Surah Kahf and Fridays..


PakPassion Administrator
Oct 6, 2004
I recall that my mother until the last days of her life used to recite Surah Kahf on Fridays - in my simplicity, I used to think of it as just another religious thing we do on Fridays but recently, I read upon the message and importance of this Surah.

I found a very nice and easy to read explanation on this page:

Pls take a few minutes of your time this Friday to read this.
Really resourceful stuff MIG . The discussion in the comments section was also quite helpful .
Hello MIG,
Did you read the discussion with Paul? There is some amazing explanation.

Thanks for the link. It is would couple of hours before one can finish the whole reading.
And another reminder for Jumatulwida ( the last Friday of Ramadan)
MIG said:
And another reminder for Jumatulwida ( the last Friday of Ramadan)
InshALLAH I will read it today. I wasn't aware of this but thank you very much for reminding and making me well aware of it Jazak ALLAH Kar May ALLAH (SWT) Bless you and reward you for such a good deed.
Kal fursat na mili to kya karoge,
itni mohlat na mili to kya karoge,
roz kehte ho kal padoge namaz,
kal agar saas na rai to kya karoge,

rasam se sunnat achi,
neend se namaz achi,
gunah se neki,bazar se masjid achi,
fazool baton se quran ki tilawat achi,
geebat se zikar acha,

delete se fwd acha.
I think its important that you read the OP and some of the subsequent posts to understand the reason behind this thread.
One of the great Surah in the Quran with amazing lessons and advise to be learned, words of wisdom in here after we do some reflection. Every time I read it, I feel a sense of peace and assurance in me. Please do read it.
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Its Friday again - Al-Hum-Du-Lillah.

Little late but should still have time to read Surah Kahf.
JazakALLAH to all - what a great tradition to bump up this thread on Fridays ! May this last for ever !, Ameen
MIG said:
JazakALLAH to all - what a great tradition to bump up this thread on Fridays ! May this last for ever !, Ameen


It's Friday again. Al-Hum-Du-Lillah.
Al-Hum-Du-Lillah. It's Friday again and 12th rabi ul awal. MashAllah
Would it be wrong for me to attend the "Friday prayers" of Muslims?

There is a shop (has everything!!!!) around the corner from my offices that is owned by Muslims and I know that they close bewteen 12H00 - 14H00 every Friday in order for them to go to prayer.

I get on very well with the owner (and his staff) and have been wondering whether I would be permitted to go their prayer meetings on a Friday? I do not want to ask him outright as I do not want to take the chance of insulting him!

I am always interested in other religions and cultures and learning from them.

I have been to numerous traditional African ceremonies (marriage, funeral, celebratory etc etc.) and have enjoyed myself, specifically the learning part!!!

Please give your advices herein!!
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Keith said:
Would it be wrong for me to attend the "Friday prayers" of Muslims?

There is a shop (has everything!!!!) around the corner from my offices that is owned by Muslims and I know that they close bewteen 12H00 - 14H00 every Friday in order for them to go to prayer.

I get on very well with the owner (and his staff) and have been wondering whether I would be permitted to go their prayer meetings on a Friday? I do not want to ask him outright as I do not want to take the chance of insulting him!

I am always interested in other religions and cultures and learning from them.

I have been to numerous traditional African ceremonies (marriage, funeral, celebratory etc etc.) and have enjoyed myself, specifically the learning part!!!

Please give your advices herein!!

If you asked the shop owner to take you one day he certainly wouldn't be insulted.

I'm sure the mosque that he goes to will allow you to go in and sit on the side and observe. The sermon, which is a permanent fixture of the prayer, is also something worth listening to.

Just that during the actual act of the prayer you wouldn't be in the ranks.

But please do go and tell us how your experience went!
tahaqureshi said:
If you asked the shop owner to take you one day he certainly wouldn't be insulted.

I'm sure the mosque that he goes to will allow you to go in and sit on the side and observe. The sermon, which is a permanent fixture of the prayer, is also something worth listening to.

Just that during the actual act of the prayer you wouldn't be in the ranks.

But please do go and tell us how your experience went!

Thank you very much for the advice. Much appreciated.

I am gonna go and ask him if I can go with him next Friday, unfortunately I have made other plans for today, but I certainly feel better that I can ask him without fear of insulting him!!!
Hi Keith,

yeah there is nothing wrong in going and attending the friday prayers, infact its great.. you should go.. whenever you get a chance. we believe our religion is for the whole of mankind.. for the rich and for the poor. so ur welcome to go along at any time.

lets us know about it when u do ever go.
usman7 said:
Hi Keith,

yeah there is nothing wrong in going and attending the friday prayers, infact its great.. you should go.. whenever you get a chance. we believe our religion is for the whole of mankind.. for the rich and for the poor. so ur welcome to go along at any time.

lets us know about it when u do ever go.

I am really looking forward to it and even more so the reporting back afterwards!!!

The only way to truly understand each other is to experience "things" that you are not used to!!!
exactly.. i agree with u totally..

i can't wait for the reporting back afterwards too!
JazakAllah for reminding us
i need to get into the habit of reciting surat-al Kahf
Alhamdolillah - Another Friday and another chance to read Surah Kahaf!
Reminder for all - takes all of 30 minutes to read
MIG said:
I recall that my mother until the last days of her life used to recite Surah Kahf on Fridays - in my simplicity, I used to think of it as just another religious thing we do on Fridays but recently, I read upon the message and importance of this Surah.

I found a very nice and easy to read explanation on this page:

Pls take a few minutes of your time this Friday to read this.

Thanks MIG! inshallah i am going to read it today after namaz Juma!
Just finished Surah Kahf once and Surah Yasin twice.

Hadn't touched the Quran in a while, but boy does it feel good to have the arabic flowing again!
Keith said:
Would it be wrong for me to attend the "Friday prayers" of Muslims?

There is a shop (has everything!!!!) around the corner from my offices that is owned by Muslims and I know that they close bewteen 12H00 - 14H00 every Friday in order for them to go to prayer.

I get on very well with the owner (and his staff) and have been wondering whether I would be permitted to go their prayer meetings on a Friday? I do not want to ask him outright as I do not want to take the chance of insulting him!

I am always interested in other religions and cultures and learning from them.

I have been to numerous traditional African ceremonies (marriage, funeral, celebratory etc etc.) and have enjoyed myself, specifically the learning part!!!

Please give your advices herein!!
Hi Keith,

Hope you are well!

Definately no, no. No one can stop you from going to Friday prayer. Each year our university have 'Islam Awareness Week' and we always call Non-Muslim to attend it (if they wish) so they are allowed. It's not that they are not allowed on regular Fridays. If they wish they are more than welcome to come to Mosque.

It's not insulting to him in any way. If anyone does insult him then the honestly I can't describe how pathetic they would be

If you don't mind please do report us if you had a chance to go

Kind Regards,

Cover Drive
MIG Bhai I had been thinking of this for quite a while now that when is Friday under Islamic rules? I have heard from my parents that it is after Magarib salah on Thursday till Magarib on Friday.

Now I am not sure how true that fact is. Do you mind sharing with us what your mother did?

JazakALLAH Khair
She always read it before Juma on Friday but what you say is correct ( regarding next day starting after Maghrib )
MIG said:
She always read it before Juma on Friday but what you say is correct ( regarding next day starting after Maghrib )
Ohh okay, JazakALLAH Khair

May ALLAH (SWT) bless her! Aameen!
MashAllah great thread......


The Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) mentioned that the one who memorises the first ten verses of this surah will be saved from the trials of Dajjal.

May Allah swt give us all the taufeeq to memorize first 10 verses of Surah Kahf and many more surahs.
Keith said:
Would it be wrong for me to attend the "Friday prayers" of Muslims?

There is a shop (has everything!!!!) around the corner from my offices that is owned by Muslims and I know that they close bewteen 12H00 - 14H00 every Friday in order for them to go to prayer.

I get on very well with the owner (and his staff) and have been wondering whether I would be permitted to go their prayer meetings on a Friday? I do not want to ask him outright as I do not want to take the chance of insulting him!

I am always interested in other religions and cultures and learning from them.

I have been to numerous traditional African ceremonies (marriage, funeral, celebratory etc etc.) and have enjoyed myself, specifically the learning part!!!

Please give your advices herein!!

Keith, I don't think anyone can stop you from going and observing the Friday prayers, (or any other prayers or activities for that matter). A Masjid is far more than a place for prayer. It is a place to gather, to exchange knowledge, to know each other, a sanctuary. A non-Muslim is most welcome because these days a Masjid is just about the only place left where you can see Islam in its purity and simplicity. Please go and talk to the most knowledgeable people there after prayer. You will find most of them in the front rows! Don't forget to leave without an English translation book of the Glorious Qur'an and if possible a book on the Life of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Any Masjid should have these items given away for free.
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Assalam-o-Alikum !

Its Friday and another chance to read this Surah

I found another site where I can read and listen to some of my favourite Qaris
Alhamdolillah - Another Friday and another chance to read Surah Kahaf!
Here is a part of this ayah which gets me everytime I read it!


  • kahf.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 670
MIG said:
Here is a part of this ayah which gets me everytime I read it!

Is Surah Kahf a Meccan sura? And what is the current consensus on Dhul-Qarnayn's identity?

On an unrelated note:

Do you think equating wealth and children is a reasonable equation?

This is similar to the Tawrat, where women and cattle are equated, as both property.
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bhai - I am not an Islamic Scholar - just and ordinary Muslim who is is just about rediscovering this Great Book.

To me, the reference to wealth and children is a metaphor for whatever we consider to be precious to us in this life.
Dhirajmes said:
Is Surah Kahf a Meccan sura? And what is the current consensus on Dhul-Qarnayn's identity?

On an unrelated note:

Do you think equating wealth and children is a reasonable equation?

This is similar to the Tawrat, where women and cattle are equated, as both property.

It is a Meccan Surah and scholars have not agreed on Dhul-Qarnayn's identity yet. Some say he was Alexander the Great, Cyrus the Great etc.

Men in this world go crazy for wealth and children. These two things is what drives men, so Allah is reminding us that the reward in paradise will be much greater!