Anyone on here suffer from Eczema?


First Class Player
Nov 22, 2005
Just wondering if anyone on here suffered from Eczema or any other similar condition such as Dermatitis? I've had eczema since i was quite young, about the age of four. In the summer, especially at nights it can be really uncomfortable. Just wondering if anyone could share their experience on how to keep cool and any diet/lifestyle recommendations which will help? I have it quite bad on my hands and although my neck and arms sometimes do get quite bad too, Alhamdulillah the rest of the body is fine.
My son when he was young suffred from it and it was pretty bad then he went to stay in pakistan for 10months and Alhumdulilah he was cured and now he is ok.
sometimes it is better to avoid some foods you can ask your doctor to do an allergy test maybe they could find out which food cause it.
May Allah make it easy for you and give you shifaa.
My small bro had Eczema, well it does come back occasionally. I think that E45 helps.

May Allah make it easy for you and give you shifaa.

Bump .
Anyone recommend a cream to protect against infections ? . Basically every 6 odd weeks no matter how hard I try my eczema gets infected . It's a vicious cycle . I get steroid creams to stop the infection but it comes back with a vengeance . But if I don't use the steroid cream it only gets worse .Btw I believe it's a infection caused by staph.
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I have Sebhorric Dermatitis on my hair scalp. It flares up every now and then and subsides. There is no cure for it.
I tried using Tea-Tree oil, Neem powder etc. Nothing can cure it.
I have Sebhorric Dermatitis on my hair scalp. It flares up every now and then and subsides. There is no cure for it.
I tried using Tea-Tree oil, Neem powder etc. Nothing can cure it.

I get some eczema on my scalp sometimes but of late i bought a new shampoo that's helped a lot . I have started to get some boils on my scalp and they are really irritating .
So how come some folks are saying that Eczema was cured and for some it is still there? why is that?
So how come some folks are saying that Eczema was cured and for some it is still there? why is that?

Every case is different . My younger bro had it for about a month and his was mild so it disappeared after a few weeks of treatment . Never been back since . For me though i can't get rid of it and I have had it since I was 6 months old .
My 4 year old daughter got it since she was few months old.

We just have to put kilos of moisturizer every month :))

We have been relatively successful in keeping her issues under control. And this is what we have been doing.

1. Using a Hepa air purifier at home. Which filters the air at home from all allergies in summer which aggravates eczema.

2. Have a humidity meter at home and a dehumidifier (for summer) and keep her room's temp down and humidity around 45%.

3. No nuts in her food as she is allergic to nuts and increases eczema.

4. Not using soap for bath, but use a lotion for eczema affected people.

5. putting e45 cream on whole body within 5 mins of bath and before going to bed.

6. One big cause is dust mites at home in summer. So make sure the bed linen is washed in hot water ever 2-3 days . Also using anti allergy pillows.

Sticking to above, we have managed to keep her eczema under control and hopefully once she grows up her skin will be able to fight eczema itself.
I had some eczema spots on my toes. After many years of medicated creams didn't help, I finally went to a dermatologist during my last visit to Bangalore.

She administered some injection to my toe area where the eczema was and like magic withing 1-2 weeks entire are was cleaned.

But she mentioned it may come back after couple of years and then i may have to go through the same couple of times to remove it completely.
My 4 year old daughter got it since she was few months old.

We just have to put kilos of moisturizer every month :))

We have been relatively successful in keeping her issues under control. And this is what we have been doing.

1. Using a Hepa air purifier at home. Which filters the air at home from all allergies in summer which aggravates eczema.

2. Have a humidity meter at home and a dehumidifier (for summer) and keep her room's temp down and humidity around 45%.

3. No nuts in her food as she is allergic to nuts and increases eczema.

4. Not using soap for bath, but use a lotion for eczema affected people.

5. putting e45 cream on whole body within 5 mins of bath and before going to bed.

6. One big cause is dust mites at home in summer. So make sure the bed linen is washed in hot water ever 2-3 days . Also using anti allergy pillows.

Sticking to above, we have managed to keep her eczema under control and hopefully once she grows up her skin will be able to fight eczema itself.
Garuda my daughter is same age as yours and she has eczema too. Small world.
My mother suffers terribly, and I mean it in every sense of the word, from eczema. She has has to endure this disease for 10 years now, often not being able to sleep until very late every day and having an inclination to scratch extensively. Her skin is very ruined and isn't healthy-looking. Unfortunately, my mother has tried many medicines ranging from the ones administered by doctors and those given by Pakistan herbal doctors but to no avail at all.
My 4 year old daughter got it since she was few months old.

We just have to put kilos of moisturizer every month :))

We have been relatively successful in keeping her issues under control. And this is what we have been doing.

1. Using a Hepa air purifier at home. Which filters the air at home from all allergies in summer which aggravates eczema.

2. Have a humidity meter at home and a dehumidifier (for summer) and keep her room's temp down and humidity around 45%.

3. No nuts in her food as she is allergic to nuts and increases eczema.

4. Not using soap for bath, but use a lotion for eczema affected people.

5. putting e45 cream on whole body within 5 mins of bath and before going to bed.

6. One big cause is dust mites at home in summer. So make sure the bed linen is washed in hot water ever 2-3 days . Also using anti allergy pillows.

Sticking to above, we have managed to keep her eczema under control and hopefully once she grows up her skin will be able to fight eczema itself.

Im allergic to dust mites as well..but I remember reading somewhere on the net that dust mites cannot be removed...they will always be there....some people are allergic to them whilst others are not.

btw...does that anti allergy pillow repel all antigens or only specific ones? I could do with one...I always wake up with itchy inflamations on my my face and arms..

P.S.I hope ur daughters gets rid of eczema as soon as possible...poor baby!:(
My 4 year old daughter got it since she was few months old.

We just have to put kilos of moisturizer every month :))

We have been relatively successful in keeping her issues under control. And this is what we have been doing.

1. Using a Hepa air purifier at home. Which filters the air at home from all allergies in summer which aggravates eczema.

2. Have a humidity meter at home and a dehumidifier (for summer) and keep her room's temp down and humidity around 45%.

3. No nuts in her food as she is allergic to nuts and increases eczema.

4. Not using soap for bath, but use a lotion for eczema affected people.

5. putting e45 cream on whole body within 5 mins of bath and before going to bed.

6. One big cause is dust mites at home in summer. So make sure the bed linen is washed in hot water ever 2-3 days . Also using anti allergy pillows.

Sticking to above, we have managed to keep her eczema under control and hopefully once she grows up her skin will be able to fight eczema itself.

Your daughters lucky that you are doing so much for her . I got diagnosed in the 90s when not much was really known and my parents were clueless with me but my younger bro only got it recently and they worked hard to remove it as quick as possible . The only cure I found was staying in Pakistan . It just went away and it wasn't even dry I stayed for 2 months and it didn't bother me what so ever . Lol have you tried the oven mitts so she can't scratch while asleep ? .That worked effectively for me when I was younger .
I know a child and adult who had it and both of them stayed in hot country child in Pakistan for over 6 months and the adult in Dubai for over a year both of them Alhumdulilah got cured.
So those who suffer should live in Pakistan for 4-6 months if they can will help in curing it In'Sha'Allah.
I never had eczema as a kid or in my 20s. Now in my late 30s I suddenly in the last 6-7 months have developed eczema on the arch of my feet and occasionally on my fingers.

The doctor diagnosed it as pompholyx. It is not painful, just itchy as hell and very annoying. The satisfaction from scratching is intense.

I was given the steroid cream too and alas it is only slightly effective. It helps stop the itching if applied a few times a day, but the eczema remains.

I'm going to see a dermatologist next month and I hope he can help.
Im allergic to dust mites as well..but I remember reading somewhere on the net that dust mites cannot be removed...they will always be there....some people are allergic to them whilst others are not.

btw...does that anti allergy pillow repel all antigens or only specific ones? I could do with one...I always wake up with itchy inflamations on my my face and arms..

P.S.I hope ur daughters gets rid of eczema as soon as possible...poor baby!:(
Dust mytes do not cause allergy. It's their droppings which creates.

Dust mytes can not survive with low humidity and low temperature. So in summer when temp is warm and the humidity is high they grow. They eat the dead skins that falls from our body. Hence they like to stay in our bed.

So, if you are allergic and get the symptoms more at home, then you can buy a dehumidifier which will reduce the humidity at home to around 40 - 45%. The mytes can't survive with that.

Then wash your linen in hot water twice a week and you should be okay.

Some people do a lot of vaccume cleaning thinking they will get rid of mytes. But most vaccume cleaners do not do it. Rather they just throw the mytes into air which gives you more allergy.

If you have soft toys at home (for kids), you can put them into your freezer in the night and then in the morning wash them in washing machine. It will make all the mytes die and then wash them off.

Regarding anti allergy Pillow : No it doesn't repel, the fabric which is used on the pillow doesn't allow allergens to get absorbed into the pillow. So by a wash you can get rid of easily.
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Your daughters lucky that you are doing so much for her . I got diagnosed in the 90s when not much was really known and my parents were clueless with me but my younger bro only got it recently and they worked hard to remove it as quick as possible . The only cure I found was staying in Pakistan . It just went away and it wasn't even dry I stayed for 2 months and it didn't bother me what so ever . Lol have you tried the oven mitts so she can't scratch while asleep ? .That worked effectively for me when I was younger .

She is my princess it will never be enough if we can't stop her eczema :)

I also had eczema when I was a child but I never did so much research that I did when I saw it on my daughter's body. But her's will fall in minor category.

She usually take an anti-allergy medicine (cetrizine liquid) before going to sleep which makes her sleep without scratching.

If she is not scratching then we stop the medicine in few days.
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I never had eczema as a kid or in my 20s. Now in my late 30s I suddenly in the last 6-7 months have developed eczema on the arch of my feet and occasionally on my fingers.

The doctor diagnosed it as pompholyx. It is not painful, just itchy as hell and very annoying. The satisfaction from scratching is intense.

I was given the steroid cream too and alas it is only slightly effective. It helps stop the itching if applied a few times a day, but the eczema remains.

I'm going to see a dermatologist next month and I hope he can help.
Does the area gets darker or it looks flaky ?
Does the area gets darker or it looks flaky ?

Basically they are like little blisters under the skin. They are red until they begin to heal and go darker. The skin gets very dry without moisturizing as well in which case it goes flaky.

The steroid cream basically thins the skin so that the blisters can sort of get exposed and heal - otherwise they are stuck under the skin.

The steroid cream is only meant to be used temporarily though - not long term.

That's why I'm going to see the dermatologist - the cream is not getting rid of it, just alleviating it.

Ultraviolet treatment has apparently helped some people.
6. One big cause is dust mites at home in summer. So make sure the bed linen is washed in hot water ever 2-3 days . Also using anti allergy pillows.
Not just in summer, but all year around, due to modern air-conditioning and central heating systems keeping temperatures constant in the house, without the natural cold/hot winter/summer weather cycles helping to control the dust mites.

Dust mite feed upon dead human skin cells, which we, even as humans, shed continuously.

Your skin makes up about 16 percent of your body weight, which means you have roughly 1.6 trillion skin cells [source: BBC]. Of course, this estimate can vary tremendously according to a person's size. The important thing is that you have a lot of skin cells. Of those billions of skin cells, between 30,000 and 40,000 of them fall off every hour. Over a 24-hour period, you lose almost a million skin cells

This dead skin-shedding takes places whilst you're sitting, sleeping, walking or doing anything else..

The dustmites are amost impossible to remove by simple cleaning of soft furnishings and clothing, such as sofa's, curtains, carpets, pullovers, bedsheets, mattresses, pillows etc., as the dust mites have tiny claws which they use to cling to the fibres of the furnishings and clothes.

The excrement of these dust mites is what causes allergies that result in the worldwide increase in ailments such as Asthma and Eczema.

I have suffered from asthma since very young, and my children were in danger of developing it. I have minimised or replaced any furnishings with soft fibres, such as all carpets in the house with wooden flooring or tiling that can be cleaned and washed regularly, blinds instead of curtains, leather sofa's instead of cloth/velvet sofa's, special anti-allergy bedsheeting, frequent upside-down turning of mattresses along with replacing them every few years.

Woollen clothing is never worn straight out of the closet if they been in the closet for any length of time, and even then, either washed and air dried, or put in a hot tumble dryer without being washed so that they don't shrink, before being worn.

All these precautions have greatly reduced my asthma related incidences and stopped my kids from developing asthma symptoms.
^^ True, the mytes are there through out the year but I mentioned summer as this is when they are high due to warm temp and moisture in the air.

They reduce drastically in winter though.
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I used have eczema around my eyes, my nephew had it all over his body and my friend had it all over her body, There is this place in Manchester where you can go see the lady and she prescribes medicine and cream and honestly it works like a miracle. It literally make my eczema disappear and its been 3 years and Alahmdulilah its not come back. I have seen huge improvements in my nephew and friend. if you want I can send you the details but she is a bit expensive. But it works!
I am seeing a trend in people going to Pakistan and their eczema clearing up . Anyone have an idea as to why ?
Asalam Walaikum everybody.
I know I may be a few years late, but I am still going to give it a try.

My daughter who is 1 years old, has suffered from Eczema since she was born.

It is very difficult seeing her suffering with this condition, and we have really tried almost everything. But nothing helps her eczema to go away properly.

If anybody has any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

Also.. i was thinking of taking her to Dubai/ Pakistan as I have heard it can really improve your eczema condition.
Any opinions?

Thank you guys