Australia vs Pakistan | Group B | Colombo | 19/03/11 | Pakistan Innings

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Ian Chappel called Afridi not a football player when he missed feilded. Ian Chappel saab no comment about Breet Lee freekick ?
i've seen brett lee pumped up many times in his career ...
but idk why is he going over board today with his silly behavior!
LOL @ Johnson laughing. Think he's forgotten all the thrashings he received off Umar's bat. :umarakmal
two of your team mates have been caught behind what is the point of the late dab akmal?
I hate this scorecard,, can't see anything. Font too small

Good running, 2 runs
In the air , but in gap. Umar going for the shots.

Fortune favours the brave
That was a poor shot from Umar, mis-timed. Lucky to find a gap there.
Chapelli just described our batsmen

Umar - Fonetic
Afridi - Maniac
Razzaq - didnt catch what he said
me thinks we will win it with 5 wickets in hand - pakistani bat till number 9 and then gul can bat as well
60 more needed! which is not too much to score with 6 wickets in hand .. but in normal circumstances!

:umarakmal :afridi :razzaq are not normal :p
Looks like a lot of people are online tonight

pp just crashed for a while
Two Youngstaa beauties, one maniac the other mishbah-esque against Aussie phaast bowlers. What a contest. I am loving it. Just hope it lasts until they take us past the finish line.
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Chappell: Afridi, he's a maniac, he won't do anything.
Much as I dislike Afridi, there's nothing I'd like to see more right now than for Afridi to come out and take the team home, preferably hitting a few boundaries to shut this senile idiot up.
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