[VIDEO] "I will never accept the ‘imported’ government and I will take to the streets" : Imran Khan


First Class Captain
Nov 9, 2014
[VIDEO] "I will never accept the ‘imported’ government and I will take to the streets" : Imran Khan

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My address to the Nation <a href="https://t.co/sa2L2BZxjv">https://t.co/sa2L2BZxjv</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1512469110952984577?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 8, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Prime Minister Imran Khan has finally conceded that he can no longer remain in the power as his party lost majority in the National Assembly ahead of no-confidence voting which is set to take place in the lower house of parliament against him on Saturday (tomorrow).

“I will never accept the ‘imported’ government and I will take to the streets,” said premier while addressing the nation live on national television on Friday night.

PM Imran asked his supporters to stage protests across the country when “new imported government” comes into power on Sunday, a day after the election of new prime minister in the National Assembly.

The 5-0 ruling ordered parliament to reconvene on Saturday (tomorrow), no later than 10:30am, saying that the session could not be prorogued without the conclusion of the no-trust motion against PM Imran.

“It is declared that the resolution was pending and subsisting at all times and continues to so remain pending and subsisting.”

The apex court ruled that President Alvi’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly was also "contrary to the Constitution and the law and of no legal effect". It noted that the prime minister could not have advised the president to dissolve the assembly as he continued to remain under the bar imposed under Clause (1) of Article 58 of the Constitution.

The court’s verdict restored the prime minister and his cabinet to their positions. "In consequence of the foregoing, it is declared that the prime minister and federal ministers, ministers of state, advisers, etc. stand restored to their respective offices."

“I am ready to launch fresh struggle against them… I will take to the streets. I am asking my nation to stage peaceful protests across the country against efforts aimed at installing an imported government, but don’t resort to violence,” the premier said in tonight's address.

“They [incoming government] will end accountability drive by abolishing NAB [National Accountability Bureau]… and reverse electoral reforms including overseas voting rights,” said the premier while urging opposition parties to agree to his demand of holding early elections.

PM Imran said that he was “disappointed” by the Supreme Court’s ruling against his government but he accepted the ruling because he held the top court in ‘high esteem’.

“I am disappointed by the Supreme Court ruling but I accepted it because I participated in movement for the restoration of judiciary,” said the premier on eve of voting on no-confidence motion against him in National Assembly.

The prime minister said he was saddened by the apex court’s verdict which set aside National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri’s ruling to dismiss the no-trust resolution against him and the subsequent dissolution of the lower house of parliament by President Arif Alvi on the premier’s advice.

The apex court should’ve at least seen the ‘threat letter’ before issuing the verdict, he said.

“We also hoped that Supreme Court would also take suo motu notice against horse-trading… everyone knows how lawmakers’ conscience were purchased through money,” he remarked.

What is cypher?

PM Imran, in tonight's address, said he could not disclose full text of the ‘threat letter’ before the nation as it is a top secret coded document known as ‘cypher’.

“The document contains a secret code which could jeopardise the communications of our diplomats across the world,” he added.

Divulging details of ‘foreign conspiracy’, PM Imran said the US official in a meeting with Pakistani ambassador expressed annoyance over his visit to Russia.

“He [the foreign envoy] told our ambassador that if Imran Khan survived the no-confidence then Pakistan will have to face consequences but if he loses then Pakistan will be forgiven… they knew that who will come into power after my government is toppled.”

Earlier, PTI Senator Faisal Javed Khan said in a tweet that Prime Minister Imran will address the nation live at 9:30pm.

A day after Supreme Court set aside National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri’s ruling and ordered vote on opposition’s no-confidence motion, Senator Faisal said PM Imran knows how to deal with the challenges.

"Apparently, the opposition thinks it has won but that is not the case. They [opposition] have lost. Mark my words time will tell the captain [PM Imran] will make an important announcement this evening – he will never disappoint his people,” he wrote on his official Twitter handle.

‘Govt is not going anywhere’

Earlier in the day, PM Imran once again said that come what may he will not step down or let his government be toppled through a “foreign conspiracy”.

According to the sources, he made these remarks during a meeting of the parliamentary party members of ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), held in Islamabad.

The huddle reviewed the country’s political situation and decided to intensify the mass-contact campaign by holding rallies in all districts of Pakistan to inform the public about the alleged foreign plot being hatched to dislodge the incumbent government.

“Shehbaz Sharif will not be able to wear Achkan (sherwani suit)… we are not going anywhere... en masses resignation from assembly will be tantamount to making foreign conspiracy successful,” the premier was quoted by insiders as saying during the meeting.

PM Imran also chaired a meeting of federal cabinet, probably for one last time.

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This is the best option for IK. He will become the Leader of Opposition and he can start campaigning for the next election.

Lets see if PDM can improve the economy.
It seems there would be no i voting. Very happy with the opposition for pulling it off. Great work
It seems there would be no i voting. Very happy with the opposition for pulling it off. Great work

Remember this bro - and I have seen enough of Pakistan's history - there is no honour among thieves. These people you are supporting never had an iota of care for our country, never will.
IK has united secular parties like PPP, MQM, ANP, BNP, with the Mullahs of Jaamat-e-Islami. Even TLP is against him.

IK has united parties who hate each other like MQM and PPP, PPP and PML N together.

What exactly is holding them together besides from hating IK and being thieves?

IK needs to ask the awam Kya Tum In Choron K Sath ho? Hopefully the answer in the next election will be Absolutely Not.
Remember this bro - and I have seen enough of Pakistan's history - there is no honour among thieves. These people you are supporting never had an iota of care for our country, never will.

This thieve notion has been created by this govt.

What has bilawal stolen?

If shebaz shareef says beggers cant be choosers, we will bash that and rightly so. But if Imran Khan says India is better than us, than no one is gonna say anything.

Had this india statement been made by Shabaz, imran would had held that point against him. Thats the notion thats been created and people believe in.

In the overseas thread posters talk about their assests and all, but if i make mention of any asset or house, the first thing that i would be labelled with is beenfeciary of corruption. Why, because i support the opposition against whom this propoganda and notion has been created.

We are not fighting a war of good vs evil. Pti carries the same evil that he calls out in the opposition.

Parliamentary politics is and never will be one man show. Its a group of people representing a party.

Until and unless someone can present a fully clean party, this good vs evil argument would never stand.

Had local pakistanis believed in this good vs evil notion tjat has been created by pti, than surely we would had have civil war existining by now. But as its just a notion that is being forced down by the govt and foreign pakistanis, the locals dont believe in it
IK has united secular parties like PPP, MQM, ANP, BNP, with the Mullahs of Jaamat-e-Islami. Even TLP is against him.

IK has united parties who hate each other like MQM and PPP, PPP and PML N together.

What exactly is holding them together besides from hating IK and being thieves?

IK needs to ask the awam Kya Tum In Choron K Sath ho? Hopefully the answer in the next election will be Absolutely Not.

What chor are you talking about?

You openly said that if imran khan is not in govt that pakistanis overseas should use illegal systems to send money.

Your own party choris are coming out. The govt allowed chor friends of bani gala to run away without any checking by fia.

Stop making this a good vs evil story
This thieve notion has been created by this govt.

What has bilawal stolen?

If shebaz shareef says beggers cant be choosers, we will bash that and rightly so. But if Imran Khan says India is better than us, than no one is gonna say anything.

Had this india statement been made by Shabaz, imran would had held that point against him. Thats the notion thats been created and people believe in.

In the overseas thread posters talk about their assests and all, but if i make mention of any asset or house, the first thing that i would be labelled with is beenfeciary of corruption. Why, because i support the opposition against whom this propoganda and notion has been created.

We are not fighting a war of good vs evil. Pti carries the same evil that he calls out in the opposition.

Parliamentary politics is and never will be one man show. Its a group of people representing a party.

Until and unless someone can present a fully clean party, this good vs evil argument would never stand.

Had local pakistanis believed in this good vs evil notion tjat has been created by pti, than surely we would had have civil war existining by now. But as its just a notion that is being forced down by the govt and foreign pakistanis, the locals dont believe in it

No one - you or me - are entirely free of sin. PTI is the same.

Its rough round the edges but if given the right direction by the people of this country, it represents hope.

Bilawal, Shehbaz and others of his ilk represent the evils of our past.
If Imran Khan is patient, he might get into power again. PDM isn't going to last long because there is far too much internal power amongst the alliance to create differences, and once their vested interests are dealt with, there's little motivation behind this alliance.

Diesel already has had a history of rifts within JUI so they're not going to hold on to support from noon league and peoples party for long. Peoples party are going to break away first, and noon league is going to strategise on winning the next general elections, which they will in my opinion.

Anyway, it seems like the street fighter and disco times are back from Sunday.
If this is the end of imran then only if God willing he will get back in power. Mafia will make sure they isolate him.

I go back to the point where the Awaam is the key, if they want change then a revolution is required, otherwise good luck being governed by "beggars can't be choosers "
Stop making this a good vs evil story

While I agree that its not a good or evil story, maybe its a narrative IK should use. Like he said in a battle of good and evil only animals are neutral. Perhaps this will resonate with some voters, and can flip some seats his way in a close election.

Your own party choris are coming out. The govt allowed chor friends of bani gala to run away without any checking by fia

If you are talking about Farah Khan she had no case against her. She is free to leave the country right?

What chor are you talking about?

You openly said that if imran khan is not in govt that pakistanis overseas should use illegal systems to send money.

The people who have looted Pakistan for 70 years. Politicians, generals, judges, bureaucrats, etc.

And so many people said remittances don't matter, and they have no problem with the corruption done by others, then when overseas Pakistanis can send their money through alternative means what's the problem? And i don't benefit. I only recommended it to benefit PTI in the next election, not for any personal gain.
The more I hear him talk more sad I feel. A great cricket leader. A magnetic charismatic personality. A story of courage and inspiration. He has so quickly deteriorated. He is throwing kitchen sink to desperately stay in power.
No one - you or me - are entirely free of sin. PTI is the same.

Its rough round the edges but if given the right direction by the people of this country, it represents hope.

Bilawal, Shehbaz and others of his ilk represent the evils of our past.

I dont know what evil bilawal has done....

Imran represents false hope. Expecting army to win you an election, use tlp in your favour, handing over economy and foreign policy to them is not the right direction.

If Pakistan democracy is left on its own, the problems can be solved. The army governance has failed and will keep on failing and destroying the country.

Good vs evil is just a way to win votes nothing else.
Parliamentary politics is and never will be one man show. Its a group of people representing a party.

You're right. It's a family show.

Maybe your dream is to live in a country where Bhuttos and Sharifs take turns ruling as if it is their birth right but inshAllah IK will spoil it next time around.
IK has united secular parties like PPP, MQM, ANP, BNP, with the Mullahs of Jaamat-e-Islami. Even TLP is against him.

IK has united parties who hate each other like MQM and PPP, PPP and PML N together.

What exactly is holding them together besides from hating IK and being thieves?

IK needs to ask the awam Kya Tum In Choron K Sath ho? Hopefully the answer in the next election will be Absolutely Not.

It will be very interesting to see how these thieves will handle the looted wealth among themselves. What kind of arraignment they will make among themselves during the election to face IK.
You're right. It's a family show.

Maybe your dream is to live in a country where Bhuttos and Sharifs take turns ruling as if it is their birth right but inshAllah IK will spoil it next time around.

I think Jinnah created Pakistan for these two families , sooner we realize is better .
You're right. It's a family show.

Maybe your dream is to live in a country where Bhuttos and Sharifs take turns ruling as if it is their birth right but inshAllah IK will spoil it next time around.

IK is going to become the first pm to lose the peoples confidence and this is after people are claiming he is the most popular.

IK cannot spoil anything because even if he comes again he would again be removed with NCM.

Why? Because unless you have a 100% majority, you need to learn to work with the opposition in a parliamentary govt. One many doesnt rule everything and doesnt control everything.

Even with a majority he will have to keep his own mnas happy. If imrans best friends like jehanger tareen and aleem khan can leave than anyone can.

Pti fans are not gonna understand this, nor will imran. They can keep on thinking this is a good vs evil show.

Fine take 2023 election. By 2028 imran will be what 75 in a country where the avg age is 60.

Than what?
Than the politics will be runnes by Bilawal, sharifs and the tareens.

Good luck joining the Tareen band wagon i guess.

PTI is gonna end like the Federalist party of united states
IK is going to become the first pm to lose the peoples confidence and this is after people are claiming he is the most popular.

IK cannot spoil anything because even if he comes again he would again be removed with NCM.

Why? Because unless you have a 100% majority, you need to learn to work with the opposition in a parliamentary govt. One many doesnt rule everything and doesnt control everything.

Even with a majority he will have to keep his own mnas happy. If imrans best friends like jehanger tareen and aleem khan can leave than anyone can.

Pti fans are not gonna understand this, nor will imran. They can keep on thinking this is a good vs evil show.

Fine take 2023 election. By 2028 imran will be what 75 in a country where the avg age is 60.

Than what?
Than the politics will be runnes by Bilawal, sharifs and the tareens.

Good luck joining the Tareen band wagon i guess.

PTI is gonna end like the Federalist party of united states

Good luck with " beggars can't be choosers " as your PM
IK is going to become the first pm to lose the peoples confidence and this is after people are claiming he is the most popular.

IK cannot spoil anything because even if he comes again he would again be removed with NCM.

Why? Because unless you have a 100% majority, you need to learn to work with the opposition in a parliamentary govt. One many doesnt rule everything and doesnt control everything.

Even with a majority he will have to keep his own mnas happy. If imrans best friends like jehanger tareen and aleem khan can leave than anyone can.

Pti fans are not gonna understand this, nor will imran. They can keep on thinking this is a good vs evil show.

Fine take 2023 election. By 2028 imran will be what 75 in a country where the avg age is 60.

Than what?
Than the politics will be runnes by Bilawal, sharifs and the tareens.

Good luck joining the Tareen band wagon i guess.

PTI is gonna end like the Federalist party of united states


Might as well convert Pakistan to a monarchy. Maybe Sharifs and Bhuttos can start intermarrying to form the greatest royal family in history.

Despite your party's best efforts to keep the populate uneducated and suppressed the vast majority of youth supports PTI and will continue to support them even after IK, as long as there is an honest leader in place. Don't worry about PTIs future, focus on how much your party can get away with in the next year. Time's a wasting!

Might as well convert Pakistan to a monarchy. Maybe Sharifs and Bhuttos can start intermarrying to form the greatest royal family in history.

Despite your party's best efforts to keep the populate uneducated and suppressed the vast majority of youth supports PTI and will continue to support them even after IK, as long as there is an honest leader in place. Don't worry about PTIs future, focus on how much your party can get away with in the next year. Time's a wasting!

Better to add something than the usual nonsense, or i will take it that you dont understand pakistani politics but still want to make a comment where pti is the best ans finish bhutto and sharifs :)

Pti bas govt mein rahay, yaye seekhna kay govt ko kistara joray rakhay
Better to add something than the usual nonsense, or i will take it that you dont understand pakistani politics but still want to make a comment where pti is the best ans finish bhutto and sharifs :)

Pti bas govt mein rahay, yaye seekhna kay govt ko kistara joray rakhay

Yes your understanding of politics is all we need. 11 parties vs 1 man... and they too running away from elections :salute.......sharm tum ko magr aati nahi
IK was the main reason why I got interested in Pakistani politics even when he had no success because he was the only one who represented fresh hope.

He is now 70 years old and he has now tasted his only shot in power. Once he leaves the PM seat, the PDM is going to get pti disbanded via the Foreign Funding case and perhaps institute all sorts of cases against him. The Americans have already perhaps given out a contract for his head. The Pakistani Army has washed his hands off, I have heard from some close Army sources that Gen Bajwa absolutely despises IK and has been in regular touch with the PDM opposition and even holds zoom meetings with Nawaz Sharif.

The IK story is over now and without him PTI will drown. Don't think I will really be following up on Pakistani politics beyond this.

Watch PML N and PPP take the countries foreign debts to $500 billion with nothing to show for it and for the people of Pakistan to just sit by idle doing nothing.
IK was the main reason why I got interested in Pakistani politics even when he had no success because he was the only one who represented fresh hope.

He is now 70 years old and he has now tasted his only shot in power. Once he leaves the PM seat, the PDM is going to get pti disbanded via the Foreign Funding case and perhaps institute all sorts of cases against him. The Americans have already perhaps given out a contract for his head. The Pakistani Army has washed his hands off, I have heard from some close Army sources that Gen Bajwa absolutely despises IK and has been in regular touch with the PDM opposition and even holds zoom meetings with Nawaz Sharif.

The IK story is over now and without him PTI will drown. Don't think I will really be following up on Pakistani politics beyond this.

Watch PML N and PPP take the countries foreign debts to $500 billion with nothing to show for it and for the people of Pakistan to just sit by idle doing nothing.

Did your sources say why Bajwa despises IK? Don't get what more IK could have done to have a good relationship with him.
IK was the main reason why I got interested in Pakistani politics even when he had no success because he was the only one who represented fresh hope.

He is now 70 years old and he has now tasted his only shot in power. Once he leaves the PM seat, the PDM is going to get pti disbanded via the Foreign Funding case and perhaps institute all sorts of cases against him. The Americans have already perhaps given out a contract for his head. The Pakistani Army has washed his hands off, I have heard from some close Army sources that Gen Bajwa absolutely despises IK and has been in regular touch with the PDM opposition and even holds zoom meetings with Nawaz Sharif.

The IK story is over now and without him PTI will drown. Don't think I will really be following up on Pakistani politics beyond this.

Watch PML N and PPP take the countries foreign debts to $500 billion with nothing to show for it and for the people of Pakistan to just sit by idle doing nothing.

Hopelessness is faithlessness.
Taking to the streets, shouting expletives on top of a container, lying and making false accusations and infecting the minds of the gullible youth is all that Imran is capable of, because he doesn’t know the first thing about running the country and what it means to be a public administrator.

He will be back in his element soon because he is mentally not fit to be the PM of the country. The damage that he caused to Pakistan will take a long time to reverse.
Imran will refuse to honor the court's verdict. Eventually we will reach a point where the military will have to intervene to restore order.

As a result, he will not only be guilty of abrogating the constitution and declaring a civil coup, but he will also be single-handedly forcing a military takeover - all because of his lust for power.

However, the silver-lining however is that he will never be able to legitimize any of these treasonous actions. Hopefully, we will see him in handcuffs sooner than later.
The GOAT should chill for a bit now, the vermins don’t deserve him
Taking to the streets, shouting expletives on top of a container, lying and making false accusations and infecting the minds of the gullible youth is all that Imran is capable of, because he doesn’t know the first thing about running the country and what it means to be a public administrator.

He will be back in his element soon because he is mentally not fit to be the PM of the country. The damage that he caused to Pakistan will take a long time to reverse.

You’re right, Imran doesn’t know the first thing about how to run a country. Could someone please teach him some basic lessons, I.e.:

1. Being a leader of the nation is not something earned on merit but is a birth right. When Pakistan was founded, that right was assigned by God to two families, namely the Bhuttos and the Sharifs. Anybody else who dare dream to even think about governing Pakistan is a traitor and deserves imprisonment;

2. The most important quality of any leader is to loot the nation. Line your pockets with kickbacks. Steal from every aspect of the nation. Make the poorest pay and do not stop until you are a billionaire. Even then, never let go of Pakistan and do all you can to rinse every penny out of it till the day you depart this earth.

I am so glad we have people like you and [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] to patronise us gullible people and explain all of the above to us. Without people like you, the rest of us morons would have silly concepts like justice, integrity, honesty on our minds when trying to pick our political leaders. You two should be proud of the education you are giving to the people of our nation.
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Did your sources say why Bajwa despises IK? Don't get what more IK could have done to have a good relationship with him.

Apparently he was his own man and didn't blindly follow army instructions. The Gen Faiz episode really hurt their relationship and the army was not on board with him trying to develop a closer relationship with Russia at the cost of antagonizing the Americans. That Memo from the consul general was actually meant for Gen Bajwa to get rid of Imran.
This thieve notion has been created by this govt.

What has bilawal stolen?

Honestly how stupid do you think the rest of us are?

Let me remind you of some basic facts, which you pretend not to understand.

Bilawal became chairman of PPP at the age of 19. This was not through hard work or through proving himself as some political genius. This was because his family, along with the Sharifs, treat the running of Pakistan as their birth right. You ask what has Bilawal stolen? Bilawal has stolen and continues to steal the right for true democracy to exist in Pakistan. If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto, would he have been the leader of a major political party today? The answer is absolutely not. That is corruption and nepotism right there.

Bilawal is the product of decades of theft by his family - his family are Billionaires in a country where people struggle to feed themselves - and the reason he is trying to bring power back to his family is to enable that theft to continue long into the future.

It truly sickens me when people like you try treat the rest of us like idiots and try to make the rest of us feel bad for supporting integrity and honesty. People like you are enablers - out there to justify the unjustifiable and make the rest of feel like we are crazy for believing in anything of other than in your corrupt 2 party system. Shame on you.
IK is going to become the first pm to lose the peoples confidence and this is after people are claiming he is the most popular.

IK cannot spoil anything because even if he comes again he would again be removed with NCM.

Why? Because unless you have a 100% majority, you need to learn to work with the opposition in a parliamentary govt. One many doesnt rule everything and doesnt control everything.

Even with a majority he will have to keep his own mnas happy. If imrans best friends like jehanger tareen and aleem khan can leave than anyone can.

Pti fans are not gonna understand this, nor will imran. They can keep on thinking this is a good vs evil show.

Fine take 2023 election. By 2028 imran will be what 75 in a country where the avg age is 60.

Than what?
Than the politics will be runnes by Bilawal, sharifs and the tareens.

Good luck joining the Tareen band wagon i guess.

PTI is gonna end like the Federalist party of united states

Even with majority you have to learn to compromise and work with opposition. You are unlikely to have majority in both the houses. BJP still does not have majority in upper house after having two comfortable majorities in lower houses. They work with opposition and parties willing to extend issue based support. Moreover opposition parties represent people will too. They have been elected the same way ruling party has been elected and deserve to be included in policy making process. This is how parliamentary process is supposed to work. IK seems to be very naive and too hot headed to be leading a country. He should have spent time learning ropes at state level.
Honestly how stupid do you think the rest of us are?

Let me remind you of some basic facts, which you pretend not to understand.

Bilawal became chairman of PPP at the age of 19. This was not through hard work or through proving himself as some political genius. This was because his family, along with the Sharifs, treat the running of Pakistan as their birth right. You ask what has Bilawal stolen? Bilawal has stolen and continues to steal the right for true democracy to exist in Pakistan. If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto, would he have been the leader of a major political party today? The answer is absolutely not. That is corruption and nepotism right there.

Bilawal is the product of decades of theft by his family - his family are Billionaires in a country where people struggle to feed themselves - and the reason he is trying to bring power back to his family is to enable that theft to continue long into the future.

It truly sickens me when people like you try treat the rest of us like idiots and try to make the rest of us feel bad for supporting integrity and honesty. People like you are enablers - out there to justify the unjustifiable and make the rest of feel like we are crazy for believing in anything of other than in your corrupt 2 party system. Shame on you.

Slave mentality, these are the tissue papers. They support the status quo because it's in their personal interest. No sane mind would ever vote for Bilo rani
Honestly how stupid do you think the rest of us are?

Let me remind you of some basic facts, which you pretend not to understand.

Bilawal became chairman of PPP at the age of 19. This was not through hard work or through proving himself as some political genius. This was because his family, along with the Sharifs, treat the running of Pakistan as their birth right. You ask what has Bilawal stolen? Bilawal has stolen and continues to steal the right for true democracy to exist in Pakistan. If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto, would he have been the leader of a major political party today? The answer is absolutely not. That is corruption and nepotism right there.

Bilawal is the product of decades of theft by his family - his family are Billionaires in a country where people struggle to feed themselves - and the reason he is trying to bring power back to his family is to enable that theft to continue long into the future.

It truly sickens me when people like you try treat the rest of us like idiots and try to make the rest of us feel bad for supporting integrity and honesty. People like you are enablers - out there to justify the unjustifiable and make the rest of feel like we are crazy for believing in anything of other than in your corrupt 2 party system. Shame on you.

Just let it go bro. I gues the majority on PP lives in the UK / EU.

If the poeple in Pak are Ok with this or dont want to take action, then they deserve these pathetic leaders.
Just let it go bro. I gues the majority on PP lives in the UK / EU.

If the poeple in Pak are Ok with this or dont want to take action, then they deserve these pathetic leaders.

It impacts Pakistanis like us that live overseas, maybe not directly but Imran Khan has delivered us respect in our adopted homes. Most of us have never taken an interest in politics before this, but our country requires us to play a part and Imran Khan needs us more than ever. Squash these fake narratives whenever you get a chance
Honestly how stupid do you think the rest of us are?

Let me remind you of some basic facts, which you pretend not to understand.

Bilawal became chairman of PPP at the age of 19. This was not through hard work or through proving himself as some political genius. This was because his family, along with the Sharifs, treat the running of Pakistan as their birth right. You ask what has Bilawal stolen? Bilawal has stolen and continues to steal the right for true democracy to exist in Pakistan. If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto, would he have been the leader of a major political party today? The answer is absolutely not. That is corruption and nepotism right there.

Bilawal is the product of decades of theft by his family - his family are Billionaires in a country where people struggle to feed themselves - and the reason he is trying to bring power back to his family is to enable that theft to continue long into the future.

It truly sickens me when people like you try treat the rest of us like idiots and try to make the rest of us feel bad for supporting integrity and honesty. People like you are enablers - out there to justify the unjustifiable and make the rest of feel like we are crazy for believing in anything of other than in your corrupt 2 party system. Shame on you.

I would agree with you that Bilawal did not have any individual credentials to become PPP chairman.

You, I or anyone else would have been the PPP chairman today if we were born to Benazir and Zardari instead of him.

However, if we extend the same logic, what credentials did Imran have to become a political leader and eventually a PM?

Bilawal cashed his family heritage and Imran cashed his success as a cricketer which has no relevance to politics.

Sure we can argue that Imran’s success as a cricketer was due to his own talent and hard work but again, we are talking about credentials and relevance in terms of politics.

Imran never worked a proper job in his life, he never held any public office and he had no political experience or position before becoming PTI chairman.

So like Bilawal, Imran too had no credentials as a politician. He doesn’t know the first thing about politics.

In fact, one could argue that Bilawal, at the very least, was born to a political family and had political exposure from childhood. Imran on the other hand is from a non-political family.

Neither Bilawal nor Imran had to work for success in politics; Bilawal used his family name and Imran used his fame and success as a cricketer to gain momentum.

If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto he wouldn’t be PPP chairman today but if Imran wasn’t a cricket legend, he too wouldn’t be PTI chairman today.

There is no concept of true democracy in the political architecture of Pakistan - you have two pathways - to be born in a political family or to exploit your fame.

Someone like Modi could never climb the political ladder in Pakistan - a man born with no family and no fame who worked his way up.

As far as honesty and integrity is concerned, Imran lacks both qualities.

He gave party tickets to crooks from other parties, the same parties that he accused of corruption. He did it because he knew that he needed to benefit from their vote banks.

As a renowned freeloader who has lived off rich people who have viewed him as an investment, Imran has been financed and funded by frauds and money-launderers like Jahangir Tareen.

Do you honestly believe that when he flew around the country in Jahangir Tareen’s private jets and used him as his sponsor, he was unaware of the fact that Jahangir Tareen was corrupt and involved in a huge sugar scam?

Imran conveniently ignores corruption, illegal activities, allegations etc. when it benefits him. These are not the qualities of an honest man with integrity.

His honesty and integrity has always been up for sale. As a freeloader, he is always ready to be sponsored and if you are ready to do that your crimes are forgiven.

Tareen, Zulfi Bukhari etc. his ties with shady businessmen and money-launderers goes on and on.

Here is another example of his fake honesty and integrity. Imran appointed Hafeez Sheikh as Finance Minister, who also served as PPP Finance Minister during Zardari’s presidency.

Imran has, on record, called the Zardari government as the most corrupt government in Pakistan’s history where billions of rupees were laundered.

Does Imran or any PTI supporter including you, actually believe for one second that as the Finance Minister, Hafeez Sheikh did know of the corruption that was going on and was not complicit?

How can he, you or any PTI supporter justify his appointment as PTI Finance Minister?

Some say he was forced to do so by IMF, but didn’t Imran say that he would rather commit suicide than go to IMF? Why was he so naive?

And if he had any real honesty and integrity, he would have resigned as PM after IMF forced him to appoint a corrupt Finance Minister.

Imran is basically a conman. He is an extremely skilled manipulator capable of brainwashing millions of people and pulling wool over their eyes.
I would agree with you that Bilawal did not have any individual credentials to become PPP chairman.

You, I or anyone else would have been the PPP chairman today if we were born to Benazir and Zardari instead of him.

However, if we extend the same logic, what credentials did Imran have to become a political leader and eventually a PM?

Bilawal cashed his family heritage and Imran cashed his success as a cricketer which has no relevance to politics.

Sure we can argue that Imran’s success as a cricketer was due to his own talent and hard work but again, we are talking about credentials and relevance in terms of politics.

Imran never worked a proper job in his life, he never held any public office and he had no political experience or position before becoming PTI chairman.

So like Bilawal, Imran too had no credentials as a politician. He doesn’t know the first thing about politics.

In fact, one could argue that Bilawal, at the very least, was born to a political family and had political exposure from childhood. Imran on the other hand is from a non-political family.

Neither Bilawal nor Imran had to work for success in politics; Bilawal used his family name and Imran used his fame and success as a cricketer to gain momentum.

If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto he wouldn’t be PPP chairman today but if Imran wasn’t a cricket legend, he too wouldn’t be PTI chairman today.

There is no concept of true democracy in the political architecture of Pakistan - you have two pathways - to be born in a political family or to exploit your fame.

Someone like Modi could never climb the political ladder in Pakistan - a man born with no family and no fame who worked his way up.

As far as honesty and integrity is concerned, Imran lacks both qualities.

He gave party tickets to crooks from other parties, the same parties that he accused of corruption. He did it because he knew that he needed to benefit from their vote banks.

As a renowned freeloader who has lived off rich people who have viewed him as an investment, Imran has been financed and funded by frauds and money-launderers like Jahangir Tareen.

Do you honestly believe that when he flew around the country in Jahangir Tareen’s private jets and used him as his sponsor, he was unaware of the fact that Jahangir Tareen was corrupt and involved in a huge sugar scam?

Imran conveniently ignores corruption, illegal activities, allegations etc. when it benefits him. These are not the qualities of an honest man with integrity.

His honesty and integrity has always been up for sale. As a freeloader, he is always ready to be sponsored and if you are ready to do that your crimes are forgiven.

Tareen, Zulfi Bukhari etc. his ties with shady businessmen and money-launderers goes on and on.

Here is another example of his fake honesty and integrity. Imran appointed Hafeez Sheikh as Finance Minister, who also served as PPP Finance Minister during Zardari’s presidency.

Imran has, on record, called the Zardari government as the most corrupt government in Pakistan’s history where billions of rupees were laundered.

Does Imran or any PTI supporter including you, actually believe for one second that as the Finance Minister, Hafeez Sheikh did know of the corruption that was going on and was not complicit?

How can he, you or any PTI supporter justify his appointment as PTI Finance Minister?

Some say he was forced to do so by IMF, but didn’t Imran say that he would rather commit suicide than go to IMF? Why was he so naive?

And if he had any real honesty and integrity, he would have resigned as PM after IMF forced him to appoint a corrupt Finance Minister.

Imran is basically a conman. He is an extremely skilled manipulator capable of brainwashing millions of people and pulling wool over their eyes.

Let me be honest. I was also one of those conned till about 2 years back, I realized that he doesn't know a thing about public administration and this is a pursuit of obsession. Last night's address , it was so evident. A charismatic man trying to push every straw or stand be it cricket, Islam, I know them the best, US, India, Riyasat e Madina, corruption, his struggle, he didn't have to do join politics etc etc.
Let me be honest. I was also one of those conned till about 2 years back, I realized that he doesn't know a thing about public administration and this is a pursuit of obsession. Last night's address , it was so evident. A charismatic man trying to push every straw or stand be it cricket, Islam, I know them the best, US, India, Riyasat e Madina, corruption, his struggle, he didn't have to do join politics etc etc.

In 1970s, my generation got conned by the Bhuttos enough for me to be standing on the streets in Karachi to stare at ZAB like he was (nauzobillah) God.

I did the same when Benazir visited Karachi in 80s.

But never again.

Those who don't learn from history will never learn. I have learned and I will move on.
It's sad but I feel Imran Khan came too early or too late for Pakistan. Had he taken Musharaffs option to be PM he could still have been ruling Pakistan for 15+ years. He came after the Sharifs and Zardari bankrupted the country by taking useless chinese and imf loans and then covid made things only worse.

I feel like he should step back, let things play their natural course, and try his luck at the next election. Sometimes time is just not on our side.

Either way, Pakistan is going to have to do alot of self corrections and people will need to sacrifice more for hopefully a better future. As they say, rome was not build in a single day... Patience is what is needed folks. Good news is judiciary took the right decision and we are seeing glimmer of hope from supreme court to give righteous decisions which is important for any democratic country.
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Let me be honest. I was also one of those conned till about 2 years back, I realized that he doesn't know a thing about public administration and this is a pursuit of obsession. Last night's address , it was so evident. A charismatic man trying to push every straw or stand be it cricket, Islam, I know them the best, US, India, Riyasat e Madina, corruption, his struggle, he didn't have to do join politics etc etc.

There are two types of PTI supporters: (1) the intelligent supporters and (2) the brainwashed supporters.

The intelligent supporters are the ones believed that Imran was going to deliver. They fell for his narrative.

However, these supporters realized that Imran is nothing but hot air. He is still high on his cricketing achievements and his lingo is still limited to cricket. He over committed, over promised but delivered nothing.

You clearly belong in this category.

On the other hand, you have the brainwashed lot who basically worship him. They will defend everything that he says or does.

They do not judge if something is right or wrong based on merits; the only thing that matters to them is what Imran thinks, because they are not capable of thinking for themselves.

They are enslaved by Imran and have surrendered the ability to think logically.
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It's sad but I feel Imran Khan came too early or too late for Pakistan. Had he taken Musharaffs option to be PM he could still have been ruling Pakistan for 15+ years. He came after the Sharifs and Zardari bankrupted the country by taking useless chinese and imf loans and then covid made things only worse.

I feel like he should step back, let things play their natural course, and try his luck at the next election. Sometimes time is just not on our side.

Either way, Pakistan is going to have to do alot of self corrections and people will need to sacrifice more for hopefully a better future. As they say, rome was not build in a single day... Patience is what is needed folks. Good news is judiciary took the right decision and we are seeing glimmer of hope from supreme court to give righteous decisions which is important for any democratic country.

Musharraf said he never offered him to be PM. You can hear himself in this video denying it

Let me be honest. I was also one of those conned till about 2 years back, I realized that he doesn't know a thing about public administration and this is a pursuit of obsession. Last night's address , it was so evident. A charismatic man trying to push every straw or stand be it cricket, Islam, I know them the best, US, India, Riyasat e Madina, corruption, his struggle, he didn't have to do join politics etc etc.

Doesn't know anything about administration? just some of many things he did

He created the Sehat Card which led to Universal Health Care in KPK, and its started in Punjab as well.
Increased tax revenue
Ten Billion Tree Tsunami
Pakistan had one of the best responses to covid in the World.
Got rid of the $11 Billion penalty for the Reko Diq Copper Mine.
Introduced the Single National Curriculum.
Ehsaas Program
Started constructions of Dams, so Pakistan can get cheaper electricity.
Let the market decide value of rupee. PML N had destroyed the economy by keeping the rupee at 100.
In 1970s, my generation got conned by the Bhuttos enough for me to be standing on the streets in Karachi to stare at ZAB like he was (nauzobillah) God.

I did the same when Benazir visited Karachi in 80s.

But never again.

Those who don't learn from history will never learn. I have learned and I will move on.

Sir I respect your feeling on this.

Everyone has a right to find their own learnings. Here is mine. Simplistic narratives don't work in managing real world problems. They are nuanced and complex and one had to have an open mind and be open to different ideas. We are so high on emotion that we can be easily sucked into good vs evil conflict. One's self proclaimed good intentions and clean conscience is not enough to tackle these complex issues. No one party or person can have solution for all the problems. We have different missing links in all parties. The best scenario is to find hedge and keep rotating parties in power by making perfomance as sole criteria.

I am still not against IK coming back to power again but he has to show a clear vision with specific policies on economy and foreign relations. He came unprepared and promised the moon without showing any inclination to learn. Leadership can be a very dicey prospect when you don't have a good feedback loop or of you are authoritarian. He cannot keep squeezing on emotions of an hyper emotional nation to ascend to power.

IK was born out of years of frustration with institutions. Both people and establishment trusted one man to lead the country to new world. This was fanciful notion to begin with. This man captured the imagination and earned credibility by being this blue eyed boy in corruption stricken nation. It's a good story but missing link was hard core pragmatic political and administrative experience. I am not going into his foreign relations disaster which will take years for Pakistan to recover from.

For now the dream is over. It's hard core pragmatic realities. On verge of default with 13% inflation and major tough measures to be taken. It is a critical phase of life cycle of this country. And IK or no IK, this is a very difficult situation and only leadership willing to compromise and take tough decisions can come through. Distractions won't work.
Doesn't know anything about administration? just some of many things he did

He created the Sehat Card which led to Universal Health Care in KPK, and its started in Punjab as well.
Increased tax revenue
Ten Billion Tree Tsunami
Pakistan had one of the best responses to covid in the World.
Got rid of the $11 Billion penalty for the Reko Diq Copper Mine.
Introduced the Single National Curriculum.
Ehsaas Program
Started constructions of Dams, so Pakistan can get cheaper electricity.
Let the market decide value of rupee. PML N had destroyed the economy by keeping the rupee at 100.

Pakistan hasn't got rid of reko diq mine case till date.
Honestly how stupid do you think the rest of us are?

Let me remind you of some basic facts, which you pretend not to understand.

Bilawal became chairman of PPP at the age of 19. This was not through hard work or through proving himself as some political genius. This was because his family, along with the Sharifs, treat the running of Pakistan as their birth right. You ask what has Bilawal stolen? Bilawal has stolen and continues to steal the right for true democracy to exist in Pakistan. If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto, would he have been the leader of a major political party today? The answer is absolutely not. That is corruption and nepotism right there.

Bilawal is the product of decades of theft by his family - his family are Billionaires in a country where people struggle to feed themselves - and the reason he is trying to bring power back to his family is to enable that theft to continue long into the future.

It truly sickens me when people like you try treat the rest of us like idiots and try to make the rest of us feel bad for supporting integrity and honesty. People like you are enablers - out there to justify the unjustifiable and make the rest of feel like we are crazy for believing in anything of other than in your corrupt 2 party system. Shame on you.

First understand the defination of corruption before coming to make post.

There is no proof of corruption of bilalwal.. imran khans father lost a govt job, should i make threads here claiming ohh look ikramullah did this soo surely imran is like that.

I inderstand the likes of you are desperate to make bilawal corrupt and keep on trying.

I dont care what sickens, i dont care for you if you cant accept other peoples vote.

The likes of you would have an army coup just to see favourite immy as pm. You guys dont even care about voting or anything
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Just let it go bro. I gues the majority on PP lives in the UK / EU.

If the poeple in Pak are Ok with this or dont want to take action, then they deserve these pathetic leaders.

I don’t think the people of Pakistan are ok with it. If the opposition parties believed that this is what the people of Pakistan wanted, then they would agree to hold fresh elections as Imran has suggested and let the people decide. Instead, they know that they don’t have popular support, and so are intent to use whatever means available to them to stage a coup.

A government led by Shabaz Sharif will not be one elected by the people. That doesn’t bother Sharif though or opposition supporters - the good times are back - time to start looting the country once again.

I would agree with you that Bilawal did not have any individual credentials to become PPP chairman.

You, I or anyone else would have been the PPP chairman today if we were born to Benazir and Zardari instead of him.

However, if we extend the same logic, what credentials did Imran have to become a political leader and eventually a PM?

Bilawal cashed his family heritage and Imran cashed his success as a cricketer which has no relevance to politics.

Sure we can argue that Imran’s success as a cricketer was due to his own talent and hard work but again, we are talking about credentials and relevance in terms of politics.

Imran never worked a proper job in his life, he never held any public office and he had no political experience or position before becoming PTI chairman.

So like Bilawal, Imran too had no credentials as a politician. He doesn’t know the first thing about politics.

In fact, one could argue that Bilawal, at the very least, was born to a political family and had political exposure from childhood. Imran on the other hand is from a non-political family.

Neither Bilawal nor Imran had to work for success in politics; Bilawal used his family name and Imran used his fame and success as a cricketer to gain momentum.

If Bilawal wasn’t a Bhutto he wouldn’t be PPP chairman today but if Imran wasn’t a cricket legend, he too wouldn’t be PTI chairman today.

There is no concept of true democracy in the political architecture of Pakistan - you have two pathways - to be born in a political family or to exploit your fame.

Someone like Modi could never climb the political ladder in Pakistan - a man born with no family and no fame who worked his way up.

As far as honesty and integrity is concerned, Imran lacks both qualities.

He gave party tickets to crooks from other parties, the same parties that he accused of corruption. He did it because he knew that he needed to benefit from their vote banks.

As a renowned freeloader who has lived off rich people who have viewed him as an investment, Imran has been financed and funded by frauds and money-launderers like Jahangir Tareen.

Do you honestly believe that when he flew around the country in Jahangir Tareen’s private jets and used him as his sponsor, he was unaware of the fact that Jahangir Tareen was corrupt and involved in a huge sugar scam?

Imran conveniently ignores corruption, illegal activities, allegations etc. when it benefits him. These are not the qualities of an honest man with integrity.

His honesty and integrity has always been up for sale. As a freeloader, he is always ready to be sponsored and if you are ready to do that your crimes are forgiven.

Tareen, Zulfi Bukhari etc. his ties with shady businessmen and money-launderers goes on and on.

Here is another example of his fake honesty and integrity. Imran appointed Hafeez Sheikh as Finance Minister, who also served as PPP Finance Minister during Zardari’s presidency.

Imran has, on record, called the Zardari government as the most corrupt government in Pakistan’s history where billions of rupees were laundered.

Does Imran or any PTI supporter including you, actually believe for one second that as the Finance Minister, Hafeez Sheikh did know of the corruption that was going on and was not complicit?

How can he, you or any PTI supporter justify his appointment as PTI Finance Minister?

Some say he was forced to do so by IMF, but didn’t Imran say that he would rather commit suicide than go to IMF? Why was he so naive?

And if he had any real honesty and integrity, he would have resigned as PM after IMF forced him to appoint a corrupt Finance Minister.

Imran is basically a conman. He is an extremely skilled manipulator capable of brainwashing millions of people and pulling wool over their eyes.

The comparison between Bilawal and Imran that you’ve made is just ridiculous.

Yes Imran is a cricket legend, but he wasn’t handed the reigns of one of the two main political parties on a plate.

Imran set up his own party and then toiled for years trying to break the toxic and corrupt pass the parcel between Bhuttos and Sharifs that has destroyed Pakistan. When Imran was elected PM, it wasn’t because he just happened to be the leader of one of the established parties. It was because he single-handedly won the popular support of the nation. That included taking away support built over many decades by the two main political parties - something that was previously considered impossible.

When Imran started out in politics, yes his fame as a cricketer helped him in that people new who he was. But if fame alone was enough to become leader, then Imran would have been PM decades ago. Instead what Imran has achieved, very few people anywhere in the world can achieve - that is to overthrow the two party system. And he has done that because unlike all of his rivals, he doesn’t wake up every day trying to find new ways to loot every last penny from the nation.

Contrast all of this with Bilawal. Has Bilawal set up his own party as a political outsider? No. Would anyone ever take Bilawal seriously if he was a political outsider? No. Has anything Bilawal achieved been through his own hard work? No. Does Bilawal have any credentials to be a leader? No.

Is Bilawal the leader of a party where leadership is a birth right? Yes. Is Bilawal the leader of a party which is one of the most corrupt in the world? Yes.

This false comparison that you make is again an attempt by what I call the enablers to fool the nation - people who justify the Bhuttos and Sharifs by trying to convince those of us who have some integrity that we are crazy.

As to your character assassination of Imran, the truth is this. Does Imran go around getting billions in kickbacks? No. Does Imran try to loot our nation? No. Does Imran see political office as an opportunity to line his pockets with the money so desperately needed by our public? No.

People like you try and find any perceived fault in Imran and say “see he’s not perfect and because he’s not perfect, that means he must be much worse than his rivals”. This logic is just so ridiculous. No human being is perfect, but that doesn’t mean you can use his perceived imperfections to justify electing actual crooks in his place. What kind of messed up logic is this?

In any case, what you perceive as Imran’s imperfections are actually the sign of someone fighting the corrupt system and doing his best to bring about change - the fact that he cannot do that overnight does not mean he is complicit in corruption. It means that the decades of corruption, that has infiltrated every aspect of Pakistani governance by the people for whom you are an enabler, cannot be undone over night.

The people of our nation deserve and demand someone to lead them who is not in public office to line their own pockets. This is not a big ask nor is it one that should be controversial. Unfortunately we have people like you in our nation who will go to any lengths to justify why that shouldn’t happen. It’s because of people like you that some of the most corrupt men in history will continue to steal every last penny from our nation.
BREAKING | Imran Khan’s PTI party files review petition in Pak SC demanding operation of impugned order and voting on no-confidence
motion be suspended, while Shah Mehmood Qureshi attacks Opposition in Pak assembly -

Try and have a normal conversation without addressing posters etc
So.... PTI is trying delay the inevitable. SC won't be entertaining this petition since a verdict is already in place.
It seems Pakistanis wish to be chamchey and slaves forever.

It is pure comedy anyone taking the high ground about “constitution” “constitution” while supporting a bunch of thieves and murderers. What is the point of all this waxing lyrical about constitution when you will re-install an alliance of previous governments who have raped and looted the country.
First understand the defination of corruption before coming to make post.

There is no proof of corruption of bilalwal.. imran khans father lost a govt job, should i make threads here claiming ohh look ikramullah did this soo surely imran is like that.

I inderstand the likes of you are desperate to make bilawal corrupt and keep on trying.

I dont care what sickens, i dont care for you if you cant accept other peoples vote.

The likes of you would have an army coup just to see favourite immy as pm. You guys dont even care about voting or anything

Read my post carefully. I have not accused Bilawal of personally looting the nation. He hasn’t had that chance yet because he hasn’t been elected to government. But his chance may be coming soon.

What I am actually saying is that the election of Bilawal as the leader of PPP for NO REASON other than that it is his birth right is corruption in action. Pakistan’s two main opposition parties are not led by people who have done anything to get there. They are led by the sons and brothers of those who believe Pakistan is their personal property to loot.

There is no question that Bilawal leads a corrupt party. Just ask his daddy why he spent time in jail before, unbelievably, becoming President. Do also ask daddy how he became a billionaire and one of the richest men in the world, leading one of the poorest countries in the world.

The irony in your post would be funny if it wasn’t so depressing. Accusing people like me of not caring about voting, whilst your own political parties are in the middle of staging a coup and installing a PM not elected by the people, and fighting tooth and nail to avoid an election.

Your propaganda may convince some my friend, but not all of us will fall for it.
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Read my post carefully. I have not accused Bilawal of personally looting the nation. He hasn’t had that chance yet because he hasn’t been elected to government. But his chance may be coming soon.

What I am actually saying is that the election of Bilawal as the leader of PPP for NO REASON other than that it is his birth right is corruption in action. Pakistan’s two main opposition parties are not led by people who have done anything to get there. They are led by the sons and brothers of those who believe Pakistan is their personal property to loot.

There is no question that Bilawal leads a corrupt party. Just ask his daddy why he spent time in jail before, unbelievably, becoming President. Do also ask daddy how he became a billionaire and one of the richest men in the world, leading one of the poorest countries in the world.

The irony in your post would be funny if it wasn’t so depressing. Accusing people like me of not caring about voting, whilst your own political parties are in the middle of staging a coup and installing a PM not electing by the people, and fighting tooth and nail to avoid an election.

Your propaganda may convince some my friend, but not all of us will fall for it.

So bilalwal hasnt done corruption hence he is corrupt free...

If we are goinf to take out party members like zardari and etc, than pti had suchcorrupts members like tareen and aleem khan. Tareen was in the sugar mafia no? Wasnt imran leading a corrupt party?

I dont mind bilawal handling the party. Maybe the army should had not killed his mother if they dont want the family member be chairman.

Anywyas, why are you crying about ppp, voters will vote who they want...

Lol coip? Again, plz ubderstand parliamentary politics. NCM is part of Parliamentary politics.

If you have issues get a majority and bring your own constitution... But i understand pti doesnt have a statsman than can write a constitution.

Keep crying, but the reality is taking place in parliament right now... Keep making this a good vs evil event
So bilalwal hasnt done corruption hence he is corrupt free...

If we are goinf to take out party members like zardari and etc, than pti had suchcorrupts members like tareen and aleem khan. Tareen was in the sugar mafia no? Wasnt imran leading a corrupt party?

I dont mind bilawal handling the party. Maybe the army should had not killed his mother if they dont want the family member be chairman.

Anywyas, why are you crying about ppp, voters will vote who they want...

Lol coip? Again, plz ubderstand parliamentary politics. NCM is part of Parliamentary politics.

If you have issues get a majority and bring your own constitution... But i understand pti doesnt have a statsman than can write a constitution.

Keep crying, but the reality is taking place in parliament right now... Keep making this a good vs evil event

What I am seeing here as a neutral is, PTI and it's supporters are emotional and often forgets that there is a system and regulations. They work in the path of martyrdom, courage, cornered tiger spirit which has zero relevance with regulations. Some even calls SC as judicial martial law....
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What I am seeing here as a neutral is, PTI and it's supporters are emotional and often forgets that there is a system and regulations. They work in the path of martyrdom, courage, cornered tiger spirit which has zero relevance with regulations. Some even calls SC as judicial martial law....

Parliamentary politics isnt understood by the people. Many of these people dont have an idea what happened in the last 8-10 months.
The presidential ordinances were being passed, parliament sessions were not being held, opposition was never consulted. This is not how parliament works.

Ironically in the kast 3.5 years, today is the first time parliament is being used where mnas are finally speaking, but they are speaking for the sake of their mna chair and for their govt.
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The imported crooks will have to watch their backs. Kaptaan has a slogan for the ages. We need a picture a picture of the leaders with a slogan" imported from America "
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pakistan became an independent state in 1947; but the freedom struggle begins again today against a foreign conspiracy of regime change. It is always the people of the country who defend their sovereignty & democracy.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1513110768266330115?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote>
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