Bangladesh vs Ireland - 2nd T20

Good last over by Johnston ......147 is the target.

And I think Bangladesh will win ....they have good spin options.
Nasir Hossain is a brilliant find for BD. The lad apart for a few times has been quite exceptional. Ive got a feeling that he is going to be the future bevan of BD
Nasir hossain averages 111 in T20s after 4 matches, 9 times the average of other batsman in BD
A nice cameo from Ziaur Rehman today as well, he's turning into quite the t20 pinch-hitter for BD. The guy who you can bring at the end and expect him to hit a few quick sixes.
Zia ur Rehman isnt supposed to be a Dhoni or ABDV. He's like Albie Morkel/Abdur Razzaq at the end of the order; he's going to be the X-Factor of the BD team. Nobody will expect him to score in every match, but once in a blue moon, he's going to play an innings that's going to destroy the opposition.
Irish yet again struggling in the Spin web of Bangladesh. Playing county wont help them become good against spinners, not to mention that in England there is only 1 world class spinner named swann and the rest not even good enough.
They must play Nassir Hossain up the order at number 4. Never understood ... why do they still play him down the order.
Selfish innings from Joyce costs Ireland. They should have promoted Mooney or Johnston ahead of Poynter.
LOL man I cant believe we win :)))

now how did Irish mess that up? at one moment I thought they were supposed to win :facepalm: And this kevin o brian is ordinary, paul stirling and gary wilson are better, not to mention porterfield
Wow Ireland would be so disappointed!

But a slap in the face to everyone who said Ireland are not in BD's league, they have shown that they are up there with BD and zimbabwe
Wow Ireland would be so disappointed!

But a slap in the face to everyone who said Ireland are not in BD's league, they have shown that they are up there with BD and zimbabwe

BD are definitely better than Irish but not superior ofcourse. But irish have a lot to learn, and their weakness against spin will cost them heavily.

But this match was something Ireland shudnt have won, BD gave them so many opps. yet they lost but nevertheless a great game of cricket. Too bad it wasnt televised
Very close game. Really poor innings from Joyce and a bad decision to have Poynter in ahead of Mooney, Cusack, Johnston. Joyce needed to hit out or get out but did neither. Terrible T20 player. They could and should have won.
What! Bang win by 1 run!

So any cheating/bad umpiring complain by Irish yet?
Wow Ireland would be so disappointed!

But a slap in the face to everyone who said Ireland are not in BD's league, they have shown that they are up there with BD and zimbabwe
They lost a game that was a must-win for them at home... and that proves they are in the same league as BD? Whatever.
Its not what they lost by but how they lost that shows they arnt as good as you keep trying to prove they are. At 1 stage they needed 23 off 18 so a team to lose from that stage I think shows how poor they are rather than just looking at the score and. going they lost by 1 run. You got to look at overall picture.

I'm no way saying BD are way better or anything because they r not but for them to be in totally foreign conditions with a newly structured team to win from 23 needed of 18 showed they do have the skill.
I feel Ireland made a massive improvement from the first game, but as you are biased you will keep repeating ''23 from 18, piece of cake''.

Thats the overall picture, but sadly bias clouds your judgement.
Playing at home with 5 wickets in hand and 23 off 18 to get against a team that have not even played enough t20i to even reach double figures, who only have 2 players with a bit of european wicket experience. Still ur trying to paint it as if it was hard to ask of Ireland to win this and that they did amzingly just to lose by 1 run??!.....i think your bias against BD is clear :)
I feel Ireland made a massive improvement from the first game, but as you are biased you will keep repeating ''23 from 18, piece of cake''.

Thats the overall picture, but sadly bias clouds your judgement.

Irish did make some improvement, not to mention some ordinary cricket from Christoper Tamim Gayle scorring a whopping 0 runs from 9 balls, and our pacers throwing in some pies.

But from a team's point of view unable to score 23 from 18, against spinners shows that the team has some srs flaws against spinners. They need to improve it otherwise even Aussie bowlers like doherty and clarke himself will make a mockery of their batsman.

Zimbabwe are def. better than Ireland atm because they have a lot of strokemakers and few decent spinners in the team. But lets stop this arguement because Irish are still new to world cricket
Playing at home with 5 wickets in hand and 23 off 18 to get against a team that have not even played enough t20i to even reach double figures, who only have 2 players with a bit of european wicket experience. Still ur trying to paint it as if it was hard to ask of Ireland to win this and that they did amzingly just to lose by 1 run??!.....i think your bias against BD is clear :)

It's pointless debating with you, as you do not give importance to BDs experience advantage in cricket as a sport and you feel that beating an ex-associate side is a big deal, as long as your team was playing away from home.
Irish did make some improvement, not to mention some ordinary cricket from Christoper Tamim Gayle scorring a whopping 0 runs from 9 balls, and our pacers throwing in some pies.

But from a team's point of view unable to score 23 from 18, against spinners shows that the team has some srs flaws against spinners. They need to improve it otherwise even Aussie bowlers like doherty and clarke himself will make a mockery of their batsman.

Zimbabwe are def. better than Ireland atm because they have a lot of strokemakers and few decent spinners in the team. But lets stop this arguement because Irish are still new to world cricket[/QUOTE

Tamims new name:))):)))

I agree with you completely, that was my whole point, Ireland are still quite new, so BD beating them isn't that huge a deal,but that is not the case as per some BD ppers
It's pointless debating with you, as you do not give importance to BDs experience advantage in cricket as a sport and you feel that beating an ex-associate side is a big deal, as long as your team was playing away from home.

Ireland is a good team but they still a associate that is why I am not whoopin at our wins against them....that is not to say I cannot be impressed with how BD have handled foriegn conditions and how they have adapted to this new style of cricket even though they havnt played t20i since 2009 and only have 8 to their name. I think most BD fans are happy about how we are not losing rather than wow we won againat ireland, as we were the underdogs because as you rightly keep pointing out Ireland are a good team so no one can exoect walk in park especially at home, even eng narrowly won against them few years ago in ireland. Plus they are more expeirwnce than us at t20 coz thats pretty much all they play. Ireland are good at t20 at home but is that something wow as you try make it out to be?

Im done with this topic. Hopefully irish continue their good form from last game and provide another close game today :).