Osama Bin Laden is DEAD


picture of his face , i captured the screenshot from geo channel , view at your own risk as it is a disturbing image .

I think his beard was white when last time we saw his picture alive.
Apparently there was also a US military base near there as well...looks like Bin Laden was flouting in open day light

Probably got bored of hiding, started giving out hints and sh!t. :adnan

On a serious note I doubt he was ever leaving the compound at all if he lived in Abbotabad.
Well another medal in the hall of shame for Pakistan, never in million years I thought that he be in Pakistan, well guess Jaag Hansaai is all that is left for Pakistan. Damn Musharraf and Zardari you took millions from US and kept OBL in a safe house.
India's Home Minister P Chidambaram says Bin Laden's killing near Islamabad highlights concerns that Pakistan provides "sanctuary" to terrorists - AFP.

Indians proving they are indeed the most pathetic insects to have ever grazed God's good Earth. Perhaps the most beta country to have ever been created.
Probably got bored of hiding, started giving out hints and sh!t. :adnan

On a serious note I doubt he was ever leaving the compound at all if he lived in Abbotabad.

Look, i cannot get over the fact he was living with his wife there....there's something sinister somewhere there :asif
Indians proving they are indeed the most pathetic insects to have ever grazed God's good Earth. Perhaps the most beta country to have ever been created.

What do you expect from them ? Of course they will be doing this but the fault lies within us for getting ourselves into sh!T like this again and again .
And Pakistan didn't even know about it? lol. Obviously it happened with Pakistan's help. And I am happy that idiot has been killed. Hope he rots in hell.

Bro of course everyone is happy but this points towards a bigger problem , you know ?
On the matter of the pic, it looks to be very poor quality and folks we got chil'runn who will soon chance upon this thread.

Thanks though, I wouldn't have seen it till the morning.
Abbottabad is about 1 hour out from Islamabad.
Justin King in New York, US writes:

"Good news, bad reaction. While I am very pleased to hear that Bin Laden is no longer living and I understand that many may feel that this symbolises a sort of closure to 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, I can't help but feel a little disgusted by the cheering mob jumping around outside the White House. As the world celebrates this occasion let's not forget that even killing a killer is an ugly business and we could be recognising Bin Laden's demise in a more dignified way." Have Your Say

From the BBC Live Coverage page, I thought it was nice to see some decency in these indecent times. I don't blame them for their celebrations, though.
:))) :)))

Australian PM being asked about how informed she was regarding the discovery of OBL since August ... dead-panned - 'we don't talk about intelligence matters'. I lol on a weekly basis on how the general public in Oz thinks we're some form of major superpower :zardari
[B said:
LowkeyP[/B];3769288]On the matter of the pic, it looks to be very poor quality and folks we got chil'runn who will soon chance upon this thread.

Thanks though, I wouldn't have seen it till the morning.

From the BBC Live Coverage page, I thought it was nice to see some decency in these indecent times. I don't blame them for their celebrations, though.

Quite true.

Celebrating is probably not appropriate, but OBL's death means a lot to these people.
:))) :)))

Australian PM being asked about how informed she was regarding the discovery of OBL since August ... dead-panned - 'we don't talk about intelligence matters'. I lol on a weekly basis on how the general public in Oz thinks we're some form of major superpower :zardari

LOL PM of Canada came on and I actually started listening attentively to what he had to say....

He proceeded to speak in french.
CNN and Fox News in the US are reporting that Pakistanis had no idea about the operation and this was carried out entirely by the CIA. Zardari was informed after the operation was completed successfully.
:))) :)))

Australian PM being asked about how informed she was regarding the discovery of OBL since August ... dead-panned - 'we don't talk about intelligence matters'. I lol on a weekly basis on how the general public in Oz thinks we're some form of major superpower :zardari


Sorry guys, you are a little too far away...lol

:))) :)))

Australian PM being asked about how informed she was regarding the discovery of OBL since August ... dead-panned - 'we don't talk about intelligence matters'. I lol on a weekly basis on how the general public in Oz thinks we're some form of major superpower :zardari

Oh my goodness :))) :)))

Well at least nobody else will fall for the 'we're chasing the mastermind behind 9/11' rhetoric so often used by the US military. I think at one stage there were 20 or so 'masterminds' behind the attack, OBL was being shunned :ibutt
From the BBC Afghan Service in Kabul: A senior Afghan counter-terrorism official told us: ''This would have been more significant in 2004, 5 or 6, now it is too late. There is a Bin Laden on every street today.''

Afghanistan government showing it is indeed more beta than India and is quite the little schoolgirl.
True, but why now?

Why not during Bush's tenure?

Now they know that they can't win this War in Afghanistan in 100 years more also. They know that they can't keep their hold on Afghanistan without paying a heavy price in loosing soldiers and loosing big big money. NATO is also slowly but surely backing away and leaving the Americans out in the cold.
No worries. I believe hokie mentioned they showed a glimpse of his face on Express News? Not sure to be honest

They were showing the same picture that had been posted in the thread. Haven't seen a video or anything else yet.
What's with Fox News lol, what a shocking news station.
CNN and Fox News in the US are reporting that Pakistanis had no idea about the operation and this was carried out entirely by the CIA. Zardari was informed after the operation was completed successfully.

Really? Because CNN are the ones to report that an ISI official was on the sight of the operation.

CNN) -- The mission that killed one of the world's most notorious terrorist leaders was carried out by U.S. forces with the cooperation of Pakistan, U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday night.

Indians are so selective it's not even funny anymore.
They were showing the same picture that had been posted in the thread. Haven't seen a video or anything else yet.

I should have known better. Pakistani media displays equally graphic images if not worse everyday - without any sort of warning.
CNN and Fox News in the US are reporting that Pakistanis had no idea about the operation and this was carried out entirely by the CIA. Zardari was informed after the operation was completed successfully.

Sky news reporting Pak provided the intelligence, US undertook the operation. That seems more plausible imo
Has anyone seen the screencap of Fox news reporting breaking news of Obama bin Laden dying?
CNN and Fox News in the US are reporting that Pakistanis had no idea about the operation and this was carried out entirely by the CIA. Zardari was informed after the operation was completed successfully.

Do you really believe that? If so then tell your governemnt to attack pakistan now. Pakistan inteligence sucks. Time is ripe man, You can easily go into the country without being spotted. This operation could not have been successful without Pakistan's support.
They're taking all the credit lol :zardari

What's with these guys? Some reporter just said "he found out his 72 virgins on the other side were bunk". Shocking reporting tbh.
True, but why now?

Why not during Bush's tenure?

elections are comming and obaba needs to win them to give his slavery service to israel his masters ..

remember in bushs era when re-elections were comming osama released a tape and stupid yanks voted for bush
I am watching the channels live here in the US. That is what they are claiming now. No pakistani intelligence was involved. This was driven by the CIA. Pakistan authorities were informed subsequent to the operation.
Quite true.

Celebrating is probably not appropriate, but OBL's death means a lot to these people.

Why not, celebrating should be done by everyone especially the muslims, how many innocent muslims have lost their lives because of OBL and talibans. He gave us muslims the bad name, the biggest causalities of 9/11 were muslims and Islam.
I am watching the channels live here in the US. That is what they are claiming now. No pakistani intelligence was involved. This was driven by the CIA. Pakistan authorities were informed subsequent to the operation.

And yet your President, their official news site, and a host of other sources beg to differ. You're not even beta, this is ceta man. You're ceta.
elections are comming and obaba needs to win them to give his slavery service to israel his masters ..

remember in bushs era when re-elections were comming osama released a tape and stupid yanks voted for bush

He never needed OBL's death to win the upcoming elections.

He already had it in the bag.
I am watching it live. What more can I say. Don't believe me.

LOL YEAH! The Americans conducted an operation in Pakistan and our intelligence agency (best in the world, mind you) had no idea about it at all. I mean the helicopters were all silent and stuff!!!! :fawad
I am watching it live. What more can I say. Don't believe me.

Yeah man, I am watching it as well, sometimes they say they thank Zardari sometimes they don't mention it, just this guy is saying that helicopters were in Pakistani land and radars would have captured that so Pakistanis must be aware of it. But US says Pakistanis werent aware and Pakistanis say otherwise.
Pak army cannot take any credit due to fear of reprisals in Pak
LOL YEAH! The Americans conducted an operation in Pakistan and our intelligence agency (best in the world, mind you) had no idea about it at all. I mean the helicopters were all silent and stuff!!!! :fawad

What can I say? I am just telling you what I am watching. There are also lot of questions beting raised on CNN and Fox about how pakistani officials are going to react to the fact that Osama was living in a suburb of Islamabad in a fortress.
I should have known better. Pakistani media displays equally graphic images if not worse everyday - without any sort of warning.

Yeah, I had to turn it off because they kept showing it. Too graphic for me...they don't usually show such graphic images in American media
CNN and Fox News in the US are reporting that Pakistanis had no idea about the operation and this was carried out entirely by the CIA. Zardari was informed after the operation was completed successfully.

obama's speech ?
Helicopters? Nah, US Navy seals flew in on the backs of bald eagles which flapped their wings like true alpha males, they proceeded to peck OBL in the eyes with their mighty beaks of truths. After this they proceeded to fly home, in the process, destroying a Pak helicopter - just for fun.
LOL YEAH! The Americans conducted an operation in Pakistan and our intelligence agency (best in the world, mind you) had no idea about it at all. I mean the helicopters were all silent and stuff!!!! :fawad

If that's how our intelligence is, then you know who would be the first one to attack us. lol. Them not attacking gives you the living proof, this operation was successful because of Pakistan's support. Indian will find anything to degrade us. Their true color comes out in these kinda of situation. lol
What can I say? I am just telling you what I am watching. There are also lot of questions beting raised on CNN and Fox about how pakistani officials are going to react to the fact that Osama was living in a suburb of Islamabad in a fortress.

Yes but it makes no sense lol, I hope you realise that the media doesn't always tell you the truth lol. Obama is a legend btw, I like the guy on a moderate no homo basis.
What can I say? I am just telling you what I am watching. There are also lot of questions beting raised on CNN and Fox about how pakistani officials are going to react to the fact that Osama was living in a suburb of Islamabad in a fortress.

Small correction

Abbotabad is not a suburb of ISB - in the same way Mumbai is not a suburb of New Dehli.


Ops launched from Ghazi Airbase in #Pakistan not #Afghanistan - more details emerging.
Yeah man, I am watching it as well, sometimes they say they thank Zardari sometimes they don't mention it, just this guy is saying that helicopters were in Pakistani land and radars would have captured that so Pakistanis must be aware of it. But US says Pakistanis werent aware and Pakistanis say otherwise.

As you can see I am not lying. Sherazkhalid is saying the same thing I am.
Subsequent to the speech CNN and Fox are reporting that pakistanis were not involved in the operation. But Pakistani officials are contradicting it.

Are you blind or just such a low life you can't read whats on CNN's own website? Which is it? You're typing so you can't be blind, unless you have a brail keyboard.
Are you blind or just such a low life you can't read whats on CNN's own website? Which is it? You're typing so you can't be blind, unless you have a brail keyboard.

Don't shoot the messenger. Why don't you go watch CNN instead of arguing with me? Don't you have television in cAnada?
I want recognition in true sense of word from US that without Pakistani armed forces and support of Pakistanis this was not possible. I dont know whether they've said anything like that yet.
from Twitter feed:

Task Force 121 a special CIA force to captured #OBL completed the mission. 121 once trained SSG during Nawaz Sharif's tenure.
Why don't you stop spreading false propaganda and listen to the fact that I just proved everything you posted as false. Their own website is reporting the opposite of what you're saying, clearly the media doesn't have it all together.

But your constant posts about Pakistan being made to look a buffoon and your nationality suggest another agenda. You mad ISI runs RAW all day and tomorrow?
I'm awfully sorry but i'm in tears here...SKY NEWS have just enunciated quite hysterically, and i quote: ''...one MUJADEEEEEEEEEED will replace another...'' in response to what will happen next after OBL's death :))) :)))
Why don't you stop spreading false propaganda and listen to the fact that I just proved everything you posted as false. Their own website is reporting the opposite of what you're saying, clearly the media doesn't have it all together.

But your constant posts about Pakistan being made to look a buffoon and your nationality suggest another agenda. You mad ISI runs RAW all day and tomorrow?

As I said. Go watch CNN. I am not making anything up. These are questions being raised on CNN and Fox.