New 2012, cricket ranges

Quick Single

Local Club Star
Jan 10, 2011
It's that time of year again folks! Wit the Lord's Trade Show coming up, plenty of brands will be showing off their new ranges.

Here is the new Kookaburra for 2012: Kookaburra Recoil

The Ice was ditched for the Rogue series last year. Someone on another forum said this was replacing the CCX.
Yeah Sami it does but the spine on Epic goes all the way till toe while Apex didn't have toe going all the way.
Yeah Sami it does but the spine on Epic goes all the way till toe while Apex didn't have toe going all the way.

Ya, I'd say it's a hybrid of the old Hero and the Apex.

As for the 1885 and the Halo, it looks like in terms of swell position it goes from highest to lowest:

Is it me but Halo and Flare are quite same or exactly same?

Halo has little bit low sweetspot compared to Flare :20:
Ya, I'd say it's a hybrid of the old Hero and the Apex.

As for the 1885 and the Halo, it looks like in terms of swell position it goes from highest to lowest:


Exactly I fully agree with you, Epic is hybrid of Hero and Apex, maybe one for your liking?

Halo is definitely having the lowest swell.

Sami which one do you like the most?

Halo wins for me but I like 1885's and Epic's grip, not big fan of yellow to be honest but its not too bad actually :)
It's too early to tell CD, I think I'll just get saving money in the meantime and when they hit the shops I'll go and see how they feel.

If it were on graphics alone, I'd probably say the Halo.
Ah okay, I guess you like Halo on graphics due to Hero and Yellow perhaps :)

Personally I see myself buying Halo because I always wanted low sweetspot bat without concaving, Powerbow was last but Gray Nicolls changed the shape of Powerbow. So InshAllah I will be bagging one Halo for sure.
Do it! It looks like there's substantial amounts of wood in the profile from where the stickers on the back end down to where you'd probably be driving the ball on the front foot.
Do it! It looks like there's substantial amounts of wood in the profile from where the stickers on the back end down to where you'd probably be driving the ball on the front foot.

Exactly, I agree with you.

I don't know but if I buy Halo I would like to get it restickered as 1885 :))
Assalamu Aleikum

Very good, I was actually looking at some bats yesterday as I will definatley get one for the next season, insha Allah. Don't know much about how this stuff works, but I guess bats for 2012 season are on sale from end of 2011?
They look nice actually especially the gloves am somewhat gutted that why did they change the pads and ditch that pattern in the middle :pissed:
The 909s have carried the traditional look for a while iirc.

I like the new LEs, not that I'll be able to afford them.
Ah cheers Tom :)

Sami, we can always buy from SportsDirect, I saw GM Original LE gloves which were going for £95 during season being sold for £32 on Sports Direct, I was absolutely gutted to see that!
It'll probably be more memorable to me than any innings I'm likely to play next season : p

Polly Jean's a national treasure <3

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Cheers g. I was considering taking a complete break from cricket in the off season, but my club's entering an indoor league so there's no respite for me just yet!
I would be extremely fortunate if that happens for me, I hate not playing cricket seriously. I'm happy with tape ball even as long its cricket but proper cricket has its own fun.
I would be extremely fortunate if that happens for me, I hate not playing cricket seriously. I'm happy with tape ball even as long its cricket but proper cricket has its own fun.

What have your bats been doing then? I think they need some serious action....if you can't find time to play, please donate them bats to us little people :))
CD bhai any possibility for you to donating/selling bats to awaam or you wan't to collect everyone?

And if buying next year, should I go for the new 2012 gear or the 2011 I have a little knowledge of?

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Hehe, I understand. I used to collect airplane models when I was younger :) not toys, but models.
I even had Air India, actually I threw it away once :sachin

Anyway, if you ever put them out on eBay or something, let me know.
Could surely need that GM DXM Icon :D
My Dad is into that airplane model hobby, much more serious than you I'd say.

InshAllah you will be the first one to know if I sell my bats
Some new stuff here, many many thanks to 02thoeva for providing this;


Pictures are as follow;

Newbery Tour – New 2012 Release Along Newbery Cenkos

Newbery Tour Bag;-


Newbery Tour Bat + Gloves;-


Newbery Tour Bat + Gloves + Pads:-


Newbery Cenkos - £1000!:-



Newbery Cenkos Grains:-

amazing piece of bat

totaly stunned :umarakmal

Thanks CD Bhai
OMG :bow: :bow: :bow:

love all this

i am planning to tour UK soon...

Was just about to post this. Jazakallahkhair CD bhai.

I love the look of the new Slaz bats especially the grips and the Newbery Tour, very high quality stuff.
CD that is intense, good work on finding those pics, and the cenkos(?) is awesome and so it should be for the price, i like the padded steel carry case provided just adds to it but people would think you are carrying a sniper around.
Guys the thanks should really go to 02thoeva who is our member here, he took those pictures and went to Lords Trade Show today.

Ammo, MB Malik and CA have similar case for a while but there's green leather.
Thanks CD - was a good show today and got a few snaps which have made there way across here from Cricket Insight. Which is good to see!

Any questions, I'll do my best to help. Though I spent most of the time taking photos and catching up with old friends.
Cheers Tom :)

Few questions;

- Salix Urban gloves, is that even a pittard palm?
- Have M&H changed any of there existing shape? Like Distinction, Amplus, Harlequin etc?
- Have M&H changed there softs or they are same?
- Lastly that Newbery Tour looks big, will it be like B52 and be only available in heavy weights?

Thanks a ton! :)
Pretty sure that's a Pittards label on the Urban gloves. I love the look of them, almost cyberpunk.
Tom, Hi.

I was just wondering how is the quality of the CA Power gloves and pads, because I saw them in Pakistan and to be honest the quality was appauling. The gloves palms were made out of batting inners materials?!?
If I'm correct aren't those CA Power softs lower end? The gloves and pads certainly don't look top end imo
Tom, Hi.

I was just wondering how is the quality of the CA Power gloves and pads, because I saw them in Pakistan and to be honest the quality was appauling. The gloves palms were made out of batting inners materials?!?
You're right. They're very low end.

The CA Softs are the same as they are for Pakistan, hence why I didn't bother photographing them
Great stuff and good work.

What about the new GN range ?
Full GN range is on Cricket Insight. Haven't got the time to copy over all 20 products!

Here's the new Boom Boom keeping pads though.

Great stuff and good work.

What about the new GN range ?

Here you go;

GN100 Scoop Bat;


2012 Kaboom Bat;


GN Legend Pads;


GN Legend GLoves;


Legend Bat;


Oblivion Test Pads;


Oblivion Test Gloves;


Oblivion Bat;


Powerbow Players Pads;


Powerbow Players Gloves;


Do you have any idea if GN100 Scoop will be sold in Grade 1? I read on CI it is going to be sold for 200 Pounds, a very good price I reckon but what grade is it going to be ?

Do you have any idea if GN100 Scoop will be sold in Grade 1? I read on CI it is going to be sold for 200 Pounds, a very good price I reckon but what grade is it going to be ?

2/3 I think it'll be. The ones on show looked good. Massive edges.
I'll be droping down to mapperley sports tomorrow and they will have all info on new GM gear and GM's new catalogue
my favorite in all of this is the ss - great shape.
halo also looks really good - but the 1885 stickers are the best.
Ok thanx for the pics CD, looks like the GN range is more or less the same as this year.
Does the GN E41 fall into this new range category?

My friend purchased the apparent 'grade 2' version a few days ago ... I am 100000% sure it would've been grade 1 if not for some heartwood along the edge ... has 19 ruler straight grains.
Does the GN E41 fall into this new range category?

My friend purchased the apparent 'grade 2' version a few days ago ... I am 100000% sure it would've been grade 1 if not for some heartwood along the edge ... has 19 ruler straight grains.

GN e41 is for Australian market and it will not be in UK.

Which one did he buy? 1000 LE or 500 LE?

I don't know but I have heard GN Australia are strict in grading, so I'm with you. Merchant say grade 1 does not have any heartwood.
500LE. Used it a bit today in the nets today as well ... brutal piece of willow.