Aamer Sohail serves legal notice to stop Najam Sethi from taking any decisions/actions


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
As per a media report:

Aamer Sohail has sent a formal notice to the chief election commissioner and the Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC), urging them to intervene and prevent Sethi from convening meetings and exercising other powers within the PCB.

The legal notice highlights that Sethi's tenure as the head of the management committee officially concluded on June 19, thereby rendering them incapable of carrying out any functions or wielding authority within the PCB.

This legal notice was prompted by the fact that the Sethi-led management committee called for an urgent meeting today, despite their supposed lack of legitimate powers.

Earlier on Tuesday morning, Sethi, announced his withdrawal from the race to become the chairman of the PCB:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Salaam everyone! I don’t want to be a bone of contention between Asif Zardari and Shehbaz Sharif. Such instability and uncertainty is not good for PCB. Under the circumstances I am not a candidate for Chairmanship of PCB. Good luck to all stakeholders.</p>— Najam Sethi (@najamsethi) <a href="https://twitter.com/najamsethi/status/1670882420139126801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 19, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Sohail has always held a grudge against Sethi. Zaka appointed Sohail as the Chief Selector in 2014. Then Sethi was appointed at the PCB and Sohail tried to convince Sethi to appoint him the CEO and Sethi refused. Hence Sohail started going public against Sethi.
For larger picture Mr. NAJAM resigning there are certain pers who are in good books of everyone and Mr. Sethi is one of them, by resigning meekly he knows NS will reward him with something more substantial in caretaker setup
For larger picture Mr. NAJAM resigning there are certain pers who are in good books of everyone and Mr. Sethi is one of them, by resigning meekly he knows NS will reward him with something more substantial in caretaker setup

He could be appointed as the Caretaker PM or Interim CM of Punjab
For larger picture Mr. NAJAM resigning there are certain pers who are in good books of everyone and Mr. Sethi is one of them, by resigning meekly he knows NS will reward him with something more substantial in caretaker setup

It's NSs way. Why fight when we can all eat at the expense of this poor, unfortunate country eaten alive by a predatory elite that rewards criminal loyalty over competence
I think things are going to get very messy in the coming months in Pakistan cricket.

A period of back to the bad old days.
I think things are going to get very messy in the coming months in Pakistan cricket.

A period of back to the bad old days.

Who expected anything different? It wont be long before IK will be blamed for the chaos and another case, in addition to the 200, will be registered and he will be sent to trial in Baluchistan.