Rohingya - The Forgotten People


Tape Ball Captain
Jun 23, 2012
just take 5 minutes to view this video and a further 2 minutes to sign the petition to the UN/UK government at
These are the last 10 days of ramadan and we should not forget those of our brothers and sisters being ethnically cleansed right now.
we are helpless but by signing this petition or donating at,we may contribute somewhat........
Signed! It's so saddening hearing the news of our brothers' suffering in Rohingya, May Allah make things easier for them, :(
people sign the petition and also encourage others to do. wont take alot of your time and is better than doing nothing
just take 5 minutes to view this video and a further 2 minutes to sign the petition to the UN/UK government at
These are the last 10 days of ramadan and we should not forget those of our brothers and sisters being ethnically cleansed right now.
we are helpless but by signing this petition or donating at,we may contribute somewhat........

Thank you for opening this thread and telling people to sign it.
Perhaps try to spend time on learning about those who are being killed in Pakistan in the name of religion. Pregnant women were stabbed, people were taken off the buses and killed by stones simply because their names on their ID cars are "Ali" and "Hussain". You cant just drum up the support for people in another country when innocent are dying or being slaughtered in your own backyard. Think about them as well.

Whatever which is happening in Burma is simply not acceptable and should be condemned. In fact, those who are fighting the so called "jihad" in Afghanistan, they should go to Burma and fight for these people.
i have every sympathy for the shia but they arent the only ones being targetted in pakistan. you really dont need to educate me about the plight of the shia.each one of us is a target of the TTP. they arent only the enemies of our army or one sect but all our country. there really isnt anything you or I can do about them except for condemning them.
but if there is possibility of donating to another oppressed muslim population or to sign a petition to a Government/UN, why shouldnt we do it?
wont take much of your time and will certainly not harm you.
If there is any similar way or infact anyway, we can decrease the terrorism in pakistan, well tell me
i have every sympathy for the shia but they arent the only ones being targetted in pakistan. you really dont need to educate me about the plight of the shia.each one of us is a target of the TTP. they arent only the enemies of our army or one sect but all our country. there really isnt anything you or I can do about them except for condemning them.
but if there is possibility of donating to another oppressed muslim population or to sign a petition to a Government/UN, why shouldnt we do it?
wont take much of your time and will certainly not harm you.
If there is any similar way or infact anyway, we can decrease the terrorism in pakistan, well tell me

Thank you. I think Pakistan needs more people like yourself who can admit there is a big problem at our hand. You are right, it is not only about Shias in Pakistan who are being killed, members of security forces, and other minorities are being attacked everyday. The silence on this matter from the largest or the majority group in Pakistan is the cause of worry.
i dont think there are any members on PP that have sympathy for TTP or sipah-e-sahaba/lashkar jhangvi goons. and i am sure none of us actually supports the killing of shias.
As for general population, the vast majority of pakistanis i am 100% sure are fed up with these extremists
As I mentioned in the above message that Pakistan need more people like you to fix some of the issues facing it.

Fact of the matter is that the acceptance rate among Sunnis for Shias is not high, which is extremely alarming. The matter of grave concern is the growing trend amongst the educated class which shows antipathy towards Shias. For this very reason, killing of Shias in Pakistan simply goes unheard and unnoticed and does not get any condemnation from the society as a whole.

Below is the poll which was recently conducted by the PEW Research Center exposed the depth of sectarian fault lines where only one in two Sunni Muslims in pakistan accepts Shias as Muslims.


The Rohingya continue to face persecution and hardship. Their women are now being trafficked into sex slavery on military bases.

Amid continued communal strife in Myanmar, Muslim women and children are increasingly finding themselves in vulnerable situations that have yet to be adequately recognized and addressed. This post glimpses the related issue of human trafficking.

By way of background, Burma's record on human trafficking has prompted the United States to place it on a Tier 2 Watch List for the past two years. The Watch List is reserved for countries that fail to comply with minimum standards -- from preventing trafficking to investigating and prosecuting perpetrators of the crime to protecting victims -- as set forth in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA).

In Myanmar, security forces have subjected both Muslim men and women to forced labor. Women, however, have been reportedly forced into prostitution and other forms of slavery as well. In fact, according to a U.S. Department of State 2012 human rights report, Burmese officials have reportedly kidnapped Rohingya women and forced them into slavery on military bases.

Burmese security forces also systematically rape and assault women and girls which also contributes to human trafficking and exploitation.

And even those who are trying to leave to find a safer place are being brutally treated if caught.

The Burmese Navy handed over a boatload of Rohingya men, women and children to people smugglers who killed 12 and savagely beat many others, survivors revealed today.

The group of 139, discovered by residents in a rubber plantation north of Phuket last night, were recovering today after a harrowing 22-day voyage south to Thailand with little food and water.

Mostly young men and teenagers, some of the children ranged from two, three and four years old.

Survivors showed recent scars from savage beatings to Phuketwan journalists at a community hall in the port of Kuraburi in Phang Nga province. They were being fed by a group of sympathetic local Muslims for the first time in days.

”We were all facing death,” one of the men told Phuketwan. ”The smugglers charged us each 200,000 kyat to make the trip. The boat was quite large and stopped along the way to pick up more passengers.

”About 10 days ago, the Burmese Navy took possession of the vessel and handed us over to a group of smugglers. There were about four Burmese and four Thais. They killed 12 of us for no reason and threw the bodies overboard.

”Others were beaten badly. We don’t know why.”
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As I mentioned in the above message that Pakistan need more people like you to fix some of the issues facing it.

Fact of the matter is that the acceptance rate among Sunnis for Shias is not high, which is extremely alarming. The matter of grave concern is the growing trend amongst the educated class which shows antipathy towards Shias. For this very reason, killing of Shias in Pakistan simply goes unheard and unnoticed and does not get any condemnation from the society as a whole.

Below is the poll which was recently conducted by the PEW Research Center exposed the depth of sectarian fault lines where only one in two Sunni Muslims in pakistan accepts Shias as Muslims.



The difference in the level of acceptance between Albanian's and Kosovan's seems a bit strange given that people from those 2 countries often consider themselves one and the same.