World Snooker Championships


PP Fantasy League Test Monthly Winner
Jan 30, 2005
Will anyone be watching and if so who will you support? I want ronnie o sullivan to win but also want paul hunter to do well. it will be remarkable seeing as he has been just been diagnosed with cancer- he will play whilst having chemo.
I have and always will support Rocket Ronnie. he is by far the most exciting player to watch in an otherwise quite boring sport.

I hope after being diagnosed with cancer that Hunter does well in the tournament too.
when isit startin ive always liked stephen hendry since i was young i no hes not the same but still my fav.
Stpehen hendry is the best player to hold a cue but ronnie is just too good now.
I always been a Hendry fan despite the pressure from my folks to switch allegiance to the Whirlwind.
Greatest player ever and has not fizzled out as the Romford Slim did, as to who will win, dont know but has the Chinese player qualified?
Shaukhat Ali or whatever that pakistani from Accrington is called. that is if he is still playing
The Rocket doesn't live far from me, I would say maybe just over a mile. I have seen him before jogging with his personal trainer. He apparently jogs 6-8 miles a day, maybe even more.

I'm not sure if that guy Shokat Ali has qualified, he may have done, but I'm not sure. I think about a couple of years ago he beat John Parrott 6-0 at one of the tournaments, which was quite funny.
Gary yaar, don't tell me you watch pool on skysports?

RH: Like last time, when? He hasn't beaten Ronnie in the World Championships. He has beaten Ronnie twice earlier in season, but then Ronnie has beaten him last 2 times.

It defo is a very tricky match for Ronnie, but if he plays anywhere near his best he should go through.
I watched international pool. I am embarrased for watching it though
The magician EFREN REYES!!!
what a legend.
and the best character in billiard sports:


stephen hendry is past it. ronny to win and hunter to do well!!
SM, are u the one who nawaz said joined PP because of me? lol
Hendry can still turn it on, wouldnt bet against him.
rocket ronnie all the way - inshallah he converts to islam afterwards - he did say once he had finished playing then he would make a serious effort
he is waiting till his dad is out of prison first- strict catholic family. he is finding out more about islam though- wants to build his knowledge up
yeah he should know what he is getting into for want of a better word before becoming Muslim.
we should get ataullah to talk to him!
he's had prince naseem show him around a mosque and he has spoken to the imam there.
who will the rest of you guys be supporting?
past it!!!!
ronnie and paul!! lol.
yes he has shown at times he can roll back the years and will be wiser with all his experience.
Any of you lot play at home or local clubs?

Why isnt Ding in the draw?????

He won the China Open!
u have to qualify.
i play pool, sometimes snooker at golf club with my dad who was very good in his day.
mashallah - is snooker getting more popular with desis?
pool is - i saw some guy called Imran Majid at the 9 ball worlds.

0-72 (50) 23-69 (59) 80-17 (72) 72-40 14-60 (54) 115-0 (115) 74-50 (73) 22-66 99-12 (99)

David gray 4-2 Hamilton
O'Sullivan 7-8 Maguire

come on ronnie!!!!!
9-7 Maguire, isn't looking good for Ronnie.

Hopefully he can pull it back, he needs to win 3 frames in a row to win.

He needs to produce the magic now.
Paul Hunter received a warm welcome from The Crucible crowd, but found a tough opponent in Michael Holt as their opening session ended 4-5.

Hunter, who decided to play despite recently being diagnosed with cancer, saw his early thunder stolen as Holt took the opener with a fine 93 break.

A 62 in the second brought Hunter level, before Holt again went ahead.

Three frames in a row put Hunter in control, but Holt took two of the last three to keep the pressure on.


P HUNTER (Eng) 5-4 M HOLT (Eng)

22-93 (93) 85-0 (62) 35-70 68-0 70-17 (51) 98-12 (74) 16-78 63-59 53-70 (61)
Gray 8-10 Hamilton Davis 9-9 Greene
its not that boring.

P HUNTER (Eng) 6-8 M HOLT (Eng)

22-93 (93) 85-0 (62) 35-70 68-0 70-17 (51) 98-12 (74) 16-78 63-59 53-70 (61) 36-67 (51) 36-64 56-64 119-8 (115) 56-68 (56 Hunter)
cant believe hunter has been knocked out, but he wasnt looking his best. best of luck to him with his chemo.

P HUNTER (Eng) 8-10 M HOLT (Eng)

22-93 (93) 85-0 (62) 35-70 68-0 70-17 (51) 98-12 (74) 16-78 63-59 53-70 (61) 36-67 (51) 36-64 56-64 119-8 (115) 56-68 (56 Hunter) 6-67 (58) 120-2 (120) 62-30 42-68

25-59 68-34 0-77 (68) 11-63 0-102 (102) 69-9 (68) 0-73 (52) 74-34 125-0 (55,70) 95-0 (91) 109-1 (109) 76-2 101-22 (68)

J HIGGINS (Sco) 3-3 M SELBY (Eng)

136-0 (136) 0-135 (135) 105-7 117-8 (51,66) 22-76 17-69
K DOHERTY (Ire) 10-5 B PINCHES (Eng)

25-59 68-34 0-77 (68) 11-63 0-102 (102) 69-9 (68) 0-73 (52) 74-34 125-0 (55,70) 95-0 (91) 109-1 (109) 76-2 101-22 (68) 82-14 (82) 59-26

J HIGGINS (Sco) 5-4 M SELBY (Eng)

136-0 (136) 0-135 (135) 105-7 117-8 (51,66) 22-76 17-69 57-64 (53 Higgins) 84-21 (60) 106-0 (106)
inshallah he will win.
he has got a lot of backing just saw an interview with steven gerrard saying he wants ronnie to win.
he said he was disappointed his days off have been when ronnie isnt playing but he said he is gonna try and watch him live
Fu 4-10 Carter Williams 7-1 Milkins
Dott 2-4 McCulloch Ebdon 10-2 Hann
Brave Hunter knocked out

Paul Hunter said the reaction of The Crucible crowd and his fellow players had given him a huge boost as he starts his fight against cancer.

Hunter receives the results of tests later this week and will begin a three-month course of chemotherapy.

"There was a fantastic atmosphere - when I came through the curtain on Sunday, I was nearly crying," Hunter told BBC Sport.

"I felt the same when Fergal O'Brien and Jimmy White were clapping me."

Hunter has been the focus of attention in Sheffield after last week's news of his diagnosis with cancer.

The three-time Masters champion received a standing ovation from the crowd after deciding to play at The Crucible and did himself proud with a battling display under hugely difficult circumstances.

"I'm really pleased just to be here - I didn't know if I was going to play or not but that just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up," said Hunter.

"I've just been in shock, it's not every day you find out you've got cancer at the age of 26.

"I was going to drop out of (previous tournament) China Open but I really wanted to play there. I would play on my death bed, that's the kind of person I am.

"I'm just taking one day at a time. I want to thank all my fans for their messages of support and I'll be back here next year fighting."

Hunter will undergo a CT scan to assess the extent of his cancer on Tuesday, and also said he planned to bank sperm before beginning his chemotherapy.