What is the reality of Talibans? Are they Mujahiddens, freedom fighters, terrorists or some puppets?

Which term in your observation best defines the Talibans?

  • Puppets of other countries and agencies

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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My reading of it has been that it's questionable whether the Taliban in power is in the interests of the Pakistan state. Pakistan is still far less fundamentalist than the majority of Afghanistan, and having the Taliban resurgent brings as many problems as it does solutions.

What we do know is that the alternative leadership were more hostile if anything to Pakistan. Karzai was the Afghan equivalent of Nawaz Sharif, no clout at home, merely a mouthpiece for other more powerful forces. He was hated by most Afghans, and that's the main reason he was chased out.
Taliban are not in the good interest of any country.
Taliban are not in the good interest of any country.

Yes that's why I said it was questionable if they were in the interests of Pakistan. Indian handlers and diplomats were flown straight out of Afghanistan as soon as Taliban took control. Was that a good thing or a bad thing for Pakistan?
Which wars have they started? They finish wars, not start them. They're not America.
They are not traditional warriors. They are guerilla fighters and they have started fights with us plenty of times. Or are you going to tell me they are not responsible for acts of terrorism in Pakistan?

Maybe you do have a point. They are used by our military establishment to do their dirty work and spread chaos in the country .
It seems pets enjoys more freedom than a women in afg

When award-winning actress Meryl Streep spoke on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly about cats, squirrels and birds, she wasn’t making a point about hunters and prey.

She was comparing all three with women and girls in Afghanistan – and pointing out that the animals have more rights.

“A cat may feel the sun on her face. She may chase a squirrel into the park… A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not, and a woman may not in public. This is extraordinary,” Streep said on Monday. “This is a suppression of the natural law. This is odd.”

As Streep’s words ricocheted around social media, four countries stepped forward to announce “unprecedented” action against the ruling Taliban for its “systematic oppression” of women and girls.

Germany, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands on Thursday accused the hardline Islamist group of violating the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The convention was ratified by the previous Afghan government in 2003, well before the Taliban re-seized power three years ago after the withdrawal of the United States and its allies following a 20-year war.

“We know that women and girls of Afghanistan are effectively being erased from public life by the various edicts the Taliban have issued,” Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong told reporters in New York.

“The steps we are taking with Germany, Canada and the Netherlands are unprecedented.”
Tightening restrictions
Since taking power, the Taliban has gradually tightened restrictions on women and girls.

They are no longer allowed to work or study beyond grade 6. Their bodies must be fully covered, and they are forbidden to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

The Taliban’s latest edicts last month, referred to by Streep, include the demand for women and girls to remain silent in public.

According to the Taliban’s own strict interpretation of Islam, a woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading out loud.

This systematic oppression of women and girls, also alleged by the UN, has fueled a mental health crisis in Afghanistan’s female population.

Depression among women and girls is rising, according to health experts and rights activists – leading to a surge in suicide and suicide attempts.

Human Rights Watch says the legal move by the four Western nations could lead to proceedings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

As a signatory to CEDAW, Afghanistan is expected to respond to the complaint.

However, the document was signed by the previous government, and so far, the Taliban has shown no sign of changing its stance despite international condemnation.

The Taliban government has yet to respond to the CEDAW action.

“Erasure of an entire gender”
In New York, Streep told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that she felt moved to speak up for Afghan women and girls because the Taliban’s actions are “like the erasure of an entire gender.”

Fawzia Koofi, a former Afghan member of parliament, told Amanpour the Taliban had “failed to understand that Afghanistan has transformed.”

Despite the Taliban’s efforts to erase them, she said women were fighting to have their voices heard.

After the Taliban banned women’s voices in public, some posted videos of themselves to social media, singing in defiance.

“That is a sign of a different Afghanistan that the Taliban don’t get,” said Koofi. “Today, every woman in Afghanistan is a journalist, every woman in Afghanistan is a TV, by talking about what their experience is.”

Fereshta Abbasi, Afghanistan researcher at Human Rights Watch, said the action by Germany and its partners may mark the beginning of the path to justice for the Taliban’s “egregious human rights violations against Afghan women and girls.”

“It is vitally important for other countries to register their support for this action and for them to involve Afghan women as the process moves forward,” she said.

It's like Pot calling the kettle black, when Any country on the planet questioning Talibans human right records, when the Palastanians are been treated as sub human. Hypocrisy at its finest.
It's like Pot calling the kettle black, when Any country on the planet questioning Talibans human right records, when the Palastanians are been treated as sub human. Hypocrisy at its finest.

But as individuals we should also avoid hypocrisy and call out the Taliban for their awful record regardless of the hypocrisy of others.

But as individuals we should also avoid hypocrisy and call out the Taliban for their awful record regardless of the hypocrisy of others.

Where would you put the Taliban regime when compared to NATO, British Empire, Nazis, the Israeli Extremist. For me they have their issues, but the above are the crem de la crem when it comes to the most evil regimes in history and for me The Taliban are not in the same league!
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It seems pets enjoys more freedom than a women in afg

When award-winning actress Meryl Streep spoke on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly about cats, squirrels and birds, she wasn’t making a point about hunters and prey.

She was comparing all three with women and girls in Afghanistan – and pointing out that the animals have more rights.

“A cat may feel the sun on her face. She may chase a squirrel into the park… A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not, and a woman may not in public. This is extraordinary,” Streep said on Monday. “This is a suppression of the natural law. This is odd.”

As Streep’s words ricocheted around social media, four countries stepped forward to announce “unprecedented” action against the ruling Taliban for its “systematic oppression” of women and girls.

Germany, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands on Thursday accused the hardline Islamist group of violating the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The convention was ratified by the previous Afghan government in 2003, well before the Taliban re-seized power three years ago after the withdrawal of the United States and its allies following a 20-year war.

“We know that women and girls of Afghanistan are effectively being erased from public life by the various edicts the Taliban have issued,” Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong told reporters in New York.

“The steps we are taking with Germany, Canada and the Netherlands are unprecedented.”
Tightening restrictions
Since taking power, the Taliban has gradually tightened restrictions on women and girls.

They are no longer allowed to work or study beyond grade 6. Their bodies must be fully covered, and they are forbidden to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

The Taliban’s latest edicts last month, referred to by Streep, include the demand for women and girls to remain silent in public.

According to the Taliban’s own strict interpretation of Islam, a woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading out loud.

This systematic oppression of women and girls, also alleged by the UN, has fueled a mental health crisis in Afghanistan’s female population.

Depression among women and girls is rising, according to health experts and rights activists – leading to a surge in suicide and suicide attempts.

Human Rights Watch says the legal move by the four Western nations could lead to proceedings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

As a signatory to CEDAW, Afghanistan is expected to respond to the complaint.

However, the document was signed by the previous government, and so far, the Taliban has shown no sign of changing its stance despite international condemnation.

The Taliban government has yet to respond to the CEDAW action.

“Erasure of an entire gender”
In New York, Streep told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that she felt moved to speak up for Afghan women and girls because the Taliban’s actions are “like the erasure of an entire gender.”

Fawzia Koofi, a former Afghan member of parliament, told Amanpour the Taliban had “failed to understand that Afghanistan has transformed.”

Despite the Taliban’s efforts to erase them, she said women were fighting to have their voices heard.

After the Taliban banned women’s voices in public, some posted videos of themselves to social media, singing in defiance.

“That is a sign of a different Afghanistan that the Taliban don’t get,” said Koofi. “Today, every woman in Afghanistan is a journalist, every woman in Afghanistan is a TV, by talking about what their experience is.”

Fereshta Abbasi, Afghanistan researcher at Human Rights Watch, said the action by Germany and its partners may mark the beginning of the path to justice for the Taliban’s “egregious human rights violations against Afghan women and girls.”

“It is vitally important for other countries to register their support for this action and for them to involve Afghan women as the process moves forward,” she said.

I think when you hail from countries like India or Pakistan, you should be more concerned about rights of women in those countries where the conditions of female population still leaves much to be desired.
I think when you hail from countries like India or Pakistan, you should be more concerned about rights of women in those countries where the conditions of female population still leaves much to be desired.
Definitely cap.but women's have hope atleast in case of india and long shot in pak.
Definitely cap.but women's have hope atleast in case of india and long shot in pak.

Do you think a woman being raped then left for dead in India is going to be thinking to herself, oh well, it could be worse, I might be required to wear a veil if I was in Afghanistan?
Do you think a woman being raped then left for dead in India is going to be thinking to herself, oh well, it could be worse, I might be required to wear a veil if I was in Afghanistan?
Oh yeah why not a lady in pak will think the same.infact a drug addict in UK thinks the same.a failed girl student in Harvard also may think the same.
Oh yeah why not a lady in pak will think the same.infact a drug addict in UK thinks the same.a failed girl student in Harvard also may think the same.
Nice try to deviate the topic as usual.dont expect any more replies
Are women in India safe? I see frequent rape incidents.

Ask every single women from Afghanistan whether they would like to live under Taliban regime or in India, you will get your answer. The fact is, even you know the answer but won't admit. You guys are so brainwashed man that it is hilarious. The scary thing is most of you live even in free western world.
Ask every single women from Afghanistan whether they would like to live under Taliban regime or in India, you will get your answer. The fact is, even you know the answer but won't admit. You guys are so brainwashed man that it is hilarious. The scary thing is most of you live even in free western world.

Even though I was born and bred in a western country, bottom line is, you got to call a Spade a Spade.
Ask every single women from Afghanistan whether they would like to live under Taliban regime or in India, you will get your answer. The fact is, even you know the answer but won't admit. You guys are so brainwashed man that it is hilarious. The scary thing is most of you live even in free western world.

When your first sentence is an obvious falsehood, then the rest of your post is barely worth reading. Although having read it, it's not much better.
Even though I was born and bred in a western country, bottom line is, you got to call a Spade a Spade.

What is the spade you called? Sorry I didnt read all the thread but was just responding to Sweepy.

Can you call the spade again for me? Thanks
When your first sentence is an obvious falsehood, then the rest of your post is barely worth reading. Although having read it, it's not much better.
This is the definition of being brainwashed. Comparing womens rights in Ind vs Afg ?? Truly brainwashed thinking. Different from crimes against women in Ind. Nobody is denying that. But comparing women rights in Ind vs Afg/Pak is such a joke. You can live in your fantasy world and forum but it doesnt change the reality
What is the spade you called? Sorry I didnt read all the thread but was just responding to Sweepy.

Can you call the spade again for me? Thanks
Well the spade was women have more rights in Afg than Ind and women would prefer to live in Afg anyday over Ind. :ROFLMAO:
Well the spade was women have more rights in Afg than Ind and women would prefer to live in Afg anyday over Ind. :ROFLMAO:

LOL did he really say women in Afg under Taliban has more freedom and rights than women in India? Unbelievable.

This is either trolling or brainwashed to the core. Having said that none of these guys would send their daughters to Afg though. At that time they want to enjoy the freedoms of Western world.
The Taliban follow Islam in its purest form. Opinions maybe divided but they’re true to their faith. I would rather have an upfront Talibani than a pretender educated Muslim of Bharat or Pakistan.
LOL did he really say women in Afg under Taliban has more freedom and rights than women in India? Unbelievable.

This is either trolling or brainwashed to the core. Having said that none of these guys would send their daughters to Afg though. At that time they want to enjoy the freedoms of Western world.
He said ask "any" woman in Afg if she preferred to stay in Afg or Ind and that they would say they prefer Afg. What he didnt mention was that the question was asked to the woman with an AK47 pointed at her head ! :ROFLMAO:
The Taliban follow Islam in its purest form. Opinions maybe divided but they’re true to their faith. I would rather have an upfront Talibani than a pretender educated Muslim of Bharat or Pakistan.
They would rather have you as well.
The Taliban follow Islam in its purest form. Opinions maybe divided but they’re true to their faith. I would rather have an upfront Talibani than a pretender educated Muslim of Bharat or Pakistan.
FWIW - you would not be alive if you were under an upfront Talibani bcos they would not have allowed you speak or post any of your Sanatana info
This is the definition of being brainwashed. Comparing womens rights in Ind vs Afg ?? Truly brainwashed thinking. Different from crimes against women in Ind. Nobody is denying that. But comparing women rights in Ind vs Afg/Pak is such a joke. You can live in your fantasy world and forum but it doesnt change the reality

The point being made was that womens rights in Afghanistan might well be curtailed, but if you are living in India or Pakistan you should probably be more concerned about women in your own country where they get raped, abused or treated like property of their husbands rather than trumpeting about female rights in another country to score jingo points.
I think the Hindus here talking about Taliban don't know the entire history of the region. The Taliban are an absolute scourge at the moment but I can also see how the people of Afghanistan actually preferred them over the civil warring, child raping warlords they had before them. At least the Taliban brought order and security to them and provided a better internal law and order situation. Yes they are terrible overall but at one point were the better alternative.
What is the spade you called? Sorry I didnt read all the thread but was just responding to Sweepy.

Can you call the spade again for me? Thanks

My point is even though I am from the west, it would be hypocritical of me to sweep aside the history of the British Empire and NATO for their barbaric history.
My point is even though I am from the west, it would be hypocritical of me to sweep aside the history of the British Empire and NATO for their barbaric history.
And even though Taliban have a controversial history, they are not in the same league as the israeli extremists nor the British Empire who the Indian subcontinent know about.
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FWIW - you would not be alive if you were under an upfront Talibani bcos they would not have allowed you speak or post any of your Sanatana info

And that’s exactly why I am not dealing with Taliban.

They can stay in Afghanistan and practice Islam as per the book. Good for them.

It’s the Vibheeshans at home that i despise. I encourage more of them to reveal themselves so they can be safely moved to Islamic countries. They can have fun there.
They would rather have you as well.

No problem with Islam. I resect right of genuine Muslims to practice their religion within their nation.

They be happily Mohamdan in their nation and let me be happily Sanatani in my nation. This is all i demand.
Talibanis from what I understand are deobandis- the school of Islam originated in UP India. However Afghani Pashtuns have adapted it better looks like than the original gunga-jumna bhayyas of India and Pak.
And even though Taliban have a controversial history, they are not in the same league as the israeli extremists nor the British Empire who the Indian subcontinent know about.

Cant believe I am arguing this.

Below are some of the restrictions Taliban has put on women:

Banned from secondary education
Banned from working
Banned from healthcare given my male doctors
Banned from public parks, gyms and sports
Banned from singing
Banned from travelling without male counterpart
Banned from even speaking in public
Etc etc.

Bro, if you are trolling then its fine.

But if you are genuine, then its shocking considering you live in west.

What Israel is doing or what NATO has done is politics/foreign policy.

You are giving your mysogenistic view being a male over internet but ask any women living in Afghanistan...they would choose India, Israel, Timbaktu anywhere over living imprisoned under Taliban. Did you not see the resistance of Iranian women recently?

Even a lion can be caged in the fear of lash in a circus...ask those caged women their viewpoint and they will be very different to yours.

As I said, given a choice you would send your daughter to India or Israel in a heartbeat over Taliban.

Feel very sorry for people like you man.
What Israel is doing or what NATO has done is politics/foreign policy.
What a shame, that you so conveniently brushed under the carpet the mass killings of people as a "foreign policy" tactic but at the same time you are sick with the mistreatment of women.
No problem with Islam. I resect right of genuine Muslims to practice their religion within their nation.

They be happily Mohamdan in their nation and let me be happily Sanatani in my nation. This is all i demand.
I agree, I think your nation is being extremely negligent here and allowing Mohamdans to live and breathe in your country. I think they should all be ejected to Bangladesh or Pakistan or China. Bharat has no room for non Sanatanis. They should evict the Christians to the Vatican city. Let the Pope take care of them.
What a shame, that you so conveniently brushed under the carpet the mass killings of people as a "foreign policy" tactic but at the same time you are sick with the mistreatment of women.

It's a strange world the internet - where you have Hindus living in Britain coming onto a site revolving around Pakistan cricket...to talk about womens rights in Afghanistan. What would such a person be hoping to achieve? :unsure:
What a shame, that you so conveniently brushed under the carpet the mass killings of people as a "foreign policy" tactic but at the same time you are sick with the mistreatment of women.

Isreal is not harassing their own people as far as I know. Which side is right or wrong is a different debate.

Afghanistan is putting these rules on their own people citing religion. Is there even a right or wrong debate here?

Can I first understand the similarity here.
Talibanis from what I understand are deobandis- the school of Islam originated in UP India. However Afghani Pashtuns have adapted it better looks like than the original gunga-jumna bhayyas of India and Pak.

They don’t pretend to be liberal
I agree, I think your nation is being extremely negligent here and allowing Mohamdans to live and breathe in your country. I think they should all be ejected to Bangladesh or Pakistan or China. Bharat has no room for non Sanatanis. They should evict the Christians to the Vatican city. Let the Pope take care of them.

The ungrateful, traitorous and disrespectful Muslims should have no place in Bharat.

The respectful Muslims who contribute towards our country are welcome.
They don’t pretend to be liberal

The ungrateful, traitorous and disrespectful Muslims should have no place in Bharat.

The respectful Muslims who contribute towards our country are welcome.
I think none of them should have any place in Bharat. Bharat by name suggests its a country for Dharmic Santanis and not them. They should all leave.
Isreal is not harassing their own people as far as I know. Which side is right or wrong is a different debate.

Afghanistan is putting these rules on their own people citing religion. Is there even a right or wrong debate here?

Can I first understand the similarity here.
Are you seriously equating the mass killings or pogrom of Palestinians by Israel to the mistreatment of women in Afghanistan?
What a shame, that you so conveniently brushed under the carpet the mass killings of people as a "foreign policy" tactic but at the same time you are sick with the mistreatment of women.

Comprehension issue much? No where have I supported mass killing of anyone. However, Israel seems to be an easy escape pass for most Pakistanis. Support any mischeif and say well Israel is doing worst so this is justified. Waah kya logic hai.

Women freedom in Afghanistan is very different to what Israel is doing. It is not even a chalk and cheese comparison. Both are totally different discussions.

Israel is in a war with Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't support killing of even a single innocent soul but people dies in war. That is why wars are never cool.

Taliban on the other hand cage the women (weaker sex) in Afghanistan under the guise of religion. Given a choice all those women would chose to live in technologically advanced countries like Israel over medieval Afghanistan.

Flawed comparison
Cant believe I am arguing this.

Below are some of the restrictions Taliban has put on women:

Banned from secondary education
Banned from working
Banned from healthcare given my male doctors
Banned from public parks, gyms and sports
Banned from singing
Banned from travelling without male counterpart
Banned from even speaking in public
Etc etc.

Bro, if you are trolling then its fine.

But if you are genuine, then its shocking considering you live in west.

What Israel is doing or what NATO has done is politics/foreign policy.

You are giving your mysogenistic view being a male over internet but ask any women living in Afghanistan...they would choose India, Israel, Timbaktu anywhere over living imprisoned under Taliban. Did you not see the resistance of Iranian women recently?

Even a lion can be caged in the fear of lash in a circus...ask those caged women their viewpoint and they will be very different to yours.

As I said, given a choice you would send your daughter to India or Israel in a heartbeat over Taliban.

Feel very sorry for people like you man.

Israelis commiting a Genocide is far worse than what The Taliban have ever done. Only a Hindutwa would think otherwise
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I think none of them should have any place in Bharat. Bharat by name suggests its a country for Dharmic Santanis and not them. They should all leave.

No it’s ok for us.
But can Muslims ever live in a country without wishing for caliphate, without disrespecting local culture, without raising a mutiny.
Comprehension issue much? No where have I supported mass killing of anyone. However, Israel seems to be an easy escape pass for most Pakistanis. Support any mischeif and say well Israel is doing worst so this is justified. Waah kya logic hai.

Women freedom in Afghanistan is very different to what Israel is doing. It is not even a chalk and cheese comparison. Both are totally different discussions.

Israel is in a war with Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't support killing of even a single innocent soul but people dies in war. That is why wars are never cool.

Taliban on the other hand cage the women (weaker sex) in Afghanistan under the guise of religion. Given a choice all those women would chose to live in technologically advanced countries like Israel over medieval Afghanistan.

Flawed comparison
They are in a war. They are an apartheid state depriving a group of people basic rights by taking over their land and making them live in refugee camps on their own land. And when they fight back for independence, they call it a war. They have all the advantage over them and it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

It’s not a war it’s genocide. And there is absolutely no comparison with taliban here. Taliban are their own type of evil but at least they are not genocidal.
They are in a war. They are an apartheid state depriving a group of people basic rights by taking over their land and making them live in refugee camps on their own land. And when they fight back for independence, they call it a war. They have all the advantage over them and it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

It’s not a war it’s genocide. And there is absolutely no comparison with taliban here. Taliban are their own type of evil but at least they are not genocidal.
These guys deliberately ignore the reality, not for once they think objectively.
No it’s ok for us.
But can Muslims ever live in a country without wishing for caliphate, without disrespecting local culture, without raising a mutiny.
Can a Hindu live in their country without worrying too much about turning it into a Hindu state and renaming it to Bharat?

If they can, i suggest and hope Muslims will reciprocate.

But let us be mature about this. Are we really going to use a small percentage of bad apples within each community to hold the entire people accountable? Just because you support a Hindu rashtra, should I think the more sensible ones like @Red-Indian are also the same as you?

Or should you think that someone like me is the same as bin Laden?
These guys deliberately ignore the reality, not for once they think objectively.

Below are some of the restrictions Taliban has put on women:

Banned from secondary education
Banned from working
Banned from healthcare given my male doctors
Banned from public parks, gyms and sports
Banned from singing
Banned from travelling without male counterpart
Banned from even speaking in public
++many more...

I am condemning the above. Pls let me know what I am deliberately ignoring.

This thread is abour Taliban na? Why are you dragging Israel to defend Taliban?

I mean we all know the reason why...but still asking.
Below are some of the restrictions Taliban has put on women:

Banned from secondary education
Banned from working
Banned from healthcare given my male doctors
Banned from public parks, gyms and sports
Banned from singing
Banned from travelling without male counterpart
Banned from even speaking in public
++many more...

I am condemning the above. Pls let me know what I am deliberately ignoring.

This thread is abour Taliban na? Why are you dragging Israel to defend Taliban?

I mean we all know the reason why...but still asking.
You mentioned it first plz check again
Of course not the same comparison. However this thread is on Taliban. What has it to do with Israel?

I am wondering the same. These guys will go to any extent and twist the arguement in any direction to defend their beloved Taliban. Hahaha. Completely exposed.
I am wondering the same. These guys will go to any extent and twist the arguement in any direction to defend their beloved Taliban. Hahaha. Completely exposed.
Ironically Taliban seem to have relatively better relationship with India than Pakistan.

I mean ideally that should matter one would think maybe the lines of nationalism vs religion is more blurred and we are having a cultural disconnect here. If Nepal was attacking India, every if not most Indian would say F Nepal without any issue.
Can a Hindu live in their country without worrying too much about turning it into a Hindu state and renaming it to Bharat?

If they can, i suggest and hope Muslims will reciprocate.

But let us be mature about this. Are we really going to use a small percentage of bad apples within each community to hold the entire people accountable? Just because you support a Hindu rashtra, should I think the more sensible ones like @Red-Indian are also the same as you?

Or should you think that someone like me is the same as bin Laden?

Why do you complicate things?

Let Muslims live in Islamic nations and practice Islam freely.

Let Hindus live in Hindu nations and practice Sanatan.
You mentioned it first plz check again

Mention what?

100% I stand by what I said...given a choice most women living under Taliban regime would chose to live in technologically advanced country like Israel. You do realize right all worlds leading banks, universities and corporates are in Israel. Also women can move freely there, go to pubs, play sports and enjoy a normal life. So it is no brainer that most would choose a better life.

I agree Israel is bombing Palestine and many innocents dying as a result of it. However those are seperate discussions...you are mixing it just to defend Taliban.

There are couple of things I learned here in past few days -

Dhoni was not a match winner and Rizwan bats like Dravid (Cricket section)

Women have more rights under Taliban than in India (Time Pass section)


I'm Gobsmacked of the Hypocrisy of the Hindutwa brigade.
Hindus don’t conspire in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc about converting people there and making it a Hindu country.

So who are Muslims to do that in Bharat? Why must there be so many mosques in our country when that religion is not welcome here.
I am wondering the same. These guys will go to any extent and twist the arguement in any direction to defend their beloved Taliban. Hahaha. Completely exposed.

No one is defending the Taliban. Fact is, you cannot defrenciate a Genocide from human right breaches. That shows your mentality.
I think none of them should have any place in Bharat. Bharat by name suggests its a country for Dharmic Santanis and not them. They should all leave.
The problem is they dont want to leave to Pak or Ban - thats the issue lol ! :ROFLMAO:
Jokes aside - I think thats what differentiates secular Ind from Islamic and Sharia nations. I never would want Ind to be a Hindu state. And Ind has been 80% plus Hindu majority forever - yet its secular. What does it say ?? It says people of Ind want it to be secular. But any country - the moment they become Islamic majority - they want islamic or sharia laws thats the difference.
A secular country where all religions co-exist with no appeasement to ANY religion. A common law or code for everyone
A Pathan & a Sanatani both have enormous respect for each other for their bravery and devotion to Bhagwan.
The problem is they dont want to leave to Pak or Ban - thats the issue lol ! :ROFLMAO:
Jokes aside - I think thats what differentiates secular Ind from Islamic and Sharia nations. I never would want Ind to be a Hindu state. And Ind has been 80% plus Hindu majority forever - yet its secular. What does it say ?? It says people of Ind want it to be secular. But any country - the moment they become Islamic majority - they want islamic or sharia laws thats the difference.
A secular country where all religions co-exist with no appeasement to ANY religion. A common law or code for everyone
In case you did not pick up on it, I was being sarcastic.
Muslims like SRK, Salman, Pathan brothers, Irfan Khan, Tarek Fatah are most welcome in Bharat for their devotion to this nation, their highest regards for the indigenous religion of Hinduism and for not conspiring for caliphate. They have the right to call thy is their country and i will fight till the last drop of my blood for their rights.

Proud of such Muslim brothers
The Taliban are a Frankenstein Monster created by Pakistan's ISI. Now the Monster has returned to bite its own creator

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If I lose the debate as badly as you have done here...I would be Gobsmacked too. Next time I will come light on you...just had some spare time and I went full monty.

Keep on dreaming. Couldn't defrinciate from A Genocide and human rights violations. That will probably be the Hindutwa Nafs that's speaking
Keep on dreaming. Couldn't defrinciate from A Genocide and human rights violations. That will probably be the Hindutwa Nafs that's speaking
Can you tell me how many minorities existed in Afghanistan before Taliban came into prominence vs how many live there now?

I like the fact you used “gobsmacked” so you must have a vast vocabulary so I am assuming it is not “genocide” right?
Can you tell me how many minorities existed in Afghanistan before Taliban came into prominence vs how many live there now?

I like the fact you used “gobsmacked” so you must have a vast vocabulary so I am assuming it is not “genocide” right?

Stick to the Topic.
The Taliban are a Frankenstein Monster created by Pakistan's ISI. Now the Monster has returned to bite its own creator in the backside.


The Taliban are a Frankenstein Monster nurtured by the USA with the help of ISI. Now the US has left and Pakistan is left on its own to deal with it. The Taliban is Pakistan’s slow death. It does not have the capability to destroy Pakistan instantly but it will kill Pakistan silently and slowly over decades. The cancer of radicalism and jahalat that continues to engulf Pakistan will lead them to darkness and despair.