True Detective

I believe the last episode aires next week so it hasnt ended but it is my favourite show at the moment and well i just read that Matthew Mcconaughey is not going to be in season 2 which is disappointing!
Each season, new story like American Horror Story with new actors. MM won an Oscar so he is having a bit of a purple patch. :misbah
Just finished the Season and it's mind blowing stuff, really.
Episodes 1-6 were, simply put, fantastic. I have my reservations about the the last two episodes because they didn't capture the feel upon which the show was built.

I was getting a lot of Breaking Bad and The Wire vibes from the show. True Detective combines some of the best stuff from the two and still manages to hold its own.
Nic Pizzolatto will make a name for himself in the future. The writing is terrific!

Matthew McConaughey......that's the first I've seen of him and I'm amazed. I heard Season 2 will have an entirely new cast and plot, which is a shame.
The first you've seen of Matthew McConaughey? I'm pretty sure he was in every movie released last year
On topic, really, really good show, and I totally agree with you on the last 2 episodes, regardless, it ended too soon.
The first you've seen of Matthew McConaughey? I'm pretty sure he was in every movie released last year
On topic, really, really good show, and I totally agree with you on the last 2 episodes, regardless, it ended too soon.
I seem to miss all of his movies for some reason :))
I really want to watch this.

I've missed the first few episodes so will try and watch it on catchup.
Caught up with this.

It's deep and dark isn't it.

Enjoying it though.
really enjoyed this show, the setting and the acting were phenomenal and was one of the few programmes to make me dwell on what was being said. cant wait to see what they have planned or who they have lined up for next season.

I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. - Cohle
Watched 2 episodes yet. Engrossing albeit slow paced show. Reportedly Brad Pitt to appear in season 2.
Beside the acting, which is phenomenal, the story is average and nothing extra ordinary about it.

I guess, after "Breaking Bad" and "House of Cards" , everything is average.
First six episodes are even tad better than third season of Sherlock. Matthew and Woody are fantastic actors.

Plus points- Acting, Story development until six episodes, Writing of character played by Matthew (Nihilistic arguments), Bromance between lead pair from episode 4, Nuances while filming local Louisiana culture ie Southern USA bible belt,Misanthropic nihilist lead character looks heavily influenced by Sherlock Holmes in some aspect(another example is character of Dr House played by Hugh Laurie)

Minus points- Finale was great for that fighting sequence & bromance but well below par as compared to high standard set by writer in first few episodes, use of well known formula of tribal incestuous villain, No mention of yellow king in finale, Character assassination of Cohle in last 10 minutes ( Drastic shift from character speaking about M brane theory to cheesy near death experience with born again theist logic)

True Detective, Rust Cohle - M-brane Theory

Excellent show overall, Even those minus points are because very high standard set by show to begin with
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Didn't quite like the finale...I liked Rust's philosophy throughout the show and the near death experience was a bit of a disappointment for me...

That said an outstanding bit of TV...great relationship between the two leads...

For a bit more of Rust's nihilist philosophy I found this very interesting:

"I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution,” mutters Matthew McConaughey's Rust Cohle in his version of ride-along small talk with partner Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson). While True Detective is heralded for its slow-burn mystery shrouded in atmosphere as thick as the bayou, half the fun of an episode is waiting to see which metaphysical concept Rust will tackle in monotone soliloquy. Life, death, religion, love, the fourth dimension, man's physical self as a conduit for violent action — Rust has a line for every topic and, thankfully, is always willing to share. It's easy to forget there may be answers at the end of True Detective's tunnel when McConaughey continues to drop foggy poeticisms with such grace.
But do Rust's nihilistic ruminations reflect a founded philosophical doctrine or is he spewing pure bunk? Is nihilism even the right word for it? With vague philosophy running through its veins, we asked Paul J. Ennis, an author and academic who holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from University College Dublin, to help us digest True Detective's grand ideas and boil down Rust's worldview into something founded in reality. Which may be pointless — because what is reality anyway?
What makes True Detective a TV show worth analyzing on a philosophical level?
Rust has a willingness to speak openly about ideas common to us all, but ones we are usually expected to suppress. There is a pressure to offer pockets of hope, redemption, or escape in our narratives, but True Detective seems intent on withholding that. However, grim television is not unknown, so I suspect what works here is just how nihilistic Rust’s pronouncements are; you simply don’t hear people arguing we should walk hand-and-hand into extinction on television very often. I’ve always been of the opinion that when you get down to it, everyone agrees, in their very bones, with Rust. Or, put another way, he is not saying [anything some of us haven't thought before].
Are there specific scenes or bits of dialogue that made you realize that True Detective was a show actually wrestling with philosophy versus simply throwing around words to sound heady?
His dialogue with Marty in the car. It would have sounded eerily familiar to anyone who has been exposed to Thomas Ligotti’s The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. [Editor's note: Early on in the series' run, shorunner Nic Pizzolatto gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal in which he talked in depth about Ligotti.] In many ways, it’s a paraphrase of the central argument of that text. However, we witness a generalized pessimism throughout the interviews. Perhaps the second stand-out scene in this regard is his meditation on the eyes of murder victims. The idea that they would have welcomed it, that they were being released, is a very Ligotti-esque notion, but one that would have chimed well with many pessimists. I am sure that to many people that dialogue may have felt cheesy or obvious, but as a visualization of what the pessimist ultimately holds — that death is to be welcomed — it is pitch perfect and signals, to me, some wrestling with philosophical questions.
However, this only works if you have been through the mill of these texts. For example, Ligotti buys the arguments of some contemporary neuroscientists, which Rust would surely be familiar with, that there is no self and there is no free will. I see this strain throughout his monologues that life is a trap, a dream, or a program. Once you grasp that, and truly believe it, then you cannot help but see the self as akin to being trapped in a kind of nightmarish loop. In many ways, the self is the micro-scale of this nightmare and time is the macro-scale that he also touches on in terms of a ceaseless loop. There are some tensions between these positions, but common to both is the idea that we are puppets at the mercy of wider forces.
True Detective creator Nic Pizzolatto has recently talked about texts that influenced his writing of Rust, describing him as an "anti-natalist nihilism." What can we learn about Rust as a person informed by works like Jim Crawford's Confessions of an Antinatalist, Eugene Thacker's In the Dust of this Planet, David Benatar's Better to Have Never Been?
We would know that he is drawn to the extreme fringes of philosophical speculation and that much of the material he is reading is unpalatable to most people. We would also know that he sought out these texts perhaps after being dissatisfied with more mainstream mediations on our place in the universe. He is not at home in the world, expects nothing from it, and has a fundamental mistrust of all discourse of hope. It is also likely that he sees hypocrisy as the norm and is attuned to delusion as the natural state of the human mind. This is perhaps why he is so good at soliciting confessions.
Nuances dividing these thinkers aside, I’d say philosophically Rust considers consciousness an aberration or evolutionary error/mistake, that he is not concerned with filtering knowledge according to "the pathetic twinge of human self-esteem" [to quote philosopher Ray Brassier], and that, as an anti-natalist, he subscribes to the old maxim of "better to have never been born." Better yet, many of these thinkers argue, as Rust mentions, that we should stop reproducing in order to end the cycle of existence.

This worldview is often correlated with self-destructiveness and I would say Rust’s fascination with murders, drugs, and the criminal lifestyle flower naturally from it. Despite this, I do not expect him to be the killer. It’s the fact that apparently normal people are killers that, I suspect, intrigues Rust, and since he knows what he is, the need to act out violently against others is likely lacking. He’s a bad man, but he knows the real bad men wear masks.
Pizzolatto is also quick to refute the notion that Rust is a pure nihilist, suggesting that compassion keeps him from being that easy to boil down. Do you see conflict in Rust between nihilism and a more hopeful life philosophy? What makes a “true” nihilist by the definitions of those who shaped the doctrine?
I’ve not seen it clearly yet, but there are signs of empathy in Rust that is not entirely alien to the nihilistic worldview, given the centrality of suffering, nihilism is pretty empathetic. I would say he is passionate and sensitive to those he sees as being crushed by various forms of power, which is often sustained by moral hypocrisy. I wouldn’t say hopefulness is quite the right word, but I would say a nihilist could find drive, if not meaning, from undermining those with power. We see this in his barely concealed contempt for Reverand Tuttle (and his intuition that he is a moral hypocrite) and his sympathy for the more honest and flawed former Rev. Theriot.
I don’t see it as a conflict, but I can see how Pizzolatto would be worried about viewers seeing it that way. Regarding the true definition of a nihilist I don’t think there is one and nihilists are actually pretty hands-off as writers. Certainly the likes of Cioran or Ligotti tend not to debate other thinkers. It’s always been more a disposition or attitude than a doctrine. After all why not ‘live and let live’ when you barely believe in life anyway?
Would love to hear your thoughts on a few specific lines, like Rust's profession, "I consider myself a realist, but in philosophical terms, I'm what's called a pessimist."
It’s something I’ve had to say myself many times. Basically, in a non-academic way, I consider myself just a brute "realist" in the classic sense of seeing the world in a very blunt, cynical manner. However, in academic philosophy the term realism has many different senses and, to avoid confusion with them, pessimism is used as an alternative.
Do you see Rust's actions or way of life reflecting his "realist" attitude?
I would say that Rust’s pessimistic realism is expressed in his suspicion toward institutions — the police department, organized religion — and toward the narratives people build around themselves. In the latter case, he expects people to be mired in self-deception, and that allows him to dig deeper behind the masks they wear to obscure what is really going on. However, there is a price to pay for this and we see that such a bleak understanding of the world can also result in the recklessness that forms part of his character. The austere, stoic lifestyle he lives, along with the drinking, is absolutely a result of thinking along these lines. Perhaps the moment this is clearest is when he realizes, whilst watching television with his girlfriend, that such a life is just not for him. He just can’t buy into it anymore. This is why I think the "I know what I am" line is so important.
Rust has a strange relationship with religion. He seems to loathe organized religion, badmouthing the "authoritative" God and saying that "certain linguistic anthropologists think religion is a linguistic virus.”
Religion as a linguistic virus is derived from a number of linguistic anthropologists, but more importantly for this scene, the idea was popularized by Richard Dawkins (the theory of memes). It is someone Rust would, of course, channel when faced with a religious audience. I suspect in many ways Rust is often reading other people through the lenses of this anthropological and evolutionary perspective. It allows him distance to analyze others according to their specific delusion. He often seems to test Marty at a very base, evolutionary level when it comes to masculinity and tellingly often comes out on top.
How would you describe Marty's personal philosophy — family-oriented, religious, black-and-white sense of good and evil, yet someone prone to vices — in contrast to Rust's? When does philosophy become a conversation about ethics?
Marty is a classic moral hypocrite albeit precisely the type of person who keeps society from collapsing. In many ways, he is just the Everyman and he carries out his "duty" in an extremely predictable way — almost as if he got married just so he could move on to have affairs as the next step. I don’t quite think it’s a philosophy so much as he has just soaked up ideas of how to be a man and tries to live according to them (without reflecting on it all too much as he senses where that leads).
Do you see Marty as a character designed to challenge Rust's philosophical POV? Or confirm it?
Marty reads to me as a pragmatist who tries to navigate life by a series of codes of conduct. Not always good ones — men have codes for misbehaving. I don’t think it is designed to challenge or confirm Rust’s philosophical view so much as act as a blunt contrast to it; by having such a "normal" Everyman beside Rust, it intensifies his weirdness, almost like the "straight man" you find in comedy shows. However, I cannot be sure here that I am not reading Marty well since to me he, rather than Rust, is the weird one!
Time is a very important concept in the show, on macro and micro levels. In episode five, Rust ruminates on time being "a flat circle,” where events will continually repeat over and over again. Is there basis for this science-minded philosophy?
He seems to be discussing the idea in two distinct senses: one is, and here I am no expert, M-theory derived from theoretical physics that he discusses explicitly with the detectives. The more subtle existential angle he is touching on is the "eternal recurrence of the same" that Nietzsche introduced. There, the idea, and it is found in older traditions, too, is that the greatest horror for us is not to die, but to live the same lives on repeat for all eternity. In Nietzsche, this notion is designed to shake us up out of our passive lives. The challenge being, to paraphrase, whether you would be willing to carry on as you do if you knew it would all happen again (eternally). It’s a thought experiment, but some people read it metaphysically. For me, that particular scene seems designed to stress how easily he gets lost in his head more than something that will relate very directly to the story line. However, it reconnects up to Rust’s commitment to the fact that life is but a dream/nightmare — not in some flowery sense, but that the far grimmer awareness that structurally consciousness has the character of an elaborate continuous, but determinate in duration, fantasy.

How do you see the concept of evil playing out on the show?
This is tricky for me because I don’t believe in the concept of evil and suspect Rust does not technically believe in it either. It’s a very religious concept and for a pessimist would be seen as a word that obscures complexity. I honestly cannot say at the moment whether the show is going to end up as an expression of the inherent "evilness" at the heart of people, but I admit that would disappoint me. My hope is that the sense of supernatural foreboding found through the show will be explained, if it is at all, in a realist manner. That is to say, it will be the result of a human mind, which is already the darkest thing in nature. As Rust tells us in the car, consciousness is an aberration from nature.

If Rust's beliefs about the world turn out to be true, how do you imagine the events playing out?
I would say that given Rust’s pessimism coupled with the slightly disturbed atmosphere he finds himself in, he is sure to discover increasingly unsettling things. I genuinely cannot imagine how it will end, which is an amazing feeling, but I would say that I believe we will discover that the "cult" is a cover for a wider network (and not just Tuttle) and that a large amount of powerful people are implicated. This would neatly blend two types of paranoia found in the show: the religious, supernatural fear of Satanic ritual cults and the anti-authoritarian pessimistic intuition that moral hypocrites are always covering up some misdeed or another.
Each season, new story like American Horror Story with new actors. MM won an Oscar so he is having a bit of a purple patch. :misbah

American Horror Story sucks!! :))

Watched the first 4 episodes few months back and thought it was really slow. Will eventually watch the last 4 episodes.

When I was watching the show it was rated the 2nd best TV show of all time. It's still in top 10 right now but has slipped to 7.
Didn't quite like the finale...I liked Rust's philosophy throughout the show and the near death experience was a bit of a disappointment for me...

That said an outstanding bit of TV...great relationship between the two leads...

For a bit more of Rust's nihilist philosophy I found this very interesting:

The end was a cope-out (pardon the pun). Just because the mystery was solved doesn't mean we got closure. Rust's near death experience was a philosophical deus ex machina.
awesome.just watched the first season.
Went on a binge ,watched Walking dead,true detective ,sherlock and this in a really short span
American Horror Story sucks!! :))

Watched the first 4 episodes few months back and thought it was really slow. Will eventually watch the last 4 episodes.

When I was watching the show it was rated the 2nd best TV show of all time. It's still in top 10 right now but has slipped to 7.
AVOID season 3. Anybody who dies in that season starts coming back to life. Even the supporting actors making their emotional death scenes totally pointless. Season 2 was great with a gallery of villains like Nazis, Aliens, a psychopathic killer, a religious fanatic nun and finally Satan himself! Oh I think I forgot the killer who dressed up like Santa Claus.
The end was a cope-out (pardon the pun). Just because the mystery was solved doesn't mean we got closure. Rust's near death experience was a philosophical deus ex machina.

Yeh that bit ruined it for me too...

The last 2 episodes weren't as good as the previous 6 really...but still a top show...Colin Farrell is one of the leads next season...should do a good job...
was left disappointed to be honest, certainly did not live up to the massive hype.
That one long take sequence was the start of some really good things in the show. The mystery was truly intriguing and the reveal was surprising. MM tended to blabber too much in the show but it was a very good performance. I also liked how they showed Woody was a decent detective too and he ended up breaking the case.
It's highly unlikely that these two can match what Woody and McConaughey did last time. I have high hopes though.
It's highly unlikely that these two can match what Woody and McConaughey did last time. I have high hopes though.

Agree, those 2 were brilliant in their respective roles.
Agree, those 2 were brilliant in their respective roles.

I particularly have doubts over Vince Vaughn's ability to play a serious role. Probably should've opted for a more seasoned actor.
I am probably the only one who found MM's constant blabbering annoying. The guy has the same Southern drawl in every movie. I think he is a very good actor (Killer Joe!) but that accent gets on my nerves. Harrelson and Monaghan did a much better job I would say.

The show is somewhat overrated. The suspense thriller accepts are perfect and the story is developed well but the show tends to wallow in the philosophical aspects too much. I liked the last three episodes more than the earlier five because they concentrated on the mystery rather than ruminating too much.

I would give S1 an 8/10. The Wire or even Breaking Bad this ain't.
I am probably the only one who found MM's constant blabbering annoying. The guy has the same Southern drawl in every movie. I think he is a very good actor (Killer Joe!) but that accent gets on my nerves. Harrelson and Monaghan did a much better job I would say.

The show is somewhat overrated. The suspense thriller accepts are perfect and the story is developed well but the show tends to wallow in the philosophical aspects too much. I liked the last three episodes more than the earlier five because they concentrated on the mystery rather than ruminating too much.

I would give S1 an 8/10. The Wire or even Breaking Bad this ain't.

I'd give it 10/10 just for Alexandra Daddario alone. :heart:
I particularly have doubts over Vince Vaughn's ability to play a serious role.

Often comic actors are very good straight actors too. Bill Murray and Robin Williams spring to mind.

It's going to be a great series, the last duo were great but people need to give vince and farell a chance; am certain they are going to do well people just seem to judge certain actors based on various roles without the knowledge that these guys have aspired to develop their craft for a very long time and it's just silly to think such talents are limited to specific roles :facepalm: Just look at how the fanboys reacted when Heath Ledger was named the Joker or how they've reacted to the new take on the Joker Character in the upcoming movie Suicide squad.
See Bill Murray in Mad Dog and Glory where he played a gangster opposite De Niro's unassuming detective.
To be fair, Vaughn had tried his hand at drama but failed horribly. Then again he was playing NORMAN BATES so he was up against impossible odds.
You can only make a judgment once it comes out but I expect Vaughn to be fairly decent. After looking at the trailers, I think he'll do fine. The problem is that people will complain as whoever gets cast will be a step below MM.
Second series has started.

I have to admit it took me a bit of time to get used to the new line-up. Farrell was brilliant, but overall I didn't think the first episode was brilliant.......still time yet I guess.
Shocking conclusion to episode two. Believe it or not, I felt Matt's monologues got annoying after a point in season 1. I loved the mystery in season 1 and the creepy Gothic atmosphere.

This season is different and I like that the creator isn't content to copy what worked earlier. Farrell is great and has good chemistry with Rachel McAdams.

Taylor Kitsch can improve though his character might end up the worst/darkest of the group. Vaughn is doing well too but he has done serious work before like The Cell and Clay Pigeons.

Season 1 was obviously better but 2 is good too.
Second episode was even worse than the first one.

What's happened to this? Series one was brilliant, this series so far has been awful.
I enjoyed episode one. Have got #2 on the Sky Box for tonight.
I like the industrial wasteland setting but besides that the characters, plot and acting all feel incredibly flat.
I like the industrial wasteland setting but besides that the characters, plot and acting all feel incredibly flat.

It has only been 2 episodes yet it ought to get better; unfair to compare this season to the previous masterpiece which probably was amongst the ATG's of 1st seasons.
I agree with the ign reviewer who said that season 1 was great because of Hart who acted as our surrogate reacting to Cohle going on with his nihilistic theories.

This season doesn't have any audience surrogate but it's been good so far. The mystery is intriguing although a bit obtuse.
Am waiting for all the episodes to release; don't you guys think True Detective is a series which is better to binge watch?
I agree with the ign reviewer who said that season 1 was great because of Hart who acted as our surrogate reacting to Cohle going on with his nihilistic theories.

And vice versa as Hart had affairs with younger and younger versions of his wife - another iteration of Cohle's theme of cyclicity.
A much better and very exciting episode this week. A truly intense and brilliant shootout.
I'm actually liking this season more for its reality probably because i see it where i'm living with all the Real estate drama its so much intriguing and so well acted but i do see some similarities to Daredevil season 1 with the whole real estate stuff.
I dont know why but it seems to be Wilson Fisk and the character Vince Vaughan is playing in the show have too many similarities.
The first two episodes were slightly confusing but i love the show again now. Last two were excellent. The cop shoot out and the starting scene of EP 3 when Ray Velcoro meets his father in the dream sequence and that song. So goosebumpy. :afridi
Thanks. About blummin' time as I was on the verge of switching off.
The story also got interesting. I also like how Ani and Ray get along very well despite all suggestions that they would tear each other apart.

Also, Paul got some limelight this week.

Vince Vaughn is doing a very good job. Very menacing and shades of Stringer bell and Wilson fisk in Frank.
I'm actually liking this season more for its reality probably because i see it where i'm living with all the Real estate drama its so much intriguing and so well acted but i do see some similarities to Daredevil season 1 with the whole real estate stuff.

Reality is boring. Real estate is boring. I can't even remember anyone's name, they are all so dull.

Give me the occult, overgrown fortresses, LSD burnout and metaphysics dammit!
The story also got interesting. I also like how Ani and Ray get along very well despite all suggestions that they would tear each other apart.

Also, Paul got some limelight this week.

Vince Vaughn is doing a very good job. Very menacing and shades of Stringer bell and Wilson fisk in Frank.

I didnt like the gay angle they put for Paul. Its like no show nowadays is without a gay angle. It feels so forced. Also, correct me if i am wrong but i think he got raped by his gay friend in EP4 right?
Reality is boring. Real estate is boring. I can't even remember anyone's name, they are all so dull.

Give me the occult, overgrown fortresses, LSD burnout and metaphysics dammit!

Would you say this is your least favorite life of True Detective?
I didnt like the gay angle they put for Paul. Its like no show nowadays is without a gay angle. It feels so forced. Also, correct me if i am wrong but i think he got raped by his gay friend in EP4 right?

Actually they probably hooked up in Iraq or wherever they were stationed for a one night stand or so. Paul feels guilty about it and so was delighted when his girlfriend got pregnant. As far as the opening scene is concerned, the other dude seemed too caring to seem like a rapist.

Gay or not, Paul is a 5-star badass. Notice the calm reaction after the shootout as opposed to Ani and Ray almost crying. Then again, he is a vet but still.
I didnt like the gay angle they put for Paul. Its like no show nowadays is without a gay angle. It feels so forced. Also, correct me if i am wrong but i think he got raped by his gay friend in EP4 right?


He popped a pill and let his inhibitions go.

There was a suggestion that they had a short affair in the army but he is in denial about his sexuality.
Actually they probably hooked up in Iraq or wherever they were stationed for a one night stand or so. Paul feels guilty about it and so was delighted when his girlfriend got pregnant. As far as the opening scene is concerned, the other dude seemed too caring to seem like a rapist.

Gay or not, Paul is a 5-star badass. Notice the calm reaction after the shootout as opposed to Ani and Ray almost crying. Then again, he is a vet but still.

Has probably something to do with this guy's notorious cardboard acting. He is really not known for his skills. That emotionless face was probably his best impression of conveying inner turmoil.

Now Farrell and McAdams are genuine actors.
Actually they probably hooked up in Iraq or wherever they were stationed for a one night stand or so. Paul feels guilty about it and so was delighted when his girlfriend got pregnant. As far as the opening scene is concerned, the other dude seemed too caring to seem like a rapist.

Gay or not, Paul is a 5-star badass. Notice the calm reaction after the shootout as opposed to Ani and Ray almost crying. Then again, he is a vet but still.

Yeah, i got the one night stand part. They did imply it during that meet up thing. Well the guy seems creepy to me. :afaq

Yeah he is a totes badass. Totally noticed his face and that is because he has murdered so many people during his black water esque time as a private contractor.


He popped a pill and let his inhibitions go.

There was a suggestion that they had a short affair in the army but he is in denial about his sexuality.

I think he is str8. Well i want the most good looking guy on the show to be str8. Lmao.

Has probably something to do with this guy's notorious cardboard acting. He is really not known for his skills. That emotionless face was probably his best impression of conveying inner turmoil.

Now Farrell and McAdams are genuine actors.

Nah. Not the cardboard acting. He actually is badass.
Yeah, i got the one night stand part. They did imply it during that meet up thing. Well the guy seems creepy to me. :afaq

Yeah he is a totes badass. Totally noticed his face and that is because he has murdered so many people during his black water esque time as a private contractor.

I think he is str8. Well i want the most good looking guy on the show to be str8. Lmao.

Nah. Not the cardboard acting. He actually is badass.

Somebody is going to be very very disappointed in the next month.

At least you've been warned.
Would you say this is your least favorite life of True Detective?

I had hoped for a continuation of the Season 1 King in Yellow and paedophile ring themes, as it seemed that Cohle and Hart had only scratched the surface in their story.

Season 2 is getting better though - finally starting to make sense with two episodes left! I enjoyed the Frank-Ray confrontation and Ani's long sequence in the big house. And at last I understand why Woodrue was chasing the gemstones lead.
I for one hope TD switches to the occult theme again in Season 3. Not saying that Season 2 is any bad. I absolutely love it. But changing flavours is good.
This is a good season. Judging by the Imdb forum (christened as True Whiners), you would think the show is rated as 1.5/10 or something.

The story is complicated but highly watchable. Makes me wanna tune in every week.
Fantastic episode this week.

Tense, exciting and full of twists.

Paul went out like a boss. :bow:

Cannot wait for the season finale.
I am afraid to read because of true detective 2nd season good? As good as one?
I am afraid to read because of true detective 2nd season good? As good as one?
It's more complicated and TOTALLY different from season 1.

Season 1 was more talky and had a slight tinge of southern gothic horror to it. The mystery was terrific though and the reveal shocking.

Season 2 is more action-oriented and with a more film noir feel (like L.A. confidential, Chinatown) and a very complex, serpentine plot. It's unraveling nicely though and the episodes have been getting better. Cannot wait for the finale.

I personally like season 2 more mostly because i dislike Matthew McConaughey's drawl though I'm in the minority.