[VIDEO] "Even if Hindus were being oppressed in Kashmir, I would speak up about it" : Shahid Afridi


T20I Captain
Apr 16, 2013
[VIDEO] "Even if Hindus were being oppressed in Kashmir, I would speak up about it" : Shahid Afridi

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Shahid Afridi in an interview today:

"I make dua for the people who were martyred in the plane crash. I pray Allah raises their status in the heavens and grants patience to their relatives.

"A star is a combination of two things. One is the talent and the other is the love from the people. This country has given me so much love and fame and I will always rely on that for the rest of my life.

Humanitarian work

"It was a difficult situation when the lockdown started. After PSL, I went to my village and I was aware of the ground reality of the people. I knew what will happen to the daily wagerers after that happened. As it is, people in remote areas live in poor conditions. So I analyzed that and decided that I will try to help out as many families with my friends by starting a food drive.

"4-5 friends collecting 30-35 lakh rupees then we started a campaign for DonateKaroNa which was very successful. Overseas Pakistanis as usual were amazing with their contributions. Our morale was raised and I wanted to help people all over the country.

"I am thankful to Allah for making me capable to do something for humanity. I am hearing things since a few days and I would like to clearly state that I don't have any mind to coming towards politics and that is not why I am doing all these things. If my intentions behind my foundation are wrong then Allah won't let this go on for long and I believe in that.

Political aspirations

"If I wanted to come into politics, I would have done so long ago. Many parties made me offers. I think that I am doing the work of a politician already by helping people get their rights and I am doing it with respect. All parties support me and people support me. But I have no political aspirations. I just wish to help people. I have been to people where no NGOs or celebrities have gone and I saw their lives and their conditions. We live the lives of kings in comparison.

"There is a news since the past 3-4 days that has been in the media and it has been cleared. The man who brought this up in the media, Murtaza of Geo, started this news. I spoke to him and sent him the clip to clarify the news and he did that. I was asked if I was made PM for 7 months, what would I do? I said that we have two problems relating to education and jobs and I would work on that. I don't have any aspirations to become PM and the work I am doing right now is bigger than everything else for me.

"This seat of PM looks very nice from far away but when you sit on it, you learn what's happening. It's not a joke. I will always try to do what I feel I am capable of, I don't like talking big and I will work according to my ability. Insha'Allah, my foundation will keep improving and change people's lives especially when it comes to health and education, we will focus on these sectors.

"I don't make plans too far in the future. I don't know what will happen, only Allah knows. I prefer to live in the present.

"I have no intention of launching any political parties.

Assessment of Imran Khan

"A PM is a representative of the country and is the PM of the whole country and he should be respected no matter who he is. Right now, Imran bhai is Pakistan's hope and the children of this country have hopes for a better future. Imran bhai is a very sincere and patriotic person and we should all support him.

"If I was PM right now, I would bring all the leaders of the other parties together and play the role of an elder. I would go to them myself and tell them that we need to counter this pandemic and maybe we can come to a solution. Opposition looks at the PM and wants respect so you have to give them respect. A PM is like the man of a family. He is the leader and he will deal with all his children in a specific way, he won't take up a gun against them.

"Regarding KPK's situation, PTI govt. has been there for 7 years. Imran bhai has gotten a lot of support there. I think that Imran bhai's vision, goals, and character - his team hasn't delivered according to them. Yes, there have been improvements in the health sector. The police is better.

"But the infrastructure is important. The work on the roads is very slow. It's very important to improve the infrastructure. Since FATA has been merged with KP, the KPK govt. has a big responsibility, they have to deliver. It's a good opportunity for them to deliver this time. Education is also very important, not just in KP but the whole country.

"The work that Imran bhai is doing against corruption right now is very big and important because we have a lot of corruption in the country. I think we need to eradicate it completely. Whether it's people in his own party or elsewhere. Then, schools and education, we need a huge network in the country. This is something very important for Imran bhai to focus on.


"The whole world is talking about what's happening in Kashmir. Shahid Afridi works for humanity. Even if Hindus were being oppressed in Kashmir, I would speak up about it. It's not about religion, it's about humanity.

"Pak govt. and the armed forces invited UN to sit there and see with their own eyes who keeps violating the LOC and targeting civilians. See the kids there. A woman who just got married, 24 years old, was targeted and killed in the fields. 3 kids were playing in a field, they were bombed, one has no arm, one has no leg. I went to meet their families. We are humans and we have kids too, why are you targeting civilians?

"I salute the people of Kashmir who despite all this, they have stayed on their small area of land. They are standing for Pakistan but they are being oppressed. Pakistan have always responded positively.


"What can be a bigger sign than this? That our 'brother' came in flying and we gave him tea and sent him back with respect. They even made him a hero, the person who we downed here and sent back with respect. What more can we do? Why don't you step up now? You are also humans, show humanity.

"I never speak about the whole of India. I have received so much respect and love in India, I have never gotten that anywhere. For saying this, people in Pakistan have criticized me. But even in India, there are many educated and excellent, sensible people who are against their govt.'s policies.

"You even see Congress and that Aam Awaam party, they say the same kind of things that Shahid Afridi does. So what did I say new?

"I think oppression is oppression and I don't believe a Muslim is a Muslim if he doesn't speak against or stand up against oppression and oppressors. Fine, for me some celebrities and stars said something or didn't support me. But for me, I believe in one thing. Hasbiy Allahu wa naymal wakeel. 'Allah is enough for me.'"

"I will repeat again. Allah is enough for me. I will remain thankful toward Harbhajan and Yuvraj for supporting my foundation. The real problem is that this is their compulsion. They live in that country. 'Wo majboor hain.' They know that people are being oppressed in their country. I won't say anything further..."


"However much I thank Allah isn't enough for blessing me with healthy children. With the way boys are becoming 'nikamma' nowadays (laugh), I think daughters are the ones who stay with their fathers.

"You should educate your daughters so much and make them learned so that you don't feel the lack of a son. Are boys the only ones who can work? I think that the amount of talent and ability that Allah gives to daughters, I don't think sons have that. I thank Allah for blessing me with five daughters."
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"Bhai" instead of "chooza" this time.

What's this about Yuvraj and Harbhajan's majboori :inti
Indians (primarily Hindus) don't care about Kashmiri Muslims, they only harp on about the Pandits like a broken record. Why do we have to be the bigger person here?
Even if Hindus were being oppressed in Kashmir, I would speak up about it. It's not about religion, it's about humanity.

No. You wouldn't.

But that's ok. Keep doing good stuff for your people.

You even see Congress and that Aam Awaam party...
So you're saying Afridi was lying here?

I agree with you.

He wasn't lying, he said "if hindus were being oppressed" then he'd speak out but since that isn't happening so it's pointless lol. It's like protesting for animal rights on planet mars :))
He wasn't lying, he said "if hindus were being oppressed" then he'd speak out but since that isn't happening so it's pointless lol. It's like protesting for animal rights on planet mars :))

There aren't Hindus in Kashmir?

This is the whole problem isn't it. Even when Imran Khan talks, it's about Muslims in Kashmir. Never Jammu & Kashmir being oppressed. It's only Kashmir. It's about the majority religion there, for them..
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There aren't Hindus in Kashmir?

This is the whole problem isn't it. Even when Imran Khan talks, it's about Muslims in Kashmir. Never Jammu & Kashmir being oppressed. It's only Kashmir. It's about the majority religion there, for them..

We speak up for Kashmiris - 95% who happen to be Muslim so speaking up Muslim Kashmiris is synonmous for speaking up for almost all Kashmiris. Being Muslim is a large part of Kashmiriyat, Islam and sufism has is part of the fabric of Kashmiri society for the past 700+ years. Hindu kashmiris clearly prefer an Indian identity over a Kashmiri one.
Maybe, preferring an Indian identity came with being told they didn't belong there, and seeing thousands of their ilk being driven out.

Nope, Hindu kashmiris always supported the Indian establishment, they had many privileges over the Kashmiri Muslims that they received from the Indian state. Hindu Kashmiris have always felt closer to their fellow caste members in India than to Kashmiri Muslims and this long before the 90s, even long before partition. They see themselves above the Kashmiri Muslims and as protectors of their Brahmin more so than being an Kashmiri citizen.