Why USA fears Israel to the point of pandering?

The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
US threatened and abused Indira Gandhi before 1971 war with Pakistan. It made Bhutto an example for opposing them.

USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya just because of her interest in their oil reserves. But when it comes to Israel the US falls in prostration before it.

So Why is it so that US fears Israel despite latter dependence on US funding for its survival and dependence on US support to save Israel from condemnations at UN.


AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups have historically been more organised and have deeper pockets than Palestinian groups in the US. They've done an effective job over the years in pedalling the Israeli narrative in the media and Congress.

That's why Obama wrote in his book that Israel was the only foreign policy area where US Presidents didn't have a completely free hand.

US politicians face no electoral consequences for ignoring the plight of Palestinians, but they can and have lost elections taking on Israel.

Muslim groups should learn from this instead of these useless protests, boycotts, and performative gestures which doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Things are starting to change. Although Republicans remain staunchly pro-Israel - now for the first time, a plurality of Democratic voters are more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than Israel. 18 Democratic Senators are currently openly talking of conditioning aid to Israel. Support for Israel is no longer a default bipartisan position.
AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups have historically been more organised and have deeper pockets than Palestinian groups in the US. They've done an effective job over the years in pedalling the Israeli narrative in the media and Congress.

That's why Obama wrote in his book that Israel was the only foreign policy area where US Presidents didn't have a completely free hand.

US politicians face no electoral consequences for ignoring the plight of Palestinians, but they can and have lost elections taking on Israel.

Muslim groups should learn from this instead of these useless protests, boycotts, and performative gestures which doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Things are starting to change. Although Republicans remain staunchly pro-Israel - now for the first time, a plurality of Democratic voters are more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than Israel. 18 Democratic Senators are currently openly talking of conditioning aid to Israel. Support for Israel is no longer a default bipartisan position.
You have explained it nicely bro. Much appreciated.

Many in US even think that the assassination of John. F. Kennedy was because of opposition to the Israel nuclear program.

Some even refer to the protocol of the elders of zions to explain tactics to coerce politicians into support of Israel. And Honey trap is one of the most common alleged tool mentioned there.
jews are very hard working, educated, shrewd, business savvy and understand wealth management better than any other social group on earth. ive known rabbis who have specialised in a wide array of financial fields, it is part and parcel of the way the religion is organised that rabbis have to manage significant amounts of money. they also are very charitable in their own community and promote sustainable charity, i.e. look at it from an investing point of view, so the core money is never given as charity, only the returns on that money.

when you take that social disposition and combine it with the economies of America and western Europe you get the most politically concentrated wealth, which by and large is zionist and pro Israel.

you can believe in conspiracy theories, and deep states, and stories of the protocols, but nothing is hidden, they are immensely successful, rich and use their money to dictate US foreign policy. you dont need elaborate conspiracies when you can buy politicians.
jews are very hard working, educated, shrewd, business savvy and understand wealth management better than any other social group on earth. ive known rabbis who have specialised in a wide array of financial fields, it is part and parcel of the way the religion is organised that rabbis have to manage significant amounts of money. they also are very charitable in their own community and promote sustainable charity, i.e. look at it from an investing point of view, so the core money is never given as charity, only the returns on that money.

when you take that social disposition and combine it with the economies of America and western Europe you get the most politically concentrated wealth, which by and large is zionist and pro Israel.

you can believe in conspiracy theories, and deep states, and stories of the protocols, but nothing is hidden, they are immensely successful, rich and use their money to dictate US foreign policy. you dont need elaborate conspiracies when you can buy politicians.
No doubt, that because of their financial strength they have controlled the kings in the 17th century and now controls Presidents in US because of it. Astonishingly Rothschild family had been on the front of it then and now.

And @ElRaja honey trap is not a conspiracy theory.It is a fact as mentioned in article below.

jews are very hard working, educated, shrewd, business savvy and understand wealth management better than any other social group on earth. ive known rabbis who have specialised in a wide array of financial fields, it is part and parcel of the way the religion is organised that rabbis have to manage significant amounts of money. they also are very charitable in their own community and promote sustainable charity, i.e. look at it from an investing point of view, so the core money is never given as charity, only the returns on that money.

when you take that social disposition and combine it with the economies of America and western Europe you get the most politically concentrated wealth, which by and large is zionist and pro Israel.

you can believe in conspiracy theories, and deep states, and stories of the protocols, but nothing is hidden, they are immensely successful, rich and use their money to dictate US foreign policy. you dont need elaborate conspiracies when you can buy politicians.
This is a very good explanation. The simple answer is the right one - they're rich, organised and single-minded.

A concentrated block of folks who're willing to work together, vote together, stay vocal and put their money where their mouth is can have an outsized influence on an any country's politics.

A similar example in the USA is the NRA. Even Democratic Federal governments who are not beholden to the Gun lobby have been able to do nothing about reducing guns in the hands of the public. I'm sure we can all find examples in our countries (primarily Democracies) where small well organised groups have been able to bend the country's politics especially when it's in relation to issues which the majority doesn't feel strongly about.
This is a very good explanation. The simple answer is the right one - they're rich, organised and single-minded.

A concentrated block of folks who're willing to work together, vote together, stay vocal and put their money where their mouth is can have an outsized influence on an any country's politics.

A similar example in the USA is the NRA. Even Democratic Federal governments who are not beholden to the Gun lobby have been able to do nothing about reducing guns in the hands of the public. I'm sure we can all find examples in our countries (primarily Democracies) where small well organised groups have been able to bend the country's politics especially when it's in relation to issues which the majority doesn't feel strongly about.
It's good that you concurred with the money factor. But it would be false to compare it with any pressure group that the countries around the world have. US support of Israel is totally irrational.

1973 oil embargo cost US 48.5 billion$ at that time and also resulted in 2pc reduction in gdp. It's wrong to consider Israel lobby just a pressure group they are supra state elements. As nobody ruins its economy for some pressure group

Also bro you need to factor in Jewish owned Western media including corporations like CNN, The New York Times,The Washington Post,NBC news and many other news outlets that can do ones character assassination if he dares to question Israel.For instance you will be JAILED to discuss Holocaust. How Ridiculous. Honey trap is another factor that ppl here are missing
It's good that you concurred with the money factor. But it would be false to compare it with any pressure group that the countries around the world have. US support of Israel is totally irrational.

1973 oil embargo cost US 48.5 billion$ at that time and also resulted in 2pc reduction in gdp. It's wrong to consider Israel lobby just a pressure group they are supra state elements. As nobody ruins its economy for some pressure group

Also bro you need to factor in Jewish owned Western media including corporations like CNN, The New York Times,The Washington Post,NBC news and many other news outlets that can do ones character assassination if he dares to question Israel. For instance you will be JAILED to discuss Holocaust. How Ridiculous. Honey trap is another factor that ppl here are missing
I'll take some of your points.

There's no denying the pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian bias of the Western Media in this war and in general. How much of that is Jew ownership and Jew lobby specific and how much part of the general bias against the third world, the people who look and talk different etc., is tough to say without the tainted glasses you have on.

As far as the honey trap you're talking about, let me know if you're able to find some evidence. If gorgeous Israeli Gal Gadot types are going around tempting journalists, I'm still open to changing my career.
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It seems like US and Israel share a friendly relationship, but their connection goes beyond just friendship. It's based on benefits of US. The US uses its influence over Israel as a force in the Middle East to disrupt the region's stability. Also there's a significant amount of the trade of weapons from the United States to Israel.
I'll take some of your points.

There's no denying the pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian bias of the Western Media in this war and in general. How much of that is Jew ownership and Jew lobby specific and how much part of the general bias against the third world, the people who look and talk different etc., is tough to say without the tainted glasses you have on.

As far as the honey trap you're talking about, let me know if you're able to find some evidence. If gorgeous Israeli Gal Gadot types are going around tempting journalists, I'm still open to changing my career.
If you don't act like a numbskull then you wouldn't have made this assertion that it is 'general bias'. It's specifically targeted against Muslims especially Palestinian.

No need of evidences of honey trap although they are many, when you realize that Israeli community rabbies are publicly promoting it.

It seems like US and Israel share a friendly relationship, but their connection goes beyond just friendship. It's based on benefits of US. The US uses its influence over Israel as a force in the Middle East to disrupt the region's stability. Also there's a significant amount of the trade of weapons from the United States to Israel.
Yep Israel is a reinless pet of US in middle east that keeps on nagging and disturbing its neighbor states.
It seems like US and Israel share a friendly relationship, but their connection goes beyond just friendship. It's based on benefits of US. The US uses its influence over Israel as a force in the Middle East to disrupt the region's stability. Also there's a significant amount of the trade of weapons from the United States to Israel.
Israel serves as America's counterweight to Iran. Their Mid East foreign policy is primarily about maintaining Israel's military preeminence - the biggest threat to that being Iran with its combination of conventional and unconventional assets.

Going back in time - initially the UK, who issued the Balfour Declaration that set the ball rolling for the foundation of Israel, saw Israel in the words of its military Governor Ronald Starr as:

"A little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism."
I cannot think of a better analogy. No wonder the Unionists of Northern Ireland like to adorn the Israeli flag. They know a thing or two about brutal settler colonialism and subjugating the original inhabitants of the land.
AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups have historically been more organised and have deeper pockets than Palestinian groups in the US. They've done an effective job over the years in pedalling the Israeli narrative in the media and Congress.

That's why Obama wrote in his book that Israel was the only foreign policy area where US Presidents didn't have a completely free hand.

US politicians face no electoral consequences for ignoring the plight of Palestinians, but they can and have lost elections taking on Israel.

Muslim groups should learn from this instead of these useless protests, boycotts, and performative gestures which doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Things are starting to change. Although Republicans remain staunchly pro-Israel - now for the first time, a plurality of Democratic voters are more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than Israel. 18 Democratic Senators are currently openly talking of conditioning aid to Israel. Support for Israel is no longer a default bipartisan position.
The muslims of the world are a disunited lot, all the talk of the ummah notwithstanding. There are too many divisions among muslim countries that prevent them from working together and pooling their resources to achieve the kind of control the jews have been able to exercise.
And the fact remains that despite all the posturing and crying on social media, most muslim countries don't care for the Palestinians or their plight. Muslim countries are lining up to recognise Israel and do business with them.

Basically, the muslim world has become very large and widespread, and can no longer speak in one voice on any issue. The Jews are still small in number and homogenous enough to stay focused on a single goal.
The muslims of the world are a disunited lot, all the talk of the ummah notwithstanding. There are too many divisions among muslim countries that prevent them from working together and pooling their resources to achieve the kind of control the jews have been able to exercise.
And the fact remains that despite all the posturing and crying on social media, most muslim countries don't care for the Palestinians or their plight. Muslim countries are lining up to recognise Israel and do business with them.

Basically, the muslim world has become very large and widespread, and can no longer speak in one voice on any issue. The Jews are still small in number and homogenous enough to stay focused on a single goal.
Yep the disunity among Muslim nations is chiefly the reason behind the plight of Palestinians alongside West's support for Israel. If Muslim today just unites for a single cause ie ending Israeli oppression then rather than that they could end up wiping out Israel from the face of the earth.
Yep the disunity among Muslim nations is chiefly the reason behind the plight of Palestinians alongside West's support for Israel. If Muslim today just unites for a single cause ie ending Israeli oppression then rather than that they could end up wiping out Israel from the face of the earth.
At the very least they could have achieved a successful two state solution which would have given the Palestinians their own, independent homeland.
Not sure about wiping Israel from the face of the earth though. The jews are far too tough for that. They have been persecuted for hundreds of years and have still managed to thrive, not merely survive.
At the very least they could have achieved a successful two state solution which would have given the Palestinians their own, independent homeland.
Not sure about wiping Israel from the face of the earth though. The jews are far too tough for that. They have been persecuted for hundreds of years and have still managed to thrive, not merely survive.
Even a two state solution would have been good for the peace.

Not only Palestine but other muslim issues had also been resolved by mere dialogues had muslims be one true ummah.
Jews planned for all this for a long time , and did everything morally right or wrong to achieve there goals. They have set there own people in all important places and thus they control most places with money and influence.
Israel serves as America's counterweight to Iran. Their Mid East foreign policy is primarily about maintaining Israel's military preeminence - the biggest threat to that being Iran with its combination of conventional and unconventional assets.

Going back in time - initially the UK, who issued the Balfour Declaration that set the ball rolling for the foundation of Israel, saw Israel in the words of its military Governor Ronald Starr as:

I cannot think of a better analogy. No wonder the Unionists of Northern Ireland like to adorn the Israeli flag. They know a thing or two about brutal settler colonialism and subjugating the original inhabitants of the land.
Bro can you enlighten us regarding christian zionism too and how evangelicals are blindly supporting Israel?. It appears you have sound knowledge regarding the subject.
No doubt, that because of their financial strength they have controlled the kings in the 17th century and now controls Presidents in US because of it. Astonishingly Rothschild family had been on the front of it then and now.

And @ElRaja honey trap is not a conspiracy theory.It is a fact as mentioned in article below.

honey trapping isnt a cospiracy theory, its mostly done by mossad, but not all jews are mossad. there are tonnes of non-israeli jews who wield significant political influence through simple money backed influence.

im not talking in absolute terms, just that the general themes i have highlighted explain the significant majority of their influence.
US threatened and abused Indira Gandhi before 1971 war with Pakistan. It made Bhutto an example for opposing them.

USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya just because of her interest in their oil reserves. But when it comes to Israel the US falls in prostration before it.

So Why is it so that US fears Israel despite latter dependence on US funding for its survival and dependence on US support to save Israel from condemnations at UN.

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I highly recommend reading this well crafted article by @The Bald Eagle .It presents facts in an easily understandable manner, providing a detailed explanation of why the USA fears Israel to the point of pandering.
Anyone who believes the alliance between Isreal and Amreeka is through money needs to redo their homework.

The Jews promised the Christian Evangelicals of Amreeka (prior to WW1) to help their messiah (Jesus PBUH) return to Jerusalem.

In return for Amreekan protectionism, delivery, and anotamy of a Jewish state (Isreal) the Jews would setup a central bank in Amreeka, invest in technology, media, and government. All of this is well documented.

Through have yielded immense power and influence for Isreal/Jews- take your pick.

if it was about money, Saudis, China, Russia, et al have more money than Isreal a million times over, but they get jack from Amreeka.
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Watch this - a good entry level to understanding why the Isreal and Amreekan alliance narrative was born, cultivated, marketed, and funded, till today.

Israel were losing the sympathetic vote for a few years in the West, in particular Putin, and along come this news, and all of a sudden Israel have 900M sympathizers from India.
Anyone who believes the alliance between Isreal and Amreeka is through money needs to redo their homework.

The Jews promised the Christian Evangelicals of Amreeka (prior to WW1) to help their messiah (Jesus PBUH) return to Jerusalem.

In return for Amreekan protectionism, delivery, and anotamy of a Jewish state (Isreal) the Jews would setup a central bank in Amreeka, invest in technology, media, and government. All of this is well documented.

Through have yielded immense power and influence for Isreal/Jews/Zionists - take your pick.

if it was about money, Saudis, China, Russia, et al have more money than Isreal a million times over, but they get jack from Amreeka.
Bravo bro, you minced no words.
Anyone who believes the alliance between Isreal and Amreeka is through money needs to redo their homework.

The Jews promised the Christian Evangelicals of Amreeka (prior to WW1) to help their messiah (Jesus PBUH) return to Jerusalem.

In return for Amreekan protectionism, delivery, and anotamy of a Jewish state (Isreal) the Jews would setup a central bank in Amreeka, invest in technology, media, and government. All of this is well documented.

Through have yielded immense power and influence for Isreal/Jews/Zionists - take your pick.

if it was about money, Saudis, China, Russia, et al have more money than Isreal a million times over, but they get jack from Amreeka.

I posted this on the other thread but its a must watch in case anyone misses it.

Christian and Jewish Zio*ists are wanted Armageddon. Nethanyahu believes he is the last Israeli leader before the Messiah arrives, meaning he wants a large regional war.

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I posted this on the other thread but its a must watch in case anyone misses it.

Christian and Jewish Zionists are wanted Armageddon. Nethanyahu believes he is the last Israeli leader before the Messiah arrives, meaning he wants a large regional war.

This is intriguing and interesting. The money stuff doesn't add up well for me.
This is intriguing and interesting. The money stuff doesn't add up well for me.

I posted this months ago in the end times thread. As mentioned in the video, he met the Rebbe before he was even close to becoming PM of Israel. These people have been planning WW3 for a long time, just as they planned WW1 and WW2. Both of those lead to the Balfour decleration and then the state of Israel. The next is aimed at making Israel the no.1 state to rule the world. Whether it will work or not is up for debate.

The US rulers/governments have no fear of Israel, they are its partners in this huge plan for world domination.
I posted this months ago in the end times thread. As mentioned in the video, he met the Rebbe before he was even close to becoming PM of Israel. These people have been planning WW3 for a long time, just as they planned WW1 and WW2. Both of those lead to the Balfour decleration and then the state of Israel. The next is aimed at making Israel the no.1 state to rule the world. Whether it will work or not is up for debate.

The US rulers/governments have no fear of Israel, they are its partners in this huge plan for world domination.
Yep they are endeavoring for rule of freemasonry and their false messiah. Irony that they are even planting trees of "Garkad" to save themselves from the onslaught of Muslims before the end of times.
There is no freedom of speech in Europe or Canada, the US still has some due to its constitution but the patriot act can be used, which destroys all freedoms. Zionists own the UK, the politicians especially. In the last 20 years, many laws have been introduced to silence people. If those laws dont work, they will use other means to attack and silence them.

You know the world is at its lowest point, when calling to stop genocide gets your fired from your job or forces you to resign.
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Watch this - a good entry level to understanding why the Isreal and Amreekan alliance narrative was born, cultivated, marketed, and funded, till today.

Bro everybody knows which group assasinated him even the US agencies knew that but they didnt dare to arrest the perpetrators. Israel deliberatly killed 34 members of the USS Liberty crew and wounding 173 but still this news never emerged in Mainstream media.
Israel were losing the sympathetic vote for a few years in the West, in particular Putin, and along come this news, and all of a sudden Israel have 900M sympathizers from India.
But the jews damn care what the Indians and Yankees think of them.

So after US another country in the West has gone bonkers in the defence of Israeli atrocities.​


Will Germany force new citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel?​

New citizenship applicants in Germany could be forced to pledge allegiance to Israel as part of a new law that is currently being pushed through the Bundestag, with one German federal state, Saxony-Anhalt, having already made the pledge a legal requirement. However, the Middle East Monitor has been shown exclusive evidence of a Palestinian already being asked to include their views on Israel and Palestine as part of their application; effectively asking them to accept the Israeli occupation of their homeland in order to get a German passport.​

Saying as if he owns USA, what a shame to be bullied by these stupid characters

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, has denounced a General Assembly draft resolution that would recognise Palestine as qualified to become a full member and has called on the US to “completely stop funding” the UN if it’s passed.

So after US another country in the West has gone bonkers in the defence of Israeli atrocities.​


Will Germany force new citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel?​

New citizenship applicants in Germany could be forced to pledge allegiance to Israel as part of a new law that is currently being pushed through the Bundestag, with one German federal state, Saxony-Anhalt, having already made the pledge a legal requirement. However, the Middle East Monitor has been shown exclusive evidence of a Palestinian already being asked to include their views on Israel and Palestine as part of their application; effectively asking them to accept the Israeli occupation of their homeland in order to get a German passport.​

Lol. just seen this now. You have to hand it to the zionists, they have truly conquered the world by stealth.
Israel were losing the sympathetic vote for a few years in the West, in particular Putin, and along come this news, and all of a sudden Israel have 900M sympathizers from India.

Difficult one to understand this, the only explanation I can come up with is tied to modern hindutva movement. Even then I don't really get why they feel compelled to align with israel when they have so many Islamic countries in close proximity, so surely it would make more sense to keep good relations with those? :unsure:

Rafah red line: The push-me-pull-you geopolitical balance is intensely difficult for Biden right now​

Setting red lines is all very well, as long as you follow through when they are crossed. President Joe Biden knows that all too well.

But he also knows that if he follows through on this big new red line of withholding offensive weapons for Israel it could cost him dearly domestically.

The push-me-pull-you balance of geopolitics and domestic politics is intensely difficult right now for the American president.

I'll break this down into two parts. The politics in a moment. First the challenges of red lines.

Western leaders throw them down in interviews, like Mr Biden's pronouncement on CNN last night, as unequivocal threats. "Cross the line, if you dare!" is the rhetoric.

But too often they turn out to be flawed tools of geo-political diplomacy.

Barack Obama set a chemical weapons red line with Syria's Bashar al Assad in 2012. He walked right through it.

Vladimir Putin remembered that when he walked through a red line Mr Biden had set on Ukraine in 2021. Mr Putin invaded. The rest is history.

Every red line is distinct, of course, and they vary in terms of the gravity of the event they are seeking to prevent.

But the principle behind laying them is the same, as is the message set when they are crossed.

Biden's frustration with Netanyahu

Over the past six months, as Israel has sought to defeat Hamas in Gaza, President Biden didn't think he'd need to lay out red lines. After all, Israel is one of America's closest allies.

Instead, the Biden administration thought gentle diplomacy and frank back-channels with a "close friend of America" would do the trick.

But gradually, as Mr Biden and the Netanyahu government increasingly diverged on protecting civilians and a plan for "the day after" in Gaza, a red line began to appear - Rafah.

This has become Mr Biden's red line for Israel.

The American president has repeatedly made clear his opposition to Mr Netanyahu's insistence on a ground invasion of the southern Gazan city (Mr Netanyahu's own red line) where about 1.4 million people are living, half of them under 18.

The Israeli military has not (yet) moved into Rafah city but is instead concentrating its operations to the east of the city and around the crossing to Egypt.

That fact has allowed the Biden administration to claim its red line hasn't yet been crossed. "They didn't describe it as a major ground operation," spokesman John Kirby said this week.

Sometimes, red lines are smashed through. Sometimes, they are gradually chipped away at.

To counter the chipping Mr Netanyahu has been doing for weeks, Mr Biden hardened his red line.

"I made it clear that if they go into Rafah - they haven't gone in Rafah yet - if they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities - that deal with that problem," he told CNN.

A significant admission

That he has personally admitted what was already a fact - that American weapons have killed thousands of civilians - is significant.

But there is important nuance in his red line.

He's talking about stopping the delivery of offensive weapons for the type of operations that have flattened much of Gaza and could do the same to Rafah.

He is not threatening to cut Israel off from all US weapons, of course not.

Defensive weapons to counter Iranian proxy rockets will keep coming. As will long-range weapons and jets to counter Iran. None of that will stop being delivered.

Still, it's a big shift for Biden. It's not been done before and symbolically for Israel, in the middle of its longest and most critical war, it looks terrible.

The domestic political risks

And that brings us to the domestic politics of all this.

For every lever of influence Mr Biden pulls (and he's seen they have their limited use) there is a domestic political calculus.

Pretty much all Republicans are against every lever; they want nothing less than unequivocal support for Israel.

More than that though - a significant number of his own Democrats will also be uneasy about America limiting weapons for Israel.

But critical voters in key states are very pro-Palestine. President Biden isn't oblivious to their cry "Genocide Joe!"

It is a perilous political push-me-pull-you and the election is six months away.

It is very important here to delineate between Jews and Pro Israel. Pro Israelis pass themselves off as the torchbearers for Jews and victims of anti-semitisim when they are not the only semitic people in the world, but I digress. The point is that Orthodox Jews are as much against the nazi tactics of the state of Israel as any. But Pro Israelis have successfully drowned out their voice.

Zionists ALSO do not have to be Jews. Pro Israel is a political movement and it has its claws in quite a few aspects of American life. They are deeply embedded in the showbiz and media indusry, as well as finance and business overall. Basically all the professions where the stakes are high and the money is good. With money comes control and power and they wield it
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Israel is akin to a US Navy aircraft carrier in the politically sensitive Middle East region.

Of course the US is going to keep such an asset safe and well armed.
Difficult one to understand this, the only explanation I can come up with is tied to modern hindutva movement. Even then I don't really get why they feel compelled to align with israel when they have so many Islamic countries in close proximity, so surely it would make more sense to keep good relations with those? :unsure:
To be fair it isn't that difficult considering how the 2 sides revel under the same symbolism.

More US weapons to be withheld if Israel goes into Rafah ‘in a big way’: White House​

Israel undertaking a major Rafah operation will not advance the objective of both Washington and Tel Aviv of defeating the Hamas Palestinian militant group in Gaza, White House national security spokesman John Kirby said.

“Smashing into Rafah... will not advance that objective,” Kirby said in a briefing with reporters, adding that the US believed there were better ways to go after “what is left of Hamas in Gaza” than a major ground invasion.

The US revealed this week that it had paused one shipment of weapons, consisting of 1,800 2,000-lb bombs and 1,700 500-lb bombs due to Israeli failure to address certain American concerns about a military operation in Rafah.

Kirby added that the weapons shipment that the US has withheld was not limiting Israel’s ability to defend itself. “Everybody keeps talking about pausing weapons shipments, but weapons shipments are still going to Israel. They’re still getting the vast majority of everything that they need to defend themselves,” he said.

Kirby also warned that if Israel goes into Rafah “in a big way,” the US president would make other decisions about the kind of support that the US is providing Israel. “We hope they will do what they’ve said to us about what they’re going to do in Rafah, which is something of limited scale, scope, size, duration.”


Gallant: Israel’s relationship with US is ‘strong and stable’ despite disagreements​

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in a press statement says Israel’s relationship with the United States is “essential, strong, and stable.”

He says there are “differences of opinion, but I would like to make it clear that the US was the first to stand with us in actions, not in words.”

“We resolve the disputes in the closed rooms, not in interviews or in tweets,” Gallant says, in veiled remarks at other politicians.

Its idiotic to do a thing that one knows to be truly against one's interest
A group of former United States government officials have claimed that Washington’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza puts national security at risk

The 12 officials, who resigned over the last nine months protesting against the US policy, said in a letter released late on Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s support for Israel means that Washington has “undeniable complicity” in the killing and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza. They labelled the White House policy on the war in the enclave “a failure and a threat to US national security”.

While Biden and his administration have made rhetorical efforts urging Israel to show restraint in recent weeks, Washington continues to provide military and diplomatic support to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition government, which includes hardline nationalist parties.

That has seen several officials quit in protest since Netanyahu launched the war on the enclave following Hamas’s attack on southern Israel on October 7.

Maryam Hassanein, who left her post as a special assistant at the Department of the Interior on Tuesday, was the latest to resign. She was one of the signatories, alongside former officials from the Department of State, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the military, and four political staff members.

“America’s diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to, Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza,” the letter read.

“This is not only morally reprehensible and in clear violation of international humanitarian law and US laws, but it has also put a target on America’s back,” the former officials warned.

‘Credibility of US values’

The protest letter comes as international protests against Israel’s conduct in Gaza persist, with US military and diplomatic support for its ally also increasingly criticised.

Gaza’s Ministry of Health says nearly 38,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war, with many more feared to be under the rubble as Israeli bombardments flattened once-populated areas of the besieged enclave.

The October attack by Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, killed about 1,200 people. A further 250 or so were abducted and taken to Gaza.

Source: Al Jazeera
they dont explain exactly how backing israel has put americas security at risk. no sovereign nation would challenge the USA, and most terrorist organisations have at some point operated with the explicit or implicit knowledge of the American establishment.

america has been involved in every conflict for the past 100 years in some way, the only reason they are involved is because they want to be, no nation has meaningfully threatened US security in that entire period.
they dont explain exactly how backing israel has put americas security at risk. no sovereign nation would challenge the USA, and most terrorist organisations have at some point operated with the explicit or implicit knowledge of the American establishment.

america has been involved in every conflict for the past 100 years in some way, the only reason they are involved is because they want to be, no nation has meaningfully threatened US security in that entire period.
America is a super power and the strongest and the best country ever since solar system was formed. Every super power has strong regional interests and they will use to their muscle to resolve the issues.

Every strong empire in the past used to do this. USA is no different. For as long as they stay at the top, they will protect their interests at any cost.

Hypocrisy personified​


Biden’s claim he’s done ‘more for Palestinian community than anybody’ prompts backlash​

Joe Biden faced withering criticism over his recent claim that he had done “more for the Palestinian community than anybody”, as Israel continues to strike Gaza with some of the fiercest bombardments in months.

While defending his administration’s response to the conflict in Gaza, Biden said: “By the way, I’m the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody. I’m the guy that opened up all the assets. I’m the guy that made sure that I got the Egyptians to open the border to let goods through, medicine and food.”

More than 38,000 Palestinians, the majority of them civilians, have been killed since the war began 10 months ago, according to Gaza’s health ministry. About 1,200 Israelis were killed in Hamas’s cross-border assault on 7 October.

“Putting aside active US complicity in the war in Gaza, you’d think someone who had 38,000 Palestinians killed under his tenure would have a bit more humility,” Mai El-Sadany, executive director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, wrote on X.

Layla Elabed, leader of the Uncommitted movement, which began in Michigan as a way to pressure the president to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and stop US funding and arms to the Israeli government, also condemned the remark.

“Biden claiming he’s done the most for Palestinians is like an arsonist taking credit for tossing a splash of water on the fire he’s still fueling,” she said in a statement on Monday.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) called the remark “tone deaf” and a “deeply disturbing boast” that “completely ignores the genocidal campaign of mass slaughter, ethnic cleansing, and forced starvation that the Israeli government has launched against the Palestinian people with US support”.

This year, Biden approved a foreign aid package that included $26bn in additional wartime assistance to Israel and humanitarian aid.

In the statement, Cair’s national deputy director, Edward Ahmed Mitchell, also accused Biden of “misstating his own Gaza policy” by saying that he had denied Israel “offensive weapons”, including 2,000lb bombs.

The administration paused a shipment of powerful bombs this year. But a Reuters analysis of weapons shipments found that there had been “no significant drop-off in US military support” for Israel, despite mounting calls by Democratic lawmakers and progressive groups to limit weapons supplies.

Biden is facing a sustained backlash from Arab, Muslim and Palestinian Americans as well as young people and anti-war progressives over his handling of the conflict. In Michigan, Arab American support could prove crucial to winning the battleground state – and the White House.

In the interview, Morman asked Biden: “Given the measure of your support for Israel, why would a Muslim or an Arab American vote for you for re-election?”

“For the same reason why Arab Americans in the region support me,” Biden replied. “It’s the best way to keep peace and to ensure a two-state solution in the region.”

Source: The Guardian

DC protesters ready for Netanyahu speech​

About 1,500 demonstrators are already gathered in Washington, DC to protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress in around two hours, reports Al Jazeera’s Shihab Rattansi from the US capital.

One protester, Mirim Osman, with the Palestinian Youth Movement, said the US government’s unwavering pro-Israel policies during the Gaza war have caused massive backlash towards the administration of President Joe Biden.

That frustration extends to Vice President Kamala Harris, who Biden has endorsed to run for president in his place for the 2024 election, said Osman.

“When you look at Kamala Harris’s track record, she’s been behind Biden in every policy decision and for a very long time has been supporting Israel,” she said.

“I don’t think it changes anything in terms of policy,” she added, referring to Joe Biden dropping out of the US presidential race.

Source: Al Jazeera
Netanyahu says majority of Americans support Israeli actions, but polling says otherwise

Netanyahu says that the majority of people in the US continue to support Israel and have not fallen for “Hamas’s lies”.

“The vast majority of Americans have not fallen for this Hamas propaganda, they continue to support Israel,” he said.

But a recent Gallup poll found that 48 percent of people in the US disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza, compared to 42 percent whom are supportive.

A May poll by Data for Progress also found that about 70 percent of all voters support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, which Netanyahu has firmly rejected.

Netanyahu slams college protestors and administrators

Netanyahu has leaned into attacks on student protestors and college administrators who have resisted calls to crack down on college protests, mocking LGBTQ activists who support Palestinian rights by comparing them to chickens who support the restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken.

“The outrageous slanders that paint Israel as racist and genocidal are meant to delegitimise Israel, to demonise the Jewish state, and to demonise Jews everywhere. And no wonder, no wonder we witnessed an appalling rise of antisemitism in America and around the world,” he said

Netanyahu says anti-war protesters should be ‘ashamed’

Netanyahu, for whom ICC prosecutors are currently seeking an arrest warrant for alleged war crimes, has said that pro-Palestine protesters “stand with evil”.

“They stand with Hamas, they stand with rapists and murderers,” he said, adding that they should be “ashamed”.

Capitol police use pepper spray against protestors as Netanyahu praises Israeli soldiers
As Netanyahu praises Israeli military members as “Lions of Judah”, police have deployed pepper spray against protestors.

The Associated Press reported that thousands of protestors chanting “free, free Palestine” have approached the Capitol.

“Part of the crowd has started to become violent at First Street and Constitution Avenue, NW,” the Capitol Police said in a social media post. “The crowd failed to obey our order to move back from our police line. We are deploying pepper spray towards anyone trying to break the law and cross that line.”

Jacob Magid, a correspondent with the Times of Israel, has reported that several relatives of captives held in Gaza have walked out of Netanyahu’s speech.

“Several relatives of the hostages being held in Gaza have walked out of Netanyahu’s address to Congress,” he said in a social media post.

“The PM goes on to pledge not to rest until the hostages are home, leading the vast majority in the room to stand and applaud save for roughly a dozen or so hostage families.”

Netanyahu thanks Biden for ‘heartfelt support”. The Israeli leader praised Biden for his “heartfelt support” for Israel.

“After the savage attack on October 7, he rightly called Hamas ‘sheer evil’,” he said, playing up their more than 40-year relationship. “He dispatched two aircraft carriers to the Middle East to deter a wider war, and he came to Israel to stand with us in our darkest hour, a visit that will never be forgotten.”

Adam Abusalah, an Arab-American activist from Dearborn, Michigan, says it is a “shame” that Netanyahu was invited to speak to Congress.

“It’s a disgrace that members from both parties have invited him to speak here. It’s a disgrace that Kamala Harris, the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, will meet with him,” Abusalah told Al Jazeera at an anti-Netanyahu protest near the Capitol.

“We are here to say enough is enough. As Americans, we will not stand for that.”

Netanyahu praises captives

Netanyahu has praised captives and relatives of those held in Gaza, even while he faces accusations at home of working to sabotage a deal that would secure the release of those who remain in Gaza in exchange for an end to the war.

“I will not rest until all their loved ones are home, all of them,” he said.

Noa Argamani, one of the captives recently rescued, was among Netanyah’s guests in Congress on Wednesday.

Netanyahu repeats false claims about some October 7 atrocities

Netanyahu has repeated dubious claims about acts by Hamas on October 7, stating that men were beheaded and babies burned alive.

Investigations have found that, while Hamas committed atrocities against civilians on October 7, little evidence has emerged to substantiate some of the most gruesome stories pushed by Israeli leaders such as Netanyahu.

Source: Al Jazeera

hypocrisy personified, the so called peace keeper​


US military prepares for all scenarios as Middle East on edge of abyss​

The killing of senior officials in Hezbollah and Hamas – one in Beirut and the other in Tehran – within hours of each other has put Iran and its proxies on the clock to respond to two operations blamed on Israel.

But the US is also preparing for any potential escalation, including against its forces, as Washington is seen as being complicit in backing Israel with intelligence and weapons. This support was used by Iran and Hezbollah to threaten US assets in the region.

“We’re preparing for all scenarios, potential evacuations of Americans from the region or attacks against our forces,” a US official told Al Arabiya English.

The Pentagon ordered several warships and other military assets to the Middle East shortly after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. The main reason was to deter Iran or other groups it backs from opening a second front, US officials said.

The US official confirmed that there are at least 12 American warships in the region, including the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier and just over 4,000 Marines and sailors. The Washington Post was first to report on the number of ships and servicemembers.

However, the assets, which include destroyers and amphibious ships, have been in the region for months. “There have not been any new orders specifically, whether that is an evacuation or otherwise,” a second US official told Al Arabiya English. “But we are obviously in a position to execute, as needed, any orders given.” Both US officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

The State Department on Wednesday advised US citizens not to travel to Lebanon or northern Israel due to rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel, and several airlines canceled their flights to both countries. No decisions have been made to evacuate citizens or government employees from either.

US officials said they were given a heads-up shortly before the Israeli operation that killed Hezbollah’s Fuad Shukr but denied playing any role in this strike. Israel claimed responsibility after it happened in the heart of Hezbollah’s stronghold in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

Israel said the attack was a response to a rocket that hit a football field in the occupied Golan Heights and killed several children last weekend. US officials said Hezbollah undoubtedly fired the missile, but they believe it mistakenly targeted the football field. Hezbollah continues to deny that it launched the rocket.

American troops in the region were bracing for potential attacks in Iraq and Syria in the aftermath of that Israeli strike.

“This is their [modus operandi], so we anticipate Iran or groups it backs to issue orders to target our forces. That’s what they’ve done in the past and what we would expect now,” one of the officials said.

The potential for escalation increased after the second operation took place when Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated inside a complex in Iran. The political leader of Hamas had been there to attend the inauguration of the new Iranian president. US officials believe Israel was behind Haniyeh’s killing and say they were not involved.

Shukr and Haniyeh have been designated as terrorists by the US, with the former being accused of playing a central role in the Oct. 23, 1983 bombing of the US Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 US servicemembers.

Hezbollah, Hamas and their main backers in Iran, as well as other regional proxies backed by Tehran, have all vowed to respond to the attacks.

Paul Salem, Vice President for International Engagement at the Washington-based Middle East Institute predicted Hezbollah and Iran would certainly retaliate. “And it is hard to imagine that they would aim at anything but a high-value target in Tel Aviv to demonstrate symmetry after attacks in Tehran and Beirut. That would result in automatic and major escalation,” he recently wrote.

White House National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby said this week that the assassinations “don’t help with the temperature going down” in the region. “I’m not going to be pollyannish about it.”

Despite the ramped-up rhetoric and high-level assassinations that took place this week, current and former US officials still assess that none of the sides involved in the conflict want an all-out war.

“I think it is likely that we will continue to see a regional response to what occurred in the Golan Heights,” said Ret. Gen. Joseph Votel, the former commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM).

Speaking to Al Arabiya English before the Israeli attack in Beirut, Votel predicted that Shia militia groups loyal to Iran would respond. “Attacks in Iraq and Syria will be designed to ramp up pressure on the US in the hopes that [the US] will put more pressure on Israel and deepen the divide in policy approaches,” Votel said.

Hezbollah and other groups of the so-called resistance of axis have said their attacks on Israel would stop when and if there was a ceasefire in Gaza.

Hezbollah’s secretary-general said a response to Israel was certain following the death of Shukr.

“The enemy, and those who are behind the enemy, must await our inevitable response,” he said Thursday in his first comments since Shukr was killed, implying Israel and the United States explicitly. “You do not know what red lines you crossed,” he said about Israel.

Vowing to push ahead with attacks on Israel until a Gaza ceasefire is reached, Nasrallah said the region had entered a “new phase.”

Nasrallah said he ordered his group to reduce the number of attacks for 48 hours until they reorganized and appointed a replacement for Shukr, who he admitted was leading Hezbollah’s military operations over the last ten months. Those attacks on Israeli army targets will resume as of Friday, according to Nasrallah.

But the response to Shukr’s killing will be separate, he insisted. Iran will also respond because Nasrallah said the Israelis crossed multiple red lines. Among them, he said, were violating Iranian sovereignty, its national security and its “dignity” because Haniyeh was a “guest in their house.”

Iran’s mission to the UN said the response would be “harder and intended to instill deep regret in the perpetrator.” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei made a similar statement.

Yemen’s Houthis have also threatened to respond to a devastating attack on the Port of Hodeida. Israel said it carried out the airstrikes in response to a Houthi drone that hit Tel Aviv and killed at least one Israeli and wounded several others.

The Houthis have been targeting commercial and military vessels transiting through the Red Sea for months. This led to the US heading a maritime task force to deter the group and keep shipping lanes open.

America’s next long-term conflict: The campaign to deter Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis
Nevertheless, despite the US and other allies carrying out airstrikes and daily operations, the Houthis continue to attack ships they claim have any links to Israel.

Following the Israeli strike on Hodeida, they said they would target new sites inside Israel. That threat has not materialized.

Iraq and Syria had been the sites of several months of Iran-backed militias targeting US forces stationed there. After a series of high-intensity ***-for-tat attacks, the groups stopped targeting US forces until last month.

In response, the US carried out its first airstrike inside Iraq in months earlier this week. US officials familiar with the operation characterized it as a “self-defense” strike against “combatants in Iraq attempting to launch one-way attack [drones].” The US said the drones posed a threat to American and Coalition forces based in Iraq.

Kata’ib Hezbollah and other groups aligned with Iran have said they will respond.

The Iraqi government has been under pressure to reach a deal that would see the US withdraw its troops from the country, but it appears more likely that there will be a slightly smaller footprint with a new mission to support Iraqi security forces.

Votel said the attacks in Iraq were designed to put pressure on the Iraqi government, “which has taken a very deliberate approach to addressing the future of US forces in that country - which, of course, they (and Iran) want out.”

Source: Al Arabiya
United States does not fear Israel, its the politicians which fear Israel due to a powerful lobby and millions in campaign funds and the politicians in turn create policies which facilitate the brazen actions of Israel. A large number of Americans now are sick of Israel and well aware of Israeli actions despite MSM having biased coverage.
Answer is Amreeka is in Isreal's pockets.

The media, finance, and the vote in Amreeka - in Isreal's pockets and control.

The top US (and UK) politicians are funded and supported by Isreal which is why every politician hoping to be US President has to pander and bootlick AIPAC members.

You then add the Judeo-Christian alliance and you have a whopper.

Israel is waging war with impunity and Amreeka is turning a blind eye? Wake up you sheep.
You have to understand that along with Hinduism, Israel’s Judaism is among the two oldest and most prominent religions to ever exist. While Bharat has to rebuild itself alone after 1947, Israel had the benefit of political, financial, moral and military support from all the western powers hence they were able to take themselves even further in a short span. Ever since PM Modi paid them a visit and assured him of Bharat’s support, Israel’s position has strengthened significantly because they have now the worlds only potential Omega power on their side. This is how they achieved greater bargaining power with fading world powers like USA. When you have the Sudarshana Chalra swayam by your side you don’t need to pick up a bamboo.
It is so pathetic to see that countries are supporting the killings in Palestine and they are supporting the entity that is responsible for all those killings. Poking nose in every other countries' matter has been a norm of USA.
Hamas says US providing ‘cover’ for Israel’s ‘barbaric genocide’

Hamas says the ongoing crimes against Palestinians are being perpetrated with “absolute support by the US administration and Western capitals, which are providing the necessary cover and time for the Israeli government to commit a barbaric genocide in the Gaza Strip”, Al Jazeera reports.

In a statement on its official Telegram channel, Hamas said Israel’s crimes are acts of “collective punishment” that amount to “ethnic cleansing”, while it called on the international community to “stop remaining silent and to bring war criminals to justice”.

Source: Al Jazeera
Pomp, pageantry and protests: How the DNC snubbed pro-Palestine activists

The movement to end US support for Israel's war on Gaza will continue to pressure presidential candidate Kamala Harris to change track on Gaza despite the Democratic Party making it clear there would be no shift in US policy to Israel, should she become commander-in-chief.

In her speech last week at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Harris offered a mix of platitudes "to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done" while confirming that her priority remained standing up for Israel's right to defend itself.

Accompanying Harris' support for Israel came the DNC's refusal to allow a Palestinian speaker to address the plenary, culminating in a media spectacle and several pro-Palestine Democratic Party insiders in tears.

Though the refusal to allow a Palestinian speaker to address the convention drew condemnation from several quarters, including liberal Zionists, activists and scholars say the way the DNC sought to bury its role in Israel's war on Gaza underlined the extent to which Palestinian Americans were no more than placeholders in American democracy.

"Predictably, the Democratic Party did everything they could to ignore the genocide - even going as far as silencing their own delegates," Faayani Aboma Mijana, spokesperson of the coalition to march on the DNC, told Middle East Eye.

"But the reality, as shown by the 30,000+ who mobilised for our coalition's marches, is that this genocide will remain a central issue, especially as the movement keeps pushing for a stop to the genocide and an end to all US aid to Israel," Mijana said.

The Biden administration has provided unconditional support for Israel's war on Gaza, which has now left more than 40,000 Palestinians dead, another 100,000 injured and has seen the besieged Gaza Strip reduced to tonnes of rubble and waste.

For those who had a sliver of hope that Harris would hint at a revised US policy on Israel, the DNC's approach to Palestinians knocked them back to reality.

Source: Middle East Eye

But he still won't do anything​


Biden comments acknowledge Netanyahu undermining deal: Hamas​

Responding to US President Joe Biden’s remarks on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu “not doing enough” during ceasefire talks, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri says the comments are an acknowledgement that Israel’s leader is undermining efforts.

Any proposal for a permanent ceasefire and complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would be received positively, Abu Zuhri said.

Earlier, when asked whether he thought Netanyahu was doing enough to secure a captive release deal, Biden said “No.” He did not elaborate.

Source: Al Jazeera
You have to understand that along with Hinduism, Israel’s Judaism is among the two oldest and most prominent religions to ever exist. While Bharat has to rebuild itself alone after 1947, Israel had the benefit of political, financial, moral and military support from all the western powers hence they were able to take themselves even further in a short span. Ever since PM Modi paid them a visit and assured him of Bharat’s support, Israel’s position has strengthened significantly because they have now the worlds only potential Omega power on their side. This is how they achieved greater bargaining power with fading world powers like USA. When you have the Sudarshana Chalra swayam by your side you don’t need to pick up a bamboo.

You continue to ignore the vast difference between orthodox jewdism and colonial Zionism.
You continue to ignore the vast difference between orthodox jewdism and colonial Zionism.

All peace loving religions would at one point have to have a war machinery in place if they wish to survive the onslaught from Christianity and Islam.
Why hasn't the US government taken more decisive action against Israel's human rights violations, particularly in light of the recent killing of American activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi?