[VIDEO] Animal cruelty


T20I Captain
Apr 16, 2013

With the upcoming elections looming upon us, no one is spared from the wrath of this time...not even the most helpless of animals.

This is a hate crime. A donkey beaten to pulp, punched in the face and abdomen several times, nose broken, kicked all over his body until he collapsed, tied to a pole and having a car ram into him constantly....all of this to describe one political party as an “ass” by some hooligans as written on the poor donkey’s body.

We have blurred out the names on the donkey’s body as we will not involve ourselves in this mess. The rest is up to you all to decide.

A very kind gentleman, Abdullah found this little baby lying on the ground trembling, with shallow breathing and pain painted all over his face.

Thanks to Adeel from Innocent Pet Shelter, Abdullah who stayed with the donkey until Adeel and the rented van we hired showed up at 3am this morning, and the ACF team ready for the donkey at the shelter, coordinating this rescue all night, we finally have brought this little baby to safety.

The donkey has multiple wounds, all fresh from the beatings, punches and kicks he endured.

The Wound near his rear was an old abscess which burst probably when he collapsed. His nostrils have been ripped apart and his face was bleeding from all the wounds.

There are no signs of internal injury thus far.

He is not eating much and his body is still stiff yet shaking in fear. His wounds have been cleaned and he has been given pain killers. He is drinking water on his own.

The girls at the shelter are sitting with him, hugging him, crying with him. He winces at any touch because he thinks each one will hurt.

Is this what our country has come to? Or is this what it’s always been? And social media and a little bit of animal welfare has now highlighted what we always were and are. Monsters.

If this is our general public that can abuse an innocent animal for fun and ridiculous, irrational reasons, because he’s a “Ghadha” then nothing else matters anyway.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves. This is what we are.

Pics added in spoiler. They're graphic.
















Ofcourse I endore animal rights but if people do not have rights then what rights will the animals have? A point to think about.
Ofcourse I endore animal rights but if people do not have rights then what rights will the animals have? A point to think about.

So you argue that till people have perfect rights (as decided by you), being cruel to animals can be excused. Interesting!
So you argue that till people have perfect rights (as decided by you), being cruel to animals can be excused. Interesting!

What he probably means is that worrying about animals rights is a luxury in a developing country.
Ofcourse I endore animal rights but if people do not have rights then what rights will the animals have? A point to think about.

One of the traits of a civilised society is how animals are treated.

From my experience in Pakistan and having lived in the UK, I think it's a little unfair to say Pakistani's treat animals worse. There are many incidents of animal cruelty in most places around the world. Pakistani' by nature aren't any more cruel towards animals but people in the UK generally care more for animals esp their pets. E.g a Pakistani may keep a dog, feed it and look after it but in the UK dogs are seen as part of the family for some, sleep in their beds, eat off their hands etc.
Poor thing is going through trauma. God bless the people who are taking care of him. Hope he recovers very soon.
What he probably means is that worrying about animals rights is a luxury in a developing country.

Being cruel to animals is not going to help anyone develop. In fact sadistic treatment of animals is going to carry over to other aspects of one's life and character.
Apparently the tormentors were PTI followers:


Kudos to Abdullah Mahmood who came to the rescue of the baby.

These guys should be ashamed of calling themselves PTI followers. I condemn it and i also condemn PML-N, they were holding a rally on the streets of Ferozwala few days and had painted a PTI flag on donkeys carrying lotas as they chanted slogans against the party leadership and against political turncoats.

Another video was doing the rounds on social media, in which people can be seen parading a dog with stickers and banners of PTI and Imran Khan on the road.


PTI already issued a statement
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whether it is <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PTI?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PTI</a> supporters who beat up a donkey, or Imran Khan opponents who did the same to a dog.... this reveals a vile degeneration in our basic mindset of humanity. This kind of cruelty has to stop across the board. <a href="https://t.co/Y5MXAV3IfV">pic.twitter.com/Y5MXAV3IfV</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1019123683938521088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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How can people be this cruel? ****, this kind of things get My blood boiling.
From My own experience what ive seen in Pakistan is that people do not respect animals a lot. Only time do care about animals is when it is a cow and its kept for milk.
So where are these so called animal activists when Chicken and Fish and Lamb are tortured and killed for food.
So where are these so called animal activists when Chicken and Fish and Lamb are tortured and killed for food.

Killing animals for food is very different from needless cruelty.

If you care for animals and are vegetarian by choice that is great, but non-vegetarians are not sadists though they may be morally inferior to you. Beating a donkey like this is pure sadism.
Killing animals for food is very different from needless cruelty.

If you care for animals and are vegetarian by choice that is great, but non-vegetarians are not sadists though they may be morally inferior to you. Beating a donkey like this is pure sadism.

How so? Care to explain?
How can people be this cruel? ****, this kind of things get My blood boiling.
From My own experience what ive seen in Pakistan is that people do not respect animals a lot. Only time do care about animals is when it is a cow and its kept for milk.

Pakistan could learn a lot from us Brits about treatment of animals. I hope the mods don't find that too controversial a statement and will leave it this time, because it is true.
So where are these so called animal activists when Chicken and Fish and Lamb are tortured and killed for food.

Thousands and Thousands of dogs are killed every year in US in animal shelters when they can't find a home. For some reason animal activists haven't done much to stop that.
How so? Care to explain?

Killing animals for food is how nature works. Suppose lions stopped killing for food, what would happen? Are carnivores morally wrong to kill for food?

Needless cruelty to animals when the goal is not to obtain food cannot be justified on any moral grounds.
Ghatiya mentality..... signs of a jahil nation
Pakistan could learn a lot from us Brits about treatment of animals. I hope the mods don't find that too controversial a statement and will leave it this time, because it is true.

And Brits could learn a lot from Jains about treatment of animals.

Everybody can play this game of silly one-upmanship.
And Brits could learn a lot from Jains about treatment of animals.

Everybody can play this game of silly one-upmanship.

Why is it silly one-upmanship? Most of the people posting their disgust at the treatment of animals in Pakistan will be western based I would have thought, does that mean the OP was playing games rather than making a worthy point?
Why is it silly one-upmanship? Most of the people posting their disgust at the treatment of animals in Pakistan will be western based I would have thought, does that mean the OP was playing games rather than making a worthy point?

Silly one-upmanship is you once again posting how the Brits are superior to the people of the subcontinent, in a thread that has nothing to do with Brits.

The people who rescued the donkey are also Pakistanis.
Silly one-upmanship is you once again posting how the Brits are superior to the people of the subcontinent, in a thread that has nothing to do with Brits.

The people who rescued the donkey are also Pakistanis.

I don't know why you feel so offended when I say they could learn from us Brits, if you read up the thread, plenty of others are basically saying the same thing. Where do you think these pakistani organisations to protect the welfare of animals got their inspiration from? Was it not the world wildlife fund which has not only brought animal suffering to the attention of those at home, but inspired generations abroad to care for animals too?
PTI fans spray paint the name Nawaz on a donkey


A donkey was beaten and bruised after supporters of a political party used it in their rally to elude to a party rival as gadha [donkey]. Photo: ACF Animal Rescue/Facebook

KARACHI: As the election fever grips the country, a brutal incident of animal violence in a political rally emerged early Monday morning.

A donkey was beaten and bruised after supporters of a political party wrote the name of a political rival on donkey's body to elude to him.

The “donkey [was] beaten to pulp, punched in the face and abdomen several times, nose broken, kicked all over his body until he collapsed, has rope marks and a car rammed into him.....all of this to describe one political party as an “***” by some hooligans as written on the poor donkey’s body,” wrote ACF Animal Rescue in a post on social media.

Furthermore, the nostrils of the donkey have been ripped apart and his face continues to bleed from all the wounds, ACF said.

Photo: ACF Animal Rescue
The donkey, who is currently being looked after by ACF Animal Rescue, was saved by a citizen, identified as Abdullah Mahmood, who then called rescue teams to help the animal.

In a social media post, Abdullah Mahmood wrote: “Its 2:30 am... Have been trying to help this poor donkey for more than 2 hours alone now... He seemed sitting injured or ill, unable to move, in the middle of the road, then a car hit and went on ignorantly, passerbys would slow drive and walk away when asked to help.”

However, his calls for help were eventually answered and a rescue team came for the equine.

Regarding the incident, the non-government organisation noted: “With the upcoming elections looming upon us, no one is spared from the wrath of this time...not even the most helpless of animals. This is a hate crime.

Pakistan’s iron equines’ bray falls on deaf ears

“Is this what our country has come to? Or is this what it’s always been? And social media and a little bit of animal welfare has now highlighted what we always were and are. Monsters.

"If this is our general public that can abuse an innocent animal for fun and ridiculous, irrational reasons, because he’s a “Ghadha” then nothing else matters anyway,” the ACF added.

There is already a thread. http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?274458-Animal-cruelty-in-Pakistan

These guys should be ashamed of calling themselves PTI followers. I condemn it and i also condemn PML-N, they were holding a rally on the streets of Ferozwala few days and had painted a PTI flag on donkeys carrying lotas as they chanted slogans against the party leadership and against political turncoats.

Another video was doing the rounds on social media, in which people can be seen parading a dog with stickers and banners of PTI and Imran Khan on the road.


PTI issued a statement
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whether it is <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PTI?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PTI</a> supporters who beat up a donkey, or Imran Khan opponents who did the same to a dog.... this reveals a vile degeneration in our basic mindset of humanity. This kind of cruelty has to stop across the board. <a href="https://t.co/Y5MXAV3IfV">pic.twitter.com/Y5MXAV3IfV</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1019123683938521088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Another day, another story of abuse.

We do not know if it was related to anything political...all we know is that it is unimaginably horrific abuse at the hands of our people.

This donkey was reported to us from
Gulshan-e-Iqbal. He was left to die a slow miserable death as donkeys in our country are seen as less than non-living creatures...They are seen as nothing.

It appears he has been pelted and beaten on the head repeated by jagged edge objects or stones. His skull is completely visible, maggots have eaten all the flesh within it. His left eye has been gouged out.

He was bleeding so profusely we had to let it flow into buckets.

We ensured his bleeding has stopped, given pain killers, maggots removed and wound throughly cleaned.

Whether political or not, this is still a hate crime at the hands of our people.

Where are the animal protection and animal rights laws in our constitution? There certainly were some at one time for management of weight load and number plates for donkey carts.

Did these laws simply fade away with our ability to care?

Do you know legally and culturally, it has been impossible to have an animal shelter in Karachi? We shifted 4 shelters in one year with all our animals in tow because we were threatened and bullied and terrorised by people just because we help street and working animals and we wanted a safe sanctuary for them.

The women running this organisation have been name-called, abused and threatened.

Donkey harness makers are still using the worst quality, course material to make harnesses with nails inserted in them to make the donkey’s mouth and body bleed so to keep him in agony.


There is no guidance, no awareness, no training facilities or donkey behaviour and handling protocols. Our small team is the first to take on this massive task with no support from large organisations and people in power. They tell us, “it’s just a donkey, so it doesn’t matter”.

Did you know donkeys are the most sensitive, loyal animals out there? They are not stubborn. They just internalise feelings and cry and scream from the inside. They will love you until your dying day but we cannot give them an iota of respect.

Where are the laws that protect animals? Why have they been forgotten or perhaps, never implemented properly in the first place?

Raise your voices. Don’t let this be the future for our children.



Don't add the images here please. Too graphic.

Poor creature. If I could get my hands on the idiots who have done this....
I don't know why you feel so offended when I say they could learn from us Brits, if you read up the thread, plenty of others are basically saying the same thing. Where do you think these pakistani organisations to protect the welfare of animals got their inspiration from? Was it not the world wildlife fund which has not only brought animal suffering to the attention of those at home, but inspired generations abroad to care for animals too?

You posts are actually quite hilarious. You keep saying "we Brits", but you are the farthest thing from a Brit (or more specifically an Englishman). The characteristic that the English most strongly identify with is GOOD MANNERS. They would be horrified with the condescending nature of your posts.

You come across as "English tabloid" rather than real English. Learn a bit about the English character before claiming to be one.
You posts are actually quite hilarious. You keep saying "we Brits", but you are the farthest thing from a Brit (or more specifically an Englishman). The characteristic that the English most strongly identify with is GOOD MANNERS. They would be horrified with the condescending nature of your posts.

You come across as "English tabloid" rather than real English. Learn a bit about the English character before claiming to be one.

So which points did I make which you feel I was condescending about? I feel your only real objection to me saying "we Brits" could be my ethnic heritage which frankly only raises questions about your own perspective.
So which points did I make which you feel I was condescending about?

Really? In a thread that has nothing to do with Britain you jump in and post "Pakistan could learn a lot from us Brits about treatment of animals" and "I say they could learn from us Brits" etc. I am not even going to discuss your numerous other posts in this forum.

I feel your only real objection to me saying "we Brits" could be my ethnic heritage which frankly only raises questions about your own perspective.

I could care less if someone with desi ancestry went around telling other desis that he is now a Brit. The fact remains that the English emphasize good manners (though they don't always live up to their own standards) and your posts are ill-mannered.
Really? In a thread that has nothing to do with Britain you jump in and post "Pakistan could learn a lot from us Brits about treatment of animals" and "I say they could learn from us Brits" etc. I am not even going to discuss your numerous other posts in this forum.

I could care less if someone with desi ancestry went around telling other desis that he is now a Brit. The fact remains that the English emphasize good manners (though they don't always live up to their own standards) and your posts are ill-mannered.

If saying desis could learn from Brits how to treat animals with respect and love is ill-mannered, then I guess I am ill-mannered. At least I was providing a guiding example rather than just expressing the usual faux outrage which is typically the filler for these type of threads. I make no apologies for giving useful advice rather than whining with no solution in these situations.
Don't remember the book, probably an autobiography of a cricketer, where he mentions that someone demonstrated the range of his gun by shooting dead a dog at a distance.
In the latest incident of animal abuse over political rivalry in the country, a dog was shot dead in Bannu.

A video which went viral on social media and drew widespread outrage showed a dog wrapped in a Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) flag being shot multiple times.

The horrifying video uploaded Friday night began with a dog sitting in the sand and wrapped in a PTI flag. The video then focuses on the flag of another political party while two men can be heard in the background.

It then shows the dog being shot mercilessly — not once but thrice.

As the dog howls and trembles in pain, the video ends.

Several took to social media to demand that animal protection laws be implemented and a FIR be registered against those responsible.

On July 23, a donkey, who was brutally beaten and bruised by the supporters of a political party, passed away.

The donkey had become a target of violence on July 16 by supporters of a political party who wrote the name of a rival group on the donkey's body to elude to him.

The animal was beaten, bruised, and punched in the face and abdomen several times. His nose and jaw were broken and he had been kicked all over his body until he collapsed. The donkey had rope marks and a car was rammed into him.

Animal rescue foundation Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) tried their best to save the donkey but he succumbed to his injuries.

In the latest incident of animal abuse over political rivalry in the country, a dog was shot dead in Bannu.

A video which went viral on social media and drew widespread outrage showed a dog wrapped in a Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) flag being shot multiple times.

The horrifying video uploaded Friday night began with a dog sitting in the sand and wrapped in a PTI flag. The video then focuses on the flag of another political party while two men can be heard in the background.

It then shows the dog being shot mercilessly — not once but thrice.

As the dog howls and trembles in pain, the video ends.

Several took to social media to demand that animal protection laws be implemented and a FIR be registered against those responsible.

On July 23, a donkey, who was brutally beaten and bruised by the supporters of a political party, passed away.

The donkey had become a target of violence on July 16 by supporters of a political party who wrote the name of a rival group on the donkey's body to elude to him.

The animal was beaten, bruised, and punched in the face and abdomen several times. His nose and jaw were broken and he had been kicked all over his body until he collapsed. The donkey had rope marks and a car was rammed into him.

Animal rescue foundation Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) tried their best to save the donkey but he succumbed to his injuries.


KP police arrest two suspects for shooting dog wrapped in party flag

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) police on Saturday announced that they had caught two men accused of shooting a dog multiple times for 'politically-motivated reasons'.

A 45-second clip of two men shooting a dog wrapped in a Pakistan Tehreek-i-Isaf (PTI) flag had emerged on Twitter on Friday night and quickly attracted condemnation from several users.

A series of tweets posted by an account claiming to be the official account of the KP police department said that police had acted on the matter after a video of the incident went viral on social media.

The suspects were arrested for "torturing, killing the animal and making [a] video of the shameful crime".

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Responding within 12 hours, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Bannu?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Bannu</a> Police worked throughout the night to arrest 2 culprits at 6:45am involved in torturing, killing the animal and making video of it. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KPPolice?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KPPolice</a> thanks Social Media users for raising the issue. <a href="https://t.co/0SDSYEgAu9">pic.twitter.com/0SDSYEgAu9</a></p>— KP Police (@KP_Police1) <a href="https://twitter.com/KP_Police1/status/1023129826897608704?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Bannu?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Bannu</a> :: Confessional video of the culprit involved in torturing, killing the animal and making video of the shameful crime. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KPPolice?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KPPolice</a> once again Thanks the Social Media users for raising the issue. <a href="https://t.co/SDz4nLMQjR">pic.twitter.com/SDz4nLMQjR</a></p>— KP Police (@KP_Police1) <a href="https://twitter.com/KP_Police1/status/1023130733383180288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The account also shared pictures of the two men, along with a confessional video of one of the arrested. The account also thanked social media users for "raising the issue".

One of the arrested men, who identified himself as Umar, confessed that he was involved in the animal abuse incident. After being probed further, he told the police that he was exhorted by a man named Sayeen Ullah to torture the dog.

The animal abuse incident was the latest that came to light in the past month.

Earlier this month, animal rescue shelter Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation had shared pictures of a donkey who was tortured by political workers, seemingly in reaction to a speech made by PTI Chairman Imran Khan regarding former prime minister Nawaz Sharif's supporters.

The donkey succumbed to his injuries six days later.

While The Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Act, 1890 exists, the punishments outlined in it are dated.

In an applaudable effort, however, the Senate Standing Committee on Interior had on February 7 this year passed a bill titled “The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill, 2018”.

The bill seeks to increase the punishment levied on violators of the Act.

Before the passage of the bill, the fine for killing an animal with unnecessary cruelty was just Rs200. The current bill suggests this be increased to Rs300,000 along with imprisonment.

Anyone who eats animals killed in a mass production slaughterhouse (I do) has no moral authority to lecture others about animal cruelty.
Anyone who eats animals killed in a mass production slaughterhouse (I do) has no moral authority to lecture others about animal cruelty.

Slaughtering an animal for consumption and shooting a dog because one is a psychopath are two totally different things. People also burn cats or decapitate pigeons. There is a difference between killing for food and killing for fun.

P.S -I also don't agree with the conditions in mass production slaughterhouses, but the demand is so high and every company is thinking about saving that extra dollar that they are involved in all these inhumane practices.

I have lessened our meat consumption but whenever I do buy meat I buy it from a local farmer. Probably not that better but at least the animal did not have such a crap life.
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Horrible...why would you do that to an innocent animal?

All animals are innocent but I guess it hits home harder when it's an animal we don't usually consume. Also the manner in which it was killed and the reasons are pretty coldhearted. Was more of an execution out of hatred and ignorance.
These idiots are pretty much found in many corners of subcontinent. As I was growing up in Karachi, I was guilty of throwing stones at stray dogs to get them out of the way sometimes out of fear - no intention to hurt them but incorrect way of dealing with the matter.

I have learned many good things in the west but topping them all would be tolerance. Thank you west for making me a better human being.
There’s no respect for animals in that country.
Anyone who eats animals killed in a mass production slaughterhouse (I do) has no moral authority to lecture others about animal cruelty.

Although I understand where you are coming from, as a vegetarian I actually disagree with you.

Some recent acts of animal cruelty that I have read about in the news include a dog being stomped to death on its afternoon walk, this donkey being slowly beaten to death, a slaughterhouse worker throwing sheep around for his own amusement, and a serial sadist (not yet been caught) strapping firework rockets to cats after dark so they can be sparked and gruesomely exploded.

I do think that such acts are morally different to eating meat, particularly if it comes from an organic farm with transparent and documented standards of respectful husbandry.
Although I understand where you are coming from, as a vegetarian I actually disagree with you.

Some recent acts of animal cruelty that I have read about in the news include a dog being stomped to death on its afternoon walk, this donkey being slowly beaten to death, a slaughterhouse worker throwing sheep around for his own amusement, and a serial sadist (not yet been caught) strapping firework rockets to cats after dark so they can be sparked and gruesomely exploded.

I do think that such acts are morally different to eating meat, particularly if it comes from an organic farm with transparent and documented standards of respectful husbandry.

Very poor logic. Comparing the daily abuse of animals in slaughterhouses to some incidents of cruelty you have read about.

Eating meat is not immoral in itself. It is the torture of the animal which is. You claim to have read the Quran right? Do you know The Prophet (PBUH) always talked about showing mercy to animals.
All animals are innocent but I guess it hits home harder when it's an animal we don't usually consume. Also the manner in which it was killed and the reasons are pretty coldhearted. Was more of an execution out of hatred and ignorance.

Of course,all animals are innocent.It was just a way of speaking
Very poor logic. Comparing the daily abuse of animals in slaughterhouses to some incidents of cruelty you have read about.

Eating meat is not immoral in itself. It is the torture of the animal which is. You claim to have read the Quran right? Do you know The Prophet (PBUH) always talked about showing mercy to animals.

Your reply has confused me. Have you read Gabbar Singh’s post and then my reply clearly?

He said that meat eaters can’t have an opinion on animal cruelty, I said I disagreed with him as I think they can, because the treatment of the animal is key to the moral value (or not) of the outcome.

So I don’t see where I disagree with your points either, but you say I have very poor logic. So I am snookered in this discussion currently.
Your reply has confused me. Have you read Gabbar Singh’s post and then my reply clearly?

He said that meat eaters can’t have an opinion on animal cruelty, I said I disagreed with him as I think they can, because the treatment of the animal is key to the moral value (or not) of the outcome.

So I don’t see where I disagree with your points either, but you say I have very poor logic. So I am snookered in this discussion currently.

Gabbar talked about meat eaters who consume meat produced in slaughter houses. Which slaughter house treats animals in a humane way? The are cramped for room, without sunlight, beaten and abused and finally freed from their misery when they are killed, the only act of mercy shown to them. But you want to defend the daily industrial cruelty in slaughter houses by comparing with few incidents of cruelty you read in news.
Gabbar talked about meat eaters who consume meat produced in slaughter houses. Which slaughter house treats animals in a humane way? The are cramped for room, without sunlight, beaten and abused and finally freed from their misery when they are killed, the only act of mercy shown to them. But you want to defend the daily industrial cruelty in slaughter houses by comparing with few incidents of cruelty you read in news.

Okay. So if animals were mercifully killed in a non-slaughterhouse setting, we agree those meat eaters have more of a moral standpoint than those who consume through the more brutal mass-produced method? I will go with that.
Okay. So if animals were mercifully killed in a non-slaughterhouse setting, we agree those meat eaters have more of a moral standpoint than those who consume through the more brutal mass-produced method? I will go with that.

Most of the meat eaters who talk against animal cruelty don't care where their meat is coming from. These hypocrites won't make an effort to buy meat from local farms, but will want their movies to start with the disclaimer that no animals were harmed in the filming.
Also in India

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The buffalo took a perfect revenge, such people shouldn’t be called human. <a href="https://t.co/6o1n3LQdQ7">pic.twitter.com/6o1n3LQdQ7</a></p>— Singh Varun (@singhvarun) <a href="https://twitter.com/singhvarun/status/1264238722490355714?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 23, 2020</a></blockquote>
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The posts about the alleged cat abuse have been removed as it appears that the case may not be authentic after all. Very glad to hear that, if it's true.
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday lambasted the Ministry of Climate Change for politicking over animals, especially those in the federal capital's Marghazar Zoo, with Chief Justice Athar Minallah remarking that "our heads should hang in shame".

During a hearing over delays in the transfer of bears from Islamabad's Marghazar Zoo, Justice Minallah expressed anger over a lack of protection given to the bears, as well as the issue of their transfer elsewhere.

The top judge observed that at least 40 giraffes were brought to the zoo from abroad and "all of them are dead".

"Our heads should hang in shame! The Ministry of Climate Change is responsible for such treatment of animals," he said.

"In this entire case, it only engaged in politicking. The ministry is only interested in making statements and engaging in politics. [It] is responsible for harming God's creatures," he added.

Balkasar Sanctuary ordered to help
The judge also mentioned that the court was observing the conduct of everyone engaging in politics over zoo animals.

The administrator of the Balkasar Sanctuary, Dr Fakhar, also appeared during the court hearing, saying the bears were safer in Islamabad than the shelter in Punjab's Chakwal city.

"Balkasar has a smaller space for bears than Islamabad's Marghazar Zoo," Dr Fakhar told the court.

The IHC remarked that although the Balkasar Sanctuary was a private property, its administration should help the government transfer the bears. The court also directed the Ministry of Climate Change to make a decision on bears by August 3.

Lioness dead, lion nearing death

Earlier today, reports emerged that the lioness in Islamabad's Marghazar Zoo had died and the lion was nearing death.

A video obtained by Geo News showed mismanagement at the zoo while the lion was being taken out of its cage. According to the clip, the zoo staff had set fire in the cage and used sticks to scare off the animal but it got frightened and confused instead.

Sources informed Geo News that the lion sustained injuries due to the staff's mismanagement during its transfer from Marghazar Zoo to Lahore. The animal was in a poor condition, they added.

Sources further underlined how several animals, including deer and birds, were injured during earlier transfer processes. Moreover, three Belgian Blue cows and an ostrich have also died during transferring.

Multiple animals at Islamabad zoo dead
Moreover, zoo officials admitted that six deer had died during transfers so far. These included two spotted deer, two elks, and one Indian gazelle.

In addition, they acknowledged that a Belgian Blue cow, as well as a lion, lioness, and ostrich each had also died. Officials said the bird had died due to a cloth being tied over its face.

In this regard, zoologist have opined that the reason animals were dying was transfer processes being carried out during unfavourable weather conditions.

Cold weather, on the other hand, is a good choice for the shifting of animals, the experts said.

'Many issues' in Pakistan's captive facilities

The Pakistan chapter of wilderness preservation NGO, the World Wide Fund for Nature, also issued a statement condemning the lion's ill-treatment at Islamabad Zoo.

The WWF-Pakistan "has expressed its disappointment to the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) and hopes that those who are responsible will be brought to justice for this repulsive act", it said on Twitter.

"In the wake of this incident, as a protest, WWF-Pakistan has also stepped down from the Board of the IWMB, of which it has been a member for several years," it added.

The NGO noted that there were multiples examples of zoos supporting wildlife conservation and helping bring back endangered species from the brink of extinction. However, "there are many issues related to animal welfare in captive facilities in Pakistan that need urgent attention," it added.

"Thus WWF-Pakistan has offered to help improve the condition of zoos in the country and has lobbied for zoo standards and legislation, promoting cooperation and capacity building for an overall improved environment for the animals," it added.

In a parallel development, documents for the transfer of Kaavan — the elephant in Islamabad — to Cambodia have been prepared, sources told Geo News.

Two lions suffocate in botched zoo transfer

Two lions at the Islamabad Zoo suffered painful deaths at the hands of untrained caretakers who were trying to transfer them to a private lion farm in Lahore this week.

Meanwhile, the climate change ministry has launched a probe into the matter.

A graphic video of a fire being lit inside the lion’s cage to force it outside appalled residents of the capital and its authorities.

In the video, which has since gone viral, a big cat can be seen desperately moving inside the cage and injuring itself. The zoo staff are also seen using long sticks to beat it in an attempt to make it go in the desired direction.

Marghazar zoo lion was kept hungry, thirsty: medical report

ISLAMABAD: The medical report of the lion who died while being shifted from Marghazar Zoo to a sanctuary, a few days ago, had been kept hungry and thirsty as well, said a medical report.

The medical report, obtained by Geo News, states that the lion had gotten weak as he was kept hungry and thirsty at the zoo.

A lion and lioness had died while being shifted from Marghazar Zoo to a sanctuary. A video obtained by Geo News showed mismanagement on part of the zoo officials as the zoo staff could be seen in the video, setting fire in the cage and using sticks to scare off the animal but it got frightened and confused instead.

The report further mentioned that while the lion was being shifted to the sanctuary, it was kept in an enclosed place, which caused additional discomfort and led to the animal feeling suffocated. It said that various wildlife laws were violated while the animal was being transferred from the zoo.

The medical report further said that the lion's lungs had darkened in colour due to bleeding. It said that the animal, besides being denied food, was not vaccinated and swelling was observed in its lungs and liver.

Multiple animals at Islamabad zoo dead
Moreover, zoo officials had admitted that six deer had died during transfers so far. These included two spotted deer, two elks, and one Indian gazelle.

In addition, they acknowledged that a Belgian Blue cow, as well as a lion, lioness, and ostrich each had also died. Officials said the bird had died due to a cloth being tied over its face.

In this regard, zoologist have opined that the reason animals were dying was transfer processes being carried out during unfavourable weather conditions.

Cold weather, on the other hand, is a good choice for the shifting of animals, the experts said.
ISLAMABAD: A case has been registered against three persons for allegedly torturing a pair of lions, which led to their deaths, Dawn has learnt.

The case was registered at Kohsar Police Station, under section 429-PPC and section 5 of the Animal Act 1990, in response to a complaint, lodged by a journalist Shakeel Ahmed.

According to the first information report (FIR), a video shows three persons lighting fires in the animals’ enclosure at Islamabad Zoo, so they would move inside cages; they also poked the lion with sticks to force it out. Both lions died later, while they were being moved to a lion breeding sanctuary in Kasur. Legal action must be taken against the persons involved in the incident, it added.

Police have asked for video footage of the incident from the complainant, to identify the accused for further legal action.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam has formed an inquiry committee to investigate the deaths of both lions. Under directives from Islamabad High Court, the pair was being shifted from Marghazar Zoo, however, both animals died on the way to the sanctuary in Kasur.

The lion and lioness were both eight-years-old; they were brought to the zoo in 2016 from Lahore Safari Park, as part of the Bird and Animal Exchange Programme between Capital Development Authority (CDA) and the Punjab government.

Horrible incident. A cow was being lowered from a building via a crane. However, it fell down. The people there then proceeded to do its Qurbani… I mean, if it’s dead by then, then it’s not halal. Graphic video.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ezx2YLo9l2c" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Horrible incident. A cow was being lowered from a building via a crane. However, it fell down. The people there then proceeded to do its Qurbani… I mean, if it’s dead by then, then it’s not halal. Graphic video.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ezx2YLo9l2c" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Shocking and heartbreaking.
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) intends to proceed against Minister for Climate Change Zartaj Gul, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Malik Amin Aslam, secretary of the ministry and officials of Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) for violating the court orders related to the shifting of animals from Marghazar Zoo.

The court was told that the lion and lioness of the zoo that died apparently because of negligence were shifted to a private farmhouse, not to a sanctuary as was directed by the IHC.

“This court had directed relocation of the caged animals to sanctuaries and not to the private farmhouse,” IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah remarked.

Subsequently, he observed: “This court intends to proceed against the chairman and each member of the IWMB under the Contempt of Court Ordinance 2003.”

The court directed Deputy Attorney General Syed Mohammad Tayyab to “submit the names of the minister for climate change, special assistant and secretary ministry of climate change and other members of IWMB.”

Justice Minallah sought a report from the IWMB chairman on the death of the lion and lioness.

The court was told that the lion and lioness were relocated to a private farmhouse near Lahore. The court observed that the ‘disturbing footage’ of the relocation of the animals reflected negligence, carelessness, unprofessional and brutal handling of the lions by the IWMB.

Moreover, the court also noticed that Himalayan brown bears were critically endangered species and their protection and conservation was the duty of the IWMB.

Justice Minallah observed that in pursuance of the court order of May 21 that directed the government to release the miserably detained animals to their respective sanctuaries, a board was notified, comprising the minister, special assistant, secretary climate change, the CDA chairman, the chief metropolitan officer Islamabad, inspector general forest and wildlife, secretaries forest Khyber Pakhtukhwa and Punjab.

He recalled that on the last date of hearing the court was told that the members were not taking interest in relocation of the animals.

As per the court orders, the “members mentioned in the notification of March 16, 2020, were made jointly and severally liable in case of harm caused to the animals during their relocation.

“This was in view of apathy on part of the officials who appeared interested in taking control of the management of Marghazar Zoo rather than accepting responsibility for the welfare and protection of endangered species kept in deplorable conditions,” the court order said.

“Moreover, the climate change ministry is responsible on behalf of the federal government to ensure compliance with the ratified international conventions.”

The court directed the IWMB chairman and the secretary climate change to appear in person, and adjourned hearing of the case to Aug 4.

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday asked the relevant authorities to identify those responsible for the mistreatment of two lions that were moved from Islamabad’s Marghazar Zoo, resulting in their death.

Officials from the Ministry of Climate Change told the court earlier that an FIR had been lodged against unknown officials who were involved in relocating the lion and lioness from the zoo to a farmhouse instead of a sanctuary as the IHC had directed.

The methods the officials used to move the lions left them seriously injured and they later died.

The court had ordered the officials to move animals from the Islamabad zoo to various sanctuaries within and outside the country.

Court told officials booked for shifting lions to farmhouse instead of sanctuary

Chief Justice Athar Minallah pointed out that members of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) were also responsible for the safe relocation of the zoo animals but they failed to fulfil their responsibilities.

Justice Minallah added that the FIR should not only be lodged against the unknown officials, and the role of each member of the board should be examined.

Officials from the climate change ministry also told the court that the zoo’s lone elephant, Kaavan, would be moved to Cambodia.

During a hearing in this case on Monday, the IHC decided it would proceed against Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, the climate change secretary and officials from the IWMB for violating a court order regarding the relocation of the zoo animals.

The court was told that the lion and lioness died because of negligence as they were being moved to a private farmhouse and not a sanctuary, which was what the IHC had directed.

“This court had directed relocation of the caged animals to sanctuaries and not to a private farmhouse,” Justice Minallah said.

He added: “This court intends to proceed against the chairman and each member of the IWMB under the Contempt of Court Ordinance 2003.”

In a statement, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Pakistan also condemned the mistreatment of the lions at the zoo and expressed “grave” concerns over videos circulating on social media.

The lions were eight years old and had been brought to the zoo in 2016 from the Lahore Safari Park as part of the Bird and Animal Exchange Programme between the Capital Development Authority and the Punjab government.

Animal deaths in zoo: IHC issues contempt notice to Zartaj Gul, Wildlife board members

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court on Tuesday issued contempt notices to Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul, members of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board and others over the death over the death of a lion and a lioness during their transfer from the zoo to a sanctuary.

Last week, the two animals had died while being shifted from Marghazar Zoo to a sanctuary. A video obtained by Geo News had showed mismanagement on part of the zoo officials as zoo staff could be seen in the video setting fire in the cage and using sticks to scare off the animal but it got frightened and confused instead.

During the hearing today, Naheed Durrani, the secretary Ministry of Climate Change, told the court she takes full responsibility for the incident at Islamabad Zoo, saying it had nothing to do with Cabinet members.

To this, Chief Justice Athar Minallah said that since Cabinet gave approval for the Wildlife Board, it thus has to take responsibility for it. “The notification for the Wildlife Board was issued after approval from the Cabinet. The court is issuing a show-cause notice to Board members. Whoever wants to say anything, can respond to the notice,” Justice Minallah remarked.

To this, Durrani said the Law Ministry had said no member of the Cabinet can be part of the Wildlife Board.

“Should I hold the prime minister responsible for the incident then?” Justice Minallah asked. “The prime minister probably doesn’t even know about the incident. Unfortunately, you want to drag the prime minister into this as well.”

The court then issued show-cause notices to Gul, secretary Ministry of Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam, the SAPM on Climate Change, and members of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board and directed them to submit their response.

‘Animals kept hungry, thirsty’: reveals report

The medical report of the lion who died while being shifted from Marghazar Zoo to a sanctuary had revealed that the animals had been kept hungry and thirsty as well.

The report, obtained by Geo News, had stated that the lion had gotten weak as he was kept hungry and thirsty at the zoo.

The report further mentioned that while the lion was being shifted to the sanctuary, it was kept in an enclosed place, which caused additional discomfort and led to the animal feeling suffocated. It said that various wildlife laws were violated while the animal was being transferred from the zoo.

It added that the lion's lungs had darkened in colour due to bleeding. It said that the animal, besides being denied food, was not vaccinated and swelling was observed in its lungs and liver.

Several animals at Islamabad zoo dead

Moreover, zoo officials had admitted that six deer had died during transfers so far. These included two spotted deer, two elks, and one Indian gazelle.

In addition, they acknowledged that a Belgian Blue cow, as well as a lion, lioness, and ostrich each, had also died. Officials said the bird had died due to a cloth being tied over its face.

In this regard, zoologists have opined that the reason animals were dying was transfer processes being carried out during unfavourable weather conditions.

Cold weather, on the other hand, is a good choice for the shifting of animals, the experts said.

KARACHI: Panic and alarm spread among citizens of the city's Gulshan-e-Hadeed area Tuesday night after they found six lions roaming freely within a compound outside a house, which has been termed as a "serious violation" by the Sindh Wildlife Department.

"These lions were roaming freely outside their cages within the compound," revealed Sindh Wildlife Conservator, Javed Mahar. "Residents were terrified upon seeing them."

Mahar explained that the Sindh Wildlife Department issues a mini zoo permit for residents if they wish to seek one. However, those provided permits are not allowed to keep flesh-eating animals.

"These lions could have harmed the people had they escaped from the compound," he said, adding that these lions should have been kept within cages.

He said that when the wildlife team arrived after receiving complaints from residents, the staff at the compound had already moved the lions inside their cages.

Mahar said that the lions' owner had been summoned to the wildlife department, with the relevant documents, at 10:00 am on Wednesday for an open hearing where he will be given an opportunity to provide a clarification on the "serious violation" that he had committed.

ISLAMABAD: The registrar office of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Wednesday served show-cause notices to Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, former PML-N ministers Tariq Fazal Chaudhry and Mariyyum Aurangzeb, Capital Development Authority Chairman Amer Ali Ahmed, Islamabad Mayor Anser Aziz Sheikh and several others in connection with the death of lions being shifted from Islamabad’s Marghazar Zoo.

Others served notices include Climate Change Secretary Naheed S. Durrani, Parliamentary Secretary Rukhsana Naveed, Chief Metropolitan Officer Syeda Shafaq Hashmi, Inspector General of Forests Suleman Khan, Punjab Forest and Wildlife Secretary Mohammad Asif, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forestry Secretary Shahidullah, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, Zahid Baig Mirza, Aitzazuddin, Vaqar Zakria, Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) Chairman Dr Anisur Rehman, Dr Ghulam Akbar of the World Wildlife Federation and advocate Tariq Hassan.

Ms Aurangzeb, Mr Chaudhry and Senator Syed were issued show-cause notices as they are ex officio members of the IWMB.

In an earlier order, the IHC asked for animals to be shifted to sanctuaries. According to the climate change ministry’s report, the lions were being moved to a private farmhouse near Lahore.

According to footage that was widely circulated on social media depicting the lions being moved, visibly untrained and inexperienced staff set fire to the lions’ enclosure and could be seen abusing them.

The lions died from wounds, burn injuries and the inhalation of smoke.

Officials appear to have exposed themselves to be proceeded under Contempt of Court Ordinance, IHC CJ observed

IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah on Aug 11 observed that “it prima facie, appears that they have exposed themselves to be proceeded against under the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003.”

In May, Justice Minallah had directed the government to relocate the lone elephant Kaavan as well as other animals detained in Marghazar Zoo to their respective sanctuaries.

The Ministry of Climate Change and the IWMB later informed the court that Kaavan was being shifted to a Cambodian wildlife sanctuary.

The court has noted: “The practice of capturing animals and keeping them in captivity is a relic of the past. It is a deplorable reflection of the treatment of living beings at the hands of another living species i.e humans. Exotic animals were collected and kept in captivity by the kings, queens and other nobility as a display of their power and might.”

It added: “The subjugation of wild exotic animals by another living species, possessing superior faculties and attributes, had become a symbol of power and superiority.”

According to the court order, a wild animal may be kept in custody to protect human life.

Two lions were killed while being relocated from the zoo allegedly because of negligence by the committee set up to relocate the animals. An FIR has also been registered against members of the committee with the Secretariat police.

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Saturday directed Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul Wazir and Adviser to the Prime Minister for Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, to submit their response against show-cause notices over the death of a lion and a lioness during their transfer from the zoo to a sanctuary, reported The News.

In the last hearing, the court had issued show-cause notices to Wazir, Aslam, the CDA chairman and other members of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) for contempt of court.

Earlier this month, a lion and lioness had died while being shifted from Marghazar Zoo to a sanctuary. A video obtained by Geo News had showed mismanagement on part of the zoo officials as the staff could be seen in the video setting fire in the cage and using sticks to scare off the animal. However, the lion got frightened and confused instead.

During the hearing on Saturday, the CDA chairman submitted his reply and apologised unconditionally for the incident.

Chief Justice IHC Justice Athar Minallah said that the animals’ death in Marghzar Zoo was a sad incident which showed how the country’s affairs were being run.

“No one was ready to take responsibility of the mistreatment with animals,” he remarked, adding that everyone was accusing the lower staff of carelessness.

Justice Minallah added that the climate ministry had disconnected itself from the matter. “[There are some]officers who used to take the membership of IWMB but they never bothered to even attend its meetings,” the chief justice noted.

He added that several animals had disappeared from the zoo which was an embarrassing incident. “The national park has been destroyed,” he said, adding the court had not summoned anyone in person so far through a formal show-cause notice.

Wazir and Aslam’s lawyers asked the court to grant their clients time for the submission of comments.

To this, the bench directed them to submit their response before September 25.

The Met Police have decided not to investigate a video which showed West Ham defender Kurt Zouma kicking his cat across his kitchen floor.

Despite the 27-year-old issuing an apology for the disturbing video obtained by The Sun newspaper, in which he is also seen slapping his pet in the face, Zouma will face no formal charge over the incident.

The Frenchman's brother, Yoan, is believed to have filmed the incident inside the defender's home before posting it to Snapchat on Sunday afternoon, just a day after West Ham's FA Cup fourth-round win at Kidderminster.

Zouma can be seen in his kitchen picking up the cat before dropping it and booting it into the air across the kitchen.

He is also seen chasing the Bengal cat around his dining room in front of a child while the cameraman is heard laughing.

The £30m former Chelsea centre-back is then filmed throwing a pair of shoes at the animal as it tries to escape. A final clip shows him slapping the cat in the face and out of the child's arms.

Zouma has since issued an apology for the attack and insisted it was an isolated incident.

"I also want to say how deeply sorry I am to anyone who was upset by the video," he said. "I would like to assure everyone that our two cats are perfectly fine and healthy.

"They are loved and cherished by our entire family, and this behaviour was an isolated incident that will not happen again."

A West Ham statement said: "West Ham United unreservedly condemns the actions of our player, Kurt Zouma, in the video that has circulated.

"We have spoken to Kurt and will be dealing with the matter internally, but we would like to make it clear that we in no way condone cruelty towards animals."

Animal welfare charity the RSPCA condemned Zouma's actions and reiterated the importance of reporting suspected animal suffering.

"This is a very upsetting video. It's never acceptable to kick, hit or slap an animal, for punishment or otherwise," an RSPCA spokesperson said.

"We are so grateful to people who report suspected animal suffering to us and we would like to reassure people we will always look into and, if necessary, investigate any complaints made to us about animal welfare."

Kurt Zouma's cats have been taken away by the RSPCA after a disturbing video emerged of him hitting, dropping, and kicking his pet across his kitchen floor on Monday.

The 27-year-old West Ham defender issued an apology but Essex Police confirmed "urgent enquiries" were underway in conjunction with the RSPCA.

The RSPCA released a statement on Wednesday saying the cats "are safe and in our care".

"Our priority is and has always been the wellbeing of these cats," an RSPCA spokesperson said.

"They've been taken for a check-up at a vets and then will remain in our care while the investigation continues.

"We're grateful to everyone who expressed their concern for these cats. We were dealing with this issue before the video went viral online and are leading the investigation.

"We continue to investigate so we cannot comment further at this time."

West Ham condemned Zouma's actions but the player started the club's match against Watford on Tuesday night, with manager David Moyes confirming he would remain available for selection while the club's internal investigation runs its course.

Kaveh Solhekol reports that the club hierarchy support David Moyes' decision in play Kurt Zouma in West Ham's game against Watford
The club will back Moyes' selection decisions and as things stand Zouma is available to play against Leicester on Sunday.

It is unlikely Zouma's actions will lead him to being sacked but the club will deal with him as seriously as possible, subject to due process, and any club fines will be donated to animal welfare charities.

There was widespread outrage and revulsion towards the video, while more than 1200,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Zouma to be prosecuted.

Experience Kissimmee, one of the club's sponsors, said it is "evaluating" its ongoing relationship with the club, while Umbro said it "partners with West Ham United on a club level and does not represent individual players".

Am Umbro spokesperson added: "Like West Ham United we condemn the actions of the player concerned and do not condone cruelty towards animals in any form."

Zouma is an Adidas client and the company said it was aware of the video.

"No animal should be subject to cruel and unwarranted abuse, and we are investigating the incident internally," Adidas said.

Moyes defended his decision to start Zouma against Watford after the video emerged because "he is one of our better players".

Speaking after West Ham's 1-0 victory over Watford - in which Zouma played the full 90 minutes - Moyes said: "Yes, he will [remain available]. The club will sort the rest of it out. I'll look after the football side."

He added: "I'm really disappointed, and the club have taken all the action they can do at the moment behind the scenes. My job is to pick the best team and Kurt was part of that.

"I'm a big animal lover and it's something that will have affected a lot of people.

"I was completely disappointed with what I saw and what I was told, but my job was to try and find a way to get a win for West Ham. Some people will be disappointed and I understand that.

"I'm someone who cares a lot about my dogs and my horses. The club are dealing with it as you well know.

"I've already spoken to him and we'll move on as much as we can. We understand it's not something everybody is pleased about. It's a really poor situation.

"Was it the wrong call? My feeling was Kurt's apologised. I understand lots of people won't just accept that. But I had to do my job then, and that was to pick the best team I could.

"He's obviously really disappointed and we've all felt it through the team and through the club. We are all of the same feeling it was completely out of order from Kurt and we didn't expect that.

"I always felt I had to try and separate them and let the club do their side and I'll do my side which is the football side. I think you are talking to one of the most disciplinarian managers there is.

"It's something which we are all really disappointed with and the club are dealing with it. Kurt is in our first XI so my decision was to play him."

Zouma: I'm deeply sorry

Zouma issued an apology for the attack and insisted it was an isolated incident.

"I also want to say how deeply sorry I am to anyone who was upset by the video," he said. "I would like to assure everyone that our two cats are perfectly fine and healthy.

"They are loved and cherished by our entire family, and this behaviour was an isolated incident that will not happen again."

A West Ham statement said: "West Ham United unreservedly condemns the actions of our player, Kurt Zouma, in the video that has circulated.

"We have spoken to Kurt and will be dealing with the matter internally, but we would like to make it clear that we in no way condone cruelty towards animals."

Adidas have confirmed Kurt Zouma is no longer a contracted athlete after a disturbing video emerged of him hitting, dropping, and kicking his pet across his kitchen floor on Monday.

<b>Yoan Zouma: Dagenham will not pick player during RSPCA investigation</b>

<I>Dagenham & Redbridge have said Yoan Zouma will not play for the club until the conclusion of an RSPCA investigation into a video of his brother kicking a cat.</I>

Zouma, 23, reportedly filmed West Ham defender Kurt Zouma kicking and slapping one of his pets.

The RSPCA have since taken two cats away and are liaising with Essex Police about the incident.

Yoan Zouma had apologised and said he regretted his involvement in the video.

Dagenham said Zouma was contacted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals this week to assist with their investigation and was "fully cooperating with them".

The French centre-back joined the National League team in December and has featured six times.

"Dagenham & Redbridge FC would again like to reiterate that it condemns any form of cruelty towards animals and fully understands the reaction of many of its supporters," a club statement said.

"The club has therefore decided that until the RSPCA has completed its investigations, Yoan will not play for Dagenham & Redbridge in any competitive match.

"Any further action deemed necessary to be taken will be made at the conclusion of the RSPCA investigation."

Kurt Zouma was named in West Ham's starting XI against Watford on Tuesday, a day after the video emerged.

The 27-year-old was fined "the maximum amount possible" by West Ham on Wednesday, with the fee to be donated to animal welfare charities.

— — —

I don’t know why I watched the video, but I did, and it was absolutely horrific.

<b>Kurt Zouma: West Ham boss David Moyes says defender available for Leicester City game</b>

West Ham boss David Moyes says Kurt Zouma is available for Sunday's game at Leicester amid the controversy of the defender being filmed kicking his cat.

Animal charity the RSPCA has removed the 27-year-old's two cats as they investigate the incident.

Moyes was criticised for picking Zouma against Watford on Tuesday after the video of the defender emerged.

"There are different views whether he should be available. We decided he should. I stand by that," said Moyes.

Zouma has been fined the maximum amount possible by the Hammers, with the fee being donated to animal welfare charities.

"I don't think a club could have taken action any quicker than they've done at the moment. West Ham have done a really good job," added Moyes.

"I'm not condoning him, his actions were terrible. They were diabolical but we've chosen to play him and we stand by that.

"We will get him some help. We are trying to do as much as we can as a club, as a team, to help him.

"Like people who maybe have drink-driving offences, most of them have to go to classes to learn the reasons and the damage that can be done.

"I think RSPCA are going to provide us some courses for Kurt to understand about animals and how to treat them.

"He's incredibly remorseful. Like everybody else, in life sometimes you need a bit of forgiveness. He's hoping he is forgiven for a bad action."

The video also showed Zouma slapping his cat and was reportedly filmed by his brother Yoan.

Yoan is at Dagenham & Redbridge, who have said he will not play for the National League club until the conclusion of an RSPCA investigation.

The fall-out from the incident has resulted in German sportswear firm Adidas ending its deal with the Hammers player.

West Ham sponsor Experience Kissimmee has also ended its deal with the club, while another one of the London outfit's sponsors, Vitality, has suspended its contract with the Premier League side.

West Ham signed Zouma for £29.8m from Chelsea in August 2021 and he has helped them to fourth place going into the game against the Foxes.

"I've never had [an incident] like this. As a football manager it shows you never know what you're going to get," said Moyes.

"That's part of being in this job. We'd rather we weren't making news. West Ham have made really, really good news in the last two years.

"We've a really good side. I'm sad the focus has been taken away from what is, at the moment, a really good season."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I commend our Wildlife dept for rescuing two leopard cats and releasing them back in the Margalla Hills National Park. We are committed to protecting Wildlife and promoting tourism in Pakistan. <a href="https://t.co/2bsX7aqGlA">pic.twitter.com/2bsX7aqGlA</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1492798849248899072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 13, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Zouma issued an apology for the attack and insisted it was an isolated incident.

"I also want to say how deeply sorry I am to anyone who was upset by the video," he said. "I would like to assure everyone that our two cats are perfectly fine and healthy.

"They are loved and cherished by our entire family, and this behaviour was an isolated incident that will not happen again."

His family will take a long time to forgive him for their pets being taken away, especially assuming he has young children. I feel bad for them, but this will teach Zouma a lesson he clearly needed to learn. Well done RSPCA.
Former Olympic champion Sir Mark Todd has apologised after a video on social media showed him appearing to hit a horse with a branch.

The New Zealander, 65, won individual eventing golds at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 and Seoul in 1988 and earned a knighthood for his equestrian achievements in 2013.

He became a racehorse trainer in 2019 after retiring from three-day eventing.

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) says it is investigating the incident.

"I wholeheartedly apologise to the horse and all involved for my actions in this video clip," Todd said.

"One of the main things I preach is about establishing a mutual respect between horse and rider, and that patience and kindness is the best way to get results.

"I believe this is one of the main attributes along with a great empathy with animals that has enabled me to have a long and successful career in eventing. I am very disappointed in myself that I did not adhere to that in this case."

The video appears to show Todd, who has a racing yard in Wiltshire, strike the horse multiple times while attempting to teach a cross-country schooling session at which one rider is struggling to get a horse into the water jump.

In a statement, the BHA added that Todd's behaviour "fell a long way short of the standards of care we expect of licensed individuals".

His family will take a long time to forgive him for their pets being taken away, especially assuming he has young children. I feel bad for them, but this will teach Zouma a lesson he clearly needed to learn. Well done RSPCA.


The issue I have is why does this mean he cant earn a living or why does his job come into this? HE is a footballer not a social worker. If he has commited a crime, punish him according to the law. His football shouldnt come into question. Footballers are not saints, we cannot stop them playing because of some crime against an animal.

The issue I have is why does this mean he cant earn a living or why does his job come into this? HE is a footballer not a social worker. If he has commited a crime, punish him according to the law. His football shouldnt come into question. Footballers are not saints, we cannot stop them playing because of some crime against an animal.

Imo the nature of his offending action has to be viewed in the context of him being a top level footballer, an adult who is meant to act as a role model and ambassador to children; young people will buy a shirt with his name on.

In the video he is seen kicking the cat in mid air like a rugby ball for his own amusement, which is just not acceptable, regardless of the criminal element (or not) and he needs to be harshly sanctioned by his club for the reputational damage caused. This thing is worse than, say, being photographed on a drunken night out or doing an interview with a hangover, because the animal abuse involves harming other living sentient beings.

It’s also worth mentioning that the incident and its unwanted scrutiny is clearly causing distractions for the team’s manager and players, which arguably affected their focus yesterday when they dropped two potentially critical points in the race for 4th place having led in the game at one point.

If this result turns out to be the difference between West Ham finishing inside or outside of the Champions League places, then Zouma could have just contributed significantly towards losing his club a lot of money and success.

Guy should have the book thrown at him.
Imo the nature of his offending action has to be viewed in the context of him being a top level footballer, an adult who is meant to act as a role model and ambassador to children; young people will buy a shirt with his name on.

In the video he is seen kicking the cat in mid air like a rugby ball for his own amusement, which is just not acceptable, regardless of the criminal element (or not) and he needs to be harshly sanctioned by his club for the reputational damage caused. This thing is worse than, say, being photographed on a drunken night out or doing an interview with a hangover, because the animal abuse involves harming other living sentient beings.

It’s also worth mentioning that the incident and its unwanted scrutiny is clearly causing distractions for the team’s manager and players, which arguably affected their focus yesterday when they dropped two potentially critical points in the race for 4th place having led in the game at one point.

If this result turns out to be the difference between West Ham finishing inside or outside of the Champions League places, then Zouma could have just contributed significantly towards losing his club a lot of money and success.

Guy should have the book thrown at him.

I guarantee you if Zouma scores a winning goal or puts in a great performance NO young kid who is a Hammers fan will refrain from cheering him or buying his shirt.

He did wrong but apologised, paid the maximum fine and has been shamed. His livelyhood shouldnt be impacted, he is a footballer not the pope. All humans have done bad , shameful things, abusing women, swearing at kids, fighting, etc.

Ben Stokes mocked disabled kids, he wasnt given such treatment. Hopefully Zouma's race has nothing to do with childish attacks on him.
The RSPCA says it has started prosecution proceedings against Kurt Zouma and brother Yoan for their roles in filming Kurt kicking a cat.

Dagenham & Redbridge's Yoan, 23, filmed 27-year-old Kurt kicking and slapping one of his pets.

After the video appeared, the RSPCA removed two cats from Kurt's home and began liaising with Essex Police about the incident.

Kurt continued to play for West Ham despite the controversy.

An RSPCA spokesperson said: "Following a full and thorough investigation, we have started the process of bringing a prosecution against Kurt Zouma and Yoan Zouma under the Animal Welfare Act.

"The two cats continue to be cared for by the RSPCA. We will be in a position to release more information once a court date is confirmed."

West Ham said they were "aware of the RSPCA statement in relation to its investigation".

The club added: "Kurt continues to co-operate fully, supported by the club. It is our understanding that Kurt's cats have been checked by a vet, are in good health and have suffered no physical injuries.

"For legal reasons, neither Kurt or the club will be making any further comment at this time."

Following the incident, West Ham said they had fined the elder brother "the maximum amount possible" and the fee would be donated to animal welfare charities.

However, Hammers sponsor Experience Kissimmee said it would end its deal with the club and another sponsor, Vitality, suspended its deal with the club.

German sportswear firm Adidas also announced it had ended its deal with Kurt.

National League club Dagenham & Redbridge said Yoan, who has not been picked since 29 January, would now return to the squad.

A club statement said "any further suspension from the team would be detrimental to both the club and Yoan".

It continued: "A decision has been made therefore for Yoan to be available to play.

"The club reserves the right to take further action if deemed necessary after the conclusion of the court proceedings."

Kurt Zouma: West Ham defender charged with animal welfare offences

West Ham defender Kurt Zouma has been charged with three offences under the Animal Welfare Act after allegedly harming his cat.

Zouma's brother Yoan, who plays for Dagenham and Redbridge, has been charged with two alleged offences following an RSPCA investigation.

Yoan, 23, filmed 27-year-old Kurt kicking and slapping one of his pets.

The Zouma brothers are set to appear at Thames Magistrates' Court on Tuesday for a first hearing.

After the video appeared in February, the RSPCA removed two cats from Kurt's home and began liaising with Essex Police about the incident.

The RSPCA continues to care for the two cats.

Kurt is accused of two counts of causing "unnecessary suffering" to the cat by kicking it in the abdomen and slapping it in the head.

He is also charged with failing to protect the cat from "pain suffering, injury or disease".

Yoan is accused of two counts of "aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring" Kurt to commit the offence of causing unnecessary suffering to the cat.

Kurt was fined a reported £250,000 and was dropped by a number of sponsors, but continued to play for the Hammers.

Yoan has not played for Dagenham and Redbridge since 29 January.

West Ham defender Kurt Zouma sentenced to 180 hours community service and banned from keeping cats for five years. After pleading guilty to two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.
"Barbaric Act": Killing Of 29 Dogs In Qatar Sparks Uproar Online

"Barbaric Act": Killing Of 29 Dogs In Qatar Sparks Uproar Online
The men claimed that they attacked the facility and shot the animals because one of the dogs had bitten their sons.

In a horrifying incident, a group of armed men stormed a secured area in Qatar and killed 29 dogs and injured others over claims the animals had bitten someone's child.

Taking to social media, Doha-based rescue charity PAWS Rescue Qatar informed that the attackers showed up at a secure factory area and threatened security guards with weapons before forcing their way into the facility - an area where stray dogs can be fed, neutered and looked for by the community. The men shot 29 dogs, including puppies, and left several others injured.

The men claimed that they attacked the facility and shot the animals because one of the dogs had bitten their sons.

PAWS Rescue said, “Security team were rightfully scared as two of the men were holding guns. The security team tried to stop the men from shooting a group of beautiful friendly neutered dogs, but they realised that they were also putting themselves in danger also.”

It also added that one puppy is fighting for his left at the vet. “These dogs posed NO harm to anyone, they were well looked after, very friendly and well-loved,” the Facebook post added.

'Barbaric Act': Killing Of 29 Dogs In Qatar Sparks Uproar Online
The incident has sparked outrage and concern among people.

In a horrifying incident, a group of armed men stormed a secured area in Qatar and killed 29 dogs and injured others over claims the animals had bitten someone's child.
Taking to social media, Doha-based rescue charity PAWS Rescue Qatar informed that the attackers showed up at a secure factory area and threatened security guards with weapons before forcing their way into the facility - an area where stray dogs can be fed, neutered and looked for by the community. The men shot 29 dogs, including puppies, and left several others injured.

The men claimed that they attacked the facility and shot the animals because one of the dogs had bitten their sons.

PAWS Rescue said, “Security team were rightfully scared as two of the men were holding guns. The security team tried to stop the men from shooting a group of beautiful friendly neutered dogs, but they realised that they were also putting themselves in danger also.”

It also added that one puppy is fighting for his left at the vet. “These dogs posed NO harm to anyone, they were well looked after, very friendly and well-loved,” the Facebook post added.

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According to Doha News, the incident has sparked outrage and concern among people. Animal rights sustainability brand Roni Helou denounced the killing as a “barbaric act and threat to Qatari society”. It also urged the government to investigate the heart-wrenching incident and hold the killers accountable.

Others also expressed deep concern about the gun laws in Qatar and questioned why civilians have the right to own weapons in the first place. One internet user wrote, “Very disappointed Qatar! The Gulf region must start to evolve on such matters - this is inexcusable! Poor babies.” “What a barbaric act! Not to mention the fact that people are having guns at home and using them. Qatar is a safe country?” commented another.

As per the Independent, to own a gun in Qatar one has to obtain a license from the interior ministry. One also has to be over the age of 21 and also not have a criminal record. Penalties for possessing unlicensed firearms, on the other hand, include fines and/or a prison sentence ranging from one year to seven years, depending on the kind of firearm.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">West Ham defender Kurt Zouma has spoken publicly since being sentenced to community service for abusing a cat earlier this year.<a href="https://t.co/Gh9u607lr9">pic.twitter.com/Gh9u607lr9</a></p>— Sky Sports News (@SkySportsNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkySportsNews/status/1588846488024653824?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 5, 2022</a></blockquote>
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More than 100 animal rights activists arrested after Grand National protests
Demonstration by Animal Rising delays start of famous race by quarter of an hour

More than 100 animal rights protesters have been arrested after some invaded the Grand National course and forced the start of the world’s most famous steeplechase to be delayed by a quarter of an hour.

About 70,000 fans were at Aintree to cheer the 8-1 favourite Corach Rambler to victory, but the day will be remembered more for the sight of dozens of protesters from Animal Rising using ladders to scale the barricades around the course before attempting to stop the race.

The group, which has pledged to “rise up and take direct action to see an end to animal suffering in all its forms”, appeared to come close to succeeding – with two of their members in pink T-shirts being bundled away as they attempted to use glue and locking devices to attach themselves to fences.

Merseyside police said that 118 people had been arrested for trying to delay the race and for public order offences beforehand.

The day was also marred by the death of Hill Sixteen after a first-fence fall, as well as Dark Raven in a race earlier on the card. Altogether, three horses died in the three-day meeting, following the death of Envoye Special on Thursday.

Dickon White, who runs Aintree Racecourse, said: “Hill Sixteen was immediately attended by expert veterinary professionals during the Grand National, but sadly sustained a fatal injury. Our heartfelt condolences are with his connections.”

Merseyside police said in a statement after the race: “Just after 5pm a large number of protesters attempted to gain entry on to the course. The majority were prevented from breaching the boundary fencing but nine individuals who managed to enter the course were later arrested by officers.”

"Ignorant" protesters are to blame for the death of Hill Sixteen during Saturday's Grand National at Aintree, says the horse's trainer.

The start of the race was delayed by 14 minutes after animal rights activists entered the track.

Trainer Sandy Thomson said the delay "unsettled" everyone.

"It was all caused by these so-called animal lovers who are actually ignorant and have absolutely no idea about the welfare of horses," Thomson said.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he added: "There were quite a lot of the horses buzzed up. When they got down to the start, nobody quite knew what was happening.

"One of the other things missing was the parade. I think that gives the horses and the jockeys that couple of minutes to gather their thoughts and that didn't help the situation either."

Climate and animal rights group Animal Rising, who demonstrated outside Aintree, claimed on social media their actions "aimed to prevent" the death of horses.

"We want to offer our deepest condolences to anyone connected to Hill Sixteen or who has been impacted by their death," the group said.

"Horse deaths and injuries are an unavoidable consequence of the way we use animals for sport."

The British Horseracing Authority "robustly condemned" the protests, adding it would analyse the races to understand what caused three horse fatalities over the three-day meet.

Police said they arrested 118 people over Saturday's disruption, which saw nine people enter the course.

Footage appeared to show some protesters making it on to the track and trying to attach themselves to a fence, before being removed by police.

Dozens of others attempted to climb over or glue themselves to security fencing around the track but were led away, with police also confiscating ladders.

Animal Rising said their supporters had entered the track to delay the race.

After the delay was announced on the racecourse public address system, the 39 participating horses were taken back to the pre-parade ring.

The jockeys were asked to re-mount their rides six minutes after the scheduled start time, with the race starting eight minutes later.

Thomson added that Hill Sixteen was "quite used to the fences" at Aintree having previously finished second in the 2021 Becher Chase and seventh in this season's version of the same race.

As well as the death of Hill Sixteen, Dark Raven was put down earlier on Saturday following a fall during the Turners Mersey Novices' Hurdle, while Envoye Special suffered a fatal injury in the Foxhunters' Chase on Thursday.

Two other horses in the Grand National - Recite A Prayer and Cape Gentleman - were treated on course and taken away by horse ambulance for further assessment.

There have been five fatalities from 395 runners in the 10 Grand Nationals raced since safety changes were introduced in 2012.

Thomson said figures "point to the fact" the horses were unsettled by the delay.

"If we look at the last nine years since the course has been modified there's been an average of under two fallers at the first two fences," he said.

"This year everyone got very uptight about it - horses, jockeys - and there were eight fallers at those first two fences.

"We as a sport are continually moving forward, we're continually trying to make the sport safer."

In 2012 changes were made to the Aintree course following a safety review.

This included moving the start 90 yards closer to the first fence to help slow the speed the horses arrive at it. The start has also been moved further away from the crowd to reduce noise that can distract the horses.

Some of the fences were also redesigned, with a reduction of between four and five inches to the drop on the landing of Becher's Brook among the changes.

Changes to the fences' core material were also introduced, with a plastic centre replacing the wooden stakes which traditionally supported the structure of the fences to make them more flexible and less likely to cause dangerous falls when hit by horses.

"The BHA and the Jockey Club are continually in contact with the RSPCA [Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] and World Horse Welfare," Thomson said.

"If you look back 20 years ago and you look at the fences there has been huge modification."

Earlier this year, changes were made to rules on the use of whips in British racing which reduced the number of times the whip is permitted by one - to seven in jumps races and six in flat races, with jockeys facing suspension for going above that limit and their horse being disqualified if they go four or more over the threshold.

Another Cheetah Dies At Madhya Pradesh National Park, 2nd In A Month
18 cheetahs now remain of the 20 that were brought to India in the world's first intercontinental translocation project that aims at reintroducing the big cats in the country.

A second cheetah has died in Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park after falling sick on Sunday morning, two months after it was brought to India from South Africa. Six-year-old Uday was one of 12 cheetahs flown into the country in February.
At the daily check-up, Uday appeared lethargic and was limping, a press release by the forest department said. He was tranquilised and administered the first round of treatment at 11 am after which he was taken out from the large enclosure. Uday died hours later at 4 pm.

The cause of death will be determined after the post mortem, a senior forest official said.

Cheetah's went extinct in India. African Cheetah's are not made for Indian jungles. They may not be immune to Indian pathogens and not to forget, they may not be used to the Tigers and Sloth Bears of India.