individuals, with Muslims constituting no more than about 500, according to some attendees.

The incident began when a group of Hindutva thugs allegedly approached Salman in the carpark. They told him to move his bike from the stand. they repeatedly said, “Vohra, do what we’re telling you to do.”

Later, they returned to the scene with five additional assailants. Suhail was mistaken for Salman and initiated an assault. In an attempt to shield Suhail from these individuals, Salman intervened, leading the mob to encircle him.

This marked the onset of the brutal assault on Salman.

The assailants ceased their assault on Salman only when they perceived him to be devoid of strength or resolve. A few bystanders helped him up, offered water, and called for an ambulance. Initially taken to a nearby hospital, they were redirected to a larger private hospital upon arrival. However, upon reaching the second hospital and consulting with the doctor, Salman tragically succumbed to his injuries.

Salman’s uncle said:

“I saw his body. He had marks on his right hand, cuts below his eyes, his ear was brutally damaged. In fact, they (the attackers) almost bit his ear off. The knife cut damaged his kidney, which was the biggest wound. He was also beaten on his lower waist and neck so these areas of his body bled a lot.”

The family eventually succeeded in filing a First Information Report (FIR) at 4 AM on 23 June at the Anand Rural police station.

The identities of the apprehended suspects are: Mehul Dinesh Parmar, Kiran Mafat Parmar, Mahendra Ramesh Vaghela, Ketan Mahendra Patel, Akshay Narsinh Parmar,Ratilala Raising Parmar, Vijay Mangal Parmar, Mukesh Rajesh Parmar, Rakesh Babu Parmar, Vijay Chhagan Parmarand Ketan Bharat Parmar.

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This is so so horrendous. In this day and age - people being so emotional about religion and resorting to thuggish behavior. Thats why state and religion should never mix. All those involved should be arrested asap and tried for capital murder. All these sadak chaps should be held accountable for this reprehensible incident..
So now in India you can get killed over Cricket!! If a Hindu was killed in Pak or any Muslim country I would be the first to show my "lal aankh". Where is the Modi's "lal aankh" now that he claims to have shown China in the past?. I don't see to many Hindu's here crying over the murder of this innocent Muslim instead they will insist this was the millionth one off incident. I must also call out our own devout Hindu Danish Kaneria who is always quick to point out the condition of minorities in Pak but never utters a word when such things happen in India.
The Global Human Rights Commission should step in and take notice of the Muslim genocide in India.
Going to address just the hyperbole here :
Sometimes I feel you guys simply wait for these horrible incidents to happen to convert into your twisted narrative.
And it is very funny when Muslim nations cry about Human Rights when they were pissed at UN Human Rights declaration that they drafted their own religious version. You will not grant others their human rights when you are in power but you should have those very rights if someone else in power tries to deny it. Its a laughable level of entitlement.
Going to address just the hyperbole here :
Sometimes I feel you guys simply wait for these horrible incidents to happen to convert into your twisted narrative.
And it is very funny when Muslim nations cry about Human Rights when they were pissed at UN Human Rights declaration that they drafted their own religious version. You will not grant others their human rights when you are in power but you should have those very rights if someone else in power tries to deny it. Its a laughable level of entitlement.
How many Hindu's are killed in Muslim majority countries like the UAE, Saudi.Turkey or Malaysia?. Do Muslim people stop or try to control the diet or eating habit's of Hindu's?. For your information our countries may be a mess nonetheless millions of non Muslim's happily live and work in Muslim countries. They are not living nightmares that India has become for non Hindu's.
RIP the deceased.

But if one looks at the incident objectively, it looks more like arguments gone wrong where ego took control of the people and nothing to do with communal violence.

The communal violence is coming from account of one activist who is giving accounts of others. But this may not be a causation and relation incident.

If you take that activist out of the equation where he just provided heresay, there's not much factors which points it to communal.

If anyone could point objective facts here who could related them to communal, then I would like to read on those.
How many Hindu's are killed in Muslim majority countries like the UAE, Saudi.Turkey or Malaysia?. Do Muslim people stop or try to control the diet or eating habit's of Hindu's?. For your information our countries may be a mess nonetheless millions of non Muslim's happily live and work in Muslim countries. They are not living nightmares that India has become for non Hindu's.
If you wanna check the stats. you are allowed to definitely. Genocide is dumb hyper bole when minorities have been wiped out from the Islamic ruled countries for centuries and decades.
Unless you have stats to prove or disprove that, it would be better not engage with me. Ask me the stats and actual honest numbers and I will lay it out to open your eyes to the truth if you are actually willing to accept reality.

Just a hint: We are talking about Islamic countries and I can simply start with the good old case of Bangladesh without bothering to list other countries.
Basic Human Rights: Mecca is one country where a non- Muslim cant enter. Are Muslims banned from Vatican, Nankana Sahib, or Varanasi/Ayodhya for that matter?

I am up for an honest conversation if sensitivities can be set aside.

PS: Just to make my point on this thread. RSS VHP bhakts are dumb morons. Honestly, they are just trying to emulate what certain radical Islamic fundamentalists have been doing for decades. Muslim world has gone in considerable decline since the Islamic revolution of Iran and Siege of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, I would prefer the same decline not afflict my country. This election result was a well balanced result.

PPS: On terms of rights, Please enlighten how are the minority seats elected in Pakistan's legislature? This was quite a new thing that I learnt while reading about PTI disqualification.
I didn't say. @Justcrazy said.

Just saying an IT cell from BJP government exists.
Oh, you both sound same to me. If you want to become his spokesperson then give correct facts. He was wrong when he said RSS IT cell.

Every political party has an IT cell. What revelation are you making? Sky is blue and water is wet?
Oh, you both sound same to me. If you want to become his spokesperson then give correct facts. He was wrong when he said RSS IT cell.

Every political party has an IT cell. What revelation are you making? Sky is blue and water is wet?

I am not making any revelation. LOL.

You said RSS IT cell didn't exist (post #13). So, I posted a link showing that it really existed.

BJP and RSS are same thing.
I am not making any revelation. LOL.

You said RSS IT cell didn't exist (post #13). So, I posted a link showing that it really existed.

BJP and RSS are same thing.
Prove that they are same by providing these:
Their date of incorporation. Their leadership command. Their objectives.
If you wanna check the stats. you are allowed to definitely. Genocide is dumb hyper bole when minorities have been wiped out from the Islamic ruled countries for centuries and decades.
Unless you have stats to prove or disprove that, it would be better not engage with me. Ask me the stats and actual honest numbers and I will lay it out to open your eyes to the truth if you are actually willing to accept reality.

Just a hint: We are talking about Islamic countries and I can simply start with the good old case of Bangladesh without bothering to list other countries.
Basic Human Rights: Mecca is one country where a non- Muslim cant enter. Are Muslims banned from Vatican, Nankana Sahib, or Varanasi/Ayodhya for that matter?

I am up for an honest conversation if sensitivities can be set aside.

PS: Just to make my point on this thread. RSS VHP bhakts are dumb morons. Honestly, they are just trying to emulate what certain radical Islamic fundamentalists have been doing for decades. Muslim world has gone in considerable decline since the Islamic revolution of Iran and Siege of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, I would prefer the same decline not afflict my country. This election result was a well balanced result.

PPS: On terms of rights, Please enlighten how are the minority seats elected in Pakistan's legislature? This was quite a new thing that I learnt while reading about PTI disqualification.
Are you looking for Modi stats? As for your absurd claim that minorities have been wiped out from Muslim majority countries it would be helpful if you could name them?. You can start by telling me what army invaded the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia? I believe those people just accepted Islam out of choice. Being a confrontational personality I am always up for a hard debate here.

You do know what Hindu majority India did in then East Pakistan so don't you sit their now crying crocodile tears about Bangladesh. They won't wash with me whatsoever. Now the non Muslim places of worship you mentioned they are free to ban Muslims if they want too i would have no problem with that. I can tell you that Muslim's are not allowed to enter certain Hindu temples in Pak which is more then okay with me too. Mecca is the most holiest place for us so you can not enter it. How this abuses or compromises the rights of non Muslim's is beyond me!!

Actually I believe your Hindu's particularly the RSS has been hostile towards Muslim's since Pakistan was formed that was much before the events you have mentioned. This is because the Hindu's consider all of the subcontinent to belong to them due to their absurd historical so called facts that only exist in their feeble minds.

I am not here to defend the human rights or situation of minorities in Pakistan. You do the same when it comes to India.
Now the non Muslim places of worship you mentioned they are free to ban Muslims if they want too i would have no problem with that. I can tell you that Muslim's are not allowed to enter certain Hindu temples in Pak which is more then okay with me too. Mecca is the most holiest place for us so you can not enter it. How this abuses or compromises the rights of non Muslim's is beyond me!!
Because you are looking at from eye of a muslim.

Discrimination is when right of someone is rejected based upon some superficial aspects. Your mind can not come out of years socialisation by islamic thinking which is true for majority of people here.
Going to address just the hyperbole here :
Sometimes I feel you guys simply wait for these horrible incidents to happen to convert into your twisted narrative.
And it is very funny when Muslim nations cry about Human Rights when they were pissed at UN Human Rights declaration that they drafted their own religious version. You will not grant others their human rights when you are in power but you should have those very rights if someone else in power tries to deny it. Its a laughable level of entitlement.
You are just trying to deny the fact that Modi is on a mission to provoke Hindu extremists to commit genocide against Muslims
You are just trying to deny the fact that Modi is on a mission to provoke Hindu extremists to commit genocide against Muslims
That is not a fact but an opinion. An opinion doesn't make it invalid, but let us not use wrong words.

Regarding the news, the news source is dubious, and I would wait for details to come from better sources. Not that it cannot happen. Even then for every hindu on muslim crime, I can show two muslim on hindu crimes.
That is not a fact but an opinion. An opinion doesn't make it invalid, but let us not use wrong words.

Regarding the news, the news source is dubious, and I would wait for details to come from better sources. Not that it cannot happen. Even then for every hindu on muslim crime, I can show two muslim on hindu crimes.
This could well be a rivalry that happened to involve Hindus beating up a Muslim or it could be religion-motivated. Nothing seems conclusive except for some imaginative conclusions being drawn by what reads like an opinion piece rather than a news item.

However, having said that, what's the laws in India. I think I recall that even an accident between two parties who belong to Hindu and Muslim communities gets treated differently to an accident report of a Hindu-Hindu. You got info on this?
This could well be a rivalry that happened to involve Hindus beating up a Muslim or it could be religion-motivated. Nothing seems conclusive except for some imaginative conclusions being drawn by what reads like an opinion piece rather than a news item.

However, having said that, what's the laws in India. I think I recall that even an accident between two parties who belong to Hindu and Muslim communities gets treated differently to an accident report of a Hindu-Hindu. You got info on this?
The new criminal laws have come to effect only today, and I am yet to read the full text.

However, in general whenever there is a crime between two communities, the police try that it doesn't snowball instead of doing what is right. Also depends on the local IPS in charge, who also has to follow orders from the DM (whom they hate), who in turn follows orders from the ministers. How much the chain goes depends on how sensitive the matter is.
That is not a fact but an opinion. An opinion doesn't make it invalid, but let us not use wrong words.

Regarding the news, the news source is dubious, and I would wait for details to come from better sources. Not that it cannot happen. Even then for every hindu on muslim crime, I can show two muslim on hindu crimes.
I'm not expressing an opinion, I'm stating a fact because this is a recurring situation, not an isolated incident.
I'm not expressing an opinion, I'm stating a fact because this is a recurring situation, not an isolated incident.
How did you make a jump between a recurring situation and that Modi wants genocide. Facts are easy to prove. Show one incident where he was able to provoke hindus to kills muslims.

There are many incidents of Muslims on hindu crimes (may or may not be religiously motivated). Modi is behind every such incident?

Modi is on a mission to provoke hindus to commit genocide of muslims. If this is not an opinion, but a fact, even when Modi had nothing to do with it (unless you are privy to some secrets implicating him), then what will you say about Qaid-e-Azam when he called for Direct Action Day, which resulted in genocide of hindus. Fact or opinion or myth?
Muslims should play in these tournaments but go no further than the semi finals. Sometimes it is ok to pretend to be less skillful to let the bullies win.

In a Hindu majority country the Hindu teams should be in the final. They are already disadvantaged in many ways. If Muslims can have parallel legal system that caters to them then in these tournaments there should be a parallel sporting system.
How did you make a jump between a recurring situation and that Modi wants genocide. Facts are easy to prove. Show one incident where he was able to provoke hindus to kills muslims.

There are many incidents of Muslims on hindu crimes (may or may not be religiously motivated). Modi is behind every such incident?

Modi is on a mission to provoke hindus to commit genocide of muslims. If this is not an opinion, but a fact, even when Modi had nothing to do with it (unless you are privy to some secrets implicating him), then what will you say about Qaid-e-Azam when he called for Direct Action Day, which resulted in genocide of hindus. Fact or opinion or myth?
Lol, are you asking me for one occasion where Modi provoked Hindu extremists against Muslims? I can provide you with dozens.

If we look at the history and evidence, it's a fact that what I mentioned above about QEA is true
Muslims should play in these tournaments but go no further than the semi finals. Sometimes it is ok to pretend to be less skillful to let the bullies win.

In a Hindu majority country the Hindu teams should be in the final. They are already disadvantaged in many ways. If Muslims can have parallel legal system that caters to them then in these tournaments there should be a parallel sporting system.
This is failure of the secularism project in India. Instead of understanding that muslims and hindus are separate communities, charting their own course, which should be accepted as a matter of fact, the indian sickulars are hell bent on merging them.

In the past, cricket teams were based on religion (something which will shock the sickulars) and it was considered normal.

Look at this scorecard where (yet again) muslims beat the hindus and no one was harmed:
When the British left they knew that if they cant divide the sub con people than sub con can rise again with the riches it has, their most practical and evil initiative was to get Hindu and Muslims to fight and that is still going on.

Before the British under mughol rules the two religion people did to fight as today, Hindus were more than ok, the muslims under the Rajput rullers were also Ok
When the British left they knew that if they cant divide the sub con people than sub con can rise again with the riches it has, their most practical and evil initiative was to get Hindu and Muslims to fight and that is still going on.

Before the British under mughol rules the two religion people did to fight as today, Hindus were more than ok, the muslims under the Rajput rullers were also Ok
As if hindus and muslims were living peacefully and the evil Britishers broke their fraandship. If not for the Britishers, Hindus and Muslims would be singing kumbaya today.
This is failure of the secularism project in India. Instead of understanding that muslims and hindus are separate communities, charting their own course, which should be accepted as a matter of fact, the indian sickulars are hell bent on merging them.

In the past, cricket teams were based on religion (something which will shock the sickulars) and it was considered normal.

Look at this scorecard where (yet again) muslims beat the hindus and no one was harmed:
Hindus were not as self aware then and had lower self esteem. Losing to muslims was expected and part of the historical narrative of losses.

Modern Hindus don't have the same psyche of losing to Muslims; it will be majorly embarrassing, and Modern Indian Muslims do not have the strength to withstand any pressure created by winning.

When there is so much at stake, it is better for them either not to play or Muslims to lose deliberately and go home to quietly celebrate a potential moral victory instead of poking the bear.
As if hindus and muslims were living peacefully and the evil Britishers broke their fraandship. If not for the Britishers, Hindus and Muslims would be singing kumbaya today.

There were some famous Anglophile Indians from both hindu and some Islamic sects who believed that the British brought order and civility to the nation, and I remember reading at least one interview where the departure of the British Raj was mourned by these dignitaries. When you see stories like this, you can understand their dismay. The British brought order and good mannerly conduct to the subcontinent which is sorely lacking today.
Pity that Hindu extremists now can't even tolerate Muslims succeeding in any field.
The religious angle is coming from the uncle of the deceased. You have to blindly take his word as truth.

Fighting over cricket matches is not novel in India. Bets are placed and the winners abuse the losing teams.

I just went through the website What a joke of News portal it is. It will put Al Jazeera to shame. The worst propaganda news portal. Just look at the headline articles. This is like News coming out of RSS mouth piece.
Hindus were not as self aware then and had lower self esteem. Losing to muslims was expected and part of the historical narrative of losses.

Modern Hindus don't have the same psyche of losing to Muslims; it will be majorly embarrassing, and Modern Indian Muslims do not have the strength to withstand any pressure created by winning.

When there is so much at stake, it is better for them either not to play or Muslims to lose deliberately and go home to quietly celebrate a potential moral victory instead of poking the bear.
Hindus lost to Turks.

These Muslims are Indians who are converted. Look at the victims last name "Vohra". He is obviously a Khatri convert.

Saying Hindus lost to Muslims is a joke. Hindus lost to Muslim Turks. The same Turks that also defeated and owned Arabs, Persians and much of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Subcontinent.
Prove that they are same by providing these:
Their date of incorporation. Their leadership command. Their objectives.
Why ask @sweep_shot when you can prove it yourself? :inti

It looks like you couldn't handle the Sanghis ruling India for even five weeks. Now you are treating them and the BJP like they have just stolen your last piece of chocolate! 😆

Hindus lost to Turks.

These Muslims are Indians who are converted. Look at the victims last name "Vohra". He is obviously a Khatri convert.

Saying Hindus lost to Muslims is a joke. Hindus lost to Muslim Turks. The same Turks that also defeated and owned Arabs, Persians and much of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Subcontinent.

The name Salman was enough to send chills down their spine. :inti
The name Salman was enough to send chills down their spine. :inti
Names don't send anything down anything. They look exactly like their fellow Hindu countrymen.

You have to see the source of the report. Obviously a shady source. A regular fight on cricket field was smeared with religious color.
RIP but on cricket deaths in local games it’s more common than one thinks.

the list goes on:

I understand why the religion is mentioned here as the otherside media would do the same.
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Because you are looking at from eye of a muslim.

Discrimination is when right of someone is rejected based upon some superficial aspects. Your mind can not come out of years socialisation by islamic thinking which is true for majority of people here.
Yes only you are open minded here.
Because you are looking at from eye of a muslim.

Discrimination is when right of someone is rejected based upon some superficial aspects. Your mind can not come out of years socialisation by islamic thinking which is true for majority of people here.
Cut the fantasy! Tell me where Muslim's have killed Hindu's in high numbers that you lot keep going on about! Damn right, as a Muslim it is natural for me to have an Islamic mindset, I am proud off that too. Now you will go back to the time of Asoka to tell me how his kingdom was ransacked by the Muslim's. Do go and live and work in Muslim countries when you believe in killing them in your own.
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Cut the baloney and fantasy! Tell me where Muslim's have killed Hindu's in high numbers that you lot keep going on about! Damn right, as a Muslim it is natural for me to have an Islamic mindset, I am proud off that too. Now you will go back to the time of Asoka to tell me how his kingdom was ransacked by the Muslim's. Do go and live and work in Muslim countries when you believe in killing them in your own.
You asked a question, " Mecca is the most holiest place for us so you can not enter it. How this abuses or compromises the rights of non Muslim's is beyond me!!"

I answered, Discrimination is when right of someone is rejected based upon some superficial aspects. Your mind can not come out of years socialisation by islamic thinking which is true for majority of people here.

The quoted comment has nothing to do with what I spoke of.
This is disturbing, all over a cricket match ???? Throw those baboons in jail for life... Animals...
not surprised. Indians were also tragetting Siraj on twitter for thanking Allah.
That's just an interpetration by an activist. The truth is yet to come.
what else can the truth be? So just because the guy was muslim and he was killed, you want some other narrative to exist so you can believe that and meanwhile trying to justify this?
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How did you make a jump between a recurring situation and that Modi wants genocide. Facts are easy to prove. Show one incident where he was able to provoke hindus to kills muslims.

There are many incidents of Muslims on hindu crimes (may or may not be religiously motivated). Modi is behind every such incident?

Modi is on a mission to provoke hindus to commit genocide of muslims. If this is not an opinion, but a fact, even when Modi had nothing to do with it (unless you are privy to some secrets implicating him), then what will you say about Qaid-e-Azam when he called for Direct Action Day, which resulted in genocide of hindus. Fact or opinion or myth?

There are several speeches of BJP leaders that make provoking statements , Modi never condemned them.
Horrific incident . Hope culprit get punishment according to law.

But i one thing i noticed Pakistan poster go overboard like as usual . WTH Modi or religious things have to do with this incident.

It was a fight between two guys but people's always bring religion to spread the hatred .
what else can the truth be? So just because the guy was muslim and he was killed, you want some other narrative to exist so you can believe that and meanwhile trying to justify this?

You are following the confirmatory bias. I am waiting for different interpertation in order to make a more objective view.

Take this example, Right now are we aruging becuase I am an athiest and you are a Muslim?

Or because I am an Indian and you are a Pakistani?

Or because our thoughts don't match?

You should realize by now .... There are alternative to how reality is constructed. It depends who is constructing it.

As investifgation will pick up, there will be more aspects that will come in to light and I'll hold my conclusion till that time.
What the hell!!!!

Condolences to the family of the deceased. The perpetrators must be punished for this.

I can never understand these fights after cricket matches.

Players Spectators fighting.

Its not common but it isn't unheard of also.

Players have clashed resulting in deaths. Spectators have clashed resulting in deaths.

Ofcourse you will often see spectators drinking.

May be police should clamp down on these random tournaments that are arranged around the country.

Safety first.
This is beyond anything to be justified. Nobody can justify this killing. BJP has become a nightmare for minorities.
Approximately how many people have been killed in your opinion? Give me a approx number

Many reports out there about the violence against Monorites, this is just one of them.


Over 200 people were killed, tens of thousands displaced, hundreds of homes and churches destroyed, and the internet shut down for months, after violence erupted in May in Manipur state, in northeastern India, between the majority Meitei and the minority Kuki Zo communities. BJP’s state chief minister, N. Biren Singh, fueled divisiveness by stigmatizing the Kuki, alleging their involvement in drug trafficking, and providing sanctuary to refugees from Myanmar.

Approximately how many people have been killed in your opinion? Give me a approx number

To give you a sense of scale, here are some figures from various reports:
  • A 2019 report by Human Rights Watch noted that between May 2015 and December 2018, at least 44 people were killed in cow-related violence, many of whom were Muslims.
  • According to's database, between 2012 and 2019, there were 133 cow-related attacks, resulting in 50 deaths.
  • Amnesty International India reported 721 incidents of hate crime between 2015 and 2018, though not all resulted in deaths.
To give you a sense of scale, here are some figures from various reports:
  • A 2019 report by Human Rights Watch noted that between May 2015 and December 2018, at least 44 people were killed in cow-related violence, many of whom were Muslims.
  • According to's database, between 2012 and 2019, there were 133 cow-related attacks, resulting in 50 deaths.
  • Amnesty International India reported 721 incidents of hate crime between 2015 and 2018, though not all resulted in deaths.
Now compare for previous decades.
Lat 10 years have seen the lowest inter community violence related deaths.
Many reports out there about the violence against Monorites, this is just one of them.


Over 200 people were killed, tens of thousands displaced, hundreds of homes and churches destroyed, and the internet shut down for months, after violence erupted in May in Manipur state, in northeastern India, between the majority Meitei and the minority Kuki Zo communities. BJP’s state chief minister, N. Biren Singh, fueled divisiveness by stigmatizing the Kuki, alleging their involvement in drug trafficking, and providing sanctuary to refugees from Myanmar.

Compare that to the Kashmiri Pandit Genocide ( and complete/irreversible exodus) , Godhra train torching and countless victims of numerous Islamic extremism in India of which 26/11 was the most egregious example ?

Now what ?
what else can the truth be? So just because the guy was muslim and he was killed, you want some other narrative to exist so you can believe that and meanwhile trying to justify this?
Laying the blame of Muslims or Muslim mentality 24/7 is his idea of open mindedness
Compare that to the Kashmiri Pandit Genocide ( and complete/irreversible exodus) , Godhra train torching and countless victims of numerous Islamic extremism in India of which 26/11 was the most egregious example ?

Now what ?
So you think killing 20000 people is justified because of what happened a decade or 2 ago.

many people including the majority of Muslims died during the 1947 migration as well.

We cannot justify these kind of acts by any means.
So you think killing 20000 people is justified because of what happened a decade or 2 ago.

many people including the majority of Muslims died during the 1947 migration as well.

We cannot justify these kind of acts by any means.
I don't understand, how is Manipur communal clash is related to the argument that you are making?
So you think killing 20000 people is justified because of what happened a decade or 2 ago.

many people including the majority of Muslims died during the 1947 migration as well.

We cannot justify these kind of acts by any means.

agreed ... except for the inconvenient fact that you will see people here who will not have any qualms defending Muslim rule in India that was responsible for much more extremely horrific crimes ... You want to explain why that is acceptable ?
So you think killing 20000 people is justified because of what happened a decade or 2 ago.

many people including the majority of Muslims died during the 1947 migration as well.

We cannot justify these kind of acts by any means.
20000 muslims killed recently in India is what you are saying ?
agreed ... except for the inconvenient fact that you will see people here who will not have any qualms defending Muslim rule in India that was responsible for much more extremely horrific crimes ... You want to explain why that is acceptable ?
The good old muslim rule arguement is something that don't need to be brought up over and over again, we all know the converts will glorify this even though the rulers were invaders...
20000 muslims killed recently in India is what you are saying ?
No I was referring to that statement given by BJP leader about killing 20000 Muslims.

We cannot put a blame on all people for 1 guy's mistake. whether he did it intentionally or not it was his own choice but when people try to justify it, then the problem arises.
You asked a question, " Mecca is the most holiest place for us so you can not enter it. How this abuses or compromises the rights of non Muslim's is beyond me!!"

I answered, Discrimination is when right of someone is rejected based upon some superficial aspects. Your mind can not come out of years socialisation by islamic thinking which is true for majority of people here.

The quoted comment has nothing to do with what I spoke of.
What rights are you on about that have been rejected? If you are on about non Muslim's being banned from Mecca then that is the right thing to do. Another comment by your is saying Muslim people have Islamic thinking. Off course we do. Vast majority of people on this website are Muslim's.
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A 21-year-old man was allegedly beaten to death on Saturday after he tried to intervene in a fight between his brother and other players during a cricket match in northwest Delhi's Bharat Nagar area, police said.

Vishal Kumar succumbed to internal injuries, police said, adding that a murder case has been lodged and teams have been formed to arrest the accused.

According to a police officer, Mr Kumar is survived by his wife and a one-year-old son, who live in the Pratap Nagar area. His younger brother and sister are studying.

The officer said Mr Kumar used to work in a cosmetics factory in Sadar Bazar.

His younger brother Kunal had gone to play cricket near their house, police said, adding that subsequently, there was a fight between Kunal and others.

Kunal called his brother to the ground. When he reached the ground, Mr Kumar was allegedly beaten up by the accused with cricket bats.

Mr Kumar was taken to a hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead.

Police said a case of murder has been registered and three of the accused have been identified.

Nobody were talking about this incident. Why no threads on this incident?? anyone can answer this ??

There are dozens case where people's were fight each other during cricket matches in india .
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Any incidents happen in india , peoples are easy to attach with religion .
Any incidents happen in india , peoples are easy to attach with religion .
Something happens to Muslims, the Hindu angle is always blamed and probed.

Something happens to Dalits, the Upper Caste angle is always blamed and probed.

This is the fruit of appeasement politics. Even West suffers from it. If a Black man is killed by a white man, then the racist and hate crime angle is always probed. If a Black man kills a white man, it is always a generic crime.

Left Parties thrive on such politics.

A 21-year-old man was allegedly beaten to death on Saturday after he tried to intervene in a fight between his brother and other players during a cricket match in northwest Delhi's Bharat Nagar area, police said.

Vishal Kumar succumbed to internal injuries, police said, adding that a murder case has been lodged and teams have been formed to arrest the accused.

According to a police officer, Mr Kumar is survived by his wife and a one-year-old son, who live in the Pratap Nagar area. His younger brother and sister are studying.

The officer said Mr Kumar used to work in a cosmetics factory in Sadar Bazar.

His younger brother Kunal had gone to play cricket near their house, police said, adding that subsequently, there was a fight between Kunal and others.

Kunal called his brother to the ground. When he reached the ground, Mr Kumar was allegedly beaten up by the accused with cricket bats.

Mr Kumar was taken to a hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead.

Police said a case of murder has been registered and three of the accused have been identified.

Nobody were talking about this incident. Why no threads on this incident?? anyone can answer this ??

There are dozens case where people's were fight each other during cricket matches in india .
You are free to make any thread you choose and we can discuss it.
My point was that we seen everything from religion point of views .

I really hate this and this is reason i never voted for BJP because they also spread hate by using Hindu,- Muslim card's .

Im not supporting this horrific incident ,i already condemned it .
You are free to make any thread you choose and we can discuss it.