[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Protests taking place in Pakistan after fall of PTI regime


ODI Debutant
Jan 31, 2009
Anyone watching it?

Amazing. Even in Larkana where PPP have done nothing in decades.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Protest points nationwide. Shortly the Nation will demonstrate how they stand with their leader <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ImranKhanPTI</a> ! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/52Mjjs8a7L">pic.twitter.com/52Mjjs8a7L</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1513167416926343177?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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We need this thread. Massive crowd across Pakistan.

This is the start of massive uprising in the country.
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I would happily fund an uprising/revolution against the chors and crooks in Pakistan. One sure fire way of regime change. Time the rivers flow with the blood of corruption!
Can we have links to videos etc on this please? I hope all the brothers and sisters with any self respect honour pride and love for Pakistan and it's future come out in droves and protest.
Nothing is gonna happen. Shor sharab till sehri.

A protest with no goals and of no knowledge :))

What are they protesting and wasting time against? Parliamentary form of govt? The constitution? Or no wait, an exaggerated letter used as propoganda.

You wanna protest? You wanna make actual difference?

Instead of doing march on empty roads, walk into rawalpindi and do a protest agaisnt you know who.

But that is not gonna happen would it?
Puraman Ehtejaj makes no difference. Protests have to be violent ie Iran 1979 revolution style against the status quo.
Need a revolution in Pakistan to remove the croocks, the key is Awaam.

What revolution? Even after finding out who controls the govt you still talk about a revolution against the political govt?
What revolution? Even after finding out who controls the govt you still talk about a revolution against the political govt?

The Awaam is the key. The way the people are coming out in favour of imran could spell trouble for the croocks.
This is democracy.
Not corrupt parliamentarians backed up by corrupt courts ousting the government.
Massive crowds! Unbelievable!

A protest of few lakhs is considered massive, but to win elections u need crores.
There were celebrations last night by several lakhs yesterday night too, arent those guys not Pakistanis?
I hope they are protesting against the army.

Any other target isn't important right now.
A protest of few lakhs is considered massive, but to win elections u need crores.
There were celebrations last night by several lakhs yesterday night too, arent those guys not Pakistanis?

One side wants elections asap, and the other does not. Tells you all you need to know about who is going to win.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rawalpindi telling they will never accept an “imported puppet regime” in Islamabad. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/18kq7VdY5V">pic.twitter.com/18kq7VdY5V</a></p>— Tehreek-e-Insaf (@InsafPK) <a href="https://twitter.com/InsafPK/status/1513199474335698951?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
In’sha’Allah our captain will be back.
We as the people will uprise against the crooks of this nation. I make dua these spineless crooks who rob the country blind and yet bend over and ‘Yes sir yes sir’ when the western countries need them to do something. Lana t on them and their off springs
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rawalpindi telling they will never accept an “imported puppet regime” in Islamabad. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/18kq7VdY5V">pic.twitter.com/18kq7VdY5V</a></p>— Tehreek-e-Insaf (@InsafPK) <a href="https://twitter.com/InsafPK/status/1513199474335698951?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

:)) Who are they protesting against. This statement is soo ironicz had it been vice versa it would had made sense

Such cute peoples :)
Need a revolution in Pakistan to remove the croocks, the key is Awaam.

Brother, the political turmoil and instability in Pakistan may be magnified to an infinite degree - because chaos and conflict, internecine warfare and violent disturbances are taking place in virtually every country on the planet. Only those entirely compliant, submissive and brainwashed citizens - or those tightly controlled through State security forces (police, military, Intel) - are not at war with their government and their Establishment structures.

It is not Pakistan that needs a revolution, it is all of mankind - and there is only one route out of this quagmire, a return to Allah SwT. He clearly stated in the Qur'an, Q13:11, that He does not change the condition of people until they change what is in themselves.

So if Pakistanis, people of the planet, want to see change then they must be prepared to change themselves at individual and collective level.
Absolutely incredible scenes visible all over social media with massive massive support. This clearly shows where the majority is and says a lot about next elections.

Even combined corrupt leeches gang of PDM biryani plate supporter jalsas have never ever been this huge. This is fantastic and so promising for real change to continue :) And we have a few posters here who say IK only has offshore support haha :)) O they are so clueless and are in for a true surprise. Imran Khan will be back with majority and leech-parasites cleansing job with majority seats will be much more simpler this time :)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you to all Pakistanis for their amazing outpouring of support & emotions to protest against US-backed regime change abetted by local Mir Jafars to bring into power a coterie of pliable crooks all out on bail. Shows Pakistanis at home & abroad have emphatically rejected this</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1513220890334433282?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Absolutely incredible scenes visible all over social media with massive massive support. This clearly shows where the majority is and says a lot about next elections.

Even combined corrupt leeches gang of PDM biryani plate supporter jalsas have never ever been this huge. This is fantastic and so promising for real change to continue :) And we have a few posters here who say IK only has offshore support haha :)) O they are so clueless and are in for a true surprise. Imran Khan will be back with majority and leech-parasites cleansing job with majority seats will be much more simpler this time :)

The only thing that clearly tells us majority view in a democracy are a free and fair elections. The elections are not due till August 2023. So plz chillax.
This is amazing. I thought in Ramzan people won't come but they did. My kids that take no interest in politics were devasted that our leader has deposed in a coup by criminal and America.
:)) Who are they protesting against. This statement is soo ironicz had it been vice versa it would had made sense

Such cute peoples :)

He asked they came. They are protesting against the mafia and the killers from your party. Huge protest in London today and around the World.
In’sha’Allah our captain will be back.
We as the people will uprise against the crooks of this nation. I make dua these spineless crooks who rob the country blind and yet bend over and ‘Yes sir yes sir’ when the western countries need them to do something. Lana t on them and their off springs

Ameen. May the traitors and their supporters rot in hell
Huge protests, this is why Major and all the PML and ppp boys don’t want a general election.

It should be very very clear to you, we would rather live through difficulties than be be puppets.
May Almighty Allah accept everyones prayers in the holy month of Ramadan and may the traitors and munafiqs of PDM get guidance to the righteous path.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you to all Pakistanis for their amazing outpouring of support & emotions to protest against US-backed regime change abetted by local Mir Jafars to bring into power a coterie of pliable crooks all out on bail. Shows Pakistanis at home & abroad have emphatically rejected this</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1513220890334433282?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Is this the first time he has named the US?
:)) Who are they protesting against. This statement is soo ironicz had it been vice versa it would had made sense

Such cute peoples :)

Are these "cute people", sorry "peoples" Pakistani's living abroad?
Is this the first time he has named the US?

No first time was when he "accidently" said America. After that he said it a few times, including mentioning the person (Donald Lu) who gave the message.

Real question is about the Mir Jafars. Who is he really referring to?
:)) Who are they protesting against. This statement is soo ironicz had it been vice versa it would had made sense

Such cute peoples :)

First you gotta tell us:

1, Your likes keep saying IK support is mostly foreign based and local support is sharply declining then why such massive support today all across Pakistan?

2, We need PDM, Billo, Shehbaz etc biryani plate jalsa videos which were this big where they came out in support of a change (or biryani ke plate I should say). I can assure you I have seen those clips and they haven't ever been this big.

Massive crowd mean massive support. This is epic humiliation for nay sayers of Imran Khan, but its been already given. Corruption and mafia will keep finding its way back but IK just need to keep fighting it, that's what a true leader does. Your likes wouldn't know much about it as your corrupt leaders tend to run away like rats, or busy collecting funds from enemies of Pakistan, or do jalsas where one can't even put a few national language words properly together.
Liberty Roundabout Lahore

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/qk27pk" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 55.000%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/kvmjll" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
The numbers might still not be threatening. Most of these people knew there won't be any government restrictions so they came out. I doubt we would see so many people when government takes coercive action against the organizers. Nevertheless, such protests, small or large, have not been seen here in Pakistan. People albeit moderate in numbers on some occasions have indeed come out.
We are still far away from a true revolution. But a pretty unpopular PTI government has now become favorite to win elections if held today, freely and fairly!
Imran Khan is going to win the next elections for sure.

He just has to bide his time until then.
The numbers might still not be threatening. Most of these people knew there won't be any government restrictions so they came out. I doubt we would see so many people when government takes coercive action against the organizers. Nevertheless, such protests, small or large, have not been seen here in Pakistan. People albeit moderate in numbers on some occasions have indeed come out.
We are still far away from a true revolution. But a pretty unpopular PTI government has now become favorite to win elections if held today, freely and fairly!

Not just win, they'd sweep them right now. That's why the PDM were soiling themselves at the thought of an election. Cowards..
This is why the statements Imran is finished are delusional. No one is more popular than him in the country and thanks to this mess PTI is back to its 2013 popularity. They are also the only national party at the moment, no one comes even close.

I have been saying all along that the opposition have handed such a huge opportunity to Imran in a silver platter. There is an unprecedented level of outrage throughout the country. All you have to do is go out a bit and it will become evident and this time it's not just limited to politicians. Listen to the chants in the Pindi/Islamabad rallies in particular.
Imran Khan is going to win the next elections for sure.

He just has to bide his time until then.

Exactly. Especially when you look at the opposition.

And this is why I still don’t understand his actions over the last week.
Absolute insane level of crowd on streets today. These are crowds that are out on street on a mere call by IK just imagine the level of his jalsas from now on when IK himself would be present in it. First one is this Wednesday in Peshawar lets see.
This is a sea change moment in Pak politics. If IK stands in the next election I wouldn't bet against him growing his party seats to majority levels. Next 12 months will be critical as the entire system will throw obstacles at him so he cannot participate in next elections.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">جاگ رہا ہے پاکستان.... پاکستان زندہ باد <a href="https://t.co/zcf6Y9yTWM">pic.twitter.com/zcf6Y9yTWM</a></p>— Asad Umar (@Asad_Umar) <a href="https://twitter.com/Asad_Umar/status/1513236490628870145?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Exactly. Especially when you look at the opposition.

And this is why I still don’t understand his actions over the last week.

The people are with him now. However No guarantee they will be with him till October of next year. He wants elections asap because he is convinced he will win, and PDM wants to wait until the end of the term (August, 2023) most likely. And if they do that then elections will be held in October 2023.
Amazing scenes.

No wonder corrupt supporters want to flee Pakistan - they will never walk safely on the streets of Pakistan again! What a life for these pathetic corrupt souls, they now have to look behind thrice before walking forwards, once.
The people are with him now. However No guarantee they will be with him till October of next year. He wants elections asap because he is convinced he will win, and PDM wants to wait until the end of the term (August, 2023) most likely. And if they do that then elections will be held in October 2023.

You really think a coalition of Secular and Islamists; Deeply conservatives and liberals (relatively); Left and Right will survive or perform well for a year. One of them is bound to get cheesed off with something minor and withdraw support.

You will have elections in the next 6-8 months. Imran needed to be a real leader. One who does not fight for power, but for the country. One who is not going to create a constitutional crisis for his power play. Unfortunately, he failed your countrymen there.

Hopefully this not lead to weakening of democracy in Pakistan.
Massive own goal by PDM I personally believe. In some months time surely each of the parties within PDM will be thinking why the f... did we start this NCM campaign against IK.

This is a massive uprising in favour of IK thanks to PDM antics.
First you gotta tell us:

1, Your likes keep saying IK support is mostly foreign based and local support is sharply declining then why such massive support today all across Pakistan?

2, We need PDM, Billo, Shehbaz etc biryani plate jalsa videos which were this big where they came out in support of a change (or biryani ke plate I should say). I can assure you I have seen those clips and they haven't ever been this big.

Massive crowd mean massive support. This is epic humiliation for nay sayers of Imran Khan, but its been already given. Corruption and mafia will keep finding its way back but IK just need to keep fighting it, that's what a true leader does. Your likes wouldn't know much about it as your corrupt leaders tend to run away like rats, or busy collecting funds from enemies of Pakistan, or do jalsas where one can't even put a few national language words properly together.

Lol massive? These crowds mean nothing.

Again the question is who are they protestinf against. If they move towards rawalpindi that would make sense.

But if these are just fools coming out on the street because their cult leader told them than sorry to say this makes no difference.

Pdm did a constitutional thing. Nothing wrong happened.

Elections would not be bssed on these people but on carores.

The only thing these images shows is how gullible people are that they are willing to believe anything a cult leader can te them.

These people are not even aware of what for of govt exists and how it works.
The people are with him now. However No guarantee they will be with him till October of next year. He wants elections asap because he is convinced he will win, and PDM wants to wait until the end of the term (August, 2023) most likely. And if they do that then elections will be held in October 2023.

And elections should be held on its schedule accordong to the constitution
You really think a coalition of Secular and Islamists; Deeply conservatives and liberals (relatively); Left and Right will survive or perform well for a year. One of them is bound to get cheesed off with something minor and withdraw support.

You will have elections in the next 6-8 months. Imran needed to be a real leader. One who does not fight for power, but for the country. One who is not going to create a constitutional crisis for his power play. Unfortunately, he failed your countrymen there.

Hopefully this not lead to weakening of democracy in Pakistan.

Not really. If the rumors are true he was threatened with martial law. He backed down after that.

His mistake was not calling for elections early.
PTI seems to be only about Imran Khan. Is there another leader to fill the void after Imran khan?

God forbid, but if something happens to Imran Khan (even a health issue) and IK is not in the right health, then PTI is dead and buried. If IK wants to really leave a legacy, then surely he needs to ensure that the party is not only around him.

Without IK, PTI will barely win a seat. Even worse, if this happens when IK is the PM, the only government could collapse.
Great images . Only a fool believes these bunch of clowns are there by peoples choice .

In a year these protests will seem small .
PTI seems to be only about Imran Khan. Is there another leader to fill the void after Imran khan?

God forbid, but if something happens to Imran Khan (even a health issue) and IK is not in the right health, then PTI is dead and buried. If IK wants to really leave a legacy, then surely he needs to ensure that the party is not only around him.

Without IK, PTI will barely win a seat. Even worse, if this happens when IK is the PM, the only government could collapse.

You've described Pakistani politics.

If he was the PPP and PMNL he'd have the next son ready.
You've described Pakistani politics.

If he was the PPP and PMNL he'd have the next son ready.

Fair Point.

But if IK is not here to become a messiah and personal glory, then he needs to ensure that the good work does not stop with him. What’s the point of bringing in all these changes when they are just gone after his departure.
Not really. If the rumors are true he was threatened with martial law. He backed down after that.

His mistake was not calling for elections early.

Really. Wow!

But isn’t that a result of IKs constitutional crisis. Had he quietly assumed the responsibility of the leader of opposition, there would have been no need of martial law discussion. Just hurts the fledgling democracy.
Following the fall of Imran Khan's government as a result of a no-confidence motion by opposition parties, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Sunday staged protests in all major cities across Pakistan.

The former ruling party, following its central executive committee meeting held at Imran’s Bani Gala residence today, had announced that peaceful protest across all cities including Lahore, Sialkot, Sahiwal, Karachi and Rawalpindi will be held tonight.

“Peaceful protest will be carried out throughout the country today. The country stands with Imran Khan," former energy minister Hammad Azhar said during a media talk.

Karachi’s biggest rally was staged opposite Millennium Mall in Gulshan-e-Iqbal.

In Lahore, major protests were staged at Lalik Jan Chowk Defence and Liberty Market. A large number of PTI workers, ordinary citizens and civil society representatives chanted slogans against "foreign conspiracy" to overthrow an elected government of Pakistan.

Protestors strongly rejected the "imported government" being constituted in the country as a result of an alleged foreign conspiracy against the former prime minister and PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

Gulberg Main Boulevard was jam-packed with protesting families, youth, elders and people from different walks of life. Protesters chanted slogans in favour of the former premier and against the "foreign conspiracy". They were holding PTI flags, banners and placards on which slogans were inscribed in favour of Imran Khan.

Express Tribune
And elections should be held on its schedule accordong to the constitution

I see someone getting the runs. As per the constitution the SC can't intervene in parliamentary affairs but they did, as per constitution there would no horse trading but there was. You seem a bit tapped today.
Fair Point.

But if IK is not here to become a messiah and personal glory, then he needs to ensure that the good work does not stop with him. What’s the point of bringing in all these changes when they are just gone after his departure.

He needs to clean the system. There's no point appointing someone when everyone knows PPP and PMLN have rigged the system.

That's what he's tried to do. Get rid of the corrupt stooges so we bave more space in our politics for alternates. PPP have amazing honest politicians like Aitzaz Ahsa . For decades. Pmln had nisar. No corruption ever. Have you heard those names? No. That's the problem. Both with decades of loyalty and yet can't have anytbing and have to bow to highlord children.
You really think a coalition of Secular and Islamists; Deeply conservatives and liberals (relatively); Left and Right will survive or perform well for a year. One of them is bound to get cheesed off with something minor and withdraw support.

Not for 5 years, but it might survive for 16 months. Especially if they are concerned they will lose the elections to PTI if held now.

I don't think this coalition will perform well and PTI has a good chance of winning the elections next year. However I cant see them losing an election if its held now. Which is why they want to elections asap.

While i agree that PDM has the right to remain in power for the rest of their term, Right now PTI is peacefully protesting. As long as protests stay peaceful it does not hurt democracy.

One who is not going to create a constitutional crisis for his power play. Unfortunately, he failed your countrymen there.

Hopefully this not lead to weakening of democracy in Pakistan.

The crisis lasted 5 days. The SC said the move was illegal and this strengthened democracy because courts got rid of the doctrine of necessity, which they themselves created when they backed coups by Pindi. I agree with the verdict, it was the correct legal one.

Also after the verdict IK said he accepts it and the vote was held as scheduled. At worse you can say PTI did political theater by making them wait all day.

Democracy will be weakened only if Pindi does not stay neutral.
Amazing scenes.

No wonder corrupt supporters want to flee Pakistan - they will never walk safely on the streets of Pakistan again! What a life for these pathetic corrupt souls, they now have to look behind thrice before walking forwards, once.


Youthopian delusions at its finest.

Give it a couple of weeks and these jobless, bored, dumb sheep will find a new source of entertainment and forgot how their fake messiah was humiliated and kicked out of office.
And elections should be held on its schedule accordong to the constitution

Legally PDM can call early elections or wait till the term ends. An early election is perfectly fine per the constitution, however it is their decision, and PTI needs to accept it.

PTI should continue to peacefully protest. This is also perfectly fine per the constitution. PDM should accept that.

Youthopian delusions at its finest.

Give it a couple of weeks and these jobless, bored, dumb sheep will find a new source of entertainment and forgot how their fake messiah was humiliated and kicked out of office.

What a great way to describe your fellow citizens.
Lol massive? These crowds mean nothing.

Again the question is who are they protestinf against. If they move towards rawalpindi that would make sense.

But if these are just fools coming out on the street because their cult leader told them than sorry to say this makes no difference.

Pdm did a constitutional thing. Nothing wrong happened.

Elections would not be bssed on these people but on carores.

The only thing these images shows is how gullible people are that they are willing to believe anything a cult leader can te them.

These people are not even aware of what for of govt exists and how it works.

In the other thread you mentioned earlier today no one will bother coming out in Pakistan because its Ramadan, its hot, not many support Imran etc etc but O mine that statement of yours has faced an epic humiliation, not sure why you keep embarrassing yourself here and this is not meant as a personal attack. I mean you are a Billo supporter so don't know why we should even take you seriously here. Just focus on teaching him Urdu first if you want him to represent Pakistan :)

Anyways again massive crowd means massive ssupport, you said its not there and look what's happening right now, another total humiliation for your statement. Show us PDM clips like this, don't dodge the question. You claimed majority are not with IK so just prove us that with simple clips or else typing all day celebrating IK removal in all the threads is comical. IK will be back with majority and your types wont be visible much here then. I mean I can bet you are already struggling to process this crowd as this has proven your anti IK brigade so wrong.
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I would happily fund an uprising/revolution against the chors and crooks in Pakistan. One sure fire way of regime change. Time the rivers flow with the blood of corruption!

Why don’t you book a flight and join them?
They are hooligans causing disruption to their fellow citizens.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Never have such crowds come out so spontaneously and in such numbers in our history, rejecting the imported govt led by crooks. <a href="https://t.co/YWrvD1u8MM">pic.twitter.com/YWrvD1u8MM</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1513232489464041473?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Why don’t you book a flight and join them?

Why should he? Why dont you go out and support them yourself or confront them yourself if you are so passionate about it as you live in the same country?
Legally PDM can call early elections or wait till the term ends. An early election is perfectly fine per the constitution, however it is their decision, and PTI needs to accept it.

PTI should continue to peacefully protest. This is also perfectly fine per the constitution. PDM should accept that.

Well than zardari and co can chill. They arnt going anywhere
They should be thrashed and locked up. They are hooligans causing disruption to their fellow citizens.

They are not enemies who support India bombing Pakistani schools . They are standing up for Pakistan.
This is the people's mandate!!

Sorry, but peoples mandate is taking govt tomr.

In a democracy there isnt just pti there are other parties that exists aswell.

Dont worry if you guys ever get a majority, your leader can be pm
They should be thrashed and locked up. They are hooligans causing disruption to their fellow citizens.

Why dont you come and thrash us right now. And we maybe jobless or illiterate but not traitors and beggars like you and your lot.