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What would be your last meal?


First Class Captain
Jan 3, 2013
If you were to die today, what would be the last thing you would want to eat? You can only pick one thing to eat, and one drink :inzi
Surf and Turf, 32 oz steak with mushroom sauce and a pound of shrimp, and to wash it all down, I'd have a couple pints of Kronenbourg 1664.
Brain masala....yum yumm


Its mostly brain and its cooked in oil or ghee. Its all fat and very unhealthy but for the last meal, who cares.

I am mostly used to eating it mixed with Nihari at one of the best Nihari places in Karachi called Javed Nihari. You literally have to wait behind a sitting guest to wait your turn as you won't be able to order unless you get a seat, unless of course if you are ordering take out. Here is a pic of that place.

If you eat this every day then that day won't be too far when this would be your last meal :D I am going to have to try this one day, looks good
Every food looks dull to me these days. I just eat unconvincingly anything that I think of on the spot and this thread made me think ''What indeed?''...
A Full English Breakfast. I want to die thinking of my country and the simple pleasures.
A big mug of tea with 2 sugars, cheese salad sandwich with mayo and 3 custard creams biscuits...... bliss :)
Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani...nothing beats that in my palate. Oh dear I am getting water in my tongue just thinking :P
Grilled Lamb Chops, about 8 of them with Naaan, Salad, red n green chutney from a nice Grill place
I would order somethin but not sure if I would be able to eat it. I always wondered if the prisoners who are going to be hanged ever manage to finish/eat what they had asked for
I would order somethin but not sure if I would be able to eat it. I always wondered if the prisoners who are going to be hanged ever manage to finish/eat what they had asked for

Who told you that you were a prisoner and about to be hanged? It's about your last meal before you die :moyo
Who told you that you were a prisoner and about to be hanged? It's about your last meal before you die :moyo
Does it not translate to the same thing on one scale if I knew I were going to die in advance ?
Erm.... hard choice. Damn! Probably has to be samosas, kebabs, Asian-style pizza or biryani.

I'd choose samosas if I was going to die. :yk
Multi cereal bread, muesli and some cold whole milk then! Try having it when you are really hungry and you won't feel like eating cooked food many times again
Multi cereal bread, muesli and some cold whole milk then! Try having it when you are really hungry and you won't feel like eating cooked food many times again

Try eating mayonnaise, peanut butter sandwich with banana, you will be in heaven unless you die first :lee

paratha with Saag

Aloo paratha :inzi

or qeema wala paratha

with yogurt on the side...+ cup of tea
My mom's Biryani.

Might as well eat something that has sentimental value before dying. :moyo
Biryani, Naan, Butter Chicken, Fried Eggs, and Chicken 65.

Coca Cola to wash it down.
I am not sure how I am going to die and at what time of the day. So I suppose the last meal would be decided by God at the time of my death. Well, my mom died in my hands , she got a heart attack and before dying she had a few sips of water and half spoon of honey. She stopped eating a few days ago because she was going through dialysis and having very low sugar levels. That was probably the only food she had as her last meal.

It is very difficult to answer such a question but I would simply want a few sips of water and take a long eternal sleep being oblivious from the worries and issues of this fake world.
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A bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label, 8 pieces of KFC crispy chicken, a bowl of ice cream.
The pic posted above ^ ,why is the curd bowl placed on top of paratha .That is kind of unhygienic .
I will fast for the sake of my lord, praise and pray him all day and keep asking for forgiveness. It's time to meet your lord, food has no importance.
I'll mix my two top favorite fast foods and have a ..

Chicken Cheese Pizza Zinger .. dripping and sizzling hot .
Mine would be simple Rajasthani fare - daal,bati, gosht[ mutton curry],churma,laddu etc .
Dont have a picture to post btw .
Got to be some kind of beans that produces lots of gas, just to troll the pathologist, who will do my autopsy. (as I am going to donate whole my body)
Ok but seriously speaking, most of guys here won't be able to eat stuff that they are mentioning as most of us will be suffering from some kind of condition that prevents you to eat/digest that. :D
I would have choosay nay saloonay chawal with daai (vegetable raita) and a glass of ice cold coke. Oh wait, I have this every Saturday :msd
Mine would be simple Rajasthani fare - daal,bati, gosht[ mutton curry],churma,laddu etc .
Dont have a picture to post btw .

lol I forgot about dal baati churma..its very delicious indeed..Here s the pic


  • dal-bati-churma.jpg
    80.6 KB · Views: 1,365
Gunther has a point. You already know the food isn't going to be metabolized so what's the point of eating it.

Since it will be your last meal, your best bet would be not play and die of hunger, more than two weeks later.
Got to be some kind of beans that produces lots of gas, just to troll the pathologist, who will do my autopsy. (as I am going to donate whole my body)

Sorry, we already have lots of 80 year olds with no muscle mass.

I'd rather dissecate someone healthy and young like Vandokkum...
Yes! Dal Baati Churma is beautiful, as well as some Rajasthani kachoris.

But as a last lunch meal I think I would go with something I had when I visited India and absolutely fell in love with - Mumbai's famous cheese pav bhajji and royal falooda combination. And to top it off, some of those pani puris that Mumbai is also famous for.

As a last dinner meal - some nice, medium-rare cooked steak or ribs. Preferably Memphis-style as saadibaba has promised me.

Anytime bro :)

Daal baati churma looks delicious, is that available at any Indian restaurant or specifically Rajhistani type ?

Anytime bro :)

Daal baati churma looks delicious, is that available at any Indian restaurant or specifically Rajhistani type ?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to spot one here. Not enough Rajasthani immigrants in the West I reckon. As you've probably noticed, most Indian restaurants in the West are Mughlai and Punjabi cuisine, or South Indian. I feel the other regions and their foods tend to be largely underrepresented in most areas. But if you happen to have a Rajasthani restaurant close by to where you live, they might serve it.

I am sure you can find a recipe online. Although I never bothered, as it seemed out of my reach and talents (or lack thereof) as a cook.

You are right about the type of food most Indian restaurants serve in US. Not that there is anything wrong with Mughlai or South Indian cuisine, but gastronomically such a large part of India stays unknown. I know a Rajhastani Aunty, friend of a friends wife, maybe I can cajole her into cooking me this dish. :)
I will fast for the sake of my lord, praise and pray him all day and keep asking for forgiveness. It's time to meet your lord, food has no importance.

top answer,but you would've had to have a last meal,can be a day/week,etc before. In the state of fasting would be the best possible way but what would you have liked to eat that day at sehri?
kasab ate tomato in the end, it has bothered me since - why tomato? condering he requested to eat biryani when he was jailed
does it give relief considering his last stage? easy to eat or what what

out of all thnigs, obscure tomato?