Osama Bin Laden is DEAD

Why couldn't this happen on Friday, would have nicely overshadowed that other rubbish event that was taking place that day
more than osama being killed "the co-operation with Pakistan is spoke highly in CNN and BBC Well done Pakistan
It is a sad day for Pakistan because the country is sure to see some really tough days, but why shouldn't Americans be celebrating? I mean, I don't think they should be outside of the white house partying in the streets like some people are, but this is a huge thing for all Americans.

Apparently those celebrating are just drunk students who have nowt better to do
It is a sad day for Pakistan because the country is sure to see some really tough days, but why shouldn't Americans be celebrating? I mean, I don't think they should be outside of the white house partying in the streets like some people are, but this is a huge thing for all Americans.

I know, they are ignorant. They don't care what affect this will have in that region, all they know is that Osama is dead (which isn't even proven), I don't know what difference it will make.
He was merely a figurehead now - america knew that. Nobody else who's lead the Taliban has been as charismatic.

Taliban is different from Al Qaeda; Bin Laden led Al Qaeda.

In any case, where would you try OBL ? Guantanamo ?

He would almost certainly have been tried in a military court, but if you're serious, you'd try him in an international court (such as the UN; where the Nazi's were tried. Incidentally that option is out of the question because Bush and Blair would also have to be tried for war crimes).

Why prolong the episode and fan the sentiments and make him more of a martyr than he would be if he's swiftly killed?

You don't make a person a martyr by making him face trial, especially one where he has the right to defend himself.

It was a coup but even US knows the significance is more symbolic. The war was started in 2001 against OBL and he's now dead.

This was my point, this is a symbolic victory more than anything else. If they got Zawahiri, for instance, Al Qaeda may well have collapsed. I think Osama stopped 'fighting' long ago. Apparently he lived in the mansion with his wife....definitely retired...
oopzzz the India media making big thing out that Osama was living in Pakistan and the usual bla bla against Pak
Bitter-sweet news for me really...

I am happy the world has one less of his type, but him being in Pakistan that too in Abbottabad is a bit of embarrassment for Pak, I mean I know the whole world kept saying he was in Pak, but I had hoped that he wasn't chillin' under our nose...
Have doubts, how convenient that he was captured DEAD. This is just probably another lie in the long list that the US have been telling everyone. To all the people thinking that terrorism will cease and come to an abrupt halt are wrong. God forbid it might even increase. Nervous times, ahead. US has destroyed what was left of Afghanistan and Pakistan in this last decade.
Obama's probably the only American I've seen who pronounces, or atleast has made the effort to pronounce 'Pakistan' properly, instead of "Paeh-kiss-taen" :))
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"Mission Accomplished" banner overseeing G W Bush May 1, 2003

"I can report to the American people and to the world, that the US has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden.”... "Shortly after taking office, I directed... the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority." Obama, 5/1/11
I'm curious. Are some people here disappointed that bin Laden is (allegedly) dead?
Obama's probably the only American I've seen who pronounces, or atleast has made the effort to pronounce 'Pakistan' properly, instead of "Paeh-kiss-taen" :))

yeah...I noticed that too..
i think it tells you about a person, how well-educated they are in the matter...

or how considerate his speech writers are in this case....lol
MIG, you're right. It is shameful.

Paradox, its funny because a lot of Americans make fun of him because they think he pronounces it funny.
I'm curious. Are some people here disappointed that bin Laden is (allegedly) dead?

Yes, indeed...because this puts whole world on high alert. And ruins whatever was left in that part of the World, all to make some people happy? They could've just hid the news for the benefit of Pak-afg.
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Big news, indeed.

Glad to see the end of him.

Idiot was a big insult to my name, as well. :pissed:
Members of Pakistan's intelligence service - the ISI - were on site in Abbotabad, Pakistan, during the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports, citing a senior Pakistani intelligence official. The official said he did not know who fired the shot that actually killed Bin Laden.

Source: CNN.
next 24 hrs are very very crucial for pakistan....we may see som idiotic speeches from pakistan side whihc may actualy help US cause of destrying pakistan nuclear tech...
1.2 trillion dollars later, 100's of thousands of lives lost, perhaps millions - Afghanistan bombed to oblivion and alienating Muslims all over the world for the heads of Saddam and Osama.

Worth it?
I'm curious. Are some people here disappointed that bin Laden is (allegedly) dead?

It doesnt benefit anyone in real terms...if anything it will make the world a more dangerous place in particular Pakistan...

Its not a victory in real terms...just a symbolic victory for the American people who have revenge for 9 11...Islamic militancy exists with or without him and now with Osama dead it consequently creates a symbolic motivator for militants...

Pakistan should be on high alert...reprisals will certainly be on the way...
I'm curious. Are some people here disappointed that bin Laden is (allegedly) dead?

Killing bin laden solves nothing, maybe gives closure to the family members of the victims,which is needed. But it creates a whole lot of other problem, specifically for pakistan. Pakistan has suffered the most because of this "war against terror." Which was basically a one man hunt. Bin laden had already gone into hiding, he was never going to come back out and show his face to america, but they killed him and now some revenge attacks might happen. Thats why some people are worried.
apart from being turds, but this is the truth..

u dont find this embarassing? u think hiding him is a proud thing

What is the truth? That the moment anything happens the Indian media has a go?

I never said it was a proud thing - it was what it was. Pakistan clearly helped the US as stated by Obama so they do have something to be "proud" of
I'm curious. Are some people here disappointed that bin Laden is (allegedly) dead?

Do you not feel it would have been better for him to have been alive and faced trial in a neutral country, much like Hermann Goring and the nazi's did? Surely that would have been the best closure?

I personally believe that is the best option (and always was the best option, even before the invasion in 2001), but GWB wanted an outright war. The Taliban even offered Bin Laden for a trial in a third country, but the US declined (possibly because their leaders would also be subject to the same Nuremberg principles; i think they wanted a military trial).


It was reported in the NYT even earlier i believe.
apart from being turds, but this is the truth..

u dont find this embarassing? u think hiding him is a proud thing

who the hell said Pak hid him Pak were the ones who gave the info where osama stayed go see the news
Things are going to get tough for Pakistan in the near future. Already news is coming out that US is afraid of severe potential backlash from Pakistani civilians.

One thing is going to lead to another. I just hope nothing bad happens!
next 24 hrs are very very crucial for pakistan....we may see som idiotic speeches from pakistan side whihc may actualy help US cause of destrying pakistan nuclear tech...

Well, Bin Laden being so close to the Islamabad, Kahuta and other military bases, doesn't help...

My point is that even though I believe our nukes are safe, there are people out there who would believe he could have got some if he wanted (or already did).
Why would Pakistan willingly hide the guy who caused increasing instability in the region?

This can only be a good thing for Pakistan imo ... Americans being dumb, as usual.
Well, Bin Laden being so close to the Islamabad, Kahuta and other military bases, doesn't help...

My point is that even though I believe our nukes are safe, there are people out there who would believe he could have got some if he wanted (or already did).

+1 exactly..

USA is master in Creating Hype
I don't believe it, not that I really care that much anyway.

He should've been captured, like they captured Saddam
What is the truth? That the moment anything happens the Indian media has a go?

I never said it was a proud thing - it was what it was. Pakistan clearly helped the US as stated by Obama so they do have something to be "proud" of

I don't think so GA, he was basically chillaxing with his wife in a million dollar mansion near a big city like Abottabad. It just doesn't sound right from Pakistan's pov
Obama video now available on the BBC website here..

If that doesn't work for those outside the UK, here is one on YouTube..

I don't believe it, not that I really care that much anyway.

He should've been captured, like they captured Saddam

Yes, I am sure capturing him would have been preferred, so US could show his face to the world and justify their past and future expenditures on the War on Terror. But maybe he had weapons on him and he tried to fight the soldiers personally...
Why would Pakistan willingly hide the guy who caused increasing instability in the region?

This can only be a good thing for Pakistan imo ... Americans being dumb, as usual.

I disagree, the fact that this is a ''US mission'' and OBL was ''killed by the brave action of our military'', and all the other nationalistic statements seem to hint at Pakistan's incompetence in all of this.

Apparently the house was built in 2005 for OBL, although he moved in recently.
Yes, I am sure capturing him would have been preferred, so US could show his face to the world and justify their past and future expenditures on the War on Terror. But maybe he had weapons on him and he tried to fight the soldiers personally...

C'mon man have you not seen 24? They could easily capture him alive if they wanted to :D
I wonder if this would affect the voters in Canada, our federal election is tomorrow.
I wonder if this would affect the voters in Canada, our federal election is tomorrow.


It'll just mean more people won't be going to the elections as they'll be home watching the news about OBL!

What is the truth? That the moment anything happens the Indian media has a go?

I never said it was a proud thing - it was what it was. Pakistan clearly helped the US as stated by Obama so they do have something to be "proud" of

In fairness most news once the hype dies down will scrutinise Pakistan's role...

The fact that he was living in a million dollar house in Pakistan makes Pakistan look bad...

Already the press is discussing mistrust between the USA and the ISI and no doubt this is how the discussion will develop...

Pakistan is actually doubly shafted...the outside world will view it with mistrust...it will appear as though the USA did this INSPITE of Pakistan...and most of the world will ask why he was there...

Also militants in Pakistan are gonna have a field day as they will attack because of the other side of the coin which is Pakistan's assistance to the US...

This whole thing looks bad for Pakistan...
So why help kill him then?

Incompetence and loyalty are two different things.

Obama thanked Pakistan (possibly for being loyal), but reading between the lines (ie the interpretation from the so called experts on sky news, and imagine its worse in US cable media), Pakistan is too incompetent and it took ''our brave soldiers'' to go in and clear up.

Get it?
C'mon man have you not seen 24? They could easily capture him alive if they wanted to :D


I guess they could have shot him in the legs on something....lol

but the details aren't out yet...

for all we know he had a bomb strapped on his chest or had one of those death capsules in his teeth...
Surely there has to be a genuine proof otherwise it was all staged.
No one mentioning the death of 3 more people, his wife, son and another person.
In fairness most news once the hype dies down will scrutinise Pakistan's role...

The fact that he was living in a million dollar house in Pakistan makes Pakistan look bad...

Already the press is discussing mistrust between the USA and the ISI and no doubt this is how the discussion will develop...

Pakistan is actually doubly shafted...the outside world will view it with mistrust...it will appear as though the USA did this INSPITE of Pakistan...and most of the world will ask why he was there...

Also militants in Pakistan are gonna have a field day as they will attack because of the other side of the coin which is Pakistan's assistance to the US...

This whole thing looks bad for Pakistan...

Thoughtful post.
Mindless slogging, you are spot on about Pakistan being shown as incompetent. This really isn't looking good. Hopefully things will look better in a day or two once more details are out
Still no confirmation from the Pakistani authorities.Our army and ISI must confirm this if this is true or not.
No one mentioning the death of 3 more people, his wife, son and another person.

Apprently, the women (wife) was used as a human shield by their own people. :facepalm:

Three other men were killed in the firefight, and a woman being used as a human shield was also killed, the officials said. There were no U.S. casualties, the officials said. The U.S. team was at the compound for about 40 minutes, officials said.
I don't understand why we still have not heard anything from Pakistani government

It'll just mean more people won't be going to the elections as they'll be home watching the news about OBL!


:)) I guess so..

but I would like to think that people would want the war to end, hence voting for someone who would end the war in Afghanistan...
Surely there has to be a genuine proof otherwise it was all staged.

Kinda hard for them to make it "staged".

If they tried faking it, the risk of lowering their reputation would be too high.

Just imagine OBL comes and gives a speech, tomorrow. Wouldn't look to good on all parties involved.
Kinda hard for them to make it "staged".

If they tried faking it, the risk of lowering their reputation would be too high.

Just imagine OBL comes and gives a speech, tomorrow. Wouldn't look to good on all parties involved.

True. He can kiss re-election goodbye then.
Americans getting all excited. Saying that they feel safer and can sleep properly at night. :facepalm:
I don't believe the death of one person is going to change much.