‘Double standards’: Western coverage of Ukraine war and discourse towards Russia criticised


World Star
Jan 8, 2006
Post of the Week

<b><I>Social media users accuse the media of hypocrisy in its coverage of Russia’s war on Ukraine compared with other conflicts.</b></I>

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues into a fourth day, an outpouring of support for Ukrainians has been witnessed across much of Europe, Australia, and the West in general.

The war began on Thursday after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces to enter Ukraine, following months of a heavy military build-up on the border.

Ukraine’s health minister said at least 198 Ukrainians, including three children, have been killed so far during the invasion. The United Nations says more than 360,000 Ukrainians have fled the country, with the majority crossing the border into neighbouring Poland.

The war has triggered swift condemnation by several countries, immediate sanctions by the United States and other countries targeting Russian banks, oil refineries, and military exports, and marathon emergency talks at the UN Security Council (UNSC).

On social media, the speed of such an international response – which includes the exclusion of Russia from some cultural events and treatment of it as a pariah in sports – has raised eyebrows at the lack of such a reaction to other conflicts across the world.

Media pundits, journalists, and political figures have been accused of double standards for using their outlets to not only commend Ukraine’s armed resistance to Russian troops, but also to underlying their horror at how such a conflict could happen to a “civilised” nation.

CBS News senior correspondent in Kyiv Charlie D’Agata said on Friday: “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.”

His comments were met with derision and anger on social media, with many pointing out how his statements contributed to the further dehumanisation of non-white, non-European people suffering under a conflict within mainstream media.

D’Agata later apologised, saying he spoke “in a way I regret”.

On Saturday, the BBC hosted Ukraine’s former deputy general prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze.

“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blonde hair and blue eyes being killed every day with Putin’s missiles and his helicopters and his rockets,” Sakvarelidze said.

The BBC presenter responded: “I understand and of course respect the emotion.”

On Sunday, Al Jazeera English presenter Peter Dobbie described Ukrainians fleeing the war as “prosperous, middle class people” who “are not obviously refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war; these are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa, they look like any European family that you would live next door to.”

The media network later issued an apology, saying the comments “were inappropriate, insensitive, and irresponsible”.

“Al Jazeera English is committed to impartiality, diversity and professionalism in all its work. This breach of that professionalism will be dealt with through disciplinary measures,” it said in a statement.

Meanwhile on Friday, Sky News broadcast a video of people in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro making Molotov cocktails, explaining how grating Styrofoam makes the incendiary device stick to vehicles better.

“Amazing mainstream Western media gives glowing coverage of people resisting invasion by making molotov cocktails,” one social media user remarked. “If they were brown people in Yemen or Palestine doing the same they would be labeled terrorists deserving US-Israeli or US-Saudi drone bombing.”

On BFM TV, France’s most-watched cable news channel, journalist Philippe Corbe said: “We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing the bombing of the Syrian regime backed by Putin, we’re talking about Europeans leaving in cars that look like ours to save their lives.”

British journalist Daniel Hannan was criticised online for an article in The Telegraph, in which he wrote that war no longer happens in “impoverished and remote populations”.

European politicians have also expressed support for open borders towards Ukrainian refugees, using terminology such as “intellectuals” and “European” – a far cry from the fear-mongering used by governments against migrants and refugees from Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

“Skin is a passport … epidermal citizenship,” one social media user said.

Jean-Louis Bourlanges, a member of the French National Assembly, told a TV channel that the Ukrainian refugees will be “an immigration of great quality, intellectuals, one that we will be able to take advantage of”.

The Russia-Ukraine war has been billed by liberal media as Europe’s worst security crisis since the end of World War II, contributing to the general amnesia of relatively recent conflicts on the continent such as the Bosnian war in the 1990s and the Northern Ireland conflict that lasted from the 1960s until 1998.

Absent from such generalisations was the fact that in the post-World War era, Europe exported many wars in countries that were previous colonial entities.

Some commentators have also heaped praise on the steadfastness of Ukrainians and the country’s defence capabilities, in a way that they suggested no other nation or people have undergone such an experience before.

Critics pointed out the hypocrisy of crowdsourcing and setting up online donations to fund Kyiv’s military without facing any government backlash or suspension of their monetary accounts.

The double standards regarding calls for excluding Russia from cultural and sporting events and not extending the same move to other occupying entities have not been lost on social media either.

Examples were drawn between the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel – often touted by Western governments as anti-Semitic – and the current exclusion of Moscow from events such as the Eurovision contest and stripping the Champions League final from St Petersburg.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has backed the boycott of Russia from sports, but criticised the boycott of last month’s Sydney Cultural Festival over receiving sponsorship from the Israeli embassy.

Claudia Webbe, a British member of parliament, tweeted that the people who genuinely care about Ukrainians are the ones who will welcome all refugees with open arms.

“The rest?” she posted, “Well, they’re pretending.”
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yes, the west will naturally treat a conflict in Europe instigated by a foreign power more negatively than a conflict thousands of miles away which they are controlling. one has potential fallout that directly affects these nations, the other doesn't. the media reports what sells.
yes, the west will naturally treat a conflict in Europe instigated by a foreign power more negatively than a conflict thousands of miles away which they are controlling. one has potential fallout that directly affects these nations, the other doesn't. the media reports what sells.

How is Russia a foreign power thousands of miles away as opposed to Australia or America? Surely Russia is a lot closer to Europe?
As much as I hate Putin, the sudden, massive outpouring of humanitarian awareness and pity for Ukraine just doesn't sit right with me. Not because of the action itself, because of course war and suffering anywhere is horrible. However, the majority of those outraged never batted an eyelid until it was fellow white Europeans suffering, then suddenly it matters.

So much anti-immigrant rhetoric in the UK for Middle Eastern children displaced by Western missiles, yet now everyone is screaming at Boris to waive visas for all Ukrainian refugees.

So much humanitarian outcry for evil dictator causing innocent casualties (and rightly so), yet they turn the other cheek when their own missiles are being used to blow up Yemeni water towers, allowing the biggest cholera outbreak in history to proliferate? Seriously?

I've seen it in the sporting world so much recently. Those footballers who want to raise a Palestinian flag are kept well away from the TV cameras, picked up by fan pictures, yet still have to be defended from the media hatred due to "bringing politics into football". Now, at every single sporting event, the whole broadcast is full of Ukrainian flags and awareness, and one must be defended against media hatred if they were not to speak about it.

Again, I fully sympathise with the Ukrainians and despite Putin, but this Western hypocrisy is very real and has made me very disillusioned over the past few days.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In moments of crisis, people often show their true colors. <a href="https://t.co/S26FWjbclj">pic.twitter.com/S26FWjbclj</a></p>— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1497880882471849984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 27, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">From this to prominent Russian figures resigning from gov't positions, it's remarkable. Makes me think about the US commentators who made snarky remarks asking 'where are the anti-war Russians?' Imagine if anything like this had happened in the US during Iraq or Afghanistan. <a href="https://t.co/2kI8Fs0NEp">https://t.co/2kI8Fs0NEp</a></p>— Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) <a href="https://twitter.com/SanaSaeed/status/1497250437719805953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In moments of crisis, people often show their true colors. <a href="https://t.co/S26FWjbclj">pic.twitter.com/S26FWjbclj</a></p>— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1497880882471849984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 27, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">From this to prominent Russian figures resigning from gov't positions, it's remarkable. Makes me think about the US commentators who made snarky remarks asking 'where are the anti-war Russians?' Imagine if anything like this had happened in the US during Iraq or Afghanistan. <a href="https://t.co/2kI8Fs0NEp">https://t.co/2kI8Fs0NEp</a></p>— Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) <a href="https://twitter.com/SanaSaeed/status/1497250437719805953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

9. "To put it bluntly, these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine...They're Christians, they're white. They're very similar [to us]" - explaining why Poland is accepting refugees.

The comment above from Tweet 9 isn't surprising at all. People who think Nazisim and Racism in Eastern Europe is a myth need a reality check.

I hope the liberals who stand in solidarity with Ukraine are proud. Never will said liberals change their profile pics to war torn countries in the ME. Racists the lot of them.
I just saw footage of ukraniaians stopping foreign people mainly blacks from boarding trains trying to flee to Poland.
This tweet collects majority of western mainstream outlets. Pathetic outright racism.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">[Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News. <br><br>1. The BBC - “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” - Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze <a href="https://t.co/m0LB0m00Wg">pic.twitter.com/m0LB0m00Wg</a></p>— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1497974245737050120?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 27, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I just saw footage of ukraniaians stopping foreign people mainly blacks from boarding trains trying to flee to Poland.

Yeah I saw one tweet where the Ukraianian border guards are kicking an Indian female student trying to flee into Poland. Poland themselves along with Hungary & Bulgaria have acted horribly towards refugees from middle east & africa.
Twitter has removed tweets citing hate speech, from Ukrainians targetting Muslim fighters against Ukrainians.

Thank god UK has left the cesspit that is the EU.
This tweet collects majority of western mainstream outlets. Pathetic outright racism.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">[Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News. <br><br>1. The BBC - “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” - Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze <a href="https://t.co/m0LB0m00Wg">pic.twitter.com/m0LB0m00Wg</a></p>— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1497974245737050120?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 27, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He's not even blonde or blue eyed himself. :vk2
BBC let him off scott free.

Their brief will have been to present a pro Ukraine line, would have been awkward to pull him up on it. Anyway, he's only saying what's obvious to most people. Just have to look at the US decision to spend starving Afghans frozen assets on their own well fed people.
Twitter has removed tweets citing hate speech, from Ukrainians targetting Muslim fighters against Ukrainians.

Thank god UK has left the cesspit that is the EU.

The UK itself is a declining economic backwater and a cesspit of islamaphobia and racism brexit is a good example because most people voted for it due to immigration.

Just need to look at the comments on dinghies , shamima begum, hijab veils , black lives to know how racist these people are .

The Europeans and Americans are screwed what you see is a decline in their empire and a big threat from China and other third world developing economies which are progressing rapidly , so this whole ukraine saga is to cause wars and destruction russia has been deliberately goaded in although putin fell into their trap . Its time russia and China ditch the dollar and make their own financial and banking system .
The UK itself is a declining economic backwater and a cesspit of islamaphobia and racism brexit is a good example because most people voted for it due to immigration.

Just need to look at the comments on dinghies , shamima begum, hijab veils , black lives to know how racist these people are .

The Europeans and Americans are screwed what you see is a decline in their empire and a big threat from China and other third world developing economies which are progressing rapidly , so this whole ukraine saga is to cause wars and destruction russia has been deliberately goaded in although putin fell into their trap . Its time russia and China ditch the dollar and make their own financial and banking system .

Just because the UK is on fire there is no need to pour fuel over it (EU)
Their brief will have been to present a pro Ukraine line, would have been awkward to pull him up on it. Anyway, he's only saying what's obvious to most people. Just have to look at the US decision to spend starving Afghans frozen assets on their own well fed people.

Not sure if Ukraine’s (Eastern Europe’s) ingrained and deep rooted racism is obvious to most people; most people have lapped up the MSM propaganda - stand in solidarity with Ukraine because Russia is the enemy - a very different message to post 2014. So much so, pacifist Germany have made a monumental u-turn on foreign policy. Not to mention UK Gov has green lit UK citizens to fight with the Ukrainians in the name of ‘freedom’, yet turned a criminal page when Brit citizens fought against IS.

Perhaps Putin was correct all along, Eastern Europe is a breeding ground for Nazism, though it will take a brave Western Christian Liberal to admit this fact.
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Poland has stopped Indian origin migrants from Ukraine infact they were even barraged with sticks to stop them from crossing into Poland as migrant. These sort of news are not getting enough coverage.

Similarly some black people have been stopped from boarding trains.
Poland has stopped Indian origin migrants from Ukraine infact they were even barraged with sticks to stop them from crossing into Poland as migrant. These sort of news are not getting enough coverage.

Similarly some black people have been stopped from boarding trains.

Welcome to the heart of the EU.

To think Labour in 1997 would not only sympathise with with the IRA, but Nazi sympathisers too says it all.

The Eastern communist block are a disease to humanity, and Europe. Never learned from their past. Got a free ride in the UK thanks to the EU.

As I said, in all my living years, the best thing the UK ever did was to leave the EU, even then the so call liberals wanted to reverse a democratic result, Nazism in a nutshell. Poland - one minute complicit in the Holocaust, the next, pretenders of liberalism.
Ofcom launches 15 investigations into Russian TV station

The UK's communications regulator, Ofcom, has launched 15 investigations into the impartiality of news programmes shown on a Russian state-controlled TV station.

Ofcom said its investigations of the RT news channel will be expedited "given the severity and urgency of the current crisis".

The regulator's chief executive Dame Melanie Dawes added: "When reporting on an armed conflict, we recognise it can be difficult for broadcasters to verify information and events, but it is imperative that they make every effort to do so."

At 11.15am we reported that several journalists had resigned from the channel since the invasion began.
How can a uk minister advocate and ok uk citizens to go and fight foreign wars?

Looks like theyve changed their tune since there was some backlash and are now softly advising people not to go

Theyve stopped short of saying you will be jailed or stripped of citizenship like a brown person would going to the ME
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How can a uk minister advocate and ok uk citizens to go and fight foreign wars?

Looks like theyve changed their tune since there was some backlash and are now softly advising people not to go

Theyve stopped short of saying you will be jailed or stripped of citizenship like a brown person would going to the ME

Truss's call to arms was astounding. I'm glad there was a backlash, it was really irresponsible. Telling ordinary civilians to go fight in a foreign war? What was she thinking?
Ofcom launches 15 investigations into Russian TV station

The UK's communications regulator, Ofcom, has launched 15 investigations into the impartiality of news programmes shown on a Russian state-controlled TV station.

Ofcom said its investigations of the RT news channel will be expedited "given the severity and urgency of the current crisis".

The regulator's chief executive Dame Melanie Dawes added: "When reporting on an armed conflict, we recognise it can be difficult for broadcasters to verify information and events, but it is imperative that they make every effort to do so."

At 11.15am we reported that several journalists had resigned from the channel since the invasion began.

Was only going to be a matter of time before RT got pulled in the UK. Is a pity because whilst some of it has to be taken with a pinch of salt (like any news channel) there was some interesting programming on there.
Truss's call to arms was astounding. I'm glad there was a backlash, it was really irresponsible. Telling ordinary civilians to go fight in a foreign war? What was she thinking?

British Man Says He's 'Prepared To Die For Ukraine' And Wants To Join Army

Ex-military man, Antony Zamparelli, was in the process of becoming a bus driver with National Express before deciding that he wants to join the Ukraine army, reports GBN.

The father of seven thinks that the country 'need boots on the ground' and he wants to be one of them.

The 56-year-old said he has had combat training but has never fought for his country.

He said: "I think the Western governments are in a bit of a bind at the moment, the underlying threats of a nuclear war.

"Their hands are tied and it's down to the individual to do something about it.

“My wife and children aren’t too happy about it but I think it’s something I need to do."


Is this Ronny Pickering? Those who dont know Ronnie, be careful and check Youtube.
Was only going to be a matter of time before RT got pulled in the UK. Is a pity because whilst some of it has to be taken with a pinch of salt (like any news channel) there was some interesting programming on there.

RT also showed up the west in terms of Covid. They removed Press TV a while a go to.

Im sure they wont block the RT website.

But my bad I thought Europe was the bastian of freedom of speech. Charlie Hebdo must be upset now right?
RT also showed up the west in terms of Covid. They removed Press TV a while a go to.

Im sure they wont block the RT website.

But my bad I thought Europe was the bastian of freedom of speech. Charlie Hebdo must be upset now right?

Goes to show that all “freedom of speech” comes with restrictions.

I think the RT website will still be accessible; the Press TV one was left up.
How is Russia a foreign power thousands of miles away as opposed to Australia or America? Surely Russia is a lot closer to Europe?

u seem to have misinterpreted my point, my point is that russia is not thousands of miles away, and being portrayed as the "war in europe", with all the historical significance that phrase carries, it will naturally garner far more media coverage than say saudis bombing yemen.
Humans are tribal, they will naturally care more for people who are closer to them. So its understandable that Europeans will care more for the Ukraine conflict then say Yemen or Libya. However the problem is that white people dont think of themselves as biased. They will use mental gymnastics to pretend how he suffering of the Ukrainian people is different than when non white people are effected by war. They will demand the non white countries to isolate Russia, against their own interests, when they themselves could care less about wars in non white countries.
Poland has stopped Indian origin migrants from Ukraine infact they were even barraged with sticks to stop them from crossing into Poland as migrant. These sort of news are not getting enough coverage.

Similarly some black people have been stopped from boarding trains.

Its not Polish but Ukrainian forces not letting them - the video is out everywhere
Yes white lives are more valuable then non white lives. The press may as well tell us this is what they mean.
Ukraine - Russia “Let's call out the West's bias over Ukraine for what it is - blatant racism“

Two standards have been applied by the West: Rush to help Ukraine against the foreign invader, but no mercy missions to Yemen, Gaza, Syria or Myanmar for that matter

Irony does not come darker than last weekend’s statement from Richard Oppenheim, British ambassador to Yemen.
"The United Kingdom," announced Oppenheim, "stands with the people of Ukraine in the face of Russia’s unprovoked attack on freedom and democracy."

The hypocrisy is grotesque even for those accustomed to the notorious duplicity of the British diplomatic service. Oppenheim may carry the title of British ambassador to Yemen, but he actually is not in Yemen at all.

He’s based in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, where his main task – judging by his active social media account – is to echo Saudi talking points in its vicious and brutal war on the Yemeni people.

Of course, the British ambassador is right to condemn Russia’s illegal and barbaric invasion of neighbouring Ukraine. But it cannot be forgotten that Britain is a core part of Saudi Arabia’s illegal and barbaric killing machine in neighbouring Yemen.
Britain has not simply stood aside. More than any other country, the United Kingdom has facilitated Saudi Arabia’s war.

We provide Saudi Arabia with arms and military advice, give moral support and, through the UN Security Council (where Britain is penholder) essential diplomatic protection – above all by blocking the establishment of an international independent investigative mechanism to examine war crimes committed in the conflict.

Double standards

Britain has, in short, become Saudi Arabia’s proxy on the international stage as it pummels Yemen in a war in which approximately 230,000 have died as a direct result of the Saudi bombardment and thanks to the wider humanitarian consequences of its economic siege of the country.

But Ukraine will make matters worse by driving up food prices, as the UN World Food programme warned on Thursday. WFP executive director David Beasley said in the statement: "We have no choice but to take food from the hungry to feed the starving and, unless we receive immediate funding, in a few weeks we risk not even being able to feed the starving."
Britain’s reaction? None. In fact we’ve cut aid.

Two standards have been applied. Rush to help Ukraine against the foreign invader. Leave Yemenis to rot.

Of course the situation in Ukraine is grotesque. But the horror and the suffering cannot be compared to Yemen, defined by the United Nations as the greatest humanitarian calamity of the 21st century.

It’s not just diplomats who have applied these double standards. Ever since Vladimir Putin made his move almost a week ago media commentators have been making it explicitly clear that white Europeans in Ukraine matter while others don’t. Hence the reporter from the legendary United States CBS news service who explained that: "This is not Iraq or Syria, this is a civilized and European country."

The West's hypocrisy
On Monday, Samantha Power, the administrator of the US Agency for International Development ( USAID), descended on the Polish border on a mission to help Ukrainian refugees.
Writer Sarah Lazare has noted that "when Power in her role as a UN ambassador actually had the power to help stop the war on Yemen, by publicly breaking with her boss and encouraging meaningful action at the United Nations, she did nothing. Instead she embraced a policy of silence  -  and shielded the US-Saudi coalition from meaningful international scrutiny as it dropped bombs on homes, schools, hospitals and funerals."

Power was US ambassador to the United Nations when the Yemen war flared up in 2015. I don’t recall any mercy missions from Power to Yemen. Or to Gaza, or Syria, or Myanmar for that matter.

Let’s take a look at the confused world of Tory MP and former minister Tobias Elwood, who has been urgently calling for enhanced Nato intervention in support of Ukraine.

Seven years ago, Elwood, then a British defence minister, was obliged to correct the record after ministers repeatedly misled Parliament about the obscene use of British-made cluster bombs by Saudi Arabian forces in Yemen.

We can see the same double standard in business. International oil companies are pulling out of Russia in the wake of the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. The same oil companies which went into Iraq in the wake of the illegal invasion in 2003.
None of this means that the West is wrong to be deeply concerned about Russian savagery in Ukraine. But when, inshallah, the dust settles in Ukraine, we should turn our attention to our own double standards.

Blatant racism

The same applies to social media. As MEE reported on Monday, old footage of Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian girl who was arrested in 2017 - she was 16 years old at the time - by Israel after she confronted an Israeli soldier, has been redeployed. A TikTok clip of Tamimi from 2012 when she was 11, falsely claiming that she is a Ukrainian girl standing up to a Russian soldier, has been shared 12 million times.

Back home on the occupied West Bank, Tamimi was sent to jail for eight months amidst boredom and indifference from the West. Reinvented as a member of the Ukrainian resistance to Russian oppression, it’s another story altogether.
As Chris Doyle, director of the Council for Anglo Arab Understanding, told me, "Palestinians notice in the case of Russia the world has rushed to impose sanctions, kick them out of cultural events and to divest in the face of occupation. But when Palestinians call for boycott and divestment in the face of the Israeli occupation they are labelled antisemitic to the extent that the British government is trying to criminalise it."

Or let’s call it out for what it is: the blatant racism of the West.

It is a delight that the United States, Britain and Europe have rediscovered the importance of international law. The test now is to ensure that it is applied consistently across the globe - and not only in response to Russian aggression inside Europe.

We could be here all night pointing out the hypocrisy of the west.

But Yemen alone is more than enough, its been one of the most destrutive bombing campaigns in history.

UN estimates around 400,000 killed atm which could rise to 1.3 million by 2030.

What the Yemen people have been going through is far far worse than what any Ukranian will go through but its ok because they are brown.
We could be here all night pointing out the hypocrisy of the west.

But Yemen alone is more than enough, its been one of the most destrutive bombing campaigns in history.

UN estimates around 400,000 killed atm which could rise to 1.3 million by 2030.

What the Yemen people have been going through is far far worse than what any Ukranian will go through but its ok because they are brown.

For Ukrainians it’s other white Europeans raising the loudest noises.

Why aren’t other Arabs raising voice for yemen
No one had a minutes silence or anything like that when Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded. War is always tragic but I am not crying any tears for Ukraine. Wanting to join NATO always meant they were inviting a Russian invasion.

In defence of the west if Muslim countries don't support Yemen and kill each other then there is no reason why the west should care. Problem is that Muslim's expect the west to do right by them when we don't do so ourselves.
We could be here all night pointing out the hypocrisy of the west.

But Yemen alone is more than enough, its been one of the most destrutive bombing campaigns in history.

UN estimates around 400,000 killed atm which could rise to 1.3 million by 2030.

What the Yemen people have been going through is far far worse than what any Ukranian will go through but its ok because they are brown.

Yemen? Most bombs there are done by Sauds and UAE forces.

And populations in Saudi, UAE, Bahrain all blindly support it
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Part 2. <a href="https://t.co/zf74B3oZkE">pic.twitter.com/zf74B3oZkE</a></p>— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) <a href="https://twitter.com/StanCollymore/status/1498141695761952769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Part 2. <a href="https://t.co/zf74B3oZkE">pic.twitter.com/zf74B3oZkE</a></p>— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) <a href="https://twitter.com/StanCollymore/status/1498141695761952769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

props to collymore, that is an extremely well put together argument. agree in principle but lets not kid ourselves, do desis care about wars in africa, or do black people care about wars in asia to the same extend they would those in their ethnic homelands.

also in general society has changed massively over the last ten years, group think is the defacto position, dissident opinions are cancelled and shut down. they say "tyranny is the forced removal of nuance", and the system that worked so well to standardise opinions in the US since the 80s has been imported to Europe.
Syrian refugee Ahmad al-Hariri, who fled the war in his country for neighbouring Lebanon 10 years ago, spent the last decade hoping in vain to escape to a new life in Europe.

Watching European nations open their arms to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in less than a week, the father of three can't help but compare their fates.

"We are wondering, why were Ukrainians welcome in all countries while we, Syrian refugees, are still in tents and remain under the snow, facing death, and no one is looking to us?" he told Reuters in a refugee centre where 25 families are sheltered on the edge of the Mediterranean city of Sidon.

In the Arab world, where 12 million Syrians have been uprooted by war, critics ranging from Hariri to activists and cartoonists contrast the Western reaction to the refugee crisis triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine with the way Europe sought to hold back Syrian and other refugees in 2015.

Some recalled images of refugees walking for days in harsh weather, or losing lives in perilous sea crossings as they tried to breach Europe's borders.

On Monday, four days after Russia launched its attack, the European Union said at least 400,000 refugees had entered the bloc from Ukraine, which has land borders with four EU states.

Millions more are expected and the EU is preparing measures which would offer temporary residence permits as well as access to employment and social welfare - a swift opening of its doors at odds with its response to wars in Syria and elsewhere.

By early 2021, 10 years after Syria's conflict erupted, EU states had taken in 1 million Syrian refugees and asylum seekers, of which Germany alone took more than half. Most of them arrived before a 2016 deal in which the EU paid billions of euros for Turkey to continue hosting 3.7 million Syrians.

This time the welcome has been immediate.

"We have here not the refugee wave which we are accustomed to and we do not know what to do with - people with an unclear past," Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said, describing Ukrainians as intelligent, educated and highly qualified.

"These are Europeans whose airport has been just bombed, who are under fire," he said. Bulgaria has said it will help everyone coming from Ukraine, where there are about 250,000 ethnic Bulgarians.

Last year 3,800 Syrians sought protection in Bulgaria and 1,850 were granted refugee or humanitarian status. Syrians say most refugees only pass through Bulgaria to wealthier EU states.

Poland's government, which came under heavy international criticism last year for pushing back against a wave of immigrants crossing over from Belarus, mostly from the Middle East and Africa, has welcomed those fleeing the Ukraine war.

In Hungary, which built a barrier along its southern border to prevent a repeat of the 2015 influx of people from the Middle East and Asia, the arrival of refugees from neighbouring Ukraine has triggered an outpouring of support and offers of transport, short-term accommodation, clothes and food.

"Relativly civilised"

Hungary and Poland both say that refugees from the Middle East who arrive at their borders have already crossed other safe countries which have a duty to provide shelter.

Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto defended the different approaches. "I must reject drawing comparisons between those fleeing war and those trying to get into the country illegally," he told a United Nations meeting in Geneva.

The welcome has been eased by the fact that Ukraine is home to a large ethnic Hungarian community.

Ties like those have led some Western journalists to suggest that the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine is different to crises in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan, because Europeans could relate more closely to the victims.

Their comments sparked a wave of condemnation on social media, accusing the West of bias. Clips of the reports were widely circulated and heavily criticised across the region.

For instance, a television reporter on U.S. network CBS described Kyiv as a "relatively civilised, relatively European" city, in contrast to other war zones. Others said Ukraine was different because those fleeing were middle class or watched Netflix.

The CBS reporter Charlie D’Agata apologised, saying he had been trying to convey the scale of the conflict. CBS did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.

Nadim Houry, executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative, said parts of the media coverage were disturbing and revealed "ignorance about refugees from other parts of the world who also have the same aspirations as Ukrainians".


Houry and other critics also say some governments are showing double standards on the issue of volunteers who want to fight in Ukraine against Russian forces.

Britain's foreign minister Liz Truss on Sunday backed President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's appeal for people to join an international force to fight Russian troops. "Absolutely. If people want to support that struggle, I would support them doing that," she told BBC television.

In contrast, British police warned Britons travelling to Syria to help the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad eight years ago that they could be arrested on their return, saying they may pose a security risk to the UK.

The foreign office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Truss's remarks. Defence minister Ben Wallace said the situation was different to fighters who joined groups like Islamic State in Syria, but that the government would discourage people from going to Ukraine.

While their sense of abandonment has been heightened by the Ukrainians' welcome in eastern Europe, several refugees in north Syria, Lebanon and in Jordan told Reuters responsibility for their plight lay with authorities closer to home.

Some say Arab countries should have done more to support the military struggle against Assad, which grew out of widespread popular protests against the president in 2011, and helped the refugees more. Apart from Syria's neighbours Jordan and Lebanon, Arab countries have taken in few of the war's displaced people.

"We do not blame European countries, we blame Arab countries," said Ali Khlaif, living in a tented camp near the northwestern Syrian town of Azaz. "European countries welcome those from their people. We blame our Arab brethren, not the rest."
props to collymore, that is an extremely well put together argument. agree in principle but lets not kid ourselves, do desis care about wars in africa, or do black people care about wars in asia to the same extend they would those in their ethnic homelands.

also in general society has changed massively over the last ten years, group think is the defacto position, dissident opinions are cancelled and shut down. they say "tyranny is the forced removal of nuance", and the system that worked so well to standardise opinions in the US since the 80s has been imported to Europe.

Not really an apt comparison. Desis still see themselves as desis for a start, and blacks still see themselves as black. Ideally that wouldn't be the case, but they are not in a position of influence at home or abroad in the same way and Anglo Brit or Aussie would be. They are still too busy looking after number one in the same way a homeless man would be more bothered about finding shelter under a bridge rather than worrying about a mortgage. Even budding superpower Indians are crowing about being given secondary status ahead of blacks by neo-Nazis in Ukraine. That is the reality of the situation.
Not really an apt comparison. Desis still see themselves as desis for a start, and blacks still see themselves as black. Ideally that wouldn't be the case, but they are not in a position of influence at home or abroad in the same way and Anglo Brit or Aussie would be.

i dont see how being in a position of influence is a factor. what power or influence do pakistanis have over israel? yet they care about the israel palestine conflict deeply.

They are still too busy looking after number one in the same way a homeless man would be more bothered about finding shelter under a bridge rather than worrying about a mortgage. Even budding superpower Indians are crowing about being given secondary status ahead of blacks by neo-Nazis in Ukraine. That is the reality of the situation.

so then are we peeved because we cant delegate our political concerns to another group? fwiw i dont think desis would change, even if they were rich and comfortable, but going into that argument would be tangential atm.
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i dont see how being in a position of influence is a factor. what power or influence do pakistanis have over israel? yet they care about the israel palestine conflict deeply.

so then are we peeved because we cant delegate our political concerns to another group? fwiw i dont think desis would change, even if they were rich and comfortable, but going into that argument would be tangential atm.

Well we were talking about desis, Palestine/Israel introduces a religious identity which is a different angle. A lot of British Asians don't see themselves as desis at all, the likes of Priti Patel or Saj Javid will see themselves as just Brits and they are the ones who wouldn't be delegating anything. My point was, anyone who sees themselves as desis is still holding onto some racial identity. But that's not specific to desis or blacks, white people do it too. There are lots of subcontexts going on here, and yes it could end up veering off into a lot of directions. For example, when you say "are we peeved" does "we" refer to desis, Brits, Muslims, Pakistanis, Indians?
I don’t think the point of desis is relevant here. Desis do not go waging global wars in the name of democracy, liberty, and freedom.
<b><I>RT: Russian-backed TV news channel disappears from UK screens</I></b>

<b>Russian-backed news channel RT has disappeared from all broadcast platforms in the UK.</b>

UK access to the TV network, formerly called Russia Today, has been affected by a ban imposed by the European Union.

Although the UK is no longer in the EU, the bloc applied sanctions to satellite companies in Luxembourg and France, which provided the RT feed to Sky, Freesat and Freeview.

RT said "the facade of free press in Europe has finally crumbled".

UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, who has described the channel as "Putin's polluting propaganda machine", said she hoped it would not return to UK screens.

"As part of a concerted effort and discussions, Russia Today is no longer streamed into British homes, either by TV, Sky, Freesat or Freeview," she told the House of Commons on Thursday.

"And we have contacted both [Facebook owner] Meta and TikTok to implore them to stop streaming Russia Today via their own online platforms.

"It is my absolute position that we will not stop until we have persuaded every organisation, based in the UK or not, that is the wrong thing to do to stream Russian propaganda into British homes."

UK media regulator Ofcom is currently investigating RT for 27 potential breaches of its broadcasting code.

The watchdog has the power to revoke a broadcast licence, but any action is likely to take weeks.

Ms Dorries added: "I am hoping that they expedite those investigations and that those investigations result in the removal of Russia Today's licence so that they're never again able or have the platform to broadcast their propaganda into the UK."

She also said: "Of course, politicians have absolutely no influence over the free press and nor should they. That is the responsibility of the regulator Ofcom. And the very first thing I did was wrote to Ofcom to urge them to review the output of Russia Today."

The culture secretary became emotional as she offered her "heartfelt thanks and admiration" to journalists working for the BBC, ITV and other news outlets "who are risking their lives to bring us unbiased and accurate news from a live war zone".

The EU said it was preventing RT and Sputnik, both state-owned broadcasters, from being received across Europe until the aggression towards Ukraine ends.

In a statement, the EU said RT and Sputnik promoted "systematic information manipulation and disinformation by the Kremlin".

In response to the channel's removal, RT deputy editor-in-chief Anna Belkina said: "Media regulation should be divorced from geopolitics, led by independent bodies and expert regulators, ensuring diversity in news and information sources is protected.

"Today, politicians in the EU have demonstrated their willingness to delegitimise independent regulators."

RT says it is an "autonomous" operation financed by the Russian Federation.

The removal of RT from the airwaves comes after YouTube blocked channels linked to RT and Sputnik across Europe.

"Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we're blocking YouTube channels connected to RT and Sputnik across Europe, effective immediately," a statement from Google Europe said earlier this week.

Facebook has also blocked access to RT and Sputnik in Europe.

Sir Nick Clegg, the former UK deputy prime minister, is now vice president of global affairs at Facebook's parent company, Meta.

He tweeted on Monday: "We have received requests from a number of governments and the EU to take further steps in relation to Russian state-controlled media.

"Given the exceptional nature of the current situation, we will be restricting access to RT and Sputnik across the EU at this time."

Meanwhile, the BBC has halted all content licensing with its Russian customers.

The corporation's commercial arm BBC Studios said: "In common with other media organisations, we have been monitoring events closely.

"The BBC's executive team were meeting [on Wednesday] and they have decided to stop all content licensing to Russian customers."

That means Russian viewers will be prevented from watching shows including Dancing With The Stars and The Green Planet.

The BBC has also confirmed it has launched two new shortwave radio frequencies to make sure its news was available in parts of Ukraine and Russia after a TV tower in Kyiv was bombed and internet services restricted.

The shortwave services are broadcasting four hours of World Service English news per day.

<b><I>RT: Russian-backed TV news channel disappears from UK screens</I></b>

<b>Russian-backed news channel RT has disappeared from all broadcast platforms in the UK.</b>

UK access to the TV network, formerly called Russia Today, has been affected by a ban imposed by the European Union.

Although the UK is no longer in the EU, the bloc applied sanctions to satellite companies in Luxembourg and France, which provided the RT feed to Sky, Freesat and Freeview.

RT said "the facade of free press in Europe has finally crumbled".

UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, who has described the channel as "Putin's polluting propaganda machine", said she hoped it would not return to UK screens.

"As part of a concerted effort and discussions, Russia Today is no longer streamed into British homes, either by TV, Sky, Freesat or Freeview," she told the House of Commons on Thursday.

"And we have contacted both [Facebook owner] Meta and TikTok to implore them to stop streaming Russia Today via their own online platforms.

"It is my absolute position that we will not stop until we have persuaded every organisation, based in the UK or not, that is the wrong thing to do to stream Russian propaganda into British homes."

UK media regulator Ofcom is currently investigating RT for 27 potential breaches of its broadcasting code.

The watchdog has the power to revoke a broadcast licence, but any action is likely to take weeks.

Ms Dorries added: "I am hoping that they expedite those investigations and that those investigations result in the removal of Russia Today's licence so that they're never again able or have the platform to broadcast their propaganda into the UK."

She also said: "Of course, politicians have absolutely no influence over the free press and nor should they. That is the responsibility of the regulator Ofcom. And the very first thing I did was wrote to Ofcom to urge them to review the output of Russia Today."

The culture secretary became emotional as she offered her "heartfelt thanks and admiration" to journalists working for the BBC, ITV and other news outlets "who are risking their lives to bring us unbiased and accurate news from a live war zone".

The EU said it was preventing RT and Sputnik, both state-owned broadcasters, from being received across Europe until the aggression towards Ukraine ends.

In a statement, the EU said RT and Sputnik promoted "systematic information manipulation and disinformation by the Kremlin".

In response to the channel's removal, RT deputy editor-in-chief Anna Belkina said: "Media regulation should be divorced from geopolitics, led by independent bodies and expert regulators, ensuring diversity in news and information sources is protected.

"Today, politicians in the EU have demonstrated their willingness to delegitimise independent regulators."

RT says it is an "autonomous" operation financed by the Russian Federation.

The removal of RT from the airwaves comes after YouTube blocked channels linked to RT and Sputnik across Europe.

"Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we're blocking YouTube channels connected to RT and Sputnik across Europe, effective immediately," a statement from Google Europe said earlier this week.

Facebook has also blocked access to RT and Sputnik in Europe.

Sir Nick Clegg, the former UK deputy prime minister, is now vice president of global affairs at Facebook's parent company, Meta.

He tweeted on Monday: "We have received requests from a number of governments and the EU to take further steps in relation to Russian state-controlled media.

"Given the exceptional nature of the current situation, we will be restricting access to RT and Sputnik across the EU at this time."

Meanwhile, the BBC has halted all content licensing with its Russian customers.

The corporation's commercial arm BBC Studios said: "In common with other media organisations, we have been monitoring events closely.

"The BBC's executive team were meeting [on Wednesday] and they have decided to stop all content licensing to Russian customers."

That means Russian viewers will be prevented from watching shows including Dancing With The Stars and The Green Planet.

The BBC has also confirmed it has launched two new shortwave radio frequencies to make sure its news was available in parts of Ukraine and Russia after a TV tower in Kyiv was bombed and internet services restricted.

The shortwave services are broadcasting four hours of World Service English news per day.


This move has not only exposed the West but the liberals and anti Russians who'd shout Putin and Censorship in the same breath.

The West isn't any different.

If there's one silver lining in all of this, it's the West exposing itself of the hypocrisy and daylight racism they accuse of others.
This move has not only exposed the West but the liberals and anti Russians who'd shout Putin and Censorship in the same breath.

The West isn't any different.

If there's one silver lining in all of this, it's the West exposing itself of the hypocrisy and daylight racism they accuse of others.

It’s a mistake to take the channel down.

We need freedom of the press, and it should be up to viewers to select their own channels & make their own minds up independently.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has now signed into law a bill that punishes the spread of "fake" information about the country's armed forces with jail sentences of up to 15 years.

The bill was unanimously passed by Russian lawmakers on Thursday.

Several independent Russian media outlets have been forced to close in recent days after describing as "invasion" or "war" what the Kremlin calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine.

Putin also signed another bill that would allow fines or jail terms for calling for sanctions against Russia.
Westerners angry protestors in Moscow detained yet are bringing in laws to stop to protest in their own countries. They really are laughing at their own people.
I remember reading a tweet on why West isn't considering no-fly zone over Ukraine and it sighted Russia going mental with nukes, the reply was something along these lines - it's a bit ironic that west fears Russia using nukes or for that matter Iran developing for their protection, as they can't be trusted. While the only country to have ever used them is US.

US/West collectively feel this moral superiority as if democracy is exclusive to them even though be it US or UK or Germany or France, their history is filled with invasions, killing of innocent lives but trust them to lecture on equality and democracy lol.
It’s a mistake to take the channel down.

We need freedom of the press, and it should be up to viewers to select their own channels & make their own minds up independently.

I think after brexit and Trump being elected. Left decided to become radical left. The only way to take down radical right was left being extreme on their own part, but the charade has gone on a bit too much now.

When you start banning any alternative ideas (no matter good or bad) you create an echo chamber, you create a divided society and it's all just a big recipe for civil war like disaster.
It’s a mistake to take the channel down.

We need freedom of the press, and it should be up to viewers to select their own channels & make their own minds up independently.

I'm not sure there's any benefit in a Russian propaganda machine. It would've just been (more) fake news
I'm not sure there's any benefit in a Russian propaganda machine. It would've just been (more) fake news

Correct, it was/is a Russian propaganda machine, but then again so are BBC/Sky/ITV etc albeit in favour of the British & NATO side.
Bella Hadid says war and injustice in Muslim countries deserves the same level of outrage as Ukraine

Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid is known for being very vocal when it comes to Palestine and speaking against discrimination faced by Muslims and she's done it once again. As celebrities speak up about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Hadid reminded people that all oppression deserves the same level of backlash.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” the model captioned a screenshot of a note she posted on her Instagram.

"Question yourself, question how quietly you moved around other injustices, the footprint we leave here will be the clearest one we've left in a long time," the model said talking about the impact we have. "If this is your first time realising a war in some years, you're not of the world." She said war, along with the position we take during it, is forever.

Hadid said we should always speak up when we feel encouraged to, but she believes the most transformative speech comes from discomfort, "when air has to break to make room for your voice." The model said that if the American president is defending a liberation movement, there's no risk in joining that defence. "There's little glory in joining a war monger to point at another war monger."

She talked about Ukraine saying "nothing should undermine the magnitude of their suffering, of the violence against them" but it's not just about justice, it's also about who is at the receiving end of injustice. She highlighted that "the way we've failed to uphold it elsewhere dictates this. Our lack of tools here is a result of our neglect elsewhere."

Hadid said that the language we use to define oppression "cannot favour one victim over another." She picked on a point that's been circulating on social media ever since the conflict in Ukraine started — how many such conflicts have been ongoing for decades in Muslim nations but they get no attention. "How many Muslim nations aflame? Invasions by the west, merciless drone strikes, executions, internment camps in China? How much of Palestine, how little of Palestine left?" the model asked.

Last month, CBS News senior correspondent in Kyiv Charlie D’Agata made a very problematic comment regarding the conflict in Ukraine as opposed to those in third world countries. “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European — I have to choose those words carefully, too — city where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.”

D’Agata's comments were met with backlash online after his statement went viral — racking up more than 1.5 million views on Twitter — and were swiftly condemned as racist and historically inaccurate. This led to him issuing an apology on the broadcaster’s streaming network on Feb 26. “I spoke in a way I regret, and for that I’m sorry,” he said, adding that he was trying to convey that Ukraine hasn’t seen “this scale of war” in recent years, unlike other countries.

Racist comments like this are exactly what the model was referring to — if the world starts categorising injustice according to how "developed" the country is, it is not about injustice at all, it becomes a political decision where it's about helping someone who can help you in return. It should be about helping the oppressed and fighting injustice of any kind.

Hadid recently spoke up against the discrimination against hijab wearing Muslims amidst the hijab bans in countries like India and France, urging governments to stop dictating women's choices and what they can wear.

Hadid said in 2017 that she identifies as a "proud Muslim" and made sure to stand up for her "Muslim sisters." She has been very vocal about Islamophobia and the rights of Palestinians as well. She and her sister Gigi posted about Palestinian oppression and condemned silence on attacks in Palestine. This resulted in controversy for Hadid as the State of Israel's official Twitter account twisted the narrative and claimed she was supporting anti-Semitism which resulted in her stance shifting to neutral, which netizens believed was due to her deal with Dior being under threat.

Westerners angry protestors in Moscow detained yet are bringing in laws to stop to protest in their own countries. They really are laughing at their own people.

Did you see Question time?

A woman asked exactly this and pointed out the hypocrisy and they ignored her and moved on.
Did you see Question time?

A woman asked exactly this and pointed out the hypocrisy and they ignored her and moved on.

No I didnt. Western media is really tough to watch atm , blatant double standards , war mongering & outright lies.

Many in the UK are aware of this but sadlly the majority are too brainwashed and are fearful so accept anything.
The narrative and reporting around Ukraine has been very different to other Wars. Most likely due to geographically the countries being so close to Europe.

Some reporting has been below the belt, in terms of comparing humans of different races and so on.

But to be honest difficult times show a person true colours and that’s what’s we got to see.

I came across some Video in Spanish Government where a far right politician was given applause for his views on Muslim entering his country being dangerous and bad for them.
No I didnt. Western media is really tough to watch atm , blatant double standards , war mongering & outright lies.

Many in the UK are aware of this but sadlly the majority are too brainwashed and are fearful so accept anything.

These are people who believe nuking a country was worth it because it won the war. Not sure they are that brainwashed to be blunt about it, most people just want to be on the winning side.
When are Premier League clubs doing a minute silence/applause, wearing shirts in the countries colours, captains armbands in countries colours, big banners in the stands etc for other warzones around the world?

Next week maybe?
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These are people who believe nuking a country was worth it because it won the war. Not sure they are that brainwashed to be blunt about it, most people just want to be on the winning side.

After destroying countless nations such as Libya, Iraq, the people are living in James Bond world, we will always win. There will be no winning side trying to bully Russia. Give it a couple of years, we will realise what its like to live in a tough world, the economic bubble is ready to burst.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/WTCj3juoQ7">pic.twitter.com/WTCj3juoQ7</a></p>— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) <a href="https://twitter.com/BeardedGenius/status/1502923761695211522?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 13, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The narrative and reporting around Ukraine has been very different to other Wars. Most likely due to geographically the countries being so close to Europe.

Some reporting has been below the belt, in terms of comparing humans of different races and so on.

But to be honest difficult times show a person true colours and that’s what’s we got to see.

I came across some Video in Spanish Government where a far right politician was given applause for his views on Muslim entering his country being dangerous and bad for them.

No. Not because of geographic location but because of skin colour and faith.

When white Bosnian Muslims were at the receiving end of a genocide, NATO and the Europe were spectators.
Egypt's Ali Farag, world's number 1 squash player, used his victory speech at the Optasia Championship yesterday to register his disagreement with Western media coverage after Russia's invasion of Ukraine last month which the star believed does not cover "oppression everywhere in the world".

The professional squash player called on people to talk about Palestine in the same way they talk about Ukraine. "We've never been allowed to speak about politics and sports, but all of a sudden now it is allowed. So that we are allowed, I hope that people also look at the oppression everywhere in the world."

"I mean the Palestinians have been going through that for the past 74 years," he added referring to conflict with Israel.

Slamming Western media, Mr Farag said that Palestinian conflict does not feature prominently in news as it "doesn't fit the narrative of the media of the West."

"But now we can talk about Ukraine and so we can talk about the Palestinians," the player continued.

Western media coverage of Ukraine's invasion has been criticised before as well. A network of Arab and Middle Eastern journalists said it had observed examples of racist coverage normalising war in non-European regions by contrasting the Ukrainians under siege from the middle-eastern nations.

Citing examples from prominent news outlets, the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) said in a statement, "This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in Western journalism of normalizing tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and Latin America."

"It dehumanizes and renders their experience with war as somehow normal and expected," the journalists' body said.

The most glaring double standard has been vis-a-vis Iraq war. That war was equally illegal, equally based on lies. The media that is going all out against this war was cheering on the Iraq war. The countries that are speaking against this war were either participating in that war or watching quietly from the sidelines.
The most glaring double standard has been vis-a-vis Iraq war. That war was equally illegal, equally based on lies. The media that is going all out against this war was cheering on the Iraq war. The countries that are speaking against this war were either participating in that war or watching quietly from the sidelines.

Iraq or Saddam were no threat to USA/Europe and not on their borders.

Ukraine is on Russian borders, doing the bidding of Nato, a real security risk for Russia.

However as we have seen, Iraq was destroyed, no holding back on bombing civillians. Kids are still being born with deformaties.

Russia has shown it values lives more than Nato but you wont hear this on BBC.
<b>Russia Today: News channel RT's UK licence revoked by Ofcom</b>

Russian state-backed news channel RT has had its licence to broadcast in the UK revoked "with immediate effect" by media regulator Ofcom.

"We do not consider RT's licensee, ANO TV Novosti, fit and proper to hold a UK broadcast licence," it explained.

Ofcom is carrying out 29 investigations "into the due impartiality of RT's news and current affairs coverage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine".

RT called Ofcom "a tool of the government".

The channel had already disappeared from all broadcast platforms in the UK earlier this month as a result of a ban imposed by the European Union.

Although the UK is no longer in the EU, the bloc applied sanctions to satellite companies in Luxembourg and France, which provided the RT feed to Sky, Freesat and Freeview in the UK.

UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, who has described the channel as "Putin's polluting propaganda machine", said at the time she hoped it would not return to UK screens.

Ofcom said its investigation took account of factors including:
— RT's relationship with the Russian Federation - Ofcom said RT is funded by the Russian state, which has recently invaded a neighbouring sovereign country.
— New laws in Russia which effectively criminalise any independent journalism that departs from the Russian state's own news narrative, in particular in relation to the invasion of Ukraine.

"We consider that given these constraints it appears impossible for RT to comply with the due impartiality rules of our Broadcasting Code in the circumstances," Ofcom added.

RT deputy editor-in-chief Anna Belkina said Ofcom had "robbed the UK public of access to information".

"What we have witnessed over the last few days, be it comments from the President of the EU Commission or from PM Boris Johnson, is that none of them had pointed to a single grain of evidence that what RT has reported over these days, and continues to report, is not true.

"Instead, what they have said is that what RT brings to its audience is not allowed in their supposedly free media environment. When it comes to the Russian voice, or just a different perspective from theirs, it is simply not allowed to exist."

Ofcom's chief executive Dame Melanie Dawes said: "Freedom of expression is something we guard fiercely in this country, and the bar for action on broadcasters is rightly set very high."

Ofcom's chief executive Dame Melanie Dawes said: "Freedom of expression is something we guard fiercely in this country, and the bar for action on broadcasters is rightly set very high."

Freedom of expression for some and not for others…
Don’t choose the side of evil, Boris Johnson warns China

Boris Johnson delivered a forthright message to China this weekend over its refusal to condemn Russia.

There were now “considerable dilemmas” for those who thought they could sit on the fence, the prime minister said, adding: “I think that in Beijing you are starting to see some second thoughts.”


Wow. Evil China who have been supressing the beleagured Uihgurs for the last couple of years are now being told to avoid siding with the evil Russians by Boris. Truly astonishing twists and turns. Almost bagal mein churi standards.
Heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk has left his native Ukraine to prepare for his rematch with Anthony Joshua.

Usyk, 35, has been helping to defend his country from the Russian invasion after enlisting in Ukraine's military.

He beat Joshua in September to become the unified heavyweight champion and is set to face the Briton again in June.

Usyk will now begin his training camp but, contrary to some reports, the BBC understands the camp is not in neighbouring Poland.

April had initially been mentioned as a potential date for the rematch, but Joshua's search for a new trainer and prolonged talks with WBC champion Tyson Fury forced a delay.

After Joshua decided against stepping aside from the fight to face Fury, his promoter Eddie Hearn said May was a target.

But Joshua's bid to win back the WBA (Super), IBF and WBO belts was pushed back further when Russian troops invaded Ukraine at the end of February.

Usyk is one of several former and current Ukrainian boxers who have come to the defence of their homeland.

Three-weight world champion Vasiliy Lomachenko, 34, has also taken up arms while brothers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko, both former world heavyweight champions, are also in Kyiv.

Vitali, 50, has been mayor of the city since 2014 while Wladimir, 45, joined the city's military reserve last month.

<b>Putin says West trying to ‘cancel’ Russian culture</b>

<I>Vladimir Putin compares the cancellation of Russian cultural events over the Ukraine war to Nazi book burnings.</I>

President Vladimir Putin has accused the West of trying to cancel Russian culture, including the works of great composers such as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Rachmaninoff.

At a televised meeting with leading cultural figures on Friday, Putin compared the cancellation of a number of Russian cultural events in recent weeks with the actions of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

“Today, they are trying to cancel a thousand-year-old country,” Putin said.

“I am talking about the progressive discrimination against everything connected with Russia, about this trend that is unfolding in a number of Western states, with the full connivance and sometimes with the encouragement of Western elites,” Putin added.

“The proverbial ‘cancel culture’ has become a cancellation of culture,” Putin said, adding that works by Russian composers were being excluded from concerts and books by Russian authors were being “banned”.

“The last time such a mass campaign to destroy unwanted literature was carried out was by the Nazis in Germany almost 90 years ago … books were burned right on the squares,” Putin said.

Since Putin sent Russian troops into Ukraine on February 24, the West has piled sanctions on Moscow that have seen Russia increasingly isolated, politically and financially, and extending to spheres such as sports and culture.

Speaking about “cancel culture”, Putin singled out British author JK Rowling, who was criticised following controversial tweets about transgender people.

“Not so long ago children’s author JK Rowling was cancelled because she, a writer of books that have sold millions of copies around the world, didn’t please fans of so-called ‘gender freedoms’,” Putin said.

A number of events involving Russian cultural figures who have voiced support for the war have been cancelled, including some involving Valery Gergiev, general director of the St Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre, who spoke to Putin during Friday’s meeting.

Gergiev has been dismissed as chief conductor of the Munich Philharmonic and lost the chance to conduct at Milan’s La Scala after he failed to condemn Russia’s invasion.

A much smaller number of events have been cancelled due to their association with dead Russian cultural figures, with the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra dropping a Tchaikovsky piece from its programme and media reports saying similar moves were taken by orchestras in Japan and Croatia.

Spain’s Teatro Real, one of Europe’s major opera houses, cancelled performances later this year by Russia’s Bolshoi Ballet. Auction houses Christie’s, Sotheby’s and Bonhams have cancelled sales of Russian art in London.

The Cardiff Philharmonic said it was subject to “hate speech and vicious comments” after cancelling a performance of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture earlier this month.

“Basic humanity takes precedence over art and history,” the orchestra said in a Facebook post.

“When the humanitarian crisis is over the discussion about ‘woke’ and ‘cancel culture’ can have its place.”

An emboldened, confident Putin says there will be no peace in Ukraine until Russia’s goals are met

Emboldened by battlefield gains and flagging Western support for Ukraine, a relaxed and confident President Vladimir Putin said Thursday there would be no peace until Russia achieves its goals, which he says remain unchanged after nearly two years of fighting.

It was Putin’s first formal news conference that Western media were allowed to attend since the Kremlin sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022. The highly choreographed session, which lasted over four hours and included questions from ordinary Russians about things like the price of eggs and leaky gymnasium roofs, was more about spectacle than scrutiny.

But while using the show as an opportunity to reinforce his authority ahead of an election in March that he is all but certain to win, Putin also gave a few rare details on what Moscow calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

Source : AP News
Ukraine welcomes latest US aid package as war nears two year mark

Ukraine has welcomed the latest arms package from the United States to aid its fight against Russia as the war approaches the two-year mark.

The package, valued at $250m and announced on Wednesday night, will include air defence system components, ammunition for HIMARS, 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds, stinger antiaircraft missiles, and medical equipment.

Meanwhile, a bulk carrier headed to a River Danube port to load grain hit a Russian mine in the Black Sea on Wednesday, injuring two crew members, Ukrainian officials said on Thursday.

“A Panama-flagged civilian vessel was blown up on an enemy sea mine in the Black Sea … The vessel lost its course and control and a fire broke out on the upper deck,” Ukraine’s southern military command said on Telegram.

We are grateful to the American government and people for their unwavering support. Ukrainian people appreciate your leadership,” the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence said on X on Thursday.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said it would “cover Ukraine’s most pressing needs”.

“US leadership in the coalition of over 50 countries providing Ukraine with military aid is critical to countering terror and aggression not only in Ukraine but around the world,” he said.

A captain, sailor and an Egyptian citizen were injured, with the latter taken to hospital in the city of Izmail, the head of the Odesa regional prosecutors office said.

Moscow has ramped up its attack in the Black Sea since leaving the United Nations-brokered grain deal in mid-July, which allowed for the safe passage of Ukrainian grain shipments.

Ukraine has pushed back Russian warships in the western part of the Black Sea to allow some cargo ships in and out along a maritime corridor. But the water remains heavily mined, including by Russian planes, and is particularly dangerous in stormy weather.

Source : Al Jazeera