Shafiul Islam's Bat


Tape Ball Regular
Jan 29, 2005
It was stickered as AS V3 (or V10) but had that CA logo burnt into the side. Strange!

Nothing surprising to be honest, it is very common act in cricket and when it comes to players.
the shape looks ugly in my opinion too straight not much concaved if thats a word
It could be that he was using a CA bat and got sponsored by AS. He didnot want to change the bat and got AS stickers on it.

It is silly and foolish on his part but man he was yesterday's hero.
the shape looks ugly in my opinion too straight not much concaved if thats a word

thats actually better in my opinion as there is more wood. all concaving does it take wood off and make the edges bigger.
He is sponsered by AS, but he uses CA cause its alot better. Just using stickers on them.