Biden should consider facts before feting ‘butcher of Gujarat’: Khawaja Asif


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Friday took exception to a joint US-India statement issued against Pakistan after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Joe Biden a day earlier, saying that the latter should “consider facts the next time he fetes the butcher of Gujarat”.

Biden laid out a red carpet for Modi, who is on a trip to the US, at the White House on Thursday where the two countries sealed major defence and technology deals as Washington bets big on India as a counterweight to China.

In an apparent bid to use the visit to further India’s agenda against Islamabad, a joint statement issued by the two heads of state late on Thursday called on Pakistan to crack down on extremists that target New Delhi.

The statement called for action against extremist groups based in Pakistan such as the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.

Reacting to the development today, Asif noted it was ironic that the statement was issued during the visit of “someone who was banned entry to the US for overseeing a pogrom of Muslims when he was CM Gujarat.”

“He (Modi) leads yet another campaign of state-sponsored terrorism in [Indian-held] Kashmir, which includes routinely maiming and blinding the local population. Across the rest of the country, Modi’s acolytes lynch Muslims, Christians and other minorities, with impunity.

“Pakistan has lost countless lives and has been continuously at war with terrorism for decades now, owing to failed American interventions in the region,” the defence minister said.

“Perhaps President Biden should consider these facts the next time he fetes the Butcher of Gujarat,” he added.

Separately, while addressing the National Assembly, Asif recalled that the US had distanced itself from Modi after the 2002 riots in Gujarat, which led to the killing of more than 2,000 people, mostly Muslims.

US officials had subsequently refused to meet Modi and in 2005, the country had denied him a visa after human rights groups had accused the Indian PM of not moving to halt the carnage.

Referring to these events, the minister said, “It was acknowledged that terrorist activity happened there [in Gujarat] under Modi’s endorsement.”

He added that the same was currently underway against India’s minorities and in occupied Kashmir.

On the other hand, Asif said, Pakistan had supported the US in two wars in Afghanistan for the last 40 years and was “part of a war that was never ours”.

The minister said Pakistan was still paying the price for becoming part of the US-led war on terror and yet “there is no acknowledgement”, adding that the US-India joint statement was a “basis of dishonour” for the nation.

“We sold our people to them and the result of that is the joint communique by President Biden and the Butcher of Gujarat [in which they have] accused Pakistan of terrorism.”

Asif further stressed that Pakistan should leverage its geographic location for its benefit instead of incurring losses because of it.

Terrorism should not be made victim to geopolitics: FM Bilawal
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari decried that in the past 14 months, the world had moved on from Afghanistan to Ukraine and was not paying attention to terrorism.

“It is very easy to write in a statement to focus on terrorism, but if that attention is not there then the issue would not be solved,” the foreign minister said.

He added that neither the US nor Europe nor the world was focused on the issue of terrorism after the fall of Kabul.

“Their first attention is geopolitics and then other issues. We think terrorism is such an issue that major powers shouldn’t make it controversial or a victim of their geopolitics.

“If we have to correctly combat terrorism, we will do it ourselves in our country and if we have to combat it together in the rest of the world, then we can only do so when our international partners take the issue as seriously and say: ‘Our other issues and conflicts in the world aside, we will not do geopolitics on terrorism and the whole world will combat it as one.’

“Only then will we be able to uproot and eliminate it,” the foreign minister said.

Bilawal pointed out that Pakistan would take action against terrorism due to the aspirations of its people and its national security needs, not because the joint statement mentioned it.

“Why will we not want to eliminate terrorism? … we want to combat terrorism,” he said, adding that the issue was raised, confronted and defeated previously as well.

Bilawal said Pakistan was pushed back and terrorism had again become an issue for the country due to the policies of the ex-prime minister.

“This issue is ours today and God forbid can become some other country’s problem tomorrow.”

He added that the Foreign Office would later issue a detailed response to the joint statement.

Furthermore, FM Bilawal stressed Pakistan needed to stay away from world politics and internally reflect and focus on its own issues and problems.

“It is necessary to correct them first and then we can achieve our international targets.

“I don’t believe there is any reason for Pakistan to be insecure about its relationship with the world or its bilateral partnership with the US as a result of the increasingly close cooperation between India and the US.”

US-India statement against Pakistan
The US-India statement said: “[The two leaders] strongly condemned cross-border terrorism, the use of terrorist proxies and called on Pakistan to take immediate action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for launching terrorist attacks.”

It also called on Pakistan to punish perpetrators of attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

A day earlier, the Biden administration had assured Islamabad that Washington still wanted a stable and prosperous Pakistan.

“A stable, secure, and prosperous Pakistan, is not just in the interests of the region but it’s in the interests of the United States as well,” said State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel when asked about possible US support for Pakistan’s efforts to revive an International Monetary Fund aid package.

“We engage regularly with Pakistani officials, and you’ve heard me say this before… Our engagement is critical to our ultimate goal, which is a stable, secure, and prosperous Pakistan,” said Patel when asked about a meeting between the Pakistani finance minister and the US ambassador in Islamabad.

The strong portrayal of Khwaja and Hina are amusing to see considering how the silly PM and foreign minister of Pak behave.

Maybe the roles are reversed but instead of good cops bad cops, its like clown cops and bad cops.
Word coming from Pakistan has no value because we are a failed state who are living on alms. It is better to look inward and improve the livelihoods of your own citizens.
The American's fully supported the PDM to overthrow the IK govt. Why on earth would they give any attention to these jokers?
I think it feels like that guy not allowed into the disc where the party is happening. But somehow he is screaming and shouting outside to get some attention. Won't happen. Strategic interests and string results trump emotional ranting.
Asif, Modi and Biden are old fools, clueless.

But Biden wouldnt let go of Modi's hand. I always wondered why Modi the PM is never seen with his wife.
I personally feel betrayed by the level of pointless reception to a known genocidal religious fanatic. The US govt themselves banned him once but now they are rolling the red carpet to suit their selfish political agenda and because India seems to have more economic clout now. It is a stab in the back and an insult to the 1000s of muslims killed by Modi.
I personally feel betrayed by the level of pointless reception to a known genocidal religious fanatic. The US govt themselves banned him once but now they are rolling the red carpet to suit their selfish political agenda and because India seems to have more economic clout now. It is a stab in the back and an insult to the 1000s of muslims killed by Modi.

Its the US, the biggest imperial criminal empire in history, no need to feel betrayed.

The aim is clear to get India to move away from Russia and be part of some sort of Eastern Nato group.

US and Europe need a big nation to be their partner/puppet in the East.

I dont think India in general is so foolish but the RSS are extremists so anything is possible with this Modi government.

Modi will probably be invited to the UK again soon, Indians will fill out Wembley stadium against to see the rockstar.
Did Sharif get that phone call from Biden, that Imran was begging for?
Desperate attempt by these criminals to look Anti American. All topi drama like the NS and Bajwa thing. No one takes these clowns seriously even though the sentiment is right and Modi is a criminal
The American's fully supported the PDM to overthrow the IK govt. Why on earth would they give any attention to these jokers?

The Americans and these losers worked together to overthrow IK. A move that has backfired for our Army, its Puppets and the Americans. PK public isn't buying any of it. The irony is that our army would expect PK Americans to raise their voices against this and lobby their Congress reps, but they have also seen through our criminals and will not show any passion or spend the money on lobbyists.
Did you see Modi speaking English? Talk about ramblings. :)))

Why didnt he take his wife to meet the first lady?

Yes we saw Modi getting a standing ovation at the US congress.

And now insignificant leaders and their equally frustrated supporters are throwing their toys out of the pram.
Desperate attempt by these criminals to look Anti American. All topi drama like the NS and Bajwa thing. No one takes these clowns seriously even though the sentiment is right and Modi is a criminal

Modi is a criminal because pakistani politicians and their supporters say so.

Yes we saw Modi getting a standing ovation at the US congress.

And now insignificant leaders and their equally frustrated supporters are throwing their toys out of the pram.

I mentioned his ramblings when speaking English. India could find a much better, smarter and more elequont speaker but I guess the man must be RSS, and there arent too many.

He is very significant but only because he is India's PM, not because of how he his himself.

There have been some protestors from Indians inc Hindus.
Modi is a criminal because pakistani politicians and their supporters say so.


Didn't the Americans ban him when he was just a guy that could barely read off a teleprompter. The fact that you guys had to threaten the BBC over the documentary shows that not only was it true, you are desperate to hide the fact.
Didn't the Americans ban him when he was just a guy that could barely read off a teleprompter. The fact that you guys had to threaten the BBC over the documentary shows that not only was it true, you are desperate to hide the fact.

Modi was an accused in 2005. Modi was exonerated in 2012. So that changes everything.

The fact that BBC thinks it has the right to propogate lies and tarnish the entire law enforcement and judiciary of India, has to be challenged. This isn't 1947 and India doesn't survive on UK aid.
Imran got removed because he criticised US too openly. If he kissed US glutes then he would have got an even bigger reception than Modi. All this shows is how desperate India is to get in bed with USA as a submissive partner.

Imran Khan is a nobody in world politics. Modi was invited to the white House and hosted by a US president long before Imran became Pakistan's PM and has been hosted by an US President long after Imran has been booted out of the office. Imran kept begging for a call from Biden. Didn't get one.

The frustration of pakistanis from its leaders to the likes of you is very obvious.
I mentioned his ramblings when speaking English. India could find a much better, smarter and more elequont speaker but I guess the man must be RSS, and there arent too many.

He is very significant but only because he is India's PM, not because of how he his himself.

There have been some protestors from Indians inc Hindus.

What pakistanis call ramblings is what got a standing ovation at the US congress. Guess who matters more.

There has been many Indian PMs, Modi has been exceptional at the world stage.
Modi was an accused in 2005. Modi was exonerated in 2012. So that changes everything.

The fact that BBC thinks it has the right to propogate lies and tarnish the entire law enforcement and judiciary of India, has to be challenged. This isn't 1947 and India doesn't survive on UK aid.

Modi is a murderer and the fact that he used the power of the BJP makes it worse nor better. The BBC are pro Ind and they showed a side you didn't like so you attacked them. Have you watched the Documentary? It nails the thug.The reality is that just like the Americans needed us to fight the Russians in the 70s and 80s, they need you to fight the Chinese. You mean nothing to them and Modi means even less, but its real politik and anything goes.
Imran Khan is a nobody in world politics. Modi was invited to the white House and hosted by a US president long before Imran became Pakistan's PM and has been hosted by an US President long after Imran has been booted out of the office. Imran kept begging for a call from Biden. Didn't get one.

The frustration of pakistanis from its leaders to the likes of you is very obvious.

This is true.

Infact Imran was begging on media and twitter that Biden plz calll me :)))
He kept waiting for the call while modi was invited to the countey
No Pakistani PM, past or present can match the grand stature of Mr Modi. In fact, Pakistan’s comparison should be with Somalia, CAR, Uganda and Afghanistan.
Modi is a murderer and the fact that he used the power of the BJP makes it worse nor better.

That is categorically wrong. The SC court ruling came in 2012 nearly 2 yrs before he became the PM when the Congress - his bitter political enemies - were in power and they controlled the deep state due to decades of being in power. There is a reason why many people consider 2014 as the real Indian independence.
What pakistanis call ramblings is what got a standing ovation at the US congress. Guess who matters more.

There has been many Indian PMs, Modi has been exceptional at the world stage.

Did you watch Modis speech?

At one point he said " I believe that..investigating in a girl child ' :)))

Its not what Pakistanis say, it was kids English school teachers say, rambling is confused speech.

Both Modi and Biden together is one funny freak show.
Did you watch Modis speech?

At one point he said " I believe that..investigating in a girl child ' :)))

Its not what Pakistanis say, it was kids English school teachers say, rambling is confused speech.

Both Modi and Biden together is one funny freak show.

Modi trying to speak his master's tongue is pure comedy Gold, then he gets applauded for his nursery English by a billion. Proves how low educational levels are in the so called relic of the British jewel, India - sparkles on the outside, cracks on the inside.
Modi trying to speak his master's tongue is pure comedy Gold, then he gets applauded for his nursery English by a billion. Proves how low educational levels are in the so called relic of the British jewel, India - sparkles on the outside, cracks on the inside.

And what did your Oxford educated PM get you? Reneged on an IMF deal, took unnecessary pangas all over the world and did nothing for the country. Nobody cares for him - neither the establishment, nor his own party or the people of his country. Many of us would rather have an performing uneducated PM than an ‘all talk but no work’ Oxford educated one.
Modi trying to speak his master's tongue is pure comedy Gold, then he gets applauded for his nursery English by a billion. Proves how low educational levels are in the so called relic of the British jewel, India - sparkles on the outside, cracks on the inside.

Master ? Last time I checked your fav Pak PM accused the USA of toppling his govt. I think you got your wires crossed.
And what did your Oxford educated PM get you? Reneged on an IMF deal, took unnecessary pangas all over the world and did nothing for the country. Nobody cares for him - neither the establishment, nor his own party or the people of his country. Many of us would rather have an performing uneducated PM than an ‘all talk but no work’ Oxford educated one.

The only thing he was and is good at is speaking English. No wonder he got booted out and couldn't even complete his term as PM.
Modi trying to speak his master's tongue is pure comedy Gold, then he gets applauded for his nursery English by a billion. Proves how low educational levels are in the so called relic of the British jewel, India - sparkles on the outside, cracks on the inside.

I don't know what is more embarrassing in this thread. Hindutvas grovelling with gratitude over a pat on the head by Sleepy Joe, or Billo Bhutto's biggest fan and Hong Kong Phooey revealing their true colours by nailing their colours to the saffron flag. The fake attempts at patriotism are really half-hearted.
To add, never underestimate the power of a Gujju/Marwari. These guys are the ultimate businessmen and administrators - look at Dhirubhai Ambani, Adani, Karsanbhai Patel - their rags to riches stories are legendary in this country. I grew up in Mumbai and studied/worked in financial fields here; the entire corporate financial and trading community is dominated by seemingly uneducated Gujjus who call shots on multi billion dollar deals. Education and English literacy is never the only parameter for competency. Today Musk and Altman seek Modi’s appointment; not vice versa.
Did you watch Modis speech?

At one point he said " I believe that..investigating in a girl child ' :)))

Its not what Pakistanis say, it was kids English school teachers say, rambling is confused speech.

Both Modi and Biden together is one funny freak show.

Funny is how people who have leaders like the ones Pakistan have, call world leaders freaks.

The frustration of pakistanis is written all over the internet.

Funny is how people who have leaders like the ones Pakistan have, call world leaders freaks.

The frustration of pakistanis is written all over the internet.


Pakistan has nothing to do with this thread. lol.

What did Modi mean he was 'investigating in a child girl'? This seems like child abuse to me or an English problem?

Again, why didnt his wife go along to meet the first lady?

Blindly loving a tea seller makes no sense :sachin
Funny is how people who have leaders like the ones Pakistan have, call world leaders freaks.

The frustration of pakistanis is written all over the internet.


What's funnier is Pakistanis wouldn't give a monkey's chuff about Modi if hindutvas were't constantly spamming Pakistani social media telling us how great Modi is. If you tried that stuff on American sites you'd be met with head scratching yanks wondering who is this weird looking guy they are fawning over. :)))
Ayub Khan (past Pakistan President) was revered to the next level when he visited the Whitehouse. He didn't need teleprompters to teach him English on the fly, and ended up with way more than standing ovations. Google the ticker-parade!
Pakistan has nothing to do with this thread. lol.

What did Modi mean he was 'investigating in a child girl'? This seems like child abuse to me or an English problem?

Again, why didnt his wife go along to meet the first lady?

Blindly loving a tea seller makes no sense :sachin

Check the videos out, the entire HoR couldn't' control their laughter. I suppose it is the perfect summation of what Amreeka thinks of India.
Check the videos out, the entire HoR couldn't' control their laughter. I suppose it is the perfect summation of what Amreeka thinks of India.

yeah is that why they agreed to build GE jet Engines in India, NASA partenership with ISRO and dragging their feet on providing a mere $1.3B lMF loan to Pakistan whos PM speaks fluent English ?

Here is the full list of the deals done by our supposedly illiterate PM -->
I don't know what is more embarrassing in this thread. Hindutvas grovelling with gratitude over a pat on the head by Sleepy Joe, or Billo Bhutto's biggest fan and Hong Kong Phooey revealing their true colours by nailing their colours to the saffron flag. The fake attempts at patriotism are really half-hearted.

Groveling ehh? All I see is Pakistani posters trying to make fun of Modi and some posters then reminding them of the harsh reality. If that constitutes "groveling" in your book how would you describe Pakistan's laborious nearly year long attempt to secure a IMF loan that they have to eventually repay ?
Another Sikh trader shot dead in Pakistan.

Before we weep about the plight of minorities in India, we need to look at the terrible state of minorities in Pakistan. Every other day, a minority member is either shot dead or accused of blasphemy and thrown into prison. Shameful!
I think what we are seeing is a version of sore grapes, quest to stay relevant and constantly degrading self esteem.

Geo politics is constant change. It will offer opportunities. But only to those capable of capitalizing on it. This is India's moment as they head to towards $10 trillion economy. It's the result of education, industry and technological growth.

Pakistan also had the same potential. In fact it has even better demographic dividend. But with 50% children outside the education system, there won't be any dividends. At some point Pakistanis have to become less emotional and more pragmatic about their situation. I sense the realization is happening among Pakistanis in Pakistan.
Groveling ehh? All I see is Pakistani posters trying to make fun of Modi and some posters then reminding them of the harsh reality. If that constitutes "groveling" in your book how would you describe Pakistan's laborious nearly year long attempt to secure a IMF loan that they have to eventually repay ?

I'd consider that a massive fail for India. How is the west able to offer better terms from the other side of the world than shining India?
I don't know what is more embarrassing in this thread. Hindutvas grovelling with gratitude over a pat on the head by Sleepy Joe, or Billo Bhutto's biggest fan and Hong Kong Phooey revealing their true colours by nailing their colours to the saffron flag. The fake attempts at patriotism are really half-hearted.

The only one grovelling was a Pakistani PM so that Biden would give him a phone call.


And now grovelling for bailouts.
What's funnier is Pakistanis wouldn't give a monkey's chuff about Modi if hindutvas were't constantly spamming Pakistani social media telling us how great Modi is. If you tried that stuff on American sites you'd be met with head scratching yanks wondering who is this weird looking guy they are fawning over. :)))

The OP isnt an Indian. Khawaja Asif isn't Indian either.

Pakistani leadership is frustrated that their grovelling and begging is being ignored by USA while Modi received a red carpet.

The same frustration is reflected in the common pakistani as well.

The sheer irrelevance of Pakistan in world politics has frustrated pakistanis so much that they are now throwing everything out of their pram.
Ex-foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Sunday criticised what he described as the coalition government’s lack of response on the joint statement issued by the United States and India which called on Pakistan to crack down on extremists that target New Delhi.

US President Joe Biden laid out a red carpet for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House on Thursday where the two countries sealed major defence and technology deals as Washington bets big on India as a counterweight to China.

In an apparent bid to use the visit to further India’s agenda against Islamabad, a joint statement issued by the two heads of state late on Thursday called on Pakistan to crack down on extremists that target New Delhi. The statement also called for action against extremist groups based in Pakistan.

The Foreign Office (FO) had termed the statement “misleading and unwarranted”, saying that the “reference is contrary to diplomatic norms and has political overtones” while Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said the US president should “consider facts the next time he fetes the butcher of Gujarat”.
The OP isnt an Indian. Khawaja Asif isn't Indian either.

Pakistani leadership is frustrated that their grovelling and begging is being ignored by USA while Modi received a red carpet.

The same frustration is reflected in the common pakistani as well.

The sheer irrelevance of Pakistan in world politics has frustrated pakistanis so much that they are now throwing everything out of their pram.

Yet here you are. An Indian on a Pakistani site desperate to tell us all why Modi is great, but all we see in the west is some tubby little fellow wandering about the US like a village bumpkin.
I think what we are seeing is a version of sore grapes, quest to stay relevant and constantly degrading self esteem.

Geo politics is constant change. It will offer opportunities. But only to those capable of capitalizing on it. This is India's moment as they head to towards $10 trillion economy. It's the result of education, industry and technological growth.

Pakistan also had the same potential. In fact it has even better demographic dividend. But with 50% children outside the education system, there won't be any dividends. At some point Pakistanis have to become less emotional and more pragmatic about their situation. I sense the realization is happening among Pakistanis in Pakistan.

Pakistan economically was ahead of India in the 60's and was at par or ahead in the 90's.

India made a strategic decision to become self reliant in the 80's and in the 90's they promoted all of their local industries, curbed luxury imports and only allowed vital imports and invested massively in education, technology. These investments pay off 10-20-30 years later and now India is on the verge of over taking China economically.

Pakistan on the other hand wasted the 90's and then the 2008 to 2018 period where even Bangladesh overtook it.
Saw a Pakistani economic analyst comment on tv i.e. at some point Pakistan has to decide between Kashmir and their own economic development, trade e.t.c.
Keep laughing at Modi’s English and whining about how he is a butcher.

Fact is India is growing at rapid pace and world’s largest companies are investing billions in India. They believe in Modi’s leadership and the stability that Modi is providing.

Pakistan can only dream of having Modi as their PM.
Keep laughing at Modi’s English and whining about how he is a butcher.

Fact is India is growing at rapid pace and world’s largest companies are investing billions in India. They believe in Modi’s leadership and the stability that Modi is providing.

Pakistan can only dream of having Modi as their PM.

Pakistan dreams only matter to hindutvas it seems. What a tiny vision.
Modi is a global leader. The frustration of Pakistani posters in this thread is understandable but there is a world of difference between the respective image of the two countries and the influence they exert.

No Pakistani PM - past or present - is worth the dirt on Modi’s shoes.
Modi is a global leader. The frustration of Pakistani posters in this thread is understandable but there is a world of difference between the respective image of the two countries and the influence they exert.

No Pakistani PM - past or present - is worth the dirt on Modi’s shoes.

Ok I'll bite. What makes Modi a great leader other than being PM of a massive market to exploit?
Pakistan economically was ahead of India in the 60's and was at par or ahead in the 90's.

India made a strategic decision to become self reliant in the 80's and in the 90's they promoted all of their local industries, curbed luxury imports and only allowed vital imports and invested massively in education, technology. These investments pay off 10-20-30 years later and now India is on the verge of over taking China economically.

Pakistan on the other hand wasted the 90's and then the 2008 to 2018 period where even Bangladesh overtook it.

Saw a Pakistani economic analyst comment on tv i.e. at some point Pakistan has to decide between Kashmir and their own economic development, trade e.t.c.

THIS! Good points in this post.

Many posts in this thread that seem to only do name calling or calling Indians compliant to the west etc are just pointless posturing to be honest. Perhaps this is to make one feel good about himself to align with the west when needed when making statements like this? What are you looking to accomplish when saying such things? Are you only saying this to make yourself feel good while denying the reality?

Basic rule from Sun Tzu's Art of War type thinking - Know your enemy and acknowledge the right things they have done as much as you study their weaknesses. As much as I hate Modi, the hindutva Indians, and their tall claims of India being a utopia, I equally abhor some of the posters here that only offer delusional hate comments.

I hate the Modi brigade and the reception they have in the US. But I also acknowledge what India as an entity has accomplished thru 90s and beyond that Pakistan sadly failed to do. This should have been Pakistan's moment in the stage but it was not meant to be.
Pakistan economically was ahead of India in the 60's and was at par or ahead in the 90's.

India made a strategic decision to become self reliant in the 80's and in the 90's they promoted all of their local industries, curbed luxury imports and only allowed vital imports and invested massively in education, technology. These investments pay off 10-20-30 years later and now India is on the verge of over taking China economically

Pakistan on the other hand wasted the 90's and then the 2008 to 2018 period where even Bangladesh overtook it.

I lived in India during those horrible decades and I can assure you with significant level of certainty that nothing like that happened. Atleast not at a scale that it could reach the grass roots level. I mean the Congress had by then normalized corruption and made poverty fashionable(I kid you not).

They had in a matter of 30-40 yrs almost completely bankrupted the nation. Only after the Gandhi's were out of power did things began to turn around but even then the credit largely goes to our hardworking DNA and the unreal desire to get educated that was the main difference.
Saw a Pakistani economic analyst comment on tv i.e. at some point Pakistan has to decide between Kashmir and their own economic development, trade e.t.c.

It will always be Kashmir.
'Apna ghar sambhaliye': Rajnath Singh on Pakistan's reaction to India-US joint statement

The Pakistan government should concentrate on getting its country in order instead of speaking about Kashmir, defence minister Rajnath Singh said in Jammu today, reacting to Pakistan’s response to the joint statement by PM Modi and Joe Biden, calling on Pakistan to ensure its territory is not used as a base for terror attacks. Reacting promptly, Pakistan called the joint statement “unwarranted, one-sided, and misleading” and added that the reference to Islamabad was "contrary to diplomatic norms".

“Pakistan felt slighted by the joint statement from PM Modi and US President Joe Biden. They released the same old statement that India is removing the world’s attention from Kashmir. I agree with them - we have been successful in removing the world’s glare from Kashmir. I want to tell the government of Pakistan that it won’t gain anything by constantly citing Kashmir. Apna ghar sambhaliye (get your house in order),” Singh said.

Pakistan is currently witnessing its worst-ever inflation, running low on Forex and struggling to secure funds to stave off defaults. Several instances of targetted attacks on minorities are also being reported in Pakistan, with a Sikh man being killed in Peshawar on Saturday - the second such attack in 48 hours.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#WATCH</a> | A large part of Jammu and Kashmir is under the occupation of Pakistan. The people there are seeing that on the Indian side, people are living their lives peacefully but injustice is being done to them by the Pakistan government...POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) is, was… <a href=""></a></p>— ANI (@ANI) <a href="">June 26, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Speaking at a National Security Conclave in Jammu, the Union minister also reiterated that illegally capturing a part of Kashmir does not give Pakistan a locus standi in the area and that Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) will always remain a part of India.

“A large part of Jammu and Kashmir is under the occupation of Pakistan. The people there see people on the Indian side living peacefully. So they feel hurt when the Pakistani government oppress them and do injustice to them. Capturing PoK illegally does not give Pakistan a locus standi in the area. We are very clear about the PoK in India. It is, was and will remain a part of India,” Singh said.

The people of PoK will soon demand to be a part of India, the minister said. “You are witnessing what is happening in the PoK now. We won’t have to do much. The tortured people of PoK will themselves demand to be a part of India. They have been raising slogans about becoming a part of India.”

India and the US, in a joint statement during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s three-day State visit to America, condemned cross-border terror and called on Pakistan to take immediate action to ensure no territory in its control is used for launching terror attacks.

“They (Biden and Modi) strongly condemned cross-border terrorism, the use of terrorist proxies and called on Pakistan to take immediate action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for launching terrorist attacks,” the statement said.

PM Modi also spoke about the “pressing danger” of radicalism and terrorism in his address to a joint sitting of the US Congress in Washington. There cannot be any ifs or buts in dealing with terrorism, the prime minister said in a strongly-worded message.


White House Condemns 'Harassment' Of Reporter Who Asked PM Rights Question
Top official John Kirby, in response to the Wall Street Journal's question on its reporter, said the White House was "aware of the reports of that harassment".

The White House has denounced what the Wall Street Journal has called the "intense online harassment" of its reporter Sabrina Siddiqui, who had asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi a question on democracy in India during his joint press conference with President Joe Biden in the US last week.

Top official John Kirby, in response to the Wall Street Journal's question on its reporter, said the White House was "aware of the reports of that harassment". The Wall Street Journal said since she asked the question, Ms Siddiqui had been subjected to "some intense online harassment from people inside India". She was also being targeted, in part, because of her Muslim faith, said the newspaper.
"It's unacceptable. And we absolutely condemn any harassment of journalists anywhere under any circumstances. That's just - that's completely unacceptable. And it's antithetical to the very principles of democracy that - you're right - were on display last week during the state visit," said Mr Kirby, who is the White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications.

After Mr Kirby's statement, the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre went to the podium and said: "I just want to reiterate a little bit what John said - we're certainly here at the White House under this administration, we are committed to freedom of the Press, which is why we had the press conference last week. So just want to remind folks, that's why we had the press conference last week. Also, we certainly condemn any efforts of intimidation or harassment of any journalist that is just trying to do their job."

Responding to Ms Siddiqui's question at the press conference after his bilateral talks with President Biden on Thursday, PM Modi had said there was "no question of discrimination" in India because his government followed the Constitution.

The journalist said many human rights groups talked about discrimination and silencing of critics in India. "What steps are you and your government willing to take to improve the rights of Muslims and other minorities in your country and to uphold free speech?" she asked.

"I am surprised at what you said. We are a democracy. Democracy is in our spirit, and flows in our veins. We live and breathe democracy. And it is in our Constitution," the Prime Minister shot back.

She is a Pakistani origin journalist and Indians will raise questions on that, whether WSJ or white House likes it or not.

I thought WSJ was a financial newspaper. Why WSJ journo was asking questions on other topics?
She is a Pakistani origin journalist and Indians will raise questions on that, whether WSJ or white House likes it or not.

I thought WSJ was a financial newspaper. Why WSJ journo was asking questions on other topics?

I personally feel betrayed by the level of pointless reception to a known genocidal religious fanatic. The US govt themselves banned him once but now they are rolling the red carpet to suit their selfish political agenda and because India seems to have more economic clout now. It is a stab in the back and an insult to the 1000s of muslims killed by Modi.

Modi was given highest civilian award by UAE which is the original muslim country. Arab world laps him up everytime he visits in Middle east. Don't need lecture from Pakistani muslims and their mythical tales abt how he killed 1000s of muslims etc. Pls keep it to yourself.

Good on Biden to openly admit abt the cross border terrorism that is being perpetrated from Pakistan soil. Having said that, there has been no terrorist attacks in mainland India since Modi came to power. No terrorist is brave enough to do that. Manmohan Singh or Congress don't rule here anymore ki Mumbai me ghus ke attack karo and no backlash. Yeh Modi hai dost...Modi.

As I said before, Pakistan is yesterday's news in India and not many cares about them anymore. China is the only threat India worries abt now.
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) -Pakistan's foreign ministry on Monday summoned the U.S. embassy's deputy chief of mission to express concern over a statement last week by U.S. President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that called on Pakistan to ensure its territory was not used as a base for militant attacks.

The statement from the United States and India was released after a meeting between the two countries' leaders at the White House on Friday and had received criticism from Pakistan, which called it contrary to diplomatic norms.

"It was stressed that the United States should refrain from issuing statements that may be construed as an encouragement of India's baseless and politically motivated narrative against Pakistan," Pakistan's foreign office said in a statement.

"It was also emphasized that counter-terrorism co-operation between Pakistan and the U.S. had been progressing well and that an enabling environment, centred around trust and understanding, was imperative to further solidifying Pakistan-U.S. ties."

U.S. State Department spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters in a daily news briefing that Pakistan had taken important steps to counter terrorist groups, but said Washington advocated for more to be done.

"At the same time, however, we have also been consistent on the importance of Pakistan continuing to take steps to permanently dismantle all terrorist groups, including Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad, and their various front organizations and we will raise the issue regularly with Pakistani officials," he said.

LeT is the Islamist group blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks in which more than 160 people were killed, while Jaish-e-Mohammad claimed responsibility for a 2019 bombing in Indian Kashmir that killed 40 Indian paramilitary troops.

Relations between India and Pakistan have been fraught for years. Since independence from Britain in 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three wars, two of them over the Muslim-majority Himalayan region of Kashmir, which they both claim in full but rule in part.

Pakistan's army claimed on Saturday that two civilians were killed by Indian forces in firing across the line of control, the de facto border in Kashmir, the first such conflict since a ceasefire in 2021 between the two nuclear-armed South Asian neighbours.

India says Pakistan has helped Islamist militants who have battled Indian security forces in its part of Kashmir since the late 1980s. Pakistan denies the accusation and says it only provides diplomatic and moral support for Kashmiris seeking self-determination.
Modi was given highest civilian award by UAE which is the original muslim country. Arab world laps him up everytime he visits in Middle east. Don't need lecture from Pakistani muslims and their mythical tales abt how he killed 1000s of muslims etc. Pls keep it to yourself.

Good on Biden to openly admit abt the cross border terrorism that is being perpetrated from Pakistan soil. Having said that, there has been no terrorist attacks in mainland India since Modi came to power. No terrorist is brave enough to do that. Manmohan Singh or Congress don't rule here anymore ki Mumbai me ghus ke attack karo and no backlash. Yeh Modi hai dost...Modi.

As I said before, Pakistan is yesterday's news in India and not many cares about them anymore. China is the only threat India worries abt now.

You are saying Pakistan is “yesterday’s news” but Biden and Modi still ended up talking about Pakistan and even made a joint statement :)
Pakistan has conveyed its strong reservations to the United States for its deepening defence cooperation with India, something that will directly imperil its security interests.

Official sources told The Express Tribune on Thursday that the US was informed through diplomatic channels that the transfer of advanced military technologies to India without taking into account Pakistan's legitimate concerns would undermine the strategic stability and conventional balance in the South Asian region.

Pakistan told the US that India would feel emboldened by these acquisitions and put the country's national security interests in jeopardy, according to sources familiar with the development.

Islamabad explicitly conveyed to Washington that any cooperation between India and the US that undermines its interests would compel Pakistan to resort to countermeasures.

Read more: US, India partnership targets arms, AI to compete with China

When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently visited the United States on a first state visit, his trip was not only rich in optics but some substantive decisions were taken.

For example, General Electric of the US and India's state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will make in India advanced fighter jet engines for the country's indigenous light combat aircraft.

The US has also agreed to set up a facility in India to produce battle-tested armed drones. For decades, Russia remained the major supplier of arms to India with 65 per cent share only until a few years ago.

That has now come down to 45% while the US share has jumped from one per cent to 11 per cent. The other major decision taken during Modi's visit was that US memory chip giant Micron Technology will invest up to $825 million to build a semiconductor assembly and test facility in India, creating thousands of jobs.

This indicates that the US is not only willing to sell arms to India but is not averse to the idea of transferring technology, something that has already raised alarm bells in Pakistan.

The US arms sale and transfer of technologies to India may be aimed at China but the development will certainly upset the military balance in South Asia.

Pakistan feels that deepening US-India defence ties is a direct threat to its national security.

"Such steps are accentuating military imbalance in the region and undermining strategic stability. They remain unhelpful in achieving the objective of a durable peace in South Asia," read a statement of the Foreign Office while reacting to the defence deals.

The US is certainly not bothered much as it is looking to achieve the bigger objective—to tame China. In fact just a day after Modi wrapped up his visit to the US, the Indian army violated the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC).

This was the first known transgression since the two countries agreed to renew the truce in February 2021. The statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) indicated that the Indian move was linked to its burgeoning defence ties with the US.

“Driven by a newfound geo-political patronage, India forces have embarked on a plan to take innocent lives to satiate their false narratives and concocted allegations.”

Islamabad was also perturbed with the Indo-US joint statement where a specific reference was made to Pakistan. The joint statement accused Pakistan of cross-border terrorism and the use of terrorist proxies. Pakistan strongly rebutted the charges and found them as unwarranted, one-sided and misleading.

The US Deputy Chief of Mission was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a demarche was made to him regarding the US-India joint statement, issued on June 22.

Pakistan’s concerns and disappointment at the "unwarranted, one-sided and misleading" references in the statement were conveyed to the US side.

It was stressed that the United States should refrain from issuing statements that may be construed as encouragement of India’s "baseless and politically motivated narrative" against Pakistan.

It was also emphasised that counter-terrorism cooperation between Pakistan and US had been progressing well and that an enabling environment, centred around trust and understanding, was imperative to further solidify Pakistan-US ties.

Express Tribune
Let's be real here, this is more about India the country and the economy than Modi himself. Manmohan Sign as PM today would have received the same reception. Modi is in the right place at the right time. Without the economy of India, he has no personal charm to fall back on.
Let's be real here, this is more about India the country and the economy than Modi himself. Manmohan Sign as PM today would have received the same reception. Modi is in the right place at the right time. Without the economy of India, he has no personal charm to fall back on.
Under Modi’s leadership India has gained tremendous economic growth in last 10 years.
Let's be real here, this is more about India the country and the economy than Modi himself. Manmohan Sign as PM today would have received the same reception. Modi is in the right place at the right time. Without the economy of India, he has no personal charm to fall back on.

Manmohan Singh was PM for 10 years. It can be called a lost decade for the Indian economy.
Manmohan Singh was PM for 10 years. It can be called a lost decade for the Indian economy.

To be fair the lost decade wasn't Manmohan Singh's fault.

Ammayi Sonya and her brain dead Puppu were pulling all the strings and the results are there to see lol...

Let's be real here, this is more about India the country and the economy than Modi himself. Manmohan Sign as PM today would have received the same reception. Modi is in the right place at the right time. Without the economy of India, he has no personal charm to fall back on.

Manmohan Singh will always be a legend.

When the stench of Congress left the Indian parliament in 2014, India's Forex reserves were sitting at around 300 Billion.

2 terms under the Modi Gov it has now increased to 598 Billion...

It took 2 terms for the Modi Gov to reach an additional 298 odd billion, Congress which ruled India for majority of the time, look a lifetime to get to 300 Billion...

I know PM Modi is not the flavor of Pakistan but the man knows what he is doing (Not saying he is perfect)...
Let's be real here, this is more about India the country and the economy than Modi himself. Manmohan Sign as PM today would have received the same reception. Modi is in the right place at the right time. Without the economy of India, he has no personal charm to fall back on.

Manmohan Singh will always be a legend.

When the stench of Congress left the Indian parliament in 2014, India's Forex reserves were sitting at around 300 Billion.

2 terms under the Modi Gov it has now increased to 598 Billion...

It took 2 terms for the Modi Gov to reach an additional 298 odd billion, Congress which ruled India for majority of the time, look a lifetime to get to 300 Billion...

I know PM Modi is not the flavor of Pakistan but the man knows what he is doing (Not saying he is perfect)...

same thing for Exports and most importantly GDP which is a catch-all measure of a countries economic strength


Almost doubled since 2013 and by end of the 2nd Term will most certainly go way beyond 2x. These 3 metrics cannot do a steep climb in that manner and be attributed to "being in the right place at the right time". Heck just look at what MMS achieved in the same time period. Man was one of the most incompetent PM's ever.