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Any Manga/Anime fans?

The war dragged on for so long

I think Naruto may be starting a new series soon, the movie which is set a 3 years down the line is apparently supposed to finish off the series.

A new series or a new arc?

I think it is going to end soon. This battle between Sasuke and Naruto is probably going to be the last arc.

Agree though that war dragged on for to long...
A new series or a new arc?

I think it is going to end soon. This battle between Sasuke and Naruto is probably going to be the last arc.

Agree though that war dragged on for to long...
New series, with a time skip.

I expect Sasuke to be the new Madara.
New series, with a time skip.

I expect Sasuke to be the new Madara.

Naah man!! just end it now..

They are making it into DragonBall Z, one super villain after another, the Hero keeps getting stronger.
Every 50 episodes or so, we reach the peak of power for our hero, and suddenly his previous peak is nothing.
Again he gains more power.
Naah man!! just end it now..

They are making it into DragonBall Z, one super villain after another, the Hero keeps getting stronger.
Every 50 episodes or so, we reach the peak of power for our hero, and suddenly his previous peak is nothing.
Again he gains more power.
The author was highly inspired by DBZ.
Naruto sucks now, waiting for it to end. Started off great.

this is what annoys me of these loooong anime series,

that's why I reckon Cowboy Bebop, a class apart. 26 episodes of pure gem of story telling, no fillers, deep characters and amazing story and score.
Such a sad day for ‘Naruto’ fans. It was announced on Oct. 6, that the long-running Japanese manga’s last issue will be published on Nov. 10, while the latest film adaptation, ‘The Last: Naruto the Movie’ will hit theaters in December.
So, Naruto is going to end. Finally, it's about time, you can't progress any further with the story as it is. Plus it was over-stretched anyways.
The whole mother thing really killed it, she was like a god boss =\
The whole mother thing really killed it, she was like a god boss =\

Mom's are always bossy :P

Shion's development has been thrilling !, still a face-off between him and the Nine Arts Dragon seems a long way to go .

Its going to happen soon i guess, in next 10 to 15 chapters i guess.

People here should read The Breaker and its sequel The Breaker: New Waves really good story line
Meh that mom thing was weird. She didn't even feel like a real 'Boss'. It always should have been Madara...
Anime I've watched :
Death Note (Amazing)
Durarara!! (Don't be discouraged by its name it's really good)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Best thing ever)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Soul Eater
Attack on Titan
Naruto (Left it after shippuden)

Childhood favourites:
Digimon (sub not that dub crap)
Ranma 1/2
Dragonball Z
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So stupid that they released previews of the movie, now its confirmed Sasuke will survive this fight, probably Naruto's infamous 'talk-no-jutsu' came into play somewhere.
Sad to see naruto ending say whatever you about talk no jutsu fact is naruto is like the dbz for this generation. Also glad fairy tail got restarted its been awesome.
^ Fairy Tail is awesome but I getaway feeling that it's on its last legs. If you follow the manga then they are currently battling the last remaining guild in the Baram Alliance and there doesn't seem to be much scope for extending any further.

On another note Psycho Pass is an amazing anime!
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Last I watched was Attack on Titan which was amazing. Will start Tokyo Ghoul soon
So its end of the road for Naruto and sasuke chap 699 already out waiting for the very last one 700 :(
Going to miss Naruto, been following it for 10 years!:sadbye
Loved the final two chapters though, and Kishi is bad at naming children....Salad and Bolt? :)))
Can't wait for the movie and the mini-series!
Going to miss Naruto, been following it for 10 years!:sadbye
Loved the final two chapters though, and Kishi is bad at naming children....Salad and Bolt? :)))
Can't wait for the movie and the mini-series!

I felt in ch 700 kishi tried to squeeze in too many things. should've taken 4 to 5 chapters more :69:

Any idea when will movie and mini-series be out?

Gonna miss reading it :sadbye
Not sure if these have been posted but...
* Ninja scroll
* Vampire hunter D
* Samurai Champloo

Most of you guys have probably seen the first 2 but Samurai Champloo is a good series to watch. You will need to get into it but definitely worth the watch.
I remember i used read naruto manga every week a few years ago. But I'm gonna read the last 10-20 mangas just to see the ending.
The last manga hasn't even been released yet and they've already announced the next part to the naruto series. Apparently it is gonna be about naruto and others children.
Feeling nostalgic...goodbye Naruto until spring 2015.

It's Salada not Salad and Bolt is a sick name, true to his dad and granddad's legacy.
I felt in ch 700 kishi tried to squeeze in too many things. should've taken 4 to 5 chapters more :69:

Any idea when will movie and mini-series be out?

Gonna miss reading it :sadbye

Movie comes out Dec, but subbed version will probably take another few months, and the mini-series starts in Spring
Neji supposedly means 'screw' so he was named after him :))
Movie comes out Dec, but subbed version will probably take another few months, and the mini-series starts in Spring
Neji supposedly means 'screw' so he was named after him :))

Ah ok for some reason I thought Hinata got married to Lee. As when Hinata's daughter talked about her brother, they showed the child of Lee :))
The perfect ending would of been if Sasukes kid and Narutos kid faced off in the Final of the Chuniun exams.

Not that lame ending with the Kage.
[MENTION=114448]GenericBrand[/MENTION] it wasn't just the clothes, the hair was much better.
The perfect ending would of been if Sasukes kid and Narutos kid faced off in the Final of the Chuniun exams.

Not that lame ending with the Kage.

A lot like the dragon ball gt ending with goku and vegetas grand children fighting in the world tournement.
Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever
Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever

Have you finished watching it? The first half of it is epic!

Another similar Anime is Code Geass, which is equally good in my opinion. The first few episodes are slow though.
Have you finished watching it? The first half of it is epic!

Another similar Anime is Code Geass, which is equally good in my opinion. The first few episodes are slow though.

Yeah, cant get it out of my head the last few days tbh, listening to the OST the whole time like a crack addict. Really loved it. The ending man, it was just unbelievable :))
[MENTION=14431]blinding light[/MENTION] get on the case and watch this :mv
Yeah, cant get it out of my head the last few days tbh, listening to the OST the whole time like a crack addict. Really loved it. The ending man, it was just unbelievable :))
[MENTION=14431]blinding light[/MENTION] get on the case and watch this :mv

Yea man, the plot of it is amazing. Although I didn't really like the second half of the Anime.

You should also check out Bakuman. It's from the same writers who wrote Death Note. Bakuman has a completely different theme though and obviously not as good as Death Note.
Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever

The world is hard on people who love anime. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.
Well I am currently waiting for Naruto manga part 3 and Naruto the Last Movie to be Englished dubbed.
Yes Dragon ball Z, Pokemon Series until the Battle Frontier, Death Note, Bleach, Code Geass might be more.

Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using Tapatalk
Have you finished watching it? The first half of it is epic!

Another similar Anime is Code Geass, which is equally good in my opinion. The first few episodes are slow though.

Code Geass >>>> Death Note

DN goes down dramatically in terms of quality in later half.. CG only gets better and better and has the most "perfect" ending I have ever seen.
Another anime I highly recommend is Baccano! It's a masterpiece in terms of writing and has one of the most sublime soundtracks I have ever heard. It starts out as extremely confusing but if you hang in there for 4 episodes, mysteries start to unfold and you will experience something truly magical!
Code Geass >>>> Death Note

DN goes down dramatically in terms of quality in later half.. CG only gets better and better and has the most "perfect" ending I have ever seen.

I agree with this assessment. The second season of Code Geass was really good.
Never understood the hype surrounding Cowboy Bebop.. it does have an awesome soundtrack but that's about it.
Code Geass >>>> Death Note

DN goes down dramatically in terms of quality in later half.. CG only gets better and better and has the most "perfect" ending I have ever seen.

It also depends on which anime one watches first.

Those who watch CG first almost always say that its better than DN but those who watch DN first can go either way.

Another thing is action part. DN is all about mind games which no action while CG is mix of everything. If someone has no interest in action, he may like DN more.

But yeah I agree with it. Overall CG is better.
It also depends on which anime one watches first.

Those who watch CG first almost always say that its better than DN but those who watch DN first can go either way.

Another thing is action part. DN is all about mind games which no action while CG is mix of everything. If someone has no interest in action, he may like DN more.

But yeah I agree with it. Overall CG is better.

DN was the 1st anime I ever watched. First 17 episodes of DN is better than anything I have seen (which includes TV shows and movies, not just anime).. My issue with DN is its disappointing ending. Even hardcore fans can't disagree the show was dragged on for too long and has dissatisfying conclusion.

CG on the other hand sets off from 1st episode and keeps getting better and better. The story is extremely fast-paced and intensity level is such you are always sitting on the edge. There are far more characters with each of them having unique persona. You develop deep sense of liking/ hate toward them. And the ending is neither dragged nor rushed.. It's jussttt perfeccccttt:)
What about Full Metal Alchemist?

I plan to watch that next.

Any reviews?
DN was the 1st anime I ever watched. First 17 episodes of DN is better than anything I have seen (which includes TV shows and movies, not just anime).. My issue with DN is its disappointing ending. Even hardcore fans can't disagree the show was dragged on for too long and has dissatisfying conclusion.

Agreed on the decline in quality in the second half but I found the ending decent. After his death the intensity drops greatly but then it picks up again in the final few episodes.
What about Full Metal Alchemist?

I plan to watch that next.

Any reviews?

Tried watching 1st episode while back and couldn't get through it. The animation is too "childish" for my liking and I feel it's targeted toward younger audience.. Not my cup of tea
Not a big fan, but I did watch DBZ and all of it's movies (I've watched the one that came out in 2013 but not the new Frieza one)

I've also watched Angel Beats, really sad but funny too. The fights are pretty cool.

Also in terms of timeline the ending made no sense, I mean the part with the heart didn't. Angel came to the place before the main character so it doesn't make sense.

Watched some Naruto before but I found it so boring I stopped.
[MENTION=138483]Stallion__[/MENTION] to add to the post above. I would say watch Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, it's better than just FMA.
Tried watching 1st episode while back and couldn't get through it. The animation is too "childish" for my liking and I feel it's targeted toward younger audience.. Not my cup of tea

It's a really good show, probably one of the best anime ever. Definitely worth a watch.

Thanks a lot guys.
Would look into it.

[MENTION=138483]Stallion__[/MENTION] to add to the post above. I would say watch Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, it's better than just FMA.

Yeah, I have heard that too. But have to watch FMA first right?
Not yet. Been watching Dragonball super though.

How the heck are you able to tolerate Goku's Japanese voice :D !? , that old granny voice and body just don't compute together in my mind xD . Choosing to wait patiently for the Funimation dubs .
Watched some Naruto before but I found it so boring I stopped.

You stopped wrong bro , you needed patience :D ! , the Naruto anime actually blossoms into a good story all round and has it's fair share of great moments in anime history , I'd recommend it to you again but wouldn't dare now because the amount of filler episodes will make you claw your eyes out :P .
You stopped wrong bro , you needed patience :D ! , the Naruto anime actually blossoms into a good story all round and has it's fair share of great moments in anime history , I'd recommend it to you again but wouldn't dare now because the amount of filler episodes will make you claw your eyes out :P .

Don't like the concept. Once you've watched DBZ, they look like ants compared to them and their fighting doesn't seem cool anymore.
Recently finished Steins gate, it was awesome, can any of you guys suggest a new animie to watch? I am looking for an action based anime similar to bleach, how's tokyo ghoul and soul eater?
Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever

Kira is justice, Team Kira FTW
Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever
I prefer anime to TV series, the animes I've watched have gotten me fare more invested.

Death Note is a good one.

I recommend watch One Piece if you have the time.
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I have been watching anime for years now, started off with naruto but its has waaaaay too many fillers. Any ways my list of highly recommended anime.


Great Teacher Onizuka

Very funny series, basically about a gangster who now is a teacher. Facial expressions by the main character are just brilliant.

Slam Dunk

Sports anime centered around, yes...basketball. Once again an old anime but very funny and has realistic basketball, not like that piece of crap like kuroko no basket. Main character is similar to many others, eg. loud, brash, clumsy, but has his own charm.

Recent Anime


An absolute riot coupled with brilliant characters. Its a comedy-action, probably one of the best ever in its genre. The voice acting in this anime is top notch as well. might not be for everyone as it has many cultural references which people not understand.

Tokyo Ghoul

Quite a new anime and has quickly gained popularity. Very well produced and story line is very gripping. Basically about a breed who need to eat human flesh to survive.

Prison School

This has to be THE most perverted anime I have ever seen. This is anime for those who enjoy lewd comedy. Characters are quite diverse and each with some sort of "kink". :ghalib

Some others

How to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon
Attack on Titan
One Punch Man (Currently watching, so far has been amazing)
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Watched my first ever anime recently.

Death Note.

Up there with my favourite shows of all time and is better than True Detective, and I loved TD. Started and ended fantastically, middle could've been better, but man oh man what an unreal show.

L = best character ever

People who watch their first anime as "Death Note" always come up saying, OMG the best show ever.

I have seen this reaction like 100 times already.
I have been watching anime for years now, started off with naruto but its has waaaaay too many fillers. Any ways my list of highly recommended anime.


Great Teacher Onizuka

Very funny series, basically about a gangster who now is a teacher. Facial expressions by the main character are just brilliant.

Slam Dunk

Sports anime centered around, yes...basketball. Once again an old anime but very funny and has realistic basketball, not like that piece of crap like kuroko no basket. Main character is similar to many others, eg. loud, brash, clumsy, but has his own charm.

Recent Anime


An absolute riot coupled with brilliant characters. Its a comedy-action, probably one of the best ever in its genre. The voice acting in this anime is top notch as well. might not be for everyone as it has many cultural references which people not understand.

Tokyo Ghoul

Quite a new anime and has quickly gained popularity. Very well produced and story line is very gripping. Basically about a breed who need to eat human flesh to survive.

Prison School

This has to be THE most perverted anime I have ever seen. This is anime for those who enjoy lewd comedy. Characters are quite diverse and each with some sort of "kink". :ghalib

Some others

How to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon
Attack on Titan
One Punch Man (Currently watching, so far has been amazing)

About Gintama

It is funny they said, watch it for the smiles they said ...

Damn, it gets so emotional so quickly.