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Why people in Afghanistan don't get along well with the people in Pakistan despite Pakistan's 40 plus years of hospitality to them?

The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
Pakistan has always supported Afghanistan and their people in hard times. After the Afghan war Pakistan gave refuge to almost 3 million Afghans. Pakistan, over the years, also had given million of dollars financial aids to Afghanistan. Even the whole Afghanistan cricket team has utilized the stadiums and facilities in Pakistan to hone their cricketing skills. But still, why do we notice objectionable and inappropriate demeanor of Afghans towards the people of Pakistan. Despite our numerous sacrifices and favours on them.
Perhaps the rivalry with Punjabi speaking people? Ideally they should be the closest allies as they share Pashtun people and also religion. I guess in this case language and ethnicity trumps over religion.
Perhaps the rivalry with Punjabi speaking people? Ideally they should be the closest allies as they share Pashtun people and also religion. I guess in this case language and ethnicity trumps over religion.
Yep totally incomprehensible. If you look they even don't along wells with Pakistani pashtuns like Naseem Shah, Khushdil Shah, Shaheen Afridi etc. I don't know what's wrong with them.
It's like saying why do Iraqi's hate America after the US has given so much aid to Iraq.

Pakistan supported and still supports the Taliban there, bringing more instability to the country while at the same time helping the US war effort there. Pakistan, in effect, really brought anarchy to the country.

Yes, they hosted 2-3 million refugees (and now trying to kick them out) but that's like giving a bandage to a person who you just shot in the leg and then asking the shooter to be grateful.

Afghans have every reason to dislike Pakistan imo.
It's like saying why do Iraqi's hate America after the US has given so much aid to Iraq.

Pakistan supported and still supports the Taliban there, bringing more instability to the country while at the same time helping the US war effort there. Pakistan, in effect, really brought anarchy to the country.

Yes, they hosted 2-3 million refugees (and now trying to kick them out) but that's like giving a bandage to a person who you just shot in the leg and then asking the shooter to be grateful.

Afghans have every reason to dislike Pakistan imo.
Yep Pakistan mishandling of the Taliban and the bad habit of playing cross games just caused Afghanistan great damage. But they (Afghans) don't realize that Pakistan was threatened by Bush Administration that it would be send back to "stone age" if Pakistan did not supported US war on terror. So Pakistan government's cowardness caused Afghanis but still they had no intentions for that.
It's an utter shame that Afghanis love Indians despite the fact that Indians supported the bloody invasion of Soviets back in 1979. They also supported Americans in its absolute wrecking of Afghanistan in the war on terror post 2001.

Indians even portrayed their beloved Afghan leaders like Ahmed Shah Abdali and Muhammad Ghori as devils and savage. But still Afghans love them and dislike Pakistan. What an irony!!
It's an utter shame that Afghanis love Indians despite the fact that Indians supported the bloody invasion of Soviets back in 1979. They also supported Americans in its absolute wrecking of Afghanistan in the war on terror post 2001.

Indians even portrayed their beloved Afghan leaders like Ahmed Shah Abdali and Muhammad Ghori as devils and savage. But still Afghans love them and dislike Pakistan. What an irony!!
Pakistan took money from US to assist them in bombing Taliban while also supporting Taliban on the other side.
I don't think a country like Pakistan should accommodate the refugees anymore. They do not have the resources and also 1 reason is that Afghanistan was the only country to vote against Pakistan's admission into the United Nations. What good can Pakistan expect from them?
I am also surprised that many Afghans have a problem with Pakistan.

How did this hostility start? I was not aware of this hostility before Afghans started to play serious cricket.
Well Afghanistan has always been a basket case - long before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban
Perhaps the rivalry with Punjabi speaking people? Ideally they should be the closest allies as they share Pashtun people and also religion. I guess in this case language and ethnicity trumps over religion.
Pakistan took money from US to assist them in bombing Taliban while also supporting Taliban on the other side.

Also the Rss government under the U.S puppet Ashraf Gahni were causing mischief In Pakistan. Once he ran off, this plan of the RSS hindutwa all came crashing down.
It's an utter shame that Afghanis love Indians despite the fact that Indians supported the bloody invasion of Soviets back in 1979. They also supported Americans in its absolute wrecking of Afghanistan in the war on terror post 2001.

Indians even portrayed their beloved Afghan leaders like Ahmed Shah Abdali and Muhammad Ghori as devils and savage. But still Afghans love them and dislike Pakistan. What an irony!!

Tells you the reality of the Ummah right there.
Yep Pakistan mishandling of the Taliban and the bad habit of playing cross games just caused Afghanistan great damage. But they (Afghans) don't realize that Pakistan was threatened by Bush Administration that it would be send back to "stone age" if Pakistan did not supported US war on terror. So Pakistan government's cowardness caused Afghanis but still they had no intentions for that.
So, Pakistan shouldn't be blamed because....?

1. Pakistan just mishandled the situation
2. Was threated by Bush administration.
3. Even though Pakistan did cause great damage to Afghanistan but Pakistan had no intentions for that.

Based on above, How dare afghanis dislike pakistani! It's TOTALLY Unfair and Injustice to the nation of Pakistan!
So, Pakistan shouldn't be blamed because....?

1. Pakistan just mishandled the situation
2. Was threated by Bush administration.
3. Even though Pakistan did cause great damage to Afghanistan but Pakistan had no intentions for that.

Based on above, How dare afghanis dislike pakistani! It's TOTALLY Unfair and Injustice to the nation of Pakistan!
Well every people have a choice to like and dislike whomever they want. But if India's blatant backing of Soviet's mass killing of Afghanistan can be ignored then why can't Afghans just turn the leaf and move ahead well with Pakistani brethren...
I am also surprised that many Afghans have a problem with Pakistan.

How did this hostility start? I was not aware of this hostility before Afghans started to play serious cricket.
Besides Pakistan own follies,the Indian propaganda is chiefly responsible for injecting venom into Afghans against Pakistanis.
Besides Pakistan own follies,the Indian propaganda is chiefly responsible for injecting venom against Pakistanis.
True. All this hate towards Pakistan by Afghanistan has been sparked by the Indian government's agenda as well. One of the biggest reasons.
we bought instability in there country
Yep but likewise it has also been a source of instability for us since our independence.

Pashtunistan stunt, Durand line controversy and opposition of Pak induction into UN are just some of their gifts to us back in 1947 on Pakistan's Independence
I used to think Afghanistan hates Pakistan a lot and loves India. I used to share sort of an anti-Afghanistan sentiment when i was younger. But over the years, I have met a lot of Afghan refugees in Pak working honestly and tirelessly to earn their living. They don't have anything negative to say about Pakistan but do acknowledge Afg government has become pro India in recent years (talking about 2020). A lot of guys are very comfortable in Pakistan, a lot of them get called namak haram and other sort of derogatory words when a lot of them don't talk ill of Pakistan.
There's a lot of families in KPK who have their extended families in Afghanistan and say there isn't any hostility towards Pakistan from loads of Afghan people.

A lot of Pakistanis consider Afghans inferior to them for some reason (totally unfair) even when they themselves aren't really role models.

I think there has also been a narrative driven into both countries that has over the years has led to spreading hatred between the people of the two nations. I remember a lot of anti Afghan refugee stuff written in our Pakistan Studies book back in college from over 15 years back.
I used to think Afghanistan hates Pakistan a lot and loves India. I used to share sort of an anti-Afghanistan sentiment when i was younger. But over the years, I have met a lot of Afghan refugees in Pak working honestly and tirelessly to earn their living. They don't have anything negative to say about Pakistan but do acknowledge Afg government has become pro India in recent years (talking about 2020). A lot of guys are very comfortable in Pakistan, a lot of them get called namak haram and other sort of derogatory words when a lot of them don't talk ill of Pakistan.
There's a lot of families in KPK who have their extended families in Afghanistan and say there isn't any hostility towards Pakistan from loads of Afghan people.

A lot of Pakistanis consider Afghans inferior to them for some reason (totally unfair) even when they themselves aren't really role models.

I think there has also been a narrative driven into both countries that has over the years has led to spreading hatred between the people of the two nations. I remember a lot of anti Afghan refugee stuff written in our Pakistan Studies book back in college from over 15 years back.
I really liked your points bro. Don't know about Afghans in Afghanistan but have found Afghans in Pakistan to be really hard waking and cordial. Also haven't seen even a iota of arrogance and anti Pak feelings among them
May be it's the hate peddling media on both sides that is drawing wedges among us.
I really liked your points bro. Don't know about Afghans in Afghanistan but have found Afghans in Pakistan to be really hard waking and cordial. Also haven't seen even a iota of arrogance and anti Pak feelings among them
May be it's the hate peddling media on both sides that is drawing wedges among us.
it's very easy to manipulate people into hating each other. Things have been going on for decades and people in power have used their best to raise the new generation into thinking they hate each other.
Afghanistan is a very conservative religious country, just look at who leads the nation today and it becomes self evident. Then look at who leads Pakistan, and who is next in line.
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afghan got run over by russia, the USA and Pakistan exploited the situation to install a supposed puppet regime of religious hardliners, fast forward 40 years and its a convenient and lazy exercise to blame all of the country's problems on Pakistan. there is also an undercurrent of casual mistrust of Pakistani pathans, and a genuine racial hatred of punjabis.

Pakistan is not blameless, however its just too easy for afghans to not accept that their country is a mess cos a significant proportion of the people supported those who destroyed it.
afghan got run over by russia, the USA and Pakistan exploited the situation to install a supposed puppet regime of religious hardliners, fast forward 40 years and its a convenient and lazy exercise to blame all of the country's problems on Pakistan. there is also an undercurrent of casual mistrust of Pakistani pathans, and a genuine racial hatred of punjabis.

Pakistan is not blameless, however its just too easy for afghans to not accept that their country is a mess cos a significant proportion of the people supported those who destroyed it.
It's not been Pakistan only, historically Afghanistan has been exploited by other countries too. Like UK and Russian Tsar govts took advantage of them during 'The Great Game of 19th and 20th century'.

But the difference with Pakistan is that unlike other countries it considers instability in Afghanistan tantamount to instability in Pakistan and thus is more considerate towards their plight than other neighboring countries.
It's not been Pakistan only, historically Afghanistan has been exploited by other countries too. Like UK and Russian Tsar govts took advantage of them during 'The Great Game of 19th and 20th century'.

But the difference with Pakistan is that unlike other countries it considers instability in Afghanistan tantamount to instability in Pakistan and thus is more considerate towards their plight than other neighboring countries.
well not many people from pre russian invasion times are alive today.

id pbly have to disagree with you on the intricacies of the second point, yes pak views instability in afg as a negative, but it seems an anti-pakistan stability as being worse, therefore it will never allow an anti-pakistan regime to survive, hence as i said, some of the mistrust and hate is justified, however ive found afghans to generally blame everything on pakistanis, which is the equivalent of pakistanis blaming all their problems on the west.
well not many people from pre russian invasion times are alive today.

id pbly have to disagree with you on the intricacies of the second point, yes pak views instability in afg as a negative, but it seems an anti-pakistan stability as being worse, therefore it will never allow an anti-pakistan regime to survive, hence as i said, some of the mistrust and hate is justified, however ive found afghans to generally blame everything on pakistanis, which is the equivalent of pakistanis blaming all their problems on the west.
Yep, Pak doesn't want anti pak stability in Afghanistan as it allows anti pak elements to use Afghanistan as a base to launch terrorist activities inside Pakistan. As RAW did under Ashraf Ghani govt so Afghans may dislike Pak for that but in the end every state pursues it's own national interest first.
Well every people have a choice to like and dislike whomever they want. But if India's blatant backing of Soviet's mass killing of Afghanistan can be ignored then why can't Afghans just turn the leaf and move ahead well with Pakistani brethren...
Msss killings were also conducted by the Mujahideen which were openly backed by PAK.

But Afghans should be grateful to PAK instead of India right ?
It's an utter shame that Afghanis love Indians despite the fact that Indians supported the bloody invasion of Soviets back in 1979. They also supported Americans in its absolute wrecking of Afghanistan in the war on terror post 2001.

Indians even portrayed their beloved Afghan leaders like Ahmed Shah Abdali and Muhammad Ghori as devils and savage. But still Afghans love them and dislike Pakistan. What an irony!!

You missed the part where Bharat helped build roads, dams, schools, parliament in Afghanistan.

Love and Hate doesn’t happen just like that. There are reasons for it.

Firstly Bharat is a great descent of Mahabharat, the most beloved putra of soil. For that reason it has a special
Place in the hearts of not just Afghans but also Pakistanis who feel a man emotional connection to the motherland from whom they were torn apart by propaganda politics.

Yes, Bangladeshis are odd people and they do not know love or emotions. This is why we do not have a relationship with them.
What is the reason here in case of Pakistan?

For that you must have a deep conversation with an Afghan.

Brother Asad T has already provided one of the answers.

If i help kill my neighbour and then let his wife and daughter live at my house, have i done his family a great favour?
The Durand Line is the main reason why Afghans hate Pakistanis. Across generational, religious and ethnic lines, every Afghan believes that the Durand Line is an illegal construction by the British and that Khyber Pakhtunwa and FATA are Afghan territory occupied by Pakistan. Whatever followed with the Soviet invasion, Pakistan's role in the mujaheddin and what it did to Afghanistan only added fuel to a fire that had been burning long since.
The Durand Line is the main reason why Afghans hate Pakistanis. Across generational, religious and ethnic lines, every Afghan believes that the Durand Line is an illegal construction by the British and that Khyber Pakhtunwa and FATA are Afghan territory occupied by Pakistan. Whatever followed with the Soviet invasion, Pakistan's role in the mujaheddin and what it did to Afghanistan only added fuel to a fire that had been burning long since.

But descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh also lay claim to Kabul which was once under the Sikh sultanat.
It's like saying why do Iraqi's hate America after the US has given so much aid to Iraq.

Pakistan supported and still supports the Taliban there, bringing more instability to the country while at the same time helping the US war effort there. Pakistan, in effect, really brought anarchy to the country.

Yes, they hosted 2-3 million refugees (and now trying to kick them out) but that's like giving a bandage to a person who you just shot in the leg and then asking the shooter to be grateful.

Afghans have every reason to dislike Pakistan imo.

Afghanistan has not done any favours by actively supporting India with their anti Pakistan activities from Afghan soil. Pakistan as a result had no choice but to back and support a regime of their favor and choosing in Afghanistan as a result
Afghanistan has not done any favours by actively supporting India with their anti Pakistan activities from Afghan soil. Pakistan as a result had no choice but to back and support a regime of their favor and choosing in Afghanistan as a result
I don't have evidence but I believe these fears are often over exaggerated by folks in the security establishment and foreign service to justify the stupid games that they play. And lead to unwise decisions by those in power.

We in India believed that Bangladesh was hosting anti-India elements supported by ISI and China and to counteract that supported Sheikh Hasina's vile government whose downfall could now vitiate India-Bangladesh ties for a few years.

You guys overestimated India's influence in Afghanistan and have supported a vile regime as well as it's removal. Earning a lot of hate for interference.

To be honest Afghanistan is a very conservative Muslim society and will tolerate very little influence from a country like India. It's not like those guys there will take orders from a kafir nation like India unless we're able to provide US level funds and incentives which we're not capable of.

Similarly Bangladesh whatever influence it may accept from China has to be always conscious that it's surrounded on 3 sides by India.
I don't have evidence but I believe these fears are often over exaggerated by folks in the security establishment and foreign service to justify the stupid games that they play. And lead to unwise decisions by those in power.

We in India believed that Bangladesh was hosting anti-India elements supported by ISI and China and to counteract that supported Sheikh Hasina's vile government whose downfall could now vitiate India-Bangladesh ties for a few years.

You guys overestimated India's influence in Afghanistan and have supported a vile regime as well as it's removal. Earning a lot of hate for interference.

To be honest Afghanistan is a very conservative Muslim society and will tolerate very little influence from a country like India. It's not like those guys there will take orders from a kafir nation like India unless we're able to provide US level funds and incentives which we're not capable of.

Similarly Bangladesh whatever influence it may accept from China has to be always conscious that it's surrounded on 3 sides by India.

India at one point operated around 30 plus Indian consulates inside Afghanistan especially in cities close to Pakistan. There was a rapid spike in Indian Sabotage Espionage activities in Pakistan especially in Balochistan and Kpk region.

America and Afghanistan refused to address Pakistan's reservations and concerns leaving Pakistan with no choice but to secure Afghanistan with a govt of their choosing.