Why don't overseas Modi fans return to India?


Only thing is in India you will have lot more work stress. In the US work culture is more chill but you have the visa hassles

There is one down side though, in India once you get a full time private job 9/10 times it is secure unless there is a big recession.

In US there is more money when you are a temporary consultant and even full time roles doesn’t guarantee you the same job security that you get in India. You have to put the numbers

There are a lot of people from Britain and Canada here so I will let them expand or dispel this but from what I heard from people I know a full time job is relatively more secure in England and Canada compared to USA.
Good post. Only thing I want to add is its not just Bangalore. All top metros - Delhi / Mumbai / Hyderabad / Chennai / Kolkata / Pune have loads of high paying jobs which in PPP terms are equivalent to Western style lifestyles

But again high paying jobs are only 5% of India's population. Remaining 95% will still aspire to go abroad and earn better income and get better lifestyle. This will keep happening until India's overall GDP crosses $ 10 trillion. At that point the exodus will slow down as enough opportunities will be available for Indians in India. You can see that happening in China - outward migration has declined in recent years and big percentage of students who went abroad are returning home !

Yes, that's why many top talents are staying put in the country unless they aspire to work in very niche areas for which they are getting opportunities in West. There is a role reversal now with many US functions gradually reporting into India based hierarchy and this is leading to some amusing interpersonal discussions. Recently one of the state side guy was trying to boss around thinking he is the new white. He has been promptly put in his place by my team. Some of the goras(not all though) who have been used to India team slogging till midnight have now been told to join stand up calls at 10 pm their time if they are so compelled to have a discussion with their counterparts in India. Before end of this decade it is likely that this model will become commonplace and no longer limited to some product houses and captives. I have started seeing likes of Infosys , TCS have refused night shifts and junk work very bluntly in recent years. It's a small start for some but global delivery transformation is coming.
There is one down side though, in India once you get a full time private job 9/10 times it is secure unless there is a big recession.

In US there is more money when you are a temporary consultant and even full time roles doesn’t guarantee you the same job security that you get in India. You have to put the numbers

There are a lot of people from Britain and Canada here so I will let them expand or dispel this but from what I heard from people I know a full time job is relatively more secure in England and Canada compared to USA.

Always. In US job cut is very cut throat. In Europe it's more like India in terms of job security.
Yes, very close to home I would assume with similar ambience. I have seen some areas in Uk.

There are a few Indian families living around my area, some Pakistani as well, probably an equal amount. It's a very affluent suburb, mostly white, and nothing like Pakistan or India.
There are a few Indian families living around my area, some Pakistani as well, probably an equal amount. It's a very affluent suburb, mostly white, and nothing like Pakistan or India.

Then maybe you need to reach out to clarify with them about the living standards in India or even your curiosity about Hinduism. Noticing people around you is not a big deal, reaching out to people and having a conversation goes a long way. I would say not a far fetched idea based on some of our view points.
If you earn 25 lpa in India - its equivalent to earning USD 200k in the USA. Now earning USD 200k in the USA is not that easy. The TCS and Infosys guys generally get 100-120k USD for onsite jobs. So you are better off staying in India. Also in the USA your salary growth is not high - generally u get 3-5% salary hike annuals , while in India you can get 10-20% hikes every year if you play your cards properly

Only thing is in India you will have lot more work stress. In the US work culture is more chill but you have the visa hassles
This is true.

I got H1B last year, my company is forcing me to travel just because they don't want to miss extra $$ billing/hr but I am not interested as I am pretty comfortable in bangalore. Here me and my wife both are doing good.

Report from my colleague who travelled last year, he is getting 150k. Now he is complaining about savings and health system, social life bla bla.. He saying except free school education for kids rest everything hard.

Most of my colleagues are not showing intrest to file H1B/Sponsor visas.
Because Modi's overseas fans are well settled wherever they are and won't find it easy to return even if they wanted to due to family issues, kids in school etc? It's also not very easy to shut down ones life and move bags, baggage and family to another country after living in a place for many years.

Besides, people can live where they want to and it's nobody's business to ask why they are not moving back or whatever. They also have the liberty to support whomsoever they want.

Lots of OCIs and NRIs are returning too, and mainly because opportunities in India have improved for a lot of them, not necessarily because they are fans of Modi or there is some Ram Rajya or whatever going on. They are mostly intelligent and mature people and would have weighed the pros and cons of returning to India before taking the decision.

Do you think people should move to a country only because they are fans of its leader? That's a ridiculous proposition. But not a very surprising one coming from a person of a certain political disposition.

This is a troll thread whose sole purpose is to be able to safely vent and help release all the pent up angst after helplessly watching all efforts to undermine a democratically elected govt come to nothing ... please dont waste time arguing with despicable trolls.
Then maybe you need to reach out to clarify with them about the living standards in India or even your curiosity about Hinduism. Noticing people around you is not a big deal, reaching out to people and having a conversation goes a long way. I would say not a far fetched idea based on some of our view points.

I get on fine with everyone who lives round here, in real life people tend to be quite friendly. This is the good thing about multicultural societies, you learn to get along and I guess that is why Britain looks like a developed country. Next time you are in the UK try looking beyond Southall or Bradford, it might open your eyes a bit.

Oh and tell your PM he should try reaching out to his counterparts across the border, having a conversation goes a long way. He could even organise a cricket match between the two nations.
If you earn 25 lpa in India - its equivalent to earning USD 200k in the USA. Now earning USD 200k in the USA is not that easy. The TCS and Infosys guys generally get 100-120k USD for onsite jobs. So you are better off staying in India. Also in the USA your salary growth is not high - generally u get 3-5% salary hike annuals , while in India you can get 10-20% hikes every year if you play your cards properly

Only thing is in India you will have lot more work stress. In the US work culture is more chill but you have the visa hassles

How is $200k earning same as 25 lac in india? Assuming you are a couple with no children your saving on US 200k will be much higher

$200k is 1 crore 60 lakh.

You likely get $140-150k after taxes. If you live in a non-nyc and sf type city you can be paying $2k rent. So let’s say $30k with electricity etc (I’m overestimating for arguments sake). Then food, entertainment etc let’s say $20k. Car, random travel etx let’s say $40i. You are still saving $40-50k without being very frugal. So around 30-40 lacs. That is more than the pre tax money you are earning in india.

I would say $125k is more similar to 25 lac
How is $200k earning same as 25 lac in india? Assuming you are a couple with no children your saving on US 200k will be much higher

$200k is 1 crore 60 lakh.

You likely get $140-150k after taxes. If you live in a non-nyc and sf type city you can be paying $2k rent. So let’s say $30k with electricity etc (I’m overestimating for arguments sake). Then food, entertainment etc let’s say $20k. Car, random travel etx let’s say $40i. You are still saving $40-50k without being very frugal. So around 30-40 lacs. That is more than the pre tax money you are earning in india.

I would say $125k is more similar to 25 lac

$200k gets you an upper middle class lifestyle in most cities in USA. That’s about it.

30 lakhs per year will get you more or less the same lifestyle in india.
$200k gets you an upper middle class lifestyle in most cities in USA. That’s about it.

30 lakhs per year will get you more or less the same lifestyle in india.

What happens to the cows and donkeys on the roads? We don't get those in London bro.
What happens to the cows and donkeys on the roads? We don't get those in London bro.

That’s something that will never change.

In London you might see a homeless guy or street vendor rocking the Jordans doesn’t mean he is better off than the beggar on the street in the subcontinent who is wearing a dhoti etc.

I was absolute stunned last time I was in India. Every street vendor had a digital qr payment method ranging from panwallahs to paani puri walas. They all were part of the banking system now and brought into the tax bracket.

Modi has transformed india into a digital superpower.

I heard the next initiative is to bring in some friendly subcontinent and Asian countries to adapt this technology of which India has become a pioneer.

. Exciting times to be an Indian or of Indian origin. We worship cows anyways so can overlook the inconvenience. I don’t think it should be your problem. Don’t think you qualify for a visa anyways to come check this out for yourselves and no there is no problem with visa for British people. May be that’s why you are so bitter, cheer up.
$200k gets you an upper middle class lifestyle in most cities in USA. That’s about it.

30 lakhs per year will get you more or less the same lifestyle in india.

Nah not true. May be some small town like Ranchi or a thing. But Atleast you went from 25 lacs to 30 lacs.

In my masters program there were Indians earning 40 lacs in india but doing a masters program to get a $170k job in the US. As per you that makes zero financial sense but there were a ton of Indians who did this. Not all can’t be stupid
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That’s something that will never change.

In London you might see a homeless guy or street vendor rocking the Jordans doesn’t mean he is better off than the beggar on the street in the subcontinent who is wearing a dhoti etc.

I was absolute stunned last time I was in India. Every street vendor had a digital qr payment method ranging from panwallahs to paani puri walas. They all were part of the banking system now and brought into the tax bracket.

Modi has transformed india into a digital superpower.

I heard the next initiative is to bring in some friendly subcontinent and Asian countries to adapt this technology of which India has become a pioneer.

. Exciting times to be an Indian or of Indian origin. We worship cows anyways so can overlook the inconvenience. I don’t think it should be your problem. Don’t think you qualify for a visa anyways to come check this out for yourselves and no there is no problem with visa for British people. May be that’s why you are so bitter, cheer up.

Lol, a digital superpower with cows and donkeys on the roads. Hope that works out for you bro. Try watching some British comedy lie Bend it like Beckham, or Bride and Prejudice to see what we really think of you.
I was absolute stunned last time I was in India. Every street vendor had a digital qr payment method ranging from panwallahs to paani puri walas. They all were part of the banking system now and brought into the tax bracket.

Modi has transformed india into a digital superpower.

Spoken like a true :apology

UPI, Paytm, Flipkart (whose success brought in Amazon) were not set up by Modiji or even during his time. There was urban adoption but many people were still worried about security.

Ordering online and the scenario where cigarette/paan shops, tender coconut sellers started accepting digital payments happened during and after COVID. It went nuts following this and people just easily switched over. That is something unique to India I believe - the ability to quickly adapt and change and not be so rigid and the ability to trust. But it has nothing to do with Modi as you're trying so hard to sell it.
This is a troll thread whose sole purpose is to be able to safely vent and help release all the pent up angst after helplessly watching all efforts to undermine a democratically elected govt come to nothing ... please dont waste time arguing with despicable trolls.

Nothing safe about it bro. I vent my contempt for Modi and his core team all the time. To my BJP-loving friends and even to strangers. If you want to be a part of it, just let me know if you're in my city.

I will take you....

to a safe place :afridi1
Spoken like a true :apology

UPI, Paytm, Flipkart (whose success brought in Amazon) were not set up by Modiji or even during his time. There was urban adoption but many people were still worried about security.

Ordering online and the scenario where cigarette/paan shops, tender coconut sellers started accepting digital payments happened during and after COVID. It went nuts following this and people just easily switched over. That is something unique to India I believe - the ability to quickly adapt and change and not be so rigid and the ability to trust. But it has nothing to do with Modi as you're trying so hard to sell it.

One can definitely say that UPI has been proposed and launched during Manmohan government but they lacked will and speed to implement it even with a guy like Nilekani onboard. Subsequently Modi government was pivotal in adoption of the UPI framework and rapid implementation(ofcourse helped by external factors). And this is coming from a friend of mine who does not like Modi but is plugged into the technology side of the Central government body that is responsible for Digital transformation.
Lol, a digital superpower with cows and donkeys on the roads. Hope that works out for you bro. Try watching some British comedy lie Bend it like Beckham, or Bride and Prejudice to see what we really think of you.

Well in Bend it like Beckham the lead actress said she is not allowed to marry a muslim, so it's kinda racist.

Oh and tell your PM he should try reaching out to his counterparts across the border, having a conversation goes a long way. He could even organise a cricket match between the two nations.

He tried that already Cap, he visited Pakistan offered his hand in friendship to Nawaz Sharif but then soon after got Pathankot in return. :mw3
I never get this obsession that all overseas fans of Modi and Imran Khan should quit their life and return back. Why?!!!
Well in Bend it like Beckham the lead actress said she is not allowed to marry a muslim, so it's kinda racist.


[MENTION=139758]pillionrider[/MENTION] bhai quotes Bollywood, cpt. Saab the British patriot he is picked a non-Hollywood British indie film for social commentary. Am I seeing a pattern or is this overthinking? :))
[MENTION=139758]pillionrider[/MENTION] bhai quotes Bollywood, cpt. Saab the British patriot he is picked a non-Hollywood British indie film for social commentary. Am I seeing a pattern or is this overthinking? :))

To be fair our boi pillionrider is consistent, he stuck by his puppu through thick and thin. Puppu most likely will never get a chance to be PM which is causing our boi to make threads like this in frustration.


With Cap, he switches between a neutral brit and a village pakistani, depending on his mood, this can be confusing at times. However, overall I do think Cap is a good poster, and enjoy reading some of his content.
So what I have deduced this far is that Modi MRIs are insinuating Modi's India is fake, and there is very little opportunity, but above all, Modi's India is propped up by an international mirage for the sake of attracting foreign money.

Essentially nothing has changed, it's still a dog eat dog mentality in India.
So what I have deduced this far is that Modi MRIs are insinuating Modi's India is fake, and there is very little opportunity, but above all, Modi's India is propped up by an international mirage for the sake of attracting foreign money.

Essentially nothing has changed, it's still a dog eat dog mentality in India.

Perhaps hearing it from your own journalists might help ... check this out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6OJTH1ed5E&ab_channel=MubasherLucmanOfficial
[MENTION=139758]pillionrider[/MENTION] bhai quotes Bollywood, cpt. Saab the British patriot he is picked a non-Hollywood British indie film for social commentary. Am I seeing a pattern or is this overthinking? :))

I thought you'd like a dumbed down Bollywood story :apology

Oh, you're right now busy canceling Bollywood?

Kai Po Che's got SSR, the favorite posterboy of the bhakts. Though something tells me, if he were alive today, he wouldn't have enjoyed being associated with you'll. A bit like Sardar Patel :rabada2