PPFMC Season 2 - Suggestions


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 30, 2012
PPFMC Season 1 is about to end. We are just 4-5 rounds away from its end.
Now i am looking forward to season 2. Season 1 was not that good so need some changes to the format.
I need suggestions on what changes are needed for Season 2.

FM 13 is releasing on 2nd November and i am thinking of starting Season 2 on FM 13.

What i am thinking is to start from scratch, like making new teams with new players and also also reducing the number of teams.

I need suggestions. What you guys think we should change in Season 2.
Not keen on changing my team.

However do agree with cutting the teams down or maybe splitting into 2 divs.
I wouldn't mind changing teams.

And reducing teams to 20 might be a good idea as the bottom table is currently playing merry go round and it will be good for the bottom managers to sit out for a while before they get back into the game.
Yep, I agree with reducing teams. I agree with iZeeshan that 20 teams is probably about right. Maybe cut out the teams that finish in the last 4 of the table this season?

Not sure we should be changing teams around. People have put in a lot of hard work building their teams. What will happen here is that the people who've done well this season will want to keep the same team and players, whilst those who haven't done well will want to change.

The problem with dividing into two divisions is how do you decide who goes in 1st division and who goes in 2nd? If we keep same teams, then it's easy. Top half from this season stays in top division, bottom half from this season goes into 2nd division.
Also, we discussed this via PM a very long time ago, and someone else brought it up, which I think should be put in place. Retraining players for a new position.

I guess there are 2 teams without managers now.So cut down the league to 22 teams.And yes i love the idea of a new team or atleast reshuffle the players around.
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Start from scratch, new teams, new players, FM 13 (Agree)
Split into 2 Divisions (Disagree)
i was thinking of reducing the teams to 16 or 18. Need a manager to wait for sometime after getting fired from his board. Less teams will make it more intense.

2 divisions is up to you guys. Whatever you decide will be implemented.
Not sure we should be changing teams around. People have put in a lot of hard work building their teams. What will happen here is that the people who've done well this season will want to keep the same team and players, whilst those who haven't done well will want to change.

how about allowing a team to keep 5-8 players of their choice from their current teams and the rest should be up as free agents.
This will keep all the managers happy.
Imo there should be two divisions with the top half of this season in the top division and the bottom half in the lower division. The teams should be kept the same as we have done a lot of work with transfers ect.

I also agree Rizzy, I mentioned it before that we should be able to train players for another position... would be a good idea
how about allowing a team to keep 5-8 players of their choice from their current teams and the rest should be up as free agents.
This will keep all the managers happy.

How about every manager keeps 8 Players.

The rest goes in the pot where you allocate them again.

It would be a mess to fight for those players too if they are free agents...
Or scrap that.

I want my whole team.

I have spent too much time buliding it to my desire so full teams, but with less managers.

A league of 18 is fine enough.
16-18 teams?Thats too less IBad.Atleast allow the present managers to be retained.I am of the opinion that teams should be from scratch.And i think in FM13 quite a few older players may be retired or their attributes reduced so if you want to use FM13 get all teams from scratch.

I am not in favour of 2 divisions.
I think 2 divs is the way to. Maybe with 9 or 10 teams each.

Bottom four teams are expelled and their players becoming free agents.

Don't want to redo the teams as I am happy with mine and don't want to change.

Teams will have more to play for alot more if there is promotion and relegation
I think 2 divs is the way to. Maybe with 9 or 10 teams each.

Bottom four teams are expelled and their players becoming free agents.

Don't want to redo the teams as I am happy with mine and don't want to change.

Teams will have more to play for alot more if there is promotion and relegation

I think the bottom 4s would feel the same way. :13:

And not to forget that it would be impossible to get good players to the 2nd division managers.
If you want to use FM 13 then yes,

The option of disbanding teams and starting with all new players is a better idea since some teams have some oldies who have/will retire most probably.

Replace them with young blood.
Pboy, if we have 2 divs then it will make the end of the season so much more exciting.

At present only a few teams are vying for the 3 trophies on offer. The others are just playing for positions. What's the point in that.
Pboy, if we have 2 divs then it will make the end of the season so much more exciting.

At present only a few teams are vying for the 3 trophies on offer. The others are just playing for positions. What's the point in that.

I agree, but then it should be two top divisions and we can create a cup like Champions league too if its possible.

Like the top 6 in the top divisions goes to the Champions Cup(League).
I agree, but then it should be two top divisions and we can create a cup like Champions league too if its possible.

Like the top 6 in the top divisions goes to the Champions Cup(League).

U can't have 2 top divisions. There has to a 1st and 2nd div, otherwise how will u have promotion and relegation.
U can't have 2 top divisions. There has to a 1st and 2nd div, otherwise how will u have promotion and relegation.

The problem with that is that the teams that will get promoted will most likely get relegated again BECAUSE:

None of the top players would want to come to that club so you basically cant buy any good players.

The club would be doomed, but I understand your point and agree with it to an extent.

Murph. I understand why you want the 2 division idea in place but I don't think it's fair for it to be place right now, it shouldve been placed before the season started, so the managers knew what was at stake.

What would be fair would be another league. 20 managers again. from Season 3 onwards we can split them into 2 divisions? Although, it might become a bit dull because we wont be able to square off against some managers for an entire season.

Number 10 will not play Number 11 for a whole season :89:
Murph. I understand why you want the 2 division idea in place but I don't think it's fair for it to be place right now, it shouldve been placed before the season started, so the managers knew what was at stake.

What would be fair would be another league. 20 managers again. from Season 3 onwards we can split them into 2 divisions? Although, it might become a bit dull because we wont be able to square off against some managers for an entire season.

Number 10 will not play Number 11 for a whole season :89:

CH I think it's the perfect time to implement it as now we can have a split based on performance, so no one can have any complaints.

I am more concerned about retaining my players who I have built through the original handout and free transfers.
I like the idea of two divisions. If the interest grows for this league it also gives us the chance to add more players.

I also think we should be allowed to keep the players we have now.
Each manager should be allowed to keep 8 players from their current squad. Not one more, not one less. 8 seems just about fair and should keep everyone happy. I dont think 2 divisions makes sense with only 16-20 managers, maybe if get more managers we can but for now, one proper league is the way to go!
Each manager should be allowed to keep 8 players from their current squad. Not one more, not one less. 8 seems just about fair and should keep everyone happy. I dont think 2 divisions makes sense with only 16-20 managers, maybe if get more managers we can but for now, one proper league is the way to go!

Would be a headache for me....
2 divisions sounds a good idea BUT saying it towardsthe end of the seasons a little unfair perhaps. Some managers may have 'slowed down' in the league playing weaker teams to concentrate on the QF/SF of the Cup comps and as a result moved down a little

As for changing teams/players...HELL NO! sorry buy gotta be blunt, some people will like the idea because the team they managed flopped perhaps or they didntmake the right signings. I certainly dot want a new team...I am Real Fortis, I named my team, I've shaped my team, as for the players I've not made ANY signings (got 2/3 free transfers and 1 sale and that's it) and I've made them what they are now lol...I don't wanna start again otherwise the last couple of months would have been a waste of my time
If we are going to start teams from scratch every season my interest in the league will drop dramatically. I could compromise with keeping a certain amount of players like 8 or 10 though i guess but i worked to hard on this team to start again.

I like the idea with of two divisions a lot and it was suggested a few times at the start of season 1. As Murph said it will create a lot more excitement at the end of each season and now is the most appropriate time to implement it with the top 10 and bottom 10(removing the worst 4 teams). Both divisions can still be involved in the cup tournaments.
Good points made. I still think we should go ahead with one division, one league, 20 teams this season, at the end of the season, and for beginning of Season 3, we make two divisions, ten teams each, but every single manager should be made aware of this at the beginning of season 2, so they know exactly what's at stake, because for example, if 10 and 11 are separated by goal difference or one point, 11 won't be too happy being put into another division.
I wasn't aware that we would only play eachother once rather than both home and away. I think we should keep the teams we have. People have worked hard to put them together. I agree if possible logistically we should have 2 divisions - it would also make the cup competitions potentially more interesting.

The other suggestion I have is around money. We do seem to have too much transfer money in the game which firstly means crazy prizes but secondly that the stronger teams can finance all their stars without any money concerns. Even in the real world the biggest teams do have budget constraints.
Mixed suggestions on divisions, teams and players.

The only suggestion which everyone is accepting is Retraining players. (So its on)
Some managers want new players and some want to keep their players, so for solution i think the managers should be allowed to keep 10-12 players from their current team and the rest should be up for draft or as free agents.
This will keep both type of managers happy.

On Divisions and teams: I think we should reduce the number of teams to 16-18. Reason i want them to be reduced because currently i am not able to find a new manager so easily. Currently 1-2 teams are without a PP manager and whenever a manager is fired he gets other team on the next day. Which is making it less competitive.

We can also introduce an assistant or part time manager which can serve as a helping hand to the main manager in building and naming a team.

So if we reduce the teams to 16-18, the last 4-6 managers (as we don't have 24 currently) can serve as the assistant of the other managers before they get a better job.

I was thinking of 2 divisions with 8-9 teams in each div. Last 3 teams of div 1 relegates and top 3 of div 2 gets promoted.
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The other suggestion I have and I'm not sure how popular this would be but modelling the teams on one league - probably England. So foreign players would be available but would have to bid for them. At the moment we have Messi, Ronaldo, Rooney etc all playing in the same league from the start. Together with reduced cash it would mean that squads may have to develop the reserves and youth team players like in the real game - but maybe too difficult.
Some managers want new players and some want to keep their players, so for solution i think the managers should be allowed to keep 10-12 players from their current team and the rest should be up for draft or as free agents.
This will keep both type of managers happy.

On Divisions and teams: I think we should reduce the number of teams to 16-18. Reason i want them to be reduced because currently i am not able to find a new manager so easily. Currently 1-2 teams are without a PP manager and whenever a manager is fired he gets other team on the next day. Which is making it less competitive.

We can also introduce an assistant or part time manager which can serve as a helping hand to the main manager in building and naming a team.

So if we reduce the teams to 16-18, the last 4-6 managers (as we don't have 24 currently) can serve as the assistant of the other managers before they get a better job.

I was thinking of 2 divisions with 8-9 teams in each div. Last 3 teams of div 1 relegates and top 3 of div 2 gets promoted.


10-12 players means all managers would be keeping their 1st 11 and only releasing the Subs.May be 8 is a better figure.

I think we should have 20 teams.Thats what most leagues around the world have.

But are you sure you are going to use FM13?Because then it will mean a lot of reshuffling because many older players will be missing and also the attributes will be different.
You gotta start from scratch with FM 13. I do not think the no. of teams is an issue, but the thing is we need active managers.
number of teams is not an issue.

8 players in the team looks good too.

FM 13 will not be that much different. As when we moved from FM 11 to FM 12 it was not much difference in the attributes.
One more thing : there should be some sort of a randomizer for distribution of top players.
I don't mind a change in format but the less messing with my team the better. I'm trying to build something here.
I think we should keep 20 teams. 20 is just fine. For next season (season 3) we split them into two divisions, not this season. and I think a manager should be able to retain 8 players, not one more, not one less. Who else agrees?
I think we should keep 20 teams. 20 is just fine. For next season (season 3) we split them into two divisions, not this season. and I think a manager should be able to retain 8 players, not one more, not one less. Who else agrees?

I agree to this suggestion.

Atleast give it a season more instead of just kicking some teams out already after 1 season.
I'm not too keen on 2 divisions.

Also, the redistribution of players is better now that everyone has gotten the hang of FM 12 and plus some players will be completely different in FM 13 will they not?
I think we should keep 20 teams. 20 is just fine. For next season (season 3) we split them into two divisions, not this season. and I think a manager should be able to retain 8 players, not one more, not one less. Who else agrees?

I agree.

I'm not too keen on 2 divisions.

Also, the redistribution of players is better now that everyone has gotten the hang of FM 12 and plus some players will be completely different in FM 13 will they not?

I am all for redistribution of players.
Don't see the point in waiting another season. Change it now or don't change it at all.
Just a note:

Any changes need to be made at the end of this season. We can't wait another season, because you can't edit these things once you start a game in FM. Since we're moving from FM12 to FM13, everything has to be done from scratch on FM13, so we can make changes. I repeat, once started in FM13, nothing can be changed as it doesn't allow you to.
There's a small minority of players who will be completely different. That could be fixed tho during the transfer window.
I seriously think we need to break it down into 2 divisions with the possibility of loaning players to other clubs.
I seriously think we need to break it down into 2 divisions with the possibility of loaning players to other clubs.

We can loan to another club, inside one division too :ahmed

Also, can I change my nationality, I don't want to be Aruban anymore :dav
Okay. Retraining Players is on, yes? 20 teams, yes? Since there's no consensus, we still for 1 division, yes? Anything else?
Wait so what happens to all the extra players released from the other 6 teams? Can we draft them?
New things that will be implemented in Season 2.

Season 2 will be played on FM 13.

Retraining Maximum 2 players (Training a player on a particular position) will be allowed.

Total 14 or 16 teams (will be decided at the end of this season).

1 division only.

Both home and away matches will be played in the league.

The managers will be allowed to choose a PP assistant manager who can name their teams if they are not available. And after their sack the assistant will handle their team.

The 14-16 teams will be allowed to keep maximum 10-12 players of their choice from their current teams and the rest will be up as free agents.
The teams which will be disbanded after this season, their players will also be up as free agents.
All these free agents will be up in an auction bidding draft with all the teams given a fixed amount of finance to bid.
Maximum squad size will be increased to 24 players per squad.

If anything missing or you guys want to implement then please mention here.
I meant from next season when the teams will be around 16. The managers are 20 so how will you decide the 16 managers if 4 of them do not get the sack?

i told you already that 2-3 managers will get sacked either from their boards or through 3 strikes. Some of the managers are on verge of being sacked. So i will automatically get that number of 16 managers.
Ibad, I think 18 teams is reasonable. We want more people involved, more activity. I understand you want to cut down from 24 for obvious reasons but 14 is way too less, not too many people enjoying the cake there. I think 18 is probably better.
How about adding PP members as players similar to PPCL and Contracts can decide their attributes.
How about adding PP members as players similar to PPCL and Contracts can decide their attributes.

I suggested this before didn't I? People didn't want to do it...???

What are the views on this?
but we are starting a new season with new rules so wanted to ask how people feel about it.
Not sure if a decision has been made regarding this BUT I am very much in favour of us retaining our squads
Not sure if a decision has been made regarding this BUT I am very much in favour of us retaining our squads

you will be allowed to keep 10 to 12 players from your current squad and the rest will be up for a draft or auction.
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you will be allowed to keep 10 to 12 players from your current squad and the rest will be up for a draft or auction.

not keen :( I want to keep 19 of my players. If push came to shove, then i would want to retain at least 15 players.
not keen :( I want to keep 19 of my players. If push came to shove, then i would want to retain at least 15 players.

it will depend. I might change that number. But initially it looks like we will keep it to 10-12 members per team.
No team should be allowed to retain more than 8 players. 10 MAX. Let's spice it up a little, let's test the managers..no point making it easy, won't be as much fun.