Nike, Are You Serious!?


Tape Ball Regular
Dec 16, 2009
Seems as though Nike has quietly slipped into the bat market with two different bat ranges. While it seems I like the profile and graphics of both bats, the price is just outrageous.

Nike Drive - Grade 3 English Willow - $316.49!!!!!


Nike Opener - Grade 1 English Willow - $455.56!!!!!


These guys can't be serious, these prices are about par with GM L.E, Newbery SPS, GN Limited Editions for the G1 bat and the G3 is commanding the price of other brands G1 bats!

This is ridiculous; I understand that brands like Nike, Puma, and Adidas will command a premium over other bats but this is a terrible way to try and break into the industry.

What do you all think?
I don't know but is it my eyes but the profile on both looks more or less the same :S

It is quite ridiculous from Nike, I mean they don't even make bats themselves and get bats made from other manufacturers.

I agree with you this is not an ideal way of entering the market, I mean set a low price and compete with others and convince the buyers.

With this price range I am quite sure everyone will opt out for Puma and/or Adidas rather than Nike.
And oh I was speaking to one guy who has his own company and he was telling me that in Pakistan they can get there bats made for something around $10 which includes pressing, handles and shaping whereas it is there own cleft and in UK it ranges from 70 to 90 Pounds so rest is all mark up (after taking out stickers, grips, toe guard etc cost).
i dont know why u find that strange...same for their shoes as well....they already have the branding....price seems on par with other brands...
Nahe yaar shoes I think are more or less same if you compare with Adidas, ASICS etc don't compare with GM, Gray Nicolls etc
Price isn't even close to being on par with other brands! I've never seen another brand list a G3 bat at over $300.

The worst part about this, is like CD said, it's not even made by Nike!

It's a damn shame someone else didn't have that bat profile for a more reasonable price or else I'd buy it.
Price isn't even close to being on par with other brands! I've never seen another brand list a G3 bat at over $300.

The worst part about this, is like CD said, it's not even made by Nike!

It's a damn shame someone else didn't have that bat profile for a more reasonable price or else I'd buy it.

Yaar I don't know if its me but that shape looks a lot like CA bats to me...

Looks like an SG bat to me.

Also sold under names of Kookaburra, Adidas etc....

Do you know any other brands who get there stuff made by SG?
Yaar I don't know if its me but that shape looks a lot like CA bats to me...

I don't think it looks like a CA bat. I'm sure its made in India but the profile looks more English, almost like a GM Flare with a lower middle.
I don't think it looks like a CA bat. I'm sure its made in India but the profile looks more English, almost like a GM Flare with a lower middle.

I don't know but I still feel, if you take out concaving on CA bats then they would be quite similar to this.

Yes, but it does look a lot like Flare as well :D

I don't know lol :20:

Lots of English brands bats are made in India so why can't those manufacturer copy those shapes for local bats? Is there anything like copyright shape?
Price isn't even close to being on par with other brands! I've never seen another brand list a G3 bat at over $300.

The worst part about this, is like CD said, it's not even made by Nike!

It's a damn shame someone else didn't have that bat profile for a more reasonable price or else I'd buy it.

CA bats are selling at 750 AUD on some australian sites. so i am not sure what you are on about the prices. what r u comparing the nike bat prices to? and these nike prices are on which site?

Nike has put in a lot of money endorsing players and i am sure they will sell because of that..even if they dont make bats, if they can get them made to a high quality, then it shudnt make a difference. in all probability, they get them made from a few Indian manufacturers.
Yaar in Australia all bats are expensive don't know but a Kashmiri Willow might fetch $200 AUD there :))
CA bats are selling at 750 AUD on some australian sites. so i am not sure what you are on about the prices. what r u comparing the nike bat prices to? and these nike prices are on which site?

Nike has put in a lot of money endorsing players and i am sure they will sell because of that..even if they dont make bats, if they can get them made to a high quality, then it shudnt make a difference. in all probability, they get them made from a few Indian manufacturers.

This is on Prodirect mate! They're usually the cheapest for most bats and they have them listed for that much.

I'm sure Nike has spent tons of money inflating the egos of Indian batsman (read: sponsoring) but that doesn't justify pricing inferior bats similar to top of the range ones.

Just for the record, Indian bats are worth less. This doesn't mean they're inferior but it's the same idea as Swiss watches or German cars, they command a premium.
on prodirect cricket, found adidas pellara to be more expensive than the nike opener by more than 40 pounds. and i think both might be made at the same place....??

and on ur other point, not many ppl actually know where the nike, adidas etc bats r being far as they r concerned, since KP endorses adidas, it must be worth that much...

same goes for nike then....