An incident that shook up Junaid Jamshed


Tape Ball Captain
Feb 10, 2012
Recently on a visit to california, Junaid shared an event that he still remembers even after 20 years, that had a great effect on him,

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I personally don't think Junaid is a good role model for muslims and young muslims.

Being a true Muslim doesn't mean you have to stop listening/singing to songs grow a beard and cut yourself off from riches.

Also found his T.V show a bit annoying at times as some of the stuff he said that were his point of view came across as though they were facts.

Don't want to offend any Junaid Jamshed fan out there. Just my opinion. An absolute legend of a singer.
Not exactly sure if the Dad was really so ignorant about Vital Signs and their music before sending his daughters to their concert, what was he expecting, Naat or Qirat. If he really cared about his daughters not going to a live music concert than he should have spent one minute doing some research on Vital Signs and their music. Than he had to drag his daughters in front of everyone to make a complete fool out of himself and his daughters. Poor girls must be so embarrassed to be dragged out of there like that, as if they were committing some big sin listening to pop tunes. On top of it, this guy now has the temerity to actually praise that incident. So "Allah wallah" in his thinking are people who drag their daughters from live music concerts who are fully covered and not doing anything but listening to music. I guess having a big beard, wearing Sherwani, skull cap etc. are also attributes of "Allah wallahs". Interesting to see people actually falling for this kind of interpretation of Islam and quoting it as some life changing incident when it's really a shameful example showing the narrow mindedness and oppressive tendencies of ultra religious parents.
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Not exactly sure if the Dad was really so ignorant about Vital Signs and their music before sending his daughters to their concert, what was he expecting, Naat or Qirat. If he really cared about his daughters not going to a live music concert than he should have spent one minute doing some research on Vital Signs and their music. Than he had to drag his daughters in front of everyone to make a complete fool out of himself and his daughters. Poor girls must be so embarrassed to be dragged out of there like that, as if they were committing some big sin listening to pop tunes. On top of it, this guy now has the temerity to actually praise that incident. So "Allah wallah" in his thinking are people who drag their daughters from live music concerts who are fully covered and not doing anything but listening to music. I guess having a big beard, wearing Sherwani, skull cap etc. are also attributes of "Allah wallahs". Interesting to see people actually falling for this kind of interpretation of Islam and quoting it as some life changing incident when it's really a shameful example showing the narrow mindedness and oppressive tendencies of ultra religious parents.

You sound like the ones Junaid talked about in the video who thought that the dad was a fool and was making fool of him and his daughters. You dont seem to be a dad of daughters? Are you? So you are no judge or have experience of how a dad should treat his grown up daughters. What if the daughters promised dad that if there would be anything offending then they would come back and that was the condition that dad had agreed to. The dad might have two choices, completely shut up his daughters or show them with proof that these places are not worthy of God's people. So he chose the second path because with the first path the daughters would have had kept grievance inside them,

Once you will have daughters you would know or for that matter even sons,
I dont understand people, they never leave any stone unturned to criticise anyone, once he was singing the mullahs were aginst him, now he has become a religious person the liberals are against him, you know the best thing is to only listen to yourself, and his inner voice tells him that he is better the way he is, so the haters should go on and waste time in hating, who cares,
You sound like the ones Junaid talked about in the video who thought that the dad was a fool and was making fool of him and his daughters. You dont seem to be a dad of daughters? Are you? So you are no judge or have experience of how a dad should treat his grown up daughters. What if the daughters promised dad that if there would be anything offending then they would come back and that was the condition that dad had agreed to. The dad might have two choices, completely shut up his daughters or show them with proof that these places are not worthy of God's people. So he chose the second path because with the first path the daughters would have had kept grievance inside them,

Once you will have daughters you would know or for that matter even sons,

So he let them go there and once they were inside and in the middle of the concert, he managed to prove his point and than dragged them out of there. Wonder why he had to drag them if his daughters themselves did not think it was such a bad thing to refrain from and you think the daughters would have held no grievances against the Dad for doing what he did. Wonderful logic.
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I agree with SaadiBaba here.

A vital signs concert is no brothel. It's just pop music.

Over reaction from the father and if he didn't want his children to listen to music shouldn't have let them in the first place.

Such incidents only make our youth turn their faces from Islam when Islam is not about all this.
I agree with SaadiBaba here.

A vital signs concert is no brothel. It's just pop music.

Over reaction from the father and if he didn't want his children to listen to music shouldn't have let them in the first place.

Such incidents only make our youth turn their faces from Islam when Islam is not about all this.

Do you think the prophet or the sahaba would sit in a place where music is been playing and people are dancing to it?
Not exactly sure if the Dad was really so ignorant about Vital Signs and their music before sending his daughters to their concert, what was he expecting, Naat or Qirat. If he really cared about his daughters not going to a live music concert than he should have spent one minute doing some research on Vital Signs and their music. Than he had to drag his daughters in front of everyone to make a complete fool out of himself and his daughters. Poor girls must be so embarrassed to be dragged out of there like that, as if they were committing some big sin listening to pop tunes. On top of it, this guy now has the temerity to actually praise that incident. So "Allah wallah" in his thinking are people who drag their daughters from live music concerts who are fully covered and not doing anything but listening to music. I guess having a big beard, wearing Sherwani, skull cap etc. are also attributes of "Allah wallahs". Interesting to see people actually falling for this kind of interpretation of Islam and quoting it as some life changing incident when it's really a shameful example showing the narrow mindedness and oppressive tendencies of ultra religious parents.

just cannot agree more with you !!
Do you think the prophet or the sahaba would sit in a place where music is been playing and people are dancing to it?

Do you think Prophet Muhammad or his Companions would have been posting on PP if it was available back then?
Not exactly sure if the Dad was really so ignorant about Vital Signs and their music before sending his daughters to their concert, what was he expecting, Naat or Qirat. If he really cared about his daughters not going to a live music concert than he should have spent one minute doing some research on Vital Signs and their music. Than he had to drag his daughters in front of everyone to make a complete fool out of himself and his daughters. Poor girls must be so embarrassed to be dragged out of there like that, as if they were committing some big sin listening to pop tunes. On top of it, this guy now has the temerity to actually praise that incident. So "Allah wallah" in his thinking are people who drag their daughters from live music concerts who are fully covered and not doing anything but listening to music. I guess having a big beard, wearing Sherwani, skull cap etc. are also attributes of "Allah wallahs". Interesting to see people actually falling for this kind of interpretation of Islam and quoting it as some life changing incident when it's really a shameful example showing the narrow mindedness and oppressive tendencies of ultra religious parents.

Agreed 100%
I agree with SaadiBaba here.

A vital signs concert is no brothel. It's just pop music.

Over reaction from the father and if he didn't want his children to listen to music shouldn't have let them in the first place.

Such incidents only make our youth turn their faces from Islam when Islam is not about all this.

you guys are all deciding what is right what is wrong, why the dad do this or that, in doing this you guys are missing a great point that Junaid mentioned, "no man of Allah wanted to come to his concert". Whether dad did right or wrong is not the point here, it is about Junaid's perception being changed by the Almighty and later you could see what he has been doing now,
So he let them go there and once they were inside and in the middle of the concert, he managed to prove his point and than dragged them out of there. Wonder why he had to drag them if his daughters themselves did not think it was such a bad thing to refrain from and you think the daughters would have held no grievances against the Dad for doing what he did. Wonderful logic.

It is perfectly fine logic but your mind is not accepting it, and you have taken the discussion to a totally useless point, did you understand what Junaid himself said " no man of Allah wants to come to his concert", why is that Junaid is not laughing at the dad? can you tell me that? the point you are making here is petty in front of what junaid is trying to say, and this feeling that came to him after watching the dad going out of the concert shook him up and you can see it was a seed being planted in junaid from Allah Almighty, and yu can see the fruit now, this is what the point is.
Do you think Prophet Muhammad or his Companions would have been posting on PP if it was available back then?

Bullseye. Pretty much sums up the sterile thought of the Jamaat brigade. On Junaid himself, I don't know what happened to him but if he thinks a father dragging his daughters out of a concert was praiseworthy then he's completely lost the plot.
What is your definition of "A man of Allah" ?

It can not be my or your definition, it is what is mentioned in the book of Allah and by the Prophet peace be upon him. You can look it up in the Holy Koran.
Do you think Prophet Muhammad or his Companions would have been posting on PP if it was available back then?

That was not possible and had PP or the internet for that matter existed during those times, it would have changed the world as we know it. Who knows?

Music and dancing were available back then and the Prophet and his Companions disliked both the activities and they were later deemed Haraam.

Percussion instruments are understandable but when the Prophet himself has labled all other instruments as forbidden then why do people try to justify their vice? Atleast know what you are doing is wrong and try to stop it.
As long as you are not hurting anyone over music, music is fine in my opinion.

Music is beautiful.
As long as you are not hurting anyone over music, music is fine in my opinion.

Music is beautiful.

but, Junaid knew and we know that the music that they were playing back then was purely for the satisfaction of physical desires, not spiritual ones
That was not possible and had PP or the internet for that matter existed during those times, it would have changed the world as we know it. Who knows?

Music and dancing were available back then and the Prophet and his Companions disliked both the activities and they were later deemed Haraam.

Percussion instruments are understandable but when the Prophet himself has labled all other instruments as forbidden then why do people try to justify their vice? Atleast know what you are doing is wrong and try to stop it.

You totally missed my question.

Think over it again, long and hard, and then try to understand it again.

The rest is your opinion and I respect that, but I was merely opposing the logic put forth in that post.

"Would Prophet Muhammad and his Companions done that or this" is not the way to look at things.
I genuinely feel sorry for somebody who won't enjoy the beauty of music in their lives because of some age-old debate about a religious teaching. Unlike many other people you were lucky enough to be born with ears that work; use them, explore your senses as an individual, and stop being so bloody self-righteous and hypocritical.
That was not possible and had PP or the internet for that matter existed during those times, it would have changed the world as we know it. Who knows?

Music and dancing were available back then and the Prophet and his Companions disliked both the activities and they were later deemed Haraam.

Percussion instruments are understandable but when the Prophet himself has labled all other instruments as forbidden then why do people try to justify their vice? Atleast know what you are doing is wrong and try to stop it.

Big sin to call a halal thing haram.

Give me prove it's "haram".

I don't even think it's gunnah, but forget that, I wont proof that it's "haraam".
I genuinely feel sorry for somebody who won't enjoy the beauty of music in their lives because of some age-old debate about a religious teaching. Unlike many other people you were lucky enough to be born with ears that work; use them, explore your senses as an individual, and stop being so bloody self-righteous and hypocritical.


I know people who are true muslims. Follow Islam but listen to music to touch the heart and soul of others and theirs.

Music is an amazing thing and I feel sorry for those who are against it. It's almost as if, you're less of a human if you don't listen to music.

I know people who are true muslims. Follow Islam but listen to music to touch the heart and soul of others and theirs.

Music is an amazing thing and I feel sorry for those who are against it. It's almost as if, you're less of a human if you don't listen to music.

Lovely words. :) I agree.

Unfortunately there are those out there that would deem you 'not a Muslim' for merely constructing this post, regardless of whether you yourself also listen to music.

I've never understood that about Muslims. When I was a part of Christianity, life itself (as it often is) was enough of a struggle without expending further time and energy on 'exposing' other Christians, demeaning fellow Christians because they disagreed with my interpretation, and declaring others to be non-Christian. Just focus on your own affairs and your own relationship with your religion.
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I used to listen to Music and yes sometimes I still do but very very rarely. I believe In the Quraan many scholars use the verse where it refers to vain talk and also conclude that this does indeed mean Music.

I think its a bit more nuanced than that. Poetry was fondly listened to by all the Sahabas and the Prophet PBUH. Many scholars however are of teh opinion that string instruments should be banned. Again its upto you. Especially considering "we" invented the precursor to the guitar in Spain 1000 odd years ago. It does raise interesting questions.

I can only speak for me personally and my own life. I dont listen to Music except the odd time when Im bored and stuck in a traffic jam and that is not that often. In my house I no longer have a s"stereo" or MP3 player, my children are not influenced by it, I have "turned off the radio in my head" and I can tell you life is so much better!!

Classical music however now thats something I may encourage my chidlren to experience. My nice already plays violen and I think it can help them understand cultural values.

But I'll draw a line at todays trash and trash from the past. I really dont want my kids listening to teh garbage passed off as music in todays world. I have also noticed that women or girls are more influenced by it than boys.

also as Muslims we also believe that iblis(the devil) was a master musician. His renditions with the harp would be heard throughout the seven heavens. That is why Music is frowned upon. Iblis himself uses it for his own nefarious ends! at the same time there was no place on this earth where Iblis had not done Sajda to Allah swt! so interesting nonetheless!
Then basically tGK you listen to music and enjoy music, and see how important it is to understanding culture.

Thus, you connect with music, and can see how your children will benefit from connecting with music. So there you go. The debate is over before it has started.
What is your definition of "A man of Allah" ?

Those who drag their daughters out of a music concert:)).

That was not possible and had PP or the internet for that matter existed during those times, it would have changed the world as we know it. Who knows?
You totally missed my question.

Think over it again, long and hard, and then try to understand it again.

The rest is your opinion and I respect that, but I was merely opposing the logic put forth in that post.

"Would Prophet Muhammad and his Companions done that or this" is not the way to look at things.

Forget about that and consider this:

If an organized sports system existed back then, country or club based, do you think Prophet Muhammad would have played cricket for a country or a club, for example for Sialkot Stallions or Pakistan etc.?
Those who drag their daughters out of a music concert:)).

Forget about that and consider this:

If an organized sports system existed back then, country or club based, do you think Prophet Muhammad would have played cricket for a country or a club, for example for Sialkot Stallions or Pakistan etc.?

Prophets did not come to waste time on this planet. They had much bigger tasks to do in short time. At least that person had the courage to stick to his principles by dragging her daughters. He cared less about the ones who criticize at the drop of a hat, his faith was more important to him.

I know now it will be said then how come he came into the concert in first place, even if he come he had all the right to correct what he felt was wrong in the first place.
what are we meant to do with people like this? *shakes head*
Prophets did not come to waste time on this planet. They had much bigger tasks to do in short time. At least that person had the courage to stick to his principles by dragging her daughters. He cared less about the ones who criticize at the drop of a hat, his faith was more important to him.

I know now it will be said then how come he came into the concert in first place, even if he come he had all the right to correct what he felt was wrong in the first place.

You have just answered my question (highlighted in bold) and thus the debate ends with my point being well clarified. It is sad that it took someone around about four days to help me in getting my point across, but there´s always a hope for the patient ones:).

As for the father of those two daughters, well, his case is left as a matter of opinion.

Nice day to you:19:!
Those who drag their daughters out of a music concert:)).

Forget about that and consider this:

If an organized sports system existed back then, country or club based, do you think Prophet Muhammad would have played cricket for a country or a club, for example for Sialkot Stallions or Pakistan etc.?

This is what I had emphasised before. Music was available back then so we can just look back and see whether or not Music was approved by the Prophet (pbuh) or not. Everything else that you have mentioned was not available and we can't just speculate on what he would have done. This is time-wasting but is not Haraam like music.

He is an example for all Muslims, right?

Badsha, you should visit your local scholar and ask him to explain this to you if you are not familiar with the hadiths which talk about music.
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This is what I had emphasised before. Music was available back then so we can just look back and see whether or not Music was approved by the Prophet (pbuh) or not. Everything else that you have mentioned was not available and we can't just speculate on what he would have done.

He is an example for all Muslims, right?

Badsha, you should visit your local scholar and ask him to explain this to you if you are not familiar with the hadiths which talk about music.

Again, my argument was not at all related to music but the logic given against its permission.

My question was just a test of thinking of a few of you.

This is time-wasting but is not Haraam like music.

The guy you are fighting the case for said this......

Do you think the prophet or the sahaba would sit in a place where music is been playing and people are dancing to it?

Cric_Craze not once argued about Ahadith etc. He just presented this logic, I thus put a further logic which has gone answer-less throughout this thread.

Bilal7, think again about my question. I am merely suggesting that the logic "Would Prophet Muhammad and his Companions done that or this" is not the way to look at things.
^ sometimes faith takes over all the logics you might have in your brain

btw whats the logic of getting married and Then have kids ?

surely you would have some logic ?
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^ sometimes faith takes over all the logics you might have in your brain

btw whats the logic of getting married and Then have kids ?

surely you would have some logic ?

I am guessing that quite a few are deliberately trying to misinterpret my post.

Do you think the prophet or the sahaba would sit in a place where music is been playing and people are dancing to it?

There is no Hadith, nothing at all that is cited to prove that music is forbidden in Islam. Only a logic is presented which does not and cannot end the debate. I am well aware of the Ahadith that forbid music but nothing is cited in the above post.

Secondly, if your thinking and logics allow you to think that one can have children before marriage then I do not have any problem with that. Please go ahead:). I am more worried about myself instead of delivering rulings for others.
Not sure why this double standard when it comes to music when love of wealth, striving to achieve materialistic luxury is often condemned in the Quran again and again. Also there are clear Hadiths on over-eating. Why the selective outrage singling out 'music' then? From what I've read, there is no verse in the Quran specifically forbidding music as oppose to verses on prohibited meat, alcohol and gambling. Not to mention people arguing 'music' is haram often overlooks the historical impact of Muslims on music and musical instruments.

Extremists' position on 'music' being haram simply has to do with the interpretation that music is influenced by non-Islamic, Western musical traditions which is seen as a distraction from the teachings of the prophet. The censorship on 'music' is part of the counter power strategies relating to globalization and Westernization. Lots of muslim youth is influenced by the hip-hop 'culture' which is translated to influence by 'American/Western culture.' This anti-music stand has risen amongst hardliners simply due to the resentment directed towards the U.S.
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Not sure why this double standard when it comes to music when love of wealth, striving to achieve materialistic luxury is often condemned in the Quran again and again. Also there are clear Hadiths on over-eating. Why the selective outrage singling out 'music' then? From what I've read, there is no verse in the Quran specifically forbidding music as oppose to verses on prohibited meat, alcohol and gambling. Not to mention people arguing 'music' is haram often overlooks the historical impact of Muslims on music and musical instruments.

Extremists' position on 'music' being haram simply has to do with the interpretation that music is influenced by non-Islamic, Western musical traditions which is seen as a distraction from the teachings of the prophet. The censorship on 'music' is part of the counter power strategies relating to globalization and Westernization. Lots of muslim youth is influenced by the hip-hop 'culture' which is translated to influence by 'American/Western culture.' This anti-music stand has risen amongst hardliners simply due to the resentment directed towards the U.S.

Nailed it.
Not sure why this double standard when it comes to music when love of wealth, striving to achieve materialistic luxury is often condemned in the Quran again and again. Also there are clear Hadiths on over-eating. Why the selective outrage singling out 'music' then? From what I've read, there is no verse in the Quran specifically forbidding music as oppose to verses on prohibited meat, alcohol and gambling. Not to mention people arguing 'music' is haram often overlooks the historical impact of Muslims on music and musical instruments.

Extremists' position on 'music' being haram simply has to do with the interpretation that music is influenced by non-Islamic, Western musical traditions which is seen as a distraction from the teachings of the prophet. The censorship on 'music' is part of the counter power strategies relating to globalization and Westernization. Lots of muslim youth is influenced by the hip-hop 'culture' which is translated to influence by 'American/Western culture.' This anti-music stand has risen amongst hardliners simply due to the resentment directed towards the U.S.

I agree that double-standards and hypocrisy is disgusting. Muslims should earn only by halaal ways and spend generously in charity. Excessive spending is also condemed in Islam, just like music.
I don't get why people don't realise that the sunnah of the Prophet should also be looked at when discussing matters like these.

It is not that I personally don't like music, I just consider it haraam as the Prophet disliked it. In no way is there any connection between music and becoming assimilated into western culture. Bollywood songs, Arabic songs and any other ethnic music that is not in accordance with Islam is haraam.

Bilal7, think again about my question. I am merely suggesting that the logic "Would Prophet Muhammad and his Companions done that or this" is not the way to look at things.

Maybe I misunderstood your post. Do you however believe that music is haraam, taking into account the hadiths that condemn it?
Masha-Allah, I learnt yesterday from the folks who had invited Junaid for this event, that he had aksed for $10K for the evening and upon looking at the state of the Hifz school, he gave that money in charity, SubhanAllah. Now the critics here who are still talking about the dad and the foolsih way of him taking away daughters, the question needs ot be asked what have they contirbuted and the one who questioned Junaid's getting it all wrong, what has he done for humanity? May Allah guide everyone to the right path,
Masha-Allah, I learnt yesterday from the folks who had invited Junaid for this event, that he had aksed for $10K for the evening and upon looking at the state of the Hifz school, he gave that money in charity, SubhanAllah. Now the critics here who are still talking about the dad and the foolsih way of him taking away daughters, the question needs ot be asked what have they contirbuted and the one who questioned Junaid's getting it all wrong, what has he done for humanity? May Allah guide everyone to the right path,

The incident that changed Junaid's life won't change everyone else's lives as well even if you publish it in the newspaper. There are people for whom it means nothing but then there are people who would take it as hidaya. People who think junaid has gone mad for leaving music industry and growing a beard should ask a question why? Who is he try to Imitate? It's Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and since we are not trying to follow the sunah, the least we can do this not point finger or criticize someone who is.

"So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self." [Zumar, 39: 41]
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yeh lets spread rumours as facts ,lets back stab, lets steal , but listening to music ? no no no.. thats haram.

From now on my first concern will be to avoid music.
i respect junaid jamshed but not every word from his mouth is holy grail , he is human and has his weakness both in mind and actions like the rest of us.
Masha-Allah, I learnt yesterday from the folks who had invited Junaid for this event, that he had aksed for $10K for the evening and upon looking at the state of the Hifz school, he gave that money in charity, SubhanAllah. Now the critics here who are still talking about the dad and the foolsih way of him taking away daughters, the question needs ot be asked what have they contirbuted and the one who questioned Junaid's getting it all wrong, what has he done for humanity? May Allah guide everyone to the right path,

good on him ,but it doesnt mean that each and every though in his mind and action is right, even the prophets had commited mistakes, the only 100% pak person is Muhammad PBUH.

y did he asked for 10k in first place if he doesnt care about material things? ( i have nothing against junaid making honest money just questioning the op potray of junaid as bench mark of a good muslim, and he might be a very good muslim ,good for him but again he is human and can say things which might be not all that sensible/reasonable)
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No 1 has ever told me Music is Haraam. I have only been told it is haraam on the Internet forums.

My mum prays 5 times a day but listens to music. Every Pakistani I know listens to music.

As far as I am concerned Music is not haraam. I cant imagine ever giving it up. My life would be so dead without it.
No 1 has ever told me Music is Haraam. I have only been told it is haraam on the Internet forums.

My mum prays 5 times a day but listens to music. Every Pakistani I know listens to music.

As far as I am concerned Music is not haraam. I cant imagine ever giving it up. My life would be so dead without it.

You are absolutely right sir. Ignore the Internet Mullahs!
That was not possible and had PP or the internet for that matter existed during those times, it would have changed the world as we know it. Who knows?

Music and dancing were available back then and the Prophet and his Companions disliked both the activities and they were later deemed Haraam.

Percussion instruments are understandable but when the Prophet himself has labled all other instruments as forbidden then why do people try to justify their vice? Atleast know what you are doing is wrong and try to stop it.

MashaAllah. Tell them fools.

By the way, the person who said that our Prophet would sit in a gathering of music with women and men dancing around shamelessly should renew his shahaada.

But first he should repent for his filthy statement of unbelieef. Then if he is married, he should renew his marriage contract.
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MashaAllah. Tell them fools.

By the way, the person who said that our Prophet would sit in a gathering of music with women and men dancing around shamelessly should renew his shahaada.

But first he should repent for his filthy statement of unbelieef. Then if he is married, he should renew his marriage contract.

[ Sahih Bukhari & Muslim Hadith]

Volume 2, Book 15, Number 103:

Narrated 'Urwa on the authority of 'Aisha:

On the days of Mina, (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) Abu Bakr came to her while two young girls were beating the tambourine and the Prophet was lying covered with his clothes. Abu Bakr scolded them and the Prophet uncovered his face and said to Abu Bakr, "Leave them, for these days are the days of 'Id and the days of Mina." 'Aisha further said, "Once the Prophet was screening me and I was watching the display of black slaves in the Mosque and ('Umar) scolded them. The Prophet said, 'Leave them. O Bani Arfida! (carry on), you are safe (protected)'."

Volume 2, Book 15, Number 72:

Narrated Aisha:

Abu Bakr came to my house while two small Ansari girls were singing beside me the stories of the Ansar concerning the Day of Buath. And they were not singers. Abu Bakr said protestingly, "Musical instruments of Satan in the house of Allah's Apostle !" It happened on the 'Id day and Allah's Apostle said, "O Abu Bakr! There is an 'Id for every nation and this is our 'Id."

Volume 2, Book 15, Number 70:

Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, "Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ?" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his face towards him and said, "Leave them." When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signalled to those girls to go out and they left. It was the day of 'Id, and the Black people were playing with shields and spears; so either I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked me whether I would like to see the display. I replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my cheek was touching his cheek and he was saying, "Carry on! O Bani Arfida," till I got tired. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked me, "Are you satisfied (Is that sufficient for you)?" I replied in the affirmative and he told me to leave.
Can some of these folks that are calling "music" haram please define music for me please. Things that are haram are very concrete things, things that can be identified and defined. Alcohol is haram its easy to define and identify it. Same with pork and so on and so forth.
But music is a very organic and fluid "concept". What is music ? Is it musical instruments playing ? These sounds are made in nature all the time and sometimes in rhythm. What you call music might be noise to some. You can't make abstract ideas haram or halal. Just like you cannot be punished for an idea that exists in your head.
MashaAllah. Tell them fools.

By the way, the person who said that our Prophet would sit in a gathering of music with women and men dancing around shamelessly should renew his shahaada.

But first he should repent for his filthy statement of unbelieef. Then if he is married, he should renew his marriage contract.

Not sure if sarcasm
ive personally met Junaid bhai a number of times and forgive me for backbiting but he is a first rate hypocrite and uses religion as a revenue stream,

he made all his money from singing and when his career started to stutter all of a sudden he becomes a Maulvi sahab and then does TV shows, comes in ads, opens his own kurta shop etc and then makes more money off being a Mullah. And all the time he masquerades as being an Aaalim-e-deen or sth whereas he has no such qualificatiions whatsoever. I mean why is he giving bayans and charging people for these bayans when he is not a qualified imam.

Finally he now terms music haram or whatever. What about all the money he earned from his concerts and album releases etc. Isnt thatm oney haram. He certainly didnt compensate for that did he now?
I dont want to question Junaids faith etc

I want to question why people get paid 10K to chat about religion?

Thats CRAZY money. Yes he gave it to charity in the end but potentially you can make big £££ from preaching??

Thats just wrong
ive personally met Junaid bhai a number of times and forgive me for backbiting but he is a first rate hypocrite and uses religion as a revenue stream,

he made all his money from singing and when his career started to stutter all of a sudden he becomes a Maulvi sahab and then does TV shows, comes in ads, opens his own kurta shop etc and then makes more money off being a Mullah. And all the time he masquerades as being an Aaalim-e-deen or sth whereas he has no such qualificatiions whatsoever. I mean why is he giving bayans and charging people for these bayans when he is not a qualified imam.

Finally he now terms music haram or whatever. What about all the money he earned from his concerts and album releases etc. Isnt thatm oney haram. He certainly didnt compensate for that did he now?

this is not backbiting, this is straight up slandering of top quality. I hope you can prove all these claims on the day of judge!
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ive personally met Junaid bhai a number of times and forgive me for backbiting but he is a first rate hypocrite and uses religion as a revenue stream,

he made all his money from singing and when his career started to stutter all of a sudden he becomes a Maulvi sahab and then does TV shows, comes in ads, opens his own kurta shop etc and then makes more money off being a Mullah. And all the time he masquerades as being an Aaalim-e-deen or sth whereas he has no such qualificatiions whatsoever. I mean why is he giving bayans and charging people for these bayans when he is not a qualified imam.

Finally he now terms music haram or whatever. What about all the money he earned from his concerts and album releases etc. Isnt thatm oney haram. He certainly didnt compensate for that did he now?

I dont know the rest, Allah knows better, but I do have it on good authority, that the bloke sold all his properties he bought from the money that was driven through his music and donated that money, plus he calculated every single penny he earned through music and donated that through.

The reason I have this information is because the person who managed his properties is my friend and he couldnt care about the price whatsoever, but just wanted to get rid of it and donate all the amount. Plus he also arranged for him an accountant who would do the financials of how much he earned through the sale of music and concerts in order for Junaid to donate the equivalent sum
I dont want to question Junaids faith etc

I want to question why people get paid 10K to chat about religion?

Thats CRAZY money. Yes he gave it to charity in the end but potentially you can make big £££ from preaching??

Thats just wrong

why is it wrong? he doe snot do anything esle, he has given up music, how is he gonna put food on the table. Are you trying to say that preachers can not charge for their knowledge? so if Junaid is doing wrong then so is thousands of others whose only profession is in Dawaa.
ive personally met Junaid bhai a number of times and forgive me for backbiting but he is a first rate hypocrite and uses religion as a revenue stream,

he made all his money from singing and when his career started to stutter all of a sudden he becomes a Maulvi sahab and then does TV shows, comes in ads, opens his own kurta shop etc and then makes more money off being a Mullah. And all the time he masquerades as being an Aaalim-e-deen or sth whereas he has no such qualificatiions whatsoever. I mean why is he giving bayans and charging people for these bayans when he is not a qualified imam.

Finally he now terms music haram or whatever. What about all the money he earned from his concerts and album releases etc. Isnt thatm oney haram. He certainly didnt compensate for that did he now?

why is a hyprocrite? just because people are paying him in a single shot more than what you can earn in a month? He opened his kurta shop so did he do something wrong there? should he open a bikini shop?
If people want to listen to him and he is not saying anything that conflicts with religion then what is wrong in that?
He is terming such music haram that incites evil desires in you, the kinda music that is being played these days like

"mere paas eik raat guzzaar, tujeh subhah tak mein karoonga pyaar"

The money he made through his pop singing has been compenstaed for, he asked Mualana Taqi Usmani about how to get rid of that, so maulana told him about a formula where his house was the biggest asset he had. He gave the amount worth of his house price at the start in charity or something like that. But, you can research on it and you would find about it. At least he is doing something better than us and Allah is rewarding him for that.

IN the end I tell you this, you are just bitter about his success and t=hats all, all the claims you made against him are really pitiful. I mean you are making an argument against him for opening a business in terms of clothing line? A big facepalm for you (he is already separated from that business now for your information). Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him was a trader, so now you would say what was Prophet doing in trading when he was suppose to be a Prophet.
good on him ,but it doesnt mean that each and every though in his mind and action is right, even the prophets had commited mistakes, the only 100% pak person is Muhammad PBUH.

y did he asked for 10k in first place if he doesnt care about material things? ( i have nothing against junaid making honest money just questioning the op potray of junaid as bench mark of a good muslim, and he might be a very good muslim ,good for him but again he is human and can say things which might be not all that sensible/reasonable)

no matter the haters are gonna hate, yeah he gave away charity good, but he is a human being hence he can flater, is that the discussion here about whther Junaid is a perfect hiuman being or he can sin or not. I guess it is not, he is just being targetted by critics even when he is not doing anything that conflicts with religion or against humanity in general. People have lost of times on their hands, to cricitcise about others but, have not time to contribute in society
No 1 has ever told me Music is Haraam. I have only been told it is haraam on the Internet forums.

My mum prays 5 times a day but listens to music. Every Pakistani I know listens to music.

As far as I am concerned Music is not haraam. I cant imagine ever giving it up. My life would be so dead without it.

Because your mom listens to music so it is Halaal :facepalm:

Lots of Pakistanis drink, so should we say that to be halaal also?

Okay as far as I am concerned you are wrong. Not all Music is halaal,
why is it wrong? he doe snot do anything esle, he has given up music, how is he gonna put food on the table. Are you trying to say that preachers can not charge for their knowledge? so if Junaid is doing wrong then so is thousands of others whose only profession is in Dawaa.

what about it? is it forbidden for him to open a clothing business? doe Islam stop a person from earning money through legal means? is there a cap? Now some of Junaid's critics are just making fools of themsleves,

But you just said that he does not do anything else ???
But you just said that he does not do anything else ???

He has left it now, and takes caravans to Hajj. WHat I meant to say, clothing business is not his strength, his main strength and skill was to sing, which conflicted with him being a Muslaim, so Allah guided him to use his voice in a different more meaningful manner,
One hadith from the Bukhari Shareef, the most authentic Book of Hadith, further confirms unlawfulness of music and singing :
`There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).`

Detailed analysis of the arabic word `ma`aazif ` shows that it refers to musical instruments, the sounds of those musical instruments and singing with the accompaniment of instruments.

Closer analysis of the wordings of the Hadith establishes the prohibition of music. Firstly, the words `seek to make lawful ` shows that music is not permissible, as logically one can only seek to make lawful that which is not allowed. Secondly, if music was not prohibited, then it would not have been brought within the same context as fornication and wine-drinking.
He has left it now, and takes caravans to Hajj. WHat I meant to say, clothing business is not his strength, his main strength and skill was to sing, which conflicted with him being a Muslaim, so Allah guided him to use his voice in a different more meaningful manner,

You are backtracking now. He has a clothing empire with more than 40 stores all across Pakistan, also in UAE and one in Bradford. Point is he is making a lot of money (mashallah) from this business, plus his travel agency and the sale of naat CD'S, ads for Lays Chips etc. Does he really need to charge $10,000 for a dars when he is not even an Aalim or a muslim scholar. Good that he donates a lot of that money but why charge it in the first place when he obviously is doing very very well.
You are backtracking now. He has a clothing empire with more than 40 stores all across Pakistan, also in UAE and one in Bradford. Point is he is making a lot of money (mashallah) from this business, plus his travel agency and the sale of naat CD'S, ads for Lays Chips etc. Does he really need to charge $10,000 for a dars when he is not even an Aalim or a muslim scholar. Good that he donates a lot of that money but why charge it in the first place when he obviously is doing very very well.

Why should someone not charge for his services? its a lame argument that since someone is doing so well he or she should not charge money for this or that. You can listen Maualan Jamil's interview where he tells about his clothing business and how it got started. He almost came ot bankruptcy after giving up Music for Islam, thats when he found a partner who had money and Junaid had name, Junaid doe snot own the whole thing, this was the start until he now have become comfortable is doing preaching and reciting naats all around the world especially in fund-raising events.

Long story short Allah has made him what he is now only because he gave up something thourhg which he was earning a lot and then was left with no income, this is a reward you are seeing now from Almighty Allah. He promises a multiple times reward if you go His way.

He will not be answerable for earning too much legally but, we as critics on him may be answerable for the criticism we have for him,
no matter the haters are gonna hate, yeah he gave away charity good, but he is a human being hence he can flater, is that the discussion here about whther Junaid is a perfect hiuman being or he can sin or not. I guess it is not, he is just being targetted by critics even when he is not doing anything that conflicts with religion or against humanity in general. People have lost of times on their hands, to cricitcise about others but, have not time to contribute in society

i dont hate junaid ,infact i like him ,what i am saying is that he is human and can make mistakes and that i dont think dragging ur children in front of a full hall is somthing to be proud of.