What is PTI-Nazriati (PTI-N)?


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Sep 11, 2023
PTI-Nazriati was formed by Akhtar Iqbal Dar in 2012 after a disagreement with one of the founders of PTI, Imran Khan. Like many past members, he alleged that the party, established in the name of justice, had become a party of turncoats with the inclusion of politicians from other parties.

Dar was part of PTI’s central media committee before forming his group. It is still not clear how the fissures between the two parties ended, but it is being speculated that he handed over his party to Khan in a difficult time.

Now, it is back in the news, and PTI-N's chief accuses PTI of fabricating his party tickets. Is it a new game plan to weaken PTI?
Batsman if not bat: PTI-Nazriati issues tickets to PTI candidates

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has chalked out a Plan B by directing its party candidates to submit tickets on the symbol of ‘batsman’, ARY News reported on Saturday.

After sensing the danger of losing its iconic symbol ‘bat’, PTI has directed its candidates to file nominations under the PTI-Nazriati group, where the election symbol is ‘batsman.’

The chairman of PTI-Nazriati, Akhtar Iqbal Dar, has issued tickets to PTI’s candidates on the symbol of batsman, sources said.

Furthermore, PTI has directed candidates to register complaints with the district, provincial, and central election commissions if ECP refuse to accept their tickets.

PTI has also instructed candidates to submit written complaints to the district and provincial election commissioners.

PTI officials emphasising on Plan B believe that the ‘bat’ and ‘batsman’ symbols are similar, making it easier for voters to identify with PTI.

As per the election schedule, candidates are bound to submit party tickets before Jan 13.

Back in June 2022, PTI initially never wanted the “batsman” symbol allocated to its splinter group. It urged the ECP in June 2022 not to allot the symbol to PTI-Nazriati, arguing that it would create confusion among the voters. However, the ECP did not entertain PTI’s request.

PTI-Nazriati was established in January 2012 after Dar developed differences with PTI founder Imran Khan, claiming that the PTI had become a party of turncoats.

Source: ARY

So desperate is the mafia that IK has to resort to 10 plans to partake in an election.
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PTI-Nazriati Chairman Akhtar Iqbal Dar has stated that his party has not issued any tickets to election candidates from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), adding that they submitted fake tickets.

During a press conference at the Lahore Press Club, Dar said that rumours were circulating from 12 o'clock that PTI-Nazriati had issued tickets to PTI candidates.

Earlier in the day, there were reports that as part of Plan B, the PTI has instructed its candidates to submit tickets with the symbol of the “batsman” which is the electoral symbol of its splinter group, the PTI-Nazriati.

Dar clarified that these were fake tickets and questioned where PTI candidates got the PTI-N tickets.

Dar underscored that he had personally issued tickets to his party's candidates, adding that the lists of PTI-N members would be released shortly. He also read out the names of PTI-Nazriati members.

Dar also highlighted, “PTI-N ticket clearly shows the symbol of the batsman; it is beyond my comprehension where the PTI got the tickets drafted.”

Dar said that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had ordered that no one could use the symbol of any other party.

He added that the PTI-N had its own manifesto, its own constitution and had designated death as the punishment for corruption.

Dar said that his party had fielded its own candidates from several cities, noting that 50 candidates from his party were contesting the February 8 elections.

Dar clarified that he had no contact with anyone from the PTI, adding that his party would provide the list of PTI-Nazriati candidates to presiding officers.

Source : Dunya News
I am sure not a lot of people in Pakistan were aware of this party until today.
The ones who don't have any vision and are just trying to hijack the popularity of Imran Khan.