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Pakistan Defence Day - 6th September 1965

Happy Defence Day!

I don't know why people want to debate a war that happened 55 years ago, most of us weren't even alive, even our parents didn't exist back then lol.
Congratulations on Pakistan Defense Day on behalf of all Indians.
President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan, in separate messages on the occasion of Defence and Martyrs Day, renewed the pledge that Pakistan will never compromise on its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.

Alvi said Pakistan, being fully cognisant of developments in its neighborhood, is “committed to securing peace and prepared to thwart any plot hatched to hamper peace”. He commended the security forces for their relentless efforts towards exposing the enemy carrying out “covert activities” in Pakistan.

Alvi emphatically stated that Pakistan will never back away from its principled stand on the issue of occupied Kashmir.

PM lauds armed forces

PM Imran said the gallant soldiers and officers, pilots and sailors fought bravely and did not care for their own lives and defended the frontiers by offering supreme sacrifices.

Recalling the 1965 war with India, the premier said: “When India, on 6 September, initiated an undeclared war against Pakistan, the whole nation came out in the support of its defenders; many even started marching towards the border. Such a display of national unity galvanised the already spirited armed forces in their fearless fight against the enemy, which has no parallel in history.”

He said the nation saluted the valiant sons of soil for laying down their lives in defence of their country, adding that he paid homage to the families of Shuhada for sacrificing their loved ones in the defence of the motherland.

The PM said India hasn’t accepted peaceful co-existence since Pakistan’s creation, adding that besides four wars, it has been involved in “sabotage and cyber warfare” against Pakistan.

“Unfortunately, in past India constantly perpetrated terrorism against Pakistan using Afghan soil to create unrest in Pakistan,” he said, asking the world to hold India accountable for its “rogue behavior”.

He further said: “Due to our government’s proactive diplomacy, the international community is now convinced that the persecution of minorities across India and the atrocities unleashed on innocent Kashmiris in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir must end forthwith.”

PM Imran said that India will have to give Kashmiris their due right to self-determination, under the UN Security Council resolutions; sooner the better.

According to the PM, the government will continue to expose the real face of radicalised India. He added that “saner international elements” do recognise Pakistan’s role in peace in the region.

“Let me reiterate, our desire for peace must not be misconstrued as weakness rather it must be reciprocated for sake of economic wellbeing and peoples’ prosperity in the entire region,” he added.

“My message on this day to the valiant armed forces is that together we have come a long way in the struggle for making Pakistan’s defence strong and impregnable. Our resilient nation and battle-hardened armed forces have time and again proved that we are fully capable of defending the country and ready to meet any kind of eventuality.

"Let us always enliven the flame of September in our hearts and minds… Let us pay homage to our Shuhada and ghazis and pledge anew to defend Pakistan, safeguard its security and sovereignty at all costs,” he concluded.
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Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa has said no one will be allowed to blackmail the state on regional and linguistic basis.

“Pakistan’s armed forces will not spare any sacrifice for the security and safety of the country,” the Chief of Army Staff said while addressing a ceremony in connection with the 55th Defence and Martyrs' Day held at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi on Monday.

President Dr Arif Alvi, Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif, Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani, chiefs of the three armed forces and members of the cabinet including federal ministers participated in the celebrations.

The families of the martyrs, ghazis, the present service, retired military officials and the youth attended the event.

It was on this day in 1965 that the Indian forces crossed the international border in the darkness of the night to attack Pakistan but the nation foiled the nefarious designs of the enemy. This year's Defence and Martyrs' Day theme was ‘Our Martyrs Our Pride, Salute to All the Relatives Belonging to Ghazis and Shaheeds’.

Special prayers were offered after Fajr in mosques for the progress and prosperity of the country and independence of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir from the cruel clutches of India.

Fateha and Quran Khawani waalso being held for the martyrs.

The day dawned with a 31-gun salute at the federal capital and a 21-gun salute in the provincial capitals.

The COAS the use of force was the sole prerogative of the state. “No one will be allowed to blackmail the state on regional or linguistic grounds. We have to deal with the elements that cause internal disturbances.

Also read WATCH: ISPR releases video to honour martyrs ahead of ‘Defence Day’

The enemy's negative intentions will never succeed.”Pakistan stands by Afghanistan in this difficult time and is ready for any kind of cooperation from the world for peace in the war-torn country as the Afghan people have faced many difficulties during the war.

“After the withdrawal of foreign troops, there is an opportunity for peace in Afghanistan.”

Ready to pay any price for homeland’s defence

Addressing the ceremony, the army chief said that defence of the homeland is a sacred duty which is “dearer to us than life itself”. “In every trial, we have proved that Pakistan Army knows how to defend its homeland,” Gen Qamar said.

“We are ready to pay any price for the defence of the homeland. The enemy will find us ready at every moment and on every front.”

The COAS said that the nature of war has changed in the present era. “We will not spare any sacrifice for the security and safety of Pakistan and if the enemy wants to test us, he will find us ready at every moment and on every front.”

He vowed not to allow the enemy's intentions to succeed, telling the participants that the sacrifices of their loved ones would “never be in vain”. “We have never forgotten our martyrs.”

Rejects India's Aug 5 Kashmir move

Gen Qamar said that Kashmir is a key issue between Pakistan and India, vowing to continue providing diplomatic, moral and political support to Kashmir.

He rejected India's August 5 move of revoking the disputed region’s autonomy and paid tribute to veteran Kashmiri leader late Syed Ali Geelani's long struggle.

Democracy is Pakistan's strength, survival

Gen Qamar said that Pakistan has strength and survival in democracy. “We all abide by the Constitution.”

He urged to promote tolerance to make Pakistan a moderate and modern Islamic welfare state.

“Criticism for criticism and personal obstinacy must be put aside. Whether it is a conventional or unconventional war, Pakistan Army has faced every challenge, but without public support, any army is a wall of sand.”

Speaking at the ceremony, President Alvi said Pakistan completely rejected the illegal occupation of Kashmir by India including all of its illegal steps, particularly, the measure of August 5, 2019 as it was a blatant violation of the United Nations resolutions.

"India should know that the desire for freedom cannot be suppressed for long with use of force and black laws,” said Alvi. "I want to make it clear that secret of this region's progress and growth is linked to the just resolution of the Kashmir issue."

September 6 reminds as to how 56 years back, the whole nation stood as a fortified wall against an undeclared war and the nefarious designs of the enemy, he added.

"In this struggle, not only we decimated the arrogance of power of the enemy but gave a message to the

whole world that as a nation, we not only love our freedom but we do not hesitate to give any kind of sacrifice for our motherland."

Alvi said, "From our first breath of freedom to our coming generations, every child of Pakistan will be ready to lay down their lives for freedom."

Another lesson which our enemy learnt from the 1965 war was that in a challenging time, the whole Pakistani nation and the Pakistani armed force had an unremitting and exemplary relationship, he said.

"Whether the war is of 17 days or 70 years, conventional or non-conventional, our enemy cannot weaken our traditions and resolve for sacrifice."

He said the jawans of army, navy and air force had always defended the freedom and security of Pakistan with their blood.

"Their sacrifices of lives not only protected the future of our coming generations but made the nation proud for all times to come."

While remembering the unforgettable sacrifices of the armed forces, the president said, "We remember the day of September 6 with a new determination and we from the core of our heart pay tribute to the great sons of the soul and families for their strength of feelings of patriotism for the country. No doubt martyrs are our pride and our crown."
Happy Defence Day!

I don't know why people want to debate a war that happened 55 years ago, most of us weren't even alive, even our parents didn't exist back then lol.

For bragging rights:11:. India did not have tea at Lahore gymkhana like they had wanted so yes Pak won for sure. Many people here did not witness Pak winning the 1992 WC yet it doesn't stop them celebrating the occasion.
Happy Defence Day!

I don't know why people want to debate a war that happened 55 years ago, most of us weren't even alive, even our parents didn't exist back then lol.

Speak for yourself. My parents were. My mother remembers the day everyone thought lahore had fallen. My grandfather got his gun ready and said he would rather shoot my mother aunt and grandmother than let them fall to the mercy of the Sikhs. The memories of their rape and destruction was still raw..they come across all cuddly now but at the time that was not the case..

I grew up on stories of 65..My brother in laws father fought in 65 my father in law fought in 71 and his best friend in 65 and 71..

My nephew is in pma..another brother in law fought the ttp in waziristan

My grandfather fought the Japanese.. you young lot should reflect on the sacrifices of not just that gen but the current lot who have died..
My grandfather fought the Sikh's in the 1948 war killing dozens off them but only after absolutely humiliating them, religiously. Right up to his death he showed no regrets at all rather insisted that they deserved much worse. He would boast about what Pak soldiers did to Sikh ladies as if they were trophies or something to be fought over. The icing on the cake to him was how the Muslim's threw the Sikh's out of Lahore their spiritual home whilst keeping many off their ladies who were converted to Islam. I was often disturbed by his views then realised he grew up in an atmosphere of sheer hatred and hostility particularly in the Punjab region.
This is an odd video. It says India started the war by attacking Pakistan on Sep 6, 1965 without declaring a war. However, the Pakistani Army had already invaded India in August 1965, launching Operation Gibraltar.


In summary, the 1965 war was nothing but a miscalculated misadventure by Pakistan. They attacked Kashmir, India responded by attacking Lahore, and since Pakistan did not have the numbers to engage on two fronts, they had to flee from Kashmir to save Lahore.

This miscalculated misadventure is now commemorated as “Defense Day” and crores of rupees are spent every year in celebration.

This is the outcome of incessant propaganda over the decades. It has shaped public opinion and now there is no hope.
This is an odd video. It says India started the war by attacking Pakistan on Sep 6, 1965 without declaring a war. However, the Pakistani Army had already invaded India in August 1965, launching Operation Gibraltar.


As mentioned numerous times on this thread, this is because Pak launched Gibraltar in Kashmir (disputed territory) but India invaded across the defined international border.
As mentioned numerous times on this thread, this is because Pak launched Gibraltar in Kashmir (disputed territory) but India invaded across the defined international border.

Too cute to say that we will send our Army (dressed as civilians) into Kashmir (which India regards as Indian territory) and then expect the Indian Army shouldn't retaliate in a place of its own choosing :))
Respect to the martyrs.

Hilarious to see Indians on a Pakistani forum crying in this thread though, overdosing on copium. Take the L, and move on.
It is nothing but blind worship for Pakistan Army. They are hailed as some sort of country savers. In fact they were the ones who broke Pakistan away. Sad but true. Pakistan gave me a passport to fly and live in a developed country so I respect it for this and it will always live in my heart. I will not exchange it for another foreign passport even though I may face crappy treatment at international airports. And, people like their Army is forgettable and live in a delusion of waging Ghazva Hindi and at the same time other countries are shooting for Mars, Moon etc - that pretty much sums up such national holidays in Pakistan and the invention of Pakistanis to enjoy.
It is nothing but blind worship for Pakistan Army. They are hailed as some sort of country savers. In fact they were the ones who broke Pakistan away. Sad but true. Pakistan gave me a passport to fly and live in a developed country so I respect it for this and it will always live in my heart. I will not exchange it for another foreign passport even though I may face crappy treatment at international airports. And, people like their Army is forgettable and live in a delusion of waging Ghazva Hindi and at the same time other countries are shooting for Mars, Moon etc - that pretty much sums up such national holidays in Pakistan and the invention of Pakistanis to enjoy.

This post scores on 3 points:

1) love for country

2) loyalty to country even if it causes hardships

3) not deluding oneself

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In solidarity with the flood affected people of Pakistan, central ceremony at GHQ to commemorate Defence & Martyrs Day on 6 September has been postponed.<br>Pakistan Armed Forces shall continue serving our brothers and sisters struck by unprecedented floods.</p>— DG ISPR (@OfficialDGISPR) <a href="https://twitter.com/OfficialDGISPR/status/1564966891906539520?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Almost 60 years since that epic defense. Salute to our brave soldiers of that time who made it happen.