Taj Hargey - What do you think of him?


Tape Ball Regular
Mar 18, 2007
Just want to know what you guys think of this so called DR, Imam, Scholar. If you google him you can see many of his comments and articles alot of the trashy papers use. Is he representing us muslims with his views?

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He looks one of the better imams there...Whats bad in preaching tolerance and respect fer different religions..
"The ones(women) who wear a niqaab or hijaab are not being honest.." Dr Tag Hargey, 'Moderate' Islamic scholar. 'Nuff said.
About the planned BBC(Burkha Burning Celebration):

"Muslims are quick to burn books, (i.e.) Salman Rushdie's, quick to burn flags, books, effigies. Let them have a taste of THEIR own medicine...."

Does this man not consider himself Muslim?

Burning burkhas? No doubt an extremist scholar. His publicly proclaimed moderation, is so-called by the same, whose ideology he is subtly advocating. Fake Sheikh!
About the planned BBC(Burkha Burning Celebration):

"Muslims are quick to burn books, (i.e.) Salman Rushdie's, quick to burn flags, books, effigies. Let them have a taste of THEIR own medicine...."

Does this man not consider himself Muslim?

Burning burkhas? No doubt an extremist scholar. His publicly proclaimed moderation, is so-called by the same, whose ideology he is subtly advocating. Fake Sheikh!

Yes Levity thats what i was thinking why is the word "them" used if he is muslim are we not all the same and one

He even thinks we caused EDL....

I think someone should come out and denounce him as he aint no scholar or imam, not in my book anyways
Yes Levity thats what i was thinking why is the word "them" used if he is muslim are we not all the same and one

He even thinks we caused EDL....

I think someone should come out and denounce him as he aint no scholar or imam, not in my book anyways

We usually call people like this a khopa.
There is a market for 'Muslims' who hate Islam on TV...this guy is another one...

No scholastic credentials...hes a hadith rejector...hes allowed Christians to give Sermons at Jummah...speaks about burning Burqas and giving Muslims a taste of their own medicine...he has himself performed 36 marriages between non Muslim men and Muslim women...allows women to lead Jummah prayer...the list goes on...

Hes a brown face whos primary role is telling Muslims they are not practicing Islam when they practice Islam...these kind of people are scum...
There is a market for 'Muslims' who hate Islam on TV...this guy is another one...

No scholastic credentials...hes a hadith rejector...hes allowed Christians to give Sermons at Jummah...speaks about burning Burqas and giving Muslims a taste of their own medicine...he has himself performed 36 marriages between non Muslim men and Muslim women...allows women to lead Jummah prayer...the list goes on...

Hes a brown face whos primary role is telling Muslims they are not practicing Islam when they practice Islam...these kind of people are scum...

What we commonly call in UK a wasteman.

Thanks for clarifying it though bro. It's important to know the history, aqeeda etc. of so called scholars and although I don't want to stereotype, the guy doesn't even have a beard. Although a beard isn't everything, you can't be fully on the Sunnah if you don't have one.
I just feel sorry for the people that are following him, i hope we don't have any on PP who is a follower!
There is a market for 'Muslims' who hate Islam on TV...this guy is another one...

No scholastic credentials...hes a hadith rejector...hes allowed Christians to give Sermons at Jummah...speaks about burning Burqas and giving Muslims a taste of their own medicine...he has himself performed 36 marriages between non Muslim men and Muslim women...allows women to lead Jummah prayer...the list goes on...

Hes a brown face whos primary role is telling Muslims they are not practicing Islam when they practice Islam...these kind of people are scum...

Couldn't agree more. He also teaches children to pray together in one line regardless of the their gender.

There are many new age strange thinkers who reject classical Islamic thinking and come out with their own new ideas.
Taj Hargey in the headlines again - I get the feeling thats just how he likes it.

Cape Town pro-gay mosque opens in South Africa
A Muslim academic has opened a gay-friendly mosque in South Africa, despite receiving death threats and fierce criticism from parts of the local Muslim community.

Women will also be allowed to lead prayers at Taj Hargey's "Open Mosque" in Cape Town.

"We are opening the mosque for open-minded people, not closed-minded people," Mr Hargey told the BBC.

He says the mosque will help counter growing Islamic radicalism.

Mr Hargey, a professor at the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford in the UK, told the BBC's Newsday programme it was time for a "religious revolution".

"In South Africa 20 years ago, there was a peaceful revolution changing from apartheid to democracy and we need to have a similar development in the area of religion," he said.

Mr Hargey, who was born in Cape Town, said the mosque would welcome people from all genders, religions and sexual orientations.

As well as leading prayers, women would be allowed to pray in the same room as men, he said.

He contrasted this to the current Islamic practice which sees "women at the back of the street, back of the hall, out of sight, out of mind".

However, members of Cape Town's large Muslim community have taken to social media to criticise the new mosque, with some labelling him a "heretic" or "non-believer".

One group tried to block the opening of the mosque.

South Africa's umbrella body for Islamic groups, the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), says it is investigating the new mosque and has noted concerns raised in the community.

In his sermon Mr Hargey condemned the increasing hatred in the world between Muslims and Christians and blamed it on "warped theology", reports AFP news agency.

When asked about his qualifications as a religious leader he said: "I have a PhD in Islamic studies from Oxford University, unlike my opponents who went to some donkey college in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia."

He told the BBC that he wanted to revive "the original mosque of the Prophet Muhammad, where there were no barriers".

"This idea of female invisibility is an innovation that came after Muhammad, unfortunately it has become entrenched," he said.

He's a bit of a moron - a few years ago he claimed that imams in the UK promote grooming rings.
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This guy was in the news recently supporting Boris Johnson's remarks about Muslim women looking like letterboxes. He had a lead column in The Times owned by Rupert Murdoch.