PPP supporters?


First Class Captain
Aug 8, 2006
Post of the Week
im embarrassed to say that as a foreign pakistani, i dont know as much as i should about pakistani politics. thats said, ive been reading papers and watching interviews and am formulating an opinion, but am aware that it might be biased.

from what ive heard of imrans interviews, i cant fault him. however he does level accusations against his opponents, of corruption and the like, which since i dont live there, i have no idea whether are true or not.

are there any ppp supporters on pp, and if so what are their views on the pti and accusations of corruption and mismanagement?

please keep this discussion civil, and avoid personal attacks, im really hoping for a fact finding exploration rather than a mud slinging playground fight.
Nowadays, not many can openly admit that they are PPP supporters.

I know some of the staunchest PPP supporters one can ever come across. And even they admit how corrupt this govt is.

PPP is a feudal party. It is made up of feudals. What can you expect?
i was always under the impression that the majority of supporters were the 'liberal elite' and sided with the ppp because of its modern, anti-traditional character, and its tendency to lean away from religion.
ppp and MqM are probably the most hated parties. PPP use to be ok under zulfiqar ali bhutto but then when down hill from there . all the politician suck I think only imran is honest but even he doesnt have experience so i dont know if he can be successful
PPP has a liberal image, yes. But that is not a good enough reason to get votes.

Most of the PPP supporters I know, and I know many, are what you would call liberals.

But, they are also (sorry to say) dumb. You can present any evidence against PPP leaders, and their only response is that these are conspiracies against the party.

I used to be a NS supporter a long time back, but even then, I would never dismiss accusations against him as being false and made up. Unfortunately, jiayalas think their leaders are spotless
I'm willing to bet that the 2 BB Governments are/were 2 of the MOST corrupt Governments in Pakistan's history with this Government trying to perhaps beat that...

Top 3 most corrupt governments:

BB Government 1
BB Government 2
Zardari Government
how has this government been corrupt mohsin? I've said this to many people, you want to look at ppp supporters look at how many votes they got.
how has this government been corrupt mohsin? I've said this to many people, you want to look at ppp supporters look at how many votes they got.

I'll just give 1 example and 2 little words:

rental powerplants

These....people even rejected an offer from Iran in regards to the electricity situation so that they could push forward with the RPPs and fill their back pockets caring like **** about Pakistan or her electricity situation
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PPP is only Pakistani party which is truly national as PML-N is a punjabi party and others are just regional like MQM and ANP. Its liberal in its outlook and even though currently its hell bent on a suicidal mission politically it is still the only party which can keep Pakistan united.. A weak PPP will lead to the disintegration of Pakistan.
PPP is only Pakistani party which is truly national as PML-N is a punjabi party and others are just regional like MQM and ANP. Its liberal in its outlook and even though currently its hell bent on a suicidal mission politically it is still the only party which can keep Pakistan united.. A weak PPP will lead to the disintegration of Pakistan.

Really? Pakistan is dependent on a political party. Where to go man
PPP is the only party in the history of the world which since it's inception has actively and consciously worked to undermine and damage the country that it rules...a Manchurian party...other countries may have had Manchurian candidates...in Pakistan's case we've been blessed with a whole Manchurian party/government...
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I'll just give 1 example and 2 little words:

rental powerplants

These....people even rejected an offer from Iran in regards to the electricity situation so that they could push forward with the RPPs and fill their back pockets caring like **** about Pakistan or her electricity situation

Can you give me links where I can read into this in more detail?
ppp is basically a sindhi party with some support in southern punjab and villages. What surprises me is that people say bhutto won election from Lahore. how is that possible??
Can you give me links where I can read into this in more detail?


He said the government should not waste the precious taxpayers' money for the benefit of runners of rental power plants, but instead invest
this money in setting up new power houses. He said neighboring countries Iran and China have offered to provide a, but the rulers are not ready to accept these generous offers, because they would put their hefty commissions and kickbacks in jeopardy. He said the people should pressurize the rulers to accept the offers of Iran and China so that affordable electricity could be provided to Pakistani domestic consumers, traders and industry. He said the Thar coal reserves should be utilized for electricity generation on war-footing basis.

The amount of electricity which can be produced from thercoal (even sold out to other countries!) Yet these guys are more worried about their back pockets

ppp is basically a sindhi party with some support in southern punjab and villages. What surprises me is that people say bhutto won election from Lahore. how is that possible??

that is rubbish.. PPP has won seats in every province of this country..
that is rubbish.. PPP has won seats in every province of this country..

1997 elections, PML-N win over 97% of the vote! Granted there must have been some rigging but no one can rig 97%. Blair even practically legitimised the results with PPPers even sick of the HUGE HUGE HUGE corruption of PPP Government.
A strong PPP IS in Pakistan's interest but saying that the break up of PPP would lead to the Nauzubillah break up of Pakistan is just rubbish
ppp is basically a sindhi party with some support in southern punjab and villages. What surprises me is that people say bhutto won election from Lahore. how is that possible??

Butto created Bangladesh out of pakistan to get into power. Man never won election in his life. He lost and started a civil war.
1997 elections, PML-N win over 97% of the vote! Granted there must have been some rigging but no one can rig 97%. Blair even practically legitimised the results with PPPers even sick of the HUGE HUGE HUGE corruption of PPP Government.
A strong PPP IS in Pakistan's interest but saying that the break up of PPP would lead to the Nauzubillah break up of Pakistan is just rubbish

please stay in the present. Nawaz Sharif is hated in Sindh, Balochistan and now Hazara belt of KP as well.. He is a head of a provincial party now. InshAllah Pakistan will survive and do better than in the past for that to happen someone like PML-N(hate just any party which is centred around a single entity)PTI, MQM, ANP etc would have to step up to the plate and be a national party
I'll just give 1 example and 2 little words:

rental powerplants

These....people even rejected an offer from Iran in regards to the electricity situation so that they could push forward with the RPPs and fill their back pockets caring like **** about Pakistan or her electricity situation

What about German submarine deal? I believe Zardari cancelled that deal in favour of French submarines even though german were better.
again, im not up to date on these things, forgive me if im wrong, but werent there a bunch of corruption charges that were dropped by a change in the constitution by musharraf, which is threason that zardaro got into the party again?

and the swiss money laundering charges, werent they dropped because he's head of state, not because he was acquitted? didnt he plead insanity in the swiss case?

does anyone have any links as to where he received the title of mister 10%?
then why imran khan is so impressed from him??

Regardless of his policies...Bhutto was a dynamic and charismatic man whom you were proud of in regards to HE was representing Pakistan around the world. In that sense.

What about German submarine deal? I believe Zardari cancelled that deal in favour of French submarines even though german were better.

Yeah that was in BBs first or second Government i think...Frech deal meant more commission for Ghaddari

please stay in the present. Nawaz Sharif is hated in Sindh, Balochistan and now Hazara belt of KP as well.. He is a head of a provincial party now. InshAllah Pakistan will survive and do better than in the past for that to happen someone like PML-N(hate just any party which is centred around a single entity)PTI, MQM, ANP etc would have to step up to the plate and be a national party

I dont know about hated in Balochistan, if anything out of all the 'major' political leaders in Balochistan, Nawaz Sharif is the most liked...Talal Akbar Bugti even emphasises this (people of Balochistan have hope in Nawaz Sharif, he's spoken out for Balochistan etc etc) In regards to Hazara...yes the name-change did hurt his support base with PML-N members of Hazara refusing to meet Nawaz Sahrif in the immediate aftermath but it didnt smash it...still plenty of support especially with the likes of Sardar Mahtab Khan in PML-N.

In regards to 'stepping upto the plate'...please do not mention ANP (the so-called 'Puhtun voice' who's ONLY interest is Pathan this, Pukhtun that (something we can also see from its history)...but if anything they are taking the p1ss out of Pathans and dont represent then at all!
1997 elections, PML-N win over 97% of the vote! Granted there must have been some rigging but no one can rig 97%. Blair even practically legitimised the results with PPPers even sick of the HUGE HUGE HUGE corruption of PPP Government.
A strong PPP IS in Pakistan's interest but saying that the break up of PPP would lead to the Nauzubillah break up of Pakistan is just rubbish

Im sure sadam got 99 and mugabe got 99%. Although they are dictators if PML-N were backed by the intelligence services they could easily have rigged it to such a level
i dont agree with ppp's current socialist policies. Giving bailout packages to steel mill and pia from tax payers money. logon ko palna govt ki zimadari nehin. Create more businesses where these people can work and earn money. It has to be a balance between socialism and privatization.
People are just saying NS is better than zardari.
Ideal is Imran only
i think in ideal scenario i would prefer privatization but for a country like pakistan, it needs a teeka of socialism for next 20 years to bring social justice and society at same level.
PPP is one party that has damaged Pakistan the most. They are almost all feudal, masquerading as liberals and secular. Needless to say, they've done irrepairable damage to the image of liberalism in Pakistan.

It is a tragedy that most people associate PPP with center-left ideology.
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