The PCB Chairman is a political appointee due to a constitutional loophole


T20I Star
Aug 28, 2013
Post of the Week
ICC enforced cricket boards all around the world to make constitutions for the sport in the country, where the appointment of the chairman isn't on the basis of political govts.

This was done back in 2012, with much of the focus was on PCB and Ijazz Butt.

The statement that was given by ICC was, "the important principle of free elections and the independence"


However, when PCB did indeed made its constitution, there was a loophole that was created most likely on purpose.

While the PCB constitution does make sure elections take place, but those elections are a façade, as the the PM's blue eye boy will always be elected.

The Loophole:
To be PCB chairman, it is important that you are a Board of Governor member in the PCB. Every city association (I assume) is represented by a BOG member. Anyone from the BOG member can stand for the PCB chairman election. Vote is casted by BOG members and the highest number of vote winner is made Chairman PCB.

The Loophole is that, anyone could be made BOG member or be removed as BOG member. The PM can give a name to the PCB that this is the guy I want as chairman, he would first be inducted as a BOG member. After that elections are held. To give it a transparent look, the PM can give two names to be added in BOG group where the one he wants is made sure is elected.
Any BOG member trying to stand against the PM's chosen boy could risk losing his job. While, I am pretty sure this can be challenged in the supreme court, but our BOG members would not want to go through the legal process and would quietly vote for who they are told.

The selection of Ehsan Mani and Rameez Raja happened in such familiar fashion.

Now to be honest, I dont mind having Rameez Raja as Chairman. But atleast the constitution of PCB needs to be strong enough that whoever becomes PM, the chairman of PCB doesnt end up losing his job. The chairman needs to be someone who has worked his way upto the BOG group than to Chairman.

Rameez was chairman for 6-8 months. After which, the opposition govt will bring in their own chairman who will be there for only 1 year. After which a care taker govt will come in, if the care taker pm is ambitious and stays for more than 2 months he aswell can bring in a new chairman. After elections are held and a new govt comes in place, we again will have a new chairman.

Thus, from Rameez Raja onwards, we are looking at minimum 2-3 PCB chairman's in the next 1.5 years. Basically in 2 years time, from 2021 till 2023, we will be having 5 new chairman's in total.

This only creates nuisance towards Pakistan cricket and the PSL investors.
The members of board of governors should have to complete some minimum time before they can compete in elections. This is the only way to make it credible. PCB chairman post changes with the government changes which like all other major posts of the country destabilises the country as a whole.
This has been the case forever.

I asked Najam Sethi in our interview and he said:

== Should a change be made in the PCB constitution to allow less interference from the ruling party?

Najam Sethi: Pressure from the ruling party should not matter when it comes to the appointment of a Chairman as the constitution is very clear on this matter. The constitution states that there is a Board of Governors which is an independent body comprised of ten people. Eight of these, in theory, have nothing to do with the government and the Patron can only nominate two members to the ten-man board. Now, four members of the board are elected presidents of the regions and four others are departmental presidents. None of these are under anyone’s influence and are appointed as per rotation policy amongst all regions and departments. Only two members of the BoG are appointed by the Patron of Pakistan cricket and in theory, any of the 10 members can become Chairman. To remove a Chairman, there needs to be a vote of no-confidence against the current Chairman or alternatively, the Patron can remove the whole board but only if there is irrefutable evidence of grave financial mishandling of affairs. So yes, the Patron can create difficulties for the functioning of the board in many ways, but he cannot interfere and get rid of people like this.
This has been the case forever.

I asked Najam Sethi in our interview and he said:

== Should a change be made in the PCB constitution to allow less interference from the ruling party?

Najam Sethi: Pressure from the ruling party should not matter when it comes to the appointment of a Chairman as the constitution is very clear on this matter. The constitution states that there is a Board of Governors which is an independent body comprised of ten people. Eight of these, in theory, have nothing to do with the government and the Patron can only nominate two members to the ten-man board. Now, four members of the board are elected presidents of the regions and four others are departmental presidents. None of these are under anyone’s influence and are appointed as per rotation policy amongst all regions and departments. Only two members of the BoG are appointed by the Patron of Pakistan cricket and in theory, any of the 10 members can become Chairman. To remove a Chairman, there needs to be a vote of no-confidence against the current Chairman or alternatively, the Patron can remove the whole board but only if there is irrefutable evidence of grave financial mishandling of affairs. So yes, the Patron can create difficulties for the functioning of the board in many ways, but he cannot interfere and get rid of people like this.

Interesting. But the loophole is that why is it that the chairman coms from the patrons selected bog member.

It is as if the other bog members vote on purpose to save their own jobs
We shall see if this changes in the next few days.

Under the new consitution that PM can't remove a BOG member or dissolve the BOG. Unless Ramiz Raja resigns on his own, there is very little shehbaz can do about it. The BOG has no elected members right now , mostly employees of PCB. Can they submit no confidence motion against Ramiz Raja?

Patron in chief might say that there has been no election for last 3 years so BOG has no value. Interesting times ahead
It is an epic failure of IK for not ending political interference. IK was a big advocate of no patron in chief. Why this u turn on this for last 3.5 years?. He was power hungry who didn't want to let go of his influence on PCB without looking at the bigger picture.
Let the games begin now

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is planning to hold its Annual General Body meeting in near future, despite the fact its only three full members, out of 11, qualify to attend it because of a dysfunctional domestic structure on which all the domestic affairs have been running for the last three years, as a result of the new constitution introduced on Aug 19, 2019.

Surprisingly, before the constitution of 2019, 100-plus elected representatives of all districts of Pakistan besides deaf and blind cricket associations were members of the general body.

But under the new constitution all the representatives working at grassroots as elected office-bearers of the district associations were shown the door as the general body was reduced to just 11 members including two working as ex-officio members.

According to the the PCB constitution, only PCB chairman and presidents of Pakistan deaf and blind cricket associations can qualify for the body’s meeting as full members, besides two ex-officio members including chief operating officer and chief financial officer.

The other six members are the presidents of the six Provincial Cricket Associations.

But due to PCB’s snail-paced approach in registering clubs across the country and scrutinising them before the elections are held at district and provincial levels, three years have passed and still no representative of these six provincial bodies — except for deaf and blind associations — is available to attend the meeting.

Interestingly, the same situation exists at the PCB Board of Governors (BoG), which is the supreme body having the authority to make policy decisions.

Overall, BoG has nine members and among them only three are elected presidents of the provincial cricket associations on rotation basis while the remaining six are nominated persons, which gives a clear edge to the nominated persons over the elected ones.

Moreover, all three presidents of the elected provincial cricket associations are not included the BoG because the elections from club to provincial level have not been held yet during the past three years.

In its previous constitution, the BoG was more inclusive as eight members — four each from departments and regional cricket associations — were part of it, and all of them had a direct link with the country’s domestic cricket.

However now under the new constitution, out of a total of nine members six are nominated.

Two nominations are to be made by the prime minister, between one of them can only contest the elections of PCB chairman. Four members are to be nominated by a PCB Nomination Committee, while three seats are reserved for the six provincial cricket associations on rotation basis but they are also not available due to delay in holding the elections from club to provincial level.

Published in Dawn,May 3rd, 2022
PCB undecided on holding annual general body meeting

LAHORE: The Pakistan Cricket Board remains undecided on holding its annual general body meeting, a constitutional requirement which it hasn’t fulfilled in the last four years.

The last time the meeting was held was back in July 2018, during the tenure of Najam Sethi as PCB chairman.

Previous chairman Ihsan Mani didn’t call any such meeting during his three years at the helm and although there were indications that incumbent Ramiz Raja was planning to hold it, no official decision has been taken so far.

The last meeting saw over a 100 members in attendance but the new constitution, introduced during Mani’s term, has seen the number of general body members reduced to just nine.

Six of those — the presidents of provincial cricket associations — haven’t been elected as yet with the only available members being the PCB chairman and presidents of the Pakistan Blind and Deaf & Dumb Cricket Associations. The PCB chief executive and chief operating officers are two ex-officio members.

The elections of the regional associations are being held up due to PCB’s snail-paced approach in registering clubs and conducting their scrutiny to hold elections at city level.

A similar situation exists in the PCB Board of Governors, which is the decision-making arm of the country’s cricket governing body.

The BoG comprises nine members with just three elected members — presidents of the provincial cricket associations who are on a rotation basis — and six nominated ones.

Before the new constitution was introduced, the BoG comprised four members each from departments and regions.
Seems Najam Sethi getting ready for the PCB role?

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