Tommy Robinson (ex-EDL leader)

Happy Holidays Tommy.

On another note his fellow Quilliam goon Majid Nawaz drew a picture of the Prophet(pbuh). And yet this joke of an orgainistion wants to be taken seriously.
Joining the qf, didn't let him off the hook, clever ploy though

Should have been jailed much earlier for inciting racial hatred, but like anjem choudhary he was a tool of the secret services before he fell out with them
Oh dear.

I thought Tommy was getting better.

I'm sad about this.
Im sorry the racist has got locked up!

Not racist. Islamophobe. There were some non-white faces in the EDL.

But in any event Tommy had left that organisation and was talking to Quilliam, educating himself.

I suppose some people will say he got his just desserts but I think he is a reforming character, able to examine his own beliefs, unlike many.

Ah well, he committed fraud and has to pay the penalty.
Tommy is an innocent white working class lad that has been let down by the financial system-its the 7th Century Islam that forced him to do this.
Just to clarify old Maj posted a pic from a strip called jesusmeetsmo. And then tried to portray those who objected as extremists.I basically stated on twitter that i found it a strange way to try to debate..his answer was "it worked"..the man is an attention seeker and a fool. He was quite abusive to a few on his timeline..
Not racist. Islamophobe. There were some non-white faces in the EDL.

But in any event Tommy had left that organisation and was talking to Quilliam, educating himself.

I suppose some people will say he got his just desserts but I think he is a reforming character, able to examine his own beliefs, unlike many.

Ah well, he committed fraud and has to pay the penalty.

Rob why r you so gullible..old tommy has not changed an iota..he's an attention seeking insecure islamaphobe
he is indirectly responsible for attacks on Muslims..the acceptance of anti islamic BS at the dinner table..
I always thought Tommy was the lovable rogue face of the EDL. Hope he doesn't get done over while he's inside, he looks the type to easily burst into tears.
Rob why r you so gullible..old tommy has not changed an iota..he's an attention seeking insecure islamaphobe
he is indirectly responsible for attacks on Muslims..the acceptance of anti islamic BS at the dinner table..

I prefer to look for the good in people.

If that makes me gullible, so be it. I'm happier this way. :)
I feel exactly the same way about mohammed amir and asif
Why can't he play cricket for?

Ah, wait a minute. Let's not get confused! Amir, Asif, and Tommy were all convicted of fraud and sent to prison.

Tommy has to serve his sentence. In jail I expect he will meet many Muslims. Perhaps he will learn something from talking to them. I am sure that the Prison Service imam will answer his questions.
Heard today that the reason Tommy Robinson is so salty is because a partner 'cheated' on him with a Muslim and his sister converted to Islam. Wonderful story if true.
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I agree with Robert somewhat. There's an element of sincerity to him that isn't there with the likes of Paul Golding. What confuses him is the bigots surrounding him telling him one story and then the conflation of cultural and non-religious aspects that have affected his community with Islamic ideals.

He's confused and should think more before he speaks. Needs to educate himself to articulate some of his points better.

Growing up in a predominantly white environment I can see where his views stem from. The British Pakistani/Bengali community hasn't been the best ambassador for Islam and when calling out certain unsavoury issues in which a large group of these people were involved in meant they were much easier to address calling the perpetrators Muslim than by their nationality or colour. The latter instances would draw accusations of racism against the majority white community.

This originally began from the racial tensions that were fueled by far-right groups which caused friction between indigenous and immigrant communities.
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I agree with Robert somewhat. There's an element of sincerity to him that isn't there with the likes of Paul Golding. What confuses him is the bigots surrounding him telling him one story and then the conflation of cultural and non-religious aspects that have affected his community with Islamic ideals.

He's confused and should think more before he speaks. Needs to educate himself to articulate some of his points better.

Growing up in a predominantly white environment I can see where his views stem from. The British Pakistani/Bengali community hasn't been the best ambassador for Islam and when calling out certain unsavoury issues in which a large group of these people were involved in meant they were much easier to address calling the perpetrators Muslim than by their nationality or colour. The latter instances would draw accusations of racism against the majority white community.

This originally began from the racial tensions that were fueled by far-right groups which caused friction between indigenous and immigrant communities.

What kind of community do you think Tommy Robinson grew up in? A lot of immigrant communities start off at the lowest rung in the run down areas which are populated by glue sniffers and one parent families on benefits. There are loads of these areas still dotted around the country which are predominantly white and still among the poorest in the country. I wonder what Tommy Robinson has to say about them?
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What kind of community do you think Tommy Robinson grew up in? A lot of immigrant communities start off at the lowest rung in the run down areas which are populated by glue sniffers and one parent families on benefits. There are loads of these areas still dotted around the country which are predominantly white and still among the poorest in the country. I wonder what Tommy Robinson has to say about them?

Exactly the one you mention. He's from Luton, is he not? I think that's one of the communities where a lot of Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants settled.

Like I said, he's confused. I don't think he should be saying anything about anyone. He's simply a manifestation of the problems in white working class communities. That's why they feel he represents them. Their 'problems' are being told to them rather than being understood by them.
You're ignoring the fact that Nick Griffin has said EDL etc were paid for by right wing think tanks to deliberately cause hate against Muslims and divert attention from Jews/Wall Street
You're ignoring the fact that Nick Griffin has said EDL etc were paid for by right wing think tanks to deliberately cause hate against Muslims and divert attention from Jews/Wall Street

I wouldn't believe a word out of his mouth.
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dont think hes a racist obvs his time in prison has affected him a lot. But he always attracts anti muslim bigots and extremists so cant support him at all.

he generalises whole communities as rapists terrorists or paedophiles. n his supporters arent exactly the most nuanced lot.
You're ignoring the fact that Nick Griffin has said EDL etc were paid for by right wing think tanks to deliberately cause hate against Muslims and divert attention from Jews/Wall Street

It's not just the think tanks, I think this can apply to the mainstream media's terrorism and Islamism narrative. The EDL and its followers are a by-product of right-wing media. For all we know the think thanks and MSM could be funded by the same source.

TR is a pillock but I'd say a naive one at that.
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dont think hes a racist obvs his time in prison has affected him a lot. But he always attracts anti muslim bigots and extremists so cant support him at all.

he generalises whole communities as rapists terrorists or paedophiles. n his supporters arent exactly the most nuanced lot.

I don't think you can use the excuse that prison affected him a lot, he's ended up in prison because he's done something wrong. He clearly had problems prior to his incarceration.
[MENTION=107620]s28[/MENTION] yes griffin says that because he believes that to prevent islamic extremism and the grooming grangs you have to target the elites who are controlled by the "Jews" who have succeeded in foistering mass immigration by the third world subhuman hordes onto the natives of Europe and pushing the doctrine of multi culturalism on the west which he believes is a Jewish conspiracy to eliminate whites by making them a demographic minority in their homelands i.e the white genocide conspiracy theory.

He disagrees with tommy because he is only attacking a symptom of the problem not the root.

others far righters have said that MI5 supported the EDL to bring the anti islam movement to the street and discredit it as a band of football hooligans and racist thugs.
[MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION] he was in prison mostly for petty crime so yeah of course wasnt the model citizen to start with n had issues. but obviously its him going into the prisons being bullied n battered by a few bearded nutters that has made him take on this hostile outlook towards Muslims. But he always end up attracting vitriolic bigots and a lot of genuine racists and seems happy to have that support so no sympathy for him.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Tommy lived in world's most populous Muslim country for a decade, too? Has traveled extensively thru Mid East? Has dozens of Muslim friends? <a href=""></a></p>— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) <a href="">July 25, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A semi-literate felon who has never studied Islam, can't read Arabic, and never spent time in the Middle East wrote a book on "Islam." <a href=""></a></p>— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) <a href="">July 24, 2017</a></blockquote>
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You're ignoring the fact that Nick Griffin has said EDL etc were paid for by right wing think tanks to deliberately cause hate against Muslims and divert attention from Jews/Wall Street

Griffin tends to speak some grains of sense, but also a lot of fantasy claptrap as well. For such extraordinary claims that he makes in the video that's been posted, I feel that his word is not enough to prove it, he needs to provide stronger evidence. Am not saying that it's untrue what he said however.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A semi-literate felon who has never studied Islam, can't read Arabic, and never spent time in the Middle East wrote a book on "Islam." <a href=""></a></p>— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) <a href="">July 24, 2017</a></blockquote>
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It was probably written for him by his Zionist paymasters.
Robinson has been brought in recently in a PREVENT agenda after the Manchester bombing

But his not really been needed as theres not been the same reaction by fundamental Muslims as there was after 7/7
Abedis not really radicalised the next wave of Muslims the same way siddique did
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talking of Robinson I noticed his old sparring partner Mo Ansar has been on a bit of a journey

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talking of Robinson I noticed his old sparring partner Mo Ansar has been on a bit of a journey

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Lol you can't make this up :)
After Ramblas trauma, Barcelona attack witness Aamer Anwar defies far-right trolls

British human-rights lawyer Aamer Anwar narrowly escaped harm on Las Ramblas on Thursday only to come under heavy fire from far-right extremist trolls online.

Anwar walked away from Las Ramblas last Thursday afternoon just “ten seconds” before a van driven by an Islamist terrorist ploughed through a crowd of Barcelona locals and holidaymakers, killing 13 and injuring 120. But, incredibly, in stepping off Barcelona’s famed leafy strip and out of the path of the killer vehicle, Anwar, who is Muslim, walked into the cross-hairs of far-right social media trolls who said it was a “shame he didn’t get hit by the van.”

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is among those who have come out in defence of the Glasgow-based Anwar, calling the abuse he has faced “sickening”.

From Las Ramblas, the lawyer escaped with his life, horrific mental images of the chaos around him and two brief phone videos of the first emergency vehicles arriving at the scene with their sirens wailing. He posted the clips to Twitter minutes after the attack. Broadcasters around the world, keen for pictures and information in the fog of those early moments, picked up the footage en masse, doubtless reassured by the fact that Anwar is a verifiable public figure. Named Lawyer of the Year in Scotland for 2017, Anwar was recently elected rector of the University of Glasgow.

Hours after the attack, Anwar tweeted that he was “shocked and lucky”, saying he had “walked on [10 seconds earlier] because it was so busy -- sea of humanity on La Ramblas that these cowards attacked.”

Visiting Barcelona for a conference, Anwar told television interviewers that he had been walking down the ill-fated Ramblas, considering stopping for a bite to eat, but moved on because it was too crowded. Instead, Anwar explained in his slight northern British twang, he decided to look for the Barcelona football kit his nine-year-old son back in Glasgow had asked for as a souvenir.

“All of a sudden, I just sort of heard a crashing noise and the whole street just started to run, screaming. I saw a woman right next to me screaming for her kids,” Anwar told Sky News.

“People were running into shops, families were screaming for their kids, they were taking them out of prams, police officers were on the scene literally within seconds, guns were out, ambulances,” he told the BBC.

The 49-year-old Anwar, whose parents immigrated to Britain from Pakistan the year before he was born and raised their children in Liverpool, told the TV reporters that he eventually crossed paths with a Bengali shopkeeper in the Las Ramblas chaos who told him in Urdu that a van had driven into passersby.

On Friday morning, the lawyer returned to Las Ramblas, heartened to see “people back, laying flowers where there was carnage yesterday”, he tweeted, adding, “Hate can’t win and won’t win.”

Anwar told CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, that those lighting candles, singing songs and turning out by the thousands to pay their respects a day after the attack were defying the terrorists. “It is a message of defiance because I think these people, what they hate is our freedom of expression, our culture, our music, our art and what I described was a sea of humanity; they detest that and they wanted to destroy it and they haven’t destroyed it,” he said.

But on social media, Anwar’s nightmare had only begun. Just two hours after the attack, Tommy Robinson, a co-founder of the far-right, anti-Islam English Defence League, mischaracterised both Anwar and the Barcelona attack itself to his 368,000 Twitter followers: “Aamer Anwar, Lawyer for ISIS terrorist ‘Aqsa Mahmood’ today narrowly escaped being killed by Barcelona kosher restaurant Jihad truck attack.”

(Anwar, in fact, represented Mahmood’s family in Scotland when it criticised as counterproductive a travel ban imposed against the young Glasgow-born jihadist woman who had run away to Syria. In a 2015 statement, Anwar said, “Aqsa’s family remain full of rage at her activities, which they describe as a twisted and distorted perversion of Islam, but they had always hoped that one day she would see ISIS [Islamic State group] for the barbaric death cult it is and return home.”)

Online, responses sympathetic to Robinson’s tweet were swift, threatening and ugly, wishing Anwar harm or accusing him of involvement in the Barcelona attack.

“Seems a bit too convenient. Authorities should question him. He could have been scouting the locale for them,” one said. “U get what u sow. I would have been very happy had he broken his legs,” another said. One suggested darkly that Anwar would be a “really good target for any new vigilante group”. Another asked, “The question is, had he been killed, as a lawyer for jihadi, would he be a martyr? There’s 72 virgins in it for him.”

Unbowed, Anwar compiled the derogatory tweets in an Instagram slideshow set to the tune of Bob Marley’s 'One Love'.

He has also retweeted support from Sturgeon and others, including Scotland’s Justice Secretary and Minister for Transport. Back home in Glasgow, he shared a photo of himself hugging his mother, appending the hashtag #NoTincPor -- “I am not afraid” in Catalan -- which appears set to become the “Je suis Charlie”-style rallying cry after the Barcelona attack.

Ironically, Anwar addressed the subject of Islamist terror and the fact that Muslims, too, can be caught up in it, in his April inaugural address as rector of the University of Glasgow, a role he took over from the controversial US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

“Let me make it clear, as a Muslim I am repulsed and angry at the barbaric nature of each cowardly attack carried out in the name of Islam, whether it be in Paris, Brussels, London or Karachi,” the lawyer told the University of Glasgow assembly. “But I do not believe my community has to apologise for the actions of a handful of maniacs. Over 15 years after 9/11, there is a failure to understand that our children and families live and work in the same communities, we walk, travel and fly on the same transport as others, and our loved ones are just as likely to be the target of terrorist attacks.”

Indeed, in an interview with Scotland’s Sunday Herald after the abuse he received online, Anwar added a detail he appears to have left out of his eyewitness TV interviews last week. “The woman I saw screaming for her children, whose voice I can’t get out of my head, was wearing a hijab,” he said. “Every race, creed and colour was represented that day.”
Check thus guy's twitter page.

Hint: Altaf Hussain fan
Hint: Balochistan independence fan.
Hint: Anti-Pakistan propaganda in full swing.

I challenge any Pakistani wherever you are in the world to read his tweets spanning past few months.