PPFMC (Season 2) - Managers Availability Confirmation


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 30, 2012
PPFMC Season 2 is starting and i want the current managers to confirm here that they are willing to take part in Season 2.
I haven't seen some of the managers for a while now, so don't want to start a team with a nonactive manager.

Just confirm here that you are available to manage your team in season 2 along with your team name.
No new managers are needed to put their name as it is not a sign up thread.

Only those managers can confirm who were not sacked or have resigned.

If a manager fails to confirm his availability till the deadline then his team will be disbanded.

Deadline for confirmation is 12pm, 5th Dec 2012

Managers Confirmed:

Geordie Ahmed (The Entertainers)
CricketJoshila (Los Cules)
Canistani Hero (Red Army)
Murphyslaw79 (Halwa Puri Legends)
Freelance_cricketer (Monsters Divided)
King_Rizzy (Royal Mafia FC)
iZeeshan (Biryani Royales)
SpaceCat (Astropussy)
Afrid1 (The Huntsmen)
Mohsin (Real Fortis)
Leatherface (All Stars XI)
KingUsama (Gawalmandi Gang)
Sidcricfan (Taaj Manzoor XI)
Pakistaniboy (Norwegian Mafiosos)
Green Leopard (Mogodishu)
Genghis (Matchfixers)
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The Special One will continue his managerial career with The Huntsmen. :akhtar
Manager of Real Fortis (who were robbed of the Cup last season...yes im still bitter lol) reporting for duty

Ive re-stocked my 'suit wardrobe' for the new season lol
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Monsters Divided are looking for an assistant manager. Those who are interested, please contact me.
11 managers have confirmed their availability. Where are the rest??
Have received a few offers regarding Monsters Divided's assistant manager job.
We need to get KingUsama here as well. He is a great manager.
where are the rest of managers?? They don't want to play i think.
I suggest you send out PMs to all the registered managers. I am sure will be able to make up the number even if some don't return. Sid and you can manage two teams as well.
Genghis, King Usama, Sid, Ibad, GL

Those are the 5 we need
Ibad i think you should open the player retention thread now?
I suggest opening the retention thread ASAP, even if nothing is planned till new year let's say (as those who are busy with uni/work etc etc can get it over and done with...plus they'll be as much time as possible anyway)
Gawalmandi gang will be leading by Canadian royalty - - kingusama92.
Pakistaniboy - Assistant Manager - The Huntsmen

i think you should wait Pakiboy, I have already added Sidcricfan to the main managers list.
So if you confirm your spot aswell to manage your own team then you can be the main manager for the next season.
Sidcricfan is also added to the list. Need 3 more confirmations.
i think you should wait Pakiboy, I have already added Sidcricfan to the main managers list.
So if you confirm your spot aswell to manage your own team then you can be the main manager for the next season.

Ok I confirm my team aswell.
14 members now?

2 more needed. Genghis and Green Leopard haven't showed up.
15 managers now !

Just one more needed, come on Genghis.
I'm in... just in time!

Been a bit busy at work and haven't been on.
ok all managers confirmed. Now they need to retain their players and name their team changes for the next season.