‘He’s fighting for our future’: Pakistan’s young voters rally behind Imran Khan


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
In a recent video address to tens of thousands of viewers, Imran Khan waved a piece of paper at the camera bearing the result of a survey of voters. “You see, 70% of the population is now standing with our party,” the politician claimed.

The authenticity of the data was unclear – Khan is known for hyperbole – but it is widely acknowledged Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party are enjoying a period of unparalleled popularity that has been building since April last year when he was toppled in a vote of no confidence, having served less than four years as prime minister. The last credible poll, back in March, put his popularity at 61%.

The loyalty felt to Khan among voters has been keenly on display over the past two weeks. After his dramatic arrest last week from an Islamabad courtroom by almost 100 paramilitary officers, the country erupted in violent unrest.

Though the events of the riots are now disputed – Khan alleges they were a conspiracy to discredit and crack down on his party members, the government says the violence was orchestrated by PTI’s leaders – the ability for Khan to mobilise large-scale protest on the streets was clear. As Khan returned to his home in Lahore after being released on court orders, he was accompanied by thousands of supporters.

“Leaders like Khan are born once in a century,” said Aftab Ahmed, 18, who left school to serve as a volunteer in Khan’s security force last year. “He is one of the few leaders in the world who wants to build a country based on equality and justice. I am sure Khan will win this fight.”

One of Khan’s greatest strengths has been his popularity among young voters, who exceed 125 million and account for 44.36% of registered voters. Over the years, he has utilised social media to build up a vast following of young people who see him as the face of “naya [new] Pakistan” and a change from the old dynasties who have ruled Pakistan for decades.

“The youth are following Khan; he is fighting for us and our future,” said Azra, 20, a student at the University of Karachi. “Khan might have done some corruption but not like the politicians who have done it for decades.”

She said recent attempts to jail and harass Khan had only strengthened his support among young voters. “Khan has put his life in danger because of us and our prosperity.”

Since his release from police custody, Khan has made almost daily addresses from his home, broadcast on YouTube and Twitter, calling for early elections and proclaiming himself as Pakistan’s anti-establishment saviour with increasingly critical tirades against the military and government. During every appearance there are tens of thousands of viewers.

Khan alleges his popularity among the masses is at the root of his legal troubles, with more than 100 cases against him. The former prime minister is calling for elections to take place on a provincial and national level. He alleges the attempts to detain him and a crackdown on his party are part of a plan by Pakistan’s powerful political establishment and the ruling coalition government, led by the prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, “to stop PTI forming the next government”. The military leadership and the Sharif government has hit back, accusing Khan of supporting violence and terrorism.

Yet Khan also faces an impending dilemma. While his anti-military rhetoric has galvanised popular support on the streets, it has also alienated many key members of his party who have faced harassment or have longstanding ties with the army establishment.

On Tuesday, Shireen Mazari, Khan’s former human rights minister, became the latest high-profile PTI leader to quit the party after being arrested twice, joining a dozen others who have left in the past week. Khan blamed the army for pressuring his party members into “forced divorces”.

When Khan, 70, entered Pakistani politics in 1996 as a retired celebrity cricket captain with a playboy reputation, he was shunned for his attempts to challenge the status quo. But over the years the charismatic populist who thrived on celebrity grew popular among the middle class, who approved of his drive against corruption and ambitious promises to strengthen democracy and the rule of law. Meanwhile, his embrace of radically conservative Islam and anti-western rhetoric, particularly against the US, garnered him support among influential religious conservatives.

Malik Farooq, 28, a software engineer in Lahore, said it was Khan’s “vision” for Pakistan that had drawn his support . “Khan does not come from a political dynasty and he does not want to build any dynasty. He is in politics to save us from these corrupt families.”

In 2018, Khan was elected after promising that he alone could fix Pakistan’s deep-rooted problems. But though he was personally popular, his majority was slim and it came amid allegations it had been rigged in his favour by the powerful military establishment, whose decades-long grip on power was seen as responsible for the rampant corruption and lack of accountability that Khan had vowed to stamp out. Several opposition politicians from the dynasties he had openly criticised had also jumped ship to join PTI and became Khan’s close aides, leading to allegations of hypocrisy.

Once in power, beholden to the military, most of Khan’s promised reforms never materialised. There was a clampdown on media freedom, extrajudicial abductions by military agencies continued and Pakistan fell further in the transparency index that measures corruption. The economy floundered and state spending soared, while his promises to shun the “lavish” lifestyles of former prime ministers did not become a reality, with Khan since accused of costing the country 1bn rupees for his helicopter rides alone.

Amid economic strife and allegations of dysfunction, Khan’s support went into decline and it was at historical lows by April 2022. But it was Khan’s removal from power, after dozens of his own MPs defected and he lost a parliamentary vote of no confidence, that would revitalise his popularity.

Khan swiftly and loudly blamed a US-backed conspiracy for his removal as prime minister. Though the claim was debunked and the US denied it, it played well to rampant anti-US sentiment and riled up support, while his fervent conservative Islamic rhetoric also strengthened his populist support base.

Khan’s decision to turn against his former ally – Pakistan’s military establishment, accusing them of colluding with the west to bring him down – has also galvanised support among many who are tired of the decades of the army interfering in politics. In recent months, his populist, firebrand speeches against military leadership have drawn thousands on to the streets in support, and sympathy for him only strengthened after he was shot in the leg in November while at a rally, with Khan accusing the military chief of being behind a plot to assassinate him.

The economic crisis in Pakistan in recent months, with inflation at 36% and people dying in ration queues for food, has also helped Khan politically. The ruling coalition removed subsidies and implemented hikes in the price of food, fuel and power to try to secure a bailout from the International Monetary Fund and avoid default, which has made them unpopular among the masses.

Taseer Ali, 26, an electrical engineer, was among those who said he believed the US government and the military were involved in toppling Khan. “Khan is trustworthy and visionary,” he said. “Yes, Khan has changed his stance towards the army but he has seen the military’s real face and he knows them well. He has given us hope that he will change this rotten system.”

Yeah he is fighting against Army for why they are not supporting him and supporting PDM. The narrative build by IK will change once army started supporting him.
Has anyone read what is on written on the paper? He has a habit of waving an empty paper.
Has anyone read what is on written on the paper? He has a habit of waving an empty paper.

Have you read it or bothered to look for it?

For your benefit

Its been posted here


Picture is this.

Has anyone read what is on written on the paper? He has a habit of waving an empty paper.

lol its some random online survey that probably few thousands filled, he liked it and colored printed it.
There is a massive spike in new voters for this year's general elections most of young voters are with Khan. There is no doubt that Imran Khan is undisputed or has an unparalleled lead in today's vote bank politics. There is no way Imran is loosing the elections whenever these are held.

The establishment will be doomed big time if Khan shows patience or survives this onslaught. If Khan does indeed survive this onslaught he will be bigger than any Pakistan leader (exception of Quaid) not just locally but internationally as well.
Tapping into the younger generation is absolutely key to change. Imran Khan has achieved this.

The beauty is that it doesn't matter whether PTI as a party survives or not, the younger Pakistan generation have no remorse or time for crooks Shareefs and Zaradaris, and the party the represent. Worse case, without IK, there will be a revolution in Pakistan inshallah.

Change is coming - Naya Pakistan - lives on!
There is a massive spike in new voters for this year's general elections most of young voters are with Khan. There is no doubt that Imran Khan is undisputed or has an unparalleled lead in today's vote bank politics. There is no way Imran is loosing the elections whenever these are held.

The establishment will be doomed big time if Khan shows patience or survives this onslaught. If Khan does indeed survive this onslaught he will be bigger than any Pakistan leader (exception of Quaid) not just locally but internationally as well.
No and No

He is a populist but to become the biggest leader a populist needs to get his country into a war and become a bigger lunatic. He is trump level crazy but not yet Hitler level crazy
The beauty is that it doesn't matter whether PTI as a party survives or not, the younger Pakistan generation have no remorse or time for crooks Shareefs and Zaradaris, and the party the represent. Worse case, without IK, there will be a revolution in Pakistan inshallah.

The revolution is dying and the house wins yet again. The establishment will continue to own the country wether we like it or not, young and old alike. Sharifs Zardaris are simply pawns, people like them will be brought to power and thrown out. The establishment is too powerful for any revolution to change.
lol its some random online survey that probably few thousands filled, he liked it and colored printed it.

No its not a random one

Gallup also has a similar finding.
Don’t think anyone is fighting for the future. Young people in Pakistan need to equip themselves with modern day work related skills and try and get out of the country.

Pakistan has no future. Its civilian leaders will sell the public to the military as soon as they get any affection from the military leadership.

Young people are wasting their energy on the wrong cause here. Pakistan cannot be saved. It had a rotten foundation and the founding fathers knew it. They were angling for making money by plying anti communist role in the region to keep the USSR in check but the USSR and the threat of communism is gone. Pakistan is of no use to anyone now.
Don’t think anyone is fighting for the future. Young people in Pakistan need to equip themselves with modern day work related skills and try and get out of the country.

Pakistan has no future. Its civilian leaders will sell the public to the military as soon as they get any affection from the military leadership.

Young people are wasting their energy on the wrong cause here. Pakistan cannot be saved. It had a rotten foundation and the founding fathers knew it. They were angling for making money by plying anti communist role in the region to keep the USSR in check but the USSR and the threat of communism is gone. Pakistan is of no use to anyone now.

I couldn’t have said this better myself. Pakistan is divided by politics, religion, ethnicity so on and so on and there are multitude of problems that plague the country. Problems that even a revolution can’t solve.
People are only now starting to wake up when their only hope PTI is being run into the ground.
Only the world powers like China and US can course correct Pakistan but the country is so worthless now, it’s not even good enough to be used by external powers.
No and No

He is a populist but to become the biggest leader a populist needs to get his country into a war and become a bigger lunatic. He is trump level crazy but not yet Hitler level crazy

I don't think we need to be lectured on crazy by followers of zardari and bhutto.
As more Pakistanis reach voting age the bigger the gap between PTI and the others will become. According to Dawn's research, PTI has 100 times more traction on TikTok compared to PMLN who are their main rivals. PPP and other small parties have an almost nonexistent presence on Tiktok and Youtube. The same trend continues on other social media platforms, including online forums.

On top of that, all surveys conducted by credible independent organizations (Gallup, Iris) have revealed that 50-60% of people are willing to vote for PTI. For reference, polls conducted a few weeks before the 2018 elections put PTI's popularity at around 30%, PTI ended up winning with 31% of the total votes in the election.

If PTI gets less than 40-60% of the vote this year it will be due to rigging.
The revolution is dying and the house wins yet again. The establishment will continue to own the country wether we like it or not, young and old alike. Sharifs Zardaris are simply pawns, people like them will be brought to power and thrown out. The establishment is too powerful for any revolution to change.

I have the opposite thinking. I believe that austerity always precedes a revolution, and we are seeing austerity hit hard in Pakistan. It is only a matter of time before the economic situation in Pakistan deteriorates to the point the poor man cannot afford an onion - that's when the people will riot on the streets and force change.
I have the opposite thinking. I believe that austerity always precedes a revolution, and we are seeing austerity hit hard in Pakistan. It is only a matter of time before the economic situation in Pakistan deteriorates to the point the poor man cannot afford an onion - that's when the people will riot on the streets and force change.

The establishment always had a solution and a scapegoat ready for that eventuality..... they will blame the then government and it's PM. Every time they have been the source of the revolution in whatever manner which ultimately brings down the incumbent. Sharif Sr was brought down, then IKs turn, next it will be Sharif Jr in 6-8 months, then Bilawal...... all this will be sandwiched between revolutions, container blockades, marches etc..etc...

We keep procrastinating of change while the real bosses thrive in this chaos.
I think the haters fail to realise that a popularity poll is the basis of a democracy.

The popular vote wins in a democracy.

No, apparently turncoats who jump ship first sign of trouble are crowd favourites.
Popularity based on cricket career not political career. Naseem shah is also popular, most searched pakistani of 2022 it dont mean people are going to vote him in the next elections
No and No

He is a populist but to become the biggest leader a populist needs to get his country into a war and become a bigger lunatic. He is trump level crazy but not yet Hitler level crazy

Oh yes, for you the big leaders are the likes of Zulfikar Bhutto who used to call Ayub "Daddy" and Benazir who went into bed with ISI and had both her brothers killed. That is true leadership.
I have the opposite thinking. I believe that austerity always precedes a revolution, and we are seeing austerity hit hard in Pakistan. It is only a matter of time before the economic situation in Pakistan deteriorates to the point the poor man cannot afford an onion - that's when the people will riot on the streets and force change.

Agreed. People will then question how the political, business and Army elites can afford such luxurious life style in such a poor country.
Better to die than accept this slavery, Imran tells supporters

PTI chief Imran Khan has said that it is better to die than accept slavery.

“This slavery that they making us do … the way they are gripping necks and forcing them to leave PTI. You were not born for this … when the nation bows its head in front of fear, those nations die.”

He told supporters that he won’t lose hope and will stand till the last bowl. “I want to tell my nation that you should not accept defeat in any way.”
Better to die than accept this slavery, Imran tells supporters

PTI chief Imran Khan has said that it is better to die than accept slavery.

“This slavery that they making us do … the way they are gripping necks and forcing them to leave PTI. You were not born for this … when the nation bows its head in front of fear, those nations die.”

He told supporters that he won’t lose hope and will stand till the last bowl. “I want to tell my nation that you should not accept defeat in any way.”

good speech, respect him for talking up
I couldn’t have said this better myself. Pakistan is divided by politics, religion, ethnicity so on and so on and there are multitude of problems that plague the country. Problems that even a revolution can’t solve.
People are only now starting to wake up when their only hope PTI is being run into the ground.
Only the world powers like China and US can course correct Pakistan but the country is so worthless now, it’s not even good enough to be used by external powers.

germany after world war, japan after hiroshima. nothing is impossible.

root of issue is every institution to operate within its role and boundaries and limit/minimize corruption. starting with the one that is basically ruling the country whether on main stage or behind the scences.
good speech, respect him for talking up

You have to give it to IK for his courageous stance. He maybe a bad politician but he’s not a coward. Anyone else in his position would have buckled down and given up.
germany after world war, japan after hiroshima. nothing is impossible.

root of issue is every institution to operate within its role and boundaries and limit/minimize corruption. starting with the one that is basically ruling the country whether on main stage or behind the scences.

Germany and Japan are hardworking nations who can rebuild their country from ground up. Pakistan is a dead nation that lacks in intelligence and ethics.
You have to give it to IK for his courageous stance. He maybe a bad politician but he’s not a coward. Anyone else in his position would have buckled down and given up.

no i do not have to "Give it to him". If he is a bad politician thats the end of the story, because a bad politician in Pakistan cant run a country.

Anyone else? Zardari spent years in jail and had his tongue cut, so plz. Many stood and faced the millitary establishment, IK hasn't done any wonders here like you are trying to exclaim.
Germany and Japan are hardworking nations who can rebuild their country from ground up. Pakistan is a dead nation that lacks in intelligence and ethics.

This is coming from someone that probably ran away from the country to go to USA and than bash the people back home.
Germany and Japan are hardworking nations who can rebuild their country from ground up. Pakistan is a dead nation that lacks in intelligence and ethics.

Get real.

Germany and Japan we know today were bombed to dust during WW2, which ushered in an opportunity for said countries to build from the ground up.

Pakistan was carved from a nation with over 5000 years of history and never had a chance to rebuild from the ground up.

I am going to guess you have fled the SC for the West.
germany after world war, japan after hiroshima. nothing is impossible.

root of issue is every institution to operate within its role and boundaries and limit/minimize corruption. starting with the one that is basically ruling the country whether on main stage or behind the scences.

Germany flourished through Nazism. Germany was a European superpower through Fascism and Racism, then it was bombed to kingdom come.

Japan was ruled by emperors; ruthless, and stubborn, which is why the nuke was dropped on Hiroshima.

If you have not figured it out, their roots lie with Fascism and Totalitarianism, which is the complete opposite of democracy, which the West prides in, and the SC practice.

Let me obliterate your yard, I can guarantee you 2 things - complete destruction, and the only way is up, from nothing. Do not give Germany and Japan the credit they deserve, because had WW2 not happened, you can double dog guarantee that neither country would be what you think of them as today.
no i do not have to "Give it to him". If he is a bad politician thats the end of the story, because a bad politician in Pakistan cant run a country.

Anyone else? Zardari spent years in jail and had his tongue cut, so plz. Many stood and faced the millitary establishment, IK hasn't done any wonders here like you are trying to exclaim.

Well we have seen what running a country looked like when your cult was in power. I have seen you bring Zardri like a 1000th time like he's some kind of a hero for going to prison. A lot of criminals go to prison doesn't mean they need to be rewarded when they come out. Zardi is a hardened crimal who killed his wife whereas Imran khan is a legend who has inspired millions.

As for me leaving Pakistan, I have no love for the country and I truly believe there is no hope for the betterment of the country so long as people with your mindset are alive. I do care for the people and I want them to do better. I have done a lot in my own personal capacity, helping many families get out of poverty and their kids to help develop skills to become productive and skilled members of the society.
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Imran Khan gels well with young voters. Best thing about Imran Khan is he genuinely cares about helping his country.

His counterparts seem only interested in themselves.
Imran Khan gels well with young voters. Best thing about Imran Khan is he genuinely cares about helping his country.

His counterparts seem only interested in themselves.

The younger gen can see past the prejudices of the older ones.
Former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan says the tumultuous last six months have been “difficult to handle” for his two sons living in the UK with his ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith.

Mr Khan survived an assassination attempt in November last year, taking three bullet-wounds to the legs from a gunman armed with an automatic pistol at a political rally.

He returned to campaigning in March, calling for the government to agree to fresh elections, addressing large crowds of supporters from behind a bulletproof screen.

Yet within weeks he was dramatically arrested during a scheduled appearance at the Islamabad High Court, dragged out of the court premises by paramilitary forces linked to the interior ministry, an act which the Supreme Court later declared was illegal. Mr Khan claims other attempts on his life have been made, and accuses the government and intelligence agencies of orchestrating them – charges the authorities deny.

Speaking earlier this week in an exclusive interview with Independent Urdu, Mr Khan was asked if his sons, who live in the UK, feared for his life.

“I speak to them. They’re worried because there was an assassination attempt on me – that’s when they came to see me... It’s obvious[ly] not just the fear of assassination [but also] being put into jail. You know, for all your sons, it’s quite difficult to handle.”

During the interview, Mr Khan reiterated his claims that the Pakistan army chief wanted to “demolish” his party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf [PTI]. He was asked if he was ready to talk to the army chief or the prime minister to bring a resolution to Pakistan’s political turmoil.

He responded: “Then who are you going to talk to? The prime minister has nothing to do with it. These are just puppets.”

However, he added that he was still ready to negotiate and open a dialogue with the country’s army. “Yes, politicians should be ready to negotiate with anyone at all times. Because politicians resolve differences through dialogue and not through guns.”

Mr Khan is facing more than 100 criminal charges including corruption and sedition, and has been granted pretection from arrest from many of these in the past two weeks. He says the charges are all politically motivated.

As well as causing distress, the criminal proceedings have directly impacted his family in Pakistan. His wife, Bushra Bibi, was present during a March police raid on his house in Lahore that took place while Mr Khan was away for a court appearance.

And she is also named as a defendant in corruption charges involving a trust that is in the pair’s name. She was eventually granted temporary protection from arrest by a court after he predicted she will be targeted in what he describes as a government campaign to pressurise him into giving up his calls for new elections.
