[PICTURES] Obstructing the field? England's Hamza Shaikh controversially out at Under-19 Cricket World Cup


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Stuart Broad was left angered after England batsman Hamza Sheikh’s controversial dismissal at the Under-19 Cricket World Cup.


The legendary fast bowler’s outburst followed a bizarre incident in the Super Sixes Group 2 contest against Zimbabwe in Potchefstroom, South Africa.

Sheikh was seen playing at a Ryan Simbi delivery, with the ball trapped beneath his foot after an inside edge. Sheikh then grabbed the ball to hand it back to his opponent. But the Zimbabwe team instead appealed to the umpire for the ball being handled without permission from the fielding side while the ball was live.

The incident left the young batsman perplexed, with commentary insisting Sheikh would be “livid” at the decision to be given out after a lengthy review.

Broad then took to X to react to the strange circumstances of the dismissal: “Oh get a grip. He’s passing a stationary ball back to the fielder? Doing him a favour! Cant give that out.”

The laws of the game cover this incident and state: “37.1.1 Either batter is out Obstructing the field if, except in the circumstances of 37.2, and while the ball is in play, he/she wilfully attempts to obstruct or distract the fielding side by word or action. See also Law 34 (Hit the ball twice).

“37.1.2 The striker is out Obstructing the field if, except in the circumstances of 37.2, in the act of receiving a ball delivered by the bowler, he/she wilfully strikes the ball with a hand not holding the bat. This will apply whether it is the first strike or a second or subsequent strike. The act of receiving the ball shall extend both to playing at the ball and to striking the ball more than once in defence of his/her wicket.”

If he just passed a ball to the fielder - then leave him alone!
Batters should be careful. They shouldn't take things for granted. This was out legally.
Back in the days (pre tim paine), Australian fielders did not allow the batter to handle the ball and would appeal if they did. They were ruthless and was a way to create pressure on the batter.
In u19 you will more of this or mankads because each player is wanting to win the game for there team and would do anything.

I think by the time they get into the senior team, they learn about sportsman spirit and interact with the cricket fertanity to learn about the unspoken dos and donts.
That is stupid of the batsman. You cant touch the ball and hand it back. You are then at the mercy of the opposition. Staartrt Broad is all preachy now - dude never walked for the thickest of edges and appealed for ridiculous calls on the time.. But no issues it as these are the rules. So Broad should stop this spirit of cricket nonsense and get back to reality.
Ian Chappell rubbishes 'spirit of cricket' fears as unusual trend emerges

Ian Chappell has slammed the 'spirit of cricket' debate, calling batters who touch or pick up the ball during play "stupid", urging them to simply follow the "laws of the game".

It comes as debate continues to rage over two 'obstructing the field' calls that divided opinion in the last week, raising concerns that players are losing touch with the respect that has been so heavily drilled into them when they learn the game of cricket.

England batter Hamza Shaikh was given out 'Obstructing the Field' in controversial scenes against Zimbabwe in the U19 Cricket World Cup in South Africa.

Meantime, the Sheffield Shield was the next competition involved in a spirit debate, after NSW batter Chris Green was given not out for obstructing the field against Western Australia.

Despite fears that bowlers and fielding sides are "stooping" to a low level by appealing for obstructing the field, Chappell sees no problem with it.

"I don't take any notice of people talking about 'spirit of cricket' because 'spirit of cricket' to me, is rubbish," Chappell told Wide World of Sports on Monday.

"What's wrong with the laws of the game? If you play to the laws of the game, you don't need the rest of the crap.

"Try another term because that's the greatest load of bollocks ever written."

Chappell declared it was "hypocrisy" that some greats of the game are raising concerns about the changing landscape that removes respect for opposition when an appeal for a dismissal is made.

"Steve Waugh going on about it, 'the spirit of cricket', well, that's hypocrisy if I've ever heard it," he said.

"What's all the hulla-balloo about a bloke touching the ball (illegally)?

"If you're stupid enough, as a batsman to touch the ball, you deserve whatever happens to you."

Chappell recounted the time he first experienced the obstructing the field call, when he was just a child.

"I was maybe 10, and I was scoring for my father's (Martin Chappell) team, not because I like scoring, but because I was hoping I might get a game occasionally," Chappell began.

"This would have been in C Grade in Adelaide. He (batsman) played the ball down and I think it may have been rolling towards his wicket and he stopped the ball with his hand.

"Martin appealed and he (batsman) was given out. The opposition captain who was an older bloke carried on ... like a pork chop."

On the drive home with his dad Martin, Chappell learnt a lesson that stuck with him through his entire career and to this day.

"In the car going home, Martin said to me, 'what did you think of the decision?' I said 'the batsman's out, you don't touch the ball with your hand when you're batting'," Chappell said.

"Martin said to me, and I'll never ever forget his words 'I never ever want to see you get out that way' and I never did."

As for what the legend of the game believes should happen next, it's pretty simple.

"There's a very simple solution to the problem. If you're a batting side, you do not touch the ball," Chappell began.

"If you're batting and it's rolling to the stumps and you stop it with your foot, do not touch it with your hand.

"If you touch it with your hand, whatever happens to you, should happen. If you're given out like the English batsman, you're out. See you later.

"All this bollocks about asking the fielders. It's bollocks!"

And this isn't a new stance from Chappell, he notes.

"It used to be so strong in my mind (not to pick up ball). I would see a guy play the ball and be bending down to pick it up and give it to the fielders.

"Occasionally on commentary, I'd say 'don't touch the ball!'

"I said to Sunil Gavaskar, he'd retired by this stage, he was commentating. I said to him 'Sonny, did you ever touch the ball when you were batting?' He said 'never, except occasionally against Pakistan. I'd be at the non-strikers end, they'd play the ball back and it was stopped just near me. And I'd bend down as if I was going to pick the ball up, then I'd pluck a bit of grass," Chappell recalled of Gavaskar's tale.

"There were two blokes in the opposition who said 'come on old man, pick the ball up' - Javed (Miandad) and Sarfraz (Nawaz) that's the two. He said 'I knew if I touched the ball, one of them would appeal!'."
SOURCE: https://wwos.nine.com.au/cricket/ne...xclusive/5fd74bc6-9b47-41b7-8ecb-8cb32bf5a6fa