Punjab Governer Salman Taseer Killed


Local Club Captain
Oct 1, 2010
Another Sad news for Pakistan..

Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raaju'uun
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Inna lillah i wa inna ilaihi rajioun
He was killed in Kohsar Market Islamabad. By someone posing as a member of Punjab Elite force
Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon :(

May Allah forgive his sins and grant him a place in jannat and give sabr and strength to his family. Ameen

Sadly in Pakistan, politicans always carry a risk of danger in their lives
Media says that he was returning to his home at that moment a Man in Police Uniform came and Shot him


Yes, appears to be on all the channels now.

May Allah forgive him and bestow His mercy on him.
he was Hit by 9 Bullets and was dead before reaching hospital.

3 Hit in Cheast, 4 in Stomach and 2 in between neck and chin
Horrible. Was it because of his stance on blasphemy laws (I saw this on twitter)
This is very sad news....our country is descending into chaos, we dont know who did it and why...we have to wait for investigations.

However we know he was liberal minded...religious leaders had demanded his dismissal not long ago. Make of that what you will...
OMG? Seriously?

Wasn't a fan of this guy at all but I'm finding myself quite disturbed by this news.
On Geo they're saying his own guard killed him?
a man mumtaz qadri admitted he killed salman tasser coz of his stance on blasphemy law.
Well, these guys don't believe in providing security to the common man. But they beef up their own security every chance they get. They dont know that when death has to come, it can come via your own security personnel.
Horrible. Was it because of his stance on blasphemy laws (I saw this on twitter)

Probably. His stance was disgusting and wrong, but killing/murdering him is just evil. His stance, whatever it was, was politics - debate with him and oppose him politically.

When will people learn - you don't stop a wrong by committing a much bigger wrong!!!

In Islam, the ends NEVER justify the means.
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Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon

condolences to his loved ones, shocking and horrifying stuff.
Well, these guys don't believe in providing security to the common man. But they beef up their own security every chance they get. They dont know that when death has to come, it can come via your own security personnel.

So true.

Happened with Mrs. Gandhi too.

Still sad and shocking though.
He was killed on ideological differences ***?
What was his stance?
Pardon my ignorance guys, but what was his stance on blasphemy law?
heard this on aaj tv few minutes before. taseer's family members are getting threat too.

This is disguting, absolutely disgusting...I dont know what to say Im in a mixture of extreme shock and anger.
Hope this doesn't lead to further killing / unrest, or worse still, to Martial Law.

Very shocking that the most powerful people of the country can be murdered in broad daylight in the country's capital.
So true.

Happened with Mrs. Gandhi too.

Still sad and shocking though.

Who cares about Mrs. Gandhi? I care about my country.

These politicians dont do anything to reduce the lawlessness to benefit the common man. Instead, they use that chaos to score political points against each other, themselves watching from behind bullet proof glass as countless nameless people die everyday so these corrupt people can come on the TV, condemn it, and keep their seats. What they don't realize that the same lawlessness can be exploited by some over-religious zealot to score his own points against them too.
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That blasphemy laws are wrong and should be repealed.
Who cares about Mrs. Gandhi? I care about my country.

These politicians dont do anything to reduce the lawlessness to benefit the comon man. Instead, they use that chaos to score political points against each other, themselves watching from behind bullet proof glass as countless nameless people die everyday so these corrupt people can come on the TV, condemn it, and keep their seats.
Fair enough, I don't disagree with any of that bhai.

Just seems in bad taste to bring all this up when a man's been murdered though, IMHO.
heard this on aaj tv few minutes before. taseer's family members are getting threat too.

That's even more sick. What has his family done to be threatened, they are not even in politics!

[Not that being in politics justifies threats of course]
I actually hope it does lead to Martial Law, he situation in Pakistan is getting beyond ridiculous,

You kill someone in broad daylight because you dont agree with his views!? I hope the arrested perpetrator of this crime is tortured day and night..I really do.
sad news but im sure he had many enemies..sounds like a hit and i doubt its anything to do with the blasphemy stuff..the truth will come out later...Taseer has a history..

feel sorry for the family however..
'Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri.

was a police officer from Punjab Police Rawalpindi.'

Rehman Malik
Confirmed by Rehman Malik : He was Killed because of his stance against blasphemy Law.
'Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri.

was a police officer from Punjab Police Rawalpindi.'

Rehman Malik

IF it is indeed this guy that carried out this heinous crime he should be made an example of.
I actually hope it does lead to Martial Law, he situation in Pakistan is getting beyond ridiculous,

You kill someone in broad daylight because you dont agree with his views!? I hope the arrested perpetrator of this crime is tortured day and night..I really do.
You have already started praying for martial law ( Jungle law) :facepalm:
Fair enough, I don't disagree with any of that bhai.

Just seems in bad taste to bring all this up when a man's been murdered though, IMHO.

The difference between you and me is that I don't care if he's dead because I hold him responsible for it himself.

This didn't just happen because someone woke up this morning and decided to commit a murder of a politician in broad daylight. This is all connected.

When people don't get their basic rights, coupled with this kind of lawlessness, it builds up frustration in the society. These things happen out of that frustration. And it's these politicians to blame for it.

Suffice to say this won't stop here. This murder will result in many murders now, with many coming to surface and many that won't. More crap coming our way when we really don't need it right now.

And anyone thinking this would prompt the government to work on the lawlessness, they're in for disappointment. All this will result in is more expensive security for the political elite at the expense of ordinary people's basic rights like food, education and security.
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people clashing with police on Mall Road, Lahore.

people being advised to stay at home.
Well if it's really this Mumtaz Qadri guy, then he should be hanged soon so others like him don't get adventurous, thinking it's their birthright to murder anyone who they don't agree with.

alleged attackers.
The difference between you and me is that I don't care if he's dead because I hold him responsible for it himself.
He would be responsible for it himself only if he was a murderer.

Otherwise, no one deserves to die or to be killed and thus every unjust death is a 'wrong'.
This didn't just happen because someone woke up this morning and decided to commit a murder of a politician in broad daylight. This is all connected.

When people don't get their basic rights, coupled with this kind of lawlessness, it builds up frustration in the society. These things happen out of that frustration. And it's these politicians to blame for it.
Suffice to say this won't stop here. This murder will result in many murders now, with many coming to surface and many that won't. More crap coming our way when we really don't need it right now.
Indeed. Which is one of the many reasons why this murder is wrong and sad - not just because we mourn Mr. Taseer or miss him (most of us don't), but because we know the difference between right and wrong; plus, we empathise with his family and loved ones, and more importantly, because this would lead to more killings and more bloodshed.
And anyone thinking this would prompt the government to work on the lawlessness, they're in for disappointment. All this will result in is more expensive security for the political elite at the expense of ordinary people's basic rights like food, education and security.
Agreed with that too.
Well if it's really this Mumtaz Qadri guy, then he should be hanged soon so others like him don't get adventurous, thinking it's their birthright to murder anyone who they don't agree with.

I absolutely agree, they need to be publicly executed in fact, yes i know thats somehwat barbaric, but if convicted and proved guilty they need to be made an example of.
Yeah what was his stance exactly?

He called it a " Kaala Qanoon"

According to Rehman Malik, the alleged killer surrendered after killing him and admitted Taseer's comments on the Blasphemy Law led to his murder

And please, Muslims are getting killed in Mosques. So don't single out any one group.
Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raaju'uun

More of this is gonna happen in 2011 not a good start
Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon

Unbelievable his own fella shot him
people clashing with police on Mall Road, Lahore.

people being advised to stay at home.

I doubt lot of people had any love for Taseer. The aftermath is always unfortunate for ordinary people because these political workers cause all sort of unnecessary trouble.
Inaa lilahi wa ina ilayhi raajioon.

Totally speechless! I've never been a fan of him, but again, I was never a fan of Benazir Bhutto either - both got killed in similar ways.

One thing is for sure - for the Blasphemy Aasia case, I wanted unbiased investigation to prove what really happened. Whether the Christian lady was guilty or not would be decided in accordance to whatever the investigations turn up. But God knows how rare a feat that is in this country. Just because we're Pakistanis and Muslims, does not give us a right to persecute anyone of another religion without any proof. We need to sort out the mess our minority is in. And balance out the blasphemy laws, apply a better type of standard of proof. Minorities should not be out-cast, we were once a minority too.
I actually hope it does lead to Martial Law, he situation in Pakistan is getting beyond ridiculous,

You kill someone in broad daylight because you dont agree with his views!? I hope the arrested perpetrator of this crime is tortured day and night..I really do.
What ?

So we all stoop down to the same level as the murderers ? Are we not supposed to be better than him and his ilk ?
C'mon man, punish the killers, yes, even if it means capital punishment.
But torture him as well ? and give his brainwashers more ammunition to brainwash others to commit more murders ?

If we want a decent society, we need to fight killers and murderers by lawful means, and show that we are better than them.
there were showing yesterday on GEO that these people who watch in the future and so on.. which i don't believe in but... they said that this year al lot of politicians will get killed and also maybe our president....

2011 is a bad year for pakistan... and we are only 4 days in and there goes a Governor
I never believe what this Rehman Malik says. I think Taseer is not killed for Blasphemy law, it is a political murder and an inside job.
Qadri's statement: I killed Governor Taseer because of his liberal views and stand against blasphemy laws.
Probably. His stance was disgusting and wrong, but killing/murdering him is just evil. His stance, whatever it was, was politics - debate with him and oppose him politically.

When will people learn - you don't stop a wrong by committing a much bigger wrong!!!

In Islam, the ends NEVER justify the means.

a friend received this sickening SMS:


Gustakh-e-Rasool SAW Salman Taseer Governor Punjab apne guard ke hathon qatal.
Mubarak ho.'

Islami Jamat Talba Voice.

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I never believe what this Rehman Malik says. I think Taseer is not killed for Blasphemy law, it is a political murder and an inside job.

Even the Media Got some Footage where the Mumtaz is saying that he killed him because of Blasphemy law.
What ?

So we all stoop down to the same level as the murderers ? Are we not supposed to be better than him and his ilk ?
C'mon man, punish the killers, yes, even if it means capital punishment.
But torture him as well ? and give his brainwashers more ammunition to brainwash others to commit more murders ?

If we want a decent society, we need to fight killers and murderers by lawful means, and show that we are better than them.

Mate in a decent society, no I would not advocate this, but Pakistan is NOT a decent society in any way shape or form.

We have been better than them until now havent we? Where has that gotten us...us moderates have been silently sitting in our houses doing nothing and look where that has got us.

Capital punishment is not good enough...because these extremists their aim is to in fact die...capital punishment is what they want, which is why advocate keeping them alive and making them suffer through it...make an example of them and if capital punishment is to be carried out then do it publicly.

Keep in mind this is IF and only IF this guy i proven beyond ALL doubt that he did indeed carry out this crime.
I doubt lot of people had any love for Taseer. The aftermath is always unfortunate for ordinary people because these political workers cause all sort of unnecessary trouble.

True. But that only pertains to the educated, balanced quom who can tell black from white.

You think the political "karkun" of his party would let this go easy? I just called up my friends in the Gulberg/JT area and asked them to never leave the house until the dust settled down. I just hope they dont set Lahore alight..
sorry hasanb, but a call for martial law is just ridiculous.
a friend received this sickening SMS:


Gustakh-e-Rasool SAW Salman Taseer Governor Punjab apne guard ke hathon qatal.
Mubarak ho.'

Islami Jamat Talba Voice.



I wasn't fan by any means, but this is just...don't have words :(
True. But that only pertains to the educated, balanced quom who can tell black from white.

You think the political "karkun" of his party would let this go easy? I just called up my friends in the Gulberg/JT area and asked them to never leave the house until the dust settled down. I just hope they dont set Lahore alight..

Agreed, good points.

What's JT?
I never believe what this Rehman Malik says. I think Taseer is not killed for Blasphemy law, it is a political murder and an inside job.

Knowing our history of high profile murders, I doubt this murder will be solved. This was not the first time he traveled and the murderer was not he first one to be aware of governor's views.
a friend received this sickening SMS:


Gustakh-e-Rasool SAW Salman Taseer Governor Punjab apne guard ke hathon qatal.
Mubarak ho.'

Islami Jamat Talba Voice.


Really Sick.. I went on some other Forums and Pages on Facebook and they are Celebrating his Death. Really Sick.
Inna lillah i wa inna ilaihi rajioun

What was his actual stance on the blasphemy law? Sometimes you feel that some people are just not worthy of democracy. What a tragedy. I hope they hang the murderer
Johar Town.



Yeh, any place can get messy if a few rowdy 'political workers' get active... The record of our police in providing security to the general public is pretty abysmal.
Really Sick.. I went on some other Forums and Pages on Facebook and they are Celebrating his Death. Really Sick.

This is what these people are like...now you tell me can we deal with them in a "civilised" way...do they deserve to be dealth with in a "civilised" way? What do you think.