What British Muslims have to deal with


Test Captain
Jan 2, 2010
No it's nothing serious just very humorous.

I like dogs but this....

"Tyson of the DDL(Dod Defence League)Joined forces with the EDL in protest at the new Islamic centre in Dagenham.
Tyson is the founder member of the DDL which campaigns against muslim Cab drivers that refuse guide dogs into their cabs on religious grounds"

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8AWeoOSWnNU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Man affected by 'strange religious symbolism'.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4v0GoMQvOoQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Future Prime Minister?

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3F4xeTFW6RA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Easy money!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NZ1P5BCEycw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I have been living in England since birth however have never come across racist twats like them. Most English ppl are very nice so noo we as British Asians do not have to put up with such behaviour. These guys are minority and nobody likes them..nutters!
never seen anything like this before and the guy at vid 3 is just a true legend
These bangers came up to scotland aswell for a rally a while back, can't remember what the rally was, but they planned to march past Glasgow central mosque, but the police put a stop to that. Never seen soo many police in town that day. And you could spot these idiots a mile a way, wearing stone island jacket's, english accents, it was just like a scene from the Football factory :))
Tyson is the founder member of the DDL which campaigns against muslim Cab drivers that refuse guide dogs into their cabs on religious grounds"

Well, such refusal is illegal in the UK. If you are a service provider, you cannot disciminate against blind people with guide dogs. Just like that Christian couple who went to court for refusing to let a gay couple stay in their bed-and-breakfast.
Well, such refusal is illegal in the UK. If you are a service provider, you cannot disciminate against blind people with guide dogs. Just like that Christian couple who went to court for refusing to let a gay couple stay in their bed-and-breakfast.
Rightly so, the driver in question was fined and had to pay damages for not complying to the disability discrimination act, times like that you really need to use commen sense.
But unfortunately these are the things the EDL will use to promote their message. Personally I would have taken the taxi license from the driver and have him apply for it again.
Rightly so, the driver in question was fined and had to pay damages for not complying to the disability discrimination act, times like that you really need to use commen sense.

Fair go.

But unfortunately these are the things the EDL will use to promote their message.

Hmm, wish we could accept the message before shooting the messenger!
ffs, I just watched the 3rd video clip and I wanted to kill myself.

If this is what the Muslims are dealing with in the UK then you must be having a good laugh.

lol White trash lol
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the guys says i want to see a mosque built in mecca lol video 2
Just imagine if Paksitan won England in the final. EDL would go nutts.

(not to mention our own bratharans lol)
Well, such refusal is illegal in the UK. If you are a service provider, you cannot disciminate against blind people with guide dogs. Just like that Christian couple who went to court for refusing to let a gay couple stay in their bed-and-breakfast.

Sure but how many taxi drivers have refused such a service to blind people? Maybe one or possibly two? All it shows is the idiotic nature of these goons.

If this is what the Muslims are dealing with in the UK then you must be having a good laugh.

Yep for many of grown men it's very funny but not for women and children who are just going about their daily business.

They might be thick as a tree trunk but even dumb people can be dangerous when in numbers.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7Ik9Lwmj_Gc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The British police and government are a joke and can't protect the civilian population from these facist nutjobs therefore they should be banned as a group and all their marches/protests also banned. You don't deserve freedom to hate.
Yes we can all have a laugh but these guys are thugs and intent on damaging Muslim property and harming Muslims. It is scary for anyone to be subjected to these vicious attacks particularly those most vulnerable because these facists have no qualms about whether their victim is 7 or 70, male or female. So yes we can ridicule their intellect but they don't speak with words they speak with their fists.......

They are far more dangerous than Anjem Choudrey and his lot who as far I am aware never physically attack people.
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Completely agree with Amoeba and KWC this is not a laughing matter for ppl who end up victims of crimes at the hands of these thugs.There has been a wave of assaults on taxi drivers in Rochdale since the EDL march this month.
The guy in the third video in the OP seems as though he may have been delivered at birth by Kamran Akmal as his midwife.
Sure but how many taxi drivers have refused such a service to blind people? Maybe one or possibly two? All it shows is the idiotic nature of these goons.

Yep for many of grown men it's very funny but not for women and children who are just going about their daily business.

They might be thick as a tree trunk but even dumb people can be dangerous when in numbers.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7Ik9Lwmj_Gc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The British police and government are a joke and can't protect the civilian population from these facist nutjobs therefore they should be banned as a group and all their marches/protests also banned. You don't deserve freedom to hate.

A video like this makes my blood boil and makes me sympathise with those that carry guns or knives to protect themselves.
A video like this makes my blood boil and makes me sympathise with those that carry guns or knives to protect themselves.

feelings mutual

The EDL agree with it or not has secret government backing, that is the only reason they have not been banned!

Unfortunatley things will be getting alot worse God forbid.
The EDL are a bunch of unemployed thugs,they are a source of ridicule and are not taken very seriously.

However that is the issue,they should be taken seriously.The last thing Britain needs is to be going back to the days of race riots.

Now it would like the Thatcher era again.
The guy in the third video in the OP seems as though he may have been delivered at birth by Kamran Akmal as his midwife.


I have seen more coherent chimps than that bloke. His has single-handedly disproved The Theory of Evolution.

Probably doesn't help that he has about ten cans of Tennants Super in him.....
Sadly this behavious is awful and uncalled for.

However things to be corrected on both sides.

The far right White movements needs to be controlled but the radical jihadi ideas spreading in our community need to be put under control as well.
i remember when griffin came on question time, every one was against it, but i was glad cos he proved how stupid and ignorant most of the far right are.

the vast majority are brain washed into these beliefs, and brain washing is a lot easier with ignorant people who dont question what they are taught.

they gained a bit of popularity after the london bombings but the far right political parties have done quite badly recently, which is to be expected i guess.

all you have to do is squizz thru a manifesto of a party like the bnp and read up about their economic, or educational policies, its so much mumbo jumbo, its quite amusing.
I have been living in England since birth however have never come across racist twats like them. Most English ppl are very nice so noo we as British Asians do not have to put up with such behaviour. These guys are minority and nobody likes them..nutters!

You are exactly the type of people that those nutty agenda driven Muslims want to target by highlighting and advertising such junk. So you can be filled with anti state, anti white, anti Christian venom when really, personally you have no reason whatsoever to adopt these ugly sentiments. Such (EDL type) minority exist in literally every part of the Western world (in fact its pretty big in mainland Europe), but British Muslims like to degrade and alienate themselves further by glorifying this crap. I guess make them feel a little special or something.
You are exactly the type of people that those nutty agenda driven Muslims want to target by highlighting and advertising such junk. So you can be filled with anti state, anti white, anti Christian venom when really, personally you have no reason whatsoever to adopt these ugly sentiments. Such (EDL type) minority exist in literally every part of the Western world (in fact its pretty big in mainland Europe), but British Muslims like to degrade and alienate themselves further by glorifying this crap. I guess make them feel a little special or something.

well said.

to add to this, its not just western nations, its human nature, some people need a scape goat to blame there own failiures, the bnp, edl, etc choose to blame immigrants and coloured people.

i think your last point is very poignant too, it is about trying to find something special, and that is why so many delusional disaffected youths get brain washed by both sides.
You are exactly the type of people that those nutty agenda driven Muslims want to target by highlighting and advertising such junk. So you can be filled with anti state, anti white, anti Christian venom when really, personally you have no reason whatsoever to adopt these ugly sentiments. Such (EDL type) minority exist in literally every part of the Western world (in fact its pretty big in mainland Europe), but British Muslims like to degrade and alienate themselves further by glorifying this crap. I guess make them feel a little special or something.

lol. Instead of denouncing the white fascist extremists you have a go at Muslims who are looking to defend themselves against these nutters?

Are you a Muslim because you don't sound like one?

Only by tackling such hatred can British Muslims be confident of being protected when these nutjobs come to a town near them. Any Muslim who lives in a major city would have had visit from these idiots by now. Just because one hasn't en courted them yet doesn't mean they won't.

Your foolish approach of burying your head in the sand doesn't work.
i remember when griffin came on question time, every one was against it, but i was glad cos he proved how stupid and ignorant most of the far right are.

The EDL Leader was interviewed by Jeremy Paxman. The exchange was like watching a lion toying with a mouse, before deciding it was not worth eating.

Maybe Paxo should have carried on, because we might have found out what the EDL really want. They are dimly angry about their way of life being somehow taken away but lack the brains and education to articulate why and how.

Perhaps if they had brains and education they would stop being members of the EDL.....
lol. Instead of denouncing the white fascist extremists you have a go at Muslims who are looking to defend themselves against these nutters?

Are you a Muslim because you don't sound like one?

Only by tackling such hatred can British Muslims be confident of being protected when these nutjobs come to a town near them. Any Muslim who lives in a major city would have had visit from these idiots by now. Just because one hasn't en courted them yet doesn't mean they won't.

Your foolish approach of burying your head in the sand doesn't work.

I don't care what your standards of 'sounding' like a Muslim are.

I'm all for denouncing these fascists, I'd done it million times in the past and will continue to do so. But I'm getting quite tired of certain faction of Muslim community that proudly advertise EDL to spread paranoia and resentment within the Muslim community. The race situation in Britain is no way bad as you like to paint (or hope), yet some people are so desperate to give serious publicity to a bunch of social outcasts to justify their own agenda. If obsessing over some drunken thugs makes Muslims look bigger and more protected bunch then I guess good for you. The EDL certainly welcomes a paranoid and angry Muslim community, but an angry and paranoid Muslim community won't achieve any respect in the society as a whole.

Likes of you really make Britain sound like a real hellhole, when reality is completely the opposite.
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I'm all for denouncing these fascists, I'd done it million times in the past and will continue to do so.

On this forum?

But I'm getting quite tired of certain faction of Muslim community that proudly advertise EDL to spread paranoia and resentment within the Muslim community. The race situation in Britain isn't as bad as you like to paint, yet some people are so desperate to give serious publicity to a bunch of social outcasts to justify their own agenda. If obsessing over some drunken thugs makes Muslims look bigger and more protected bunch then I guess good for you, EDL certainly welcomes a paranoid and angry Muslim community, but an angry and paranoid Muslim community won't achieve any respect in the society as a whole.

Likes of you really make Britain sound like a real hellhole, when reality is completely the opposite.

lol. Who mentioned hellhole? If you had bothered to understand what has been written you would have realised the EDL members are pathetic and seen as a joke but they still have enough influence to change some of the public view and also inflict violence on Muslims.

Is the video of these thugs attacking a food outlet in Leicester not enough for you to understand the seriousness of their violence? Every time the EDL have a demo violence comes along with it.

Now instead of sounding like an apologist for fascism care to provide some substance as to why you feel they should not be discussed? You claim this is giving publicity but how do you propose tackling racism, certainly not burying your head where the sun doesn't shine won't help.
lol. Instead of denouncing the white fascist extremists you have a go at Muslims who are looking to defend themselves against these nutters?

Are you a Muslim because you don't sound like one?

Only by tackling such hatred can British Muslims be confident of being protected when these nutjobs come to a town near them. Any Muslim who lives in a major city would have had visit from these idiots by now. Just because one hasn't en courted them yet doesn't mean they won't.

Your foolish approach of burying your head in the sand doesn't work.

ive lived in hackney and essex in london for ten years, which are both parts of london. i have had white neighbours and people on the street and in the area for the whole time. i live in a predominantly white neighbourhood at the moment. i have never had a negative experience with any of them yet.

every now and then you have a drunk chatting some rubbish, or being an annoyance, but it doesnt bother me. i dont need to be acknowledged as british by a bunch of ignorant louts to know my own identity.

i dont want to be taking words out of MC's mouth, but i think he is trying to highlight the fact that its the "them and us" mentality in both sets of far right, british and "non-white", that creates the tensions both sets of groups exploit.

luckily the majority arent paranoid.
ive lived in hackney and essex in london for ten years, which are both parts of london. i have had white neighbours and people on the street and in the area for the whole time. i live in a predominantly white neighbourhood at the moment. i have never had a negative experience with any of them yet.

every now and then you have a drunk chatting some rubbish, or being an annoyance, but it doesnt bother me. i dont need to be acknowledged as british by a bunch of ignorant louts to know my own identity.

i dont want to be taking words out of MC's mouth, but i think he is trying to highlight the fact that its the "them and us" mentality in both sets of far right, british and "non-white", that creates the tensions both sets of groups exploit.

luckily the majority arent paranoid.

I've lived in Birmingham for most of my life, forget white people not even any blacks or Indians would ever dream off coming to attack Muslim in most areas of Birmingham.

This is not the point. The point here is the EDL have influenced more hatred against Muslims and also have inflicted violence against Muslims and building belonging to them such as Mosques and learning centers.

I personally haven't been bothered by any EDL, firstly I don't live in an area they would come to and secondly I am very capable of defending myself.

If you lived in a town where the EDL came for a demo and assaulted your mother or your sister I'm sure you would change your tune. Just because you personally haven't been affected doesn't mean you should ignore them. The people who are creating the tensions is these far right groups and unless you counter them they will only increase in numbers and increase the tensions. Defending ones religion and people from attack isn't causing tensions. This is the cowards way of thinking imo.

The biggest opposition to these fascists is not from the Muslim community it's from the non-Muslim community. The UAF and many other organisation are at the forefront of tackling racism and fascism and for Muslims not to support them would be cowardice.
On this forum? .

I believe so.

lol. Who mentioned hellhole? If you had bothered to understand what has been written you would have realised the EDL members are pathetic and seen as a joke but they still have enough influence to change some of the public view and also inflict violence on Muslims.

Is the video of these thugs attacking a food outlet in Leicester not enough for you to understand the seriousness of their violence? Every time the EDL have a demo violence comes along with it.

Now instead of sounding like an apologist for fascism care to provide some substance as to why you feel they should not be discussed? You claim this is giving publicity but how do you propose tackling racism, certainly not burying your head where the sun doesn't shine won't help.

Just because I don't advertise EDL, doesn't mean I know jack about who they are or what they're up to. Oh I didn't know that this was supposed to be a dicussion thread, I thought it must the typical whities are all evil haters so lets hate them back' memo.

I'm a Londender, I'm probably immune to racial tensions, I never had a remotely bad experience with a whiteman or a Jew, but I guess Britain is indeed a shithole with all that racial tensions exits outside of the capital? Its a terrible country that probably puts Russia and France to shame...?

Since you asked about my suggestion about dealing with racism, unfortunatly none of these vidoes are gonna make me pick a hammer and beat up a whiteman or start hating them for their differences. But as a Muslim, I certainly think Muslims can help themselves by actually not getting carried away with hatred, paranoia and anger; its not gonna make them look any bigger. Its very important for our youth to remain positive and pacified. As with EDL destroying porperties, thats something that must be raised with the local government before anything.
I believe so.

Must have missed them. You usually come to the defence of Englishness or British patriotism, my bad if I'm wrong.

Just because I don't advertise EDL, doesn't mean I know jack about who they are or what they're up to. Oh I didn't know that this was supposed to be a dicussion thread, I thought it must the typical whities are all evil haters so lets hate them back' memo.

That's just idiotic and not funny.

I'm a Londender, I'm probably immune to racial tensions, I never had a remotely bad experience with a whiteman or a Jew, but I guess Britain is indeed a shithole with all that racial tensions exits outside of the capital? Its a terrible country that probably puts Russia and France to shame...?

Since you asked about my suggestion about dealing with racism, unfortunatly none of these vidoes are gonna make me pick a hammer and beat up a whiteman or start hating them for their differences. But as a Muslim, I certainly think Muslims can help themselves by actually not getting carried away with hatred, paranoia and anger; its not gonna make them look any bigger. Its very important for our youth to remain positive and pacified. As with EDL destroying porperties, thats something that must be raised with the local government before anything.

Muslims have been attacked and Mosques have been attacked, you call this 'paranoia' and 'getting carried away with it' but if you were attacked by one of these racist thugs the paranoia would disappear from your head very quickly.

You argument is a selfish one, as long as you're not affected you don't want to hear about it.

Thank fully there are many Muslims who will join forces with anti-racist organisations and defend areas where the fascists go to spread hatred and violence. People with your views are not required anyway.
ive lived in hackney and essex in london for ten years, which are both parts of london. i have had white neighbours and people on the street and in the area for the whole time. i live in a predominantly white neighbourhood at the moment. i have never had a negative experience with any of them yet.

every now and then you have a drunk chatting some rubbish, or being an annoyance, but it doesnt bother me. i dont need to be acknowledged as british by a bunch of ignorant louts to know my own identity.

i dont want to be taking words out of MC's mouth, but i think he is trying to highlight the fact that its the "them and us" mentality in both sets of far right, british and "non-white", that creates the tensions both sets of groups exploit.

luckily the majority arent paranoid.

Exactly man.

The funny thing is EDL BNP all started out as 'anti anyone who isn't white/Christian/English/British', yet today seems like they're only at war with the Muslims. And that’s simply because of the attention they received by the Muslims. The Hindus, Sikhs and people of other ethnicities never gave a crap about them; in fact they probably thank the Muslims for stealing the limelight and proudly having those thugs only targeting them.
Exactly man.

The funny thing is EDL BNP all started out as 'anti anyone who isn't white/Christian/English/British', yet today seems like they're only at war with the Muslims. And that’s simply because of the attention they received by the Muslims. The Hindus, Sikhs and people of other ethnicities never gave a crap about them; in fact they probably thank the Muslims for stealing the limelight and proudly having those thugs only targeting them.

lol. In your world the Muslims have themselves to blame for being attacked by fascists? Maybe you have been on Mars for a decade but Muslim bashing has been the latest fashion for these groups since 911. They are just jumping on the bandwagon of other similar groups in other nations such as the Tea Party etc. Infact the EDL are funded by zionist outlets around the world. The Hindu's and Sikhs also realise they are threat to coloured people simply because these idiots can't tell the difference. Plenty have joined forces with anti-fascist organisations to stand up against these fools.

You don't know anything about this but are as usual having some sort of loyalty problem with this country.
lol. In your world the Muslims have themselves to blame for being attacked by fascists? Maybe you have been on Mars for a decade but Muslim bashing has been the latest fashion for these groups since 911. They are just jumping on the bandwagon of other similar groups in other nations such as the Tea Party etc. Infact the EDL are funded by zionist outlets around the world. The Hindu's and Sikhs also realise they are threat to coloured people simply because these idiots can't tell the difference. Plenty have joined forces with anti-fascist organisations to stand up against these fools.

You don't know anything about this but are as usual having some sort of loyalty problem with this country.

Do I have to take everything that comes out of your mouth as a fact? You can give anything any colour or shape you like, its not going to change the reality or my experiences.

I guess I should say death to Britain to 'sound' more like a Muslim and anti facist, since it itches you that I actually I appreciate the country where I was born and live and don't have a vendetta against it? And I really don't go around painting as a hellhole?
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You argument is a selfish one, as long as you're not affected you don't want to hear about it.

Thank fully there are many Muslims who will join forces with anti-racist organisations and defend areas where the fascists go to spread hatred and violence. People with your views are not required anyway.

Which views?
Do I have to take everything that comes out of your mouth as a fact? You cam give anything any colour or shape you like, its mot going to change the reality or my experiences.

I guess I should say death to Britain to 'sound' more like a Muslim, since it itches you that I actually I appreciate the country where I was born and don't wish any ill to ist people or its land, I really don't go around painting as a shithole?

Unless you can argue against what I have stated then you should take it as being correct.

You idiotic assumption that anyone who stands up for themselves or for fellow Muslims against far right groups are 'painting Britain as a ****hole' just goes to show your pathetic understanding of standing up to injustice and hatred.

For you its fine as long as your not attacked but if you are a Muslim don't you feel angry or upset when these group gather to abuse Islam and the Prophet(pbuh)?

As a British citizen you have the right to voice your opinion, don't worry if your opinion even goes against the British government they won't chuck you out of the country. lol
Unless you can argue against what I have stated then you should take it as being correct.

You idiotic assumption that anyone who stands up for themselves or for fellow Muslims against far right groups are 'painting Britain as a ****hole' just goes to show your pathetic understanding of standing up to injustice and hatred.

For you its fine as long as your not attacked but if you are a Muslim don't you feel angry or upset when these group gather to abuse Islam and the Prophet(pbuh)?

As a British citizen you have the right to voice your opinion, don't worry if your opinion even goes against the British government they won't chuck you out of the country. lol

Yes all these advertising of EDL as oh they're coming to get us is pathetic. It does nothing but fuels anger and paranoia. You are simply glorifying their idelogies to justify your own extremist agenda,. Advertising drunken thugs to say oh I was supposed to have discussion about fighting racism looks foolish. Thats not the impression I got from your thread helped by your posting history. I guess it would've been a different story had any other member made that thread.

Yes I'm indeed using British right to express my opinion, who cares if Mullahs like you get upset and call me a non Muslim, facist, Zionist, Hindu, Indian, Israeli etc etc. I have my own experiences and opinions.
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Yes all these advertising of EDL as oh they're coming to get us is pathetic. It does nothing but fuels anger and paranoia. You are simply glorifying their idelogies to justify your own extremist agenda,. Advertising drunken thugs to say oh I was supposed to have discussion about fighting racism looks foolish.

Yes I'm indeed using British right to express my opinion, who cares if Mullahs like you get upset and call me a non Muslim, facists, Zionist, Hindu, Indian, Israeli etc etc. I have my own experiences and opinions.

lol. Keep your wig on pal. Where did I call you a Non-Muslim, please provide proof of this childish allegation?

Which extremist agenda do I have? The thousands of people who join UAF are in their protests against fascism are mainly made up of Non-Mulsims, are they extreme too? You want to bury your head just because you haven't been kicked and punched by far right groups then fine but don't expect all British Muslims and all British non-Muslims to hide away like cowards and let these thugs get away with violence and abuse of Islam. Get used to it.
lol. Keep your wig on pal. Where did I call you a Non-Muslim, please provide proof of this childish allegation?

Which extremist agenda do I have? The thousands of people who join UAF are in their protests against fascism are mainly made up of Non-Mulsims, are they extreme too? You want to bury your head just because you haven't been kicked and punched by far right groups then fine but don't expect all British Muslims and all British non-Muslims to hide away like cowards and let these thugs get away with violence and abuse of Islam. Get used to it.

Excellent. I hope Muslims/non Muslims raise (or push rather) the issue of EDL thugs destroying local peace and properties with their local MP's, publicise UAF etc etc. Anyone who's gonna use EDL as an opportunity to be a counter racist, spread discontent or justify irrational anger and paranoia (no I don't have to get used to that) is no better than an EDL thug and must be condemned in the same manner.
Excellent. I hope Muslims/non Muslims raise (or push rather) the issue of EDL thugs destroying local peace and properties with their local MP's, publicise UAF etc etc. Anyone who's gonna use EDL as an opportunity to be a counter racist, spread discontent or justify irrational anger and paranoia (no I don't have to get used to that) is no better than an EDL thug and must be condemned in the same manner.

Are you implying I have done this? If so provide some proof man otherwise don't make silly allegations which hold no strength. The vast majority of people who oppose far right groups won't be racist themselves but if any are then they are no better, agreed.
Excellent. I hope Muslims/non Muslims raise (or push rather) the issue of EDL thugs destroying local peace and properties with their local MP's, publicise UAF etc etc. Anyone who's gonna use EDL as an opportunity to be a counter racist, spread discontent or justify irrational anger and paranoia (no I don't have to get used to that) is no better than an EDL thug and must be condemned in the same manner.

Counter-racism would involve criticism of white people in general and labelling white people as racist...and encouraging violence towards them...

Your point therefore is invalid...all this thread is discussing is a fascist organisation...if the EDL were discussing El Mahajaroun specifically for instance and stated that such an organisation opposed integration then there would be nothing wrong with it...the issue is of them villifying all Muslims and then using force on Muslims...

All that is being exposed here is an organisation...not a set of people...no-one on this forum has stated white people as a whole are racist have they?...and neither have they stated that white people should be attacked have they?...so on what basis is there any similarity between EDL and the words of some on this thread?...
Counter-racism would involve criticism of white people in general and labelling white people as racist...and encouraging violence towards them...

Your point therefore is invalid...all this thread is discussing is a fascist organisation...if the EDL were discussing El Mahajaroun specifically for instance and stated that such an organisation opposed integration then there would be nothing wrong with it...the issue is of them villifying all Muslims and then using force on Muslims...

All that is being exposed here is an organisation...not a set of people...no-one on this forum has stated white people as a whole are racist have they?...and neither have they stated that white people should be attacked have they?...so on what basis is there any similarity between EDL and the words of some on this thread?...

Actually there is one person, but I ain't gonna name it. lol

And I don't think I was nit picking on someone's words on this thread, the points were supposed to be bit more general.
This is what we also have to deal with...

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Actually there is one person, but I ain't gonna name it. lol

And I don't think I was nit picking on someone's words on this thread, the points were supposed to be bit more general.

But the general point is criticism of an organisation that hate mongers about Muslims as a whole and attacks them...what about that do you see as spreading discontent or building paranoia...
But the general point is criticism of an organisation that hate mongers about Muslims as a whole and attacks them...what about that do you see as spreading discontent or building paranoia...

I can certainly speak for the Muslim youth in London, (from whatever experience I had) who can easily get caught up this whole anger and discontent, when they've never encountered such crap in their entire life. Someone who's never set a foot outside the ghettos of Tower Hamlets has no reason to fear/loath the white population on racial ground. There is a difference between condemning fascism and getting carried away with paranoia. I guess I should’ve understood that EDL is actually much bigger deal in up North than it is in the multicultural capital. The Northern parts of the country seem like horrible places to live? My sympathises to all the Muslims out there...
I can certainly speak for the Muslim youth in London, (from whatever experience I had) who can easily get caught up this whole anger and discontent, when they've never encountered such crap in their entire life. Someone who's never set a foot outside the ghettos of Tower Hamlets has no reason to fear/loath the white population on racial ground. There is a difference between condemning fascism and getting carried away with paranoia. I guess I should’ve understood that EDL is actually much bigger deal in up North than it is in the multicultural capital. The Northern parts of the country seem like horrible places to live? My sympathises to all the Muslims out there...

Paranoia? Is that all it is? When Muslims are attacked in the media endlessly? When Muslims are attacked politically endlessly? & Now Muslims are being attacked physically by football thugs.

Yes let's not overplay the level of Islamophobia but also let's not ignore or downplay it.
EDL's Muslim member speaks...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sBT9aoeXdWM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-0kL_URt4uo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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^He's an idiot who protests against mosque's being built. Why would a muslim do that ??
^He's an idiot who protests against mosque's being built. Why would a muslim do that ??

....because he is not a muslim in faith, only in name?

Haven't seen the video yet but that can be the only conclusion.
Oh Abdul Salaam, Abdul Salaam!!!!!! :))) :))) :)))

What an A class plonker if he thinks he is with his mates.

It is surprising that the EDL have not been outlawed in some capacity as what they shout is racist but we small people never really know the truth about government agendas.

The EDL are not really taken seriously by the middle class and those in power but their presence is not good.

There was an EDL march in my home town, which passed with relatively low incident and my understanding is that this is becoming more common.
....because he is not a muslim in faith, only in name?

Haven't seen the video yet but that can be the only conclusion.

You are right, in that EDL documentary he says he was born and raised a muslim BUT he no longer considers himself a muslim

Also I dont think he has quite understood that he is a Scotsman in the English Defence League - proper LOL material
This is what we also have to deal with...

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

These boys talking about Islam getting stoned and drunk boils my blood.These are state junkies wannabe who follow black culture.
I can certainly speak for the Muslim youth in London, (from whatever experience I had) who can easily get caught up this whole anger and discontent, when they've never encountered such crap in their entire life. Someone who's never set a foot outside the ghettos of Tower Hamlets has no reason to fear/loath the white population on racial ground. There is a difference between condemning fascism and getting carried away with paranoia. I guess I should’ve understood that EDL is actually much bigger deal in up North than it is in the multicultural capital. The Northern parts of the country seem like horrible places to live? My sympathises to all the Muslims out there...

The EDL was actually created in that utopia that is the South
He is actually mentally ill. Seen him in the mosque a few times ages ago at juma and people from glasgow say that he is mentally unstable. He is being exploited by the edl
EDL Speech Nuneaton...Sikh dude Guramit is quite the opportunist...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NUEgu4RfNqk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This is what we also have to deal with...

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xE7Xng1FEz0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

You know Darcus Howe is a prize plonker. He took on Imran many years ago....ended up looking the idiot he is. Thinks he is intelligent....tries to use long words....he isn't. Goes to speak to some kids on the street at night acting all aggressive then what does he expect? For them to offer him cucumber sandwiches and tea?

The guy is a racist....and I don't use that term lightly.
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I'm not sure if this was the best tactic but I suppose there is only so much abuse some can take. Not that I enjoy violence but that was a decent tear up.

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qZxK016ef4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'm not sure if this was the best tactic but I suppose there is only so much abuse some can take. Not that I enjoy violence but that was a decent tear up.

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qZxK016ef4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I love the intro the arabic nasheed/song......

Anyone know what the full song/nasheed is?
I can certainly speak for the Muslim youth in London, (from whatever experience I had) who can easily get caught up this whole anger and discontent, when they've never encountered such crap in their entire life. Someone who's never set a foot outside the ghettos of Tower Hamlets has no reason to fear/loath the white population on racial ground. There is a difference between condemning fascism and getting carried away with paranoia. I guess I should’ve understood that EDL is actually much bigger deal in up North than it is in the multicultural capital. The Northern parts of the country seem like horrible places to live? My sympathises to all the Muslims out there...

This guy :46:
I'm not sure if this was the best tactic but I suppose there is only so much abuse some can take. Not that I enjoy violence but that was a decent tear up.

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qZxK016ef4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That was pretty decent :afridi
:))) EDL what a joke. Time and Time again they get punked by 1 or 2 muslims.

No surrender to the Taliban......Why don't they go to Afghanistan and fight with the troops:yk?
To be fair,some parts of the North isn't exactly paradise,and that is from a Northerner.

Maybe, but there is no else in England where I would rather live than up north. Life seems a lot slower up here.
It's more like no surrender because the police are watching our backsides.

The police have no powers and just stand there like mugs while these skinhead fascists throw the most vile of abuse. If they had been abusing Jews every single one of them would have been arrested but Muslims seems to be far game. Well the police and EDL should know Muslims aren't like the Jews who will be driven out and butchered.

Good on the brothers, more EDL should get the same treatment. lol@ the policewoman falling on her backside as soon as the rumble starts.
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Kdm2MUdPyow" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I so wish there was an EDL demo where I live. Unfortunately, they haven't got the balls around here. If any of you know of a demo near you, please PM me on PP.

England seems to have a real racial problem. The communities are distancing apart which is the problem. How do we fix it?
England seems to have a real racial problem.

There are a few eejits who are determined to cause trouble, but it was much worse in the 'fifties through 'seventies. People here get on well by and large.