The cult of Narendra Modi, why is he revered more than India itself by his supporters?

The tragedy for India is that Modi is considered a bigger character than Mahatma Gandhi
Isn't that the case though honestly and objectively speaking? Forget modi- there are way more Congress leaders who have done greater things for ind than mk Gandhi.. but they don't get any recognition...
Isn't that the case though honestly and objectively speaking? Forget modi- there are way more Congress leaders who have done greater things for ind than mk Gandhi.. but they don't get any recognition...
Well just said so because in Pakistan Mr Jinnah is still held in high esteem. Even ZAB and IK don't come close to him
Well just said so because in Pakistan Mr Jinnah is still held in high esteem. Even ZAB and IK don't come close to him
There's a complete difference between Gandhi and jinnah. Jinnah never hid any of his vices nor did he portray himself as a holier than thou person. He said he was an imperfect person and it is what it is. Different matter whether you agree with him or not on partition matters.
Unlike mk gandhi who wanted to steal the credit and not allow others to get their fair share. He had an ego as big as mt Everest.
That’s for much of the 21st century.
By the beginning of 22nd century, Bharat is projected to reach Omega power status surpassing the States and China.

For majority of the 22nd century, Bharatiyas will be the overwhelming dominating community on the planet. Although we will be the supportive big brothers and not bullies which is what sets us apart from other powers.
Does this also means that India will win more medals than US and China in Olympics? :murali :inti
Well just said so because in Pakistan Mr Jinnah is still held in high esteem. Even ZAB and IK don't come close to him
ZAB ended his life on the gallows, while IK is rotting in jail, and will continue to do so for a considerable amount of time. Mr Jinnah is held in high esteem in Pakistan because he is the only half-decent leader Pakistan has ever had.

In India we have had Ambedkar, S.C.Bose, Sardar Patel, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Atal Vajpayee, P.V.Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh and Modi, all of whom have contributed greatly to the country in varying ways. Gandhi has had plenty of company.
In India we have had Ambedkar, S.C.Bose, Sardar Patel, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Atal Vajpayee, P.V.Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh and Modi, all of whom have contributed greatly to the country in varying ways. Gandhi has had plenty of company.

lol at putting Modi in this list. That's just sad.
ZAB ended his life on the gallows, while IK is rotting in jail, and will continue to do so for a considerable amount of time. Mr Jinnah is held in high esteem in Pakistan because he is the only half-decent leader Pakistan has ever had.

In India we have had Ambedkar, S.C.Bose, Sardar Patel, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Atal Vajpayee, P.V.Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh and Modi, all of whom have contributed greatly to the country in varying ways. Gandhi has had plenty of company.
Oh, you make it seem that ZAB pulled off the ultimate magic trick by ending his own life, and IK is behind bars because, naturally, he's a master criminal and everyone in Pakistan is just thrilled about it. Well, that’s certainly one way to spin it!

And Modi? Oh, of course, in your version of events, he's never been involved in anything shady, especially not when it comes to, you know, a little thing like supporting the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat. But please, for the love of all things holy, don’t insult real great leaders by even thinking about lumping Modi into that exclusive club. Let's not lower the bar too much.
Oh, you make it seem that ZAB pulled off the ultimate magic trick by ending his own life, and IK is behind bars because, naturally, he's a master criminal and everyone in Pakistan is just thrilled about it. Well, that’s certainly one way to spin it!

And Modi? Oh, of course, in your version of events, he's never been involved in anything shady, especially not when it comes to, you know, a little thing like supporting the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat. But please, for the love of all things holy, don’t insult real great leaders by even thinking about lumping Modi into that exclusive club. Let's not lower the bar too much.
The correction has to be great leaders of Ind then. For obvious reasons Modi will not be a great leader in pak i guess. Your dislke of modi without any logic is plain obvious. Modi with article 370 gave the pak establishment a hammering and a loss that they have been fighting and losing for 70 yrs - the kashmir terrorism and miltancy. And in exchange they have sold pak down the drain and in a never ending sinkhole and nothing to show for..
The correction has to be great leaders of Ind then. For obvious reasons Modi will not be a great leader in pak i guess. Your dislke of modi without any logic is plain obvious. Modi with article 370 gave the pak establishment a hammering and a loss that they have been fighting and losing for 70 yrs - the kashmir terrorism and miltancy. And in exchange they have sold pak down the drain and in a never ending sinkhole and nothing to show for..

Modi is an elected politician in India, so why, pray tell, would anyone expect him to be a great leader in Pakistan? That’s akin to suggesting a fish would make an excellent pilot, completely different environments, my bro!.

As for Article 370, let's not kid ourselves. It was a mere token gesture, designed to placate folks like yourself who are easily impressed by shiny objects. The average Pakistani couldn't care less about Kashmir; they accepted reality a good 10 to 20 years ago. Meanwhile, it's not the Indian politicians who are itching to fight for a narrative that the rest of Kashmir belongs to them, nor are they gearing up to wrest it back from Pakistan. But I do wonder, what brilliant strategy does Modi have in mind for reclaiming the Chinese-occupied Kashmir? Oh, the suspense!

But let’s circle back to your original comment, which you conveniently sidestepped, perhaps because you were too triggered by the truth. Instead, you launched into an irrelevant rant that had nothing to do with the matter at hand. The fact remains that Modi carries, and will always carry, a dark stain on his reputation for his role in the Gujarat riots. He was banned from traveling to several countries for that very crime, and this shadow will loom large whenever his name is mentioned in the future. Just as some Hindutva enthusiasts dismiss Gandhi for whatever reason, future generations in India may well denounce Modi and his fervent followers for their crimes and bigotry against minorities. Only time will tell, but history has a funny way of setting the record straight.
Modi is an elected politician in India, so why, pray tell, would anyone expect him to be a great leader in Pakistan? That’s akin to suggesting a fish would make an excellent pilot, completely different environments, my bro!.

As for Article 370, let's not kid ourselves. It was a mere token gesture, designed to placate folks like yourself who are easily impressed by shiny objects. The average Pakistani couldn't care less about Kashmir; they accepted reality a good 10 to 20 years ago. Meanwhile, it's not the Indian politicians who are itching to fight for a narrative that the rest of Kashmir belongs to them, nor are they gearing up to wrest it back from Pakistan. But I do wonder, what brilliant strategy does Modi have in mind for reclaiming the Chinese-occupied Kashmir? Oh, the suspense!

But let’s circle back to your original comment, which you conveniently sidestepped, perhaps because you were too triggered by the truth. Instead, you launched into an irrelevant rant that had nothing to do with the matter at hand. The fact remains that Modi carries, and will always carry, a dark stain on his reputation for his role in the Gujarat riots. He was banned from traveling to several countries for that very crime, and this shadow will loom large whenever his name is mentioned in the future. Just as some Hindutva enthusiasts dismiss Gandhi for whatever reason, future generations in India may well denounce Modi and his fervent followers for their crimes and bigotry against minorities. Only time will tell, but history has a funny way of setting the record straight.
Off topic - Modi was given a clean chit by Supreme Court of India. And just so you know at the time the Congress was in government at the center and not BJP. Also a lot of the rioters both Hindus and Muslims were arrested and prosecuted and sentences given and thats the right approach, IMO 2 wrongs never make a right. yes, it was some Islamic miscreants who burnt the train with Hindus in it but the response where Muslims are killed in riots is never right. Violence is not the solution for anything IMO. But once the riots took place ,, the judiciary took over and cases filed and prosecuted. So after the clean chit , Modis visa was reissued. There are thousands of actual court documents for the gujarat riots prosecution. But no one wants to read or take the time to go through and want to use news media titbits because it's not fancy and time consuming. There were more Hindu Muslim riots during Congress regimes before compared to last 10 yrs of Modi. Actions are mightier than words. Yes agree Modi went overboard sometimes with election rhetoric but the ground reality is different .

On topic - MK Gandhi is hated by a lot of the Dalits and BCs etc because he was very casteist. BR Ambedkar had a scathing opinion of him. And his "experiments" with truth are truly horrible - they are widely available on the internet. Also my biggest pet peeve with him is during partition he could have done more to avoid the partition deaths. Approx 1 million - 2 million deaths happened that incl both Hindus and Muslims. Let that sink in 1m - 2m. People are going bonkers now with Gaza deaths at 40k and the Gujarat riots 2000 deaths. So just imagine if those number of deaths happened today.. He as the top leader should have worked to ensure that partition was smooth and deaths didnt happen. But his ego was too big to do that and he wanted to "protect" his image. And for you Pak guys gloating about him - he refused giving the PM post to Jinnah which resulted in Jinnah asking for Pak as he wanted his fellow friend Nehru to be the PM. A lot of population now is younger but partition was a very very violent event with so many unfortunate deaths. IMO even 1 death is not acceptable. And in the film Gandhi which whitewashed his image - none of these facts are even mentioned nor his "experiments" with truth saga.. And coming back to the real world - yes MK Gandhi has an image like MLK or Mandela and gives you instant recognition worldwide. So Ind will milk that on the world stage no matter what party is in power BJP or Congress. So its in no ones interest to dig his past and just use his name recognition to put Ind on the global map.
Off topic - Modi was given a clean chit by Supreme Court of India. And just so you know at the time the Congress was in government at the center and not BJP. Also a lot of the rioters both Hindus and Muslims were arrested and prosecuted and sentences given and thats the right approach, IMO 2 wrongs never make a right. yes, it was some Islamic miscreants who burnt the train with Hindus in it but the response where Muslims are killed in riots is never right. Violence is not the solution for anything IMO. But once the riots took place ,, the judiciary took over and cases filed and prosecuted. So after the clean chit , Modis visa was reissued. There are thousands of actual court documents for the gujarat riots prosecution. But no one wants to read or take the time to go through and want to use news media titbits because it's not fancy and time consuming. There were more Hindu Muslim riots during Congress regimes before compared to last 10 yrs of Modi. Actions are mightier than words. Yes agree Modi went overboard sometimes with election rhetoric but the ground reality is different .

On topic - MK Gandhi is hated by a lot of the Dalits and BCs etc because he was very casteist. BR Ambedkar had a scathing opinion of him. And his "experiments" with truth are truly horrible - they are widely available on the internet. Also my biggest pet peeve with him is during partition he could have done more to avoid the partition deaths. Approx 1 million - 2 million deaths happened that incl both Hindus and Muslims. Let that sink in 1m - 2m. People are going bonkers now with Gaza deaths at 40k and the Gujarat riots 2000 deaths. So just imagine if those number of deaths happened today.. He as the top leader should have worked to ensure that partition was smooth and deaths didnt happen. But his ego was too big to do that and he wanted to "protect" his image. And for you Pak guys gloating about him - he refused giving the PM post to Jinnah which resulted in Jinnah asking for Pak as he wanted his fellow friend Nehru to be the PM. A lot of population now is younger but partition was a very very violent event with so many unfortunate deaths. IMO even 1 death is not acceptable. And in the film Gandhi which whitewashed his image - none of these facts are even mentioned nor his "experiments" with truth saga.. And coming back to the real world - yes MK Gandhi has an image like MLK or Mandela and gives you instant recognition worldwide. So Ind will milk that on the world stage no matter what party is in power BJP or Congress. So its in no ones interest to dig his past and just use his name recognition to put Ind on the global map.
The on topic and off topic headings should be reversed !:)