Will Imran Khan be more historically revered and celebrated in comparison to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan's history?


Test Captain
Feb 16, 2006
Post of the Week
Most political commentators and analysts are now conceding that PTI's achievements under relentless establishment, PDM persecution over the last 2 years were extra ordinary and that they have established a case study in modern political science on how a leader can galvanize the masses while being in jail, not being allowed to hold any rallies, jalsas, speeches and with minimal campaign funding and achieve a two thirds majority.

This was an even bigger wave than what Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto enjoyed in the 70's and mind you Bhutto was not behind bars, was not prevented from holding rallies. PTI workers and candidates were still being picked up, harrassed by the police even upto polling day.

I will not even go into the damage Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did to Pakistan during his reign but i think when Pakistani history is written down the line, Imran Khan will go down as a more popular, celebrated figure versus Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
He may do a cheap deal with establishment in future like Nawaz Sharif that will surely ruin his whole vote bank

You never know with politics in Pakistan.
He will most likely be remembered more positively than ZAB.

He exposed the establishment, won a World Cup, and did many charitable works.
Bhutto was a mandate thief, just like his nawasa and led to the genocide and then breakup in East Pakistan. You can see this pattern repeated now too, women being molested in jails, being beaten on streets, people being picked up from homes, people being killed....this is what an occupied army does to the occupied.
He may do a cheap deal with establishment in future like Nawaz Sharif that will surely ruin his whole vote bank

You never know with politics in Pakistan.

He's been refusing all deals with the establishment and PDM up to now

After May 9, 2023, the establishment offered him to go abroad in the UK in exile for a few years under the pretext of treating his leg injury but he refused.

PPP via Bilawal Bhutto and Zardari after the election results, offered to PTI via Latif Khosa and the establishment, partnership with the PPP where PPP would support the PTI in the Centre, Punjab in exchange for Zardari being made President and PTI and IK being released from prison along with all his leaders and workers but IK refused again.

Even now the establishment is telling him to enjoy Bani Gala, Zaman Park as a sub jail with Bushra Bibi for the next 3 years and all you have to do is to keep quite and not interfere. IK responded keep me in Adiala jail for life i don't care but i am not accepting any deal.

IK's only demands are for the army to return to the barracks and for his stolen mandate to be returned to him. He has refused their help with his legal cases saying i will fight each and every case on my own. President Arif Alvi as a parting gift offered to use the Presidency to grant him a pardon but IK refused again that i am not guilty of anything, why should i accept any pardon.
If he continues on the same trail then certainly would surpass ZAB.
He's been refusing all deals with the establishment and PDM up to now

After May 9, 2023, the establishment offered him to go abroad in the UK in exile for a few years under the pretext of treating his leg injury but he refused.

PPP via Bilawal Bhutto and Zardari after the election results, offered to PTI via Latif Khosa and the establishment, partnership with the PPP where PPP would support the PTI in the Centre, Punjab in exchange for Zardari being made President and PTI and IK being released from prison along with all his leaders and workers but IK refused again.

Even now the establishment is telling him to enjoy Bani Gala, Zaman Park as a sub jail with Bushra Bibi for the next 3 years and all you have to do is to keep quite and not interfere. IK responded keep me in Adiala jail for life i don't care but i am not accepting any deal.

IK's only demands are for the army to return to the barracks and for his stolen mandate to be returned to him. He has refused their help with his legal cases saying i will fight each and every case on my own. President Arif Alvi as a parting gift offered to use the Presidency to grant him a pardon but IK refused again that i am not guilty of anything, why should i accept any pardon.
If he continues on the same trail then certainly would surpass ZAB.
He already has.

Bhutto couldn't even win a fair election. IK had no election symbol, was not allowed any campaigning, had 10,000 of his party workers (including himself) in jail...yet still won it.
Imran has already surpassed ZAB in popularity. Getting majority of seats while sitting in jail when his party was not even allowed to campaign, the symbol was taken away, but still ended up winning more seats than other so-called biggest parties of the country. One more thing that put ZAB behind is the 1971 incident, which puts a dent in his legacy.
From the outside, I think there's a good chance. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, like Imran is now was a deeply flawed individual who nevertheless had the masses behind him. Both were/are intensely ambitious but understood the pulse of the public and how to use it for popularity.

The 1977 election is a very close parallel to this one. The Establishment was strongly against Bhutto and pushed all the remaining parties into allying against him to form a single front. Even so, Bhutto and the PPP and took 60% of the vote and 3/4ths of the seats.

The aftermath was different of course in that the result was actually declared unlike now but Bhutto was not allowed to govern and we all know what happened next.

If the Establishment make the mistake of martyring Imran like they did Bhutto, it would complete the cycle and Imran into the kind of legendary Jinnah, Bhutto figure in Pakistan politics.
IK has become a bigger much bigger in other word a massive figure than ZAB. ZAB was a traitor who also stole mandate of Mujeeb and helped in creation of Bangladesh.

IK is a cheetah and a brave guy. He may have committed numerous mistakes in his political career but he is a changed politician now. You will see a new beast when he will come out of Adaila for next elections next year. IK knows this is a golden opportunity to send establishment on backfoot so he will fight tooth and nail to achieve that. Establishment have lost, its only a matter of time to bury them.
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He may do a cheap deal with establishment in future like Nawaz Sharif that will surely ruin his whole vote bank

You never know with politics in Pakistan.
The thing is IK is not a coward like Sharif. establishment needs a deal from IK not the other way around, and IK knows that.

If he didn’t committed to a cheap deal post May 9 why would he now when he has a huge mandate?
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He's been refusing all deals with the establishment and PDM up to now

After May 9, 2023, the establishment offered him to go abroad in the UK in exile for a few years under the pretext of treating his leg injury but he refused.

PPP via Bilawal Bhutto and Zardari after the election results, offered to PTI via Latif Khosa and the establishment, partnership with the PPP where PPP would support the PTI in the Centre, Punjab in exchange for Zardari being made President and PTI and IK being released from prison along with all his leaders and workers but IK refused again.

Even now the establishment is telling him to enjoy Bani Gala, Zaman Park as a sub jail with Bushra Bibi for the next 3 years and all you have to do is to keep quite and not interfere. IK responded keep me in Adiala jail for life i don't care but i am not accepting any deal.

IK's only demands are for the army to return to the barracks and for his stolen mandate to be returned to him. He has refused their help with his legal cases saying i will fight each and every case on my own. President Arif Alvi as a parting gift offered to use the Presidency to grant him a pardon but IK refused again that i am not guilty of anything, why should i accept any pardon.

If all this is true it's heartening to note that Imran has learnt his lesson and now knows who the true enemy is.

It's up to the nation of Pakistan to follow through on this.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not do anything for the country that should be remembered but Imran Khan has raised awareness for the rights of this nation and taught them to raise their voices. He will be remembered as a great leader forever.
Bhutto is remembered for raising the moral of the nation after the 1971 defeat and for Pakistan being a major regional player with many world leaders visiting Pakistan during his rule.

However the biggest downside was his nationalization policies which totally destroyed Pakistan's economy and set it backwards. He also laid the foundations for the religious extremisim and intolerance which prevails in our society today.
Bhutto is remembered for raising the moral of the nation after the 1971 defeat and for Pakistan being a major regional player with many world leaders visiting Pakistan during his rule.

However the biggest downside was his nationalization policies which totally destroyed Pakistan's economy and set it backwards. He also laid the foundations for the religious extremisim and intolerance which prevails in our society today.
That last bit I disagree with. It was General Zia and his overly religious policies that brought extremism and intolerance to the country.
That last bit I disagree with. It was General Zia and his overly religious policies that brought extremism and intolerance to the country.

Bhutto kickstarted the process in the final months of his tenure by making populist moves to quel the protests against the election results ie banning alcohol, casinos and declaring Ahmedis non Muslims
Bhutto is remembered for raising the moral of the nation after the 1971 defeat and for Pakistan being a major regional player with many world leaders visiting Pakistan during his rule.

However the biggest downside was his nationalization policies which totally destroyed Pakistan's economy and set it backwards. He also laid the foundations for the religious extremisim and intolerance which prevails in our society today.
Bhutto was as complicit in 71 as the army. A worse mandate thief than his grandson so any morale raising is pointless. Its like praising a husband who batters his wife but takes her to a hospital afterwards.
If all this is true it's heartening to note that Imran has learnt his lesson and now knows who the true enemy is.

It's up to the nation of Pakistan to follow through on this.
How are the people supposed to follow through with it?

How often have people revolted against their own military without external support?
The people of Pakistan have never ever revolted via uprising. Even the Lawyers movement of 2007-08 was financed and supported by General Ashfaq Kayani who betrayed Musharraf as he was in Zardari's pocket. PPP rewarded Kayani with an extension.
some hilarious replies in this thread lol

Whatever rocks your boat
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not do anything for the country that should be remembered but Imran Khan has raised awareness for the rights of this nation and taught them to raise their voices. He will be remembered as a great leader forever.
absolutely agree with this.

The fact that that we enrich our own uranium is a less important thing while an imaginary fantasy of raising our voices should be remembered forever.
absolutely agree with this.

The fact that that we enrich our own uranium is a less important thing while an imaginary fantasy of raising our voices should be remembered forever.

Let's be clear here, it is even on Wikipedia, people were actually happy about the Military coup of 1977 when Bhutto was over thrown, no one missed him. He had become despotic towards the end of his tenure.
The people of Pakistan have never ever revolted via uprising. Even the Lawyers movement of 2007-08 was financed and supported by General Ashfaq Kayani who betrayed Musharraf as he was in Zardari's pocket. PPP rewarded Kayani with an extension.
Quite true.
Let's be clear here, it is even on Wikipedia, people were actually happy about the Military coup of 1977 when Bhutto was over thrown, no one missed him. He had become despotic towards the end of his tenure.
i think you need to talk to people that were actually alive rather than qoute wikipedia.

I think a little research on the train marches would give you some context