Osama Bin Laden is DEAD


Jun 1, 2009
Details coming up in few minutes

Body is still in Afghanistan
US has completed the DNA tests
Body has been with US for sometime and they were conducting tests to confirm the identity.

Killed in Pakistan. Near Islamabad according to CNN.
OBAMA confirms Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was killed TODAY in abbottabad near Islamabad.

or follow
http://twitter.com/#!/search/Osama Bin Laden

OBL Compound already mapped on Google. Not sure how much truth is there...


Here is a guy who was kind of liv tweating about the whole thing from Abottabad last night.


Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event).

Go away helicopter - before I take out my giant swatter :-/

A huge window shaking bang here in Abbottabad Cantt. I hope its not the start of something nasty :-S

@m0hcin all silent after the blast, but a friend heard it 6 km away too... the helicopter is gone too.

@m0hcin the few people online at this time of the night are saying one of the copters was not Pakistani...

Since taliban (probably) don't have helicpoters, and since they're saying it was not "ours", so must be a complicated situation #abbottabad

The abbottabad helicopter/UFO was shot down near the Bilal Town area, and there's report of a flash. People saying it could be a drone.

@smedica people are saying it was not a technical fault and it was shot down. I heard it CIRCLE 3-4 times above, sounded purposeful.

@smedica >> @ReallyVirtual 3-4 times is a little less. I've been hearing helicopter flying since 12.35 am may be 10-12 times!

@smedica It must have been more, I started noticing the helicpoter when the noise got irritating - which part of Abbottabd are you in?

Interesting rumors in the otherwise uneventful Abbottabad air today

Report from a taxi driver: The army has cordoned off the crash area and is conducting door-to-door search in the surrounding

@kursed Another rumor: two copters that followed the crashed one were foreign Cobras - and got away
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Osama Bin Laden Dead

Not a cricketing new but a big big new..

Bin Laden is dead and US govt got the body..
BREAKING - Bin Laden is dead

CNN, NBC Breaking news - DEAD due to US Military Action!

Live on NBC news and twitter is blowing up. US supposedly has the body and have done DNA tests, my dad has mentioned reports of suspicious helicopter activity in Abottabod.

Folks this is all very subjective, take everything with a grain of salt but what seems to be clear at this moment is that he is dead.
hmmm finally an end to the search of the decade
Please use the search function - already 2 threads have been merged on this topic.
President Obama is set to address th nation in a few minutes. US authorities have confirmed his death and have his body in possession, according to CNN.
Why am I not OP? I wanted to get into this juicy news, thanks mods!

Anyways, don't think this does anything but make Americans feel better about themselves.

ABC is reporting that they were able to manage the DNA of Bin Laden by matching it up with his sisters. She apparently died of cancer in Boston and the US had a subpoena for her brain... kind of sickening, actually.
Why am I not OP? I wanted to get into this juicy news, thanks mods!

Anyways, don't think this does anything but make Americans feel better about themselves.

I doubt it, but it will def help Obama by taking the economy and gas prices off of ppl's minds for a while...
Anyone like to guess what Pakistan gets for this? It feels obvious that ISI was deeply involved in this. Gut feeling though.
I doubt it, but it will def help Obama by taking the economy and gas prices off of ppl's minds for a while...

Haha indeed, you know what I meant though. Doesn't change any ground realties for anyone.

I always thought he was dead for years now, personally.
show us his dead body or it did not happen . this is great news btw if true . don't matter if he died earlier or now . at least NATO forces can now get the heck out of Middle East and South Asia .
Breaking News: He was killed in Islamabad..in a frikin mansion!

Live on NBC news and twitter is blowing up. US supposedly has the body and have done DNA tests, my dad has mentioned reports of suspicious helicopter activity in Abottabod.

Folks this is all very subjective, take everything with a grain of salt but what seems to be clear at this moment is that he is dead.

oh yeah some army chopper crashed .
wow, Pakistani military fighting Taliban while Bin Laden was in a mansion in the capital city.
That's very surprise and good news for both USA and Muslim countries.

Died in Mansion, located in Islamabad? That's not helping Pakistan either. As someone predicted about WW3 starting with Pakistan might come true sadly. (meanwhile it's just rumor)
must have been a black ops hit. I initially thought he died in a drone attack..
Hollywood movie on the way
Breaking News: He was killed in Islamabad..in a frikin mansion!

what does this mean for Pakistan ? Nato forces shifting their focus on Pakistan ? Some sort of strategy to justify invasion of Pakistan ?
it'll be interesting to find out how long he'd been in Pakistan. If he's been their since the get go then Musharaf and :zardari need a lot of explaining to do..
what does this mean for Pakistan ? Nato forces shifting their focus on Pakistan ? Some sort of strategy to justify invasion of Pakistan ?

Not victim card again. This means nothing for Pakistan or west. I am sure they captured him with help of Pakistani forces and Obama will probably thank them.
what does this mean for Pakistan ? Nato forces shifting their focus on Pakistan ? Some sort of strategy to justify invasion of Pakistan ?

I was wondering the same thing. Honestly, its scary to think what could happen
CNN ticker - killed by US outside mansion in Islamabad

what is US doing there in Islamabad ?
Not victim card again. This means nothing for Pakistan or west. I am sure they captured him with help of Pakistani forces and Obama will probably thank them.

Its not the victim card. I'm watching the news in the states right now and the propaganda is already starting.
Made sense for him to be where US military cannot easily operate (I.e Islamabad). I am rather surprised by the reports that it was a drone strike that took him out. Drone strikes outside Islamabad?
More than that what was Osama doing there?

There have been reports of OBL hiding in Pakistan so it is not as big of a surprise , but what about the US forces ? Blackwater is said to be hiding in Pakistan but it was dismissed as conspiracy theory . :zardari ki gaddi gai
So Afghanistan and the Pakistan/Afghan border area has been getting bombed to s*** and he has been chilling in Islamabad
That Shows Today is the Start of US widrawal from Afghanistan -----
expect soon

I was hearing this over the couple of last two weeks that ISI is behind Talibinisation strength etc etc from US media

NOW this is the Trump Card the would use to blame ISI

Now this Person whoever he is (US calling him Osama) might have been dead for years BUT this is the Time to use trump card

Stay Tuned
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Mansion in Islamabad?

State Guest or must be a very smart person to live like that and not be noticed

Now, rasises 2 questions

1) Which part of Pak govt helped to get him
2) Which part were hiding him

Double game might or might not go well with Usa
Mansion in Islamabad?

State Guest or must be a very smart person to live like that and not be noticed

Now, rasises 2 questions

1) Which part of Pak govt helped to get him
2) Which part were hiding him

Double game might or might not go well with Usa

Surely for the US to have killed him in Islamabad then the Pak government helped the US???????
Mansion in Islamabad?

State Guest or must be a very smart person to live like that and not be noticed

Now, rasises 2 questions

1) Which part of Pak govt helped to get him
2) Which part were hiding him

Double game might or might not go well with Usa

Everyone knew the double game. Neither ISI nor CIA are patzers. Both have their own agenda!
OKAY - we read it wrong or did they change the ticker :S

The body has been captured by the US according to SKY NEWS so I guess he didn't die 'a long time ago' also the US bombed him and his men nearby Islamabad, now that a shock to me.
haha all these idiots think this will make the world a safer place.
So he was living in Pakistan in broad daylight ....the world's most notorious terrorist living in Pakistan in a damn mansion?? how's this possible??
Express News in Pakistan is beaming pictures of the House OBL was killed. Anyone watching?
Can you please post the stream link?
So he was living in Pakistan in broad daylight ....the world's most notorious terrorist living in Pakistan in a damn mansion?? how's this possible??

Obviously ordered alot of Pizza Hut via internet home delivery.
As sick as it may sound , people are celebrating his death outside the White House with flags and what not

Hope he went Scarface style...

"Say AS to my little friend..."

Wait for the ironic pretentious t-shirts/posters/art featuring him..
USA somehow with the help of media would make people believe the person dead is Osma bin laden...ofcourse just like 9 11 trial
This doesn't bode well for Pakistan.

I don't think so, there is no doubt that Pakistani govt has been helping the US with intelligence so it will not be seen as anyone other than AQ harbouring him I would have thought.
Killed outside a MANSION in Islamabad.

So much for the cave :facepalm:

Just another excuse for US to justify their decade long "war of terror" in Afghanistan. How more stupid will US make it? Pakistan is probably their next target and so all this new drama.

Regardless if this news is true or not, the one factual fact remains that US army was/is always the real terrorist.