Surah Kahf and Fridays..

Allhumudulilah it's Friday. Another chance to recite the surah.
Please make dua for the whole of Ummah.

JazakAllah Khair brothers... please remember us in your duas...

We have run into an extremely difficult family situation.
Please make dua for me and my family.....that Allah help us resolve this situation.

May Allah keep you and your families safe from the evils of this worlds. Aameen.
Allhumudulilah another Friday. Another chance to recite the surah.
Please make dua for the whole of Ummah.

Allhumudulilah another Friday. Please recite the Surah. And make dua for the whole of Ummah and for Imran Khans Jalsa on Sunday ;)

Jazak'Allah Khair
Bump.... Another year for this thread!
Allhumudulilah, Please recite the Surah. And make dua for the whole of Ummah.

Jazak'Allah Khair
Jazak'allah khair for the bump yet again. Jummah mubarak to everyone.
Alhumdulilah it's Jumah, Time to recite the Surah!
Please remember the ummah in your duas!

I will share something that I came across...

“The great Companion Umar radiallahu anhu used to say that;”

We were a wretched and disgraced people. Allah ta’ala then granted us honour through Islam.

Thus our honour and success lies in only one way. And that way is Islam.
Alhumdulillah, it's Friday!

“Any good that exists in the heart will make its effect apparent, just as a bottle of musk emits its fragrance.”
Alhumdulilah, Its Friday!

Of the many blessings and gifts of Allāh ta‘ālā is the bounty of special seasons and places, during which and where the rewards of good deeds are multiplied to such extents known only to Allāh ta‘ālā. One such moment is the day of Friday, a day greater in virtue than the ‘Īdayn (two days of ‘Īd). It has been narrated that this day is the leader of all days.

Similarly, it is common knowledge that the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is the leader of all mankind, hence these two leaders have a great bond, thus on the day of Friday we should pay much attention to the sunnah of the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. Keeping this in mind, highlighted below are 10 guidelines that this humble one desires all of his associates to practice, in order to gain maximum benefit from this day:

1) Send salāt and salām upon the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam in abundance. On the day of Friday, aim to do so at least 500 times. Thereafter slowly increase this number as you gain steadfastness. Initially, one may recite a short formula of salāt and salām, e.g.

and after becoming steadfast on this, one should gradually begin reciting longer narrations which can be found in the books of salāt and salām.

2) On the night preceding the day of Friday (Thursday night), recite Sūrah ad-Dhukhān (Sūrah 44, Juz 25). The virtue of its recitation is that a palace is built in Jannah for the reciter.

3) On the day of Friday, recite Sūrah al-Kahf (Sūrah 18, Juz 15). The virtue being that such a person will be saved from the trials of Dajjāl. The trial of Dajjāl is the greatest of trials, and if by reciting this Sūrah one is saved from it, then it is hoped that he will most definitely be saved from all other trials which are relatively smaller in comparison to the trial of Dajjāl.

4) Proceed to the masjid early for the Jumu‘ah salāh. The earlier one reaches the masjid, the more reward has been promised in the ahādīth.

5) Offer Salah-at-Tasbīh. Its method can be learnt from books such as Fadā’il-e-A‘māl.

6) Before getting up from your place after the ‘Asr salāh, recite 80 times:

7) Spend the time between ‘Asr and Maghrib salāhs in the masjid, with the intention of Nafl I‘tikāf. It is preferable to spend this time reciting salāt and salām, however there is no harm in engaging in other good deeds, such as reciting the Qur’ān and Dhikr (remembrance of Allāh ta‘ālā).

8) 10-15 minutes before the Maghrib Adhān, engage yourself in du‘ā. It has been narrated that there is a moment every Friday, during which the du‘ā of a believer is certainly accepted. Of the many opinions with regards the specification of this moment, the weightiest opinions are:

a. It is the period between the Imām sitting on the pulpit and the completion of salāh.

b. It is the last few moments before sunset.

It has also been the experience of many ‘Ulamā and Mashā’ikh that this moment comes shortly before Maghrib.

9) On the day of Friday, try to carry out as many good deeds as possible, be they sunnah, nafl or mustahabb.

10)Totally abstain from all sinful and futile acts. Anything which is neither beneficial in this world nor in the hereafter should be totally abstained from, not only on the day of Friday but rather every day.

Acting upon these ten guidelines, together with acting upon every sunnah, nafl and mustahabb act related to this special day will inshā Allāh help in making our Jumu‘ah a means of great blessings and gaining the love and pleasure of Allāh ta‘ālā. May Allāh ta‘ālā grant us the ability to act upon all the sunnah acts of the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.

1) Send salāt and salām upon the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam in abundance. On the day of Friday, aim to do so at least 500 times. Thereafter slowly increase this number as you gain steadfastness. Initially, one may recite a short formula of salāt and salām, e.g.

and after becoming steadfast on this, one should gradually begin reciting longer narrations which can be found in the books of salāt and salām. *
Alhumdulilah, Its Friday!

Of the many blessings and gifts of Allāh ta‘ālā is the bounty of special seasons and places, during which and where the rewards of good deeds are multiplied to such extents known only to Allāh ta‘ālā. One such moment is the day of Friday, a day greater in virtue than the ‘Īdayn (two days of ‘Īd). It has been narrated that this day is the leader of all days.

Similarly, it is common knowledge that the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is the leader of all mankind, hence these two leaders have a great bond, thus on the day of Friday we should pay much attention to the sunnah of the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. Keeping this in mind, highlighted below are 10 guidelines that this humble one desires all of his associates to practice, in order to gain maximum benefit from this day:

1) Send salāt and salām upon the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam in abundance. On the day of Friday, aim to do so at least 500 times. Thereafter slowly increase this number as you gain steadfastness. Initially, one may recite a short formula of salāt and salām, e.g.

and after becoming steadfast on this, one should gradually begin reciting longer narrations which can be found in the books of salāt and salām.

2) On the night preceding the day of Friday (Thursday night), recite Sūrah ad-Dhukhān (Sūrah 44, Juz 25). The virtue of its recitation is that a palace is built in Jannah for the reciter.

3) On the day of Friday, recite Sūrah al-Kahf (Sūrah 18, Juz 15). The virtue being that such a person will be saved from the trials of Dajjāl. The trial of Dajjāl is the greatest of trials, and if by reciting this Sūrah one is saved from it, then it is hoped that he will most definitely be saved from all other trials which are relatively smaller in comparison to the trial of Dajjāl.

4) Proceed to the masjid early for the Jumu‘ah salāh. The earlier one reaches the masjid, the more reward has been promised in the ahādīth.

5) Offer Salah-at-Tasbīh. Its method can be learnt from books such as Fadā’il-e-A‘māl.

6) Before getting up from your place after the ‘Asr salāh, recite 80 times:

7) Spend the time between ‘Asr and Maghrib salāhs in the masjid, with the intention of Nafl I‘tikāf. It is preferable to spend this time reciting salāt and salām, however there is no harm in engaging in other good deeds, such as reciting the Qur’ān and Dhikr (remembrance of Allāh ta‘ālā).

8) 10-15 minutes before the Maghrib Adhān, engage yourself in du‘ā. It has been narrated that there is a moment every Friday, during which the du‘ā of a believer is certainly accepted. Of the many opinions with regards the specification of this moment, the weightiest opinions are:

a. It is the period between the Imām sitting on the pulpit and the completion of salāh.

b. It is the last few moments before sunset.

It has also been the experience of many ‘Ulamā and Mashā’ikh that this moment comes shortly before Maghrib.

9) On the day of Friday, try to carry out as many good deeds as possible, be they sunnah, nafl or mustahabb.

10)Totally abstain from all sinful and futile acts. Anything which is neither beneficial in this world nor in the hereafter should be totally abstained from, not only on the day of Friday but rather every day.

Acting upon these ten guidelines, together with acting upon every sunnah, nafl and mustahabb act related to this special day will inshā Allāh help in making our Jumu‘ah a means of great blessings and gaining the love and pleasure of Allāh ta‘ālā. May Allāh ta‘ālā grant us the ability to act upon all the sunnah acts of the Noble Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.
point no 8
i had some problems with my college regarding my rollno slip .They said they will not give me
i just read these things here and i made dua before mugrib prayer (15 minutes).and by the grace of ALLAH now my matter is solved and i too believe that the remaining part of my dua will also be accepted .
Mash'Allah, thats is great stuff sarmadsl.

May Allah swt accept all your prayers and bring you closer to him Insh'Allah.
JazakALLAH khair for keeping this thread alive.
Alhumdulilah another chance to recite the Surah on such a beautiful day.
Please remember all of us in your duas!
Jazakum'Allah Doc bhai, thank you for reminding us. Please make some special dus fo the whole of ummah along with our brothers in :lh
Alhumdulilah. Time to recite the Surah.
Please remember all of us in your duas!
Jumu'ah mubarak everyone.

O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly, yawma 'l-jumuʿati), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!
And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah: and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may per quran,friday is the best day among all the days. it has been given much importance in the islam.there is one full chapter in quran called surah jummah, in which the importannce of jummah is mentioned.
—Qur'an, sura 62 (Al-Jumua), ayat 9-10[2]

Chapter (18) sūrat l-kahf (The Cave) with translations.
Jummah Mubarak

We need more threads like this.
Alhumdulilah, Its Jummah! Time to recite the Surah.

Please remember the ummah in your duas!
Jazak'Allah Doc bhai!

Hope the loss from yesterday is not wearing all the hawks down!

way to go for next season! :)
Alhumdulilah, Its Jummah! Time to recite the Surah.

Please remember the ummah in your duas and make dua for me please!

on a side note... here is a joke that i just came across....

Conversation between Shaykh Al-Arifi and a young man:

Young man: "Ya Shaykh I have repented Alhamdulillah, but I can't forget the woman that I love."

Shaykh Al-Arifi: "Pray to Allaah using various supplications."

Young man: "Please tell me some that I may use."

Shaykh Al-Arifi: "Oh Allaah, put Eemaan in my heart , put Eemaan in my hearing, put Eemaan in my sight, put Eemaan in my path....."

The young man interrupted and said "Ya Shaykh, the woman that I love is called Eemaan!!!"
on a side note... here is a joke that i just came across....

Conversation between Shaykh Al-Arifi and a young man:

Young man: "Ya Shaykh I have repented Alhamdulillah, but I can't forget the woman that I love."

Shaykh Al-Arifi: "Pray to Allaah using various supplications."

Young man: "Please tell me some that I may use."

Shaykh Al-Arifi: "Oh Allaah, put Eemaan in my heart , put Eemaan in my hearing, put Eemaan in my sight, put Eemaan in my path....."

The young man interrupted and said "Ya Shaykh, the woman that I love is called Eemaan!!!"

:))) :)))

Anyways, Jummah Mubarak everyone. Hope you recited Surah Kahf. :)
Asalam Ulaikum Brothers & Sisters
Its a humble reminder that today is friday.Kindly try to read Surah Kahaf.
This is awesome - and JazakALLAH to all who have kept it going.
Alhumdulilah, Time to recite the Surah, and to make dua for the Ummah! And pray lots of Duroods aswell on this blessed day!
JazakALLAH for that reminder.

Am amazed at how well we have kept this thread running now - Well done to all folks
Alhamdulillah, Time to recite the beautiful Surah. And pray lots of Duroods on this blessed day.
I came across this, thought it would be nice to share this.

7 Important and Precious Advices regarding Recent Events

During these critical times, the Muslims should observe the following:

1. With love and reverence, carefully study the beautiful life of our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam from authentic reliable sources.

2. Frequently make mention of this beautiful life to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

3. Distribute leaflets and booklets which cover aspects of this great life far and wide.

4. Give place to his illuminating teachings in your daily life so that others can appreciate the greatness of his exemplary conduct.

5. Send salutations and greetings upon him in abundance.

6. Supplicate to Allāh ta‘ālā, beseeching Him to pardon our sins and to grant us assistance and protection from all evil.

7. Exercise patience and remain within the boundary set by our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.
JazakALLAH to all who have kept this thread alive - week after week.
Bumping time!

Alhumdulilah another chance to recite the Surah.
Please remember all of us in your duas!