Anti-PTI vs pro-PTI!


Senior ODI Player
Mar 8, 2009
PTI's critics range from extreme right marginal religious parties to extreme left wing liberals. also don't forget the incompetent center left & center right parties like PPP & PML.

I find it hilarious that Maluana Fazal-UR Rehman and Nadeem Paracha agree on one thing that PTI is up to no good and are misguiding the youth of pakistan. I also find it hilarious that our supporters range from hakeemullah Mehsud to Veena Malik.


MY Question is Has PTI finally made it large that all these people with extremly different views oppose or support PTI.
Here is Veena Malik's endorsment


and Here is Hakeemullah Mehsud's endorsement. listen to it @ 5:00


:))) :)))
I see it too, but what I find quite pityful is that, everyday, you have one or two bloggers on website like Express Tribune (the temple of our liberal priests) who complain about Imran Khan from everything: from his idealism to him scratching his back in public... I mean, that's like Imran Khan is called Mr 10% or invested into his family's business with the nation's wealth, the PTI-bashing goes a bit over the top imo.

:zardari :sharif
So this Mullah diesel getting all exicted (
) about Imran's popularity and has jumped onto propaganda wagon, calling Imran's children jews :)))
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Rumors of Imran Khan meeting Majlis-e-Wahdat-e Muslimen a small shia party to get their support on 9th of January to create more problems for the status quo forces.
I see it too, but what I find quite pityful is that, everyday, you have one or two bloggers on website like Express Tribune (the temple of our liberal priests) who complain about Imran Khan from everything: from his idealism to him scratching his back in public... I mean, that's like Imran Khan is called Mr 10% or invested into his family's business with the nation's wealth, the PTI-bashing goes a bit over the top imo.

:zardari :sharif

for every one or two in opposition there are ten others speaking in favor of IK as well, so my advice would be to be not so defensive.

if the PTI-bashing is OTT then what would you say the perpetual bashing of other parties is?

as for the question in OP, yes absolutely they have stepped into the big leagues, PTI ka charcha galli galli mein ho raha hai.
for every one or two in opposition there are ten others speaking in favor of IK as well, so my advice would be to be not so defensive.

if the PTI-bashing is OTT then what would you say the perpetual bashing of other parties is?

as for the question in OP, yes absolutely they have stepped into the big leagues, PTI ka charcha galli galli mein ho raha hai.

Not comparable to what Kaptaan suffers from our virtual poets. :imran

And when I say that everyday you have some prose against him, I mean it quite literally, at least on Express Tribune.

Also, I don't have a problem with constructive criticism per se, these are the weapons of the democratic arena... but some are just overdoing it.
Not comparable to what Kaptaan suffers from our virtual poets. :imran

And when I say that everyday you have some prose against him, I mean it quite literally, at least on Express Tribune.

Also, I don't have a problem with constructive criticism per se, these are the weapons of the democratic arena... but some are just overdoing it.

bhai abhi se ghussa khaogey to jab hakoomat mein aaogey, tab kya hoyega?

although I do agree that most of these ET blogs are quite awful, on either side of the debate.
So this Mullah diesel getting all exicted (
) about Imran's popularity and has jumped onto propaganda wagon, calling Imran's children jews :)))

This is really hilarious :))) :)))

bhai abhi se ghussa khaogey to jab hakoomat mein aaogey, tab kya hoyega?

although I do agree that most of these ET blogs are quite awful, on either side of the debate.

Never ghussa, you know. :misbah

But just find it odd, really, there are more interesting targets in the wild.
uniting polar opposites under one man? thats not a good sign for Imran Khan.
World of the news

PTI supporter accuses Imran for his hemorrhoids

ISLAMABAD, August 16: A supporter of Imran Khan’s Pakistan Thereek-i-Insaaf (PTI) has accused Imran for the flaring up of his hemorrhoids (piles) problem. Talking to the media, Anjum Ahmed, a 22-year-old student of LUMS in Lahore, said that he has taken part in almost all protest sit-ins (dharnas) called by Khan.

“All that sitting for hours has given me a bad case of piles,” Anjum complained. He warned that if Khan continues to call these long sit-ins, very few of his supporters would be able to vote for him in the next elections because by then almost all of them would be suffering from painful hemorrhoids.

Anjum claimed that though he is now unable to sit or walk without feeling pain, he is still a PTI supporter. However, he appealed to Imran to stop urging his supporters to get off their backsides in their drawing rooms only to come out and place their backsides on pavements and streets.

He also asked PTI to distribute cushions during the sit-ins.

Responding to Mr. Anjum’s claims, PTI leader, Dr. Shireen Mazari, said that it was sad that PTI supporters like Anjum are shying away from pain.

“Revolutions require sacrifices,” she said. “I’ve been sitting for years for this moment, so much so that I have now evolved into becoming a human cushion myself,” explained Mazari, proudly adding that her leader, Imran Khan, once mistook her for being a sofa.

When some media men raised Anjum’s case with Imran, the charismatic PTI chairman sympathised with all those young PTI supporters suffering from piles but said the sit-ins will continue. He did add that he has asked a leading supporter of his, Dr. Alvi, to instruct PTI supporters to sit in a way that would avoid giving them piles. When some reporters reminded him that Dr. Alvi was actually a dentist, Imran said, “For PTI he (Alvi) is ready to give up dentistry and become a Sufi yoga instructor.”

When media men approached Dr. Alvi, they found him sitting with his eyes closed in a meditative pose. He claimed his body was 5.1 centimeters above the ground. Just as the reporters were trying to substantiate Dr. Alvi’s claims, Ms. Mazari was heard screaming at a local reporter. She accused him of attempting to assault her. The bewildered reporter was heard mumbling: “But I thought I was sitting on a sofa … I swear it was a sofa. It .. it .. just came alive!”

The reporter was later handed over to ISI offices in Abpara

Our Friend Nadeem F Paracha mocking PTI supporters
So this Mullah diesel getting all exicted (
) about Imran's popularity and has jumped onto propaganda wagon, calling Imran's children jews :)))

This is really hilarious :))) :)))

I really admire the political awareness of Jemima. On several occasions she swiftly ward off the propaganda by PTI opponents.

^ Jemima learnt well the political titles...Maulana Diesel :)))
I really admire the political awareness of Jemima. On several occasions she swiftly ward off the propaganda by PTI opponents.


I admire her, a lot!

She came and settled in pakistan, converted, and all.

And now, after the divorce, both Imran and Jemima still respect and back each other. Still full of praise for each other
no one can beat what my dad said about Imran in one of our "me vs my dad on politics" debates: " "tukaya nay si unu chewing gum pay khanda si stage tay bay kur. Beghairaty di intaha hundi hay" response was a to merely laugh and claim he had finally given up on the argument if chewing gum was the best he could come up with. My dad is now resigned to the fact Imran will win some seats! (originally he thought IK couldnt even win one seat)
Imran Khan is the Ahmedinajad(Iran) of Pakistan.
He will improve the economy.
Allow women to wear haram clothing in public.
He will get into a War with America.
He will support is Pathan Taliban brothers.

Imran Khan doesn't have the £$ to win the election. He may have pulled in the youth, but he will never win any seats of the likes Nawaz Sharif, who has powerbases right across Punjab and the PPP Bhuto paindoos.

The music they had on his jalsa was stupid. Trying to copy western countries. Obama and Cameron don't have rockstars on stage with DJ's singing about Roti. Imran Khan will win 10 seats max..and then all the lotey will move from his party.
no one can beat what my dad said about Imran in one of our "me vs my dad on politics" debates: " "tukaya nay si unu chewing gum pay khanda si stage tay bay kur. Beghairaty di intaha hundi hay" response was a to merely laugh and claim he had finally given up on the argument if chewing gum was the best he could come up with. My dad is now resigned to the fact Imran will win some seats! (originally he thought IK couldnt even win one seat)


Like Imran Khan says "Baap Aik party mein aur us kay Biwi Bachay Tehreek Insaf mein"

:)) :))
no one can beat what my dad said about Imran in one of our "me vs my dad on politics" debates: " "tukaya nay si unu chewing gum pay khanda si stage tay bay kur. Beghairaty di intaha hundi hay" response was a to merely laugh and claim he had finally given up on the argument if chewing gum was the best he could come up with. My dad is now resigned to the fact Imran will win some seats! (originally he thought IK couldnt even win one seat)

What your dad says about "establishment backing IK"?

Imran Khan is the Ahmedinajad(Iran) of Pakistan.
He will improve the economy.
Allow women to wear haram clothing in public.
He will get into a War with America.
He will support is Pathan Taliban brothers.

Imran Khan doesn't have the £$ to win the election. He may have pulled in the youth, but he will never win any seats of the likes Nawaz Sharif, who has powerbases right across Punjab and the PPP Bhuto paindoos.

The music they had on his jalsa was stupid. Trying to copy western countries. Obama and Cameron don't have rockstars on stage with DJ's singing about Roti. Imran Khan will win 10 seats max..and then all the lotey will move from his party.

if IJI/MMA/MQM can win, then surely PTI can!
Diesel makes me puke.................along with ganja and 100% choar

Extreme rig wing and extreme left wing parties/groups only agree with people like themselves. Anyone in the middle is not acceptable to them. As for the middle, you cannot expect everyone in the middle to suddenly change loyalties.

Plus, can one not be Neutral PTI, or does everyone needs to be lumped into the Pro or Anti PTI group. Its either you are with us or against us.
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What your dad says about "establishment backing IK"?

if IJI/MMA/MQM can win, then surely PTI can!

my dads pro army so doesnt care..! actually supported Mush sahib if you can believe it! my dads generation are all staunch pro army!

he doesnt see it as a big deal if the army supports Imran, in fact its actually the other way around. He's impressed the army finds imran a viable solution as my dads generation are pretty patriotic having seen independance with their own eyes. so to summarise he doesnt have a problem with it!

Extreme rig wing and extreme left wing parties/groups only agree with people like themselves. Anyone in the middle is not acceptable to them. As for the middle, you cannot expect everyone in the middle to suddenly change loyalties.

Plus, can one not be Neutral PTI, or does everyone needs to be lumped into the Pro or Anti PTI group. Its either you are with us or against us.

so now the liberal secularists are claiming they are the middle? "oh angels and ministers of grace defend us". It smacks of desperation and lack of fibre!

Extreme rig wing and extreme left wing parties/groups only agree with people like themselves. Anyone in the middle is not acceptable to them. As for the middle, you cannot expect everyone in the middle to suddenly change loyalties.

Plus, can one not be Neutral PTI, or does everyone needs to be lumped into the Pro or Anti PTI group. Its either you are with us or against us.

How can a supporter of another political party claim that they are neutral towards PTI. By supporting one you are automatically against the other.

It's like saying, "I support Israel's actions but I am neutral towards Palestine."

And if say you support no political party and claim to be neutral then any reasonable person would concede that you cannot have a corrupt head of state or government. Simply on that basis PTI is the clear winner.

As far as agenda/manifesto goes a neutral would also see that neither PPP or PML-N have a manifesto despite being in power a number of times and being much older than PTI, therefore again PTI comes out on top.

A neutral will also see that the leader of PTI has stated that party ticket will only be given to those whose assets are declared and also their source of income and anyone can become a member of the party. Therefore, it is unfair to claim that he playing lota politics and more fair to say that he is chipping away at PPP and PML-N vote banks and electable candidates.

Furthermore a neutral will also make note of the fact that PML-N has made open invitation to PML-Q members to join them and PPP takes on anyone and everyone.

A neutral will also note that their is no evidence of establishment supporting PTI whereas both PPP and PML-N have history of being in bed with Establishment and came to power for the very first time through establishment help.

So once a neutral person considers all that, please tell me how can he then remain neutral?
The liberal left like the crazy mullahs are akin to sheeps. At a given time you'll find the entire herd having similar political views. The homogeneity of their views has alot to do with the fact that these people regurgitate the views of certain personalities when it comes to society and politics.
So if I were a PTI supporter I wouldn't be too worried about the lack of support from the liberals. Just one tweet from Nadeem F Paracha and you might find them in the next jalsa chanting aik bahadur admi.....


Extreme rig wing and extreme left wing parties/groups only agree with people like themselves. Anyone in the middle is not acceptable to them. As for the middle, you cannot expect everyone in the middle to suddenly change loyalties.

Plus, can one not be Neutral PTI, or does everyone needs to be lumped into the Pro or Anti PTI group. Its either you are with us or against us.

Mate you are not in the middle and neither is your partner in crime. :)
one has to declare their assets if they want to run for election anyway, its not as revolutionary as it is being touted here.
one has to declare their assets if they want to run for election anyway, its not as revolutionary as it is being touted here.

Step 1: Source of Income.

Step 2: Asset declaration. Even those transferred to wife or son.

Step 3: Tax history.

Step 4: Clarification of accusations against individual if any.

Conclusion: A clean reliable person who can be trusted with governance.

As far as I know Nawaz Sharif's son did not come into this world with a bag full of dollars. 1.2 billion to be precise.

How did he get that money? His father gave it to him but his father has never accounted for it. and if he has and it is legal money then how does he explain not paying any tax on it - the whole tax history of Nawaz was disclosed on a tv show and the most he ever paid in an year was 2/3 lacs

So either he robbed the public and/or if the money was legal then he is a tax evader

and now all that property bought with that money is in his son's name and he says he owns nothing hence pays no tax. that my friend is cheating the law. Nawaz transferred property into his family members name to evade tax and loan repayments.

So declaration of ones TRUE assets is must.
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how is that (transferring your wealth to spouse/children) cheating the law?
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How can a supporter of another political party claim that they are neutral towards PTI. By supporting one you are automatically against the other.

It's like saying, "I support Israel's actions but I am neutral towards Palestine."

And if say you support no political party and claim to be neutral then any reasonable person would concede that you cannot have a corrupt head of state or government. Simply on that basis PTI is the clear winner.

As far as agenda/manifesto goes a neutral would also see that neither PPP or PML-N have a manifesto despite being in power a number of times and being much older than PTI, therefore again PTI comes out on top.

A neutral will also see that the leader of PTI has stated that party ticket will only be given to those whose assets are declared and also their source of income and anyone can become a member of the party. Therefore, it is unfair to claim that he playing lota politics and more fair to say that he is chipping away at PPP and PML-N vote banks and electable candidates.

Furthermore a neutral will also make note of the fact that PML-N has made open invitation to PML-Q members to join them and PPP takes on anyone and everyone.

A neutral will also note that their is no evidence of establishment supporting PTI whereas both PPP and PML-N have history of being in bed with Establishment and came to power for the very first time through establishment help.

So once a neutral person considers all that, please tell me how can he then remain neutral?

because the liberals will always be neutral, in other words they will always pretend to have a position but in reality have none at all..until they get an extremem secularist in charge who they will support like he/she are the Quaid himself! it is ultimatley a self defeating policy! ultimatley they are afraid of voicing their real position hence the curent "ve are neutral" tag!
how is that cheating the law?

My father runs a business and his net income for the year is £1.2 Billion.

He transfers all that money to me as gift.

When the tax man comes knocking or my father submits the tax return he can put a small amount in as income so that he has to pay less tax. (Fraud/ tax evasion/ cheating the Law)

I am going to slip under the radar because I do not earn and most probably I am still a student.

Any person with a bit of common sense can see that is tax evasion.

Furthermore, all that money is then sent to off-shore accounts or invest abroad. All that money which was never accounted for.

Economist are still confused how Itefaaq groups profit rise by more than 100% when PML-N comes into Power in Punjab. It's as if being in government makes them better businessmen.

But since you being an intelligent person asked me this question I had to answer it, even though I know that you know deep down that it is breaking the law but your love for N&S blinds you.
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because the liberals will always be neutral, in other words they will always pretend to have a position but in reality have none at all..until they get an extremem secularist in charge who they will support like he/she are the Quaid himself! it is ultimatley a self defeating policy! ultimatley they are afraid of voicing their real position hence the curent "ve are neutral" tag!

So called neutrals remind me of ravens and crows, once the battle is over they fly down to peck the ones who are defeated but never say anything while the battle rages.
Brother you might be the only supporter of the Amir from the youth nasl of today.


please answer the question.

My father runs a business and his net income for the year is £1.2 Billion.

He transfers all that money to me as gift.

When the tax man comes knocking or my father submits the tax return he can put a small amount in as income so that he has to pay less tax.

I am going to slip under the radar because I do not earn and most probably I am still a student.

Any person with a bit of common sense can see that is tax evasion.

Furthermore, all that money is then sent to off-shore accounts or invest abroad. All that money which was never accounted for.

Economist are still confused how Itefaaq groups profit rise by more than 100% when PML-N comes into Power in Punjab. It's as if being in government makes them better businessmen.

But since you being an intelligent person asked me this question I had to answer it, even though I know that you know deep down that it is breaking the law but your love for N&S blinds you.

lol, and how will you explain having 1.2 billion pounds in your account?

did you keep it all under a gigantic mattress so that it didn't show up in any banking transactions?

unethical and illegal are 2 different things.

please answer the question.

lol, and how will you explain having 1.2 billion pounds in your account?

did you keep it all under a gigantic mattress so that it didn't show up in any banking transactions?

unethical and illegal are 2 different things.

Tax evasion is illegal.

I do not have to explain having 1.2 billion in my account if it is an off-shore account! seriously I am surprised at nit-picking attempts.

Submitting fake tax returns is also illegal.

Now after watching this video please have the courtesy, although I won't be surprised if you avoid this thread after watching the video, to answer the following question:

How can you justify two different tax returns being submitted with two different amounts but on the same date for the same individual?
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Tax evasion is illegal.

I do not have to explain having 1.2 billion in my account if it is an off-shore account! seriously I am surprised at nit-picking attempts.

Submitting fake tax returns is also illegal.

Now after watching this video please have the courtesy, although I won't be surprised if you avoid this thread after watching the video, to answer the following question:

How can you justify two different tax returns being submitted with two different amounts but on the same date for the same individual?

how is it tax evasion? would be so if you being the son refused to pay the tax on it and most importantly you have to explain how you ended up with that money.

if you have it off-shore, so what? everyone has the right to safeguard their money within the law.

like I said earlier, unethical is not the same as illegal.

as for that video, 2 things, obviously either they are fake returns or KA got the wrong ones.

as for this specific example of NS which you continuously want to bring in (although I was speaking in broader terms) why is no-one taking him to court for it now?
how is it tax evasion? would be so if you being the son refused to pay the tax on it and most importantly you have to explain how you ended up with that money.

if you have it off-shore, so what? everyone has the right to safeguard their money within the law.

like I said earlier, unethical is not the same as illegal.

as for that video, 2 things, obviously either they are fake returns or KA got the wrong ones.

as for this specific example of NS which you continuously want to bring in (although I was speaking in broader terms) why is no-one taking him to court for it now?

1. So naive. Pak authorities cannot do anything about money held in off-shore accounts. The money never goes through a Pak bank. I am sure you are familiar with the Hawala system are you not?

The Sharif family was famous for sending money out of country through Hawala and then bringing it in to the country as white money AND it was during Nawaz's tenure that a law was passed that foreign money coming into Pakistan is not taxable.

2. If those returns were wrong Khawaja should have apologised and produced the right ones. He said they were right which simply means they were caught red handed.

3. No-one is taking him to court! He kept accusing Zardari of corruption and and Zardari accused him, knowing very well that both are equally corrupt. So they agree to leave that out.

PTI can take him to court but then how are we to get evidence? that is the job of an independent NAB which unfortunately we do not have but which fortunately we will have as it is a top priority on PTI agenda. Once the NAB is independent and free from influence then all corrupt individuals will have to answer whether they be PTI, PPP, PML-N or even the army generals!

This looks fake but a clear message to Maulana don't mess with the internet brigade :))
How can a supporter of another political party claim that they are neutral towards PTI. By supporting one you are automatically against the other.

It's like saying, "I support Israel's actions but I am neutral towards Palestine."

And if say you support no political party and claim to be neutral then any reasonable person would concede that you cannot have a corrupt head of state or government. Simply on that basis PTI is the clear winner.

As far as agenda/manifesto goes a neutral would also see that neither PPP or PML-N have a manifesto despite being in power a number of times and being much older than PTI, therefore again PTI comes out on top.

A neutral will also see that the leader of PTI has stated that party ticket will only be given to those whose assets are declared and also their source of income and anyone can become a member of the party. Therefore, it is unfair to claim that he playing lota politics and more fair to say that he is chipping away at PPP and PML-N vote banks and electable candidates.

Furthermore a neutral will also make note of the fact that PML-N has made open invitation to PML-Q members to join them and PPP takes on anyone and everyone.

A neutral will also note that their is no evidence of establishment supporting PTI whereas both PPP and PML-N have history of being in bed with Establishment and came to power for the very first time through establishment help.

So once a neutral person considers all that, please tell me how can he then remain neutral?

Wow ! You have convinced me bro. I can no longer stay neutral anymore. PTI, here I come :)
I don't know if PTI will accept me...considering I am a liberal extremist, a raven, crow, vulture, pig, dog, all of them combined, etc. :))
I don't know if PTI will accept me...considering I am a liberal extremist, a raven, crow, vulture, pig, dog, all of them combined, etc. :))

Everyone is welcome in PTI.

Our goal is to throw out PPP & PML. so if you are into throwing out PPP and PML then join us.
Moulana ko meri jeans say iss liye takleef hai ke kioon ke vo khud jeans mein fit nahi aaasakte :imran

@ 13:00 Lol


:))) :))) :)))
Wow ! You have convinced me bro. I can no longer stay neutral anymore. PTI, here I come :)

I am not very good with interpreting sarcasm over the internet. So you might as well be kind enough and tell me if you were being sarcastic :p
Waise how many PPers are registered voters?
^the 'about me' section for a PML-N/PPP supporter should be as funny giving how much credible their leaders are, and how ya'll try to justify your vote.

Waise how many PPers are registered voters?

Imran be the first person i'd ever vote for, never voted for anyone as i never found anyone worthy of it. when you vote for someone, you declare that you are responsible for every action that individual may take and i never believed anyone like that but Imran looks/sounds like the kind of guy i could well and truly state that i'm responsible for every action he may take !!!

Bechara Maulana is going to cry soon! Maulana nein baray ghlaat bachoon say panga le liya hai :p
pti ke ulloo
imran khan aya
worldcup jitaya
cancer hospital ka irada banaya
ghar ghar darwaza khatkaya
cornered tigers ka nara lagaya
chanda campaign chalaya
ghareebon ke liye hospital banaya
shaadi ka khayal aya
gori maimsaab biyah ke laya
musalmaan karaya
yahoodi lobby ka ilzaam lagwaya
bhabhi ko lahore mein adjust karwaya
1996 aya, insaf ka nara lagaya
pti banaya
election karaya
kuch khaas result na aya
musharaf aya, martial law lagaya
shareefon ko bhagaya election karaya
imran ne zor lagaya
1 seat le ker opposition mein aya
musharraf se mahol banaya
prime minister ka seat thukraya
amreeka aya war on terror ka nara lagaya
imran ne moulvi ko milaya sarkon pe aya
go amreeka go ka nara lagaya
koi result na aya
qasoori aya aafia ko handover karaya
imran ko ghussa aya phir sarkon pe aya
go musharraf go ka tehreek chalaya
phir koi result na aya
chief justice ka chutti karaya
lawyers movement banaya
police ke danday khaya
media ka attention dilwaya
12 may aya
mqm ko order aya
sarkon pe container lagwaya
imran ko ghussa aya
mqm pe ilzaam lagaya
karachi se entry band karwaya
altaf pe case karnay ka plan banaya
dunya bhar ka attention dilwaya
koi result na aya
election aya shareefon ne dhoka dilaya
imran se boycott karaya
bewaqoof banaya
khud power mein aya zardari se mahol banaya
imran ko ghussa aya
revolution ka nara lagaya
youth ko hilaya
bhai ko garmi mein kharaab karaya
koi result na aya
drone ke khilaaf tehreek chalaya
taliban khan ka laqab paya
peshawar aur phir karachi dharna karaya
strings ko bulwaya
“mein tou dekhoonga” gawaya
koi result na aya
30 october aya
government ko hilaya
minar e pakistan mein jalsa karaya
tsunami laya
“saadi baari ayen deyo” ka nara lagaya
sab ka neend haraam karaya
siyasi mahol mein tabdeeli laya
lota season waqt se pehlay aya
isi ne shopping karaya
naraaz leaderon ka tola banaya
pti ki taraf rawana karaya
qureshi aya mureedon ka tola laya
kasuri ne jalsa karaya
kursiyon ka buffet karaya
imran ne zor lagaya
pml n ko zarab lagaya
hashmi ko laya
baaghi banaya
qureshi ne zor lagaya
imran ne baat ko thukraya
hashmi ko airport se laya
25 december aya
mqm se mahol banaya
karachi mein jalsa karaya
2.5 lakh awaam aya
salman ahmed ne guitar bajaya
abrar ne nazam sunaya
sabse taqreer karaya
apna political plan bataya
kisi ko bhee tanqeed ka nishana nahi banaya
hum ne itni mehnat se blog banaya
kisi ko samajh nahi aya
veena malik ne asset dikhaya saaaab ki samajh mein aya

ps: You just dont read it, you read it with that balochi voice in your head

the writer is a standup comedian who is finding it difficult to compete with the politicians. Follow his tweets @june_aid

:))) :))) :)))
pti ke ulloo
imran khan aya
worldcup jitaya
cancer hospital ka irada banaya
ghar ghar darwaza khatkaya
cornered tigers ka nara lagaya
chanda campaign chalaya
ghareebon ke liye hospital banaya
shaadi ka khayal aya
gori maimsaab biyah ke laya
musalmaan karaya
yahoodi lobby ka ilzaam lagwaya
bhabhi ko lahore mein adjust karwaya
1996 aya, insaf ka nara lagaya
pti banaya
election karaya
kuch khaas result na aya
musharaf aya, martial law lagaya
shareefon ko bhagaya election karaya
imran ne zor lagaya
1 seat le ker opposition mein aya
musharraf se mahol banaya
prime minister ka seat thukraya
amreeka aya war on terror ka nara lagaya
imran ne moulvi ko milaya sarkon pe aya
go amreeka go ka nara lagaya
koi result na aya
qasoori aya aafia ko handover karaya
imran ko ghussa aya phir sarkon pe aya
go musharraf go ka tehreek chalaya
phir koi result na aya
chief justice ka chutti karaya
lawyers movement banaya
police ke danday khaya
media ka attention dilwaya
12 may aya
mqm ko order aya
sarkon pe container lagwaya
imran ko ghussa aya
mqm pe ilzaam lagaya
karachi se entry band karwaya
altaf pe case karnay ka plan banaya
dunya bhar ka attention dilwaya
koi result na aya
election aya shareefon ne dhoka dilaya
imran se boycott karaya
bewaqoof banaya
khud power mein aya zardari se mahol banaya
imran ko ghussa aya
revolution ka nara lagaya
youth ko hilaya
bhai ko garmi mein kharaab karaya
koi result na aya
drone ke khilaaf tehreek chalaya
taliban khan ka laqab paya
peshawar aur phir karachi dharna karaya
strings ko bulwaya
“mein tou dekhoonga” gawaya
koi result na aya
30 october aya
government ko hilaya
minar e pakistan mein jalsa karaya
tsunami laya
“saadi baari ayen deyo” ka nara lagaya
sab ka neend haraam karaya
siyasi mahol mein tabdeeli laya
lota season waqt se pehlay aya
isi ne shopping karaya
naraaz leaderon ka tola banaya
pti ki taraf rawana karaya
qureshi aya mureedon ka tola laya
kasuri ne jalsa karaya
kursiyon ka buffet karaya
imran ne zor lagaya
pml n ko zarab lagaya
hashmi ko laya
baaghi banaya
qureshi ne zor lagaya
imran ne baat ko thukraya
hashmi ko airport se laya
25 december aya
mqm se mahol banaya
karachi mein jalsa karaya
2.5 lakh awaam aya
salman ahmed ne guitar bajaya
abrar ne nazam sunaya
sabse taqreer karaya
apna political plan bataya
kisi ko bhee tanqeed ka nishana nahi banaya
hum ne itni mehnat se blog banaya
kisi ko samajh nahi aya
veena malik ne asset dikhaya saaaab ki samajh mein aya

ps: You just dont read it, you read it with that balochi voice in your head

the writer is a standup comedian who is finding it difficult to compete with the politicians. Follow his tweets @june_aid

:))) :))) :)))

please answer the question.

lol, and how will you explain having 1.2 billion pounds in your account?

did you keep it all under a gigantic mattress so that it didn't show up in any banking transactions?

unethical and illegal are 2 different things.

Wealth is not taxed in Pakistan, income is.

The point is that Hamza Sharif has not acquired 1.2bn pounds of wealth in his short life - that money has come to him via the elder Sharifs.

The most the Sharifs have paid in tax is a few lacs in rupees per year. How can they accumulate such great wealth while paying such a pitiful amount of tax. Obviously, if you're in power you are going to tell the taxman / the auditor general's office to look the other way while your money (not just hard cash) is piling up.

The whole situation smacks of tax evasion.
^ they are (apparently) paying 60 lakh rupees tax on their Raiwind farmhouse alone.
^Yeah, well, its kinda hard to hide a farmhouse, isnt it


60 lakh is tax and they are spending 6o million per months on the employees who are working at the farm house :)

Overall it is close to 54 muraba land ( 25 acres in each muraba).

If Zardari made money through commission and other sources, Sharif brothers made money through the land accumulation and not paying taxes on his industry and taking the loans from banks to put the industry and did not pay them back.
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Please watch this video - shows Sharifs paying pitiful amounts of tax. There is a PML-N representative here and his defences are pathetic. Income tax paid by Sharifs are from 1:20 onwards.

If you have any documents showing this 60 lacs of tax on the Raiwand estate - other than a consumption tax, which everyone must pay - please do share them with us.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Taliban Leader Invites PTI to hold Jalsa in North Waziristan. Waisey Maulana Fazal ur Rehman ko bara Nuqsaan ho raha hai iss saab say.

^^ lol

saw dat in the morning n was highly surprised!!

now the pendulum wud swing again (from yahoodi lobby to taliban khan)
Hum Saab ke Sawaloon Ka Jawab hai Don :imran

Seems like Mooed Pir Zada of Waqt News has officially joined Pro PTI Camp :)


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Excellent from Moeed Pirzada. I watch his show sometimes, and he comes across as a knowledgeable anchor, and not someone with an agenda.
Of course IK is judged on a higher standard because he claims to be different from the rest. Up till 2 years ago, he was totally anti-politics and anti-politicians. Plus, the main bone of contention between IK and "liberals" are his policies vis-a-vis Taliban and WOT. There is a difference of opinion regarding strategy, nothing more than that. As far as I can tell, most "liberals" still consider Taliban as enemies of Pakistan and terrorism and religious extremism instead of corruption as the biggest problem facing Pakistan.
BTW, Moeed is not a "liberal". The guy has interviewed Gen.Hameed Gul like a hundred times and every time sat google eyes with a look of wonder and admiration on his face, offering no rebuttals or counter arguments while Gen. sahab kept regurgitating the same old establishment conspiracy theory laden garbage at him.
Our Friend Nadeem F Paracha mocking PTI supporters

ignore that idiot. He's a attention seeking, ultra-liberal jackass who I'm not sure why Dawn keeps on its payroll. His articles are usually the same topic regurgitated to the n-th degree.
ignore that idiot. He's a attention seeking, ultra-liberal jackass who I'm not sure why Dawn keeps on its payroll. His articles are usually the same topic regurgitated to the n-th degree.

I actually agree with you. NFP has not written anything original in years. He has become quite redundant and predictable. It used to be fun reading him, now it's just a drag. Once in a while he'll write something worth forwarding but it's few and far between.
ignore that idiot. He's a attention seeking, ultra-liberal jackass who I'm not sure why Dawn keeps on its payroll. His articles are usually the same topic regurgitated to the n-th degree.

As I said sometime back, NFP is not a liberal. He is what comes out of the backside of liberals
That Darling guy , I don`t find him funny , just annoying
damn why are people so against PTI and Imran Khan.. so you guys would rather stick with Zardari and nawaz sherif you've got to be kidding my they have ruined the country and they are gonna make it much worse they will probably end up like Zimbabwe
lmao credit to PTI supporters they stuck to supporting IK from long and IK is in power and destroyed PML and PPP seems to be fizzling as well.