Will Imran be able to answer PML-N questions

Black Zero

Test Debutant
Dec 10, 2009
Following been circulated by PML-N:

Detailed Facts Sheet on the Real Business behind Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital & some moral questions for Imran Khan

1- What this document is all about?
Trusts established to provide free health services by the government or the non-government services normally hold properties and other assets 'in Trust' and are supposed to be able to 'compete' with the similar profitable organizations.
Trusts operating in health care services have the status of Foundation Hospitals which means they are eligible for funding to and a greater degree of autonomy.

Shaukat Khanum headed by Mr.Imran Khan who is also heading a political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) being its founder Chairman according to its official website is primarily meant “To act as a model institution to alleviate the suffering of patients with cancer through the application of modern methods of curative and palliative therapy irrespective of their ability to pay, the education of health care professionals and the public and perform research into the causes and treatment of cancer”.

But the question here, arises as to what are the sources of income of this hospital and whether the income generated through the sources identified on the official website and also claimed many times by Mr.Imran Khan directly goes to the ailing patients or the hospital has some alternate ways to make safe investment which are helpful in increasing these sources of income.
Looking into the details as provided on the website of SKMH and the claims made by Mr.Imran Khan Chairman of SKMH trust and also the Chairman of Pakistan tehreek-e-Insaaf are:
a- Donations from the general public living in Pakistan and the Overseas Pakistanis;
b- Zakat collected within and outside Pakistan;
c- Sponsor a cancer patient (one can directly undertake responsibility of the poor

Quite interestingly the website nowhere identifies any other source or sources of income of SKMH other than these three. On the contrary some internal non-public though credible documents reveal that the hospital is not being run through the above mentioned sources of income only but it is pertinent to point out that the SKMH is engaged in some real-estate business outside Pakistan which becomes highly deplorable when the managements of this hospital continuously denies her involvement in any such business or at the minimum it keep on hiding these facts. This is certainly shocking for all those who on regular basis envisage their donation to SKMH as they think their money is going directly to help out the ailing patients of cancer but who knows this amount is being invested in the real estate business outside the country and nobody knows which credentials SKMH or Mr.Imran Khan holds to make this hospital or its management eligible to carry about such business using some undeclared and unknown companies whose accounts are not reachable for the donors and even their names are unheard for them.

Following the principles of transparency this is the fundamental right of every single donor to know about nature of business and investment, details of the investments being made and the peoples running these companies and their capability to run those, the state of profit and/or the loss etc, but unfortunately and quite shamefully this right has been continuously infringed since years. 2- Which business Shahukat Khanum Memorial Hospital is engaged into?

Looking into the audit reports of SKMH for the years 2009 and 2010, following facts were revealed regarding business of SKMH which is yet undisclosed and is being kept in secrecy for some unknown reasons:
1- Sugarland Real Estate (BVI) Limited (SREL)
a. Gross valuein 2009 28.319 USD
Gross Value in 2010 28.323 USD
b. Impairment in 2009 12.351 USD
Impairment in 2010 18.256 USD
c. Carrying Value in 2009 15.968 USD
Carrying value in 2010 10.067 USD
2- Cinnabar International Services Limited (CISL)
a. CISL Ownership Stake in SREL in 2009 10.52%
CISL Ownership Stake in SREL in 2009 10.52%
b. Gross value of CISL’s stake in 2009 2.979 USD
Gross value of CISL’s stake in 2010 2.980 USD
c. Estimated Current value of CISL’s Stake in 2009 1.680USD
Estimated Current value of CISL’s Stake in 2010 1.059USD
d. Impairment of CISL’s Investment in 2009 1.299USD
Impairment of CISL’s Investment in 2010 1.921USD
e. %Impairment in 2009 -44%
%Impairment in 2010 -64%

- The above mentioned companies are being headed by Mr.Imtiaz hydari who is CEO HBG and member of SKMT;
- The above mentioned details are available in the audit report 2010 of SKMH and these documents are available on the website. One can safely and justifiably raise the question why the audit report for the year 2011was not made available on the website. 2010 tells us the real story how Imran Khan is using cancer Patients’s money for promoting his real estate business to fulfill his wishful thoughts.
3- Not us but the Financial Report2010 tells us the real story how Imran Khan is using cancer Patients’s money for promoting his real estate business?
Para 11 of the Financial report 2010 elucidates:“This represents investment in 3,000,000 class 'B' ordinary shares of USD 1 each of Cinnabar International ServicesLimited (CISL), a company incorporated in British Virgin Islands (BVI). The Trust owns the entire class 'B' ordinary sharecapital of the company, which do not carry any voting rights in the company. Consequently, the Trust does not have significant influence over the company due to which the company is not considered
an associate of the Trust. This investment has been made through an investment company, HBG Management Partners Limited, based in Dubai, UnitedArab Emirates.
Further, CISL is a subsidiary of HBG Investment Holdings Limited ('HBG') incorporated by HBG to undertake the development of a real estate project in Oman. Sugarland Real Estate (BVI) Limited isalso a subsidiary of HBG. The land purchased and development costs for the project are currently appearing in the financialstatements of Sugarland Real Estate (BVI) Limited at an aggregate cost of USD 28.323 million reduced by an impairment lossof USD 18.256 million, thereby resulting in a carrying amount of USD 10.067 million as at December 31, 2010. The land represents capital contribution in kind by one of HBG Group's shareholders, Sheikh Salim Al Mashani ('theshareholder'). HBG's management have assessed the realizable value of the plot of land at December 31, 2010 by obtaining market valuation from an independent valuer and noted a decline in the value of the plot of land by USD 18.256million, which is to be adjusted through reduction of capital contributed by the shareholder by virtue of an agreement withhim. In accordance with the agreement with the shareholder dated December 15, 2010, the shareholder agreed for areduction in his capital contribution commensurate with the reduction in the value of land which shall mutually be agreedbetween HBG and the shareholder. HBG's management is currently into advanced stages of negotiations with theshareholder to agree a final revised value of the plot of land, after which a resolution shall be passed at an extra-ordinarygeneral meeting of the shareholders to effect the capital reduction. Based on the above, the carrying value of the plot ofland has been adjusted based on the independent valuation obtained as of December 31, 2010 against proposedreduction in the capital by an equivalent amount in the financial statements of Sugarland Real Estate (BVI) Limited for theyear ended December 31, 2010.
In line with the requirements of IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, the Trust’s managementhas assessed whether there is an indication that the Trust's investment is impaired as at December 31, 2010. Under theabove
circumstances, the Trust’s management feels that there is no indication that the investment is impaired since theimpairment loss on the abovementioned land would be borne by the shareholder. However, based on the decline in theproject land’s value, the Trust’s management performed a further evaluation by reviewing the recoverable amount of theasset (the project) by reference to the present value of expected future cash flows. The estimation of revenues on unsoldproperties depends on demand and market conditions. Based on these, the Trust’s management is of the opinion that thenet realizable value of the project upon completion of development will be higher than its carrying amount as at December31, 2010. Consequently, no provision for impairment has been recognized in these financial statements as at December31, 2010”. 4- What are the other investments mounting to 4.5 Million
Dollars which have been made
1- CROCI Alpha paris 1 Million USD
2- Global Healthcare Sector 1 Million USD
3- Asian index 1 Million USD
4- Climate Change 1.5 Million USD

Every Pakistani has right to ask Imran Khan:
a- Under which authority he took this money out of the country?
b- Why he defeated the objective with which this money was donated?
c- His continuous ranting on bringing back to Pakistan the assets held abroad by different individuals seems hollow in view of transferring the donation money abroad and investing in speculative/dubious ventures. Can Imran Khan Justify all this?
5- Questions must answered by Mr.Imran Khan and the management of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital (SKMH)
1- How Imran Khan justifies that the Trust should be investing in illiquid and speculative real estate ventures without informing the donors and those who give alms, charities and zakat out of their personal pockets and incomes?
2- People donate their money to SKMH with specific religious intention. Islam has already determined the heads under which the money of ZAKAT, ALM, CHARITY and DONATIONS etc is can be spent. Imran Khan grabbed this money from the already poor people in the name of cancer patients but instead of spending this directly on those patients, he used this money inspeculative business where uncertainty prevails all around.
3- The question arises why such losses were recorded and what measures were taken to avoid such losses in future and also it is a million dollars question as to who was responsible for this loss and what about the donors and Zakat money which was not meant for any business but solely for the purpose to save the lives of poor cancer patients. What would be the remedial measures to bring their money back to the trust?4- The money received with specific intent is a trust (AMANAH) and it can’t be spent without the consent of the donors. Did Imran Khan entered into the speculative business of real-estate informing his donors? No, certainly he didn’t. what is the legitimacy of holding this business both under the Law and morality?
5- Under which principle of Islamic law or injunction this speculative investment was made?
6- Which channel Imran Khan shifted this money of poor to offshore for the purpose to invest through BENAMI Companies?
7- Imran Khan talks against money being abroad and always urges others to bring their investments back, why he invested through in the offshore (BENAMI) companies?
8- What selection criteria of the above companies?
9- Had Imran Khan any personal or business interest involved in these companies? If not, how HE negates it?
10- What were the reasons for the continuous operating losses? Was the property purchased making higher prices? Who was the ultimate and real beneficiary of Zakat, Sadqa and CHANDA (Donations) money etc?
11- Does Imran Khan accept responsibility for the above loss? Does he promise not to repeat this blunder of investing the public money received through donations, alms, charities and ZAKAT etc into such business?
12- Is Imran Khan ready to make everything transparent to his donors in future?
13- Is Imran Khan ready to apologize for the sins of making their money wasted in hidden and failed projects?6- Conclusion

Is this the level of transparency you would like to have with an organization whose head and a prominent figure preaches morality?
Is this morality that on one hand you lambast the political leadership that they have their money abroad, but on the other hand, you yourselves are investing money raised frp, general public in risky avenues?
What would happen if the investment of nearly 12.5Million USD were to go bust? This is almost rs.1.062 Billions! Please think about it!!!

Source: Dawn
I have read few statement by IK, he is just trying to divert the topic but miserably failed to tackle the issue.
Make or break moment for imran khan.
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lol what make and break? there is nothing in it :D
lol what make and break? there is nothing in it :D

looks like he missed "d" in following sources:

a- Donations from the general public living in Pakistan and the Overseas Pakistanis;
b- Zakat collected within and outside Pakistan;
c- Sponsor a cancer patient (one can directly undertake responsibility of the poor
looks like he missed "d" in following sources:

a- Donations from the general public living in Pakistan and the Overseas Pakistanis;
b- Zakat collected within and outside Pakistan;
c- Sponsor a cancer patient (one can directly undertake responsibility of the poor

lage raho bhai,Allah tmhn nakam kare ameen.
i thought khawaja sahib was desperate, didn't think Firdous Awan was this desperate.
i thought khawaja sahib was desperate, didn't think Firdous Awan was this desperate.

anyone from PTI will ever answer the main issue?
I do not think so...

IK will keep making fool of "masoom" people of Pakistan...
ask someone from skmhc,not pti

Has IK dis-associated himself from the trust of skmh?
Has IK resigned from PTI chairmanship?

PTI use the skmh as a card to get votes...so PTI need to answer these questions..
anyone from PTI will ever answer the main issue?
I do not think so...

IK will keep making fool of "masoom" people of Pakistan...

glad you recognized your pet name.

"masoom" people of Pakistan. I like the way you troll, if trolling was recognized as a game in Olympics, you would win a Gold Medal.
glad you recognized your pet name.

"masoom" people of Pakistan. I like the way you troll, if trolling was recognized as a game in Olympics, you would win a Gold Medal.

I will ask a simple question...

Q: How will IK refute the fact that he "invested" the donations abroad?
Q: has he influenced the board of the trust for these "investments"

I think punjab govt must setup an inquiry and investigate from trust members...

people of pakistan deserve insaaf
I will ask a simple question...

Q: How will IK refute the fact that he "invested" the donations abroad?
Q: has he influenced the board of the trust for these "investments"

I think punjab govt must setup an inquiry and investigate from trust members...

people of pakistan deserve insaaf

Yea, People of Pakistan deserve Insaaf. But who will give "masoom" Pakistani Insaaf, Noora League or 10%?. Another Gold Medal for you. keep going you will break Phelp's record.
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People doesnt want test and tried failures in Cricket.

Then the people of Pakistan dont deserve test and tried failures like PPP, PML N
I will ask a simple question...

Q: How will IK refute the fact that he "invested" the donations abroad?
Q: has he influenced the board of the trust for these "investments"

I think punjab govt must setup an inquiry and investigate from trust members...

people of pakistan deserve insaaf
Yeah right. The Punjab govt. should investigate the matter. :))
Calls for impartiality just went out of the window:ahmed
Mr. khan actually did a pretty good job of answering these baseless allegations all the while remaining dignifed. the problem is, if his answers didn't satisfy you then nothing will since your only purpose seems to be mudd slinging. This is nothing but a desperate attempt at creating a fake scandal to gain some political mileage and inshallah it is doomed to fail!
Mr. khan actually did a pretty good job of answering these baseless allegations all the while remaining dignifed. the problem is, if his answers didn't satisfy you then nothing will since your only purpose seems to be mudd slinging. This is nothing but a desperate attempt at creating a fake scandal to gain some political mileage and inshallah it is doomed to fail!

No dear, IK failed to answer any question..

distraction and diversion is not an answer...
No dear, IK failed to answer any question..

distraction and diversion is not an answer...
here i give you answer that
1. the money which is invested is not from zakat
so his main allegation is baseless and answered
2.this money is from donations and these are invested every year so the hospital invested this money and lost money as said by PMLN (Gold Medalist) but this is fixed
profit to hospital >loss to company
and reason is that CEO of the company is that person who since 1993 has been a big contributor to this hospital ao imran trusts him
baseless allegations - and pathetically put by khawaja sara

if even 1 person stopped sending zakat because of this - Mr khawaja sara would have to answer on the judgement day and btw Imran did defend very well - may be people have selective hearing problem or may be someone just pointed " WINNING A GOLD MEDAL in TROLLING " is someone's ambition :)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sNrZ54XVXMc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
here i give you answer that
1. the money which is invested is not from zakat
so his main allegation is baseless and answered
2.this money is from donations and these are invested every year so the hospital invested this money and lost money as said by PMLN (Gold Medalist) but this is fixed
profit to hospital >loss to company
and reason is that CEO of the company is that person who since 1993 has been a big contributor to this hospital ao imran trusts him

you are hitting your head with a wall tbh :)
Oh come on people, the thread starter openly supports Zardari. Why waste time on his kind.
here i give you answer that
1. the money which is invested is not from zakat
so his main allegation is baseless and answered
2.this money is from donations and these are invested every year so the hospital invested this money and lost money as said by PMLN (Gold Medalist) but this is fixed
profit to hospital >loss to company
and reason is that CEO of the company is that person who since 1993 has been a big contributor to this hospital ao imran trusts him

1. People donate their "Zakat" so it's part of donation.
2. Why all donation is not invested for fixed profit? This is not his personal money to gamble about?
3. Why he invested abroad when he shouts everyday and ask other to bring money to Pakistan?
4. any other example by any Pakistani welfare trust that showed Rs 1+ B loss in a year?
5. Why IK not answering the real questions?
Oh come on people, the thread starter openly supports Zardari. Why waste time on his kind.

I am all for justice and transparency.

By the way, I am in favour of PTI..(the more votes they get, more chances for PPPP to win the seat)
I am all for justice and transparency.

By the way, I am in favour of PTI..(the more votes they get, more chances for PPPP to win the seat)

so your saying zardari will provide justice and transparency and end of corruption.

after reading most of your posts,i dont think any human being can be as pathetic as you in real life.

You must be a troll because i feel for the human race if you really believe what you post
so your saying zardari will provide justice and transparency and end of corruption.

after reading most of your posts,i dont think any human being can be as pathetic as you in real life.

You must be a troll because i feel for the human race if you really believe what you post

check the post by sarmad...and learn...
he actually tried to answer the questions on Imran's behalf...
PMLN........> Donkeys are even lot better and have more moral values
Valid questions / points / concerns raised by someone about PTI or Immy bhai and PTI fans respond to it with personal attacks . lol
@Black Zero
Do you understand what allegations mean? A person does not necessarily have to defend himself against against allegations, until those allegations are proved to be True.

Let me give you an example, if i allege Black Zero is a thief and that you stole 1bn$, you don't have to give me your bank statements and go out and prove that you are not a thief. I only made an allegation, once i prove the allegations then you are a thief, until then you can roam around freely and post on Pakpassion ;)
Valid questions / points / concerns raised by someone about PTI or Immy bhai and PTI fans respond to it with personal attacks . lol

lol, Valid questions by Noora League. yaay
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I am all for justice and transparency.

By the way, I am in favour of PTI..(the more votes they get, more chances for PPPP to win the seat)

You are a PPP supporter and you are calling Imran curropt?... are you serious?..... as a PPP supporter you automatically lose the right to accuse any one of corruption...... Please list 2 honest acts your party has commited and if you do I'll join your and PMLN's propaganda campaign against PTI and Imran Khan!
I am all for justice and transparency.

By the way, I am in favour of PTI..(the more votes they get, more chances for PPPP to win the seat)

you support an openly corrupt man.
zardari so so shamleess that he doesnt even deny his coruption.
Are u a son/relative of a PPP MNA/MPA who benefit from the corrupt system?(no offence ,serious question)
thats the only logic i can think of for some one to support PPP in the present circumstances....
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Valid questions / points / concerns raised by someone about PTI or Immy bhai and PTI fans respond to it with personal attacks . lol

oh you are here too! I guess Altaf Bhai hasn't rang yet so you are killing time by trolling.
Lets face it, the PML(n) and PPP are worried that their looting of the poor is about to come to an end and are throwing mud around hoping that it will stick. It may persuade some people but as demographics change,electorate domination will come to an end and the dynasties will start to unravel.
@Black Zero
Do you understand what allegations mean? A person does not necessarily have to defend himself against against allegations, until those allegations are proved to be True.

Let me give you an example, if i allege Black Zero is a thief and that you stole 1bn$, you don't have to give me your bank statements and go out and prove that you are not a thief. I only made an allegation, once i prove the allegations then you are a thief, until then you can roam around freely and post on Pakpassion ;)

No, IK must defend himself...

for 3 main reasons:

1- He is public personality (Leader of a political party)
2- He "invested" the money donated by society (not by some individual)
3- We got statements from 2009, 2010...why not publishing for year 2011

Okay, I do not want him to defend anything...
but I want a statement from him that he didn't invest the donations abroad...
you support an openly corrupt man.
zardari so so shamleess that he doesnt even deny his coruption.
Are u a son/relative of a PPP MNA/MPA who benefit from the corrupt system?(no offence ,serious question)
thats the only logic i can think of for some one to support PPP in the present circumstances....

No I do not support anyone...
but If I had too, I would PPPP...

regarding corruption, to me Zardari, Sharif, Chaudary, Fazal, Altaf and Imran are all corrupt to the core...nature and scale of corruption could be different ...but still corrupt ...
seems as if this latest round of mud slinging may backfire drastically against hte PML N. they are probably keen to hang on to their pind vote bank hence want to spread some mud out there to try and counter the allegations that they are merely mouth pieces and supporters of Zardari and the status quo.

I believe the questions asked have been answered, but alas this is Anwar sahib we are talking about, the man who thinks Malik is better than Bradman! lol, sometimes it is better to let braying donkeys bray!
No I do not support anyone...
but If I had too, I would PPPP...

regarding corruption, to me Zardari, Sharif, Chaudary, Fazal, Altaf and Imran are all corrupt to the core...nature and scale of corruption could be different ...but still corrupt ...

lol said with such conviction, if Imran is corrupt then why do you care, just ignore all of this stuff , keep calm and carry on!

of course there is no iota of proof of IK being "corrupt"...and no this doesnt qualify.
lol said with such conviction, if Imran is corrupt then why do you care, just ignore all of this stuff , keep calm and carry on!

of course there is no iota of proof of IK being "corrupt"...and no this doesnt qualify.

I am calm..

Just trying to warn "masoom" pakistanis.
No I do not support anyone...
but If I had too, I would PPPP...

regarding corruption, to me Zardari, Sharif, Chaudary, Fazal, Altaf and Imran are all corrupt to the core...nature and scale of corruption could be different ...but still corrupt ...

Yes they are all corrupt bar Imran. Imran has not looted the public purse,not misused power, or got people murdered but he has built a World class hospital which is not fantasy but a reality. I feel sorry for anyone that supports these corrupt dynasties because it shows a lack of humanity for the poor as these individuals have made it their life`s mission to rob and pillage them.
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I am calm..

Just trying to warn "masoom" pakistanis.

sorry but in the coming elections staying on the sidelines with regards to support is not an option. You either stay quiet and watch the status quo again or you go with imran and hope he can provide better. At the mnoment Ill believe him as I have no reason to doubt him. It may change if he fails but he hasnt yet! Unlike the others! The massoom awam have a choice between the corrupt status quo and a real change in imran! if he doesnt provide change well then it wont make much of difference then. But what if he will provide it?
LMAO at the excitement of some 'IK haters' at the latest round of bakwaas from PML-Noora League

Kh Asif said he had the apparent documents for 8 months....were these apparent documents like photo reels, that they needed 8 months to fully come through or something?
This rubbish has badly backfired for PML-N, with more publicity and more support for PTI/IK. People have actually left PML-N and joined PTI....people who never donated to SK have started donating (in BIG numbers)

Jis ko Allah rakhe is ko kaun chakke
If you really care about the public Warn them off the real chor that are PPP then

What are you talking about?!

PPP are the best for this 'masoom' public, i mean havent PPP shown it 3 times (twice under BB and now Zardari)?

However to be fair PML-N are also good for the masoom public...they showed that twice as well as 5 times in Punjab

But then again we must remember MQaatilM, theyre magnificent for masoom Pakistani's (as long as you dont oppose them, or else)...i mean theyve shown that for the last 30odd years havent they?

Jeetay Raho, Pakistan ke bahaadur bhai! :zardari :altaf :Nawaz
Valid questions / points / concerns raised by someone about PTI or Immy bhai and PTI fans respond to it with personal attacks . lol

Neither Immi K nor PTI are under attack by Noora League. Yesterday's media blitz was only an attack on SKMH which doesn't have any board member who is part of Pakistan Tehreek Insaf.

Just setting the record straight :)
Amazing is the world of Pakistan...Rather than questioning accountability from people and parties who have been ruling this nation since last 30-40 years, each on multiple occasions, accountability is being asked from a guy who in his individual capacity tried to help the poor struggling for life in a system corrupted to the core. From an outsider's view, IK is the last hope for Pakistan before it disintegrates. Hold on to this opportunity; I plead you the people of Pakistan.
Its not just IK/PTI which is the target of this attack....these people are also (direct or indirect) targets and people like them could have also suffered (they wont but could have):

I am calm..

Just trying to warn "masoom" pakistanis.

Black Zero, let's assume that ok Imran did this. He invested Zakat money and let's assume he lost out on it. Does it make him that bad of a candidate that you will encourage people to vote for someone else? If so , who? PPP? PML-N ? Bhai mere. they are KINGS of corruption. BAADSHAH samaje ho kia?? What exactly you mean to say ,"warn masoom Pakistan" ? and then what ? ask them to vote for kings of corruption? Bad idea ! Put in a blank vote? Again, bad idea.

IK has proven track record to be the most honest and highest integrity politician out of the current pack.
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Real facts about SKMT Endowment Fund / Shame on PML-N

By Sheikh Zakir Elahi

Recently leadership of Muslim League made some allegations which can be simple deemed shameless, baseless and without any merit or truth. One wonders what the real object behind this baseless allegation was. What will PML(N) gain by tarnishing the reputation of one of the finest not for profit institution in Pakistan where 75% of poor cancer patients get free treatment?

This is not attack on Imran Khan but attack on all poor cancer patients who receive free treatment at this fine institution. The timing of these false accusations during the Zakat month of Ramadan reflects the true mentality of leadership of PML(N). This accusation will hurt the poor cancer patients. Not sure if PML(N) leadership can live with this on their conscience. But on the second thought, they do not even have a conscience. It is still unknown how low PML(N) can go. Chairman Imran Khan made it very clear no Zakat funds were used for investment and no money were transferred from Pakistan to abroad. International entities that are involved in fundraising for SKMT are independent entities. For example in USA funds are raised under (Imran Khan Cancer Appeal ,USA ). Same is case with other countries .Khan sahib is not part of investment board that makes decisions regarding investment.

Since the attack was against investment done by SKMT Endowment fund, we must analyze those investments in detail and explain what Endowment Fund is. Endowment Fund is made up of gifts and donation that is subject to requirement that the principal be maintained intact and invested to create a source of income. All non profit are under pressure to generate needed funds for running current operations. It is saving that eases the financial burden during tough and hard times.

Most of Universities and non-profit institutions worldwide have endowment funds. Below are some examples of Endowment Funds.

- Harvard $31 billion per student $1,523,809.

- Princeton $17.11 billion per student $2,198,381

- Yale $19.3 Billion per student $1,663,807.

Now let’s analyze the investments made through the SKMT Endowment fund.

1. Shares in Hub Power

Increase in value between 2009 to 2010 - RS 2,352,000

With market cap of Rs 51.8 billion, Hub power is highly profitable company whose shares have doubled in value in last 3 years with dividend yield of 13 % is very safe and sound investment.

2. AKD Opportunity Fund

Increase in value between 2009 to 2010 - RS 4,885,212

A diversified open ended fund that invest in Pakistani securities with average return of about 25% for last 3 years. It is considered a safe and sound investment.

3. Pakistan Income Fund Increase in value between 2009 to 2010 - RS 7,258,440 A diversified open ended fund with average return of 7.6% for last 3 years

ABN AMRO Bank Notes

4. CROCI ALPHA PARIS NOTE (Face /Par value $1 million)

Increase in value between 2009 to 2010 - RS 3,186,880

5. Global Healthcare sector notes ( Par value $1 Million)

Increase in value between 2009 to 2010 RS 7,134,345

6. Climate change Note (Par value $1.5 Million)

Increase between 2009 to 2010 RS 7,134,335

(Note is short term debt security with fixed maturity date. Issuer of note pays the par value or face amount of note at the end of term along with agreed interest every year. Values of the notes do go up and down depending upon market condition. Note pays the par value or face value of note at maturity. Capital is always safe )

These notes are very safe and sound investment by any standard and offered by ABN AMRO which is 15 largest bank in the world.

So called un-safe investment – See below facts

7. 3,000,000 class 'B' ordinary shares of USD 1 each of Cinnabar International Services (CISL ) valued at RS 211,800.000. (CISL is subsidiary of HBG Holding that well established & well capitalizes investment company . HE Abdullah Al Mouallini Saudi Arabia Ambassador to United nations is chairman of board )

Any share that is not preferred share is common share or ordinary share. Reason companies create different class of ordinary share is to attach certain rights to shares or to pay different dividend to share holders. In this case shares are nonvoting shares with certain grantees in place which allows security of capital; these are defined in deadlock articles.

CISL owns 3000 shares of Sugarland Real E(BVI) Limited, a special purpose entity to undertake the development of a real estate project in Oman. Land for the project was contributed by a major share holder Sheikh Salim Al Mashani. This contribution was considered in kind (a non cash contribution which can be given as cash value). At the time of contribution land was valued at USD 28.323 million. According to latest appraisal, land has significantly dropped in value by USD 18.256 million so the current value assessed by management is USD 10.067.

There would be issue if that loss was realized by the corporation but in this case Sheikh Al Mashani has agreed to take that loss through reduction in the capital contribution by him. Since the loss on land will be borne by only him, his capital or shares in project will decrease and will have no adverse effect of this land price drop on other share holders. Percentage ownership of other share holders will increase so that their value of their holding remains unchanged. This drop also does not affect the value of project and the future cash flow from project. Project is still on and it is assumed that upon completion of project the value of shares will increase.


It is to be noted that accounts are audited by A. F. Ferguson & Co. (a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers network) which is among largest and the most respected firm of professional accountants in Pakistan with more than 1600 accountants.

Shaukat Khanam Endowment Fund made diversified investments in and outside Pakistan. It is right mix of securities and reflects a balance portfolio and with minimum risk.

Real facts about SKMT Endowment Fund / Shame on PML-N

By Sheikh Zakir Elahi


These guys don't appreciate the fact that IK goes to great lengths to ensure proper process is followed for all these kind of financial transactions. Recently I attended a PTI membership drive in Austin , TX, and Fauzia Kasuri was there. She assured everyone that PTI is fully registered with US Department of Justice as a foreign political organization under Foreign Agent Registration Act ( FARA) . Do any of the existing political parties go to such lengths to ensure proper process is followed? I think not.
SKMH is not only Imran's, but our hospital too. Vividly remember handing out Imran a 100 rps note way back in early 1990's when he came to Sargodha to collect funds. **fanboyism**

Sad to see that PML(N) is resorting to such low blows ala 90's.
Noora League leaders are unghoota chaap. They dont know what an Endowment Fund is nor do they know how a hospital runs. Its such a shame that our people vote for them to run the country.
What ever the case may be Imran Khan /PTI are not in the Government meaning this is not the "Tax Payers" Money

Bilawal House in Karachi covering up the Entire street with 20 Feet Walls, Zardari House, Bhutto House, Rich life style to rival kings, Ministers going with Convoy of 20+ Vehicles etc etc do come from the Tax payers Money

Same for the Gunja sitting in Raiwind farm as he is the Prince of Punjab
I fail to see the problem.

Do the accusers understand the concept of an endowment fund and of preserving its value?

Pakistan currently has average inflation of 12% over the last few years. 1m PKR donated in 2007 would today only be worth 528,000 PKR in 2012 at if discounted at the 15% inflation rate over 5 years. If Imran had not done anything to the endowment fund money, most of which comes from the 1990s, it would be practically worthless.

This is where investing comes in. To counteract inflation, you need to put your money to good use so it makes a return. If Imran invested the money in Pakistan - he would have to find a business which gives a 12% return every year. As someone who works with investment funds, believe me, a 12% year on year return is very difficult to achieve in any country. So trying to achieve that by investing in Pakistani businesses, which has to pay bribes and doesn't have 24/7 electricity, would be taking an unecessary risk.

Therefore, the money has to be invested abroad. Investing in USD is a logical choice. The dollar has had an average inflation rate of around 3% over the last decade. So only a 3% return is required per anum for the endowment fund to keep its value. As such investing abroad is a logical and safe choice.

Now the particular investment pointed out here is a property investment trust in Dubai. If you recall, in the early 2000s everyone was buying property in Dubai. Prices were going up and no one was describing it as a bubble. Its seems that Imran Khan's chosen investment adviser was clearly on the Dubai property bandwagon and put some money in a Dubai property trust. The Dubai property market crashed in 2008/9 and a lot of people, including the endowment fund of SKMH, lost money.

It seems to me that if Khan has made any mistake, it has been to have an investment adviser who invested in Dubai property. So why did Imran Khan appoint an investment adviser? Well, managing wealth via investment funds is not easy and requires specialist qualifications. Imran Khan doesn't have these neither do the regular board members of the SKHM trust - so it makes sense to appoint a qualified investment adviser.

Now, the next question is did Imran Khan appoint a rogue investment adviser? The guy, Imtiaz Hydari, ICAEW qualified chartered accountant and has 35 years of corporate experience in the Middle-east. See link below for his qualifications.


The adviser appointed by Imran Khan doesn't seem like a cowboy. He just made a bad call regarding the Dubai property market - a lot of other investment fund managers made the same mistake. It happens. Investments are inherently risky. But the idea is over a long enough time period you make more money than you put in because the underlying economy expands over time. Hence all of us have put our money into a pension - we expect to get more than we put in because the size of the pension grows.

Now in all of this - please tell me what Imran Khan has done wrong?
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Very few organizations in Pakistan are as transparent as SKMH and the amount of good work they do is by far one of best done by any organization in Pakistan. Politics aside, this is an attack on our most beloved and respectable institution, something which we are really proud of. I am sure most of us have been part of building or mantaining it by making donations and this makes it personal, at least for me. I am so disgused by this attack that I am seriously contemplating supporting PTI from now onwards. If only IK can keep his distance from the mullah party/DPC etc., hell, I might even join PTI.

PML-N has just hit rock bottom in my opinion. A big lanat on them.
What Imran said :
1_ Never sent any money out of Pakistan for investment.The investments made were from donation from overseas Pakistanis from accounts not in Pakistan

2- The investments were not really a gamble but stock purchases (I think)The owner of the company gave Imran a written guarantee that if the investment tanks then he will still get all his money back.They also get to keep profits if any are made.

3- All big non-profits make investments to cover their expenses SKMH did same.

On a personal note I feel that it is disgusting that PML-N is dragging a charitable foundation into their dirty game of politics.Khud koi acha kaam ler nahin sakte magar koi aur ker raha ho to ussee bhi nahin kerne dein gay .
ISLAMABAD: Accusing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan of not paying taxes on his income, Opposition leader in the National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Thursday asked Khan to make details of his assets public.

Resurrecting the old debate of Khan’s London apartment, which he says was gifted to him by his former wife Jemima Khan, Nisar said documents showing the purchase and sale of that property should be provided.

“We want to see if Jemima has mentioned this transaction in her tax returns,” Nisar stated.
Calling Khan to take them to court and prove that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is guilty of the charges levelled against it, Nisar said Khan should also reveal his source of income to explain his lavish lifestyle.

Slamming Khan for only accusing PML-N and saving his criticism against the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Nisar said Khan and Interior Minister Rehman Malik speak the same language.
“They both criticise Nawaz and PML-N but they don’t attack each other,” he said.

Blaming Khan of fooling the youth of Pakistan, Nisar said that he should take him to the court as he has challenged earlier.

“Imran has the habit of turning away from his words; he had abused the Chaudhry brothers in the past but he then also called them a genuine opposition in Pakistan, he fought against MQM but now he has a different tone towards the party. He was once a supporter of Pervez Musharraf and now he is against him,” Nisar listed.


More mudslinging :altaf
Ch Nisar has lost his mind............O wait, it wasn't there to begin with :facepalm:
One thing i will never understand about "educated" people who hate imran khan and pti
lets say these allegations are true. what exactly does pakistan have to lose by voting in imran khan? Is he more corrupt than pml-n ppp anp mqm etc? Havent we tried them all and seen what they really are? Isnt pti really the last hope? If they turn out to be just like the others we wouldnot have lost anything? Surely he cannot be worse than our current political and religious mafia?
He is the only hope and it would be understandable if the illiterates dont vote for him but for educated pakistanis moaning about corrution economy and terrorism and then still vote for the old circus.... God help you
I do not think it was a right mix..as it resulted in loss of 1+ B PRs. in less than a year!

There must be a through investigation and process needs to be changed so to avoid such rash investments in future.

for this statement you will get silver medal.
Very few organizations in Pakistan are as transparent as SKMH and the amount of good work they do is by far one of best done by any organization in Pakistan. Politics aside, this is an attack on our most beloved and respectable institution, something which we are really proud of. I am sure most of us have been part of building or mantaining it by making donations and this makes it personal, at least for me. I am so disgused by this attack that I am seriously contemplating supporting PTI from now onwards. If only IK can keep his distance from the mullah party/DPC etc., hell, I might even join PTI.

PML-N has just hit rock bottom in my opinion. A big lanat on them.

then why they didn't publish the report of year 2011?
Now I would like to have a quarterly report.
Black Zero, let's assume that ok Imran did this. He invested Zakat money and let's assume he lost out on it. Does it make him that bad of a candidate that you will encourage people to vote for someone else? If so , who? PPP? PML-N ? Bhai mere. they are KINGS of corruption. BAADSHAH samaje ho kia?? What exactly you mean to say ,"warn masoom Pakistan" ? and then what ? ask them to vote for kings of corruption? Bad idea ! Put in a blank vote? Again, bad idea.

IK has proven track record to be the most honest and highest integrity politician out of the current pack.

No that would make him a "perfect" candidate to compete PPPP/PML-N/Q, JUI-F/S, MQM, ANP, JI etc. as rest of parties are let by hypocrites...
and today's age of mis-information only big hypocrite can defeat small hypocrites...

on what moral ground he was asking other hypocrites to bring back money to Pakistan...
whenever i read your post, this image pops up in my head, Billy only understand what he wants to understand, facts and evidence are ignored if his purpose is not served.


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What Imran said :
1_ Never sent any money out of Pakistan for investment.The investments made were from donation from overseas Pakistanis from accounts not in Pakistan

2- The investments were not really a gamble but stock purchases (I think)The owner of the company gave Imran a written guarantee that if the investment tanks then he will still get all his money back.They also get to keep profits if any are made.

3- All big non-profits make investments to cover their expenses SKMH did same.

On a personal note I feel that it is disgusting that PML-N is dragging a charitable foundation into their dirty game of politics.Khud koi acha kaam ler nahin sakte magar koi aur ker raha ho to ussee bhi nahin kerne dein gay .

1- Pakistan is not going bank-corrupt because of the foreign exchange overseas Pakistanis sending to Pakistan...so if any overseas Pakistanis donating to ik and he is investing abroad it's a net loss to Pakistan.

2. Will IK get back all his money back, yes or no?

3. As SKMH get huge tax credit in Pakistan, they must make sound investment...not based on risky speculations.

someone must be held responsible for all this...

transparency and accountability ... my foot.
1- Pakistan is not going bank-corrupt because of the foreign exchange overseas Pakistanis sending to Pakistan...so if any overseas Pakistanis donating to ik and he is investing abroad it's a net loss to Pakistan.

2. Will IK get back all his money back, yes or no?

3. As SKMH get huge tax credit in Pakistan, they must make sound investment...not based on risky speculations.

someone must be held responsible for all this...

transparency and accountability ... my foot.

do you understand what these two terms mean?

Has he denied investing this money overseas? has he not put all this info on SKMH website?

and who says "my foot"? lol, did you slam ur foot on the floor as u typed that?
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do you understand what these two terms mean?

Has he denied investing this money overseas? has he not put all this info on SKMH website?

and who says "my foot"? lol, did you slam ur foot on the floor as u typed that?

I am not sure about today...it was not there yesterday...

and we are in August ... not Jan

could you post me the links to the information about first and second quarters of 2012, please?
I am not sure about today...it was not there yesterday...

and we are in August ... not Jan

could you post me the links to the information about first and second quarters of 2012, please?

you are hilarious. unfortunately the President of Pakistan gets the priority, can not disrespect the President of Pakistan, but do not hold your breath, it will take a long time for President to put up all of his info regarding tax, investment, offshore accounts since BiBi was elected first time, thn SKMH can put thr info for the last 6 months, but i am sure SKMH will find a way to put all this info on the website soon, probably even before President put himself into exile.
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you are hilarious. unfortunately the President of Pakistan gets the priority, can not disrespect the President of Pakistan, but do not hold your breath, it will take a long time for President to put up all of his info regarding tax, investment, offshore accounts since BiBi was elected first time, thn SKMH can put thr info for the last 6 months, but i am sure SKMH will find a way to put all this info on the website soon, probably even before President put himself into exile.

you lied to me...they still have not posted for year 2011...


so Asif was right!
There is a Punjabi saying, When God has to punish somebody, he does not come down and beat with the stick, woh bandey kee maat maar detta hai.... ( He destroy the mind of idiots).

Look like anti-PTI brigade kee bhi maat maari hoi hai.. ( they lost their mind).

It is holy month, ask God for your forgiveness, may be he will return your mind.. ( shayad aqal waapis mil jayae..)
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There is a Punjabi saying, When God has to punish somebody, he does not come down and beat with the stick, woh bandey kee maat maar detta hai....

Look like anti-PTI brigade kee bhi maat maari hoi hai.. ( they lost their mind).

It is holy month, ask God for your forgiveness, may be he will return your mind.. ( shayad aqal waapis mil jayae..)

Call IK and advise him to invest in Behria Town...
Sound investment!

Even better...become partner of Ch. Irsalan ... 2000% profit .... bi-annually..
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