Surah Kahf and Fridays..

6xafridi said:
It is a Meccan Surah and scholars have not agreed on Dhul-Qarnayn's identity yet. Some say he was Alexander the Great, Cyrus the Great etc.

Men in this world go crazy for wealth and children. These two things is what drives men, so Allah is reminding us that the reward in paradise will be much greater!

Ok, thanks about Dhul-Qarnayn.

Sorry, but I can't agree with the second point.

How can the Qur'an possibly compare children and wealth? This is a very
old, middle ages-type thinking. Is losing some of your wealth the same as
losing some of your children? These ideas come from those bad old days,
when children, women and livestock were all grouped together as "maal".

Human ethics and average morality improves all the time. Would most
people really find inspiration in the story of Abraham being willing to
sacrifice his son today? We should see religion as belonging to the past.

And the past is not pretty.
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Alhamdolillah - Another Friday and another chance to read Surah Kahaf!

Make dua today people.
Mashallah, I am reading Tafseer of Soorat Kahaf. Passed also to my mother and Aunty
JazakALLAH - also pray for the victims in Lahore.
JazakALLAH Kairun for reminding us all.
Alhamdulillah - Another friday another chance to read Surah Kahf.

SubhanAllah time is really flying by.
Alhamdolilah - another Friday and another chance to earn some bonus points :D
Feel a real buzz after Juma today,really good feeling.Just finished Kahf,mind feels really clear.JazakAllah for the reminders.
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Another Jumah. Another chance. Remember all of us in your prayers.
JazakAllah for reminding us brother.
Please remember all of us in your duas
Jazakallah brother. Surah Kahf on Friday has a lot of virtue. I had a question, do we need to read it before the Friday prayers or even after it is fine?
It is suitable to read before Friday jumma, but if u cant then u should at least try to read it before friday maghrib prayers.
You can read it at anytime after maghrib on thursday and before maghrib on friday.

and Allah knows best.
usman7 said:
It is suitable to read before Friday jumma, but if u cant then u should at least try to read it before friday maghrib prayers.
You can read it at anytime after maghrib on thursday and before maghrib on friday.

and Allah knows best.
Jazakallah brother. Thankyou for the information!
Dhirajmes said:
Ok, thanks about Dhul-Qarnayn.

Sorry, but I can't agree with the second point.

How can the Qur'an possibly compare children and wealth? This is a very
old, middle ages-type thinking. Is losing some of your wealth the same as
losing some of your children? These ideas come from those bad old days,
when children, women and livestock were all grouped together as "maal".

Human ethics and average morality improves all the time. Would most
people really find inspiration in the story of Abraham being willing to
sacrifice his son today? We should see religion as belonging to the past.

And the past is not pretty.

In the Quran, when Wealth and Children are mentioned together, it does not imply equality between the two. Wealth and Children are two things that humans value the most. Some people chase after money in this life and do a lot to amass wealth. Others love their children a lot and will do anything for them. These become objects of pride and arrogance in people. Also, it is possible that some people don't have any children. When the Quran speaks of both it does not equate them but provides a comparison that everyone can relate to.

Look below for other instances where wealth and children are used together.
Alhamdulillah - Another Friday and another chance to read Surah Kahaf.

Please make dua for all the Muslim ummah.

First Juma of Ramadan Mashallah. Another chance to recite Surah Kahf.
Juma-at-AlWida possibly? Pls dont forget

Pls pray for all Muslims and our brothers and sisters affected by floods.

Pls ask ALLAH SWT to lift the cloud of darkness and Jihalah from our blessed lands - Ameen
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Yes its Juma-at-alwida and a chance once again to recite Surah Kahf and pray to Allah (SWT) for Pakistan and for its people.
Eid Mubarak but pls pls dont forget to read this Surah - takes all of 30 minutes!

MashaAllah. Good work brother.

Some years ago I was very fascinated by this surah and found videos on this on youtube. I think it was more than 80 parts and I watched every single of them.

I don't know how reliable those were, think it was made by Iran, but you still get idea of what this surah is about.

If I may add another surah here, alot shorter than Surah Kahf:

Surah Mulk. The persoan who recites this every evening will not face the Azaab in his grave InshaLLAH.
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MashaAllah. Good work brother.

Some years ago I was very fascinated by this surah and found videos on this on youtube. I think it was more than 80 parts and I watched every single of them.

I don't know how reliable those were, think it was made by Iran, but you still get idea of what this surah is about.

If I may add another surah here, alot shorter than Surah Kahf:

Surah Mulk. The persoan who recites this every evening will not face the Azaab in his grave InshaLLAH.

JazakALLAH Bhai!

A gunnahgar like me is always looking for some bonus points :D I will start reciting this every evening, Inshallah!

I will look for these utube video but really, I am mesmerized with the message of this Surah - so much to take in yet the Arabic is so pleasing to the ears - SubhanALLAH!
Masha'allah, another chance to recite a portion of the Glorious Qur'an. :)
oh yes, and since i am sick and home, inshallah i would make the best of it and go to say prayers in mosque and recite this soorat. May Allah bless us all, ameen
oh yes, and since i am sick and home, inshallah i would make the best of it and go to say prayers in mosque and recite this soorat. May Allah bless us all, ameen

May Allah guide us all to the straight path Insha'allah.
Just before Juma ( before I leave home for masjid) - but I am told that you can read it anytime after Maghrib on Thursday
True. I used to read it at the same time as yours but am now starting to make the habit of reading after Fajr prayers. :)
Shame on me - didnt read due to this race I was running - inshallah will be back on my schedule tomorrow
I thought I would bump it today as MIG Bhai might be busy or forget as he came to Dubai to watch 4th ODI.

Another Friday upon us and another chance to read the beautiful Al-Kahf.
Friday is upon us and I hope that most would be looking forward to read or recite Al-Kahf. :)

Remember all of us in your dua's.
JazakALLAH khair - Pls also pray for the shifa of my father who is ill at the moment. May ALLAH do whats best for him - Ameen
Insha'allah everything will be fine for the benefit of your father. My phopha passed away this week as well. May Allah grant him Jannah. Ameen.
ALhmadolillah - another Friday and my father is much better.

Please recite Surah Kahf and remember all of us in ur prayers.
JazakALLAH for everyone else in hhelping me to carry this torch !

Surah Kaif and Fridays - make it a part of your life.
Read it a little early ( after Isha) ... :) But Juma Mubarak

First of all I would just like to say how great this thread is, may Allah (SWT) grant all of us sabr and make us all good Muslims. Ameen.

I would just like to add also, that as most of us are Pakistanis we don't fully understand the Qur'aan, so it would be well worth for people to invest in a Qur'aan with translation. Because if we don't understand what we are reading, then why are we reading? When we fully understand the Qur'aan and it's teachings, only then will we truly appreciate this magnificent book.

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Bump! Another friday upon us. :)

Please make it a routine to read a portion of the Glorious Qur'an everyday and ask forgiveness from Allah (SWT). Ameen.
Thanks fir this cynical i opened the thread first time Insha Allah will read it everyday