Protest over image of Prophet Mohammed shown in a UK class 'unacceptable', say education officials


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
A demonstration that took place outside a school after a teacher showed a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed in a class was "completely unacceptable", the Department for Education has said.

A DfE spokesperson said the "nature of protest we have seen, including issuing threats and in violation of coronavirus restrictions" must end.

Dozens of people, including parents, had gathered outside Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire on Thursday morning to demonstrate.

Video footage posted on social media showed men wearing masks crowding around the school gate.

A teacher has been suspended and the school has apologised for using the image, admitting it was "totally inappropriate".

One parent at the school said the cartoon was taken from Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine that was attacked in 2015 by Islamist terrorists who killed 12 people in Paris.

On Thursday evening, the DfE spokesperson said: "It is never acceptable to threaten or intimidate teachers. We encourage dialogue between parents and schools when issues emerge.

"Schools are free to include a full range of issues, ideas and materials in their curriculum, including where they are challenging or controversial, subject to their obligations to ensure political balance.

"They must balance this with the need to promote respect and tolerance between people of different faiths and beliefs, including in deciding which materials to use in the classroom."

The caricature was shown to students in a lesson on 22 March, according to a letter to parents seen by Sky News.

Head teacher Gary Kibble said on Thursday: "The school unequivocally apologises for using a totally inappropriate image in a recent religious studies lesson. It should not have been used.

"A member of staff has also relayed their most sincere apologies. We have immediately withdrawn teaching on this part of the course and we are reviewing how we go forward with the support of all our communities represented in our school.

"It is important for children to learn about faiths and beliefs, but this must be done in a respectful, sensitive way.

"A member of staff has been suspended pending an independent formal investigation."

People had gathered outside the school to demand the resignation of the teacher involved.

A police officer read a statement from Batley Grammar as protesters shouted that they wanted the member of staff "sacked".

The letter to parents read: "The school would like to thank the parents who contacted us on Monday 22 March highlighting concerns with a resource used in an RS lesson that day.

"Upon investigation, it was clear that the resource used in the lesson was completely inappropriate and had the capacity to cause great offence to members of our school community, for which we would like to offer sincere and full apology."

In a letter addressed to Mr Kibble and shared online, founder of Batley-based charity Purpose Of Life, Mohammad Sajad Hussain, said he was "deeply hurt" by the "insulting caricatures of our beloved Prophet Mohammed".

"They talk about freedom of expression, but I question what freedom of expression has to do with an RE lesson," he said.

"You will never see an image of the Prophet Mohammed in our mosque, in any mosque in the world. It's not acceptable."

He added: "That gives you some sense of understating as to why these cartoons cause aggravation."

Mr Lunat said he also fears the debate may be "hijacked" by people not directly related to the school.

West Yorkshire Police said it was called to the protest at around 7.30am on Thursday.

A police spokesman said the school road had been closed for a short time, no arrests were made and no fines were issued.

The National Secular Society called the demonstration an "attempt to impose an Islamic blasphemy taboo on a school".

The society's chief executive, Stephen Evans, said: "Teachers must have a reasonable degree of freedom to explore sensitive subjects and enable students to think critically about them.

"And the school's weak response will fuel a climate of censorship, which is brought on by attempts to force society as a whole to accommodate unreasonable and reactionary religious views."
A demonstration that took place outside a school after a teacher showed a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed in the classroom was "disturbing", a cabinet minister has said.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said the protest was "not right" and that "we shouldn't have teachers feeling intimidated".

"That is not a road we want to go down in this country so I would strongly urge people concerned about this issue not to do that," he told Sky News on Friday.

Mr Jenrick added that reports the teacher is now in hiding are "very disturbing".

Dozens of people gathered outside Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire on Thursday calling for the teacher involved in the incident to be sacked.

Video footage showed people chanting as they crowded around the school gate, which was flanked by police officers.

The caricature of the prophet, believed to be one published by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, was shown to pupils in a religious studies lesson on 22 March, according to a letter seen by Sky News.

Any depiction of Mohammed is considered to be deeply offensive within Islam.

Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, described the lesson as a "despicable attack on our faith".

"Our hearts are pained to know a teacher working with 70% Muslim pupils didn't consider the hurt this would cause," he said.

Yunus Lunat, an executive member of the Indian Muslim Welfare Society in Batley, told Sky News he thinks the teacher "went off script" and was trying to "provoke".

The school has suspended the teacher involved, with headteacher Gary Kibble saying: "The school unequivocally apologises for using a totally inappropriate image in a recent religious studies lesson. It should not have been used.

"A member of staff has also relayed their most sincere apologies."

The Department for Education last night condemned protests outside the school as "completely unacceptable".

A spokesperson said in statement: "It is never acceptable to threaten or intimidate teachers. We encourage dialogue between parents and schools when issues emerge.

"Schools are free to include a full range of issues, ideas and materials in their curriculum, including where they are challenging or controversial, subject to their obligations to ensure political balance.

"They must balance this with the need to promote respect and tolerance between people of different faiths and beliefs, including in deciding which materials to use in the classroom."

West Yorkshire Police confirmed they were called to monitor the demonstrations, but no coronavirus fines or arrests were made.

Mr Shafiq and Mr Lunat expressed fears the debate will now be "hijacked" by those looking to criticise British Muslims.

"We urge all who love the Prophet Mohammed within the British Muslim community to remember our responsibilities to reject violence and never give in to the narrative that some want to paint us as," Mr Shafiq said.

Labour MP for Batley and Spen Tracy Brabin said the "upset and offence caused" was "understandable and predictable".

"I hope the school and concerned parents can now move forward constructively and focus on their children's education and overcoming the challenges presented by the pandemic," she added.

It comes after French teacher Samuel Paty was murdered following reports he showed an image of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils at a school near Paris.
Protests are going now saying they wont stop until the teacher is sacked. That school has a very large Muslim population surely the teacher would have known showing a picture of the Prophet with a bomb in his turban would have aggravated and incited some kids and even their parents tbh.

However these protesters are not painting anyone in a good light standing out the school shouting takbirs in the street and intimidating people going in and out of the school its a field day for elements of the UK press. Surely a better way would have been to have a meeting with the headteacher and senior staff behind closed doors. Or even have a discussion with the Teacher himself on what he was trying to achieve by showing this.
Protests are allowed in Britain provided they are carried out in a responsible manner. I will wait until more details emerge as to why these ones were seen as unacceptable.
Need to stop this Charlie Hebdo nonsense from permeating in UK.
Every religion and religious figure is allowed to be criticised and mocked but a school isnt the best medium to do that i dont think.

But ultimately you shouldnt be threatened and intimidated over a Cartoon. The teacher has had to get Police Protection
Protests are allowed in Britain provided they are carried out in a responsible manner. I will wait until more details emerge as to why these ones were seen as unacceptable.

Showing caricature of the Prophet Mohammed is also allowed in the UK so why the protest.
Protests are going now saying they wont stop until the teacher is sacked. That school has a very large Muslim population surely the teacher would have known showing a picture of the Prophet with a bomb in his turban would have aggravated and incited some kids and even their parents tbh.

However these protesters are not painting anyone in a good light standing out the school shouting takbirs in the street and intimidating people going in and out of the school its a field day for elements of the UK press. Surely a better way would have been to have a meeting with the headteacher and senior staff behind closed doors. Or even have a discussion with the Teacher himself on what he was trying to achieve by showing this.

Agree with this post. The mob mentality is frightening and the teacher should not be in police protection.

Now before someone says I am supporting the protestors by saying this let me caveat by saying I don't condone their actions BUT what kind of bubble was this RE teacher living in where he thought that this was ok. Surely he of all people given the subject he was studying would know this would trigger.
The school apologised hoping that the Protesters would go away. They suspended the teacher too hoping it would quash the protests but they arent stopping until the teacher is sacked now. It was all appeasement measures to prevent a further escalation. [MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION]
[MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION] Yeah it was a bit foolish from the teacher especially in a school that has is at least 50% Muslim if not higher and that town is the HQ of Darul Uloom Deoband in the UK so a lot of the kids are raised in very conservative religious households there.

Maybe the teacher was trying to make some type of statement but there are better ways to have a discussion over blasphemy and freedom of speech than showing kids a cartoon like that.
The school apologised hoping that the Protesters would go away. They suspended the teacher too hoping it would quash the protests but they arent stopping until the teacher is sacked now. It was all appeasement measures to prevent a further escalation. [MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION]

That was a sensible action. As I said in my first post, protest is allowed as long as it is done responsibly. It was a very provocative move by the teacher and understandable that parents were furious. However, they need to understand there is a right way and a wrong way to make objections felt, and it would definitely be stupid to escalate now that the school as taken the lead in diffusing the situation.
Protesting is fine, people should be able to voice their frustration...


Please no heads, neck, arms etc being cut off..
Protesting is fine, people should be able to voice their frustration...


Please no heads, neck, arms etc being cut off..

Also protest the right people, if you disagree with a law then you protest to the government. Protesting at the school was harassment of the teacher and that is against the law. The teacher did nothing wrong and to be harassed at his place of work is wrong, wrong wrong. He cant change the law and he has every right to do what he wants within the law.
Now its got the media attention too. You will get people who arent even that offended by it joining the protest just to be involved in a spectacle and tamasha. The School are investigating it and have suspended the teacher. Have issued a formal apology. Let them do their job now.

No need for a Day 2 of protests. If the School hadnt taken any action on it then i'd understand somewhat but they have.
Somehow I doubt it was a ‘caricature’ or ‘mocking’ the Prophet...likely just an image...very little actual context has been provided ...

Obviously the protests are dumb...but they are also very predictable...that a section of Muslims get offended by images of their Prophet is hardly new information...

‘Should be able’ belongs in the realm of utopia...the teacher should know better after what happened in France with the beheaded teacher...should be able to read the room...

I’m sure a point could be made without using an image ...
Very unnecessary move from the teacher to show a picture of the prophet, freedom of speech is fine and all but it works both ways. Parents are allowed to protest if they feel it is to the detriment of their kids learning, which is what is happening now.

The UK has no blasphemy laws as such as many have stated, however defacing a picture of the queen for example is againts the law, we saw the uproar when charlie hebdo draw a picture of her.

Seems like people are testing the waters for no reason, just to see what kind of reaction they can stir up.
I don't understand the mentality of teachers like him tbh. I mean, what would it achieve other than offending muslims and putting your own life in jeopardy. Maybe these guys are into adventure sport.
Very unnecessary move from the teacher to show a picture of the prophet, freedom of speech is fine and all but it works both ways. Parents are allowed to protest if they feel it is to the detriment of their kids learning, which is what is happening now.

The UK has no blasphemy laws as such as many have stated, however defacing a picture of the queen for example is againts the law, we saw the uproar when charlie hebdo draw a picture of her.

Seems like people are testing the waters for no reason, just to see what kind of reaction they can stir up.

Have you any reference to this, I didn't know this.
Protesting is fine, people should be able to voice their frustration...


Please no heads, neck, arms etc being cut off..

I think you should save this advice for your own countryman, Mr Sarvesh Kumar arrested last week for beheading his 17 year old daughter for falling in love. Seems like a trend in india where people cut of heads then walk to the police station like its some sort of accessory.
I don't understand the mentality of teachers like him tbh. I mean, what would it achieve other than offending muslims and putting your own life in jeopardy. Maybe these guys are into adventure sport.

If you allow this type of threat to control what people can do in their own community then you have lost your freedom.

The teacher did nothing wrong, he is allowed to by laws passed in his own country, no one has the right to make him conform to laws that they make up.

Making threats to people that dont follow your religious laws is not freedom of speech.
It all comes under high treason, its an obscure law agreed, but it definitely does exist at the same time as i remember doing some work in Uni over it.

The idea that damaging an image of the Queen is treasonous seems to come from a confusion of two different laws. The first is that it’s illegal to deface a banknote, though the penalty is a fine of £200, unlike life imprisonment for treason. The reason for this law is probably a combination of factors, including making it harder for counterfeiters and wanting to maximise the lifetime of notes in circulation (as printing new banknotes is an expensive business). Entirely destroying a banknote is legal, because that destroys its value while a defaced banknote remains in circulation.
Very unprofessional move from the teacher, and rightly suspended. This was not at all the setting in which to share these offensive images. Religions should not be publicly defamed in this manner.

The protestors should now let the school do its job in managing the teacher. The school has taken prompt and decisive action so far, they seem to be on top of things.
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If you allow this type of threat to control what people can do in their own community then you have lost your freedom.

The teacher did nothing wrong, he is allowed to by laws passed in his own country, no one has the right to make him conform to laws that they make up.

Making threats to people that dont follow your religious laws is not freedom of speech.

If he wasn't doing it inside a public school I would have agreed with you
You have thousands of rights but you are not going to exrcise all of tham in a public school

Spreading Nazi ideology is legal under the law (at least in the US)
But you don't want to see Mr. Hernandez the math teacher walking in and out of school building in an SS uniform with swastica on his forehead
If you allow this type of threat to control what people can do in their own community then you have lost your freedom.

The teacher did nothing wrong, he is allowed to by laws passed in his own country, no one has the right to make him conform to laws that they make up.

Making threats to people that dont follow your religious laws is not freedom of speech.

There are lots of things people should be able to do ...but can’t ...and don’t...I should be able to leave my doors unlocked when I go to work...I should be able to wear whatever watch I want wherever I want and not have to worry about being robbed for example ...

A teacher should be able to teach however they want...but all of these ‘should be able’ notions negate how the real world works ...

This is different for example to say some Muslims protesting the teaching of evolution...those would rightly be shot down ...

This situation though...what necessity is there to use an image that you know will be inflammatory?...
Man just privitise the school systems with gov subsidies like charter schools

Than people will get the choice to send their kids to where ever thy want to
Mr. Hernandez can do hail Hitler, Hail Osama, or Hail Pineapples in his "private" government subsidized school (and all of this is his right!)

This will ensure that we are not trampling over Mr. Hernandez's right to bear swastika tattoos

but we'll also get the choice to change our schools in capitalist, competitive school system

we'll all have the freedom to practice our beliefs and no one's right well trampled over
I live in the area

Heard from a reliable source he showed the Prophet with a bomb in his turban.

But agree this standing outside the school, death threats and forcing the school to close for 2 days is wrong.

Let the school complete it’s investigation.
Man just privitise the school systems with gov subsidies like charter schools

Than people will get the choice to send their kids to where ever thy want to
Mr. Hernandez can do hail Hitler, Hail Osama, or Hail Pineapples in his "private" government subsidized school (and all of this is his right!)

This will ensure that we are not trampling over Mr. Hernandez's right to bear swastika tattoos

but we'll also get the choice to change our schools in capitalist, competitive school system

we'll all have the freedom to practice our beliefs and no one's right well trampled over

It would be much easier if people just kept their religion to themselves and not worry about what others are doing.

England has removed religion from interfering in people lives, if you want to live a religious life then you are free to so but you dont have the right to force your religious beliefs onto anyone else.
People can criticize and troll religions all they want outside of the school setup. But religion and freedom to insult religions must be kept out of schools.
People can criticize and troll religions all they want outside of the school setup. But religion and freedom to insult religions must be kept out of schools.

Muslims do not decide what can and can't be said or done in schools, that is up to the school boards and governments.
I live in the area

Heard from a reliable source he showed the Prophet with a bomb in his turban.

But agree this standing outside the school, death threats and forcing the school to close for 2 days is wrong.

Let the school complete it’s investigation.
Neighborhood rumor by any chance?

The Chechan guy killed the teacher on similar rumors from a kid inside the class who was forced to lie, so lets just get calm down here

Let the professionals take care of the investigations and we'll go from there

On topic this man or the whole of Europe suffers fro "white mans burden" disease where they love to fix the problems of other people and their "false" cultures

American liberals also have this disease that's why the rotten foreign policies of democratic administrations... someone should prescribe a medication for this
If you allow this type of threat to control what people can do in their own community then you have lost your freedom.

The teacher did nothing wrong, he is allowed to by laws passed in his own country, no one has the right to make him conform to laws that they make up.

Making threats to people that dont follow your religious laws is not freedom of speech.

If not being able to insult someone's religion is loss of freedom, then I hope everyone loses this freedom.
If not being able to insult someone's religion is loss of freedom, then I hope everyone loses this freedom.

Religion does not get insulted, religion is a man made creation and has no feelings. People can be insulted but that depends on the person.
If you are weak then I can upset you with a few simple words, if you are strong then I would be wasting my time with words.
Religion does not get insulted, religion is a man made creation and has no feelings. People can be insulted but that depends on the person.
If you are weak then I can upset you with a few simple words, if you are strong then I would be wasting my time with words.

I do agree that religion is man made and you can say the same about God too. But insulting religious figures must be kept out of schools. Same for politics and other agendas. Schools should be strictly for learning science and history.
Religion does not get insulted, religion is a man made creation and has no feelings. People can be insulted but that depends on the person.
If you are weak then I can upset you with a few simple words, if you are strong then I would be wasting my time with words.

Then I should also be free to insult someone by calling them the N word, or insult homos, or jews. If they are strong they should no get upset by few simple words.
Then I should also be free to insult someone by calling them the N word, or insult homos, or jews. If they are strong they should no get upset by few simple words.

You should be able to insult Jews. Jews are just people who follow a particular religion.

N Word has a huge history of Oppression and slavery. Same with Homos. They are born that way. Its not something they chose to become. Hence cannot be used as insults.
You should be able to insult Jews. Jews are just people who follow a particular religion.

N Word has a huge history of Oppression and slavery. Same with Homos. They are born that way. Its not something they chose to become. Hence cannot be used as insults.

Oh so now rules and conditions start coming. Which idiot makes these rules? And this is why these people get over the top reaction. Hope this idiot teacher gets sacked.
Then I should also be free to insult someone by calling them the N word, or insult homos, or jews. If they are strong they should no get upset by few simple words.

Correct me if I'm wrong but muslims do insult homos and they do discriminate against blacks and they hate jews. Am I wrong?.
Oh so now rules and conditions start coming. Which idiot makes these rules? And this is why these people get over the top reaction. Hope this idiot teacher gets sacked.

You have to look into the history of certain slurs before they can be used as insults. N word and Homophobia has a huge history of persecution.

Anybody can make up a religion and become its head. That does not give him immunity from mockery unless that religious head proves that he is indeed the real deal and can demonstrate his or her God exists.
You should be able to insult Jews. Jews are just people who follow a particular religion.

N Word has a huge history of Oppression and slavery. Same with Homos. They are born that way. Its not something they chose to become. Hence cannot be used as insults.

Jews are also a race and also have a huge history of being oppressed all the was back to the early first century CE.

Being rude about someone’s religion is not oppressing them.

I still wouldn’t do it though, because it is rude. If I am rude to someone I cannot expect them to be polite in return.
Neighborhood rumor by any chance?

The Chechan guy killed the teacher on similar rumors from a kid inside the class who was forced to lie, so lets just get calm down here

Let the professionals take care of the investigations and we'll go from there

On topic this man or the whole of Europe suffers fro "white mans burden" disease where they love to fix the problems of other people and their "false" cultures

American liberals also have this disease that's why the rotten foreign policies of democratic administrations... someone should prescribe a medication for this

Whereas American conservatives invade countries for profit.
Correct me if I'm wrong but muslims do insult homos and they do discriminate against blacks and they hate jews. Am I wrong?.

Some Muslims probably do because they are humans and have good/bad people in their group like any other demographic in the world. However if a Muslim teacher used a slur while teaching they would be fired even if though no slur is technically illegal.

In Canada, a professor is facing protest and is verge of being fired because he made an insensitive remark about the Myanmar situation.

You don’t have to do some thing illegal to be fired or face protest. Many people have lost their job for insulting or unprofessional behaviour.
Whereas American neo-con invade countries for profit.
yes they do

conservatives (who I have some differences with) or libertarians arent interested in war mongering or invading any country
Jews are also a race and also have a huge history of being oppressed all the was back to the early first century CE.

Being rude about someone’s religion is not oppressing them.

I still wouldn’t do it though, because it is rude. If I am rude to someone I cannot expect them to be polite in return.

Jews also killed a ton of people according to their own scriptures because their God ordered them to do.

Hindus were also oppressed by successive invaders. Buddhists were oppressed and wiped out in central asia. Christians suffered under Caliphites. Muslims suffered from Mongol invasions and are suffering now in many countries. That does not mean that they cannot be criticized for their beliefs.

You can criticize Black people and Africans. But using N Word against them should not be allowed due to its history. If you are rude to someone, then the response can be rude too. But physical violence should not be allowed.
yes they do

conservatives (who I have some differences with) or libertarians arent interested in war mongering or invading any country

Neoconservatism is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist foreign policy of the Democratic Party and with the growing New Left and counterculture of the 1960s, particularly the Vietnam protests
You're allowed to protest, but their demands shouldn't be meant. No way should someone be fired for showing a cartoon. It being dubbed as 'Islamaphobia' (which should be anti-Muslim sentiment) is ridiculous. Should there be protests by gay people, apostates, atheists, etc outside every mosque and church because of the not-so-peaceful verses contained within the Quran and Bible? Of course not, but those situations would be more justified.
You have to look into the history of certain slurs before they can be used as insults. N word and Homophobia has a huge history of persecution.

Anybody can make up a religion and become its head. That does not give him immunity from mockery unless that religious head proves that he is indeed the real deal and can demonstrate his or her God exists.

If there is a history behind any slur, that is more reason to use it for insult. The point of insults is to be insulting.
Jews are also a race and also have a huge history of being oppressed all the was back to the early first century CE.

Being rude about someone’s religion is not oppressing them.

I still wouldn’t do it though, because it is rude. If I am rude to someone I cannot expect them to be polite in return.

Calling someone N word is also not oppressing them. So I should be free to use it. Maybe only whites should not use it, but dark skinned people who had no skin in oppressing them should have all the freedom to insult the blacks.
So the teacher is suspended, and the school head has apologised. Setting aside the usual freedom of speech etc. Why is there still a protest?

What is there left to protest about?
So the teacher is suspended, and the school head has apologised. Setting aside the usual freedom of speech etc. Why is there still a protest?

What is there left to protest about?

Because this is not enough deterrence. When people will be sacked for being bigots while on the job, only then they will learn to behave.
And it will stop at sacking? I doubt it.

I’m bemused why there is such finality around this - I could understand if the school refused to budge but they seem to have taken appropriate action. Nobody was hurt, impeded or otherwise scarred.

Move on and get over it.
So the teacher is suspended, and the school head has apologised. Setting aside the usual freedom of speech etc. Why is there still a protest?

What is there left to protest about?

Is the protest still ongoing?
So the teacher is suspended, and the school head has apologised. Setting aside the usual freedom of speech etc. Why is there still a protest?

What is there left to protest about?

It was not just one teacher.

People need to some basic research before posting.

One teacher set up the class, encouraging another teacher to show a cartoon of the Prophet(pbuh). Some say it was depicting him as a terrorist, this is yet to be confirmed.

The school is made up of 2/3 Muslim students in an area with a high Muslim population.

Not only did the teacher show the children a vile cartoon, it is alleged he also made remarks such as 'your' people are fighting our people in Iraq.

This wasnt a normal class lesson for children to learn but a hate class directed at the kids.

The teacher will no longer teach at this school. I would go further to see if criminal charges can be brought against this teacher and to ensure he never teaches or gets near kids ever again.

UK is not France, Muslims here have a lot of political power and resources. This idiotic teacher has ruined his career because of hatred he had inside his tiny little heart. What a complete ***** he is, hopefully the kids will get over this trauma and be able to move on with their education.
The teacher has an incredible judgement ability :facepalm: He/she is either very stupid or is deliberately trying to start something.

In any case, should never be allowed to teach ever again.


This is last thing UK needs. A perfect opportunity for extremists (of different sides) to push their disgusting agendas, as can be observed by reading some posts in this thread.

Who benefits from these kind of acts?
It was not just one teacher.

People need to some basic research before posting.

One teacher set up the class, encouraging another teacher to show a cartoon of the Prophet(pbuh). Some say it was depicting him as a terrorist, this is yet to be confirmed.

The school is made up of 2/3 Muslim students in an area with a high Muslim population.

Not only did the teacher show the children a vile cartoon, it is alleged he also made remarks such as 'your' people are fighting our people in Iraq.

This wasnt a normal class lesson for children to learn but a hate class directed at the kids.

The teacher will no longer teach at this school. I would go further to see if criminal charges can be brought against this teacher and to ensure he never teaches or gets near kids ever again.

UK is not France, Muslims here have a lot of political power and resources. This idiotic teacher has ruined his career because of hatred he had inside his tiny little heart. What a complete ***** he is, hopefully the kids will get over this trauma and be able to move on with their education.

If any of this is true then the teacher should indeed be dismissed...

Any source for this information?...
I have contacted the school with the following:

I would like to categorically and unequivocally condemn the audacity of one of your teachers (Mr Denville) to show a caricature depicting the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, during an R.E lesson.

It is shameful that in these sensitive times that the Muslim community continue to be targeted causing us grief and distress. This is not a healthy way to create community cohesion in a multi-cultural society.

From the protest (dated 25 March 2021) and a subsequent statement from the school, I am made to believe you have suspended Mr Denville pending investigation and also removed such abhorrent material from the classroom and curriculum.

However, my concerns are the following:

1. How could a school allow such materials to be part of the classroom teaching, knowing you are geographically situated in a diverse community, where about a third of your pupils are from the ethnic minority?

2. As part of your investigation, I would expect the school to report Mr Denville to the PREVENT programme, so they may investigate if Mr Denville is a member of any extremist group. And I would also expect the school to report him to the Police for Hate Crime and Islamophobia.

3. To prevent such things from happening again, what processes and procedures will you set in place now, to ensure such things don't happen again nor anything similar, which could potentially jeopardise the cohesion of the community.

Hopefully I get some feedback from them, what a shambles
If what KKWC says is true, which usually isn’t the case, then that’s a deliberate act of provocation that borders on something sinister. And suspension isn’t enough - dismissal seems the appropriate recourse.

But I wouldn’t put too much stock on heresay after what happened in France. Yes this is the UK, which means it will be investigated as the school has announced and the truth will out. But it won’t have anything to do with the ‘strong political power and resources Muslims have’ - if there was any then it’s being used very badly given the state of some ethnic areas with a Muslim-dominated demographic.

Unless Luton, or Bradford is a the shining beacon of Blighty.
If what KKWC says is true, which usually isn’t the case, then that’s a deliberate act of provocation that borders on something sinister. And suspension isn’t enough - dismissal seems the appropriate recourse.

But I wouldn’t put too much stock on heresay after what happened in France. Yes this is the UK, which means it will be investigated as the school has announced and the truth will out. But it won’t have anything to do with the ‘strong political power and resources Muslims have’ - if there was any then it’s being used very badly given the state of some ethnic areas with a Muslim-dominated demographic.

Unless Luton, or Bradford is a the shining beacon of Blighty.

Yeh the French case was terribly misrepresented ...
If any of this is true then the teacher should indeed be dismissed...

Any source for this information?...

I was listening to Talk Radio in the morning with a spokesman from the Ramadan foundation who mentioned most of what I wrote. Parents were also told this by their children who were in the class. The teacher has been suspended, pointing to the school confirming wrong doing has taken place.

You are a teacher and an athiest who is critical of Islam, which is your right but would you ever entertain such a move? If not why not?
It was not just one teacher.

People need to some basic research before posting.

One teacher set up the class, encouraging another teacher to show a cartoon of the Prophet(pbuh). Some say it was depicting him as a terrorist, this is yet to be confirmed.

The school is made up of 2/3 Muslim students in an area with a high Muslim population.

Not only did the teacher show the children a vile cartoon, it is alleged he also made remarks such as 'your' people are fighting our people in Iraq.

This wasnt a normal class lesson for children to learn but a hate class directed at the kids.

The teacher will no longer teach at this school. I would go further to see if criminal charges can be brought against this teacher and to ensure he never teaches or gets near kids ever again.

UK is not France, Muslims here have a lot of political power and resources. This idiotic teacher has ruined his career because of hatred he had inside his tiny little heart. What a complete ***** he is, hopefully the kids will get over this trauma and be able to move on with their education.

Wow this sounds like borderline child abuse along with hate speech. I would imagine some of these kids are probably traumatized after this. Hopefully they get the help they need.

Doesn’t UKhave strong hate speech laws? The Muslim community should look to take legal actions not only for the hate but also for the abuse the children had to deal with.
If what KKWC says is true, which usually isn’t the case, then that’s a deliberate act of provocation that borders on something sinister. And suspension isn’t enough - dismissal seems the appropriate recourse.

But I wouldn’t put too much stock on heresay after what happened in France. Yes this is the UK, which means it will be investigated as the school has announced and the truth will out. But it won’t have anything to do with the ‘strong political power and resources Muslims have’ - if there was any then it’s being used very badly given the state of some ethnic areas with a Muslim-dominated demographic.

Unless Luton, or Bradford is a the shining beacon of Blighty.

lol. I cant even recall any of your posts but please continue to follow mine. You made a childish accusasion suggesting what I write mostly is not the truth, please prove this nonsense.

You are not a Muslim, its' not your concern and you have no idea how Muslims in the UK work. The bans you see around Europe such as minerats, head coverings, call to prayer, etc have not taken place in the UK for a reason, being UK Muslims are very political and strong willed, unlike in those nations.

Bring something to discussion instead of crying because you hate Islam.
It was not just one teacher.

People need to some basic research before posting.

One teacher set up the class, encouraging another teacher to show a cartoon of the Prophet(pbuh). Some say it was depicting him as a terrorist, this is yet to be confirmed.

The school is made up of 2/3 Muslim students in an area with a high Muslim population.

Not only did the teacher show the children a vile cartoon, it is alleged he also made remarks such as 'your' people are fighting our people in Iraq.

This wasnt a normal class lesson for children to learn but a hate class directed at the kids.

The teacher will no longer teach at this school. I would go further to see if criminal charges can be brought against this teacher and to ensure he never teaches or gets near kids ever again.

UK is not France, Muslims here have a lot of political power and resources. This idiotic teacher has ruined his career because of hatred he had inside his tiny little heart. What a complete ***** he is, hopefully the kids will get over this trauma and be able to move on with their education.

While i dont support ridiculing religious figures, does UK have a law that prohibits this?

Muslims are only 3 per cent of UK. Your political power and resources will mean zilch if the majority opposes it. UK already has issues with muslim phobia, statements like yours will only fan them.

The school may have suspended the teacher but the govt seems to be supporting him
Wow this sounds like borderline child abuse along with hate speech. I would imagine some of these kids are probably traumatized after this. Hopefully they get the help they need.

Doesn’t UKhave strong hate speech laws? The Muslim community should look to take legal actions not only for the hate but also for the abuse the children had to deal with.

Lawyers are looking into it as we speak. If they feel a crime has taken place, they will push the police for arrest and CPS for charges.

Let a teacher try to show an image of Moses as an extremist in a class mostly of Jewish kids, if nothing happens then Muslims should also stop complaining.
While i dont support ridiculing religious figures, does UK have a law that prohibits this?

Muslims are only 3 per cent of UK. Your political power and resources will mean zilch if the majority opposes it. UK already has issues with muslim phobia, statements like yours will only fan them.

The school may have suspended the teacher but the govt seems to be supporting him

As an RSS fan, you do support attacking the religion of Muslims as your heros do. Please dont pretend otherwise, acting like you're neutral. Ill just copy and paste what I wrote earlier as this applies to you too.

You are not a Muslim, its' not your concern and you have no idea how Muslims in the UK work. The bans you see around Europe such as minerats, head coverings, call to prayer, etc have not taken place in the UK for a reason, being UK Muslims are very political and strong willed, unlike in those nations.
lol. I cant even recall any of your posts but please continue to follow mine. You made a childish accusasion suggesting what I write mostly is not the truth, please prove this nonsense.

You are not a Muslim, its' not your concern and you have no idea how Muslims in the UK work. The bans you see around Europe such as minerats, head coverings, call to prayer, etc have not taken place in the UK for a reason, being UK Muslims are very political and strong willed, unlike in those nations.

Bring something to discussion instead of crying because you hate Islam.

The day UK govt decides to ban something, Muslims will be able to do zilch. UK is a part of NATO and wages war on muslim majority nations. Is ally of Israel etc, what has this political strong will achieved?

Pakistanis Bangladeshis who are mostly Muslims are the poorest community in UK. I dont know what you are boasting about.
As an RSS fan, you do support attacking the religion of Muslims as your heros do. Please dont pretend otherwise, acting like you're neutral. Ill just copy and paste what I wrote earlier as this applies to you too.

You are not a Muslim, its' not your concern and you have no idea how Muslims in the UK work. The bans you see around Europe such as minerats, head coverings, call to prayer, etc have not taken place in the UK for a reason, being UK Muslims are very political and strong willed, unlike in those nations.

I have a good idea how you work. You boast online and thats all.

Rest of your post is addressed already.
lol. I cant even recall any of your posts but please continue to follow mine. You made a childish accusasion suggesting what I write mostly is not the truth, please prove this nonsense.

You are not a Muslim, its' not your concern and you have no idea how Muslims in the UK work. The bans you see around Europe such as minerats, head coverings, call to prayer, etc have not taken place in the UK for a reason, being UK Muslims are very political and strong willed, unlike in those nations.

Bring something to discussion instead of crying because you hate Islam.

I don’t hate anyone, let alone a group of people that follow a specific religion. The only one spewing bile is you as per usual.

Prove this nonsense? What are you 12? You’re nothing to me but irrelevant noise. And the UK not having these bans has nothing to do with “Muslim power’ but rather British values around free speech and tolerance - although sadly, especially in the wake of the referendum, this has nose dived and tolerance definitely see,s lower.

@ shaz619 - great response - let’s see what response you get if you don’t mind sharing
Man just privitise the school systems with gov subsidies like charter schools

Than people will get the choice to send their kids to where ever thy want to
Mr. Hernandez can do hail Hitler, Hail Osama, or Hail Pineapples in his "private" government subsidized school (and all of this is his right!)

This will ensure that we are not trampling over Mr. Hernandez's right to bear swastika tattoos

but we'll also get the choice to change our schools in capitalist, competitive school system

we'll all have the freedom to practice our beliefs and no one's right well trampled over

Batley Grammar, the school in question, is what you'd term as a charter school.
Unless Luton, or Bradford is a the shining beacon of Blighty.

Blighty is a sewerhole and its got nothing to do with muslims, the country has literally gone to the dogs and is sinking fast which has quickened with brexit and covid.

Bankrupt blighty and its morally corrupt society its days are numbered so to appease and avert the attention of their struggling population from rising inflation, house prices , lack of meaningful jobs opportunities they are deliberately kicking up hatred for black people and Muslims and asylum seekers crossing the Channel and not to forget the anti China syndrome effecting their ruling elite who view China as a general global threat now.

This is just the start , my request to other brothers in UK is don't put your eggs in one basket , build a second home in a Muslim country or something just incase, buy a villa or apartment in uae or build a koti or some farmland in pakistan its always good too have a second option, we all the know the rising level of racism and islamaphobia in society.
I have a good idea how you work. You boast online and thats all.

Rest of your post is addressed already.

RSS extermists and athiests views/opinions on this subject have zero value esp if they live outside UK.

Teacher will not be teaching in the same school ever again, this is a good enough imo. Worry about your own nation a poor backward nation compared to the UK. Thanks
The day UK govt decides to ban something, Muslims will be able to do zilch. UK is a part of NATO and wages war on muslim majority nations. Is ally of Israel etc, what has this political strong will achieved?

Pakistanis Bangladeshis who are mostly Muslims are the poorest community in UK. I dont know what you are boasting about.


Quit your rambling and maybe get out of your 3rd world country for a change.

Even if we are a 0,0000001% of Muslims here in the EU, we have (obligations and) rights here. We are prospering here for generations, troll! & your Islamophobia can't do zilch about reality, no matter how much crap you write on internet.

World doesn't star and end with India and its many millenna old fascist mentality. Societies and their members around the world think in a different way. It is hard for someone like a BJP supporter to comprehend but there is a vast world around.
The day UK govt decides to ban something, Muslims will be able to do zilch. UK is a part of NATO and wages war on muslim majority nations. Is ally of Israel etc, what has this political strong will achieved?

Pakistanis Bangladeshis who are mostly Muslims are the poorest community in UK. I dont know what you are boasting about.

Totally agree. It is just hot air.