Pakistan rejects Indian missile probe, reiterates joint investigation


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar on Thursday briefed the media on an Indian "high speed flying object" that fell in Mian Channu, Khanewal district on Wednesday night.

"It was a supersonic flying object, most probably a missile, but it was certainly unarmed," he said.

Earlier reports had suggested that a private aircraft had crashed in the area.

"On March 9, at 6:43pm, a high speed flying object was picked up inside the Indian territory by Air Defence Operations Centre of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF)," he began. "From its initial course, the object suddenly manoeuvred towards Pakistani territory and violated Pakistan's air space, ultimately falling near Mian Channu at 6:50pm."

"When it fell, it damaged civilian properties," he said, adding no loss of life was reported.

"PAF continuously monitored the complete flying path of the object, from its point of origin near Sirsa in India to its point of impact, near Mian Channu.

"It initiated requisite tactical actions," he said.

"It is important to highlight that the flight path of this object endangered many international and domestic passenger flights — both in Indian and Pakistani air space — as well as human life and property on ground.

"Whatever caused this incident to happen, it is for the Indians to explain. It, nevertheless, shows their disregard for aviation safety and reflects very poorly on their technological prowess and procedural efficiency," he said, adding that this could have resulted in a major aviation disaster.

'Flagrant violation'

"Pakistan strongly protests this flagrant violation and cautions against recurrence of any such incident in the future," he warned.

Air Vice Marshall Tariq Zia told the media that at the time this projectile was picked up, there were two airway routes active and several commercial airlines in the area. "If you look at the speed and height of the projectile, it was 40,000 feet high, and the airlines were between 35,000 to 42,000 feet. This could have been very detrimental to the safety of passengers."

The DG also made it clear that there was no sensitive installation in Mian Channu where the projectile fell.

In response to a question, he said "testing and trial of such weapon systems do take place". "But what this was, India has to explain."

"This incident reflects the questionable capabilities of the human resources working on these programmes in India as well as this technology."

Asked for more details about the object, he said "we are not claiming anything right now". "As a responsible nation, we will wait for India to respond. We have given details of whatever we know right now. But it is for the Indians to explain what happened in Mian Channu."

"All our forces are alert to the threat and challenges that we face."
No comment from India on this?

What is in Mian Channu?
No comment from India on this?

What is in Mian Channu?

a failed test. as i mention this in other thread,

Looks like Brahmos without a warhead got malfunctioned, looks like test was failed, PAF AD system shot down it, though DGISPR didnt mention it, but Interior minister did .....
its handed over to the PAF for research and investigation ......
I have to say Pakistan Air Force have came across as pushovers the last decade or so.

First we had the osama situation where America illegally entered and carried out a whole operation and safely left without any action taken by pakistan.

Then we had the situation in 2019 where Indian planes entered Pakistani airspace and dropped bombs in KPK (doesn’t matter if the only damage was trees) and safety left without being shot down

And now an Indian missile came into Pakistani airspace again and kept travelling for over 3 minutes and was not shot down. It eventually fell inside punjab…that’s right not in Azad Kashmir or even KPK but punjab.
I have to say Pakistan Air Force have came across as pushovers the last decade or so.

First we had the osama situation where America illegally entered and carried out a whole operation and safely left without any action taken by pakistan.

Then we had the situation in 2019 where Indian planes entered Pakistani airspace and dropped bombs in KPK (doesn’t matter if the only damage was trees) and safety left without being shot down

And now an Indian missile came into Pakistani airspace again and kept travelling for over 3 minutes and was not shot down. It eventually fell inside punjab…that’s right not in Azad Kashmir or even KPK but punjab.

The news says it came at a speed of Mach 3. May most likely be Brahmos. Impossible to shoot it down since it flies low at mach 3!. The only way to neutralize it is with OTH radars and lasers both cutting edge tech not in possession of either India or Pakistan.
The news says it came at a speed of Mach 3. May most likely be Brahmos. Impossible to shoot it down since it flies low at mach 3!. The only way to neutralize it is with OTH radars and lasers both cutting edge tech not in possession of either India or Pakistan.

It was tracked as soon as it was launched from Sisra. Don't know the rationale. Indian missile tests are usually around Kamal island in Bay of Bengal. Pakistan's response has been very timid. Should have been much more stronger...


Comparison to Brahmos
I have to say Pakistan Air Force have came across as pushovers the last decade or so.

First we had the osama situation where America illegally entered and carried out a whole operation and safely left without any action taken by pakistan.

Then we had the situation in 2019 where Indian planes entered Pakistani airspace and dropped bombs in KPK (doesn’t matter if the only damage was trees) and safety left without being shot down

And now an Indian missile came into Pakistani airspace again and kept travelling for over 3 minutes and was not shot down. It eventually fell inside punjab…that’s right not in Azad Kashmir or even KPK but punjab.

OBL is a just a made up story, hence no body, no attempt to capture bring to justice. It was a deal with Obomba so Yanks would prepare to leave. But even the official story, as pointed out CIA couldnt stop 911 which is a far far worse.

Fighter jets dont fly all day all night on the border. They were scramebled, chased down the Indians and shot their jet down, captured their pilot which you forgot to mention.

As for this missile, you do realise its impossible to stop all missiles even with the most advanced anti-missiles, ask the Israelis.

On topic,,,, Pakistan should in return should have fired an armed missile in empty land.
as i said before, it was unarmed, the test was failed, it changed the direction. indians should be asking question to thre authority about it,

It is important to highlight that the flight path of this object endangered many international and domestic passenger flights — both in Indian and Pakistani air space

it was in the Path of 1 indian flight, 1 from Qatar, 1 from KSA and 2 Pakistanis domestic flight and 3 Pakistani International flight ......
if it got hit from any International flights, Indians will be blaming Pak for it .....

it was a peace time, not war time ......
I have to say Pakistan Air Force have came across as pushovers the last decade or so.

First we had the osama situation where America illegally entered and carried out a whole operation and safely left without any action taken by pakistan.

Then we had the situation in 2019 where Indian planes entered Pakistani airspace and dropped bombs in KPK (doesn’t matter if the only damage was trees) and safety left without being shot down

And now an Indian missile came into Pakistani airspace again and kept travelling for over 3 minutes and was not shot down. It eventually fell inside punjab…that’s right not in Azad Kashmir or even KPK but punjab.

we dont act in haste, Indians usually goof up everything, assigning military aircraft code to a civilian aircraft, we saved your 120 passengers, if we just act without thinking ......

Pakistan scrambled two F-16 fighter jets and intercepted a SpiceJet plane as the passenger aircraft was making its journey to Kabul last month after a goof-up by the Indian aviation regulator, which assigned it an electronic code of a military aircraft.

The safety of the plane and 120 passengers onboard were put in jeopardy on September 23 as the plane was visible to Pakistan radars as an Indian Air Force aircraft, when the memory of Indian airstrikes in Pakistan’s Balakot in March was still fresh. Following this, two F-16s intercepted the plane to verify its identity, said an official of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
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still no explanation from Indian side and no indian media coverage about test incident ...... strange.
It was tracked as soon as it was launched from Sisra. Don't know the rationale. Indian missile tests are usually around Kamal island in Bay of Bengal. Pakistan's response has been very timid. Should have been much more stronger...

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Comparison to Brahmos
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I sense uncle Sam/USA did some test on our Brahmos using GPS spoofing. And this is not the first time.
India is testing the waters they've been sending submarines into pakistani waters

They are testing our defences

Looks like the Charlie's in paf were asleep again.

First ispr denied everything

When media and crowd and social media exposed them they admitted it was an Indian missile

Now to save face they are giving conflicting reports they tracked it and shot it down.

In reality it was a dud warhead and now India knows brahmos can't be intercepted by pakistan.

So if India launches one with a warhead next time a future surgical strike they will be bouyed by this launch.

I dare our army to launch even a missile over mainland India and see how India responds.

This missile hit in the heart of South punjab right near khanewal and look at the meek response from our ispr , if this brazen violation doesn't worry these people of sends alarm bells ringing then god help pakistan.
now India knows brahmos can't be intercepted by pakistan.
Brahmos can only be neutralized by laser. No air defence system including s400, aegis, thaad can intercept it. Not only India, the whole world including Pak army knows this. It is a very potent weapon.
I sense uncle Sam/USA did some test on our Brahmos using GPS spoofing. And this is not the first time.

I believe Brahmos uses Russian GLONASS constellation which is rumored to being jammed & spoofed by Uncle Sam in Ukraine. But usually test missile have self destruct mechanism that are initiated if they veer from pre programed parameters.
I believe Brahmos uses Russian GLONASS constellation which is rumored to being jammed & spoofed by Uncle Sam in Ukraine. But usually test missile have self destruct mechanism that are initiated if they veer from pre programed parameters.

It uses both GPS (infact started with) and Glonass.
I believe Brahmos uses Russian GLONASS constellation which is rumored to being jammed & spoofed by Uncle Sam in Ukraine. But usually test missile have self destruct mechanism that are initiated if they veer from pre programed parameters.

It uses NAVIC.
It uses NAVIC.

Didnt know its operational. By the way, the US did muck around with Brahmos back in 2009 & 2012:
Underlining India’s dependence, in 2012, the US shut off its GPS satellites causing the BrahMos missile tests to fail. The GPS system couldn’t link on-board computers with hovering satellites eventually crippling its guidance system and stalled it from achieving mission objectives.

In 2009 and 2012, Brahmos failed to hit targets in trial operations. Why? This happened because U.S shut off the GPS satellites without any warning. Due to this, Brahmos’ guiding system got crippled, failing to fulfill it’s objectives. The agonizing experiences made the need for an Indian Navigation Satellite System indispensable

That said, Navic seems to have a lot of problems:
Didnt know its operational. By the way, the US did muck around with Brahmos back in 2009 & 2012:

That said, Navic seems to have a lot of problems:

If i remember correctly only 1 satellite failed and it was replaced. Rest its a forum with no credible source to back up the other claims.

NAVIC is very much operational and will be expanded.
Pakistan on Friday warned New Delhi of "unpleasant consequences" over what it said was an Indian-originated, but unidentified high-altitude supersonic object that crashed in Pakistani territory.

Pakistan foreign office said in a statement it summoned on Friday India's charge d'affaires in Islamabad to lodge a protest over what it said was the unprovoked violation of its airspace. Pakistan called for an investigation of the incident, which it said could have endangered passenger flights and civilian lives.

Pakistan in a statement asked India "to be mindful of the unpleasant consequences of such negligence and take effective measures to avoid the recurrence off such violations in future."

The two nuclear-armed neighbours have fought three wars and have engaged in numerous military clashes, most recently in 2019 which saw the air forces of the two engage in combat.

In a hurriedly called news conference late on Thursday night, Pakistan military spokesman Major-General Babar Iftikhar said, "On 9 March a high-speed flying object was picked up inside Indian territory by air defence operations centre of the Pakistan air force."

He said the military was not sure of the nature of the object, which he said crashed near the eastern Pakistani city of Mian Channu and originated from Sirsa, in Haryana.

Pakistan also called on India to share outcome of the investigation into the incident.

There was no immediate response from Ministry of External Affairs to a Reuters' query on the matter.

"The flight path of this object endangered many national and international passenger flights both in Indian and Pakistani airspace as well as human life and property of ground," said military spokesman Iftikhar.

A Pakistan air force official at the news conference said the object was being analysed forensically and initial studies suggested it was a surface-to-surface supersonic missile, but was unarmed.

He said it travelled at an altitude of 40,000 feet, at Mach 3, and flew 124 kilometres (77 miles) in Pakistani airspace before crashing.

Iftikhar said the military would not jump to conclusions until they got an explanation from India, but said that Pakistan strongly protested against a "flagrant violation" of its airspace.
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PM Imran turned his gun on opposition leaders, the premier referred to an incident of an Indian "high-speed flying object" falling in Khanewal's Main Channu yesterday.

"An Indian missile entered Pakistan yesterday," he said. "But when Nawaz Sharif was in power, he never spoke against [Indian Prime Minister] who was calling the Pakistan Army terrorists at the time."

Instead, he continued, Nawaz directed the Foreign Office not to issue statements against India.

The premier attributed these actions to leaders having outside the country.

"And leader whose assets are abroad will never devise an independent foreign policy that focuses on protecting the nation and its rights," he said.

"But neither have I ever bowed before anyone nor will I ever let you bow before you anyone," he assured.

FM urges world to take notice of airspace violation by India

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Friday has urged the international community to take notice of the recent violation of Pakistani airspace by an Indian origin super-sonic flying object.

In a statement, he said the Indian act put at stake the lives of innocent civilians and civil aviation authorities should take note of it. He pointed out that the aircrafts of Saudi Airline and Qatar Airline as well as domestic flights of Pakistan could become target of the flying object.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said we have decided to invite the envoys of five countries at the foreign office and inform them about the whole situation.

The Foreign Minister said Pakistan will decide its future strategy after the Indian explanation on the matter. He also said Pakistan does not want aggression rather wants cordial relations with all its neighbors including India. He further said Pakistan is capable of defending itself.

He recalled that India resorted to aggression against Pakistan on 26th February in 2019, regretting international community’s silence on it out of expediency.

The Foreign Minister said we have also presented before the world through a dossier about the Indian involvement in the acts of terrorism in Pakistan. We exposed the true face of India before the world.
Pakistan hacked Brahmos & made it land in Punjab so that its technology can be inspected. Timid response from Pakistan because you cannot hijack your neighbour's test missiles & steal them in this way. Silence from India because it is really embarrassing for them that a flying Brahmos got stolen midway its flight.
Vintage IAF.

Yet another mess-up.

That considering, it wasn't to test Pak air defence systems.

In any case, I hope their foolishness does not go to the Chinese border :yk
What's up with people suggesting Pakistan's response was timid, meek, weak, blah, blah?

Not every incursion reserve the similar response.

India has to be aggressive in the region for domestic consumption and to show their silent masters India is very well capable of invading Pakistan.

Pakistan just have to defend itself and for time being, that is all it matters.
On 9 March 2022, in the course of routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry: Ministry of Defence

India trying to cover up their missile hacking by saying it was an accident.
On 9 March 2022, in the course of routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry: Ministry of Defence

India trying to cover up their missile hacking by saying it was an accident.

I'm inclined to believe that, India has a knack for military technical malfunctions to the point they drop their own out of the sky but Pakistan also facilitated it :)
Breaking: Indian Governmernt says a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile on Mar 09. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry. Statement says It is learnt that the missile landed in an area of Pakistan
Breaking: Indian Governmernt says a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile on Mar 09. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry. Statement says It is learnt that the missile landed in an area of Pakistan

New Delhi: A missile was fired accidentally from the Indian side into an area in Pakistan earlier this week, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday, blaming the incident on a "technical malfunction" that was "deeply regrettable".

"On 9 March 2022, in the course of routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry," the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

"It is learnt that the missile landed in an area of Pakistan. While the incident is deeply regrettable, it is also a matter of relief that there has been no loss of life due to the accident," it added.
New Delhi: A missile was fired accidentally from the Indian side into an area in Pakistan earlier this week, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday, blaming the incident on a "technical malfunction" that was "deeply regrettable".

"On 9 March 2022, in the course of routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry," the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.

"It is learnt that the missile landed in an area of Pakistan. While the incident is deeply regrettable, it is also a matter of relief that there has been no loss of life due to the accident," it added.

International community should take a look at this.

These clowns have access to Nuclear arsenal.

On a light side, it will be an epic irony, if end of our world is due to some Indian IAF Sharma-Ji's clumsiness.
International community should take a look at this.

These clowns have access to Nuclear arsenal.

On a light side, it will be an epic irony, if end of our world is due to some Indian IAF Sharma-Ji's clumsiness.

What if it had a nuclear warhead!

That is so scary.

What controls exist in India? Is someone's permission needed to fire a missile?

Or wonder if this is some elaborate ruse to warn Pakistan?
I'm glad no IAF helicopters were in the scope of the missile :jk

#If you know what I mean
Clown show..and then you see them puffing their chests..this is a massive incident and just shows you how incompetent they are. Accidental misfire of any weapon is a massive deal..shows how poor they are at this..
What if it had a nuclear warhead!

That is so scary.

What controls exist in India? Is someone's permission needed to fire a missile?

Or wonder if this is some elaborate ruse to warn Pakistan?

If it was a ruse why not keep quiet and use innuendo and propaganda..?? They didn't because they know they couldn't. Complete joke of a force.
Pakistan hacked Brahmos & made it land in Punjab so that its technology can be inspected. Timid response from Pakistan because you cannot hijack your neighbour's test missiles & steal them in this way. Silence from India because it is really embarrassing for them that a flying Brahmos got stolen midway its flight.

This is that same brahmos that indians around here boost about soo much? Lol if we hacked that than thats really an insult towards india
International community should take a look at this.

These clowns have access to Nuclear arsenal.

On a light side, it will be an epic irony, if end of our world is due to some Indian IAF Sharma-Ji's clumsiness.

International Community won't care..they are worrying more about access of Nuclear arsenal in Terror Capital where blastings happening on daily basis :))
This is that same brahmos that indians around here boost about soo much? Lol if we hacked that than thats really an insult towards india

More junk from a junk bazaar military..I've lived with Indians for 40 years. I've seen how unprofessional and downright stupid they can be..I'm not surprised.
This is that same brahmos that indians around here boost about soo much? Lol if we hacked that than thats really an insult towards india

Nothing was hacked, lol. It was either done to test Pakistan's military readiness or it was a mistake.
In any case, the Indians gathered some really vital information about Pakistan's readiness and Brahmos' capability. Hacking is out of the question because it took the Pakistani army more than 24 hours to figure out what has happened.

However, things like these can quickly escalate and one must refrain from using neighboring countries as test sites.
India is testing the waters they've been sending submarines into pakistani waters

They are testing our defences

Looks like the Charlie's in paf were asleep again.

First ispr denied everything

When media and crowd and social media exposed them they admitted it was an Indian missile

Now to save face they are giving conflicting reports they tracked it and shot it down.

In reality it was a dud warhead and now India knows brahmos can't be intercepted by pakistan.

So if India launches one with a warhead next time a future surgical strike they will be bouyed by this launch.

I dare our army to launch even a missile over mainland India and see how India responds.

This missile hit in the heart of South punjab right near khanewal and look at the meek response from our ispr , if this brazen violation doesn't worry these people of sends alarm bells ringing then god help pakistan.

Lol . shut the hell up man, if you dont know about something thn dont talk about it. indian officially says it was malfunctioned , so buzz off .....
This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.
Nothing was hacked, lol. It was either done to test Pakistan's military readiness or it was a mistake.
In any case, the Indians gathered some really vital information about Pakistan's readiness and Brahmos' capability. Hacking is out of the question because it took the Pakistani army more than 24 hours to figure out what has happened.

However, things like these can quickly escalate and one must refrain from using neighboring countries as test sites.

if you know anything about defence issues, thn you should know that you just cant send your "high profile tech" just to test and check your enemy .....
if you send it to your enemy country unarmed and without warhead and without real intentions to damage them , becoz if you do so , which you did , by intentionally or without intent, the enemy will have your "high profile tech" in his hand, and its not the first time,
we got the tomahawk tech in past from US which landed in Balochistan ......
This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.

Comment trying to insult Pakistan by bringing basic intelligence of the others while conjoining two unrelated topic, ironic right, lol.

Bhai, topic isn't about Pakistan's politics and if you believe a significant Indian missiles prematurely shooting out of its hole due to malfunction into Pakistan's territory isn't a news then what is news worthy? lol
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Nothing was hacked, lol. It was either done to test Pakistan's military readiness or it was a mistake.
In any case, the Indians gathered some really vital information about Pakistan's readiness and Brahmos' capability. Hacking is out of the question because it took the Pakistani army more than 24 hours to figure out what has happened.

However, things like these can quickly escalate and one must refrain from using neighboring countries as test sites.

Whattay dumb thing to say.
This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.

It is no news because it landed in Pakistan, otherwise you people do talk shows on Pakistani PIGEON.
Nothing was hacked, lol. It was either done to test Pakistan's military readiness or it was a mistake.
In any case, the Indians gathered some really vital information about Pakistan's readiness and Brahmos' capability. Hacking is out of the question because it took the Pakistani army more than 24 hours to figure out what has happened.

However, things like these can quickly escalate and one must refrain from using neighboring countries as test sites.

were you there when this was happening? Or just making assumptions?

Also, if Brahmos was flying in the air for 24 hours and it took us 24 hours to figure it anything, does that mean an airplane is much faster than a brahmos?

How does it take 24 hours to figure out as they shot it down within 3 mins
Comment trying to insult Pakistan by bringing basic intelligence of the others while conjoining two unrelated topic, ironic right, lol.

Bhai, topic isn't about Pakistan's politics and if you believe a significant Indian missiles prematurely shooting out of its hole due to malfunction into Pakistan's territory isn't a news then what is news worthy? lol

I am sure even a blank “missile” crossing over is considered a big deal in every part of the world.

The fact that this is just an obscure news byte is either a huge concern or as the fashionable thing to say these days “fake news”
were you there when this was happening? Or just making assumptions?

Also, if Brahmos was flying in the air for 24 hours and it took us 24 hours to figure it anything, does that mean an airplane is much faster than a brahmos?

How does it take 24 hours to figure out as they shot it down within 3 mins

You do realize that shooting a missile isn’t just a random act that anyone can press a button right?

This takes planning, a million things need to be taken into account, major decisions need to be taken and clearances have to come from the absolute top.

India isn’t just some random country that has warheads in the hands of some mercenaries, it is a responsible democracy that has huge economic and diplomatic processes in place.

If this were true I am sure there would be a lot of buzz even in Pakistan army as it is an act of war.

I wouldn’t read much into this.

If a guy like Putin gave out feelers for a few months before actually launching an attack, you think Modi will just randomly give orders for such things? Modi doesn’t have the same power Putin has in Russia.

Use some basic common sense. Ask questions first before making your own conclusion.
I am sure even a blank “missile” crossing over is considered a big deal in every part of the world.

The fact that this is just an obscure news byte is either a huge concern or as the fashionable thing to say these days “fake news”

This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.

So which one it is? lol , a big deal or no big deal.

which mathematical formula did you derived to come up with two different conclusions within minutes of two different posts of yours? lol
This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.
wait what?

To unite Pakistani politicians on a topic, you first need to bring them in the parliament with the speaker. THat is not gonna happen because a vote of no confidence motion has been submitted and the speaker is hiding in some hole in the country. Thus, no session has taken place or could take place where the politicians could unite against India on this matter.

Before claiming and making general comments about all the forummers please do bother to know the political context.

Even when abhicrashdone was caught, there was a session held in National assembly before any move was made. To unite you need to have dialogue with all the MNAs. And no dialogues aren't done on whatsapp
So which one it is? lol , a big deal or no big deal.

which mathematical formula did you derived to come up with two different conclusions within minutes of two different posts of yours? lol

Huh? What’s so confusing in what I wrote?

Post1: it’s no big deal because it isn’t true

Post2: if it really happened it would be a bigger deal

Conclusion: much ado about nothing on a slow news day or distraction from more relevant issues.
Huh? What’s so confusing in what I wrote?

Post1: it’s no big deal because it isn’t true

Post2: if it really happened it would be a bigger deal

Conclusion: much ado about nothing on a slow news day or distraction from more relevant issues.

LOL - it is okay, we've all read it.

BJP walay are yet to figure out how to spin this news in India's favor.

Maybe back to drawing room to create a new mathematical formula. But since most Indians do not go against the official narrative of Indian government, I guess you have limited option left. Good Luck :)
this was a test by the Indians to check our preparedness and I think we fell short. We did not realize it was here till it hit us.

Indians wont admit it and Pakistanis are putting a spin on it that it was Indian clumsiness.

In a way this was good for Pakistan because now they will shore up their defences for such Indian "misfires"
LOL - it is okay, we've all read it.

BJP walay are yet to figure out how to spin this news in India's favor.

Maybe back to drawing room to create a new mathematical formula. But since most Indians do not go against the official narrative of Indian government, I guess you have limited option left. Good Luck :)

That part of the discussion when the message is there isn’t any thing else relevant to discuss here so back to cliches.

Got it lol.
This is a new low by Indian armed forces. Accidental cruise missile firing is one of a kind glitch!
This is no news really. Just feels like a good distraction from the political tension happening in Pakistan right now.

What unites feuding Pakistani politicians etc?

Don’t need to answer that, I think people on this forum have the basic intelligence to do the math.

That part of the discussion when the message is there isn’t any thing else relevant to discuss here so back to cliches.

Got it lol.

Indians talking cliches, :)
This is a new low by Indian armed forces. Accidental cruise missile firing is one of a kind glitch!

Aren’t we over simplifying things here?

I mean the accident reasoning seems so convenient when a potentially dangerous missile that can do a lot of damage lands and falls in a safe zone with no civilians?

What if it accidentally hit a civilian area? We would officially be in a war.

Right now the 2 narratives are: “oh accidentally a missile got triggered” and the other one is “oh Indias junk missile flopped”. Both seem to be oversimplification of what exactly happened.

I think we need to wait till we hear the official narrative.
this was a test by the Indians to check our preparedness and I think we fell short. We did not realize it was here till it hit us.

Indians wont admit it and Pakistanis are putting a spin on it that it was Indian clumsiness.

In a way this was good for Pakistan because now they will shore up their defences for such Indian "misfires"

This probably seems more likely of an explanation..but as ISPR it seemed like they were tracking it from the time it left?
Lol . shut the hell up man, if you dont know about something thn dont talk about it. indian officially says it was malfunctioned , so buzz off .....

So you are believing Indian official now.. even I’m skeptical of them at times.
I wonder what opinion of you they ended up with :))

Have a friend for 30 years..another who is like my elder brother and we allowed him to attend my father's funeral..his kids are like my nephews..

Others I've known for about 25 years or more..
I remember when in was 5 doing raksha bhandan..some of the nicest people I've met are Indians.. I wrote that post with no malice..
this was a test by the Indians to check our preparedness and I think we fell short. We did not realize it was here till it hit us.

Indians wont admit it and Pakistanis are putting a spin on it that it was Indian clumsiness.

In a way this was good for Pakistan because now they will shore up their defences for such Indian "misfires"

AFAIK both countries inform each other of these launches so as to not start a war, and Pakistan was tracking this from the start.
Irrespective of everything, this is our fault. [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION] any historical rebuttal for the same?
So you are believing Indian official now.. even I’m skeptical of them at times.

It's an official statement..they couldnhave not said anything or done some propaganda or vague statement..but they didn't.. they gonna do the worst thing and admit stupidity not even incompetence.

It's just embarrassing..
It's an official statement..they couldnhave not said anything or done some propaganda or vague statement..but they didn't.. they gonna do the worst thing and admit stupidity not even incompetence.

It's just embarrassing..

I don’t think you can hide these things..way too much proof they have to give a statement.
International community should take a look at this.

These clowns have access to Nuclear arsenal.

On a light side, it will be an epic irony, if end of our world is due to some Indian IAF Sharma-Ji's clumsiness.

Seriously what dumb people...Kabhi inke aise hi malfunction me Pura Pakistan nipat jayega.. Surprised by Pakistan meek and sorry response..
So you are believing Indian official now.. even I’m skeptical of them at times.

my dear brother, i believe on it becoz , no nation is that stupid , including indian govt to do that, so they had to accept there fault .....
the reason is below .....
if you know anything about defence issues, thn you should know that you just cant send your "high profile tech" just to test and check your enemy .....
if you send it to your enemy country unarmed and without warhead and without real intentions to damage them , becoz if you do so , which you did , by intentionally or without intent, the enemy will have your "high profile tech" in his hand ......

if anyone else still think its about testing Pakistani response, thn he doesnt know anything about Defence at all .....
Aren’t we over simplifying things here?

I mean the accident reasoning seems so convenient when a potentially dangerous missile that can do a lot of damage lands and falls in a safe zone with no civilians?

What if it accidentally hit a civilian area? We would officially be in a war.

Right now the 2 narratives are: “oh accidentally a missile got triggered” and the other one is “oh Indias junk missile flopped”. Both seem to be oversimplification of what exactly happened.

I think we need to wait till we hear the official narrative.

It was certainly not Modi firing it up to celebrate election victories.

Yes the response is very measured on both sides for the worlds deadliest cruise missile to be accidentally fired into a nuclear armed adversary. Could be hacking or sabotage/foul play by an insider or accident (incompetence). Incompetence/accident is the most likely explanation.
<b>India accidentally fires missile into Pakistan</b>

India says it accidentally fired a missile into Pakistan on Wednesday, blaming the incident on a "technical malfunction" during routine maintenance.

Delhi said it was "deeply regrettable" and expressed relief no one was killed.

Pakistan's military said a "high-speed flying object" had crashed near the eastern city of Mian Channu and its flight path had endangered passenger flights.

Both countries have nuclear weapons.

In a statement, India's defence ministry said:

“On 9 March 2022, in the course of routine maintenance, a technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile. The Government of India has taken a serious view and ordered a high-level Court of Enquiry."

Islamabad warned Delhi to "be mindful of the unpleasant consequences of such negligence" and to avoid a repeat.

The object had been launched from Sirsa in Haryana state, it said.

Pakistan's air force said the missile travelled at Mach 3 - three times the speed of sound - at an altitude of 12,000m (40,000ft) and flew 124km (77 miles) in Pakistani airspace before crashing.

"The flight path of this object endangered many national and international passenger flights both in Indian and Pakistani airspace, as well as human life and property of ground," said Pakistani military spokesman Major-General Babar Iftikharon Thursday.

On Friday, Pakistan's foreign ministry said it had summoned India's chargé d'affaires to complain about the incident.
Pakistan also urged India to share the findings of its investigation into what happened.

were you there when this was happening? Or just making assumptions?

Also, if Brahmos was flying in the air for 24 hours and it took us 24 hours to figure it anything, does that mean an airplane is much faster than a brahmos?

How does it take 24 hours to figure out as they shot it down within 3 mins

Are bhai :facepalm

Brahmos was not flying for 24 hours. In fact, it only took 6+ minutes from launch to impact.

The incident occurred on March 9th evening, and no one in Pakistan knew what had happened for almost a day. ISPR's claim that they have been tracking it from launch is also false because if they had, we would have known about the incident much sooner.

And no one shot it down lol. Brahmos is a supersonic missile it can travel at a speed of around 3 mach . No country on this planet can shoot it let alone Pakistan.
This is that same brahmos that indians around here boost about soo much? Lol if we hacked that than thats really an insult towards india

Hacking into indian defence systems is not a big deal. Their defence is naked, they don't even know how to operate most of their stuff let alone preventing it from being hacked.
Pakistan also hacked a US drone back in 2011 (few weeks after abbottabad incident) & made it land in Iran near border to avoid any major controversy. There is a reason why they showed Pakistani hackers in money heist.
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Are bhai :facepalm

Brahmos was not flying for 24 hours. In fact, it only took 6+ minutes from launch to impact.

The incident occurred on March 9th evening, and no one in Pakistan knew what had happened for almost a day. ISPR's claim that they have been tracking it from launch is also false because if they had, we would have known about the incident much sooner.

And no one shot it down lol. Brahmos is a supersonic missile it can travel at a speed of around 3 mach . No country on this planet can shoot it let alone Pakistan.

again what?

There was a video on facebook from mian channu, the thing crashed into a dhabba. At the moment the people there thought it was a paf plane that crash.

You are telling me a crash happens and for 24 hours the paksitanis dont know what happened? are you for real?

Better to ignore indian media and watch live facebook videos of the people who actually obtain fuirst hand footage.
Are bhai :facepalm

Brahmos was not flying for 24 hours. In fact, it only took 6+ minutes from launch to impact.

The incident occurred on March 9th evening, and no one in Pakistan knew what had happened for almost a day. ISPR's claim that they have been tracking it from launch is also false because if they had, we would have known about the incident much sooner.

And no one shot it down lol. Brahmos is a supersonic missile it can travel at a speed of around 3 mach . No country on this planet can shoot it let alone Pakistan.

It was tracked as soon as it was launched. Had it not fallen into populated area, Pak Army would have not said anything and hushed it up (Unlike India which starts jumping up and down even when a pigeon crosses over). It was after being posted on social media as a PAF crashed aircraft that ISPR responded.

You should worry more about how lax the controls are in the Indian military that a first strike nuclear missile was so easily "mistakenly launched". This could have triggered a catastrophic response from Pakistan.
It was tracked as soon as it was launched. Had it not fallen into populated area, Pak Army would have not said anything and hushed it up (Unlike India which starts jumping up and down even when a pigeon crosses over). It was after being posted on social media as a PAF crashed aircraft that ISPR responded.

You should worry more about how lax the controls are in the Indian military that a first strike nuclear missile was so easily "mistakenly launched". This could have triggered a catastrophic response from Pakistan .

And more alarming aspect is a response from India if it had landed inside India. Pakistan afterall managed to deal it with composure.
Clearly they are checking our preparedness. I don't have a good feeling with the instability in the country and Indian elections approaching.
More junk from a junk bazaar military..I've lived with Indians for 40 years. I've seen how unprofessional and downright stupid they can be..I'm not surprised.

Yet the Indian community is far more successful financially in UK.