[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Protests taking place in Pakistan after fall of PTI regime

In Karachi, it was hardly 60k or 70k assumption from the crowd seen in the video.

Ah so its 'your assumption' based on the video you have seen. I apologise I thought it was some factual information but now as you have clarified it was an assumption based on your eye-power then yeah you are entitled to your opinion.
Too much gas lighting, someone here to learn will not gaslight especially with baseless assumptions and assertions.
Have you counted one by one?

If no then Seeing it live or video is same as both are prone to same level of errors and extrapolation.

I know you are a troll but I will still make it clear that while trying to reach a 100k capacity ground I had to park and my car few kms outside the area and stand with thousands as we couldn't get in due to the ground and the surrounding areas being jam-packed.
PtI protest will get a boost once the petrol prices are hiked not to mention gradual increase on prices of Ghee Cement Paint etc since the imported took over
Imran can bring the entire nation to the streets, it will not change the reality. The establishment will never allow him to become the PM again.

His foreign policy is anti-U.S. and that is not acceptable to the army. If he continues to try his luck he will end up with the same fate as Z. Bhutto, except that he is not 1% the leader and politician Z. Bhutto was.

Imran licked boots for years but ultimately his gigantic ego and Messiah complex got the better of him and he decided to take his own decisions.

In Pakistani politics, you cannot do that. The only way to survive and hold onto your seat is to take dictations from the army. Benazir and Nawaz both suffered by taking on the army.

Benazir warned Nawaz and Nawaz warned Imran, but no one listened. When you play with fire you will get burned.

Imran had his chance - he had full backing of the army but his anti-western foreign policy proved to be costly.

He destroyed Pakistan’s economy and was an exceptionally incompetent PM. A volatile, unpredictable and unstable man is not fit to be PM, but in spite of those reasons, he had the military’s backing until he decides to make his own decisions.
MULTAN: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice-Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi announced on Sunday that the chairman Imran Khan will address a public rally in Multan on May 10, ARY News reported.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi, while addressing the rally of PTI workers at Multan’s Babar Chowk today, said that the elected lawmakers from Multan did not sell their consciences and firmly stood beside Imran Khan in the current political crisis.

He praised Akhtar Malik, Mian Tariq Abdullah and Haji Saleem are those lawmakers who gave respect to the vote of the nation.

He asked the political workers of Multan to start preparations for welcoming Imran Khan on May 10.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Imran Khan, Multan rally, PTI

Regarding the toppling of the PTI government, Qureshi said that a deal was struck between the political opponents to oust the PTI government.

He said that the nation has rejected the imported government and they could sense the public sentiments through the massive participation in PTI gatherings despite being ousted from the government.

Criticising the coalition parties of the present government, the PTI vice-chairman said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is now begging for 10 seats from Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif.

During his address, Qureshi reiterated that a conspiracy was hatched to topple the PTI government and imposed the corrupt politicians. He said that another conspiracy is being hatched against Imran Khan to disqualify him by the election commission besides banning the political party.

He announced that the PTI political committee has decided to stage protests outside the election commission offices.

I have a sneaky feeling that something is happening in the backdrop. IK never gives so much time ahead of the Jalsas. Announcing something for 10th May might also means that some sort of reconciliation might be happening in the background.
I have a sneaky feeling that something is happening in the backdrop. IK never gives so much time ahead of the Jalsas. Announcing something for 10th May might also means that some sort of reconciliation might be happening in the background.

Doubt it. Shehbaz and Bajwa apparently asked President to tell IK that they want peace etc etc. His reply was absolutely not. And he sent the President back to convey this
I have a sneaky feeling that something is happening in the backdrop. IK never gives so much time ahead of the Jalsas. Announcing something for 10th May might also means that some sort of reconciliation might be happening in the background.

I have a feeling that his team has advised him to wait till Ramadhan is over. Otherwise, the public may lose steam, energy and intensity, trying to launch long protests during a fast.
I have a feeling that his team has advised him to wait till Ramadhan is over. Otherwise, the public may lose steam, energy and intensity, trying to launch long protests during a fast.

Ramadan gets over in the first few days of May however he is holding back till 10th May. This is very unlike Khan where he announces a jalsa good 15 days or so in advance. All his recent jalsas were announced and done within a week itself starting from that 27th March jalsa in Islamabad.

On top of it recent IHC decision in favour of PTI does hint something is happening in the background.
Scared by the protests imported have decided not to increase petrol prices on this 30th
Ramadan gets over in the first few days of May however he is holding back till 10th May. This is very unlike Khan where he announces a jalsa good 15 days or so in advance. All his recent jalsas were announced and done within a week itself starting from that 27th March jalsa in Islamabad.

On top of it recent IHC decision in favour of PTI does hint something is happening in the background.

Yep, just heard this news.
Perhaps there is something cooking behind the closed doors.
PTI Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said that he would bring the nation out on the streets and march to Islamabad to give America the message that Pakistan was a "free country".

Addressing parliamentarians at a ceremony in Peshawar, he urged his supporters to gather people from every village, street and locality and prepare them for the movement for "true freedom".

Pakistan, Imran said, was formed on the slogan of La Ilaha Illallah (There is no god but Allah), adding that Muslims feared no one but Allah.

"We will take to the streets, march to Islamabad and give a message to America that we are a free country. We will give them the message that we're an honourable country which won't become anyone's puppet.

"We will tell them that we will not accept this imported government in any way," the former prime minister said.

He recalled that America's strategy of "regime change" in Pakistan was similar to what it did to Iran in the 1950s and then Chile.

"They first gave money to the media outlets and turned them against the government. Then they bought politicians of the ruling party and later fed money to the opposition.

"This is what they did in Pakistan too," the PTI chairman said.

He also said that the party was going to hold a Shab-e-Dua (an evening for prayer) on Ramazan 27.

"I will be with Maulana Tariq Jameel and we will arrange screens in every city. We will all pray for the security, sovereignty and freedom of the country."

'Shehbaz brought through conspiracy'

Imran claimed that newly elected Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was brought to power via a "conspiracy".

"This conspiracy started when America decided to remove Imran Khan," the PTI chairman said. "Their secretary Donald Lu came to our American ambassador and threatened him that if Imran Khan wasn't removed Pakistan would have to face difficulties. He also said that if Imran Khan was removed by the no-confidence vote, Pakistan would be forgiven."

"They [US] knew that the corrupt mafia would seek forgiveness," Imran said, stating that America knew "these dacoits had money abroad. Always remember, all those leaders who have money, palaces and businesses abroad can never stand up to the US. They will always remain slaves to the US."

The ex-premier also called out the Shehbaz government for "weakening" the institutions of the country such as the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), and the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

As soon as he assumed power, Imran said, Shehbaz got all the cases against himself cancelled, fired all the FIA employees investigating him and replaced them with his own people, and started taking revenge.

"Do you know what does this mean? This means that FIA and other institutions won't ever be able to catch powerful dacoits now. They will be scared now. And this will weaken our institutions and lead the society towards collapse."

Imran, subsequently, reiterated that now was the time to take charge and told his workers to communicate this message to people in every corner of the country.

Campaign against CEC

Imran also lashed out Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja, terming him a "planted agent" of PML-N. "Raja has lost all his credibility and should immediately resign," he said.

"He has no reason to stay the CEC anymore. An umpire is always independent. When the country's biggest party doesn't have confidence in him, then it's time for him to resign," he said, warning that otherwise the PTI would announce protests across the country.

Imran further urged his supporters to start a campaign to collect signatures on an online petition against the CEC.

The former PM said that when the result of the foreign funding case would be announced, there would be just one party that would emerge with legal funding and that would be the PTI.

Why doesn’t Imran take his circus to the U.S. embassy? He should park his container right outside the gates.
Ramadan gets over in the first few days of May however he is holding back till 10th May. This is very unlike Khan where he announces a jalsa good 15 days or so in advance. All his recent jalsas were announced and done within a week itself starting from that 27th March jalsa in Islamabad.

On top of it recent IHC decision in favour of PTI does hint something is happening in the background.

Maybe they have got better at organizing? Giving 2 weeks should be the minimum before doing a jalsa. Anyway hopefully IK gets a good reception in the city of saints.
Maybe they have got better at organizing? Giving 2 weeks should be the minimum before doing a jalsa. Anyway hopefully IK gets a good reception in the city of saints.

PTI has been associated with having the largest peaceful jalsas in Pakistan history so its definitely not about getting better at organising.

The way I see it is that there is some sort of talks happening in the backdrop. IK would wait up till start of June or around budget time for doing this march to Islamabad. We all know that its going to be a dreadful budget being released by PDM so that would simple add more fuel to fire for his march. In the meantime during the month of May some silent negotiations might start to take place.
PTI Chairman Imran Khan said on Wednesday that he wanted two million people to gather in Islamabad when he gives the call to his party's supporters on a yet unspecified date.

Addressing an adoring crowd chanting slogans in support of the PTI chairman at a workers' convention in Lahore, he said: "I want two million people to come to Islamabad when I give the call. I want all of you to go to the people and preach to them about our movement for true freedom."

He told party workers to go to their neighbourhoods and inform the people of the "conspiracy" that had been hatched to topple the PTI government in the form of a no-trust motion in the National Assembly.

"When you go to the people, you have to tell them that an imported government has been brought through a conspiracy [...] this means that the United States will control us through these stooges and boot polishers," he said, referring to the former opposition that has since formed the new government.

Imran claimed that the leaders of the incumbent government will be easily controllable since their assets and wealth were stashed abroad. "They will enslave the whole country to save their looted wealth. They will sacrifice the country for the interests of another."

He maintained that the move to oust him was born due to the fact that he wanted to follow an independent foreign policy that would benefit the people of Pakistan.

"The conspiracy was carried out because your prime minister said he wanted a foreign policy that would only look at the interests of his people. That is why a conspiracy was carried out," he thundered as party workers roared with chants of "imported government, namanzoor".

Giving the example of former Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, Imran said that the US and Britain colluded to conduct a regime change operation.

"What was the plan? First they fed money to the media [...] they did character assassination and levelled charges against him. Then, they gave bribes to his party's parliamentarians to get them to switch loyalties. Then, opposition parties were given money and were brought onto the streets."

He claimed that a conspiracy similar to the one against the Mosaddegh government was carried out against his own government.

"Campaigns were run on media calling us the most incompetent government." He urged party workers to inform the people of the PTI government's performance and the way it had effectively handled the economy while also successfully battling the Covid-19 pandemic.

The PTI chairman also alleged that US embassy officials met with his party's lawmakers, some of who later became turncoats. "When embassy officials meet [lawmakers], they discuss foreign policy. They met our people who knew nothing about foreign policy, but who they knew were unhappy with the party."

He reiterated that US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia Donald Lu met the Pakistani envoy in Washington on March 7 and told him that a no-trust move would be tabled against the PTI government.

"He knew beforehand. He also said that Pakistan would have to suffer the consequences if it is not successful. He said the US would isolate Pakistan and the European Union would also follow suit. But he said that if Imran Khan is removed, then Pakistan would be forgiven."

He alleged that preparations for this had been done beforehand, adding that the no-trust move was tabled immediately after the meeting was held. "This is called a conspiracy. First, a conspiracy is carried out, preparations are done and then there is interference."

Imran went on to say that if this conspiracy was successful, no prime minister would dare to stand up to foreign countries in the future. "This is a war for our freedom."

He also reiterated his criticism of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja, calling him a "PML-N agent". He accused Raja of targeting the PTI and called on him to resign.

"CEC, the biggest political party has no faith in you. Therefore, you have no right to remain at your post and you should resign."

Imran also lambasted the purported media blackout of the PTI on mainstream TV channels and questioned why the defenders of press freedom were not standing up against it.

"During our stint in power, 80 per cent of the programmes were against our government. So why is there a media blackout now?" he asked.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pakistan was created on 27th Ramazan 14th August 1947. Today on 27th Ramazan I will be offering Dua at 10.00 pm with Maulana Tariq Jameel for the success of our Movement for Haqeeqi Democracy & the sovereignty of our beloved Pakistan. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MarchAgainstImportedGovt?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MarchAgainstImportedGovt</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1519693195617177600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 28, 2022</a></blockquote>
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Another similarity between IK and Modi labeling movements or acts.

They both know to sell themselves , irrespective currently they both are definitely better than the alternative available.(Rahul and Shariff/Bhutto)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pakistan was created on 27th Ramazan 14th August 1947. Today on 27th Ramazan I will be offering Dua at 10.00 pm with Maulana Tariq Jameel for the success of our Movement for Haqeeqi Democracy & the sovereignty of our beloved Pakistan. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MarchAgainstImportedGovt?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MarchAgainstImportedGovt</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1519693195617177600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 28, 2022</a></blockquote>
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ISLAMABAD: On the night of 27th of Ramadan, former prime minister Imran Khan urged the nation to pray that the country "breaks the chains that stand in the way of its freedom."

Addressing a dua held on account of the holy night at Banigala, the PTI chairman said that nations who forget their ideology lose their existence. He also lamented that Pakistan could not progress towards the Pakistan that the countrymen wanted.

“We had to turn Pakistan into a welfare state and stand on the principles of the state of Madinah, therefore, we should strive to make Pakistan stand on those principles,” said Imran Khan.

Talking about his government’s ouster, the former premier said that the no-confidence motion to remove him was an “interference” in the country’s freedom and through an external conspiracy “puppets” were imposed on Pakistan.

“We have to understand Allama Iqbal’s dream for Pakistan. We have to understand that Pakistan was not supposed to be turned into a normal country,” said the former prime minister. He added that Pakistan was “supposed to become a great nation” by standing on the principles of the state of Madinah.

“The nation should pray today that we break the chains that stand in the way of our freedom,” said the PTI chairman.

After the PTI leader’s address, religious scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel explained the significance of the 27th of Ramadan (Shab-e-Qadr or the night of power)
Another similarity between IK and Modi labeling movements or acts.

They both know to sell themselves , irrespective currently they both are definitely better than the alternative available.(Rahul and Shariff/Bhutto)

O please spare us with this lousy comparison. Imran is nothing like Modi, and neither Imran fans are anything like Modi fans. Modi and his goon fans are driven from hatred and animosity against a particular religion, while Imran and his fans have no hate towards any set religion, belive in peace and progress, and just want ghunda mafia of Pakistan to end. Light years of difference, I know some parosi like you and chuur criminal PDM fans here try hard to look for similarities but it just ends up being a rubbish one. World's apart so don't try too hard
PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Saturday announced a rough timeframe for his planned long march to Islamabad, issuing a call for the last week of May without mentioning the exact date.

He said the decision was taken in a meeting of the PTI's core committee.

"This call is for all of Pakistan, and not just for the PTI," Imran said in a video message released by the PTI.

He explained that the call was being given because the country was "insulted" and "the most corrupt people were placed atop the country via a foreign conspiracy."

Imran lashed out at Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his cabinet, saying that the former was being referred to as "crime minister" and he had corruption cases against him while 60 per cent of the cabinet's members were also out on bail.

"I want to give a message to all of Pakistan to start preparing from now. The start of our preparation will be chaand raat (eve of Eid) and I want to say specifically to the youth that you have to come out with flags and tell the whole world that the Pakistani nation is alive."

He predicted that the march to Islamabad would be the "biggest" in Pakistan's history and a "sea of people" would flood into the city and give the message that "never after this will any foreign country be able to place a corrupt group over us and Pakistan's nation will make its own decisions."

Imran had first spoken of his march to Islamabad last Saturday in his first press conference after his ouster via a successful vote of no confidence.

On Tuesday, he elaborated that the march's purpose would be to give the US the message that Pakistan was a "free country" and urged his supporters to gather people from every village, street and locality and prepare them for the movement for "true freedom".

"I want two million people to come to Islamabad when I give the call. I want all of you to go to the people and preach to them about our movement for true freedom," Imran had said on Wednesday while an adoring crowd chanted slogans in support of the PTI chairman at a workers' convention in Lahore.

Claims of conspiracy
Imran claims that his government was sent packing and PM Shehbaz's regime was subsequently "imposed" on the country as part of a "conspiracy" hatched by the US against his insistence of having an independent foreign policy.

"This conspiracy started when the US decided to remove Imran Khan," the PTI chairman had said on Tuesday. "Their secretary Donald Lu came to our US ambassador and threatened him that if Imran Khan wasn't removed Pakistan would have to face difficulties. He also said that if Imran Khan was removed by the no-confidence vote, Pakistan would be forgiven."

"They [US] knew that the corrupt mafia would seek forgiveness," Imran had said, stating that the US knew "these dacoits had money abroad. Always remember, all those leaders who have money, palaces and businesses abroad can never stand up to the US. They will always remain slaves to the US."

The ex-premier had also called out the Shehbaz government for "weakening" the institutions of the country such as the Federal Investigation Agency, the National Accountability Bureau and the Federal Board of Revenue.

Imran had subsequently reiterated that now was the time to take charge and told his workers to communicate his message to people in every corner of the country.

In a bid to mobilise the public and strengthen his stance of ousting his government through “foreign conspiracy”, PTI Chairman and former premier Imran Khan has announced to hold six public rallies in different cities after Eidul Fitr.

The former premier has time and again claimed that a “foreign conspiracy” was hatched to topple his government over his refusal to have Pakistan’s foreign policy be influenced by abroad. Since his ouster, he has held public rallies in three major cities of the country.

His first anti-government roadshow on April 13 in the centre of his party’s political power, Peshawar, saw a big turnout where Imran announced his plan to continue protesting against the newly-installed government until fresh elections were held.

He termed the newly formed set up an “imported government” and lashed out at Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, saying the “decisive moment” had come for the people to decide if they wanted “slavery or liberty”.

In his second power show on April 16 at the packed-to-capacity Bagh-e-Jinnah, Karachi, the former premier called the PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif as the mastermind of the “international conspiracy” and predicted his return to the country.

He said it would be a test of the judicial system that had opened its doors at midnight for his ouster.

His third address at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore on April 21 was no less than the previous power shows where a large number of people converged to listen to the speech of their leader.

During his address, he indicated that his next stop would be in the federal capital as he urged his supporters and party workers to "wait for my call."

Now, the PTI chief plans to hold the first power show in his hometown of Mianwali on May 6. The second rally will be organised in Jhelum on May 10 while the third in Attock on May 12.

Imran plans to address the fourth public gathering in Sialkot on May 14. The fifth rally of the PTI will be held in Faisalabad on May 15 and the last in Chakwal on May 19.

Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Social media has been the foremost battleground between political parties in recent years, and after going at each other on Twitter where they unleashed hashtag after hashtag day and night, the ‘war’ has now moved to another social networking platform.

On TikTok, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) hashtag, “Imported hukoomat namanzoor” reached record viewership of 933 million while on Twitter, the same hashtag boasted over 100 million tweets in the last week of April.

TikTok is the world’s largest video-sharing platform that has not been taken very seriously by mainstream political parties thus far. That is, until PTI supporters took it by storm.

Possibly taking a cue from the massive viewership of pro-PTI videos on TikTok, PML-N Vice president Maryam Nawaz recently held a meeting with the social media team of her party.

Announcing the gathering on Twitter, the PML-N tweeted: “A delegation of PML-N tiktokers met PMLN leader Maryam Nawaz at Jati Umra,” signifying that the party had plucked out a group from its social media team dedicated to the video-sharing app only.

Social media expert Muhammad Imran, who has received extensive training in the medium in China, believed the massive popularity gained by PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari during his party’s ‘Awami March’ on Islamabad and the overwhelming response on TikTok to the recent activities of PTI Chairman Imran Khan have taken their political opponents by surprise.

“The PTI should be credited with making the PML-N and PPP shift their focus to social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter,” Mr Imran said, adding, “But these platforms have a higher degree of restrictions even on political activities, therefore TikTok is a good option to share anything and everything for the PPP and PTI.”

He added that the PPP’s ‘Awami March’ got limited coverage on mainstream media and a similar trend was witnessed on the popular social media platforms, while on TikTok, the hashtag #longmarch recorded 83.2m views and #PPPlongmarch 32m.

The PTI clearly has an edge over all the political parties on social media, not only among its workers, but also in its support base. Even while Imran Khan was the prime minister, several hashtags initiated by his party crossed the 77m viewership mark on TikTok. Some hashtags even saw unexpectedly enormous numbers, including #pmimrankhan with over 264m viewers, #imrankhan with 580m, while #ImportedHukoomatNamanzoor” (in Urdu) had 933m views in the last week of April.

The head of the PTI’s social media team, Dr Arsalan Khalid, too expressed surprise and said the numbers on TikTok were an accidental discovery and his team cannot take too much credit for this success.

“We were mainly focused on the urban class and some people shared some funny old videos that would further our party agenda, but it triggered enthusiasm among TikTokers, pushing the views to millions,” he added.

Observing the development, Maryam Nawaz held a meeting with her close aide and MPA Sania Ashiq to discuss the issue, and Atif Rauf, the unofficial head of the PML-N social media team, was tasked with gathering a separate group for TikTok only.

On April 22, the PML-N’s TikTok team, led by Saud Butt, was announced to push the party on the short video-sharing platform. Having made his debut on the platform in April 2020, Mr Butt so far has over 1.9m followers and his videos have crossed 94m likes.

Meanwhile, a senior official at TikTok in Dubai told Dawn in response to a query that although it was an entertainment platform, all types of content was allowed to be posted as long as it did not violate the Community Guidelines.

Published in Dawn, May 3rd, 2022
ISLAMABAD: Continuing his pressure on the incumbent government, PTI Chairman Imran Khan has announced that he will hold a public gathering in Mianwali on Friday (May 6) to kick off his campaign for “real freedom”

In a video message posted on PTI’s social media accounts, the former prime minister said that he will be addressing the gathering in Mianwali just before Maghrib prayers on Friday.

The PTI leader said that the Mianwali public gathering is part of the movement he has begun to rid the country of the “imported” government and “most corrupt" people. He added that he was coming to the people of Mianwali to give a boost to them before he gives the call for a long march to Islamabad.

“I am starting with those people who made me win my first NA seat. I am starting the movement with you and you have to take part in this,” the PTI chairman told the people of Mianwali. He asked the residents of the area to show up in large numbers so that the rest of Pakistan gets the message that “Mianwali is standing” with him.

Imran Khan also claimed that the people of Mianwali were ready to support him when he gives the call to come to Islamabad this month.

In a public gathering on April 22 in Lahore, the former prime minister had told his followers to gear up to start a campaign for "actual independence" and wait for his call to Islamabad.

And on April 30, in a video message, the ousted prime minister announced that the PTI would begin the anti-government march towards Islamabad in the last week of May.

"We will be giving this call to all Pakistanis, not just PTI supporters, as Pakistan has been insulted after the country's most corrupt people were imposed on us by a foreign power," Khan had said.

Former prime minister Khan was ousted from power on April 10 after the National Assembly voted against him on the no-confidence motion — making him the first premier to be voted out through the move.

Khan had repeatedly blamed the US for backing the no-confidence motion and has refused to accept newly elected PM Shehbaz Sharif, saying "there can't be any bigger insult to this country." The Joe Biden-led administration in the US, however, has denied the allegations.

ABBOTTABAD: Former prime minister and PTI chairman Imran Khan will address a public gathering in Abbottabad on Sunday (today), ARY News reported.

The arrangements for the public gathering have been finalised. As many as seven walk-through gates have been installed at the jalsagah to avoid any eventuality.

700 policemen will be deployed for the security of the public gathering. The senior leadership of the PTI including KP CM, Mahmood Khan and acting governor Mushtaq Ghani will also address the public rally.

On Friday it emerged that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan will address 14 public gatherings in two weeks.

Imran Khan would address the overseas Pakistani diaspora on May 7 (Saturday) which will be screened in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Dublin, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.

The upcoming public gatherings were scheduled in Abbottabad on May 8 (today), Jhelum on May 10, Attock on May 12, Mardan on May 13, Sialkot on May 14, Faisalabad on May 15, Swabi on May 16, Kohat on May 17, Chakwal on May 19 and Multan on May 20.

Moreover, Imran Khan will address two separate conventions of lawyers and ulema and mashaikh in Lahore on May 18.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank all the people at our Abbotabad jalsa for their passion & awareness about the foreign conspiracy of regime change against Pakistan's democratically elected govt and the crooked stooges who have been installed. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88__%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA__%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ__حکومت__نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/bFuYBFnoxo">pic.twitter.com/bFuYBFnoxo</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1523312393907884032?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 8, 2022</a></blockquote>
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The momentum hasn’t eased off. Another massive gathering in Abbotabad^^^^.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you Jhelum for a record turnout and especially the participation of women and families. I am witnessing the formation of a nation. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88__%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA__%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ__حکومت__نامنظور</a><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/JhelumJalsa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#JhelumJalsa</a> <a href="https://t.co/aXnra5GyCp">pic.twitter.com/aXnra5GyCp</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1524084742718689280?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 10, 2022</a></blockquote>
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Think Shehbaz and Chalees Chor thought IK would go away but he won't.

<b>You are the Mir Jafar I talk about,' Imran tells PM Shehbaz in Jhelum power show</b>

PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday clarified that when he speaks of Mir Jafar in his speeches, he refers to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, as he appeared to deny that any institution is the focus of the analogy he often draws.

Imran, while addressing a public gathering in Abbottabad on Sunday, had narrated the stories of Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq. The former prime minister had said Sirajud Daula was a governor of the Mughal emperor whose commander-in-chief, Mir Jafar, joined hands with the English to topple the government. He had linked the historical tale of treason with the way he lost his own government last month.

PM Shehbaz had deemed Imran's remarks "vilification" of state institutions and accused him of “hatching a grand conspiracy against Pakistan”. In his speech on the floor of the National Assembly on Monday, he had also vowed to curtail such criticism and take action.

Imran, in a fresh PTI power show in Jhelum tonight, responded to PM Shehbaz's warning.

"Have some shame Shehbaz Sharif. You are the Mir Jafar that I talk about," Imran said.

Imran also claimed that the Pakistan Army and his party were the only two entities keeping the country from "breaking apart" in the face of alleged propaganda campaigns being run by India.

He alleged that India had established "600 media houses", which he said were being used to wage propaganda against Pakistan, particularly against the army and himself.

"Why did India target the army and Imran Khan? Because they are the only two [forces] that will keep the country united today," Imran said, adding that it was the effort of the country's enemies to break it apart into "three fragments".

He claimed that propaganda was waged against the two because "they (India) know that Pakistan won't break apart while these two remain."

Imran explained that the PTI, in particular, was targeted because it was the only "federal party" in the country which had representation from all over. He claimed that the PTI was the only party with the strength to hold "historic rallies" in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar within 10 days.

He said PM Shehbaz made a "good combination and partnership" with his elder brother Nawaz Sharif, who Imran said, criticises the army while PM Shehbaz "polishes boots".

Imran also criticised the premier's decision to visit London with members of the PML-N to meet Nawaz. The PTI chairman railed against Nawaz as an "absconder" and a "convict" who he said had summoned the "entire cabinet to London".

This entire cabinet is going to London on your [tax] money — they won't spend their own money," he told his party workers and supporters.

Imran said the cabinet members would "take instructions" from a person who "always runs away from the country whenever there is a problem". This was the reason, Imran said, the nation had stood up and decided that "this imported government is unacceptable."

Coming to his planned march towards Islamabad, the PTI chairman said he wanted the elderly, youth, women, children and families to participate in it. He revised his estimates for the march's strength, saying it had now gone up to 2.5 million from 2m following his interactions with the public.

He said the nation had "awakened" and there would only be one demand after his march, which would be of fresh elections.

Imran later thanked his supporters, for what he said was a "record turnout" for the Jhelum power show.

Speaking before the PTI chairman, party leader Fawad Chaudhry called on the "gatekeepers" to perform their duty and let the country go to polls.

"Our country is our home and its owners are the people whose representative is you (Imran)," he said. "Dacoits have attacked this home and when dacoits attack then chowkidars can't say they are neutral.

"Jhelum demands the chowkidars to perform their duty and carry out elections. This is the only solution to this country's crisis."

He warned that if elections were not carried out then hundreds of thousands were "ready to take matters into their own hands".

"It is better that those who have the duty as per the Constitution to take a suo motu notice, do so before the people do so," Chaudhry seemingly warned.

ATTOCK: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has said that the time has arrived to fight for real independence. Addressing the Attock public gathering, he said that he is not afraid of facing jail or threats to his life but he will not accept the US slavery, ARY News reported on Thursday.

Imran Khan said that the decisive moment has arrived in the country to choose between real independence and US slavery. The PTI chairman vowed that he will not accept the rule of thieves, dacoits and slaves in the country at any cost.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">اٹک کےعوام خصوصاًخواتین+گھرانوں کی بڑی تعداد میں شرکت کیساتھ اسےایک اور ریکارڈ جلسہ بنانےوالےتمام لوگوں کاشکریہ۔یہ جلسہ گاہ اتنےبڑےجمِ غفیرکیلئےنہایت تنگ تھی۔قوم اسلام آبادکےحقیقی آزادی مارچ کیلئےتیارہورہی ہے،ماشاءاللہ<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AttockJalsa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AttockJalsa</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88__%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA__%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ__حکومت__نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/Dc8Q603p7c">pic.twitter.com/Dc8Q603p7c</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1524970241851174912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 13, 2022</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you Mardan for such a huge turnout. Unfortunately most people could not get inside venue. From my rallies I am sensing Islamabad will witness our history’s greatest gathering of people demanding haqiqi azadi & rejecting imported govt. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MardanJalsa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MardanJalsa</a><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88__%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA__%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ__حکومت__نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/0WjECsVDg3">pic.twitter.com/0WjECsVDg3</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1525168971187728385?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 13, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Thank you Mardan.Once it was ANP homground.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">اٹک کےعوام خصوصاًخواتین+گھرانوں کی بڑی تعداد میں شرکت کیساتھ اسےایک اور ریکارڈ جلسہ بنانےوالےتمام لوگوں کاشکریہ۔یہ جلسہ گاہ اتنےبڑےجمِ غفیرکیلئےنہایت تنگ تھی۔قوم اسلام آبادکےحقیقی آزادی مارچ کیلئےتیارہورہی ہے،ماشاءاللہ<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AttockJalsa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AttockJalsa</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88__%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA__%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ__حکومت__نامنظور</a> <a href="https://t.co/Dc8Q603p7c">pic.twitter.com/Dc8Q603p7c</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1524970241851174912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 13, 2022</a></blockquote>
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An amazing crowd as usual.
O wow... So many so called jobless farigh ppl at one place? This is what some famous imposter here said... Looks like whole quom is jobless and farigh since turnout to these jalsas have been nothing less than extraordinary. PDM is finished, it's all in the writing, those criminals are done.
The more the people turn out the more desperate the mafia will get. Bajwa, Nadeem,Nooras and PPP are fighting for their Survival and will go to any lengths. I am worried for IIKs safety. Something will have to give
PUBLIC MEETING’S VENUE: The Gohati Cricket Ground (GCG), owned by the Pakistan Cricket Board, continues to be used as a venue of public meetings of political leaders of the country contrary to the principle that sports grounds should not be used for such gatherings.

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan is scheduled to address a public meeting in GCG on Monday (tomorrow).

Sources in Swabi District Cricket Association said it would be the second public meeting to be addressed by Imran in GCG. Earlier, he visited the district during the campaign for 2018 general elections.

The sources claimed that at that time party leaders Asad Qaiser and Shahram Tarakai had deposited Rs1 million with then Swabi deputy commissioner for repair of the damage caused by the gathering. They said part of the money was spent on the repair and the remaining returned to them.

The sources said that former president retired Gen Pervez Musharraf had also addressed a gathering in GCG on Jan 14, 2006, followed by former prime minister Shaukat Aziz in March 2007 at the venue.

Published in Dawn, May 15th, 2022
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On Sunday 9pm we must all come out to protest this unprecedented rise in energy prices that will cause hardship across the board affecting all sections of society esp labourers, safedposh, farmers & salaried class. <a href="https://t.co/YHCmneY8sc">pic.twitter.com/YHCmneY8sc</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1537491248566525953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>